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22418-2022-Winter-Model-Answer-Paper (Msbte Study Resources)

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer
Subject Name: Electric Motors and Transformers 22418: CNE
Important Instructions to examiners:
1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the model answer scheme.
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try to assess the
understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more Importance (Not applicable for
subject English and Communication Skills).
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the figure. The figures
drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for any equivalent figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant values may vary and
there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgement on part of examiner of relevant answer based on
candidate’s understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on equivalent concept.
8) As per the policy decision of Maharashtra State Government, teaching in English/Marathi and Bilingual (English +
Marathi) medium is introduced at first year of AICTE diploma Programme from academic year 2021-2022. Hence if
the students in first year (first and second semesters) write answers in Marathi or bilingual language (English
+Marathi), the Examiner shall consider the same and assess the answer based on matching of concepts with model
Q. Marking
Q. Answer
No. Scheme
1. Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10 Marks
a) State the function of field winding in an electric motor.
Function of Field Winding in an Electric Motor: 2 Marks
Whenever field winding is connected to DC supply, it produces magnetic field in the air gap
in which armature rotates.
b) State Fleming’s left hand rule.
Fleming’s Left Hand Rule:
Stretch out the first three fingers of left hand such that they are mutually perpendicular to 2 Marks
each other, align first finger in direction of magnetic field, middle finger in direction of
current flowing through the conductor then the thumb will give the direction of force
acting on the current carrying conductor.
c) Classify transformer based on:
i) Construction
ii) Voltage level
Ans: 1 Mark for
Classification of Transformer Based On: each criterion
i) Construction: = 2 Marks
Shell type, Core type, Berry type
ii) Change in voltage level:
Step-Up, Step-Down
d) Write any two characteristics of core type transformer.
Characteristics of Core Type Transformer:
i. It has one window
ii. It has one magnetic circuit.
iii. Winding surrounds the core. 1 Mark for
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer
Subject Name: Electric Motors and Transformers 22418: CNE
iv. Average length of core is more. each of any
v. Area of cross section is less so more turns are required. two
vi. Better cooling for winding. Characteristics
vii. Mechnical strength is less. = 2 Marks
viii. Repair and maintenance is easy.
ix. Application: Low current, high voltage.
e) Differentiate between bank of three single phase transformer and single unit of three phase
transformer on any two parameters.
Difference Between Bank of Three Single Phase Transformer And Single Unit of Three
Phase Transformer: Each point
Bank of 3 single phase Single unit Three phase 1 Mark
transformers transformer (any Two
(i)No. of cores Three One parameters)
(ii)Space occupied More Less = 2 Marks
(iii)Weight More Less
(iv)If one of the phase Operated as open delta or Inoperative
is inoperative V-V type transformer with
reduced capacity
f) Write down any two applications of single Phase auto transformer
Application of Single Phase Auto-Transformer: 1 Mark for
1. Give small boost to distribution cable to correct the voltage drop. each of any
2. As furnace supply transformer to give variable voltage as required two
3. As interconnecting transformers in 132 kV/ 33 kV systems. Application
4. In control equipment for single phase locomotives. = 2 Marks
5. As dimmer in lighting circuits.
g) State any one advantage and any one disadvantage of potential transformer.
Advantages of Potential Transformer:
1. The capacitive potential transformer is used in measurement of higher voltages.
2. The potential transformer enables the ordinary voltmeter to measure very high voltages.
1 Mark each of
3. The potential transformer offers electrical isolation between voltmeter and very high
any one
voltage power lines.
Advantage and
4. A single potential transformer can be used to control several instruments.
5. Potential transformer facilitates detection of certain faults in power system, hence used in
protection circuit.
= 2 Marks
Disadvantages of Potential Transformer:
1. The Potential transformer can only be used in measurement of AC voltage. It cannot be
used for measurement of DC voltage.
2. The potential transformer is more expensive than the ordinary transformer.
2. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12 Marks
a) Draw a neat schematic diagram of all types of D.C Machine.
Schematic Diagram of All Types Of D.C Machine:
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer
Subject Name: Electric Motors and Transformers 22418: CNE

1 Mark for
Each Type
= 4 Marks

b) Give one function and material used for the following parts of D.C motor: -
i). Yoke
ii). Pole Shoe
iii). Armature winding
iv). Brush

Part Function Material ½ Mark for

-Provides mechanical support for poles Cast Iron OR Function and
Yoke -Acts as protecting cover for machine Cast Steel ½ Mark for
-Provides path for magnetic flux Material for
Cast Iron OR each of four
Pole shoe To spread the flux in air gap. Parts
Cast Steel
Armature To conduct current and interact with magnetic field Copper or = 4 Marks
winding to produce torque. aluminium
Brushes To supply and collect current from armature winding. Carbon
c) State and explain significance of back emf in D.C motor.
Back emf:
When the armature of DC machine rotates under the influence of driving torque, the
armature conductors move in the magnetic field and cut it. According to Faraday’s law of 2 Marks
electromagnetic induction, an emf is induced in them. The induced emf acts in opposite
direction to the applied voltage as per Lenz’s law. Hence known as back or counter emf Eb.
Significance of back emf:

i) If the motor is suddenly loaded, the first effect is to cause the armature to slow down.
Therefore the speed of armature is reduced. Hence back emf falls. This allows a 2 Marks
larger current flow through armature means increased driving torque, thus the driving
torque increases as motor slows down.
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer
Subject Name: Electric Motors and Transformers 22418: CNE
ii) If load on motor is decreased, the driving torque is momentarily in excess so armature
is accelerated and armature speed increases, which increases back emf and causes
armature current to decrease.
It follows therefore that back emf in DC motor regulates the flow of armature current i.e. it
automatically changes the armature current to meet load requirements.
d) With the help of neat diagram, explain the construction of the BLDC.
Construction of the BLDC:

1 Mark for

Any equivalent Diagram
Construction of Brushless DC (BLDC) Motor:
A BLDC Motor consists of two main parts: a stator and a rotor.
Stator: The structure of the stator of a BLDC Motor is similar to that of three-phase
induction motor or synchronous motor. It is made up of stacked steel laminations with 3 Marks for
axially cut slots for winding. The winding in BLDC are slightly different than that of the Construction
traditional induction motor. BLDC motors consist of three stator windings that are
connected in star or ‘Y’ fashion (without a neutral point).
Rotor: The rotor part of the BLDC Motor is made up of permanent magnets, usually, rare
earth alloy magnets like Neodymium (Nd), Samarium Cobalt (SmCo) and alloy of
Neodymium, Ferrite and Boron (NdFeB). Based on the application, the number of poles can
vary between two and eight with North (N) and South (S) poles placed alternately. The
magnets are placed on the outer periphery of the rotor.
Position Sensors (Hall Sensors): Since there are no brushes in a BLDC Motor, the
commutation is controlled electronically. In order to rotate the motor, the windings of the
stator must be energized in a sequence and the position of the rotor (i.e. the North and South
poles of the rotor) must be known to precisely energize a particular set of stator windings.
A Position Sensor, which is usually a Hall Sensor (that works on the principle of Hall
Effect) is generally used to detect the position of the rotor and transform it into an electrical
signal. Most BLDC Motors use three Hall Sensors that are embedded into the stator to sense
the rotor’s position.
The output of the Hall Sensor will be either HIGH or LOW depending on whether the North
or South pole of the rotor passes near it. By combining the results from the three sensors, the
exact sequence of energizing can be determined.
3. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12 Marks
a) With help of neat circuit diagram, describe the procedure to vary the speed of D.C shunt
motor above normal speed.
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer
Subject Name: Electric Motors and Transformers 22418: CNE
Speed Control of DC Shunt Motor By Field Current Control Method:
The back emf induced in the armature winding of DC
motor is given by,
2 Marks for
circuit diagram

Since Z, P, A are constants, Eb   N

i.e N  Eb/
Since Eb  Supply voltage V, we can write N  1/, thus the
speed is inversely proportional to the flux.
In this flux control method, speed of the motor is inversely
proportional to the flux. Thus, by decreasing flux the speed can be increased. To control the
flux, here a rheostat is added in series with the field winding. When the rheostat is increased,
the field current and so the magnetic flux decreases. This results in an increase in the speed
of the motor. Since the speed is inversely proportional to the flux or field current, the
graphical representation curve showing relationship between speed and field current is 2 Marks for
hyperbola. The field current is relatively small and hence I 2R loss in field winding is less, explanation
which makes this method quite efficient.
With zero value of rheostat, the motor runs at rated speed and when rheostat is increased, the
field current decreases and speed increases. Thus this method controls the speed above
normal or rated speed.
b) Draw neat diagram for equivalent circuit of transformer.
Equivalent Circuit Diagram of Transformer Referred to Primary:

2 Marks for

V1 -Primary Input voltage

I1 - Input Current
I0- Exciting current/ No load current
Im- Magnetizing component of no load current 2 Marks for
Iw-Working component of no load current terminology
R0- Core loss resistance
X0- magnetizing reactance
R1 -Primary winding resistance
X1 - Primary winding reactance
E1 –Induced emf in Primary winding
R2′ - Secondary winding resistance referred to primary
X2′- Secondary winding reactance referred to primary

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer
Subject Name: Electric Motors and Transformers 22418: CNE
I2-Secondary winding current
I2′– Primary equivalent of secondary current
K- Transformation ratio
V2- Secondary terminal voltage
V2′- Primary equivalent of secondary terminal voltage
ZL– Load impedance
ZL ′- Primary equivalent of load impedance
Any Other Equivalent Answer
c) Single phase transformer has 1000 turns on primary and 200 turns on secondary calculate
the primary current when secondary current is 280 amperes at p.f. of 0.8 lag.
Data Given: 2 Marks for k

2 Marks for

d) A 30KVA, 2400/120V, 50 Hz, single phase transformer HV winding resistance 0.1 ohm and
leakage reactance 0.22 ohm. The LV winding resistance is 0.035 ohm and reactance 0.012
ohm. Find equivalent resistance, reactance and impedance referred to HV side.
Equivalent resistance, reactance and impedance referred to HV side:
Transformation ratio,

1 Mark for R2’

1 Mark for X2’

1 Mark for R1T

& X1T

1 Mark for Z1T

√ √
4. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12 Marks
a) Draw a neat winding connection of Delta Delta for three phase transformers. Also give any
two advantages of the same.
Winding connection of Delta Delta Three phase transformer:

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer
Subject Name: Electric Motors and Transformers 22418: CNE
2 Marks for

Advantages of Delta Delta connection of three phase transformer:

i) The delta-delta connection can be used for both balanced and unbalanced loads.
ii) If the third harmonic is present, it circulates in the closed path of the delta loop and
does not appear in the output voltage. 1 Mark for
iii) In order to get secondary voltage as sinusoidal, the magnetizing current of each of any
transformer must contain a third harmonic component. The delta connection two
provides a closed path for circulation of third harmonic component of current. The advantages
flux remains sinusoidal which results in sinusoidal voltages. = 2 Marks
iv) Even if the load is unbalanced the three phase voltages remains constant. Thus it
allows unbalanced loading also.
v) The important advantage with this type of connection is that if there is bank of
single phase transformers connected in delta-delta fashion and if one of the
transformers is disabled (failed) then the supply can be continued with remaining
two transformers of course with reduced capacity and efficiency.
vi) There is no distortion in the secondary voltages.
vii) Due to delta connection, phase voltage is same as line voltage hence winding have
more number of turns. But phase current is (1/√3) times the line current. Hence the
cross-section of the windings is very less. This makes the connection economical
for low voltages transformers.
b) Draw a neat connection diagram of open delta three phase transformer and give any two
disadvantages of this connection.
Open delta Three phase transformer connection:
2 Marks for

1. While the line to line voltages are equal, the line to neutral (phase) voltages are not
symmetrical, two phase voltages are equal but remaining phase voltage is 1.732 times 1 Mark for
larger. each of any
2. Unbalanced single phase loads can cause voltage fluctuations and additional, uneven two
transformer heating. disadvantages
3. An open delta connection only has 58% of the capacity of a full set of three transformers, = 2 Marks
that is a 42% decrease in actual capacity event though the installed capacity only drops
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer
Subject Name: Electric Motors and Transformers 22418: CNE
by 33%.
c) Compare the distribution transformer and power transformer on the following parameters:-
i) Typical voltages
ii) Power rating
iii) Maximum efficiency
iv) Type of efficiency
Comparision of distribution transformer and power transformer
Parameters Distribution Power Transformer
Typical Voltages 11kV,6.6kV, 3.3kV, 400kV, 220kV, Each point
440V, 230V 110kV,66kV,33kV 1 Mark
Power Rating Lower (< 1MVA) Higher (> 1MVA) = 4 Marks

Maximum efficiency Obtained near 50% of Obtained near 100% of full

full load load
Type of efficiency All day efficiency needs Only power efficiency is
to be defined sufficient
d) A 10 kVA, 1 phase, 50Hz, 500/250 V transformer gave following result.
OC test- (LV side)- 250 V, 3 A, 200 W (HV open)
SC test- (HV side)- 25 V, 20 A, 300 W (LV shorted)
Calculate efficiency and regulation at full load 0.8 pf lagging.
Data Given:
Transformer rating S = 10 kVA, Voltage rating: 500/250V
From O.C. test: Iron loss Pi = 200W
From S.C. test: Full-load Cu loss Pcu = 300 W
Efficiency at Full load at 0.8 pf lagging: 2Marks for
solution for

2 Marks for
= 94.12% stepwise
Regulation at Full load at 0.8 pf lagging: solution for
K= V2/V1 = 250/500= 0.5 regulation
Full load primary current I1 F.L. = (10x1000)/500 = 20 A
From S.C.test: ZT1= VSC/ISC= 25/20 = 1.25 
RT1= WSC/(ISC) 2 = 300/(20)2 = 0.75 
XT1= √ =1
% Regulation = 100 x I1FL (RT1cos ⱷ+XT1sin ⱷ)/ V1
= 100 x 20(0.75 x 0.8 + 1 x 0.6)/500
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer
Subject Name: Electric Motors and Transformers 22418: CNE
= 4.8%
e) Why secondary of a CT should never be kept open? Explain the reason in detail.
Ans: 1 Mark for no
1. The secondary winding of C.T. has a large no. of turns of thin wire. sec mmf
2. The secondary winding of C.T. should never be open circuited, otherwise there will be 1 Mark for
no secondary current and no secondary mmf. large prim
3. The secondary mmf opposes primary mmf and as there is no secondary mmf, the mmf
opposition is zero. Primary mmf will produce a large flux in core. 1 Mark for
4. It would produce high eddy current and hysteresis losses. high iron
5. It would increase the temperature of the core which may result in damage of insulation losses
& core. 1 Mark for
6. High voltage will be induced in open circuited secondary and this may be dangerous to high voltage in
the equipment and personnel. open sec
5 Attempt any TWO of the following: 12 Marks
5 a) Draw a neat labeled diagram of three-point starter and state the function of no volt coil
present in it.
Three Point Starter:

4 Marks for
(Marks may be
for unlabeled

Function of No-volt Coil:

When supply fails, the no-volt coil current becomes zero, its magnetism is lost and it 2 Marks for
releases the starter handle so that by spring tension it goes to off position and motor is function of
disconnected from the supply. On recovery of supply, one has to restart the motor using the No-volt coil
starter. Thus the dc motor is prevented from restarting automatically on recovery of supply
without starter and protected.
5 b) State the necessity of phasing out test on a three phase transformer and describe its
procedure with the help of neat diagram.
Necessity of phasing out test :
To identify the respective primary & secondary winding of a particular phase in 3-ph 1 Mark for
transformer. necessity
Phasing out Test:
i) This test is carried out on 3-ph transformer to identify primary & secondary winding 2 Marks for
belonging to the same phase. diagram
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer
Subject Name: Electric Motors and Transformers 22418: CNE
ii) As shown in figure, all primary &
secondary phases are short-circuited except 3 Marks for
the phases to be checked. procedure
iii) Low voltage DC supply is given to one
primary winding. The galvanometer is
connected to terminals of secondary
winding which is not short-circuited.
iv) The switch ‘S’ is connected as shown in
figure. When switch is closed, deflection of
galvanometer is observed.
v) Similarly galvanometer is connected to
other secondary winding terminals and
procedure is repeated. The winding across
which maximum deflection occurs is the secondary phase winding that corresponds to
primary winding to which source is connected.
vi) The procedure is repeated for remaining primary windings.
vii) Phasing out test can be carried out by using AC voltage source also. Voltmeter is
connected at secondary terminals to observe deflections.
5 c) Explain need of parallel operation of transformer.
Need of parallel operation of transformer:
i) To maximize electrical power system efficiency:
Generally electrical power transformer gives the maximum efficiency at full load. If we 2 Marks for
run numbers of transformers in parallel, we can switch on only those transformers which each of any
will give the total demand by running nearer to its full load rating for that time. When three points
load increases, we can switch on another transformer connected in parallel to fulfill the = 6 Marks
total demand. In this way we can run the system with maximum efficiency.
ii) To maximize electrical power system availability:
If numbers of transformers run in parallel, we can shut-down any one of them for
maintenance purpose. Other parallel transformers in system will serve the load without
total interruption of power.
iii) To maximize power system reliability:
If any one of the transformers run in parallel, is tripped due to fault of other parallel
transformers is the system will share the load, hence power supply may not be
interrupted if the shared loads do not make other transformers over loaded.
iv) To maximize electrical power system flexibility:
There is always a chance of increasing or decreasing future demand of power system. If
it is predicted that power demand will be increased in future, there must be a provision
of connecting transformers in system in parallel to fulfill the extra demand because, it is
not economical from business point of view to install a bigger rated single transformer
by forecasting the increased future demand as it is unnecessary investment of money.
Again if future demand is decreased, transformers running in parallel can be removed
from system to balance the capital investment and its return.
6 Attempt any TWO of the following: 12 Marks
6 a) Draw circuit diagram to conduct OC and SC test on a 1 kVA, 230/115V, 50 Hz single phase
transformer. Justify the meter ranges also.
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer
Subject Name: Electric Motors and Transformers 22418: CNE

1½ Mark for
OC test circuit

1½ Mark for
SC test circuit

Selection of Ranges of Meters:

1) OC Test:
In OC test, Low Voltage (LV) side is operated as primary and high voltage side is kept open.
The no-load current of transformer is less than 10% of full-load current. The full-load
current on LV side is 1½ Mark for
Under no-load condition, LV side current will be less than 10% of 8.69A i.e 0.869A. To justification of
measure this current the ammeter of range (0 – 1A) can be used. OC test meters
Since rated voltage is supplied to winding under OC test, the supply voltage will be 115V.
To measure this voltage, the voltmeter of range (0 - 150V) can be used.
To measure the input power, depending upon the current and voltage, the low power factor
(LPF) wattmeter of the range (1A, 150V) can be used. Since under OC test, the circuit is
only magnetizing type i.e highly inductive, the low-power-factor (LPF) wattmeter is used.
2) SC Test:
In SC test, the High Voltage side is operated as primary and LV side is short-circuited. The 1½ Mark for
windings carry full-load currents. The current on HV side will be . To justification of
SC test meters
measure this current, an ammeter of range (0 – 5A) can be used. Under SC condition, supply
voltage required to circulate full-load currents through the windings are @ 10% of rated
voltage. Thus the voltage supplied on HV side will be @ 22V. To measure this voltage, the
voltmeter of range (0 – 30V) can be used. To measure input power, the wattmeter of range
(5A, 30V) can be used. If secondary (LV) is short circuited through ammeter, since its full-
load current rating is , the ammeter range should be (0 – 10A).
6 b) Explain in detail any four cooling methods of three phase transformer.
Methods of cooling of transformer:
1. Air Natural (A.N):-
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer
Subject Name: Electric Motors and Transformers 22418: CNE
 This type of cooling is used for small dry type transformers.
 The air in the surrounding vicinity of the transformer is used for cooling. 1½ Mark for
 This type is suitable for transformers upto a rating of 25KVA. each of any
2. Air Forced (A.F):- four methods
 This type of cooling is suitable for dry type transformers of slightly higher ratings. = 6 Marks
 The air is forced upon the bank surface to increase the rate of heat dissipation.
3. Oil Natural Air Natural (O.N.A.N):-
 This type of cooling is used for transformer upto rating of 30MVA.
 The basic structure of transformer is immersed completely in the oil kept in
transformer tank.
 When transformer gets loaded, the windings & core gets heated, the generated heat
absorbed by the oil as per the principle of convection.
 The heated oil is being cooled by the natural air. Effective cooling of oil is made by
providing cooling tubes to transformer tank.
4. Oil Natural Air Forced (O.N.A.F):-
 In this method the transfer of heat from the various parts of transformer takes place
naturally like O.N.A.N, however the cooling fans are used which are mounted below
or near the transformer, the forced airs from these fans are directed to the cooling
tubes of transformer tanks. These improve the rate of cooling.
5. Oil Forced Air Forced(O.F.A.F):-
 This type of cooling is used for the transformers of ratings above 60MVA.
 A separate cooler is mounted away from the transformer tank which is connected
through pipes at the bottom & top
 The oil is circulated from transformer to the cooler with the help of an oil pump. This
oil is then subjected to forced air cooling with the help of fans installed inside the
 It is used for transformers having high rating used in substation & power station.
6. Oil Forced Water Forced Cooling(O.F.W.F):-
 This type of cooling is used for the large transformers and cooling needs a heat
 Inside heat exchanger the heat from the oil is transferred to the cooling water.
 The cooling water is taken away & cooled in separate coolers. The oil is forced to
circulate through the heat exchanger by using a pump.
 It is used for transformers having higher rating which is in MVA. (e.g. in Generating
6 c) i) Define all day efficiency.
All day efficiency: It is the ratio of output energy in kWh to the input energy in kWh in the 1 Mark
24 hours of the day.
Output energy in kWh in 24 hrs
All Day Efficiency 
Input energy in kWh in 24 hrs
c) ii) The 10 kVA transformer has full load efficiency of 96 percentage. The copper and iron
losses at full load are equal. Loading schedule of the transformer is given below.
Calculate the all day efficiency.
Loading No load Full load Half load Quarter load
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer
Subject Name: Electric Motors and Transformers 22418: CNE
Number of hours 10 2 5 7
Data Given: Rating of T/F = 10 kVA Full load efficiency = 0.96 = 96%
Considering unity power factor, Efficiency at Full load at unity pf

1 Mark for Pcu
& Pi
Full load Cu loss Pcu = Iron loss Pi = = 0.205 kW
No of Load in Copper Losses/hr = Total cu Losses in Total Iron losses
Hrs KW kwh
Losses at FL ×( )

0 10 hr 2 Marks for
10 0 ( ) = 0 kw =0 Pcu in kWh
2 10 0.205 0.41 0.205kW× 24hr
5 5 0.051 0.256 = 4.92 kWh
7 2.5 0.0128 0.0896
1 Mark for Pi
0.7556 Kwh in kWh
Total energy in 24 Hr = (10 0)+(2 )+(5 5)+(7 2.5) = 62.5 kWh
1 Mark for all-
day efficiency

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