Class C Power Amplifier
Class C Power Amplifier
Class C Power Amplifier
Class-C Power Amplifier Aim: To study class-c power amplifier and to determine its efficiency. Apparatus: (1) Class-c tuned power amplifier experiment moduleAET2066. (2) Base unit-AET2066. (3) Dc ammeter 0-200mA - 1No. (4) Power meter. (5) CRO Circuit Diagram:
Theory: In a class-c amplifier, the transistor is in the active region for less than half cycle. It means, conduction takes place for less than one half cycle. This implies that the collector current of a class-c amplifier is highly non-sinusoidal because current flows in pulses. The load is a tuned circuit which converts the non-sinusoidal o/p to nearly sinusoidal
Lab In-charge HOD, ECE
form. Because of the flow of collector current less than 1800, the average collector current is much less, if hence losses are less, so efficiency is very high. Resonance frequency (fr)=1/2LC. At resonant frequency, the inductance of parallel resonant circuit is very high and is purely resistive. When the circuit is tuned to the resonant frequency, the voltage across R1 is maximum and sinusoidal. The tuned circuit helps in rejecting the harmonics that are developed in the transistor due to class-C operation. The class-c tuned power amplifier consists of an LC tuned circuit in the collector of Q. R1& R2 provides the necessary biasing for Q. C1& C3 are the i/p and o/p coupling capacitors. The Q point is kept just above the cutoff line on the dc load line. RL is provided to load the amplifier. Frequency response:
Lab In-charge
Procedure: 1. Connect the circuit as for circuit diagram 2. Calculate the theoretical resonant frequency fr=1/2LC. 3. Connect the i/p signal to the i/p of the amplifier. 4. Keep i/p voltage zero initially and adjust frequency to around resonance frequency (fr) 5. Observe the o/p waveform increase the input ac voltage until we get the maximum distorted o/p. 6. Vary the frequency in required steps surrounding resonant frequency and note down the corresponding o/p voltages & calculate gain. 7. Plot the graph between gain and frequency. 8. To calculate efficiency, fix the i/p frequency at resonant frequency. 9. By varying the i/p voltage observe the maximum distortion less waveform. 10. At this point, note down the amplifier reading and o/p voltage from CRO. 11. Calculate the i/p dc power. Power Pdc=Vcc X Idc. Where Vcc=12V and Idc= current meter reading. 12. Find out the collector efficiency. % efficiency = ( (pac)/ (pdc) X 100
Result:Frequency response of Class-C power amplifier is observed and efficiency is calculated.
Lab In-charge