Belen, Clark - 2BSCS-1 - GECLWR-18 - M10A1
Belen, Clark - 2BSCS-1 - GECLWR-18 - M10A1
Belen, Clark - 2BSCS-1 - GECLWR-18 - M10A1
Pigafetta, A. (1969), First voyage around the world (PP.23-32) Manila, Philippines:
Filipiniana Book Guild.
Pigafetta Morga
People The Bisayan people were Because the indigenous people of
described as islanders by Pigaffeta. the Bisayas covered their bodies
He claims that residents of the with tracings made with fire, which
island can pass their arms through resembled tattoos, the region was
the holes in their ears, which are also known as "The Land of the
actually earrings. Except for some Painted People" (or Pintados, in
of the chiefs who are painted, Spanish).
dark, and fat, who wear cotton
cloth embroidered with silk at the Morga demonstrates that the early
ends through a needle, they walk Filipinos possessed an army, navy,
naked with a soft cloth made from artillery, and other weapons of
tree bark around their privies. war. For their beautiful
temperament, they treasured
krises and kampilans, some of
which were heavily damascened.
Their helmets and mail coats,
examples of which can be found in
numerous European museums,
demonstrate their significant
achievement in this field.
Customs and Pigafetta does offer insight into Pigafetta does provide insight into
Culture some Visayan customs such as various Visayan practices, such as
their cuisine, the process of cuisine, the fermentation of palm
fermenting palm and coconut and coconut wine, and traditional
wine, and native attire. From his attire. We gain a sense of how they
retelling of interactions with Raja conducted themselves through his
Humabon, the lord of Cebu, and recounting of contacts with Raja
other Visayan ruling elite, we get a Humabon, the lord of Cebu, and
feel of how they operated. other Visayan governing classes.
Belief and Pigafetta stated that the According to Father Chirino, the
Religion indigenous did not worship "easy virtue" of the native women
anything; rather, they elevated was more a product of their
their faces to the sky while religion. It said that a lady could
clasping their hands together and not cross a dangerous river without
referred to their god as "Abba." the help of her husband or lover
who would extend a hand to help
Magellan's missionaries celebrate her, as there was no bridge other
the first mass on Philippine than a very narrow strip of wood,
territory in March 1521. As the and this was on the journey after
first Filipinos to discover death to "Kalualhatian," the home
Christianity, the two rajahs bowed of the spirit.
before the cross and prayed
alongside the crew. Magellan and Missionaries were only able to
his men then decided to travel to successfully evangelize a portion of
Cebu in order to win over more the Philippines. The Moros, who
Filipinos to Catholicism. Eight are still present on the southern
hundred Cebuanos were baptized islands, along with Negritos,
on Sunday, April 14, 1521, when Igorots, and other heathen groups,
the King and Queen of Cebu and still occupy the majority of the
their subjects adopted the Catholic archipelago's territory. Then,
faith during the Sunday service. Formosa, Borneo, and the
Moluccas are non-Christian islands
that the Spaniards formerly
controlled but quickly lost.
Society and There were chiefs in the Morga argues that the claim that
Government Philippines who went by the Filipinos are vulnerable is false
names Datu, Rajah, Sultan, or because indigenous have weapons
Hadji. Magellan made friends with and have been able to defend
most chiefs, except Lapu-Lapu of themselves. However, when they
Mactan, who refused to trade with are left unprotected by the
the Spanish, sparking the government, pirates can pillage
legendary conflict at Mactan. them with impunity. Through
agreements, friendship treaties,
and reciprocity-based alliances,
Spain gained control over the
Remarkable Filipinos are known for their Minstrels who had memorized
Practices hospitality. The natives welcomed songs detailing their ancestry and
Magellan's crew and the chief the actions attributed to their gods
offered to prepare supper for performed for the ancient Filipinos.
them. These were recited while at sea in
time with the rowing, as well as
The custom of making blood pacts during festivals, funerals, and other
as a symbol of friendship. As a significant events.
demonstration of their real
affection, the monarch
reciprocated the captain's request
for friendship by sending a drop of
blood from his right arm.