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Habit 1: Be Proactive-Principles of Vision •Proactivity: The 30 Day Test

•Proactivity- Being responsible of our own live as a human -For 30 days work only in your Circle of Influence. Make
being, more than merely taking initiative. small commitments and keep them. Be a light, not a
judge. Be a model, not a critic. Be part of the solution, not
•What does it mean to be proactive? part of the problem.
-You recognize responsibility -
-You chose to empower things that control you •Applications Suggestions
-Not reactive , meaning not affected by physical and social 1. For a full day, listen to your language and to the
environment. language of the people around you. How often do you
-Driven by values -carefully thought about, selected and use and hear reactive phrases such as “If only,” “I
internalized values. can’t,” or “I have to”
2. Identify an experience you might encounter in the
-Still influenced by external stimuli (physical, social and near future where, based on past experience, you
psychological) but their response is a value-based choice or would probably behave reactively. Review the
response. situation in the context of your Circle of Influence.
•Taking Initiative How could you respond proactively? Take several
moments and create the experience vividly in your
A. Act or Be Acted Upon mind, picturing yourself responding in a proactive
-If you wait to be acted upon, you will be acted upon. manner. Remind yourself of the gap between stimulus
And growth and opportunity consequences attend and response. Make a commitment to yourself to
either road exercise your freedom to choose.
B. Listening to our languages 3. Select a problem from your work or personal life that
-Proactive Language: Let’s look at our alternatives. I is frustrating to you. Determine whether it is a direct,
can choose a different approach. I control my own indirect, or no control problem. Identify the first step
feelings. I can create an effective presentation. I will you can take in your Circle of Influence to solve it and
choose an appropriate response. Choose. I prefer. I then take that step.
will. That language comes from a basic paradigm of 4. Try the 30-day test of proactivity. Be aware of the
determinism. And the whole spirit of it is the transfer change in your Circle of Influence.
of responsibility. I am not responsible, not able to
choose my response.
-Reactive Language: There’s nothing I can do. That’s
just the way I am. He makes me so mad. They won’t
allow that. I have to do that. I can’t. I must if only.
C. Circle of Concern-Circle of Influence
Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
D. Direct, Indirect and No Control
-Direct control problems are solved by working on our •What it Means to “Begin with the End in Mind”
- To Begin with the End in Mind means to start with a clear
-Indirect control problems are solved by changing our
understanding of your destination. It means to know where
methods of influence.
you’re going so that you better understand where .You are
-No control problems involve taking the responsibility
now and so that the steps you take are always in the right
to change the line on the bottom on our face – to
smile, to genuinely and peacefully accept these
problems and learn to live with them, even though we -If you carefully consider what you wanted to be said of you
don’t like them in the funeral experience,you will find your definition of
E. Expanding Circle of Influence success.
F. The “Have’s” and the “Be’s”
G. The Other End of the Stick •All Things Are Created Twice
H. Making and Keeping Commitments -There’s a mental or first creation, and a physical or second
-The commitments we make to ourselves and to creation to all things .
others, and our integrity to those commitments, is the
essence and clearest manifestation of our proactivity. - Ex. Construction of home, business and parenting.
•By Design or Default •Identifying Your Center

-We are either the second creation of our own proactive -Perhaps the best way to identify your own center is to look
design, or we are the second creation of other people’s closely at your life support factors.
agendas, of circumstances, or of past habits.
-More often than not, a person’s center is some
•Leadership and Management – The Two Creations combination of these and/or other centers. The ideal, of
course, is to create one clear center from which you
-Peter Drucker and Warren Bennis, “Management is doing
consistently derive a high degree of security, guidance,
things right; leadership is doing the right things.”
wisdom, and power, empowering your proactivity and giving
management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success;
congruency and harmony to every part of your life.
leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against
the right wall. •A Principle Center

•Rescripting: Becoming Your Own First Creator -By centering our lives on correct principles, we create a
solid foundation for development of the four life-support
- We are responsible to use our imagination and
creativity to write new ones that are more effective,
more congruent with our deepest values and with -If you are Principle Centered…
the correct principles that give our values meaning.
A. Your security is based on correct principles that do not
-Because we already live with many scripts that have been change, regardless of external conditions or circumstances.
handed to us, the process of writing our own script is
B.You are guided by a compass which enables you to see
actually more a process of “rescripting,” or Paradigm
where you want to go and how you will get there.
Shifting – Of changing some of the basic paradigms that we
already have. C.Your judgment encompasses a broad spectrum of long-
term consequences and reflects a wise balance and quiet
•A Personal Mission Statement
-The most effective way I know to Begin with the End in
D. Your power is limited only by your understanding and
Mind is to develop a personal mission statement or
observance of natural law and correct principles and by the
philosophy or creed. It focuses on what you want to be
natural writing and using a personal mission statement
(character) and to do (contributions and achievements) and
on the values or principles upon which being and doing are •Writing and Using a Personal Statement
based because each individual is unique, a personal mission
statement will reflect that uniqueness, both in content and - is not something you write overnight. It takes deep
form. introspection, careful analysis, thoughtful expression, and
often many rewrites to produce it in final form
•At the Center
-your mission statement becomes your constitution, the
-In order to write a personal mission statement, we must solid expression of your vision and values consequences of
begin at the very center of our circle of Influence, that the principles themselves.
center comprised of our most basic Our paradigms, the lens
through which we see the world. •Using Your Whole Brain

•Alternative Centers -cultivate and develop the ability to have good crossover
between both sides of the brain so that a person could first
- Spouse Centeredness. sense what the situation called for and then use the
appropriate tool to deal with it.
-Family Centeredness
•Two Ways to Tap the Right Brain
-Money Centeredness.
✓Expand Perspective- Expand your mind. Visualize in rich
-Work Centeredness
detail. Involve as many emotions and feelings as possible.
-Possession Centeredness Involve as many of the senses as you can.

-Pleasure Centeredness ✓Visualization and Affirmation -One of the main things his
research showed was that almost all of the world-class
-Friend/Enemy Centeredness
athletes and other peak performers are visualizers. They see
-Church Centeredness-Self-Centeredness it; they feel it; they experience it before they actually do it.
They Begin with the End in Mind.
•Identifying Roles and Goals

-You may find that your mission statement will be much

more balanced, much easier to work with, if you break it
down into the specific role areas of your life and the goals
you want to accomplish in each area.

A. To fulfill this mission

B.Family Mission Statements

C. Organizational Mission Statements

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