Listening To God
Listening To God
Listening To God
Listening to God
KEY PASSAGES: Mark 4:1-3, 23-24, 7:14 | SUPPORTING SCRIPTURES: Psalm 32:8 | Proverbs 3:5-6 | John 3:3
SUMMARY Mark 7:14. At another time, Jesus called out, “Listen
to Me, all of you, and understand.” His goal is that we
It’s very comforting to know that God loves us comprehend what He says.
enough to make a plan for each of our lives. John 3:3. When Jesus spoke to Nicodemus, He said,
“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he
In fact, He designed it before we were ever born. Nothing cannot see the kingdom of God.” The phrase, “Truly, truly,
about our lives is an accident. Although God’s plan is the I say to you” is used 25 times by Christ in the book of John.
best possible path, it’s not always the easiest. We may have It was His way of emphasizing that what He was saying
to climb a few mountains and walk through some dark was authoritative truth that deserved full attention.
valleys, but if we follow His instructions, we’ll discover
the rewards of living according to His will. That’s why it’s How does God speak to us today?
important to ask the Lord to reveal His plan to us and be
ready and willing to listen for His directions. We know that the Lord spoke to people in the Bible, but
He also wants to speak personally to each of His children
SERMON POINTS today. This means we must be attentive because no one
else can listen for us.
Since God has a plan, we can be certain that He
wants to guide us into it (Ps. 32:8). God’s primary way of speaking to us is through His
Word. The Bible is not just an old book, but the inerrant,
Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart authoritative Word of God and the only source of truth.
and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your When we read it, we’re hearing directly from the Lord.
ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths All other methods of listening to God must be checked
straight.” To acknowledge the Lord means we consider and compared with the scriptures to determine if we are
what He says, recognize His great power, trust His accurately hearing Him.
guidance, and follow His instructions. He’s continually He also speaks to us through prayer. Prayer is our way
seeking to guide us, but if we’re not listening, we’ll miss His of communicating with God by talking to Him, but it’s
instructions and go the wrong way. also a time to be still and listen for His guidance. Instead
of simply running through our list of requests and
When Jesus speaks, He wants us to listen. moving on to the day’s duties and activities, we need to
learn to be still for a while to see if He has anything to say
Mark 4:1-3. As He taught a large crowd, Jesus called for to our hearts.
their attention by saying, “Listen to this!” The Lord may speak through our circumstances. When
Mark 4:23-24. Christ also announced, “If anyone has ears a situation is painful, we must remember that hearing
to hear, let him hear,” and cautioned them saying, “Take from God is more important than our comfort and
care what you listen to.” It’s not only important to hear, pleasure. He uses difficulties and suffering to grab our
but it’s critical to be discerning in our listening. attention. In every event, God has something to teach us.
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