Group Reporting (FIN-CS) : Public Document Version: SAP S/4HANA 2022 (October 2022) - 2022-10-03
Group Reporting (FIN-CS) : Public Document Version: SAP S/4HANA 2022 (October 2022) - 2022-10-03
Group Reporting (FIN-CS) : Public Document Version: SAP S/4HANA 2022 (October 2022) - 2022-10-03
1 Group Reporting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
1.1 Consolidation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Authorization Objects in Group Reporting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2 Getting Started. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Set Global Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Master Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Consolidation Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Currencies in Group Reporting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134
1.3 Period Preparation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Maintain Exchange Rates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Consistency Check of Accounting Integration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
1.4 Data Preparation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Data Monitor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Copy Transaction Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Flexible Upload of Reported Financial Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Group Journal Entries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Data Validation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Interunit Reconciliation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Task Logs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
1.5 Intercompany Matching and Reconciliation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Quick Start. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Intercompany Document Matching. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Intercompany Reconciliation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Intelligent Intercompany Reconciliation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
Advanced Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
Data Management in Intercompany Matching and Reconciliation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
1.6 Consolidation Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
Consolidation Monitor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
Group Journal Entries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
Data Validation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .413
Consolidation of Investments (Activity-Based). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
Task Logs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504
1.7 Analytics for Group Reporting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507
"Manage Global Hierarchies" in Group Reporting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
Group reporting consists of topics such as consolidation process and analytical reports and supports the
computation, creation, and disclosure of consolidated reports that provide information on the performance of
a corporate group.
The figure below depicts how group reporting as part of SAP S/4HANA is integrated with SAP Group Reporting
Data Collection and SAP Analytics Cloud and is followed by an explanation:
With SAP Group Reporting Data Collection, you can map data, create forms, design your own reports, and use
these or the predefined reports to collect data as part of your data preparation for consolidation.
With live data connections, the integration between SAP S/4HANA Finance for group reporting and SAC
enables business analysis at group or corporate level without data replication.
In this release, the following detail and overview reports are available out of the box:
For more information about the integration between SAP S/4HANA and SAP Analytics Cloud, see SAP
Analytics Cloud product help page.
For troubleshooting information, the configuration content predelivered by SAP, and the frequently asked
questions about Group Reporting, see SAP Note 2659672 .
For the configuration settings and test steps required after installation or upgrade, see the “Test Script”
available at SAP Best Practices Explorer ( ).
1.1 Consolidation
A complete consolidation process typically starts with preparatory steps, such as setting global parameters,
checking the master data of your organizational units and financial statement (FS) items, and specifying
effective exchange rates.
After that, you can proceed with collecting data reported by consolidation units, and standardizing the data
with features available in the Data Monitor. When the data is ready for consolidation, go to the Consolidation
Monitor to perform the consolidation tasks, such as various interunit eliminations and data validation. For a list
of the tasks and their descriptions, see Data Monitor [page 142] and Consolidation Monitor [page 381].
Throughout the process, you can cross check your processed data using reconciliation reports and currency
translation analysis reports, or generate various group reports in real time.
• You have set up the proper authorizations for your users according to their job responsibilities. SAP
delivers the following roles for your reference:
• SAP_BR_GL_ACCOUNTANT_GRP: General Ledger Accountant - Group Reporting
• SAP_BR_GRP_ACCOUNTANT: Group Accountant
• SAP_BR_ADMINISTRATOR_GRP: Administrator - Group Reporting
• SAP_BR_EXTERNAL_AUDITOR_GRP: External Auditor - Group Reporting
• SAP_BR_BUSINESS_ANALYST_GRP: Business Analyst - Group Reporting
In your SAP Fiori front-end server, you can copy a delivered business role to create your own role, adapt its
contained business catalogs, and assign the created role to relevant users.
In addition, you need to set the necessary permissions by authorization object in the back-end systems, for
example, restrict the filed values a role can access by using the transaction code PFCG. After that, you can
assign the adapted roles to your business users using user administrator tool, such as transaction SU01.
For more information, see User and Role Administration of ABAP Platform.
Consolidation is integrated with different modules within SAP S/4HANA. Integration enables the following:
• Generation of the organizational units for consolidation, based on the units in the transaction system
• Collection of the reported financial data. There are two methods of collecting transaction data:
• Data can be read directly from the universal journal.
• Data that is not stored in the universal journal, for example, the transaction data of companies that use
non-SAP systems, can be uploaded flexibly.
• Drill-through to the accounting app Manage Journal Entries for the source accounting documents
• Hierarchy definition for the consolidation-specific master data by using the framework app Manage Global
• You can use different methods for transferring transaction data to the consolidation system. Which
methods you use depends on your consolidation scenario.
• You can post manual journal entries (documents), for example, to standardize the reported data to the
group's methods of balance sheet valuations.
• You can use validations to check the consistency of the reported, standardized, or consolidated financial
• You can translate the reported financial data into the currency of the consolidation group.
• You can automatically execute the following elimination tasks:
• Interunit eliminations (elimination of payables and receivables, elimination of revenue and expense,
elimination of investment income)
• Consolidation of investments
E_CS_RPT Group reporting organizational units Used for analytics in group reporting.
FI_CS_MD Group Reporting master data Used in the Define Master Data for
Consolidation Fields app.
FI_CS_RULE Reporting rule assignment Used in the apps Define Reporting Rules
and Assign Reporting Rules to Versions.
FI_CS_FSM Financial statement item mapping Used in the Map FS Items with G/L
Accounts app.
FI_CS_FSMA Financial statement item mapping as Used in the Assign FS Item Mappings
signment app.
FI_CS_ADH Define Adhoc Items and Adhoc Sets Note that adhoc items can only be de
fined by using an OData Service which
is not published on the API Hub. It is in
cluded in the communication scenario
of GRDC (0241).
Posting Level Processing of posting level when using
the authorization object FI_CS_RPT in
analytics for group reporting.
For more information about the authorization checks, see the system documentation for the authorization
objects. To display this documentation, run transaction PFCG, and choose More Environment
Authorization Objects Display . Expand the corresponding node and choose Information (I) for the relevant
authorization object.
This authorization object considers dependencies between fields. For example, a certain consolidation unit
may be assigned to more than one consolidation group, or a consolidation group may be relevant in more than
one consolidation version. You can maintain authorizations that give access to specific data based on these
dependencies. It’s possible to maintain multiple authorizations to leverage these dependencies in different
ways for different fields.
For example, you can create an authorization where one consolidation unit is dependent on multiple groups to
which it belongs. At the same time, you can also create another authorization for a different consolidation unit
where it is dependent on only one group to which it belongs. This is illustrated in the following example.
You also want this user to have access to the data of Cons Unit 2, but only as it relates to Cons Group A. In
other words, you don’t want the user to access the data of Cons Unit 2 in Cons Group B. In this case, you
create a new authorization and maintain Cons Unit 2 for the field BUNIT ($BUNIT) and specify Cons Group
A only for the field CONGR ($CONGR). This way, the user can only see the data for Cons Unit 2 that's part
of Cons Group B.
Maintaining Fields
You can maintain specific values for each field in the authorization object. This gives a user the authorization to
access specific data for a field. For more information, see ABAP Authorization Concept.
It’s recommended to maintain values for all fields. If you leave a field blank, it receives the status
Unmaintained Organization Level.
For the field CONGR ($CONGR), it’s important to maintain the value ‘’ if you want to give the user access to
data which is stored without group dependency and without consolidation group derivation by the
reporting logic, such as data on posting levels Blank, 00, 10, and 20. This can be necessary even if you
additionally give the user access to specific consolidation groups.
The one exception where this isn’t necessary is if you maintain the value * for CONGR ($CONGR). This
indicates full authorization for all consolidation groups and inherently includes cases where the
consolidation group is not assigned, such as data on the posting levels Blank, 00, 10, and 20 without
consolidation group derivation by the reporting logic.
For Cons Group A, there are two elimination lines on the posting level 20:
In this case, the user is authorized to view data for Cons Unit 1 only, not for Cons Unit 2. Also, since the
posting level is 20, the only accessible data for Cons Unit 1 is the data where Cons Unit 1 is the reporting
unit. As a result, the user can only view the first line of the elimination entry because here Cons Unit 1 is the
reporting unit.
The second line is not visible. This is because the user is not authorized to view data of Cons Unit 2. And
even though the user is authorized to view data for Cons Unit 1, Cons Unit 1 is the partner unit in this
second line, not the reporting unit. As a result, the authorization doesn’t allow access to this data.
To start using the authorization object E_CS_RPT, you must activate it with the Switchable Authorization Check
Framework (SACF). For a complete guide on how to do this, see SAP Note 3120976 .
Related Information
With this app, you can specify the global parameters that will apply to all further steps of the consolidation
• Version: Versions make it possible to consolidate different sets of financial data or consolidate in different
group currencies. You can only select standard versions. Therefore, if you select a version which is a group
currency extension version or an extension version, your selection is adjusted to the corresponding
standard version. For more information, see Consolidation Versions [page 68].
• Fiscal Year/Period
• Consolidation Chart of Accounts: A systematic grouping of financial statement (FS) items that belong
together and are used on the group reporting or consolidation level.
If the old reporting logic is active, you also need to select the Consolidation Ledger. For more information,
see Consolidation Ledger [page 74].
Preset versions, consolidation chart of accounts, and consolidation ledgers exist in the system. You can
also make your own configuration settings via Customizing activities under SAP S/4HANA for Group
You can also enter a consolidation group or unit to perform consolidation tasks only on that group or unit.
This section describes how to display and define consolidation-specific master data, such as organizational
units and financial statement (FS) items.
The organizational units of Group Reporting include consolidation groups and consolidation units.
In the consolidation group structure, consolidation units are assigned to consolidation groups. Also,
consolidation group-specific settings for the consolidation units are maintained, such as the fiscal year and
period of first consolidation as well as consolidation method.
Learn how to maintain consolidation units using the different consolidation unit master data apps.
Depending on your system settings, you can use one or more of the following apps to enter and display master
data of consolidation units:
The following table gives an overview of which consolidation unit master data app must be used, can't be used,
or is recommended to be used in which situation:
SAP S/4HANA system using... Define Consolidation Units Consolidation Units - Display
…the new reporting logic exclusively. The app must be used in any fiscal year. The app can't be used.
...the old reporting logic exclusively. The app can't be used. The app must be used in any fiscal year.
SAP S/4HANA system using... Define Consolidation Units Consolidation Units - Display
...the old and new reporting logic. The app must be used for master data The app must be used for consolidation
maintenance as of the from year of the unit master data maintenance before
The system was set up before the re new reporting logic. the from year of new reporting logic
lease 2020 and migrated to the new re
SAP recommends to use this app for The app can't be used for consolidation
porting logic later.
parallel maintenance of consolidation unit master data changes as of the from
unit master data changes applied by year of the new reporting logic.
the Consolidation Units - Create and
Change app before the from year of the
new reporting logic.
The following section is only relevant for systems that were migrated from the old reporting logic to the new
reporting logic.
The new reporting logic uses the new consolidation unit master data, and the old reporting logic uses old
consolidation unit master data. The old and the new master data environments don't share the master data
and are completely separate from each other. This includes consolidation unit descriptions and master data
attributes. There is no synchronization of changes taking place between the old and new consolidation unit
master data environment.
This results in a special situation when you have to apply consolidation unit master data changes in a fiscal year
where the old reporting logic is still active. For these changes to have any effect, you have to maintain them
using the Consolidation Units - Create and Change app in the old consolidation unit master data environment.
To have consistent consolidation unit master data, SAP recommends that you make these changes in the
Define Consolidation Units app in the new consolidation unit master data environment as well
Related Information
With this app, you can display, change, create, or delete consolidation unit (CU) master data individually.
To create a consolidation unit, choose Create and enter the name of the consolidation unit. You can also copy
an existing consolidation unit to create a new one. To do so, you choose Copy, enter the name of the
consolidation unit and select if you want to copy the time- and version-dependent data as of the current fiscal
year and period and version or for all fiscal years and periods and versions.
If you're working in a year before the From Year for Group Reporting Preparation Ledger or in a planning
version, universal journal integration for a consolidation unit with special characters in its name is not
possible. This is because the system requires a company with the same name as the consolidation unit in
this case, and special characters are not supported for the company name.
When displaying the details of a consolidation unit, you can change the settings of the selected consolidation
unit by choosing Edit. After making changes, choose Save to apply the changes.
If you want to change the hierarchy of the consolidation units, use the Manage Global Hierarchies app.
• Consolidation Unit Description: Maintained in the log-on language, other languages need to be maintained
in the Language-Dependent Texts section.
• Country
Time-Dependent Attributes:
You can only change the local currency as of the first period of the year. When you change the local
currency of a consolidation unit, the system translates the old local currency values into the new local
currency during the balance carryforward. Because of this, you must assign a currency translation
method to the consolidation unit.
• Company: You can only assign companies to consolidation units if the following prerequisites are met:
• You’re working in fiscal year period as of the From Year for Group Reporting Preparation Ledger.
• You’re working in a version that is not a plan version.
If you're working in a year before the From Year for Group Reporting Preparation Ledger, you can't assign the
company yourself. Instead, a company with the same ID as the corresponding consolidation unit is
assigned to the consolidation unit. If such a company doesn't exist, then no company is assigned to the
consolidation unit.
The following attributes are time- and version-dependent for a consolidation unit. If you create, display, or
change consolidation unit attributes, you make the changes to these attributes for the selected version
(and related versions) only and as of the selected fiscal year and period onwards. Time- and version-
dependency for consolidation units works in the same way as it does for financial statement items. For
more information, see Time- and Version-Dependency [page 45].
• Consolidation Unit is Partner Unit Only: Specifies if the new consolidation unit is to be used as a partner
unit only. If you select this checkbox, all other time- and version-dependent attributes are disabled. A
consolidation unit is specified as partner unit where it is not relevant for a consolidation process and
requires only a minimal set of master data to be used, for example, as where a consolidation unit is
specified as a partner unit in transferred data or in consolidation postings.
• Currency Translation Method: Required if the local currency is different from the group currency. The
translation method determines the exchange rate used for specific financial statement (FS) items, and
how translation and rounding differences are posted.
You can choose from the following predelivered currency translation (CT) methods:
• S0902 (Translation-FC@First Period - Periodic): You can assign this method to CUs that are newly
integrated into the group starting from the first period of the fiscal year. For the FS items in the P&L
statement and the movements-related FS items in the balance sheet, S0902 translates periodic values
at the exchange rates for their respective periods.
• S0903 (Standard Translation - Periodic): It translates values for all FS items at the monthly average
exchange rate for each period.
• S0904 (Translation-FC@Incoming Unit): It translates incoming units at a specific rate (exchange rate
indicator J) maintained for incoming unit. This offers more flexibility to incoming units.
• S0905 (Standard Translation Activity-Based C/I): You assign this method if you are using the task for
automatic consolidation of investments in the consolidation monitor. The translation method uses the
No Retranslation of Existing Group Currency Value translation key for investment and equity, to fix their
group currency values to the historical rate. This means that in data collection of reported financial
data for investment and equity, you must maintain the amounts in both local and group currency.
• Y0901 (Standard Translation - YTD): Same as S0903, except that for the FS items in the P&L
statement and the movements-related FS items in the balance sheet, S0903 translates periodic values
Descrip P&L, B/S Move Opening Balances in B/S FS Items - In Investments and
Method tion ments B/S* coming Units Equity in B/S*
Period -
tion - Peri
S0905 Standard AVG PER AVG PER AVG PER Existing group cur
Transla rency values are not
tion Activ retranslated.
tion - YTD
*Since the opening balance is stored on period 000, the amount in the group currency is kept at its original
When an FS item is not included in any rule, the reference exchange rate defined in the methods applies.
When the translation results in rounding differences, these differences are posted in the group currency on
the following FS item:
• 900: B/S rounding difference is posted on FS item 314800
• Tax Rate: Used to automatically calculate the deferred tax in manual or automatic journal entries, if the
deferred tax calculation is enabled in the document type.
• Deviating Fiscal Year Variant: By maintaining a deviating fiscal year variant (FYV) on the consolidation unit
level, you're able use the numbers from a local close of a company code in the group close, which result
from a shifted fiscal year compared to the group close. This is allowed from a legal point of view under
certain circumstances so that an additional local close of such a company code isn’t necessary.
This scenario is only supported if the number of "normal" fiscal year periods in the deviating FYV of the
consolidation unit is that same as the number of "normal" fiscal year periods in the FYV of the
consolidation version.
This field is disabled in all consolidation versions except planning versions unless you're working in a year
before the From Year for Group Reporting Preparation Ledger. In this case or in case you're working in a
planning version, you only need to enter a deviating FYV if the FYV for the selected consolidation unit is
different from the FYV assigned to the selected version.
As the deviating FYV is time- and version-dependent, you can change the assignment of the FYV over
time. This can lead to double assignments or missing assignments when transferring transaction data
to consolidation. In this instance, you need to correct the transaction data in consolidation by using
manual posting or flexible file upload.
Example: If you have assigned an FYV value for period 001/2020, where the fiscal year periods start on
the 1st of the month, and change the FYV value in period 002/2020 to a variant, where the fiscal year
periods start on the 15th of the month, assignments between day one and 14 of period 002 are missing.
To avoid having to correct transaction data in consolidation, you can define an FYV that changes its
behavior over time and you assign only this FYV to the consolidation unit. The FYV definition
guarantees that every date is assigned to exactly one fiscal year period. Or you can assign a third FYV
for the transition period between the other two FYVs. This third FYV is defined in a way that this
transition happens without double assignments or missing assignments.
• Universal Journal Integration: Specifies how the local reported financial data is collected from CUs for
• The Transfer from Universal Journal method is first of all only applicable for CUs where their reported
financial data resides in the same SAP S/4HANA system as group reporting. If you're working in a year
as of the From Year for Group Reporting Preparation Ledger, then the following prerequisites must be
fulfilled before you can choose Transfer from Universal Journal:
• The selected consolidation version must have a group reporting preparation ledger assigned for
the source ledger.
• A company must be assigned to the CU.
• A company code must be assigned to this company.
• The company code assigned to this company must have the same fiscal year variant as the
selected consolidation version. Deviating fiscal year variants are not supported by the integration
with group reporting preparation ledgers. For more information, see the in-app help for Deviating
Fiscal Year Variant.
If any of these prerequisites for the selected CU in the selected consolidation version and fiscal
year period are not met, the Transfer from Universal Journal option is disabled and can't be chosen.
You can check which prerequisites are not fulfilled by clicking the Information icon ( ).
If you have selected Transfer from Universal Journal for a consolidation unit, you can still use
flexible file upload or data transfer from SAP Group Reporting Data Collection for this consolidation
• If you select No Integration for a certain CU, you have to use flexible file upload or data transfer from
SAP Group Reporting Data Collection. If you have specified an Upload Method, it is used during the
flexible file upload. If you haven't, you have to select an upload method when you run the flexible file
• Group Currency is Leading Currency: You can specify if the group currency should be used as the leading
currency instead of the local currency in data collection. Selecting this option has the following
The option Group Currency is Leading Currency is only available if you've selected Group Currency is
Leading in the Check Global System Settings configuration activity. Otherwise, this option is not visible.
• Flexible File Upload: When collecting data with flexible file upload, the flexible file upload always takes
the values explicitly provided by the upload file, regardless of whether those values are in local
currency or group currency. However, if there's no explicit value provided in the file, then the flexible file
If you're working in a year before the From Year for Group Reporting Preparation Ledger and you've
selected the Transfer from Universal Journal option for the consolidation unit, then the Source for Group
Currency Key Figure becomes mandatory when you select Group Currency is Leading Currency. If you
don’t select Group Currency is Leading Currency, the Source for Local Currency Key Figure becomes
mandatory, and data is collected in local currency.
Source for Group Currency Key Figure and Source for Local Currency Key Figure specify the key figure in
the universal journal that the system imports for the selected consolidation unit. The amounts taken
over from that key figure are then processed as group or local currency during consolidation. The
system checks if the respective source field for the consolidation unit provides the correct currency for
the local and group currency. You cannot save your selection if this is not the case. Setting the source
for group and local currency key figure for a consolidation unit is only relevant if you want to transfer
from the universal journal. For planning versions, the system always takes fields HSL (Amount in
Company Code Currency) or KSL (Amount in Global Currency) from the planning database table as
long as one of these fields has a currency that matches the local currency of the consolidation unit (for
field HSL). Therefore the two source fields are inactive where the selected consolidation version is a
plan version.
Source fields that are already defined and that are relevant for other consolidation versions that are not
plan versions but share the same consolidation unit attribute version with the plan version are not
Using the filter criteria, you can display consolidation units and their settings, such as local currency, upload
method, or currency translation method.
You have to select exactly one consolidation version and fiscal year and period. This is required to display
the time- and version-dependent consolidation unit attribute values in the table below the filter bar. Filter
values for consolidation version and fiscal year and period are taken from your global parameter settings
but can be changed at any time.
In the list, you can sort or filter the consolidation units using any of the available criteria. You can also drill down
to the details of each consolidation unit to display more information. Here you can also change the context for
the time and version and display attribute value assignments over time or across versions.
You can delete one or more consolidation units. You must select at least one consolidation unit to activate the
Delete button. If you delete a consolidation unit, it is deleted across all versions, not only in the selected
A where-used check is run when you delete a consolidation unit. A consolidation unit can only be deleted if it is
not used. If you have selected more than one consolidation unit, the consolidation units that are not used
anywhere are deleted. If some of the selected consolidation units are still used, these consolidation units are
not deleted. If a consolidation unit is not deleted, because it is still used, you can use the where-used feature to
get information on the usage. Some usages, such as the assignment of a consolidation unit to a consolidation
group can be deleted, other usages, such as existing transaction data, can't be deleted. If you have deleted all
usages, you can delete the consolidation unit.
To check if a consolidation unit is used, select one consolidation unit and choose Check Where Used.
The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an app
on the SAP Fiori launchpad. To see this app’s Fiori content, go to the SAP Fiori apps reference library and
search for the app. Then select the product. On the Implementation Information tab, select the correct release.
The details are in the Configuration section.
• Desktop
• Tablet
• Smartphone
You can maintain or create consolidation unit (CU) master data individually. If you want to change the hierarchy
of the consolidation units, use the Manage Global Hierarchies app.
To create a consolidation unit, choose More Consolidation Unit Create . Enter the name of the
consolidation unit and confirm.
• Tax Rate
• Local Currency
• Translation Method: You can maintain or create consolidation unit (CU) master data individually. If you:
Required if the local currency is different from the group currency. The translation method determines the
Descrip P&L, B/S Move Opening Balances in B/S FS Items - In Investments and
Method tion ments B/S* coming Units Equity in B/S*
Period -
tion - Peri
S0905 Standard AVG PER AVG PER AVG PER Existing group cur
Transla rency values are not
tion Activ retranslated.
tion - YTD
*Since the opening balance is stored on period 000, the amount in the group currency is kept at its original
When an FS item is not included in any rule, the reference exchange rate defined in the methods will apply.
When the translation results in rounding differences, these differences are posted in the group currency on
the following FS item:
• 900: B/S rounding difference is posted on FS item 314800
• 901: Annual net income - B/S, P&L rounding difference is posted on FS item 799000
• 902: P&L rounding difference is posted on FS item 604000
• Data Transfer Method: Specifies how the local reported financial data is collected from CUs for
• Method Read from Universal Document is only applicable for CUs whose reported financial data resides
in the S/4HANA system. If you select this method, and if the consolidation version is not linked to a
source category and source ledger in the version settings, the effective year should also be specified
(this setting is not required if data is sourced from ACDOCP).
• If you select the Flexible Upload method for a certain CU, you can also specify the Upload Method.
You can choose from the 2 pre-delivered upload methods SRD1 and SRD2.
• In the Methods tab, you can view what validation methods have been assigned to your consolidation units.
If no validation method has been assigned for reported or standardized data yet, choose the Assign
Validation Methods button to go to the respective app.
• Source for Group Currency Key Figure : You can specify the source for group currency key figure by
choosing Goto Fiscal Year Variant Source for Group Currency Key Figure . Note that setting the
source for group currency key figure for a consolidation unit is only relevant if you want to use the data
transfer method Read from Universal Document, and you want to integrate one of the accounting key
figures into the group currency of group reporting. SAP recommends that you use the global currency key
More Information
• The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an
app on the SAP Fiori launchpad. The SAP Fiori apps reference library is available here: https://
To see this app’s Fiori content, search for the app. Then select SAP S/4HANA as the product. On the
Implementation Information tab, select the correct release. The details are in the Configuration section.
Consolidation unit selection attributes classify consolidation units so that they can be selected and processed
together for various activities in group reporting. Learn more about how consolidation unit selection attributes
work, how to assign them to consolidation units, and how to use them.
A consolidation unit selection attribute is a classification you use to classify consolidation units. You do this by
assigning values for the selection attribute to individual consolidation units. After assigning attribute values to
consolidation units, all consolidation units that share the same attribute value can be selected together so that
they can be treated in the same way for certain activities, such as consolidation tasks.
For example, you can use the Posting Rule Selection attribute to select consolidation units for use as a trigger in
reclassifications. Or you can use the Data Collection Selection attribute to select consolidation units for
package definitions in SAP Group Reporting Data Collection.
To add attribute values for the predelivered consolidation unit selection attributes, use the Define Consolidation
Unit Attribute Values configuration activity. For more information, see the help documentation for the
configuration activity.
You can assign values for consolidation unit attributes to consolidation units by using the Define Consolidation
Units [page 15] app or alternatively by using the Import Consolidation Master Data [page 90] app. When
you’re defining a consolidation unit, you assign attribute values to the consolidation unit in the Time- and
Version-Dependent Attributes section.
When defining a selection using the Define Selections [page 84] app, you can choose Consolidation Unit for
the Field. Then, under Time- and Version-Dependent Attribute, you can select the available consolidation unit
selection attributes. The value helps provide you with the relevant selection attributes to define your selection
You can then select a selection attribute to restrict your selection to a group of consolidation units that share
the same attribute value.
After you’ve defined selections using the consolidation unit selection attributes, you can use the selections in
the settings of various activities, such as in reclassifications. The selections then identify which consolidation
units to use in these actions. For more information, see Selections [page 83].
Related Information
You can create your own consolidation unit attributes for the new reporting logic. They can then be used in
selections, totals validation rules, and analytics.
You need authorizations for extensibility to create your own consolidation unit attributes.
To create your own consolidation unit attributes, you must first define new custom fields for consolidation unit
master data in the Custom Fields app.
There are two types of consolidation unit attributes that you can define: attributes that are time- and version-
independent and attributes that are time- and version-dependent. Depending on which of these two types you
want, you select a specific Business Context from the following options:
• For time- and version-independent attributes, select Consolidation Unit for the business context.
• For time- and version-dependent attributes, select Consolidation Unit by Time and Version for the business
Be sure to Publish your custom fields once you finish defining them. If you don't publish the fields, they won't
be visible anywhere for users.
In this way, you can use the custom field to refer to a consolidation unit in the master data of another
consolidation unit. There's also no need to update the custom field with more values as you create more
consolidation units because your new consolidation units will appear automatically in the value help once you
create them.
The "associated" consolidation units are then all grouped together because of their reference to the "root"
consolidation unit.
After you’ve defined custom fields, you can maintain consolidation unit attribute value assignments for your
custom attributes with the Define Consolidation Units [page 15] app and the Import Consolidation Master Data
[page 90] app.
You must have extensibility authorizations to adapt the UI and add custom fields. All UI adjustments made
with the Adapt UI option are visible to every user of the app.
On the main screen of the Define Consolidation Units [page 15] app, you can add filters for your custom
consolidation unit attributes with Adapt Filters. Also, you can add columns to the table of consolidation units in
the table’s Settings. By doing so, you can filter for consolidation units that have certain attribute values
assigned for your custom consolidation attributes and see these attribute value assignments in the table.
Anyone can adjust the filters and columns on the main screen of the Define Consolidation Units [page 15] app
for their individual use. However, only a user with special authorizations can adjust the filters and columns and
then save the result centrally as a public view. The adjustments then appear for all users who select such a
public view.
For custom defined consolidation unit attributes, the field types Code List and Checkbox automatically have
a value help in the spreadsheet. You can pick values from the value help or directly enter them into cells.
However, if you enter values that aren’t included in the value help, you'll receive check errors later, and the
respective data records can't be imported.
To display and filter your custom consolidation unit attributes, make sure you've already enabled the usage
of Consolidation Master Data in the UIs and Reports tab when you defined the custom field.
Anyone can adjust the filters and columns on the Import Consolidation Units screen of the Import
Consolidation Master Data [page 90] app for their individual use. However, only a user with special
authorizations can adjust the filters and columns and then save the result centrally as a public view. The
adjustments then appear for all users who select such a public view.
After assigning the attribute values to consolidation units, you can use your custom consolidation unit
attributes in the following ways:
Only custom consolidation unit attributes that are time- and version-independent can be used in
Related Information
With the introduction of a new architecture/reporting logic, if you are working with the SAP S/4HANA 1909
release or a later release, consolidation groups should be maintained as flat lists of consolidation units by
using the Manage Group Structure - Group View [page 32] or Manage Group Structure - Unit View [page
35] app.
If working with a release earlier than 1909, you should continue using the Consolidation Group Hierarchy -
Display and Change [page 38] and Accounting Method Assignment - Display and Change [page 40] for
consolidation group maintenance, where consolidation groups can still be arranged in multiple hierarchies.
You can create an incident with the FIN-CS-COR component to activate the new reporting logic when
working with a release earlier than 1909.
With this app, you can maintain or create consolidation group (CG) master data individually.
When you open the app, you can create a new consolidation group. To change a CG, choose More
Consolidation Group Change . Enter the name of the consolidation group and confirm.
Enter the name for the consolidation group you want to create and confirm.
• Description: Enter a short and medium text to describe the consolidation group.
• Consolidation Frequency
• Validation Methods: When you assign validation methods, you are redirected to the Assign Validation
Methods [page 109] app.
• If the new reporting logic is active, the fiscal year variant (FYV) is assigned in the Define Versions
If the old reporting logic is active, you can access the menu by selecting More Go to Fiscal Year
Variant (FYV) to assign the consolidation group's fiscal year variant, which determines the fiscal year and
period based on the posting date.
You can only assign a FYV to the consolidation group in a fiscal year prior to the from year of the new
reporting logic. In fiscal years where the new reporting logic is active, the FYV is assigned to the
consolidation version and not to the consolidation group. Therefore, the navigation to the assignment
of FYV to the consolidation group is not active as of the from year of the new reporting logic.
When transferring accounting financial data, on group reporting side, the system derives the posting
period based on the accounting posting date and the period definition of the assigned FYV. Note that
• If the old reporting logic is active, you should also select a Ledger: The group currency is determined by the
currency of the ledger assigned to the group. To define a ledger, see Define Consolidation Ledgers in the
Customizing for SAP S/4HANA for Group Reporting under Master Data. When multiple group currencies
are required for consolidation groups, the corresponding ledgers must be assigned to the consolidation
groups in different versions.
• Desktop
• Tablet
• Smartphone
In the consolidation group structure, consolidation units are assigned to consolidation groups. Also,
consolidation group-specific settings for the consolidation units are maintained, such as the fiscal year and
period of first consolidation as well as consolidation method.
Depending on your system settings, there’s a slightly different concept behind the consolidation group
structure. Because of this, different apps are used to maintain the consolidation group structure.
As of the From Year for New Group Reporting Logic, the group structure manager is used to maintain the
consolidation group structure as a flat list of consolidation units assigned to a consolidation group.
If you’re working in a system where the old reporting logic is active (either exclusively or before the From Year
for New Group Reporting Logic), the consolidation group structure is maintained as hierarchies of consolidation
units and consolidation groups. These may be multi-level hierarchies. They are maintained using the
Consolidation Group Hierarchy - Display and Change [page 38] app and the Accounting Method Assignment -
Display and Change [page 40] app.
With the group structure manager, you create and maintain consolidation group structures as of the From Year
for New Group Reporting Logic.
With the group structure manager, the consolidation group structure is maintained as a flat list of consolidation
units assigned to a consolidation group. Also, consolidation group-specific settings are maintained for the
assigned consolidation units. You can define such a consolidation group structure for any consolidation group.
The same actions can be done in both apps, but they have a different point of view on the consolidation group
structures. In the Manage Group Structure - Group View [page 32] app, the focus is on the consolidation
group, the list of assigned consolidation units, and the maintenance of consolidation group-specific settings of
the consolidation units. The focus of the Manage Group Structure - Unit View [page 35] app is rather on the
consolidation unit and the assignment of the consolidation unit to different consolidation groups. However, the
consolidation group-specific settings can still be maintained in the Manage Group Structure - Unit View [page
35] app.
You can only use these apps after you’ve maintained a fiscal year in your global parameters that’s the From
Year for New Group Reporting Logic or a later year.
Related Information
With this app, you manage the assignments of consolidation units to consolidation groups and make
consolidation relevant settings for these assignments, such as the period of the first consolidation, the period
of the divestiture, and the consolidation method.
Key Features
A consolidation unit can be assigned to more than one consolidation group in the same fiscal year/period.
However, multiple assignments of one consolidation unit to the same consolidation group in a specific fiscal
period is not possible.
• Set as Default
If you set a view as the default view, the app opens with the filter bars, filter values, list report, and settings
you defined for the view. Filter values are no longer taken from the global parameters.
• Public
If you set a view as public, other users can use, change, and delete the view.
• Apply Automatically
If you choose Apply Automatically, the list report is updated automatically after choosing the view, so you
do not have to choose Go.
1. Choose Assign and select at least one consolidation unit. If you select more than one consolidation unit,
the information you enter in these steps is valid for each of the consolidation units you selected.
2. Choose Next and adjust the period and year for the first consolidation and, if required, for the divestiture,
and choose a consolidation method.
The start of the assignment uses the fiscal year/period from the filter bar. You can't change the start of the
assignment. The period and year of the first consolidation uses the start of the assignment as a default
value but you can change that value. It must be the same as or later than the start of the assignment and
earlier than the divestiture. The period of the divestiture is set to 999/9999 by default. You can change it to
any period later than the first consolidation. If necessary, the changes you make to the divestiture
automatically change the year for the end of the assignment.
The default value for the first consolidation is set to the beginning of the period. If you want the first
consolidation at the end of the period, select First Consolidation at End of Period.
The default value for the divestiture is set to the end of the period. If you want to divest at the beginning of
the period, select Divestiture at Beginning of Period.
If you set the Divestiture due to Merger checkbox, this causes the special logic for merger activities in
preparation for consolidation group changes and consolidation of investments. You can only select this
checkbox, if you have activated the merger feature. For more information, see Merger [page 489].
Select a consolidation method and choose Assign. You can choose between the following consolidation
• Parent (Direct Share) (00)
• Parent (Group Share) (01)
• Purchase Method (Direct Share) (10)
• Purchase Method (Group Share) (11)
• Equity Method (Direct Share) (20)
• Equity Method (Group Share) (21)
If you choose Parent, data is automatically consolidated using the accounting technique purchase method.
If you choose Assign, other existing assignments that conflict with this assignment are deleted. A
conflict can exist between assignments if, for example, the dates overlap. If an assignment is locked,
you receive an error message and you cannot make the assignment.
Delete Assignments
Select at least one assignment and choose Remove.
There is no consistency check with transactional data. If you remove a consolidation unit that has
transactional data, the status can be inconsistent. If you, for example, run the Preparations for
Consolidation Group Changes task and respective documents are generated, these documents might
become inconsistent or obsolete when you remove the assignment. However, they are not deleted with the
removal of an assignment.
Edit Assignment
If you select an assignment, you can display its data. To change data, choose Edit. To save the changes and
overwrite previous entries, choose Save. If you edit an assignment without saving, the changes are
automatically saved as a draft version.
Other users only see the active assignment and not the draft. However, they can see if an assignment is locked
and who has locked it. Once a lock is removed, other users see that there are unsaved changes. You can only
overwrite a draft version that was created by other users, if the assignment is not locked anymore.
The data saved as draft is not considered for consolidation. To display only the active version of the
assignments instead of the draft version, choose Show Active Items Only.
The start of the assignment is read only and cannot be changed. The start of the assignment must be the same
as or earlier than the first consolidation. It can be different from the first consolidation. You can assign a
consolidation unit to a consolidation group before it is consolidated, for example, in order to prepare the data of
that consolidation unit for consolidation.
The end of the assignment is automatically derived from the divestiture. The end of the assignment must be
later than the first consolidation. It reflects the end of the fiscal year of the divestiture. The consolidation unit is
assigned to the group until the end of the fiscal year even if the consolidation unit was divested during the fiscal
This app contains Web Assistant documentation for key fields and concepts. To display the documentation
while working in the app, press F1 or click the question mark displayed in the app header.
• Desktop
• Tablet
• Smartphone
Use this app to manage the assignments of consolidation units to consolidation groups and make
consolidation relevant settings for these assignments, such as the period of the first consolidation, the period
of the divestiture, and the consolidation method.
With the introduction of a new architecture/reporting logic, this app can only be used with the 1909 release
or later releases. However, if you're working with a release earlier than 1909, you can activate the new
reporting logic by creating an incident with the FIN-CS-COR component. If you are working with a release
earlier than 1909 and do not activate the new reporting logic, you should use the Consolidation Group
Hierarchy - Display and Change [page 38] and Accounting Method Assignment - Display and Change
[page 40] apps instead.
Key Features
A consolidation unit can be included in more than one consolidation group but only once in one specific
consolidation group in a specific fiscal period.
You can add or delete filters to and from the filter bar. Editing status, consolidation version, consolidation unit,
and fiscal year/period are visible in the filter bar by default. The filter changes are not saved automatically.
When you open the app in a new session, the default filters are displayed. If you want to keep the changed filter
options, you have to save the view as a new view. To do so, choose the dropdown list of your views and choose
Save or Save As.
• Set as Default
1. Choose Assign and select at least one consolidation group. If you select more than one consolidation
group, the information you enter is valid for each of the consolidation groups you selected.
2. Choose Next and adjust the period and year for the first consolidation and, if required, for the divestiture,
and choose a consolidation method.
The start of the assignment uses the fiscal year/period from the filter bar. You can't change the start of the
assignment. The period and year of the first consolidation uses the start of the assignment as a default
value but you can change that value. It must be the same as or later than the start of the assignment and
earlier than the divestiture. The period of the divestiture is set to 999/9999 by default. You can change it to
any period later than the first consolidation. If necessary, the changes you make to the divestiture
automatically change the year for the end of the assignment.
The default value for the first consolidation is set to the beginning of the period. If you want the first
consolidation at the end of the period, select First Consolidation at End of Period.
The default value for the divestiture is set to the end of the period. If you want to divest at the beginning of
the period, select Divestiture at Beginning of Period.
Select a consolidation method for the assignment and choose Assign. You can choose between the
following consolidation methods:
• Parent (00)
• Purchase Method (10)
• Equity Method (20)
If you choose Parent (00), data is automatically consolidated using the accounting technique purchase
If you choose Assign, other existing assignments that conflict with this assignment are deleted. A
conflict can exist between assignments if, for example, the dates overlap. If an assignment is locked,
you receive an error message and you cannot make the assignment.
Delete Assignments.
Select at least one assignment and choose Remove.
There is no consistency check with transactional data. If you delete a consolidation unit that has
transactional data, the status can be inconsistent. If you, for example, run the Preparations for
Edit Assignment
If you select an assignment, you can display its data. To change data, choose Edit. To save the changes and
overwrite previous entries, choose Save. If you edit an assignment without saving, the changes are
automatically saved as a draft version.
Other users only see the active assignment and not the draft. However, they can see if an assignment is locked
and who has locked it. Once the lock is removed, other users see that there are unsaved changes. You can only
overwrite the draft version that was created by other users, if the assignment is not locked anymore.
The data saved as draft is not considered for consolidation. To display only the active version of the
assignments and not the draft version, choose Show Active Items Only.
The start of the assignment is read only and cannot be changed. The start of the assignment must be the same
as or earlier than the first consolidation. It can be different from the first consolidation. You can assign a
consolidation unit to a consolidation group before it is consolidated, for example, in order to prepare the data of
that consolidation unit for consolidation.
The end of the assignment is automatically derived from the divestiture. The end of the assignment must be
later than the first consolidation. The end of the assignment reflects the end of the year of the divestiture. The
company stays with the group until the end of the fiscal year even if the consolidation unit was divested during
the fiscal year.
Choose Open Group View to change from the unit view to the group view. The group view displays the
consolidation units that are assigned to the selected consolidation group. Consolidation version, fiscal year/
period, and consolidation group are transferred to the Manage Consolidation Group Structure - Group View app.
For more information, see Manage Group Structure - Group View [page 32].
This app contains Web Assistant documentation for key fields and concepts. To display the documentation
while working in the app, press F1 or click the question mark displayed in the app header.
Consolidation group hierarchies are used as the consolidation group structure in fiscal years before the From
Year for New Group Reporting Logic.
The consolidation group structure is maintained as hierarchies of consolidation units and consolidation groups.
These may be multi-level hierarchies. They are maintained using the Consolidation Group Hierarchy – Display
and Change [page 38] app and the Accounting Method Assignment – Display and Change [page 40] app.
You can only use these apps after you’ve maintained a fiscal year in your global parameters that’s before
the From Year for New Group Reporting Logic.
Related Information
With this app, you create, change, or display consolidation groups and their units within the hierarchy of
consolidation groups.
Key Features
1. Create consolidation group hierarchies by choosing Create and entering the hierarchy ID and description.
You can create multiple consolidation group hierarchies in one dimension. Furthermore, a consolidation
group can be included in more than one hierarchy. This enables you to structure consolidation groups
to meet different requirements within a single dimension.
When transferring accounting financial data, on group reporting side, the system derives the posting
period based on the accounting posting date and the period definition of the assigned FYV. Note that
the special periods defined for FYVs are not considered in group reporting, that is, only the posting date
is used to derive the posting period.
8. In the Assignments tab, the consolidation groups and consolidation units of the selected consolidation
group are displayed. You can maintain the first and last consolidation data (period/year). You can also
specify the parent unit for the group.
When a consolidation unit is divested during the year, you need to maintain the period and year of the
divestiture in the Assignments tab. However, the divested unit must remain in the consolidation group
hierarchy until the last period of the year. In the first period of the year following the divestiture, you can
remove the divested unit from the hierarchy.
More Information
• The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an
app on the SAP Fiori launchpad. The SAP Fiori apps reference library is available here: https://
To see this app’s Fiori content, search for the app. Then select SAP S/4HANA as the product. On the
Implementation Information tab, select the correct release. The details are in the Configuration section.
• Desktop
You use this app to assign the accounting methods to the consolidation units.
You must assign a method, either Purchase method or Equity method, to all consolidation units, so that their
financial statements and the relevant eliminations and adjustments can be integrated into that of the group's.
• The system does not integrate reported data for the consolidation unit in the Integrate Data into
Consolidation Group task in the Consolidation Monitor.
• The automatic reclassification rules cannot process this accounting method yet. You can post the
adjustments using the manual posting function available in the Post Group Journal Entries [page 193]
Various options are available for viewing the assignments and the methods:
• Dimension view
• Consolidation group view (CG view)
• Consolidation unit view (CU view)
Consolidation unit either inherits one method that dominates its consolidation group or gets a method
directly assigned to it. The latter assignment takes precedence.
1. Check which methods are already assigned to the consolidation units (CUs).
2. Choose the Dimension View.
3. If possible, use the inheritance feature for making your method assignments:
1. Position the cursor on the consolidation group and choose More Edit Choose or double-click
the mouse button.
2. In the dialog box, enter the method and select the type of inheritance. The effective year and the
effective period are inherited from the Global Parameters.
4. For those consolidation units that should not inherit a method that dominates its consolidation group,
assign the deviating method directly: position the cursor on the consolidation unit and perform the
remaining actions, as described in step 3.
5. If you want to change a CU's method, replace the method assignment for the prior period with the new
In the hierarchical view of the method assignments, besides the current method, you can also look at the
method assigned to the prior period.
You can use the CG View and CU View to correct your method assignments, when needed.
• The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an
app on the SAP Fiori launchpad. The SAP Fiori apps reference library is available here: https://
To see this app’s Fiori content, search for the app. Then select SAP S/4HANA as the product. On the
Implementation Information tab, select the correct release. The details are in the Configuration section.
• Desktop
A consolidation chart of accounts (COA) is a systematic grouping of financial statement (FS) items that belong
together and are used for group reporting.
In local accounting, consolidation units use a local COA with corresponding levels of detail. In group reporting,
to enable the preparation of consolidated financial statements from the financial data of the consolidation
units, however, the operational data must first be aggregated uniformly across the group. Therefore, at least
one consolidation COA must be defined.
To set up your own consolidation COA other than Y1, go to Customizing for SAP S/4HANA for Group Reporting
under Master Data Define Consolidation Chart of Accounts . After that, there are multiple follow-up steps
you need to complete in your system. These steps are described in the how-to guide “Creating New
Consolidation COA or Replacing FS Items”, which is attached to the SAP Note 2659672 (SAP customer
access only).
The FS items and the breakdown categories are dependent on the consolidation COA. In the consolidation
COA, you arrange the FS items into FS item hierarchies, for example, an FS item hierarchy for balance sheet
items and a hierarchy for profit & loss statement items. For more information, see Define Hierarchies [page
Financial statement (FS) item represents the fundamental account assignment in the consolidation system. It
forms the basis for consolidation data collection, posting, and reporting along the consolidation process.
SAP pre-delivers a set of FS items. You can find their usage, attributes, and posting examples on the SAP Best
Practices help page Financial Statement Items.
You can change the pre-delivered FS items or their hierarchies, or create your own ones by using the Define FS
Items [page 49] and the Manage Global Hierarchies apps. In addition, more apps are available for mapping FS
items with general ledger accounts, viewing attributes of all FS items, or deleting FS items. These apps are
described in this section.
Financial statement (FS) item type is an attribute that indicates the nature of FS items. The following item
types are available:
The item type settings for FS items are used by some of the system functions, such as balance carryforward
and annual net income calculation. It is a mandatory setting when you define FS items.
A financial statement (FS) item selection attribute is a classification you assign to FS items so that all FS items
that share the same attribute value can be selected in order to be treated in the same way, for example, in
consolidation tasks.
FS item target attributes are designed to derive an FS item based on another FS item for specific purposes.
This may be used, for example, for automatic postings in reclassification rules. You assign target attributes for
FS items and then specify the target attributes in the reclassification rules. For example, for the FS item
411100-Sale, you select the FS item 412100-Inventory variation for the elimination target attribute.
If you use target attributes, you don't have to assign the FS items in the rule itself. Instead the system identifies
FS items based on the master data.
Selection attributes:
• FS Item Role: An FS item attribute that is used in the configuration for automatic posting to determine the
FS item on which a posting must be recorded. The FS item role can be used, for example, to configure the
calculation of annual net income, deferred tax, retained earnings, currency translation (CT) difference, and
rounding difference. Note that an FS item can only have one role, and a role can only be assigned to one FS
item in a certain fiscal year and period and consolidation version.
• Data Collection: An FS item attribute that selects similar FS items in the data entry reports to make the
reports as dynamic as possible.
• Currency Translation: FS items that are assigned with the same attribute value are treated in the same way
in CT, that is, they share the same CT settings in a specific translation method, for example, whether
translated by the monthly average rate or the monthly closing rate.
• Elimination: FS items that are assigned with the same elimination value are treated in the same way in a
reclassification rule for interunit elimination.
• Cash Flow: Selects FS items in the reporting rules that are dedicated to the consolidated statement of cash
• Scope: The scope can be used, for example, for validations or in group reporting data collection input
reports. You specify the scope of data entry based on the FS item dimension, meaning specify which FS
items are relevant for a certain reporting cycle. You can, for example, differentiate whether FS items are
relevant for actuals and planning data only, or for both.
• Other Selection Attribute: You can set this attribute for your own purpose, for example, in validations or
You have to create values for this selection attribute before you can use them in the FS item
Target attributes:
• Elimination Target: You use the elimination target to specify the offsetting FS item for eliminations in
reclassification rules.
• Non-Controlling Interest (NCI) Target: You use the NCI target to specify the FS items for NCI postings in
consolidation of investments in reclassification rules.
• Planning Target: If your consolidation chart of accounts includes FS items that are specific to planning
versions and that correspond to aggregations of FS items reported in actuals data, use the planning target
attribute to define the mapping between actuals FS items, and the corresponding planning FS items
(many-to-one relationship). This target attribute can be imported into external tools, such as SAP
Analytics Cloud (SAC), and can then be used to initialize the planning data with aggregated actuals data.
FS item selection attribute and target attribute value assignments are time- and version-dependent. When
you work with FS items, be aware that the attribute value assignments for these attributes are valid for the
selected version (and related versions) only and as-of the selected fiscal year and period.
To add more attribute values for the pre-delivered FS item selection attributes, go to Customizing for SAP S/
4HANA for Group Reporting under Consolidation FS Items Configuration Define FS Item Attribute Values .
After selecting an attribute, you can add or change the attribute values, including value names and
You can assign the attribute values to FS items by using the Define FS items app.
For the attribute Currency Translation, you assign the attribute value CT-BS-CLO (B/S items - closing rate)
to relevant FS items that will be processed in the same way in currency translation.
When defining a selection using the Define Selections [page 84] app, you can choose Financial Statement
Item Additional Attribute and then select an attribute to restrict your selection to a range of FS items that
share the same attribute value.
In the selection S-CT-BS-CLO-OPE (B/S FS items - opening balances), you use the currency translation
attribute value CT-BS-CLO to include only these relevant FS items.
Later on, selections can be used in settings for reclassification methods or currency translation methods, for
example. In this way, FS item attributes influence the system behavior for currency translation or eliminations.
For more information, see Selections [page 83].
When making configuration using Customizing activities, for example, defining reclassification methods or CT
methods, you can use FS item attributes in the following settings:
• Source Item Role and Destination Item Role in source and destination account assignment of
reclassification methods.
• Debit - Item Role and Credit - Item Role in translation difference settings of CT methods.
The following table lists the FS item roles and where they are used:
Attribute Value Name Value Long Description Used in the Configuration of:
S-ANI-BS Annual Net Income – B/S Specify Selected FS items for Auto
matic Posting
Note that some FS item roles are also used by Consolidation of Investments (Activity-Based) and Preparation
for Consolidation Group Changes.
Related Information
Some attribute value assignments for financial statement (FS) items are time- and version-dependent. These
are the value assignments for all selection and target attributes. For more information, see FS Item Selection
and Target Attributes [page 42].
When you select a consolidation version, you see value assignments only for the selected version. If you make
changes to the attribute value assignments for an FS item that are version-dependent, the changes are valid for
the selected consolidation version. The version-dependent attribute value assignments for FS items aren't
directly stored in a consolidation version but in an FS item attributes special version, which may also be
consumed by other consolidation versions. For this reason, changes can also affect other consolidation
If for future periods, other entries have been maintained, for example, for 005/2022, the changes you make in
period/fiscal year 003/2020 are valid until 005/2022 (see example 1).
If you make changes in 003/2020 to an existing assignment that is valid from 000/0000 until 999/9999, the
first assignment is valid from 000/0000 until 002/2020 and the second assignment is valid from 003/2020
until 999/9999 (see example 2).
If you change the validity period for an existing assignment, for example, starting in 003/2020 instead of
005/2022, the assignment is then valid from 003/2020 until 999/9999 (see example 3).
Breakdown categories classify subassignments that are required for Financial Statement (FS) items to perform
consolidation tasks.
With the Define FS Items app, you can assign the breakdown categories to the relevant FS items. In addition to
the predefined breakdown categories, you can define your own ones by using the Customizing SAP S/4HANA
for Group Reporting under Master Data Define Breakdown Categories .
• Partner Unit
• Subitem Category
• Subitem
• Transaction Currency
• Unit of Measure
For each FS item, the breakdown category determines which subassignments must be entered.
If an FS item is assigned with breakdown category 1A10, the data records of this FS item:
• The value of the partner unit field is optional. You can leave it blank or use specific consolidation unit ID.
• The value of the subitem category field is required and fixed to 1 (Transaction Type).
The breakdown category 1A10, for example, has the following predefined settings:
Breakdown Cate
gory Characteristic Breakdown Type Text Fixed Value Max. Selection
Breakdown type 4 is a required breakdown: the entry is mandatory, the default value is not allowed.
Fixed value: The characteristic value of the subassignment is determined by this value.
Max. Selection: Specifies the value range of the characteristics. For more information about how selections are
defined, see Define Selections [page 84].
The balance carryforward task does not consider the maximum selections, which you have specified in the
breakdown categories. Therefore, the balance carryforward task does not detect disallowed values that are
outside the allowed value ranges according to the maximum selections.
More Information
• The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an
app on the SAP Fiori launchpad. The SAP Fiori apps reference library is available here: https://
To see this app’s Fiori content, search for the app. Then select SAP S/4HANA as the product. On the
Implementation Information tab, select the correct release. The details are in the Configuration section.
This section describes how to display or define financial statement (FS) items and their hierarchies in the
context of your specified consolidation chart of accounts.
With this app, you can display or update financial statement (FS) items and their properties based on your
specified criteria.
Key Features
FS item selection attribute and target attribute value assignments are time- and version-dependent. If you
create, display, or change FS items, be aware that you make the changes to these attribute value
assignments for the selected version (and related versions) only and for the selected fiscal year and period
onwards. For more information, see Time- and Version-Dependency [page 45].
Display FS Items
Using the filter criteria, you can show FS items of your selection and their properties such as consolidation
chart of accounts, item type, breakdown category, elimination attribute, currency translation attribute, and role
In the list, you can sort or filter the FS items using any of the available criteria.
You can drill down to the detail screen of each FS item to show more information, such as:
• Breakdown Category:
• Which breakdown category fields are assigned to the FS item, for example, Partner Unit, Subitem, and
Subitem Category.
• Which fields are required for using the FS item in performing consolidation tasks, indicated by
Breakdown Type. For example, the Partner Unit field might be required for receivable and payable items
to perform the interunit elimination task.
• What the fixed values or allowed values for these fields are.
• If configured, the Maximum Selection column controls the range of allowed values. For more
information, see Selections [page 83].
• FS item name and description in all supported languages
Change FS Items
When displaying any FS item in the detail screen, you can change any property above of the FS item by
choosing Edit. After making any changes, choose Save to apply the changes.
Statistical FS items are created automatically by Consolidation of investments. These FS items are
necessary to record historical values needed to process future activities, such as divestiture. These FS
items are prefixed by the dollar ($) symbol. These FS Items must not be changed because any changes
that are made are overwritten by Consolidation of Investments.
Create FS Items
You can create a new FS item by choosing Create and then define its properties in the detail screen. You can
also copy an existing FS item to create a new one. To do you, choose Copy, enter the name of the FS item and
select if you want to copy the time- and version-dependent data for the current fiscal year and period and
version or for all fiscal years and periods and versions.
For FS items with the FS item type AST (Asset) or LEQ (Liabilities and Equity), their balances are always
carried forward to the next year because this is a business requirement. For the same reason, the
balances of FS items with the FS item type INC (Income) or EXP (Expense) are never carried forward to
the next year.
For FS items with the FS item type STAT (Statistical Item) or REPT (Reporting Item), you have the
option to carry forward their balances to the next year. To do so, select the Carry Forward Balances
checkbox. This setting is typically required for share ownership percentages and non-financial data.
To upload, download, and import FS items into the system, see Import Consolidation Master Data [page 90].
To check if an FS item is used, select one FS item and choose Check Where Used.
Follow-Up Activities
After creating or changing any FS items, you may need to perform the following activities:
• Include the new FS items in any relevant FS item hierarchies or reporting item hierarchies using the
Manage Global Hierarchies app. See Define Hierarchies [page 51] for details.
• Map the new FS items with general ledger accounts using the Map FS Items with G/L Accounts [page 55]
• Update all FS item-related settings as necessary, such as the following:
• Selected FS items for automatic posting (annual net income and deferred taxes), currency translation
methods, and reclassification methods in the respective Customizing activities.
• FS items to be carried forward or not, validation rules, selections, and reporting rules using the
respective app on the SAP Fiori launchpad.
This app contains Web Assistant documentation for key fields and concepts. To display the documentation
while working in the app, press F1 or click the question mark displayed in the app header.
• Desktop
• Tablet
• Smartphone
In a specified consolidation chart of accounts, you can edit hierarchies for financial statement (FS) items with
the Manage Global Hierarchies app. The item hierarchies determine the layout of respective reports.
Consolidation Reporting Item X1 Statement of Equity All reporting items that be
long to statement of changes
in equity.
If you have created or changed any FS items and want to update the above listed FS item hierarchies, you can
proceed as follows:
1. In the app, select Consolidation Financial Statement Item in the Type field.
To edit the item hierarchies X1, X2, X3, X4, or X5, select Consolidation Reporting Item as the hierarchy
type. These item hierarchies contain the FS items with Reporting Item as their item type. See FS Item
Type [page 42] for more information.
2. Select an existing hierarchy in the Hierarchy ID field, for example, BS (balance sheet). Choose Go.
3. Choose the item hierarchy from the result list to edit it in the detail screen.
4. Choose Edit.
5. Expand the hierarchy to the relevant node level and perform any following steps as necessary:
• Import a node: Choose Import Nodes from the More menu ( ) to import a node and its contained
subnodes and FS items from another item hierarchy.
• Add a node or FS item: Choose the Add icon ( ) in the last column to open the Add Node dialog and
enter the necessary information, that is, FS item ID, or node ID and description.
• Change a node or FS item: Choose the node or FS item itself to open the Change Node dialog and
replace with a new FS item ID, or node ID and description.
• Delete a node or FS item: Choose the Delete icon ( ) to delete the FS item on the respective row or
choose Delete from the More menu ( ) to delete a node and all FS items it contains.
6. Choose Activate to apply the changes you made to the hierarchy.
Choosing Save will generate a version with In Revision status. The original active version stays
unchanged and continues being used in any relevant reporting structure.
The hierarchies for Consolidation Financial Statement Item and Consolidation Reporting Item don't have
time-dependency, meaning they are valid permanently, hence the noneditable Dates Valid field.
If you want to create an item hierarchy with a new ID, you can use either of the following approaches:
The top node ID (and the parent ID of level-2 nodes) should be same as the ID you specify for the new
8. On the detail screen of your new hierarchy, choose Export/Import Import from Spreadsheet to
import the second spreadsheet to system.
If the spreadsheet you upload exceeds 250 KB, a hierarchy upload job is triggered automatically, and
you can use the Display Hierarchy Upload Jobs app to display detailed logs about the job.
9. Save or activate the new hierarchy, depending on whether you want to use it in reporting structure
• Desktop
Related Information
In SAP S/4HANA, group reporting is integrated with financial accounting (FI). Applications in group reporting
can directly access the documents of the universal journal (table ACDOCA), while some of the accounting
source data fields are converted to group reporting fields.
One prerequisite for the FI integration is that the financial statement (FS) items under the consolidation chart
of accounts and general ledger (G/L) accounts under any relevant G/L chart of accounts need to be mapped,
so that the data posted in financial accounting (FI) can be correctly processed in group reporting. The
mappings also need to be assigned to the relevant consolidation versions and effective periods. For an initial
set-up, you can follow the procedure below to import the SAP delivered mapping between FS items under
consolidation chart of accounts Y1 and G/L chart of accounts YCOA, and assign the mapping to a validity
1. Open the Map FS Items with G/L Accounts app and check if the mapping Y1 revision 01 exists with status
2. If it doesn’t exist, create the mapping Y1/01: Choose Import and upload the file
Financial_Statement_Item_Mapping.xlsx that you can download from the SAP Note 2659656
3. Open the Assign FS Item Mapping app and check if the following assignment exists:
4. If the assignment doesn’t exist, make the assignment by choosing New and entering the values mentioned
in the table above.
If you want to create your own mapping or revise the pre-delivered one, you can use the apps described in the
following sections.
Related Information
With this app, you can display, create, or change financial statement (FS) item mapping revisions, including the
mapping relationships between individual FS items and general ledger (G/L) accounts.
Key Features
• G/L Chart of Accounts, Consolidation Chart of Accounts, Mapping ID, and Revision: A combination of these
values identify a unique FS item mapping revision.
• Status: Each mapping revision can have one of the following statuses:
• Draft: The mapping revision was uploaded using the Import FS Item Mappings app. From there, you
navigated to its detail page, which is part of this app, and made some changes without saving them.
System automatically saves your changed version as a draft and displays in this list.
• Active: The mapping revision is saved.
• Active (With Draft): The mapping revision was saved before. After that, you opened the saved version
and made some changes without saving them. System automatically saves your changed version as a
draft with the same revision ID. When opening a revision with this status, you are editing its latest draft.
Saving it will generate a new active version and overwrite the previous one.
• Assigned: Whether a mapping revision is assigned to an effective period and an FS item mapping version
using the Assign FS Item Mappings app. Note that an assigned revision cannot be deleted.
• Mapped G/L Accounts and Unmapped G/L Accounts: Number of the G/L accounts that are mapped or
not mapped to an FS item. Note that multiple G/L accounts can be assigned to one FS item, not the other
way around.
In the list, you can sort or filter the mapping revisions using the available criteria.
By choosing the arrow icon ( ), you can navigate to the detail page of each mapping revision to view which G/L
accounts are mapped to which FS items.
When assigning FS items to G/L accounts in the Unmapped G/L Accounts tab page, you can check the column
Posting Data Exists. It indicates whether the general ledger (G/L) account has any data posted in the specified
period range. If posting data exists for any G/L account, the Open Document List icon ( ) is displayed for that
G/L account, listing the respective accounting documents, from where you can drill through to more details at
line item level for each document.
You can choose Recheck Posting Data to specify different parameters other than the default ones to check if
any posting data exists, for example, for a different consolidation version or a fiscal year/period range.
If a G/L account already has data posted and released in the Release Universal Journals task, you can't
change or delete its existing mapping with FS items in the mapping revision that has been assigned to the
respective period and version.
• If you want to create a new revision based on a new mapping rather than an existing one, choose Create
Mapping. In the pop-up window, keep the With Revision option selected, select a G/L chart of accounts and
a consolidation chart of accounts, and enter the ID and description for the new mapping and revision.
• If you want to create a revision for an existing mapping, choose Create Revision. In the pop-up window,
select the mapping ID, G/L chart of accounts, and consolidation chart of accounts from the drop-down
lists, and enter the ID and description for the new revision.
• If you only want to create a revision based on an existing revision that has the same mapping ID, G/L chart
of accounts, and consolidation chart of accounts, select that existing revision and choose Copy, then enter
the ID and description for the new revision.
This is particularly useful when a new FS item has been created and you must change the G/L account
mapping to source this new FS item.
After creating the revision, you can go to its detail screen to maintain the mapping relationships between
individual FS items and G/L accounts using the procedure described above.
By choosing Import, you can navigate to the Import/Export FS Item Mappings [page 58] app, where you can
upload a number of mapping revisions into the system all at once.
1. Create an FS item named &NORELEASE. Use the Define FS Items app to create the FS item with the
following attributes:
• FS Item Type: Statistical Item
• Is Blocked For Posting: Yes
2. Map the G/L accounts you want to exclude to the FS item &NORELEASE
Follow-Up Activities
After creating or changing any FS item mapping revision, you may need to adjust its assignment of the effective
period and version. You can do this by selecting a mapping revision and choosing Assign within this app. You
are then brought to the Assign FS Item Mappings to Periods and Versions [page 59] app to complete the
This app contains Web Assistant documentation for key fields and concepts. To display the documentation
while working in the app, press F1 or click the question mark displayed in the app header.
• Desktop
• Tablet
• Smartphone
With the Import FS Item Mappings app, you can maintain or view the mapping between financial statement
(FS) items and general ledger (G/L) accounts using the import and export feature.
By entering a non-existing mapping ID, you can create a new mapping. Optionally, specify a
meaningful mapping name in the Mapping Name column.
• Mapping Revision: Differentiates multiple mapping variants within the same mapping ID.
By entering a non-existing revision ID, you can create a new mapping revision. Optionally, specify a
meaningful revision description in the Revision Description column.
• G/L Chart of Accounts: A classification scheme consisting of a group of G/L accounts. This chart of
accounts is the operative chart of accounts and is used in financial accounting (FI).
• G/L Account: Contains the G/L account number to which the transaction data are posted to record
values during a posting period.
• FS Item: Enter the ID of an existing FS item that you want to map with the G/L account in the same row.
3. In the app, choose Browse... to upload the completed file to the app.
4. Select the relevant rows and choose the Check button to check the data for any errors.
5. After correcting any detected errors according to the hints provided in the Check Message column, choose
the Import button to import the mapping revisions to the system.
6. If necessary, you can choose the arrow icon ( ) on any mapping revision row to navigate to the Map FS
Items with G/L Accounts [page 55] app for further changes.
The export feature in this app is equivalent to that in the Map FS Items with G/L Accounts [page 55] app,
except that it offers the option for including unmapped G/L accounts in the exported list. This can be done
by selecting the With Unmapped G/L Accounts checkbox when downloading the spreadsheet.
Follow-Up Activities
After creating or changing any FS item mapping revision, you may need to adjust its assignment of the effective
period and version. For more information, see Assign FS Item Mappings to Periods and Versions [page 59].
This app contains Web Assistant documentation for key fields and concepts. To display the documentation
while working in the app, press F1 or click the question mark displayed in the app header.
With the Assign FS Item Mappings app, you assign the existing financial statement (FS) item mappings to
consolidation versions and effective periods, so that the mappings between FS items under a consolidation
chart of accounts and general ledger (G/L) accounts under a G/L chart of accounts can be applied to a certain
consolidation version within the specified time frame.
To assign FS item mappings to versions and periods, you must have defined the relevant FS item mappings as
described in the previous help topics.
The assignment to consolidation versions is through the special version FS Item Mapping Version, which is
assigned to various consolidation versions. For more information about special versions, see Customizing
SAP S/4HANA for Group Reporting under Master Data Define Versions .
The SAP pre-delivered mapping Y1 revision 01 is assigned to the FS item mapping version Y10 and a
prolonged effective period. You can change the assignment by following the procedure below.
You can delete an assignment of FS item mapping. In this case, the assignment for its earlier period will apply,
provided that it is assigned to the same FS item mapping version, consolidation chart of accounts, and G/L
chart of accounts.
You deleted the assignment for the period 008/2015 to 012/2016 from the following list:
From Period/ To Period/ FS Item Map Chart of Ac G/L Chart of
Year Year ping Version counts Accounts Mapping ID Revision
The assignment for the earlier period, mapping Y1 and revision 001 take effects for the period 008/2015 to
To Period/Year is not visible in the app. You only need to define the valid-from period, and the system will
help derive the valid-to period.
The assignment of the FS item mapping you are trying to delete may already be used in transactional data.
Please delete assignments with caution.
New Assignment
You can assign an existing mapping revision to a certain effective period and FS item mapping version by
choosing the New button. In the New Assignment dialog box, the consolidation chart of accounts and G/L chart
of accounts are automatically populated after you enter a mapping ID and a revision. You only need to
additionally specify the valid-from year/period and FS item mapping version, then the assignment is created.
Change Assignment
After selecting an assignment row and choosing the Edit button, you can change the assigned mapping ID and
revision for the valid-from period and FS item mapping version.
When changing an assignment, the consolidation chart of accounts and G/L chart of accounts are not editable.
If you want to change them, you need to delete the assignment and create a new one.
This app contains Web Assistant documentation for key fields and concepts. To display the documentation
while working in the app, press F1 or click the question mark displayed in the app header.
More Information
• The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an
app on the SAP Fiori launchpad. The SAP Fiori apps reference library is available here: https://
To see this app’s Fiori content, search for the app. Then select SAP S/4HANA as the product. On the
Implementation Information tab, select the correct release. The details are in the Configuration section.
With this app, you can define the default values for the following characteristics:
• Partner Unit
• Subitem
These default values are used when information is missing for the given characteristic and the use of default
values is permitted. For example, the default subitem for subitem category 1 (Transaction Types) is 915 (Net
Variation). This subitem will be used as default when its value is missing during the real-time update of reported
financial data.
Following the changes to financial statement (FS) items on their assigned breakdown types for
subassignments such as Partner Unit or Subitem, you should check if the existing transaction data is
consistent with the FS item settings.
The FS item 112000 has a breakdown type 1 (Optional breakdown: Initialized value allowed) for Partner
You can identify and correct the inconsistency by using this app.
After specifying the criteria, such as consolidation chart of accounts and fiscal year, choose the Execute
button. The list of inconsistent data records is displayed. Go to the Subassignments tab to enter the missing
values. Or, if the breakdown type was changed to 2 or 3, which allow default values, the values you defined in
the app Maintain Default Values are, or can be used, to solve the inconsistency.
It can be necessary to make manual or automatic postings on the selected financial statement (FS) items, such
as for net income and deferred income tax.
You can post deferred tax in the B/S and in the P&L directly. However, you cannot post annual net income (ANI)
in the balance sheet (B/S) or the profit and loss statement (P&L) directly. These items are posted
automatically based on the deferred tax you posted.
The posting concept with selected FS items is displayed in the following figure:
To specify selected FS items for automatic posting, go to Customizing for SAP S/4HANA for Group Reporting
under Consolidation FS Items Configuration Specify Selected FS Items for Automatic Posting .
You can create your own financial statement (FS) item attributes. They can then be used in selections,
reclassification rules, totals validation rules, and analytics.
You need authorizations for extensibility to create your own FS item attributes.
There are two types of FS item attributes that you can define: attributes that are time- and version-
independent and attributes that are time- and version-dependent. Depending on which of these two options
you choose, you select a specific Business Context when creating a new custom field.
For time- and version-independent attributes, select Consolidation Financial Statement Item for the business
For time- and version-dependent attributes, select Consolidation Financial Statement Item Time/Version
Dependent for the business context.
Custom Field Settings for FS Item Selection Attributes and Target Attributes
You can create time- and version-dependent FS item attributes that can be used like standard selection
attributes or target attributes. To do so, you must make specific selections when defining the custom fields.
You can use the download and upload functions in the List Values section to maintain these
combinations of code values and descriptions in a CSV file, rather than create single entries
Don't forget to Publish your custom fields once you define them. Without publishing the fields, they won't
be visible anywhere for users.
After you’ve defined custom fields, you can maintain FS item attribute value assignments for your custom
attributes with the Define FS Items [page 49] app and the Import Consolidation Master Data [page 90] app.
Define FS Items
In the Define FS Items [page 49] app, you can add your custom fields to the UI on the Financial Statement Item
Details screen, which you can access by selecting an entry in the table. With these fields on the UI, you can then
assign your newly defined attribute values to FS items. You can add these fields with the Adapt UI option in the
user actions menu.
You must have extensibility authorizations to adapt the UI and add custom fields. Any UI adjustment will be
visible to every user of the app.
On the main screen of the Define FS Items [page 49] app, you can add filters for your custom FS item attributes
with Adapt Filters. Also, you can add columns to the table of FS items in the table’s Settings. By doing so, you
can filter for FS items that have been assigned with your custom FS item attributes and see these assignments
in the table.
Anyone can adjust the filters and columns on the main screen of the Define FS Items [page 49] app for their
individual use. However, only a user with special authorizations can adjust the filters and columns and then
save the result centrally as a public view. The adjustments then appear for all users.
For custom defined FS item target attributes, two columns appear in the spreadsheet: one for the
consolidation chart of accounts (COA) and one for the target FS item. The values in the consolidation COA
column must be the same as the consolidation COA in the Mandatory Filter Values section of the
spreadsheet. If not, this will result in check errors later, and the entries won’t be able to be imported.
On the Import FS Items screen after uploading the master data from the spreadsheet, you can add filters for
your custom FS item attributes with Adapt Filters. Also, you can add columns to the table of FS items in the
table’s Settings. By doing this, you can filter for FS items that have been assigned with your custom FS item
attributes and see these assignments in the table.
Anyone can adjust the filters and columns on the Import FS Items screen of the Import Consolidation
Master Data [page 90] app for their individual use. However, only a user with administrator authorizations
can adjust the filters and columns and then save the result centrally as a public view. The adjustments then
appear for all users.
Before you can display and filter your custom FS item attributes on the Import FS Items screen of the
Import Consolidation Master Data [page 90] app, you must first enable the usage of data source
FINCS_MD_XLSX_SRV in the UIs and Reports tab when defining the custom field.
After assigning the attribute values to FS items, you can use your custom FS item attributes in the following
Only custom FS attributes that are time- and version-independent can be used in analytics.
Related Information
An ad hoc item is an item that is created on an ad hoc basis as it is required. It facilitates the naming, collection,
and reporting of a set of values that are supplemental to the modeled data.
The Define Ad Hoc Items app is not yet in productive use. You can define ad hoc items, but these items can’t
be used in other apps. For more information and to get early updates about changes in the productive
availability of ad hoc items, please see Define Ad Hoc Items.
Ad hoc items allow you to select and display data collected from your consolidation units in SAP S/4HANA and
SAP Analytics Cloud. When you use an ad hoc item, data values are still stored in the Group Journal Entries
(ACDOCU) table.
If the dimension combination you want to collect data for does not yet exist, you can define ad hoc items using
the Define Ad Hoc Items app in SAP Group Reporting Data Collection.
Subitem and subitem category are subassignments for financial statement (FS) items. Both characteristics are
in a compound with each other. The subitem is dependent on the subitem category. The subitem category
classifies the subitems.
The subitem category enables you to classify your subitems, which are needed for the subassignment of FS
A subitem category is assigned to the relevant FS items via breakdown categories. This also applies to
• Transaction Types
• Functional areas
Subitems are predefined for each subitem category that is provided with the delivered content.
Neither the subitems nor the subitem categories are dependent on the consolidation chart of accounts.
To define subitem categories, go to Customizing for SAP S/4HANA for Group Reporting under Master Data
Define Subitem Categories and Subitems
Subitems are used to further breakdown the values recorded on financial statement (FS) items with
transaction types or functional areas. For example, transaction type 900 (opening balance) is used for balance
In the breakdown category, you specify which subitems must be used. The subitem category is fixed to 1
(Transaction Types) or 2 (Functional Area) in breakdown category. Furthermore, you can to specify a range of
subitems by defining the maximum selection. For more information, see Breakdown Categories [page 47].
Subitems defined in subitem category 1 (Transaction Type) share the following selected subitems::
The breakdown category 1B00 is assigned to FS item 111100. This breakdown category has two
When you post journal entries using FS item 111100, the subitem 915 is automatically selected. If you don’t
want to use the default value, you can change the subitem to one of the allowed subitems.
To define subitems, go to Customizing for SAP S/4HANA for Group Reporting under Master Data Define
Subitem Categories and Subitems .
To display all subitems and their details, such as subitem category, carry forward to subitem, and acquisition
subitem, go to the Subitems List app.
A consolidation version identifies a separate data area in the consolidation database. Versions make it possible
to consolidate different sets of financial data or consolidate in different group currencies. For example, you
might have separate parallel versions to fulfill different reporting needs, such as actuals data for publishing
official reports, and planning and forecast data for internal evaluation.
You can change any settings for the preset versions by using the Define Versions configuration step. However,
to create a new version, you need to first copy from an existing version by using the Create Version from
Reference Version configuration step and then modify the settings of the new version.
With the new group reporting logic, you now assign the group currency and source ledger in the Define
Versions configuration step.
If the new group reporting logic is active, the following version types are available:
• Standard version:
The standard version is a version that does not have a reference version. It leads the process run and the
task status for the standard version also applies to the versions that reference it. A standard version can
store data in local currency (LC), group currency (GC), transaction currency (TC), and quantity (QTY).
• Group currency extension version:
The group currency extension version has a reference version but it has a different group currency than the
reference version. This reference version must be a standard version. The group currency extension
version can only store data in group currency.
• Extension version:
The extension version has a reference version but it has the same group currency as the reference version.
It, for example, translates financial data using a different translation approach, such as using budget rates.
This reference version can be a standard version or an extension version. From a technical perspective, it
carries only the delta amount to the reference version. The extension version can only store data in group
The reference version specifies the source version for the local currency, transaction currency, and quantities.
It also specifies the version that initiates the task run.
In this example, you want to consolidate financial statements in currencies EUR, USD, and CNY. The GC
extension versions Y12 and Y13 use the reference version Y11, where local currency values are stored.
Additionally, you want to consolidate financial statements in EUR using the exchange rate from the budget.
In this case, Y14 is an extension version. The GC extension versions and the extension version are run
synchronously with the standard version.
Note that you can only assign one group currency to one version and the tax rate needs to be the same for
related version types.
You can assign a source ledger to the version, which you use to select the ledger from accounting to read
accounting documents.
If you do not select a fiscal year variant (FYV), the system uses K4 as the FYV if necessary. If you have
selected an FYV, do not change it again, because the periods are stored in system tables and are not
changed if you change the FYV. You must assign the same FY variant to all versions that have the same
special versions with reference to time-dependent settings, for example, for attributes, data entry, or tax
rate. You also need to assign the same fiscal year variant to the standard version and the extension version
that refer to the standard version.
SAP recommends that you use the same FYV in all versions. Do not use the FYV to define various valid
periods in different versions related to each other. This would significantly increase the complexity of your
comparison reporting and other system tasks (for example, data copy). You should, for example, use the
same FYV (here, with 12 periods) for monthly (management) reporting and for quarterly financial reporting.
The following special versions are applicable for the new and old reporting logic:
• Structure: Controls the assignment of consolidation units to consolidation groups as well as consolidation
relevant settings for consolidation units, such as the period of the first consolidation, the period of the
divestiture, and the consolidation method.
• Exchange Rates: Controls the assignment of exchange rate type to exchange rate indicator.
• FS Item Attribute: Controls the time and version dependency of FS item attributes.
• Reporting Rules: Controls the assignment of reporting rule variants to consolidation version. For more
information, see Assign Reporting Rules to Versions [page 131].
• FS Group Items: Controls the mapping relationship between financial statement (FS) items and general
ledger accounts. For more information, see Assign FS Item Mappings to Periods and Versions [page 59].
The following special version are applicable for the new reporting logic only:
The following special version are applicable for the old reporting logic only:
• Data Entry: Acts on data transfer method, flexible upload method, and validation method.
• Tax Rate: Determines the tax rate of consolidation units.
• Ledger: Controls the assignment of ledger and currency to consolidation groups.
• Translation Method: Controls the assignment of translation method to consolidation unit.
• Reclassification: Controls the assignment of method and document type to task.
The assignment of special versions enables reuse of the maintained settings among different consolidation
versions, that is, you only need to enter the control parameters once in special versions and assign the special
versions to consolidation versions. For example, consolidation versions for actuals data and planning data can
share all special version settings except that for Exchange Rates. In this case, you can assign different Exchange
Rates special versions but different special versions to each consolidation version. When you perform a task in
a consolidation version, the system reads the special versions that are relevant for that task and that are
assigned to that consolidation version.
Multiple template consolidation versions are preset in the system, such as actuals (Y10 and Y20), budget
(YB*), year-end forecast (YF*), and actuals using budget exchange rates (Y11 and actuals using simulated
exchange rates (Y12).
For the new reporting logic, the standard version and the related extension versions must have the same
special version for the structure, reclassification and elimination, FS item attributes, reporting rules, FS group
items, fiscal year variant, and source ledger.
For the new reporting logic, the standard version and the related extension versions must have the following
identical attribute values:
The version stack comprises a group of consolidation versions that are linked together by each of their
respective reference version settings. Each version in a version stack represents a different view of the
consolidation financial statements, and these views correspond to specific scenarios.
In a version stack, there’s one standard version and any number of extension versions that are linked to the
standard version. These extension versions can also be group currency (GC) extension versions.
This link to the standard version can be either direct or indirect. A direct link is where the standard version is
the reference version of an extension version. An indirect link is where an extension version is the reference
version of another extension version. These indirect links eventually lead to the same standard version, since
the first extension version is created using the standard version as a reference version.
The following graphic illustrates a version stack with extension versions that link to the standard version
directly and indirectly.
In a version stack, you combine a standard version and one or more extension versions to produce different
views of the consolidation financial statements. Each of these views corresponds to a different scenario, such
as Multiple Group Currencies [page 134] or Restatement and Simulation [page 545].
You can have a version stack that contains a standard version for standard consolidation in EUR. Then, you
can add to the version stack a GC extension version for consolidation in USD. Next, you can add an
extension version to consolidate using budget rates. Lastly, you add another extension version to restate
the consolidation financial statements in the standard version according to a new accounting standard.
This produces a version stack with one standard version, a GC extension version, and two extension
versions. Each of the versions in the stack represents a different view of the consolidation financial
statements for a unique scenario.
To do certain activities in group reporting, some settings must be consistent across all versions in a version
stack. Consistency checks verify the consistency of these settings for version attributes as well as attributes of
other entities, such as consolidation unit and document type.
The setting for the option Use Planned Data Integration must be consistent across the version stack. For
example, you can't copy a version with the option Use Planned Data Integration selected into a version stack
where none of the versions have this option selected.
Here are some examples of consistency checks for attributes of other entities:
The settings for the deviating fiscal year variant (FYV) of a consolidation unit must be consistent across the
version stack. The system uses the FYV in many instances when processing data, such as selecting
exchange rates in the currency translation. So, if the settings for the deviating FYV are inconsistent, this
could lead to inconsistencies when processing data.
You can adjust the settings for the deviating FYV of a consolidation unit in the Define Consolidation Units
[page 15] app.
The automatic reversal settings of a document type must be consistent across the version stack. Different
automatic reversal settings result in inconsistent data in the different versions that are processed together.
For example, if you posted a manual journal entry in multiple versions, the bundled documents would be
inconsistently reversed (or not reversed) if the automatic reversal settings were not identical in the different
Related Information
With the introduction of a new architecture/reporting logic, the consolidation ledger is only applicable to a
SAP S/4HANA Finance for group reporting release earlier than 2020 or if you have not activated the new
reporting logic. With the new group reporting logic, the assignment of group currency and source ledger is
now done in the version definition. To activate the new reporting logic, please create an incident with the
FIN-CS-COR component.
• Defining the group currency. Currency of the ledger determines the currency of the financial data of the
consolidation groups (CGs) in the ledger report. If you want to consolidate in different currencies, you need
a separate ledger for each group currency. You assign a different ledger to the group for each version. In
one version, all consolidation groups should be assigned to the same ledger. You need to change the global
parameters before you adjust the ledger of the consolidation group.
• Defining the valuation. With the FI accounting integration, an accounting reference ledger is assigned to a
consolidation ledger. The reference ledger specifies the source ledger of the universal journal on the FI
accounting side. The integrated values are taken from the reference ledger.
SAP delivers ledger Y1 with the currency EUR and Y2 with the currency USD.
1. A special version
Ledger does not have any status control in Data Monitor or Consolidation Monitor, which means processes
cannot be tracked or controlled based on ledger. Instead, a dedicated version is required. As a general
recommendation, you should create at least one version for each consolidation ledger to control the
process for this ledger, such as its group currency and valuation.
2. Ledger attribute in the consolidation group master data
When creating your own ledgers, make sure to use the prefix C to follow the naming convention.
3. In the consolidation group master data, under the context of the same consolidation version, assign the
ledger you defined in step 2 to the relevant consolidation groups.
4. In the consolidation unit master data, choose Go to Fiscal Year Variant to assign the Sender Group
Currency (and the fiscal year variant) to the ledger. By doing so, the group currency data in the universal
journal can be transferred.
Note that later on, in any apps or reports such as the Set Global Parameters app, where a version, consolidation
group currency, and ledger are required, you need to enter the parameters consistently according to the
settings above. Otherwise, some of the data listings might display meaningless results.
Document type identifies the type and source of data, for example, reported data is stored on different
document types than elimination data. Document types can be used in various consolidation settings, tasks,
and reports.
Document types have various attributes assigned, including data sources (manual or automatic posting, file
upload, or API), posting levels, deferred income tax handling, automatic reversal, and currencies to be used in
posting. SAP Best Practices pre-delivers the following document types:
0B Consolidation LC/GC/TC/ No No No
of investment Quantity
control data
ardizing, defer
red tax (10)
ardizing, defer
red tax, auto
matic reversal
Manual stand LC/TC Yes No No
ardizing (10)
ardizing, auto
matic reversal
ardizing, defer
red tax (10)
ardizing, defer
red tax, auto
matic reversal
ardizing (10)
ardizing, auto
matic reversal
tion correction
for interunit
payables and
tion correction
for interunit
payables and
32 Manual consoli GC - No No
dation adjust
ments (30)
33 Consolidation GC - No No
of investment
manual adjust
ment, no rever
sal (30)
06 Rounding in LC/GC/TC No No No
currency trans
lation (00)
group changes
1C Automatic GC Yes No No
group changes
nation of bal
ance sheet (20)
group changes
3A Investments/ GC Yes No No
equity elimina
tion (30)
3B Consolidation GC Yes No No
of investment
automatic post
ing (30)
0G Consolidation LC/GC/TC/ No No No
of investment Quantity
control data
The numbers in parenthesis denote the posting level for each document type. Posting levels enable you to
distinguish posting entry types and select data accordingly. Posting levels are predefined by SAP as follows:
Document types with this posting level should not use the automatic reversal option.
Defining your own posting levels is not supported in the current release.
When the document types are defined with auto reversal in the subsequent year, the reversal documents
are created during balance carryforward.
To create your own document types and define their attributes, go to Customizing for SAP S/4HANA for Group
Reporting under Master Data Define Document Types .
SAP-delivered document types have been assigned to the respective monitor tasks. Selections
A selection groups a range of consolidation master data, typically the financial statement (FS) items, by using
various filter criteria. The defined selections can then be reused in consolidation-related settings, such as
validation rules, reclassification methods, currency translation (CT) methods, and breakdown categories.
Validation Rules
When defining data validation rules, you can use selections to restrict the dataset that the rule is applicable to.
For more information, see Define Validation Rules [page 99].
Reclassification Methods
When defining reclassification methods using the Customizing for SAP S/4HANA for Group Reporting under
Reclassification Define Reclassification Methods , selections can be used in the following settings:
• Selection for Trigger: The selection that triggers reclassification from the source account assignment to the
destination account assignment.
• Selection for Percentage: The selection that the system uses when selecting transaction data for
determining the percentage for reclassification. If you assign a selection for the Trigger and the Percentage
tab, both selections must use the same fields. For example, if the trigger selection includes the Document
Type field, the percentage selection must also include the Document Type field. An exception to this is
when a field is not needed to select data in one of the two selections. For example, in the Selection for
Percentage, you use the BaseUnit field, but in the Selection for Trigger, you don't need to select data with
BaseUnit. You then don't need to include theBaseUnit field in the Selection for Trigger.
CT Methods
When defining CT methods using the Customizing for SAP S/4HANA for Group Reporting under Currency
Translation for Consolidation Define Currency Translation Methods , on the method entry level, you can
• Exchange Rate Indicator: Determines the exchange rate to be used in CT, either monthly average rate (AVG)
or monthly closing rate (CLO).
• Translation Key: Controls whether cumulative values are translated at the rate for current period or
periodic values are translated at the rates for their respective periods.
• How translation and rounding differences are posted.
Breakdown Categories
When defining breakdown categories using the Customizing for SAP S/4HANA for Group Reporting under
Master Data Define Breakdown Categories , selections can be used to group a range of subitems or
partner units in the Max. Selection.
The selection S-BC-TT-02 contains only the standard subitems for transaction types for transferred
assets. You can set this selection as the maximum selection for a breakdown category, so that the FS items
assigned with this breakdown category will not exceed the range of the allowed subitems.
Related Information
With this app, you define selections that consist of one or more filters for restricting the data range for relevant
master data fields, for example, financial statement (FS) items, subitems, document types, and posting levels.
In the prior release, selections were maintained using the Customizing activity Define Selections. Starting
from SAP S/4HANA 1909, you can define selections using the Define Selections Fiori app with enhanced
functionalities and more user-friendly interfaces. All selections you defined in prior releases have been
migrated to this app during your system upgrade.
Create Selection
When creating selections, you first enter a selection ID and a short description, and then set the filter fields in
the Selection Expression section as follows:
1. In the Field column, select a master data type whose values you want to restrict. Depending on the master
data type you select, value range, hierarchy node, or attribute can be used as a criterion.
2. In the Operator column, first select Include or Exclude, then a comparison operator such as Equal to
or Greater than.
3. In the Value column, specify a value range, an attribute value or a hierarchy node depending on your choice
in step 1.
Important Considerations
• Using multiple filters for a same field: Multiple filters for a same field have an OR logic between each
other, provided they all use the same Include or Exclude operator. However, if both Include and
Exclude operators are used in different filters for the same field, the AND logic is applied. For example, the
following selection expression restricts to the dataset whose document type ID is either within the scope of
00~1Z or equal to 2H, but excluding 0F:
ConsolidationDocumentType Incl.Equal to 2H
ConsolidationDocumentType Excl.Equal to 0F
The logic is shown more clearly if you choose the Selection Condition Details button to convert the filter
conditions to SQL WHERE clauses:
Sample Code
This logic also applies if for a same field, you define filters using both value range and hierarchy node (and
attribute for some fields such as FinancialStementmentItem). For example, the following selection
expression restricts to the dataset whose consolidation unit ID is either under the unit hierarchy REGION/
ASIA or equal to 1000, but not within the scope 2010~2200:
• Using filters for different fields: Filters for different fields have an AND logic between each other. For
example, the following selection expression restricts to the dataset that meets the both requirements:
partner unit ID falls within the scope of 0~ZZZZZZ and subitem ID within 901~998:
• Using hierarchy node: For the master data types that have hierarchies enabled and maintained, you can
use Hierarchy Node to restrict their values.
Some hierarchies, for example those for consolidation unit, profit center, and segment, have time
dependency, meaning they are valid within the periods you specify in the Manage Global Hierarchies app.
When defining a selection using Hierarchy Node for these master data types, you additionally need to
specify a Valid From/To timeframe so that the system retrieves the corresponding hierarchy nodes.
Note that when using the selection at run time, for example, when executing validation, reclassification, or
currency translation, the selected hierarchy node selects master data in the hierarchy that is valid for the
execution period/year.
• Using superordinate field: The following fields have superordinate fields:
When defining filters using Hierarchy Node for a field that has a superordinate field, you need to specify the
value for the superordinate field. However, the superordinate field value doesn't act as an additional filter
criterion unless you explicitly add a filter row using the superordinate field in Selection Expression.
For example, if you specify a hierarchy node for FS item by using FinancialStatementItem Hierarchy
Node , you are prompted to choose an FS item hierarchy node from a consolidation COA. If you choose
the hierarchy Y1/BS in Consolidation COA/FS Item Hierarchy and then the node TAC000 (Current assets)
underneath Y1/BS, the consolidation COA Y1 merely acts as a selection criterion for locating the right
hierarchy node, but does not restrict the data for the whole selection expression. That is, the following
selection expression doesn't restrict FS items to those only belong to consolidation COA Y1:
• Using operator Between: Numeric and alphanumeric value ranges need to be defined in separate filter
rows if you use the Between. For example, to include all 6-character FS items that start with 1, you need to
define the following two filter rows:
• FinancialStatementItem Between 100000 And 199999
• FinancialStatementItem Between 10000A And 1ZZZZZ
Or you can simply use the operator Like, that is, FinancialStatementItem Like 1*.
• Custom fields supported: When defining selections, you can also include custom fields that are created by
using the Custom Fields and Logic app. The selections defined with custom fields are supported in
reclassification and data validation settings and tasks. For more information about extensibility in Group
Reporting, see Custom Field Extensibility [page 559].
You can make changes to existing selections or you can copy an existing selection to create a similar one with a
new selection ID.
After a selection is created, you can choose to save the selection as a draft or an active version. For an active
selection, you can choose to deactivate it as long as it's not being used in any configuration or settings, such as
validation rules, breakdown categories, currency translation methods, and reclassification methods.
• Draft: The selection is saved as a draft version. It cannot be used in any configuration or settings, and can
be deleted.
• Active: The selection is saved as an active version. It can be used in any relevant configuration and settings.
Active selections cannot be deleted.
• Inactive: The selection was active and is now deactivated. Note that the selections that have been used in
any configuration or settings cannot be set to inactive.
You can also choose Mass Activation to schedule background jobs to activate your selections in bulk
immediately or at a later point in time.
After editing a selection expression, you can view the filtered values by choosing Show Value List.
The value list displays the fields and their values, such as FS items, that meet the criteria you specified for the
current selection. When the Show Details checkbox is selected, values are listed under Include and Exclude
sections respectively by each master data type. When the checkbox is deselected, only the values that meet
the defined filter conditions for each field are listed.
If a selection contains filters for hierarchy-type fields and the relevant hierarchies are time-dependent
(such as consolidation unit hierarchy), you additionally need to specify a validity date so that the system
retrieves the valid hierarchies.
This app contains Web Assistant documentation for key fields and concepts. To display the documentation
while working in the app, press F1 or click the question mark displayed in the app header.
• Desktop
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• Smartphone
In addition to the master data described in previous sections, there are additional master data types that are
maintained for consolidation use only, such as business area, segment, profit center, and customer group.
These master data are sometimes referred to as Additional Characteristics.
The master data used in SAP S/4HANA Finance for group reporting uses accounting and group reporting
master data values. Master data values for accounting can automatically be used in group reporting, if
integrated with financial accounting. Master data values that do not exist in accounting, because certain parts
of the data are not reflected in SAP S/4HANA, can be maintained as additional master data values in group
reporting. If you maintain the master data values in group reporting instead of accounting, you don’t have to
specify detailed settings for accounting.
With this app, you can define additional master data for use in consolidation, such as segment, profit center,
and customer group as well as view the master data for these fields that are available from accounting. This
allows you to support the consolidation process and produce more insightful analysis reports.
You have defined the master data fields to be used in consolidation by using the configuration activity Define
Consolidation Master Data Fields.
The links to the Manage Global Hierarchies app are context-sensitive. This means that when you click on a
link for a certain master data type, you're directed to a page in the Manage Global Hierarchies app that's
already filtered for the corresponding master data type in consolidation. For example, if you click the link for
the master data type Functional Area, then the resulting page in Manage Global Hierarchies only lists the
hierarchies specific to Consolidation Functional Area. Also, if you create a new hierarchy from this page, the
only available hierarchy type to select is Consolidation Functional Area.
These links only appear for master data types for which you've selected Enable Hierarchy in the
configuration activity Define Consolidation Master Data Fields.
More Information
• The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an
app on the SAP Fiori launchpad. The SAP Fiori apps reference library is available here: https://
To see this app’s Fiori content, search for the app. Then select SAP S/4HANA as the product. On the
Implementation Information tab, select the correct release. The details are in the Configuration section.
• Desktop
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• Smartphone
With this app you can import consolidation-related master data entries into the consolidation system. You can
download a template file or a file with existing master data, enter or change the master data, and upload the
completed file back to the app. You can then import the validated master data into the database.
• Consolidation Group Structure: You can upload and download assignments of consolidation units to
consolidation groups, including consolidation group specific settings of these assignments, such as
consolidation method, fiscal year and period of first consolidation, and fiscal year and period of divestiture.
This master data is alternatively maintained in the Manage Group Structure apps.
• Consolidation Unit: You can upload and download consolidation unit master data that are alternatively
maintained in the respective master data app.
If your system was migrated from the old to the new reporting logic,
• you upload and download old consolidation unit master data by selecting a fiscal year in your
global parameters that is before the from year of the new reporting logic. This upload can only be
used for fiscal years before the from year of the new reporting logic.
• you upload and download new consolidation unit master data by selecting a fiscal year in your
global parameters that is later than or equal to the from year of the new reporting logic. This
upload can be used for any fiscal year.
• Financial Statement (FS) Items: You can upload and download financial statement items (FS) including all
their master data attributes that are alternatively maintained in the Define FS Items app.
The consolidation group structure import function is only available with the New Group Reporting Logic
activated in the Customizing for SAP S/4HANA for Group Reporting Check Global System Settings. This
logic is activated by default when working with the SAP S/4HANA 1909 release or later releases. If you are
working with a release earlier than 1909, it is possible to activate the new group reporting logic. Please
create an incident with the FIN-CS-COR component to activate the new reporting logic.
To import other master data types, such as account number, chart of accounts, cost center, functional
area, profit center, segment for segmental reporting, and transaction type, use the Import Master Data for
Consolidation Fields [page 93] app.
In the settings, you can add or delete columns to and from the table. The changes are not saved automatically.
When you open the app in a new session, the standard view is displayed. If you want to keep the changed
1. To import consolidation master data, you need to upload a source file. You can download a file template for
the master data type you want to import. Choose Action Download Template .
You can also download a file with existing master data. To do so, choose Action Download Master
Data . Enter values for all mandatory filters and use optional filters if required. Then choose Download.
FS item selection attribute and target attribute value assignments are time- and version-dependent.
The Consolidation Version and Effective Fiscal Year and Period filters are added to the download option
for financial statement master data types. The uploaded time- and version-dependent attributes are
then loaded into a single FS item attribute version and are valid as-of the selected fiscal year and
period. For more information, see Time- and Version-Dependency [page 45].
2. Fill out the source file or make changes to the existing master data in the file.
3. Upload the completed file to the app.
For upload errors, see the Status Detail column. To correct upload errors, you can download the master
data with the status details. That way, you can see the cause of the errors and change the data
accordingly. After you correct the errors, upload the file again.
4. Choose Check All to verify all the uploaded entries from the file. Alternatively, you can also select individual
rows and choose Check Selected to verify only the selection of entries. Rows with the status To Be Checked
have not been checked yet.
Check All checks all entries uploaded from the file, even if they're not visible on the UI.
If you've uploaded a large quantity of entries, such as anything over 1,000, the UI may only show the
first few rows of entries until you scroll down. Only once you scroll to the bottom, more entries will
appear. However, Check All checks all uploaded entries, including ones not yet appearing on the UI.
5. For check errors or warnings, see the Status Detail column. Rows containing errors cannot be imported.
Change the data accordingly and upload and check again. Rows containing warnings can be imported.
For Consolidation Group Structure, conflicting entries in the database are deleted if the rows contain
6. Finally, choose Import All to import the data of all entries into the master data tables. Alternatively, you can
select individual rows and choose Import Selected to import only the selected entries.
Both Import All and Import Selected can be executed without previously checking entries with Check All or
Check Selected. This is because the import also checks the entries to be imported and only imports entries
which pass this check successfully. Entries that result in check errors can't be imported and are set to
status Checked with Errors immediately. Entries which result in check warnings are set to status Checked
with Warnings but can be imported upon special request in the import pop-up. They are then set to status
Status overview:
• To Be Checked: Data is uploaded but not checked. Data can be checked or imported directly.
• Upload Errors: Data is not uploaded, because, for example, the entry format is incorrect or the maximum
field length is exceeded. Data cannot be checked or imported but must be adjusted in the source file.
• Checked Successfully: Only guarantees that the status is technically correct and consistent. It does not
check consistency problems with existing consolidation master data.
• Checked with Warnings: Check the status details and adjust if necessary. If you want, you can import the
data ignoring the warning.
• Checked with Errors: Check the status details for the reason for the errors. The status can have various
reasons. Before you check the data again or import the data, the error must be resolved.
You can add or delete filters to and from the filter bar. Some filters are set by default. The filter changes are not
saved automatically. When you open the app in a new session, the default filters are displayed. If you want to
keep the changed filter options, you have to save the layout as a new view. To do so, choose the dropdown list
for your views and select Save or Save As.
To download only certain master data records, for example, only records with status Checked with Errors,
select the respective filter, select the select all checkbox, and download the file.
This app contains Web Assistant documentation for key fields and concepts. To display the documentation
while working in the app, press F1 or click the question mark displayed in the app header.
• Desktop
• Tablet
• Smartphone
The master data types marked as Enable Master Data in Customizing for SAP S/4HANA for Group Reporting
under Master Data Define Consolidation Master Data Fields are available for importing their data in this
app, for example, cost center, controlling area.
These master data types are sometimes referred to as Additional Characteristics. The master data
maintained for them are for consolidation use only.
The following master data types are available for importing their data in this app:
These master data types are sometimes referred to as Additional Characteristics. The master data
maintained for them are for consolidation use only.
1. In the app, download a template for your selected master data type.
When downloading a template, if you choose the With Existing Master Data option, a complete master
data list is exported. You can always export the existing master data in this way.
2. In the downloaded file, select the master data type from the drop-down list of the Master Data Type ID
3. Add a new master data ID, its superordinate field value if necessary, and the master data description (or
change the existing ones if you chose the With Existing Master Data option). Note that whether a
superordinate field value is required depends on your settings in the Customizing activity.
You want to add a cost center PROD0006 under controlling area CN02.
Check All checks all entries uploaded from the file, even if they're not visible on the UI.
If you've uploaded a large quantity of entries, such as anything over 1,000, the UI may only show the
first few rows of entries until you scroll down. Only once you scroll to the bottom, more entries will
appear. However, Check All checks all uploaded entries, including ones not yet appearing on the UI.
6. In case of errors, choose Show Log to see error details and correct the errors directly in the app.
7. Finally, choose Import All to import the data of all entries into the master data tables. Alternatively, you can
select individual rows and choose Import Selected to import only the selected entries.
Both Import All and Import Selected can be executed without previously checking entries with Check All or
Check Selected. This is because the import also checks the entries to be imported and only imports entries
which pass this check successfully. Entries that don't pass this check are set to the status Import Failed.
Check All and Import All can securely check and import up to 100,000 entries. However, checking and
importing even more entries may still be possible with these options, although with an increased waiting
This app contains Web Assistant documentation for key fields and concepts. To display the documentation
while working in the app, press F1 or click the question mark displayed in the app header.
More Information
• The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an
app on the SAP Fiori launchpad. The SAP Fiori apps reference library is available here: https://
To see this app’s Fiori content, search for the app. Then select SAP S/4HANA as the product. On the
Implementation Information tab, select the correct release. The details are in the Configuration section.
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For master data types that have hierarchy enabled, you can edit their hierarchies with the Manage Global
Hierarchies app. The hierarchies determine the layout of respective reports.
• You have set the relevant hierarchical master data types to Enable Hierarchy in Customizing for SAP S/
4HANA for Group Reporting under Master Data Define Consolidation Master Data Fields , such as for
segment and profit center. These master data types are therefore listed as available hierarchy types in the
Manage Global Hierarchies app, with the prefix Consolidation, for example Consolidation Segment and
Consolidation Profit Center.
• You have maintained the master data for the master data types you want to define hierarchies in the Define
Master Data for Consolidation Fields [page 88] app.
Change Hierarchies
If you want to change the hierarchical relationship of any master data type, you can proceed as follows:
Choosing Save will generate a version with In Revision status. The original active version stays
unchanged and continues being used in any relevant reporting structure.
Create Hierarchies
If you want to create a hierarchy with a new ID, you can use the copy feature as follows:
1. Open one of the existing hierarchies that resembles the most what you want to create.
2. On the detail screen, choose Copy To New Hierarchy .
You can also choose Copy To New Timeframe to create a hierarchy version with a different
effective period and the same hierarchy ID. The timeframe acts as an identifier for each hierarchy
version and they must not overlap with each other. Afterwards, you can edit the individual hierarchy
versions and activate them.
3. In the dialog, enter an hierarchy ID, description, valid-from date, and valid-to date, and choose Copy.
4. The new hierarchy is created. You can proceed editing the hierarchy as described above.
Or, you can create a hierarchy for your selected master data type from scratch by choosing Create on the
initial screen of the app and following a similar procedure described above.
The defined hierarchies can be used in the follow-on activities, such as:
• Customizing the layout of analytical reports. For more information, see Group Data Analysis [page 522]
Related Information
The fiscal year variant (FYV) is used to define periods, such as the number of periods in a year, period texts,
and period definitions.
• Translate periods into a calendar date to determine the values for a selection that is specified based on
time-dependent hierarchies.
• Translate periods into a calendar date to determine exchange rates.
• Translate periods into a calendar date to select accounting documents, with their posting dates, when you
release accounting documents.
Release task and drill down Accounting documents are When you release docu When you release docu
to G/L documents* selected using the range of ments for period 1, account ments for period 1, account
posting dates that corre ing documents from January ing documents from July 1st
spond to the fiscal year/ 1st to January 31st are se to July 31st are selected.
period in which the task is lected.
Group structure When a consolidation unit is If the FYV contains 12 normal If the FYV contains 12 normal
divested, the period of the
periods and no special peri periods and no special peri
end of the assignment is de
ods, the period of the end of ods, the period of the end of
rived from the last period of
the FYV. the assignment is period 12. the assignment is period 12.
Selections and consuming When the selection is defined When a selection is used in When a selection is used in
functions with a time-dependent hier period 1, the hierarchy valid period 1, the hierarchy valid
archy node, the hierarchy is on January 31st is used to on July 31st is used to deter
selected using the FYV. determine the values for the mine the values for the selec
selection. tion.
Intercompany Matching and Documents are selected us When G/L documents are When G/L documents are
Reconciliation (ICMR) ing the range of posting read for intercompany recon read for intercompany recon
dates based on the FYV. ciliation, accounting docu ciliation, accounting docu
ments from January 1st to ments from July 1st to July
Note January 31st are selected. 31st are selected.
Currency Translation* Exchange rates are selected When you run the currency When you run the currency
according to the validity date translation task in period 1, translation task in period 1,
that corresponds to the pe the exchange rate that is the exchange rate that is
riod/year of execution. valid on January 31st is used. valid on July 31st is used.
Group Reports In the report prompt, the In the prompts, the text for In the prompts, the text for
texts for the period in the the period displays January the period displays July for
value lists use the FYV that is for period 1. period 1.
assigned to the consolidation
version. Texts are adjusted if
you switch the selected con
solidation version.
*These functions use the FYV that is assigned to the consolidation unit. If no FYV is assigned to the
consolidation unit, the function uses the FYV that is assigned to the consolidation version. If no FYV is selected
for the consolidation version or the consolidation unit, the system uses K4 as the FYV.
Only assign an FYV to a consolidation unit if the consolidation unit needs a different FYV than the FYV that
is assigned to the consolidation version. For example, you might want to include your financial data in the
group statement with shifted dates because your local reporting period differs from the corporate reporting
To make sure all consolidation-related tasks and reports work well, you need to complete some settings using
the apps and procedures described in this section.
To run data validation, you need to make the relevant validation settings, including defining validation rules and
validation methods, and assigning validation methods to consolidation groups (CGs) and units (CUs).
• Set up everything in a quality system and export the tested settings to a spreadsheet via the Import/Export
Validation Settings app. Then import the settings to your production system using the same spreadsheet
and app. After being activated, the imported rules and methods are ready for validation run.
• Define them directly in your production system. It saves the effort of import and export.
Afterwards, the method assignment to CGs and CUs has to be done using the Assign Validation Methods app in
the production system.
When all validation settings are complete, you can run validation tasks in one of the following ways:
• By scheduling data validation jobs in the Schedule Jobs for Consolidation Tasks
• Through the respective validation task in Data Monitor or Consolidation Monitor
• Using the relevant Manage Data Validation Tasks as described in Data Validation [page 207].
With this app, you define validation rules that contain the logical conditions the relevant financial data should
fulfill. The defined validation rules can be used to verify reported data, standardized data, and consolidated
data along the consolidation process.
SAP pre-delivers the validation rules that start with S in their IDs and can't be changed or deleted. These
pre-delivered rules verify data correctness according to basic financial principles, such as the net income
calculated in the P&L statement must equal the net income in the equity of the balance sheet, the total
assets must equal the sum of the total liabilities plus the sum of total equity, and the net accounting value
of lands and buildings must be greater than or equal to 0.
You can copy any of these rules to create your own rules in the customer namespace, that is, rule IDs not
starting with the prefix S.
This app contains Web Assistant documentation for key fields and concepts. To display the documentation
while working in the app, press F1 or click the question mark displayed in the app header.
• Desktop
• Tablet
• Smartphone
The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an app
on the SAP Fiori launchpad. To see this app’s Fiori content, go to the SAP Fiori apps reference library and
search for the app. Then select the product. On the Implementation Information tab, select the correct release.
The details are in the Configuration section.
Related Information
In a rule defined with comparison operator > (Greater Than) or < (Less Than), the tolerance should be
used with caution. This is because the left-side and right-side values of the rule expression are
considered equal (neither greater nor less) if their absolute difference is within tolerance, which may
result in an undesired failed validation result. Therefore, use > or < without setting tolerances, or use >=
(Greater Than or Equal To) or <= (Less Than or Equal To) instead.
If multiple group-by fields are specified, the tolerance is applied down to the lowest grouping level.
You can also specify tolerance currency so that later, in validation results, you can convert all the displayed
values to this currency.
4. Control level: Specify how strict the rule is, in other words, whether a failed validation result leads to an
error status for the respective validation task in monitors. Out of the three control levels (Error, Warning,
and Information), only when data fails to pass a rule with control level Error does the respective validation
task show Task Has Errors status in the monitors.
5. Process No Data As: Specify how the validation works when no data exists for any operands in a rule
formula. Select one of the following:
• Success with Warning (or leave the field empty): The rule is passed with a Warning result regardless of
the control level of the rule. In addition, a "No data" exception shows under the Warning result.
• Failed: The rule is not passed and the validation result is Failed, Warning or Information depending on
the control level.
• Zero: All the no-data operands are treated as having the value zero. The system then applies the rule
formula to evaluate the data and return a validation result based on the control level.
The no-data setting works when all sum-type operands of the rule have no data. If only some operands
of the rule lack data, these operands are treated as having a zero value.
In the Rule Expression tab, compose a rule expression to validate data. The expression includes left formula,
comparison operator, and right formula. Each formula is typically composed of operands and mathematical
operators (+, -, *, or /) and each operand represents a set of data you select by using filters.
1. Create the left formula, starting by adding an operand. For a sum-type operand, do the following:
1. Specify an operand name in the Alias field.
2. Optionally, select a function from the f(x) list to perform a mathematical calculation for the operand
value. The following functions are available:
• ABS: Returns an absolute value with 2 decimal places.
• Sign: Returns 1 if the operand value is positive, zero (0) if the value is 0, and -1 if the value is
• Round (0): Rounds the operand value to the nearest single digit.
• Round (1): Rounds the operand value to one decimal place.
• Round (2): Rounds the operand value to two decimal places.
These functions are also applicable to the calculated values of the left or right formula.
3. In the Operand row, select Sum and one of the following YTD or periodic amount (or quantity)
Period of Previous Year Amount/Amount in Transaction Cur Amount of the specified period of
rency prior year
YTD for Previous Period Amount/Amount in Transaction Cur Cumulative amount from year begin
rency ning to prior period
YTD for Previous Year Amount/Amount in Transaction Cur Cumulative amount from year begin
rency ning to the specified period of prior
Opening Balance Amount/Amount in Transaction Cur Opening balance of the specified pe
rency riod
If you select Amount or Quantity (instead of Amount in Transaction Currency) as the measure, the
amount currencies or the quantity measuring units are inherited from the data being validated at
run time.
4. In the Where row, use Include and Exclude filters to define the data scope for the sum operation. For
example, an operand can aggregate the amounts posted to a range of your filtered FS items.
When defining multiple Where conditions, be aware of the AND or OR logic between filters and the
considerations for defining hierarchy-type filters. For more information, see the Important
Considerations [page 85].
Instead of using the Where conditions, you can use the selections that are created using the Define
Selections [page 84] app. A selection groups a range of consolidation master data, typically the FS
items, subitems, document types, and posting levels.
For non-sum-type operands, such as Amount, Number, and Quantity, the steps above are not applicable.
These operands are constant values. Unless explicitly specified, their amount currency or measuring units
are inherited from the data being validated at run time.
2. If necessary, add an operator and create more operands by choosing Add Operand and repeating the
procedure above.
The left formula is created.
3. Select a comparison operator, such as =, >=, or <=.
4. Repeat the procedure for the right formula.
The rule expression is created.
The video below shows how to define a basic validation rule (English only):
In the Reference Links tab, you can add reference links, which can be static URL links or dynamic links that
contain variables. The links provide more contextual information of the rule, and will display on the validation
result page in Manage Data Validation Tasks so that users can drill through for more details, especially when
validation fails for a specific rule.
Dimen Dimension Y1
After creating a validation rule, you may want to assign it to a validation method, which can be assigned to
consolidation units or groups afterwards. To do so, you can choose the Define Validation Methods button to
directly navigate to the Define Validation Methods [page 107] app.
• Left Formula: A string expression that consists of multiple basic rules connected with logical operators
(AND, OR, and NOT).
The logical operators work as follows:
• AND: Returns TRUE if both basic rules connected by the operator evaluate to TRUE.
• OR: Returns TRUE if any of the two basic rules connected by the operator evaluates to TRUE.
• NOT: Reverses evaluation result of the basic rule that follows the operator, for example, if the rule
evaluates to TRUE, then FALSE is returned and vice versa.
In the formula evaluation, AND and OR have the same priority and are therefore evaluated from left to
right. NOT has a higher priority. If you want to change the order of evaluation, use brackets.
The expression forms a compound condition that the relevant data is to fulfill in validation tasks.
If you require the data meets both basic rules MN001 and MN004 or meet the basic rule MN003, you can
create a compound rule that has the rule expression (MN001 AND MN004)OR MN003 = TRUE.
After a rule is created, you can choose to save the rule as a draft (Save) or an active version (Save and
Activate). Only active rules can be applied in data validation. You can also deactivate any active rules by
choosing Set to Inactive or activate them again by choosing Set to Active.
• Draft: The rule is saved as a draft version. It cannot be used in data validation yet, and can be deleted.
• Active: The rule is saved as an active version. It can be assigned to a method for data validation. Active
rules cannot be deleted.
After activation, when you choose Edit for the rule for the first time, a draft is generated. After editing
the draft:
• Inactive: The rule was active and is now deactivated. It cannot be used in data validation even if it is
assigned to a validation method.
Any draft or inactive rules you created using Define Validation Rules can only be activated with this app. The
Schedule Mass Activation Jobs - Rules, Methods, and Selections [page 114] app can only be used to
activate rules (or methods) imported from other systems.
After editing and saving a rule, you can simulate a validation run by choosing Simulate and specifying the
following criteria:
• Global parameters such as Consolidation Chart of Accounts, Consolidation Version, and Ledger
• Validation Task Type: Enter 01 for reported data validation, 02 for standardized data validation, or 03 for
consolidated data validation.
For information about what data is included in each task type, that is, which currency types and posting
levels are included, see Manage Data Validation Tasks - Reported Data [page 208], Manage Data Validation
Tasks - Standardized Data [page 216], and Manage Data Validation Tasks - Consolidated Data [page 413].
• Fiscal Year and Posting Period: Enter the year and period for which you want to validate the data using the
current rule.
• Consolidation Unit/Group: For 01 or 02 validation tasks type, enter the ID of a consolidation unit for which
you want to validate its data. For 03, enter the ID of a consolidation group for which you want to validate its
The simulation result shows whether your selected data passes or fails the current rule. For detailed
explanations of a validation result, see Check Result Details [page 210] part in the app description for Manage
Data Validation Tasks.
With this app you can create or update validation methods that may contain multiple groups of validation rules.
Create Method
You can create validation methods and assign them with multiple defined rules as follows:
• Enter the general information for a new validation method, such as an ID and a description.
1. Under the default header row Totals Validation, add one or more groups with meaningful names.
2. Select a group and assign existing validation rules to it.
3. If necessary, you can drag and drop rules to change their sequence or group assignment. The rule
sequence and grouping will determine the layout of the validation result page in the Manage Data
Validation Tasks app.
You can only add one group hierarchy level and then include rules within each group, that is, you
cannot add a group under another group.
For a step-by-step guide, see the following animated picture (English only):
SAP pre-delivers the validation methods SRD1 (Local Data Validation Method) and SCD1 (Consolidated Data
Validation Method) that contain a set of predefined rules. You can only create methods in the customer
namespace, that is method IDs not starting with the prefix S.
• Draft: The method is saved as a draft version. It cannot be used in data validation yet, and can be deleted.
• Active: The method is saved as an active version. It can be assigned to a consolidation group or unit. Once
activated, a method cannot be deleted.
• Inactive: The method was active and is now deactivated. It cannot be used in data validation even if it is
assigned to a consolidation group or unit.
You can also choose Mass Activation to schedule background jobs to activate your selections in bulk
immediately or at a later point in time.
This app contains Web Assistant documentation for key fields and concepts. To display the documentation
while working in the app, press F1 or click the question mark displayed in the app header.
More Information
• The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an
app on the SAP Fiori launchpad. The SAP Fiori apps reference library is available here: https://
To see this app’s Fiori content, search for the app. Then select SAP S/4HANA as the product. On the
Implementation Information tab, select the correct release. The details are in the Configuration section.
With this app you can assign the defined validation methods to consolidation groups or units depending on
which task type you selected, reported data validation, standardized data validation, or consolidated data
validation. You can run validation tasks for your consolidation groups and units only after the method
Key Features
The method assignments for these task types are used for running validation tasks for reported data,
standardized data, and consolidated data respectively from the Data Monitor and Consolidation Monitor, or
from the Manage Data Validation Tasks app.
Assign Method
For the 01 and 02 task types, you can assign a validation method to each consolidation unit, while for the 03
task type, you can assign a validation method to each consolidation group. Use the following procedure to
assign methods to consolidation units or groups:
1. Select a consolidation version in the Version field. The method assignment is version-dependent, that is,
you can assign different methods to a same consolidation unit or group for different versions, for example,
one for actual data and one for budget data. Among all special versions of a consolidation version,
validation method assignment applies to Data Entry Version, meaning all consolidation versions with the
same special version of Data Entry share the same method assignment. For more information, see
Consolidation Versions [page 68].
2. Select a period category. The method assignment applies to all of its contained periods.
The period category 16 Periods is pre-delivered, which contains all 16 periods in a fiscal year. If
necessary, you can define additional period categories in Customizing for SAP S/4HANA for Group
Reporting under Data Collection for Consolidation Define Period Categories .
• Leave Valid From empty if you want to make the method assignment valid indefinitely. This is the case
for the consolidation unit C1000 in the screenshot example above.
• If you enter a valid-from period, the assignment is only valid from that period.
• If for a same consolidation unit (or group), a second method assignment exists with a later valid-from
period, the first method assignment is valid until the period before the second valid-from period. Taking
the consolidation units from 1010 to 1409 in the screenshot above as an example, they are assigned
with the validation method VM1 from 008.2018 to 001.2019 and assigned with the validation method
VM2 from the period 002.2019 onward. However, if you run validation tasks for these units for any
period before 008.2018, you will run into the error No validation method is assigned.
• If a consolidation unit has two method assignments and the first one has no valid-from period, the first
assignment is valid until the period before the valid-from period of the second method assignment.
This is the case for the consolidation unit S3000 in the screenshot above, it has the validation method
SRD1 until 005.2018 and VM3 from 006.2018 onward.
When maintaining master data for consolidation groups or units using the Consolidation Groups - Create
and Change [page 30] or Consolidation Units - Create and Change [page 22] app, you can also view their
assigned validation method under Methods Validation . From there, you can also navigate to this app
by choosing the Assign Validation Methods button.
With this app, you can export your specified selections, validation rules, and methods to a spreadsheet, or
import any selections, rules, and methods exported from another system. This is particularly useful when you
want to export the validation settings that are defined, activated, and tested in your quality system and import
them to your production system.
Key Features
You can export selections, validation rules, and/or methods that exist in your current system to a spreadsheet
file as follows:
1. Choose Download.
2. In the dialog box, specify which selections, validation rules, and/or validation methods are relevant for the
export. such as ID, created by, and date of creation.
If you select Include referenced objects, the following are exported together with their dependent
• The selections that are reused by your specified rules
• The basic rules that make up your specified compound rules
• The rules that are assigned to your specified methods.
3. Choose Download.
The file that contains your selected validation setting items is downloaded and saved to your native file
system. Keep it intact. The next logical step is to upload the file to the target system,
Only active selections, rules and methods are included in the export. Draft or inactive ones are not
In the target system, you can import the downloaded selections, rules, and methods still with this app. First
choose Upload, and then select the spreadsheet file you downloaded from the source system. Make sure the
required master data exist in your target system. For example, the selections to be imported may contain
multiple financial statement (FS) items. You need to make sure the referenced FS items exist in your target
The uploaded items, grouped by selections, rules, and methods, will have either of the following statuses:
• New for Import: The uploaded items don't yet exist in your current system. The next step is to import these
new items.
• Duplicated: The uploaded items have IDs identical to the existing ones in your current system. The existing
items may have Active, Draft, or Inactive status. Therefore, you need to compare the duplicates and decide
if you want to skip the uploaded items or to import them so that the existing items are overwritten.
If you choose to import the duplicated items anyway, only the draft versions of existing items are
overwritten because all the imported items have an initial status Draft. However, the subsequent Mass
Activation action can activate these imported items and overwrite the existing active rules, methods, or
You need to select explicitly the items you want to import and then choose Import. The imported items may
have either Imported or Import Failed status. For the failed items, you can check the root cause according to the
hints provided in Check Message.
Since all the imported items will initially have the status Draft in the target system, during the import, you are
asked if you want to activate them right away. If you choose not to, you can take one of the following actions
later on in the target system:
• Activate the uploaded items individually by using Define Selections [page 84], Define Validation Rules
[page 99], and Define Validation Methods [page 107], or
• Schedule mass activation jobs as described below.
After the import, all the items have the status Draft in the target system. To use them in the data validation
process, you must activate these items.
This app contains Web Assistant documentation for key fields and concepts. To display the documentation
while working in the app, press F1 or click the question mark displayed in the app header.
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• Tablet
• Smartphone
With this app, you can schedule jobs to activate the rules, methods, and selections imported from other
systems. To do that, you use the provided job template Mass Activation for Selections, Rules and Methods.
Any rules, methods, selections imported using the Import/Export Validation Settings [page 112] app have an
initial status Draft. To be used in the data validation process, these items must be activated. You can activate
them either individually in their definition apps such as Define Validation Rules or by scheduling mass activation
Key Features
• Create Job: You can choose New ( icon) to create a job based on the Mass Activation for Selections, Rules
and Methods job template.
• Choose Scheduling Option: You can launch an immediate job run, define a future start date and time for a
single run, or define the recurrence pattern for the jobs you want to run regularly.
• Specify Parameters: You can specify the range of selections, rules and/or methods that you want to
activate in the background job.
Only the selections, rules and methods that are imported from other systems are available in the
search help. If you leave the fields empty, all the selections, rules and methods imported to your
current system are included.
• Check Job Status: For any scheduled job, you can monitor its status (Finished or Failed) by checking the
Status column.
• Check Activation Results: When job status shows Finished, you can choose the icon ( ) in the Results
column to view which selections, rules, and methods are activated.
Any draft or inactive rules or methods you created manually in Define Validation Rules or Define
Validation Methods can only be activated with the respective definition app. Even if you include these
rules or methods in a mass activation job, you will find activation errors for these rules and methods on
the Results page.
Related Information
Reporting items and reporting rules allow you to create reports with flexible data selection and aggregation
along a row or column axis. You can use reporting items as an additional analytical dimension in a report.
Reporting rules allow you to define the content of these reporting items.
Reporting items are reporting characteristics that can be used as analytical dimensions in various reports,
such as statement of cash flow, statement of changes in equity, statement of comprehensive income, and
profit and loss (P&L) statement by function of expense. Reporting items are arranged into reporting item
hierarchies. These hierarchies are used in reports to display the reporting items in a hierarchical structure.
Reporting items can be used in two distinct ways. Firstly, a reporting item is technically a financial statement
(FS) item whose FS item type is REPT (Reporting Item). Because of this, you can use reporting items like any
other statistical item.
Secondly, a reporting item can be enhanced by assigning it a set of selection criteria of specific data, such as
FS items, consolidation units, document types, and subitems. The assignments of data selection criteria to
reporting items are called reporting rules. These reporting rules determine how the values for a reporting item
are derived in a report.
With the reporting rules in place, a reporting item can then be used as an analytical dimension in reports. When
you use a reporting item in a report, its values are calculated by aggregating the data from the selection criteria
defined in the reporting rules. The following graphic shows how this comes together in a report. It also shows
the relationship between an FS item, reporting item, reporting rules, and reporting item hierarchy.
Using this graphic as an example, you can create the FS item Reporting Item 1 with the FS item type REPT.
This defines the FS Item as a reporting item. You can then include Reporting Item 1 into a reporting item
hierarchy, such as X2 (Statement of Cash Flow). This allows the reporting item to be displayed in a report.
You then use reporting rules to assign Reporting Item 1 with data selection criteria, such as the range of FS
items from FS Item 1 to FS Item 5. This determines how values for Reporting Item 1 are derived in reports.
Reporting Items
Reporting items can be created in the Define FS Items [page 49] app. When you create a new FS item in the
app, select REPT (Reporting Item) for FS Item Type to define it as a reporting item.
SAP delivers the following reporting item hierarchies that are ready to use:
Reporting item hierarchies do not have key dates that determine the start of their validity. Because of this,
they’re not time- and version-dependent.
To learn more about reporting items, see FS Item Type [page 42]. And to learn more about reporting item
hierarchies, see Define Hierarchies [page 51].
SAP delivers the reporting rule variant Y10, which contains all the rules for all the SAP-delivered reporting item
hierarchies – X1, X2, X3, and X4.
Variants cannot be changed after you’ve assigned them to report rule versions. That means that you can’t
make any adjustments or additions to the reporting rules contained in the reporting rule variant. This
protects reports from being changed accidentally in case changes are made to the selection criteria, such
as changes to hierarchies or FS item attributes.
If you want to make changes, you must create a new reporting rule variant by copying the variant that’s
already been assigned to the report rule version. Then, you can make changes to the newly copied variant.
Related Information
With this app you can define reporting rule variants by selecting reporting items and assigning each with
financial statement (FS) items and selection criteria for other data, such as consolidation unit, document type,
and subitem. The use of reporting rules enables flexible data selection and structuring of data in reports and
therefore fulfills various reporting requirements.
If you want to create reporting rules for your own reporting items, you must create the reporting items first. You
can do this in the Define FS Items [page 49] app. When you create a new FS item in the app, select REPT
(Reporting Item) for FS Item Type to define it as a reporting item. Alternatively, SAP delivers reporting items in
the reporting item hierarchies X1, X2, X3, and X4.
Similarly, if you want to create your own reporting item hierarchies in addition to the SAP-delivered hierarchies
X1, X2, X3, and X4, use the Manage Global Hierarchies app. To learn more about creating and managing
hierarchies, see Define Hierarchies [page 51] and How to Use "Manage Global Hierarchies" in Group Reporting
[page 509].
Reporting item hierarchies do not have key dates that determine the start of their validity. Because of this,
they’re not time- and version-dependent.
Although you select a reporting item hierarchy for the rule context, you can define reporting rules in a
variant for reporting items that are not part of the selected hierarchy. As a result, when you use the
hierarchy and variant later in reports, the reporting items that are not part of the hierarchy will be
categorized separately under the node Not Assigned Reporting Item(s). This Not Assigned Reporting
Item(s) node appears at the same level as the top node of the hierarchy being used in the report. The
following simplified screenshot shows this Not Assigned Reporting Item(s) node in a report.
The following screenshot is only available in English. Interfaces may differ slightly depending on the
version of your apps or on your configuration settings.
In this example, the reporting item hierarchy being used is Demo - Reporting Item hierarchy, and the
reporting rule variant being used is 1. All reporting items in the report have rules defined in variant 1.
The reporting items that are part of the hierarchy will appear under the node Demo - Reporting Item
hierarchy. The reporting items that are not part of the hierarchy will appear under the node Not
Assigned Reporting Item(s).
2. Select Create to create a new variant. Alternatively, you can select Copy to copy all the rules of an existing
variant that you’ve selected for Reporting Rule Variant. For example, you can copy the SAP-delivered rule
variant Y10, which contains rules for the hierarchies X1, X2, X3, and X4. This way, your new variant will
already have reporting rules that you can then just adjust. If you do this, you don’t need to specify
the Reporting Item Hierarchy.
After selecting Copy, the Copy Reporting Rule ID window will appear. Here, you enter the new variant to
which you want to copy the reporting rules from the existing variant.
The FS Item selection criteria are mandatory when defining reporting rules. The selection criteria
for other data are optional, such as subitems, document types, and consolidation units.
5. If necessary, add other selection criteria, such as for subitems, document types, and consolidation units.
6. If necessary, adjust the sign reversal settings in the Rev. Sign column. If you insert an X in this column, then
the amounts displayed in reports for the reporting item will have the opposite +/- sign than what is
typically displayed. For example, 100 will appear as -100, or -100 will appear as 100.
7. If necessary, make other changes to individual rules by changing the values in a row. You can also delete
Alternatively, you can create reporting rules in an offline CSV file and import the file so that all reporting
items contained in it are uploaded to the system in one go.
The offline CSV file should use commas as field separators, and follows the exact same order of column
headers as on the rule definition screen, that is:
Item Item trib Item Doc
At At At ute FS Hier Sub ume Doc Re
Re trib trib trib Valu Item arch FS item Sub nt ume vers
porti ute ute ute e Hier y Item FS Cat item Sub Type nt CU e
ng Nam Desc Valu Desc arch Nod Fro Item egor Fro item Fro Type Fro CU Sign
Item e . e . y e m To y m To m To m To (X)
ID 1
ID 2
You can also choose to download the file from an existing reporting rule by choosing Export and saving
the file to CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv) format.
These fields make up the three independent groups that are used to specify the FS items list. You can
specify the FS items list by selecting the range fields FS Item From and FS Item To. Alternatively, you
can specify wither the FS Item Hierarchy or Attribute Name and Attribute Value. Do not specify a
combination of these groups.
Other fields are optional, but are grouped in the following way:
• Subitem Category, Subitem From, Subitem To
• Document Type From, Document Type To
• CU From, CU To
If you make an entry in one field from a group, the other fields in the same group become mandatory.
Variants cannot be changed after you’ve assigned them to report rule versions. If you want to make
changes, you must create a new reporting rule variant by copying the variant that’s already been
assigned to the report rule version. Then, you can make changes to the newly copied variant.
2. Select Change.
3. If necessary, make changes to individual rules by changing the values in a row. You can also delete rows.
4. If necessary, add reporting items one by one and assign only one of the following FS Item selection criteria
to each:
• A range of FS items using FS Item From and FS Item To. To assign just one FS item, you can select the
same FS item for FS Item From and FS Item To.
The FS item selection criteria are mandatory when defining reporting rules. The selection criteria
for other data are optional, such as subitems, document types, and consolidation units.
5. If necessary, add other selection criteria, such as for subitems, document types, and consolidation units.
6. If necessary, adjust the sign reversal settings in the Rev. Sign column. If you insert an X in this column, then
the amounts displayed in reports for the reporting item will have the opposite +/- sign than what is
typically displayed. For example, 100 will appear as -100, or -100 will appear as 100.
Alternatively, you can create reporting rules in an offline CSV file and import the file so that all reporting
items contained in it are uploaded to the system in one go.
The offline CSV file should use commas as field separators, and follows the exact same order of column
headers as on the rule definition screen, that is:
Item Item trib Item Doc
At At At ute FS Hier Sub ume Doc Re
Re trib trib trib Valu Item arch FS item Sub nt ume vers
porti ute ute ute e Hier y Item FS Cat item Sub Type nt CU e
ng Nam Desc Valu Desc arch Nod Fro Item egor Fro item Fro Type Fro CU Sign
Item e . e . y e m To y m To m To m To (X)
ID 1
ID 2
You can also choose to download the file from an existing reporting rule by choosing Export and saving
the file to CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv) format.
These fields make up the three independent groups that are used to specify the FS items list. You can
specify the FS items list by selecting the range fields FS Item From and FS Item To. Alternatively, you
can specify wither the FS Item Hierarchy or Attribute Name and Attribute Value. Do not specify a
combination of these groups.
Other fields are optional, but are grouped in the following way:
• Subitem Category, Subitem From, Subitem To
• Document Type From, Document Type To
• CU From, CU To
If you make an entry in one field from a group, the other fields in the same group become mandatory.
Once you save and replicate the reporting rules, they’re activated in the system only with the most up-to-date
settings at the time of saving and replicating. This means that the reporting rules won't automatically register
any changes made to relevant FS items or FS item attributes if those changes are made after saving the
reporting rule variant. So, the reporting rules need to be maintained after making changes to FS items and FS
item attributes.
To do so, after making changes to any FS items or the FS item attributes that are used in reporting rules, return
to the relevant reporting rule variant and make a separate change (even a dummy change that you can later
delete). Then, save and replicate the reporting rules again. Only then will the changes to the FS items and FS
item attributes be registered in the reporting rule variant.
However, if you then assign a new FS item, for example FSI2, with the same attribute ATT1 after having already
defined the reporting rule based on ATT1, amounts for FSI2 aren't derived, aggregated, or displayed for RPI1.
This is because this change was made after the reporting rule variant was saved and replicated.
To remedy this, you return to the reporting rule variant in which you’ve created the original assignment
between RPI1 and ATT1. In this variant, you must make a separate change (it could be a dummy change) and
then save and replicate. Only then are amounts for FSI2 derived, aggregated, and displayed for RPI1.
The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an app
on the SAP Fiori launchpad. To see this app’s Fiori content, go to the SAP Fiori apps reference library and
search for the app. Then select the product. On the Implementation Information tab, select the correct release.
The details are in the Configuration section.
• Desktop
This example illustrates the end-to-end process of defining reporting rules with newly created reporting items
and then using the reporting rules in a report. For the sake of demonstration, this example specifically shows
how to use reporting rules in a statement of cash flow. Nonetheless, the process is the same for other reports,
such as statement of changes in equity, statement of comprehensive income, and P&L by function of expense.
This process is divided into the following four major steps, each with an individual sequence of actions.
In this step, you create a new reporting item by creating a financial statement (FS) item with REPT (Reporting
Item) selected for the FS Item Type.
1. Go to the Define FS Items [page 49] app.
2. Select Create.
3. Enter the name of the reporting item you’d like to create in the Financial Statement Item field and select a
Consolidation Chart of Accounts (COA). Then, select Create.
When you define reporting rules later, you’ll need to select a consolidation COA to establish the rule
context. You’ll only be able to define reporting rules for reporting items from that consolidation COA.
4. For FS Item Type in the Basic Data section, select REPT (Reporting Item). This defines the FS item as a
reporting item.
5. Make any other necessary selections for the reporting item.
6. Save and exit.
In this step, you insert your newly created reporting item into an already existing reporting item hierarchy.
Since this example is all about using reporting rules in a statement of cash flow, you use the SAP-delivered
hierarchy X2 (Statement of Cash Flow) as the reporting item hierarchy.
It’s also possible to create an entirely new reporting item hierarchy from scratch. To learn more about creating
and managing hierarchies, see Define Hierarchies [page 51] and How to Use "Manage Global Hierarchies" in
Group Reporting [page 509].
1. Go to the Manage Global Hierarchies app.
2. For the filter Type, select Consolidation Reporting Item.
3. Select Go.
The hierarchies that appear after filtering Consolidation Reporting Item for Type are all reporting item
hierarchies. As such, you can add reporting items into any of them, including the following hierarchies
delivered by SAP:
• X1: Statement of Changes in Equity
• X2: Statement of Cash Flow
• X3: Statement of Comprehensive Income
• X4: P&L by Function of Expense
In this step, you define reporting rules by assigning the selection criteria for FS items and other data to your
newly created reporting item. You can also adjust any settings for other reporting items in the reporting rule
variant. When you later use reporting items as analytical dimensions in reports, the system considers all the
selection criteria you define here and derives the aggregated amounts for each reporting item accordingly.
For the sake of demonstration, this step also guides you through the process of creating a new reporting rule
variant by first copying over the rules from an existing variant. Keeping with the example of a statement of cash
flow, you copy the existing rules from the SAP-delivered reporting rule variant Y10, which contains reporting
rules for the reporting item hierarchy X2 (Statement of Cash Flow). Once the new variant is created, you can
adjust the reporting rules by adding your new reporting item and assigning it with selection criteria for FS items
and other data.
1. Go to the Define Reporting Rules app.
2. Select a Consolidation COA. You must select the same consolidation COA for which you created your
reporting item in section 1. Create a Reporting Item of this guide.
3. For the Reporting Item Hierarchy, select X2 (Statement of Cash Flow).
4. For the Reporting Rule Variant, select Y10.
5. Select Copy.
6. In the Copy Reporting Rule ID pop-up window, enter a name for the new variant you want to create and
select Enter. Now, the existing rules from Y10 are copied into your new variant.
7. Double check that the values are correct for Consolidation COA, Reporting Item Hierarchy, and Reporting
Rule Variant. Your new variant should be the value for Reporting Rule Variant.
8. Select Change.
9. In the Description field, give your new reporting rule variant a description.
10. Select the Insert Row icon ( ), to insert a new row into the variant.
11. In the new row, select the reporting item that you created for Reporting Item.
12. Assign only one of the following FS item selection criteria to each:
• Assign range of FS items using FS Item From and FS Item To. To assign just one FS item, you can select
the same FS item for FS Item From and FS Item To.
• Assign an FS Item Attribute Name and an FS Item Attribute Value.
• Assign an FS Item Hierarchy and a Hierarchy Node.
The FS item selection criteria are mandatory when defining reporting rules. The selection criteria for
other data (such as subitems, document types, and consolidation units) are optional.
13. If necessary, add other filter criteria for the reporting item, such as subitems, document types, and
consolidation units.
14. If necessary, adjust the sign reversal settings in the Rev. Sign column. If you insert an X in this column, then
the amounts displayed in reports for the reporting item will have the opposite +/- sign than what is
typically displayed. For example, 100 will appear as -100, or -100 will appear as 100.
15. If necessary, make any other adjustments to the other rows of reporting items. You can also delete rows.
16. When you’re finished with your changes, select Save and then Exit. After exiting, you’ll be redirected to the
initial main screen of the Define Reporting Rules [page 118] app.
Please note that this is a simplified table for this example. It doesn't depict all the possible options for data
selection criteria in reporting rules.
After saving and replicating the reporting rules, you can now use the reporting rule variant in a report to display
amounts for reporting item AAA111. When the report is generated, the system displays an amount for AAA111
that aggregates all the assignments you’ve made for its reporting rules. In this case, that means the system
does the following:
• Aggregates all postings for the range of FS items from 111100 to 111111.
• Filters only for amounts related to the consolidation unit U00001, since the range of consolidation units is
only the one consolidation unit U00001.
• Reverses the +/- sign of the aggregated amount. So, if the amount is positive, it’s displayed as negative.
And if it’s negative, it’s displayed as positive.
In this step, you use the reporting rules you’ve created to make a statement of cash flow. This is done in the
Group Data Analysis - With Reporting Rules [page 531] app. In the app, you use the Reporting Item Hierarchy
and the Reporting Rule Variant as filters to display the relevant reporting items. In this example, the relevant
reporting items are those belonging to the hierarchy X2 (Statement of Cash Flow) and the variant you created in
step 3. Define Reporting Rules of this guide.
1. Go to the Group Data Analysis - With Reporting Rules [page 531] app.
2. For the Reporting Item Hierarchy filter, select X2 (Statement of Cash Flow).
3. For the Reporting Rule Variant filter, select the reporting rule variant you created.
4. Set all other filters as necessary.
5. Select Go. Some results should now appear in the table.
6. If the dimension for rows in the table is anything but reporting items, change it so that reporting items are
displayed for each row. To do so, right-click on the very top-left cell of the table, which names which
dimension is being displayed for the rows. Select Drilldown and then Exchange with. The Select Fields pop-
up window appears. In this window, select Reporting Item and then OK.
7. The table now displays amounts based on reporting items. Since this report uses X2 (Statement of Cash
Flow) as the reporting item hierarchy, this report serves as a statement of cash flow and can be exported
and saved.
Posting to reporting items enables you to make adjustments directly to the values calculated for reporting
items in reports that use reporting rules (rule-based reports). To take advantage of posting to reporting items,
you assign the same reporting item as the financial statement (FS) item in the reporting item’s reporting rules.
There may be a scenario where you’re not satisfied with a certain value for a reporting item in a rule-based
report. So, you’d like to adjust it.
To do so, you need to analyze the reporting rules of the reporting item because the reporting rules determine
how the value for the reporting item is calculated. From the various factors in the reporting rules, you must find
out which one needs to be adjusted to get the desired final value in the report. For example, you may need to
post to a specific FS item that’s assigned to the reporting item in the reporting rules.
To avoid the process of figuring out what needs to be adjusted in the reporting rules, you can assign the
reporting item as the FS item in the reporting item’s reporting rules instead. This is possible since a reporting
item is an FS item with the FS item type REPT (Reporting Item). This way, you can just post directly to the
reporting item (FS item), and these postings are directly reflected in the value calculated for the reporting item
in the report.
To understand how posting to reporting items works, it's important to keep in mind that a reporting item plays
two roles in the system:
1. As an FS item. Specifically, an FS item with the FS item type REPT (Reporting Item).
2. As an analytical dimension. A reporting item becomes an analytical dimension when you assign reporting
rules to it. The analytical dimension can then be used in rule-based reports.
To learn more about reporting items, reporting rules, and how they both relate to FS items and reports,
see Reporting Items and Reporting Rules [page 116].
These two roles of a reporting item serve two distinct purposes. This is important to keep in mind because a
reporting item as an FS item can be used like any other statistical item. This means that you can post to it, and
Since a reporting item plays these two roles for two distinct purposes, it’s possible to assign the reporting item
(FS item) to itself (analytical dimension) in the reporting rules. That way, when you post to the reporting item
(FS item), the postings are directly reflected in the value calculated for the reporting item (analytical
dimension) in the report. The following graphic illustrates this process:
Using the graphic as an example, you create the reporting item AAA001 as an FS item with the FS item type
REPT (Reporting Item). You then assign reporting rules to AAA001 so that it can be used as an analytical
dimension in rule-based reports. In the reporting rules, you assign itself (FS item AAA001) as one of the FS
items. In this case, AAA001 is the first in the range of FS items from AAA001 to AAA005. Because of this
assignment, any postings you make to the FS item AAA001 are directly reflected in the value for the
analytical dimension AAA001 in the rule-based report. This is visible by the amount a in the report. The
amount a represents all postings you make to FS item AAA001. This amount is aggregated with amounts of
the other FS items to calculate the value for reporting item AAA001. The reporting item AAA001 is then
used as an analytical dimension to display this value in the rule-based report.
To make use of posting to reporting items, follow the procedure in Example: Create Reporting Rules and Use
Them in Reports [page 124], but pay special attention to step 12 in section 3. Define Reporting Rules. In this
step, you assign FS items to the reporting item in the reporting rules. Here, you must assign the reporting item
(FS item) to itself (analytical dimension), as previously shown in the example.
In the reporting rules, there are several ways to assign FS items to the reporting item. For example, you can
assign FS items using an FS item hierarchy node, an FS item attribute, or the options FS Item From and FS
Item To. Regardless of which method you use, make sure that the reporting item (FS item) is a part of this
Related Information
After you define reporting items and their reporting rules, you can then test the reporting rules. To do this, you
check the aggregation of values for reporting items to verify that the aggregation aligns with what you've
defined in your reporting rules.
If you've defined reporting rules by assigning a range of FS items to a reporting item, you can check the
aggregation of values for the reporting item. Check out this video to find out how:
The following multimedia content displays screens and interfaces in English only.
Captions are available for multiple languages. Use the CC (Closed Captions) button in the video player to
see which languages are supported.
You can also use the Search within video field to search for specific text in the English or German captions.
If you've defined reporting rules by assigning an FS item selection attribute to a reporting item, you can check
the aggregation of values for the reporting item. Check out this video to find out how:
The following multimedia content displays screens and interfaces in English only.
Captions are available for multiple languages. Use the CC (Closed Captions) button in the video player to
see which languages are supported.
You can also use the Search within video field to search for specific text in the English or German captions.
With this app you can assign your defined reporting rule variants to report rule versions. The latter is mapped
to the consolidation version by using the Define Versions customizing activity. In this way, the consolidation
versions that are mapped to reporting rule version will be implicitly assigned to the reporting rule variant.
1. Specify a Report Rule Version and assign it with a defined reporting rule variant.
2. In the Period From field, specify from which fiscal year and month the assignment takes effect.
The following diagram shows how the reporting rule variants are mapped to the consolidation versions and are
applied to build rule-based reports:
Variants cannot be changed after you’ve assigned them to report rule versions. That means that you can’t
make any adjustments or additions to the reporting rules contained in the reporting rule variant. This protects
reports from being changed accidentally in case changes are made to the selection criteria, such as changes to
hierarchies or FS item attributes.
If you want to make changes, you must create a new reporting rule variant by copying the variant that’s already
been assigned to the report rule version. Then, you can make changes to the newly copied variant.
• Desktop
You can use this app to schedule and monitor jobs for consolidation tasks using the provided templates. If you
have manual activities that you often need to do at a specific time, this app can reduce your workload by
running these tasks smoothly in the background.
Key Features
• Scheduling jobs: Choose Create to schedule jobs based on the following job templates provided for
consolidation tasks:
• Balance carryforward
• Release universal journals
• Calculation of net income
• Currency translation
• Preparation for consolidation group changes
• Reclassification
• Validation of universal journals
• Validation of reported data
• Validation of standardized data
• Validation of consolidated data
• Realign group reporting preparation ledger
Depending on the template you choose, you need to specify the job-specific parameters in the Parameters
section, for example consolidation chart of accounts, consolidation version, fiscal year/period, and
consolidation group/unit.
Preparation for Consolidation Group Changes • 1130: PCC task as available in Data Monitor
• 2060: PCC task as available in Consolidation Monitor
All the tasks are also available in Data Monitor or Consolidation Monitor, where you can execute the
tasks directly by choosing Update Run or schedule an immediate job by choosing Execute in
Background from the context menu of the relevant tasks. The immediate job can also be monitored in
this app.
You can change the job name to differentiate between jobs. In the Scheduling Options section, you can
trigger an immediate job run, define a future start date and time for a single run, or define the recurrence
pattern for the jobs you want to run regularly.
• Display scheduling details: From the job list, you can choose the arrow icon ( ) of any scheduled job to
navigate to the detail page, which includes the scheduling information described above.
• Checking job status and result: For any scheduled job, you can monitor its status (Finished or Failed) by
checking the Status column. Additionally, by choosing the icon ( ) in the Log column, you can navigate to
the Task Logs [page 218] app to check the result details or the possible root cause for any failed jobs.
Navigation to Tasks Logs is currently not applicable to the Balance Carryforward jobs. Instead, a classic
Document screen is displayed to show the job result.
Related Information Overview
• Local currency: The local currency is the currency in which the consolidation unit reports its financial data
to the consolidation group. This is equal to the local currency of the corresponding company code in
accounting. However, it is possible to source the local currency value of a consolidation unit from a
different currency, which is not the local currency of the company code. You can, for example, source the
functional currency of a company code stored in a different currency field in accounting. This is defined in
the consolidation unit master data.
• Transaction currency: The transaction currency is the currency in which the original accounting document
is posted. The transaction currency is used for the intercompany reconciliation process.
• Group currency: The group currency is the currency in which the consolidation group publishes its financial
statement. It is defined in the consolidation version. If the old reporting logic is active, it is defined by
assigning the corresponding consolidation ledger to the consolidation group. For more information, see
Consolidation Ledger [page 74].
You can create consolidated statements in multiple group currencies using the following approaches:
Version Configuration
To consolidate multiple group currencies synchronously you need to create a version for each group currency
or each translation procedure.
You combine the following version attributes to implement your multiple group currency scenario:
• Version Type: Defines how the versions process data. There are standard versions, extension versions and
group currency extension version.
• Reference Version: An attribute of a consolidation version with the version types extension or group
currency extension. It specifies the source version for the local currency, transaction currency, and
qualities. This can be a standard, group currency extension, or extension version.
• Group Currency
• Allow LC, TC, Qty Changes: You select this option if you want to allow the version to store amounts in local
currency, in transaction currency, and quantity. If you don’t select this, then amounts are only stored in
group currency for an extension version.
• Run Mode: Determines how tasks for the versions are processed in the data monitor and consolidation
monitor. The two options available for the run mode are Manual Run and Automatic Run. For the manual
run, you must start the tasks yourself. For the Automatic Run, tasks are started automatically when the
following conditions are met:
• The version is linked either directly or indirectly to another version via its reference version setting. For
more information on how versions are linked via their reference version settings, see Version Stack
[page 71].
• This other version uses the run mode Manual Run.
• You've run the tasks for this other version.
• Special Versions: You can assign different special versions to the reference version and extension versions.
For example, you can assign different exchange rates or currency translation methods.
In this example, you want to consolidate a financial statement in EUR, USD, and CNY. The GC extension
versions Y12 and Y13 use the reference version Y11, where local currency values are stored. Additionally,
you want to consolidate a statement in EUR using the exchange rate from the budget. In this case, Y14 is an
extension version. The GC extension versions and the extension version are run synchronously with the
reference version.
For more information on consolidation versions, see Consolidation Versions [page 68].
When you run a task in a standard version that's assigned as the reference version to extension versions with
the run mode Automatic Run, the task is run in a bundle for the standard version and the extension versions.
Only the log of the standard version is displayed, but you can display the log of the extension versions using the
Last Log in the Task Log app.
When a standard version is assigned as the reference version to extension versions with the run mode
Automatic Run, the following applies to the task status:
• The relevance of the status considers the standard version and the extension versions. For example, if
the local currency of the consolidation unit is the same as the group currency of the standard version,
but is different from the group currency of the extension version, the currency translation task is not
set to irrelevant.
• If a task is run in update run with no errors in the standard version, but with errors in the extension
version, the task status is set to Error in Extension Version.
For uploading data using multiple group currencies you have to define the DELTAMODE parameter.
For more information on the flexible upload see Flexible Upload of Reported Financial Data [page 183].
The data release task runs in the standard version in the data monitor. If you've defined a version that's
assigned as the reference version to extension versions with the run mode Automatic Run, these defined
versions are also processed at once in this single step.
For more information on the release of universal journals see Release Universal Journals [page 151]
Validation method assignment applies to the Data Entry special version. Therefore, consolidation versions
assigned with different group currencies may share a same validation method, depending on whether they
have the same special version of Data Entry. For more information, see Assign Validation Methods [page 109].
• For reported data validation, only standard version is relevant, that is, only data from the standard version
are validated.
• For standardized data and consolidated data validation, standard version and other versions that reference
the standard version are validated simultaneously, that is, the validation is executed on data of all the
relevant versions in one go.
Accordingly, in validation result display, you can select the respective version to display the validation result,
that is, a standard version for reported data or any version for standardized data or consolidated data.
For more information, see Manage Data Validation Tasks [page 208].
As an operational process, intercompany document matching and reconciliation (ICMR) runs for standard
consolidation version. Interunit elimination with ICMR posting rules, when initiated from Consolidation Monitor,
the task processes data of the standard version only. Extension versions are not supported yet.
For more information, see Interunit Elimination with ICMR Posting Rules [page 390].
You can manually post journal entries in multiple group currencies and in a single posting at the same time.
Later, you can display this posting. After you’ve selected the extension versions, the corresponding group
currency values are displayed in the line item columns. For each selected version, the posting creates a
separate document. These documents are bundled and the Document Bundle No. field displays a unique
number. If you need to reverse a document, you can filter this field to search for the document number.
For more information on the posting of group journal entries see Post Group Journal Entries in Multiple Group
Currencies [page 197]
Currency Translation
When the currency translation task is run in the standard version, it is synchronously run in the related group
currency extension versions and extension versions with the run mode Automatic Run. If different special
versions for exchange rates are assigned to these versions, the relevant exchange rates are used for each
For more information on currency translation, see Currency Translation [page 166].
In analytics you can display the values of a group currency extension version or and extension version that
aggregates all values of the underlying reference versions by adding the respective version field to the layout of
the report.
If you use the multiple group currency feature in analytical apps, please consider that the system
performance might be affected.
For group currency extension versions, GC amounts of underlying reference versions are not included in the GC
extension version. However, the GC extension version carries LC and TC amounts as well as quantity values
from the underlying reference versions.
Extension versions carry GC amounts, LC amounts, TC amounts, and the quantity amounts from underlying
Standard versions carry GC, LC, and TC amounts as well as the quantity that has been posted to the standard
If you want to see the GC amounts for EUR at the standard and budget rate, USD at standard rate, and CNY at
standard rate, and you want to compare it to the LC amounts, you need to select all versions and create the
following layout:
Columns: version
If you add the Consolidation Version Element field to your report, you can display which version stores which
If you want to create custom reports based on C1 released queries and views (2CCCSMATRIXRPT10Q /
C_ConsolidationMatrixRpt1OQ and 2CCCSMATRIXRPT30Q / C_ConsolidationMatrixRpt3OQ) or
use SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) based Group Data Analysis reports (F4325, F4324) and want to display
amounts for certain GC extension versions, you must also add the standard version to the layout.
With the SAP Business Technology Platform app, SAP Group Reporting Data Collection, you can create a form
with different versions in the columns using the Manage Forms app. This allows you to enter data for a standard
version, an extension version, and a group currency extension version from within one single form using the
Enter Package Data app.
You can change the local currency of a consolidation unit at the beginning of a new year. For more information,
see Define Consolidation Units [page 15].
After you assign a new local currency to the consolidation unit, you run the Balance Carryforward task. During
the balance carryforward, the system translates values from the old local currency to the new local currency.
For this translation, the system uses the currency translation method assigned to the consolidation unit in the
first period of the new year.
However, the currency translation method is only partially used in this context as follows:
• Only the reference exchange rate indicator is used for the translation. The specific translation defined in
the method entries aren't used because only a unique rate is necessary to translate the old local currency
to the new local currency.
• The rounding entries are used to round the values to the new local currency. This is necessary because
rounding entries might appear when translating the old local currency to the new local currency.
Moreover, in the currency translation method you can define how to record the values in the new local currency
if it is identical to the group currency.
When the reference rate used for the translation of the old local currency to the new local currency (in the
new year) is the same as the rate used for the translation of the old local currency to the group currency (in
the prior year), options A, B, and C provide the same results. However, there is an exception. If, in the
previous year, a currency translation difference is posted to a different financial statement (FS) item,
options A, B and C don't provide the same results.
Transaction currency
When the local currency is identical to the transaction currency, the system considers the breakdown category
of the FS item as follows:
• With breakdown by transaction currency: The values in transaction currency are not changed
• With no breakdown by transaction currency: The values in transaction currency are replaced with the local
currency values, for posting levels #, 00, 01, 0C, 10, or by the group currency values, for other posting
The reversal of documents posted in the first period of the new year are also translated to the new local
When preparing the financial close for each fiscal period, start with the following activities:
• Maintain exchange rates, for example, monthly average rate or monthly closing rate.
• Perform the consistency check for accounting integration, for example, for financial statement items and
consolidation units.
With the Currency Exchange Rates app, you maintain exchange rates in the exchange rate table for
combinations of exchange rate type, source and target currency, and effective period.
The date in the table is the valid-from date. If the exchange rate changes, you need to make a new entry for the
same combination of exchange rate type, source currency, and target currency. However, you use a new valid-
from date.
Exchange Rate Type specifies exchange rates used for different purposes at the same time in the system. It
is assigned to Exchange Rate Indicators and thereafter mapped to financial statement (FS) items in
currency translation. The following preset exchange rate types exist in the system:
For more information, see the Currency Translation [page 166] task.
You can also choose to import your defined exchange rates through a file upload with the app Import Foreign
Exchange Rates. For more information, see Import Foreign Exchange Rates.
Related Information
To receive and process data transferred from other financial accounting apps for consolidation, a consistency
check needs to be performed on the settings of both the sender and receiver systems. For example, to check if
financial statement (FS) items in the consolidation chart of accounts are mapped with general ledger accounts,
or any manually-created consolidation units are integrated with operational organization units. This app
provides features to accomplish this.
In the data preparation phase, reported financial data from consolidation units are collected, validated, and
adjusted using various apps.
The Data Monitor [page 142] app is the entry point for performing these tasks.
You use the data monitor to run the activities for collecting and preparing the financial data reported by your
consolidation units. These activities are called tasks.
The tasks of the data monitor are predefined and ready to use. The system manages the status of the tasks
and thus ensures a logical sequence and consistent data. The following table displays the tasks in the data
monitor as delivered in the SAP Best Practices content:
1095 Manual Posting (PL10) 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19
For more information on document types, see Document Types and Posting Levels [page 77].
If the new group reporting logic is activated, no hierarchies for consolidation groups are displayed; instead,
such consolidation groups contain a flat list of consolidation units. You maintain the structure of
consolidation groups in the Manage Group Structure apps.
• Test Run
No data is changed (for example, the status is not changed and no documents are posted). Test run merely
simulates running the task.
• Update Run
If you choose Run successive tasks, the system runs multiple tasks as a bundle. If you choose Task Bundle
Run successive tasks w/o stop , the system also runs multiple tasks as a bundle, but does not stop at
milestone tasks. You can also run all tasks at once in both the data monitor and consolidation monitor. To do so,
choose Task Bundle Data and Consolidation Monitor . These features automate the task run and speed
up the creation of your consolidated statements. The status bar shows which task is being processed.
Another option is to run one task for several periods at the same time. If you choose Task Bundle In
Remaining Periods , you can run the selected task for the current period and all other remaining periods of the
consolidation cycle. You can only use this option if a consolidation cycle is assigned to the version you are
working in. This is also possible for blocking and unblocking a task. For more information, see Plan
Consolidation [page 543].
The update run for each task is only possible when the period is open. You open a period by choosing
More Edit Open period .
It is possible to define several data collection tasks in the monitor and assign different document types to
these tasks. Every task is displayed in its own column.
When you run a task in a standard version that has extension versions refer to it, the task is run in a bundle for
the standard version and the extension versions. Only the log for the standard version is displayed, but you can
display the log for the extension versions using the Last Log in the Task Log app.
When a standard version has extension versions that refer to it, the following applies to the task status:
• The relevance of the task status considers the standard version and extension versions. For example, if
the local currency of the consolidation unit is the same as the group currency of the standard version,
but is different from the group currency of the extension version, the currency translation task is not
set to irrelevant.
• If a task runs in update run with no error in the standard version but with errors in the extension
version, the task status is set to Error in Extension Version.
After you have run a task, you can block the task if no errors are displayed and preceding tasks are also
blocked. This allows you to track your progress and monitor the status of tasks in the consolidation process. An
A task must be unblocked before it can be rerun after being blocked. Note that this also automatically unblocks
all downstream tasks. For example, if you unblock the task Data Collection, the tasks Calculate Net Income,
Currency Translation, and so on are also unblocked.
Note that to get the overall status complete (green) for tasks, the tasks (except irrelevant tasks) have to be
blocked. When you use the Lock Upon User Request option, the overall status does not change to complete.
If you don’t want to use the global parameters to run the tasks, choose Start with Selection. You can then
change organizational units, the version and period, and other technical settings. The list of parameters
available in the selection screen depends on the task you selected. The Release Universal Journals and the Data
Collection tasks don't have a selection screen.
Last Log
To view the last log of the task process, select one task and choose Last Log from the context menu. You can
only view the log if you have run the task before. You can view the log regardless of the status. The last log
displays the result details for the consolidation unit you selected. For validation tasks, the log opens in the
Manage Data Validation Task app. If you run the last log task for a consolidation group, a list of the consolidation
units assigned to the consolidation group is displayed. Select one consolidation unit to view the log.
When you choose Last Log and the current version is a standard version and has extension versions that refers
to it, you can select the version for which you want to display the log.
Background Run
You can run a task in the background to, for example, reduce waiting time. To run a task in the background,
select one task and choose Execute in Background from the context menu. When you run a task in the
background, you can still trace the job status, see the log and the updated task status, and check the task run
result. You can open Application Jobs in the Schedule Jobs for Consolidation Tasks [page 132] app to see the
details of the jobs run. The following tasks can be run in the background: Balance Carryforward, Calculate Net
Income, Currency Translation, Preparation for Consolidation Group Changes, Reclassification, Validation of
Consolidated Data, Validation of Reported Data, Validation of Standardized Data, Release Universal Journals,
and Validation of Universal Journal.
Reclassifications work in the same way as in the Consolidation Monitor [page 381] app. In the Data Monitor,
you can only use reclassifications for the following posting levels:
More Information
• The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an
app on the SAP Fiori launchpad. The SAP Fiori apps reference library is available here: https://
To see this app’s Fiori content, search for the app. Then select SAP S/4HANA as the product. On the
Implementation Information tab, select the correct release. The details are in the Configuration section.
• Desktop
All described features are also valid for the consolidation monitor, as the main difference between the two
monitors is the tasks that you can execute in them.
Monitor Layout
Organizational Units
The data monitor displays the organizational units down to the level of the consolidation units. This means that
you can run the tasks for the consolidation groups as well as individual consolidation units. This differs from the
consolidation monitor, which displays on the level of consolidation groups.
If you enter a consolidation group in the global parameters, the monitor only displays the organizational
units of this group (as it does with Set Focus button). When you also enter a consolidation unit for this
group in the global parameters, the monitor displays the detailed overview of tasks for this unit.
For a better overview of the organizational units to be processed, the menu contains the following functions:
Layout Design
Depending on your group's structure and your consolidation requirements, the matrix in the monitor can
become very large and somewhat unwieldy. In this case, you can use the following functions to modify the
layout of the monitor:
All tasks start out from the Initial Stage status. Execute all the tasks in the data monitor as follows:
1. Place the cursor on the Initial Stage status that intersects between the desired consolidation unit and the
first task displayed.
2. Choose either the update run, test run, or access the context menu and execute either a Test with Original
List or Start with Selection Screen. The following steps describe the update run mode.
3. The system carries out the task and, depending on the task, you will get a task log. For example, you will
not get a task log for manual posting, but will instead get the information about which document number
was posted.
4. After it is successfully executed, block the task. A task can only be blocked if it was run without any errors
and is not pending, with an exception for the Data collection and Manual posting tasks, which can be
blocked without having been run.
5. Execute the next task using the same procedure.
6. Continue to block the executed tasks and run the next one.
7. If a task such as data validation produces errors, you must correct the errors before attempting to block
the task.
For example, you may have to unblock the Data Collection task. This will also unblock all of the downstream
8. Execute all tasks.
You can open and close periods of a fiscal year. For the sake of precision, we recommend that periods are kept
closed and are only opened for each consolidation unit.
The following table shows which actions you can execute in the data monitor and which actions you execute
using the consolidation monitor, so that according to the initial status, you can close or open the period again.
Action Results
Action in Consolidation
Initial Status Action in Data Monitor Monitor Result
An authorization object exists for opening and closing periods, enabling you to assign the authorization to a
specific circle of co-workers.
You have:
For more information on restatement, see Restatement and Simulation [page 545].
• Define Subitems
Allows you to specify one carryforward subitem for each subitem (if activated in the subitem
category). You do this in the Define Subitem Categories and Subitems configuration activity
You run balance carryforward in the first closing period of a new fiscal year. This copies the carryforward data
into the carryforward period 0. Hence, the cumulative amounts in any subsequent period include the opening
balances, and the generated data is protected against changes. You don’t need to run balance carryforward
again in subsequent periods. Hence, the task only appears for the first closing period in the data monitor.
In general, FS items that are carried forward are asset items and liability or equity items. You can also choose to
carry forward statistical items and P&L statement items.
The figure below illustrates how balances are carried forward (C/F) and is followed by an explanation:
The closing balance at year-end is carried forward to the opening balance of period 00 of the next year.
• FS items are carried forward in all required currencies and quantities (for example, local currency and
group currency).
• Balance carryforward keeps the original document type and posting level.
There are the following exceptions:
Balance carryforward also considers the FS item roles assigned to FS items to determine on which FS item the
balance must be carried forward.
The determination of FS items using FS item roles for balance carryforward is as follows:
During balance carryforward, the amount recorded on FS item annual net income (317000) of the year X is
carried forward to FS item retained earnings (316000) into year X+1.
• FS item 317000 represents the annual net income in the B/S which mirrors the net income/loss (FS item
799999) from the P&L statement
• Both FS items typically don’t have corresponding accounts in the G/L chart of accounts
To determine which G/L accounts are to be carried forward, the balance carryforward records the G/L
accounts defined in the Accounts to Be Carried Forward configuration activity. This ensures that the FS item
carrying the net income of the prior year (for example, FS item 316000 – Retained earnings) matches the
retained earnings G/L account (for example, G/L account 3300000 – Retained earnings).
If you have your own net income and/or retained earning FS items, you can adjust the determination of the FS
items in the balance carry forward by assigning the relevant roles to your FS items, as indicated in the table
When the local currency assigned to a consolidation unit is changed on the next year, balance carryforward
also translates the amounts in the old local currency into the new local currency. For more information, see
Local Currency Change [page 139].
When the document types are defined with auto reversal in the subsequent year (see also Document Types
and Posting Levels [page 77], the reversal documents are created during balance carryforward.
Related Information
Release the reported financial data from the universal journal for consolidation purposes.
You have:
• You've checked the global parameters and ensured that the period is open.
• You've assigned the data transfer method Transfer from Universal Journal to your consolidation unit in the
Define Consolidation Units [page 15] app.
• You've specified the relevant fiscal year and period in the Define Consolidation Units [page 15] app.
• You've assigned financial statement (FS) item mappings
You release reported financial data that resides in the SAP S/4HANA system for accounting.
The tables below list the available actions you can use in the Test and Update Run modes.
In the Test mode the total number of ACDOCA documents, which were used, is displayed.
Documents Choose Documents to open a new window with a summary of the posting results based on the
key field.
• Choose Toggle View in the lower right corner of this new window to switch between the three
views GL Account, FS Items, and Original Company Code.
• Choose Documents to display the function of the "old" Documents button, which directly dis
plays all documents without any filtering.
• Choose the icon in the Documents column of a particular line to display details for this partic
ular line in a new window. This activates a drill-down, which displays the details of a particular
document in ACDOCA. This activates the drill-down for the Release of Universal Journals as
opposed to the Display Group Journal Entries app. In this window even the custom fields in AC
DOCA are displayed.
Map Fields ACDOCA Choose Map Fields ACDOCA to display accounting data.
Map Fields ACDOCP Choose Map Fields ACDOCP to display accounting plan data.
In the Update mode, you see the aggregated number of documents. However, the values in all other columns are identical
to the ones in the test mode.
Documents Choose Documents to open a new window with a summary of the posting results based on the
key field.
• Choose Toggle View in the lower right corner of this new window to switch between the three
views GL Account, FS Items, and Original Company Code.
• Choose Documents to display the function of the "old" Documents button, which directly dis
plays all documents without any filtering.
• Choose the icon in the Documents column for a particular line to display details for this par
ticular line in a new window. This activates a drill-down, which displays the details of a particu
lar document in ACDOCA. This activates the drill-through for the Release of Universal Journals
as opposed to the Display Group Journal Entries app. In this window even the custom fields in
ACDOCA are displayed.
Map Fields ACDOCA Choose Map Fields ACDOCA to display accounting data.
Map Fields ACDOCP Choose Map Fields ACDOCP to display accounting plan data.
In the update run of the data release task an application log is available:
You can release the universal journal multiple times in the current period. Documents posted to the universal
journal up to when you release the journal are considered for consolidation.
If you release data while the current accounting period is still open, additional data can get posted in
accounting. If the data is not released again during that period, the data is ignored for consolidation purposes.
You can only release data from the accounting period that corresponds to the consolidation period in which the
release task is executed.
We recommend that you lock the accounting period before you release the data for consolidation.
Both actual and plan data can be released depending on the consolidation version you set in the global
parameters: choose the actuals version to release actual data from the universal journal (table ACDOCA) or
choose the budget version to release financial plan data (from the table ACDOCP).
The data release doesn’t support sender currency keys for transaction currencies.
You assign the K4 (Calendar Year, 4 Special Periods) FYV to a consolidation unit and make an accounting
posting using December 31 as the posting date and any of the four special periods (13, 14, 15, or 16) as the
posting period. In group reporting, the system converts the period to posting period 12 based on the
posting date December 31.
Release Journal Entries with Multiple Group Currencies in the Universal Journal
The data release task always runs in the standard version in the data monitor. If you´ve defined a version with
version attributes such as extension versions, these defined versions are also processed at the same time in
this single step.
The transferred amounts aren´t transferred in full amounts. Instead they´re transferred in the delta
amounts to the standard version.
If you release the reported financial data from the universal journal using multiple currencies:
Next Steps
After you run release universal journals, you can block the task.
Run data collection to flexibly upload the reported financial data that is stored somewhere other than the
universal journal, to post group journal entries to correct reported financial data, or to call the application
programming interface (API) Reported Financial Data for Group Reporting – Bulk Import.
You have checked the global parameters and ensured that the period is open.
• To upload reported financial data, you can run the task Data Collection in the Data Monitor or run the
Flexible Upload of Reported Financial Data [page 183] app.
This task also provides links to the Post Group Journal Entries [page 193] app where you can post manual
corrections of the universal journal or of the reported data by using the document type 01 or 02
• In addition, you can also call the application programming interface (API) service Reported Financial
Data for Group Reporting – Bulk Import to import the reported financial data of multiple
consolidation units to the SAP S/4HANA system. The API call also updates the data collection task status
for the relevant consolidation units. A second API service Reported Financial Data for Group
Reporting – Confirmation is available for receiving the status of the imported financial data, for
example, whether the import is successful or any data contains errors and requires re-import after
correction. For more information about both API services, go to the SAP API Business Hub (https:// ), search for them, and check Business Documentation under the Details tab for each API
These two API services are published for SAP S/4HANA Cloud and can be used in the SAP S/4HANA
environment, provided that you set up the connection in Customizing for SAP S/4HANA for Group
Reporting under Data Collection for Consolidation Map Logical Port with Business System for
Reporting Data API .
• You can also collect financial data for a business unit using the SAP Group Reporting Data Collection app
on the SAP Business Technology Platform. The app also updates the data collection task status for the
relevant consolidation units.
For more information, see SAP Group Reporting Data Collection [page 157].
You can also place the cursor on the consolidation group to collect data for all consolidation units included
in this group at the same time.
3. Choose Update Run.
4. Choose the flexible upload icon (alternatively choose a document type to post a correction in the Post
Group Journal Entries app).
5. Choose an Upload method.
6. Upload the file.
7. Choose Execute.
8. Check the detailed log for the results.
In the detailed log, all the records that are written successfully have the posting level 00 and document
type 00.
Next Steps
After you run data collection, you can block the task if no errors are displayed.
You can collect financial data for a business unit using the SAP Group Reporting Data Collection app on the SAP
Business Technology Platform. The app also updates the data collection task status in the data monitor for the
relevant consolidation units. For more information, see
This video shows how the SAP Group Reporting Data Collection app works.
Captions are available for multiple languages. Use the CC (Closed Captions) button in the video player to
see which languages are supported.
You can also use the Search within video field to search for specific text in the English or German captions.
You can define multiple data collection tasks in the data monitor. The data collection tasks are assigned to
unique document types. Identifying a corresponding data entry, mainly updating its monitor status, is done by
using the proper document type in the file, or by performing the task from the monitor.
You can create new data collection tasks in Data Monitor in the configuration step SAP S/4HANA Group
Reporting Data Collection for Consolidation Define Task . In addition you need to assign new data entry
tasks with document types in the configuration step SAP S/4HANA Group Reporting Data Collection for
Consolidation Define Data Collection Tasks with Document Type Assignment .
The assignment of Document Types to tasks need to be unique within one task group (one document type
must not be assigned to more than one task). At the same time, one task can be assigned with multiple
document types.
When using multiple data collection tasks, you use the corresponding document type in the upload file and
assign different document types to these tasks for the upload file. Every task is displayed in its own column.
• When using the custom data collection task, with an assigned document type, you specify the
corresponding document type in the upload file, or you omit lines with the document type definition from
the file.
• If the upload file doesn’t contain a document type, the default type (alphabetically the first with posting
level 00 and business application B = Flexible Upload) is used by the system.
• If the document type contained in the upload file doesn't match any existing assignment of document type
to data collection task, the default data collection task is used, which is the first one in the data monitor.
• The default document type always refers to the first document type, with PL 00 and business application B
in alphabetical ascending order. If there's no document type specified in the header of the upload file, this
default document type is automatically applied to the upload file as a write document type.
• The default document type is the taken for data posting until it is overwritten by the customizing CX8TT02
(TF572). If an input document type is explicitly assigned to a DTX task, the status of this task is checked
and updated. The default DTX task plays no role.
• The default data collection task is the first data entry task in the active task group (in the monitor).
• It automatically adopts unassigned document types according to the following criteria: The Posting level
00 + Automatic posting + business application A, B, E (These are internally processed by a flexible upload).
The data collection task to use depends on to which data collection task the write doc type is explicitly or
implicitly assigned.
The document type assignment is version dependent. It is assigned if it appears in a TF572 record for a
respective version and the current fiscal period.
The document type is assigned to a task, which is assigned to an active task group. It means the task group is
assigned for a current consolidation version from a certain period and year.
The document type must not be assigned to multiple tasks within one task group.
If the document type is not assigned to any task, or if the task is not assigned to any task group in the current
version and time, the assignment is invalid. The document type is unassigned then.
Consistency of the document type: Task assignment must be checked during maintenance or relevant
customizing (transactions CX8TT02, CXE0) and during an upload execution.
Flexible upload can be executed from the data monitor by selecting a data entry task or it can be executed
without the monitor using transaction FINCS_UPL_EXEC or via a corresponding tile in the Flexible Upload app.
You can export planning data from SAP Analytics Cloud to SAP S/4HANA for group reporting. Get an overview
of this process and learn how to check the status of it.
To export planning data from SAP Analytics Cloud to SAP S/4HANA for group reporting, the following
prerequisites must be fulfilled:
• Planning data for SAP S/4HANA for group reporting is available in SAP Analytics Cloud.
• A data collection task with an explicit document type assignment is part of the data monitor task group.
The document type in this assignment must be configured for business application E (External Reported
Financial Data), posting level 00, and automatic document posting.
To export planning data from SAP Analytics Cloud, you first must define an export configuration in SAP
Analytics Cloud. For a step-by-step guide on how to do this, see Exporting Group Financial Plan Data to SAP S/
4HANA or SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
When the export configuration is executed in SAP Analytics Cloud, the planning data is exported to SAP S/
4HANA for group reporting.
The planning data is divided into logical data packages during the export. Each logical package is composed of
one of each of the following elements:
• Consolidation unit
• Fiscal year and period
• Consolidation version
• Consolidation chart of accounts (COA)
• Document type
Data is written into the group journal for each logical data package.
Logical data packages are written independently from each other. This means that it could happen that
some of the packages are successfully written, some are only partially written, and others are not written at
You can track the status of the export in SAP S/4HANA for group reporting and in SAP Analytics Cloud.
To see the statuses of all logical data packages in the data monitor, you may need to vary the global
parameters. For example, you may need to adjust and readjust the fiscal year period or the consolidation
unit to see other logical data packages and their statuses.
For a high-level overview of the status, SAP Analytics Cloud only displays a single aggregated status for the
whole data export instead of an individual status for each logical data package. If the data export was
successful for all logical packages without any errors, you receive a green status, and the number of written
data records is displayed. If there were errors during the export, you receive a yellow status, and the number of
Rows Rejected indicates the number of error messages.
The number of Rows Accepted is the calculated difference of the total number of data records of the export
minus the number of Rows Rejected. Error messages are aggregated and not related to single data records,
so the number of Rows Accepted doesn’t necessarily represent the number of successfully written data
For detailed information on the status, you can use the Download Rejected link in the overall status message in
the data management workspace of a planning model. With this, you receive a CSV file with the aggregated
error messages. In the file, you have further information at the level of logical data packages.
Related Information
Exporting Group Financial Plan Data to SAP S/4HANA or SAP S/4HANA Cloud
Run validation of universal journals to check if errors exist in universal journals in the form of missing or
incorrect subassignments for financial statement (FS) items.
You have:
• Checked the global parameters and ensured that the period is open
• Assigned the data transfer method Read from Universal Document on the Data Collection tab, in the
Consolidation Group Hierarchy app, to your consolidation unit
• Run the task Release Universal Journal
If errors exist in the form of missing or incorrect subassignments for FS items where a subassignment is
required, these are discovered by this task.
This is only relevant if the data collection method is set to Read from Universal Journal.
To proceed with further consolidation tasks, this validation task must run without errors. It is possible to
correct the submitted data manually using manual posting with the special document type posting level 0C
Adjustment Entry for Universal Document.
To correct errors, open the Post Group Journal Entries app and select document type 01 Manual correction of
universal journal. For more information, see Post Group Journal Entries [page 193].
You can also place the cursor on the consolidation group to validate universal journals for all consolidation
units included in this group at the same time.
3. Check the results using the log provided.
Next Steps
After you run validation of universal journals, you can block the task if no errors are displayed.
Calculate and post net income to the selected financial statement (FS) items in the balance sheet and profit/
loss (P&L).
You have:
• Checked the global parameters and ensured that the period is open
You run calculate net income in every period. The annual net income will be calculated and written to FS items
Net Income in the balance sheet and in the P&L.
Reported financial data is usually collected with an initial imbalance in the financial statements (balance sheet,
P&L). The initial imbalance of the balance sheet must correspond to the imbalance of the P&L. The system
posts the annual net income when you run the task. This ensures that the balance sheet and the P&L are
consistent. Once the adjustment is posted, the two statements (balance sheet and P&L) balance again.
In this example, the initial imbalance of the balance sheet (-100) corresponds to the imbalance of the P&L
The system calculates the annual net income using the same document type as the reported data for
posting level (PL) 00. Only for data that is released from accounting (posting level is initial), the system
calculates the annual net income using document type 05.
If you have run the task successfully, a detailed log about the calculated net income result is displayed.
After you run calculation of net income, you can block the task.
Run reported data validation to validate the reported financial data in the local currency according to the
validation method you assigned to your consolidation unit.
You have:
• Checked the global parameters and ensured that the period is open
• Defined the validation rules and the validation methods using the corresponding apps, alternatively you
can use the pre-delivered validation method
• Assigned the validation method to your consolidation unit using the corresponding app
A validation method contains a set of validation rules that verify data correctness according to basic financial
principles, such as the following:
• The net income calculated in the profit/loss (P&L) statement must equal the net income in the equity of
the balance sheet
• The total assets must equal the sum of the total liabilities plus the sum of total equity
• The net accounting value of lands and buildings must be greater than or equal to 0
After the task is completed, a detailed validation log is displayed showing the validation result and any error or
warning messages.
If you run this task as a test and update run, you are redirected to the Manage Data Validation Tasks – Reported
Data app.
After you run reported data validation, you can block the task if no errors are displayed.
Run manual posting if you need to post group journal entries manually to adjust data. For example, you may
need to post correcting or standardizing entries to the reported data collected in the system.
You have:
• Checked the global parameters in the Data Monitor app and ensured that the period is open
• Defined document types for manual posting
• Defined tasks for manual posting
Although consolidation allows you to run most tasks automatically, in some cases you may want to supplement
automatic postings with manual postings. In addition to this, it is often necessary to manually adjust the
reported data of consolidation units to the requirements of the group.
To post manual entries, you can run the task in the Data Monitor or run the Post Group Journal Entries [page
193] app.
Next Steps
After you run manual postings, you can block the task.
Run currency translation (CT) to translate the currency of financial statements from the local currency (LC)
into the group currency (GC) so that the financial statements from local companies can be included in group
To get the desired closing outcome, you must always run and complete the Annual Net Income Task before
you run the Currency Translation Task.
For actuals, update exchange rate type AVG and CLO, for planning scenarios, update exchange rate type
AVG1 and CLO1, and for simulation of actuals, update exchange rate type AVG2 and CLO2.
The translation method determines the exchange rate used for translating financial statement (FS) items, and
how translation differences are posted. For each CU, you specify a single translation method. The assignment
of a translation method to a consolidation unit is time- and version-dependent.
Corporate groups must prepare their consolidated financial statement using the group currency.
If the local currency of the consolidation unit is different from the group currency, the currency translation
needs to translate the local currency into the group currency. The translation rules are defined in each CT
method, which is assigned to individual consolidation units If the local currency of the consolidation unit is the
same as the group currency, the system always copies the value in currency to group currency.
The system changes the status to irrelevant for CUs where the LC equals the GC.
2. Place the cursor on the CU for which you want to translate the currency and on the relevant task and
choose Update run.
The system creates additional lines with the translation indicators 1 and 4 depending on the amount in the
LC and the rules in the currency translation method.
If you’ve run the currency translation task and errors occurred due to missing exchange rates or
imbalanced reported data, for example, the currency translation still posts data and group currency
values are available for analysis. Nevertheless, the currency translation task status is Error and after
the data is corrected, it’s required to run the currency translation again.
Next Steps
After you run currency translation, you can block the task. Fundamentals
• Local currency: The local currency is the currency in which the consolidation unit reports its financial data
to the consolidation group. This is equal to the local currency of the corresponding company code in
accounting. However, it is possible to source the local currency value of a consolidation unit from a
Sourcing the local currency value of a consolidation unit from a different currency is only available in a
year before the From Year for Group Reporting Preparation Ledger.
• Transaction currency: The transaction currency is the currency in which the original accounting document
is posted. The transaction currency is used for the intercompany reconciliation process.
• Group currency: The group currency is the currency in which the consolidation group publishes its financial
statement. It is defined in the consolidation version. If the old reporting logic is active, it is defined by
assigning the corresponding consolidation ledger to the consolidation group. For more information, see
Consolidation Ledger [page 74].
In the first currency translation (CT) step, reported financial data is translated from the local currency amount
into the group currency using the reference exchange rate for all FS items. This first translation helps detect
translation differences in a later step and ensures that the overall translation is balanced.
The reference exchange rate always uses the Closing Rate exchange rate type. For more information, see
Maintain Exchange Rates [page 141].
In the second step, the local currency amounts of the specified combinations of FS items and subitems are
translated into the group currency by applying their respective exchange rate types, for example, the Average
Rate. The CT method determines the exchange rate types used and the FS items to which the incurred
translation and rounding differences are posted.
In the third step, the difference between reference translation (first step) and special translation (second step)
is calculated and stored on a difference accounting object, for example, on the same FS Item for a currency
translation difference subitem or on a difference FS Item, such as the currency translation reserve.
Once the reported financial data is translated in group currency, the system checks that the group currency
value is balanced. If the group currency values are not balanced and the local currency values are balanced, the
system posts the difference as rounding entries.
The results for all three steps are displayed in the task log in respective columns. Scenarios
• In accounting, local currency values are obtained by translating the transaction currency values (if they are
different) using the current exchange rate valid at the posting date. During the local close, values in
transaction currencies can be valuated again using the exchange rate valid at period end.
• In group reporting, group currency values are obtained by translating the local currency values using
specific exchange rates and methods. However, it is also possible to use other currency values in
accounting to source the group currency in group reporting. This is defined in the Define Versions
configuration activity using Group Currency Source in a year as of the From Year for Group Reporting
The local currency values in accounting are reported in group reporting. Local and group currency values in
accounting are used as the basis for the calculation of group currency values in group reporting, meaning the
currency difference between the current rate from accounting and the closing rate from group reporting is
Another currency (for example, functional currency) in accounting is used as the source for the local currency
in group reporting. It is then translated into the group currency. However, this scenario is not possible when
using the Integration with Group Reporting Preparation Ledger [page 613].
For scenario 1, you can only use CT method Y0902 (S4 Accounting GC), for scenario 2 and 3, you can also use
other CT methods. For more information, see Translation Methods [page 170]
If you calculate the GC value for the translation in accounting at the daily rate, you get the highest possible
accuracy. You can then re-translate the GC value, using the CT method for an additional translation using the
closing rate for the balance sheet.
You can also calculate the GC value at a constant currency rate in accounting and keep it as a reference in
group reporting to show the foreign exchange rate impact in your financial group statements. For this scenario,
you might need to reprocess the data in a separate consolidation version, if you need translations both, at an
actuals rate and at a constant currency rate
The currency translation (CT) methods define how the currency translation takes place depending on the
financial statement (FS) items and subitems.
• Profit and Loss (P&L) FS items: Local currency values are translated using the average (A) rate.
The translation of the P&L FS items, and the balance sheet movements using the average rate can be done
using the periodic or the cumulative approach. Each approach is translated in the following way::
• Periodic: Each periodic value is translated using the rate applicable for this period.
• Cumulative: The cumulative value is translated using the rate applicable for the current period.
You can choose from the following pre-delivered currency translation methods:
• S0902 (Translation-FC@First Period - Periodic): You can assign this method to CUs that are newly
integrated into the group starting from the first period of the fiscal year. For the FS items in the P&L
statement and the movements-related FS items in the balance sheet, S0902 translates periodic values at
the exchange rates for their respective periods.
• S0903 (Standard Translation - Periodic): It translates values for all FS items at the monthly average
exchange rate for each period.
• S0904 (Translation-FC@Incoming Unit): It translates incoming units at a specific rate (exchange rate
indicator J) maintained for incoming unit. This offers more flexibility to incoming units.
• S0905 (Standard Translation Activity-Based C/I): You assign this method if you are using the task for
automatic consolidation of investments in the consolidation monitor. The translation method uses the No
Retranslation of Existing Group Currency Value translation key for investment and equity, to fix their group
currency values to the historical rate. This means that in data collection of reported financial data for
investment and equity, you must maintain the amounts in both local and group currency.
• S0906 (Standard Tranlation Activity-Based FC): It can be assigned to apply a specific rate for opening
balance of incoming CU using the activity-based COI similarly to S0904 used in RBCOI.
• S0907 (S4 Accounting GC without Retranslation): Similar to Y0902 that uses translation key 6 for all
sequences to convert P&L and BS FS items. S0907 uses “*” as reference exchange rate indicator. The GC
amounts are not retranslated and no translation differences are calculated in group reporting.
• Y0901 (Standard Translation - YTD): Same as S0903, except that for the FS items in the P&L statement
and the movements-related FS items in the balance sheet, S0903 translates periodic values at the
The main differences between these CT methods are the Exchange Rate Indicator (ERI) and the Translation Key
(CT Key) that are assigned to the FS item selections. ERI determines the exchange rate to be used in the
currency translation, either monthly average rate (AVG) or monthly closing rate (CLO). CT key controls
whether cumulative values are translated at the rate for current period (YTD) or periodic values are translated
at the rates for their respective periods (PER). The table below displays the detailed settings for each method.
Period -
tion - Peri
S0905 Standard AVG PER AVG PER AVG PER Existing group cur
Transla rency values are not
tion Activ retranslated.
S0906 Standard AVG PER AVG PER INC2 PER Existing group cur
trans. Act. rency values are not
based-FC retranslated
S0907 S4 acct Existing group currency values are not retranslated. No translation differences are calculated in
GC w/o re group reporting.
tion - YTD
and Up
load (Up
*Since the opening balance is stored on period 000, the amount in the group currency is kept at its original
When a combination of FS item and subitem is not included in any method step, the reference exchange rate
defined in the method applies.
Once the reported financial data is translated into group currency, the system checks for each rounding entry
defined in the currency translation method that the group currency value is balanced. If the group currency
value is not balanced and the local currency values are balanced, then the system posts the difference as a
rounding entries.
The rounding differences are posted in group currency on the following FS item:
For more information on ERI and CT Key, see Details [page 173]. Details
Financial data can already exist in the group currency (GC) before the task Currency Translation (CT) is run.
This is the case in the following instances:
For consolidation units that are integrated with accounting, both the local currency (LC) and optionally the GC
amounts are read from the universal journal without translating again. You can also assign a specific CT
Parameters in CT Methods
A CT method is comprised of multiple method entries. Each method entry defines how to translate for a certain
selection, such as a selection of FS items, subitems, and possibly a document type. The following parameters
are needed to determine the specific exchange rates in a translation:
The combination of exchange rate type and exchange rate indicator allow you to find the correct exchange
rate for the specific versions (for example, actuals or plan versions).
• Translation Key
In addition to the exchange rate type, you assign a translation key for each method entry.
1 Translation of cumulative local values The exchange rate is taken from the
at the rate for the current period. exchange rate table. The system
translates the local currency values
accumulated between the carryfor
ward period 000 and the current pe
riod, using the exchange rate for the
current period. The result is a cumula
tive group currency value.
5 Translation of each period at the appli The exchange rate is taken from the
cable rate for the period. exchange rate table. The system
translates the local currency values of
each period using the exchange rate
for each respective period. The result
is a cumulative group currency value.
6 Existing group currency values are not The group currency values that exist
re-translated. in the database on CT Indicator 0, are
considered valid. Therefore, the sys
tem does not re-translate the local
currency value. Consolidation units
with the real-time update data trans
fer method have data in the local and
group currency.
• CT Indicator
In currency translation, data are recorded with CT indicators. The main CT indicators are explained as
CT Indicator Description
0, or empty GC value as available from the source data records, for ex
ample collected from the universal journal or by flexible
upload. In case no GC value is transferred from the source
records, the value is empty, or 0.
Indicators 2 and 3 are only relevant if you select the Temporal Translation Difference checkbox when
defining a CT method so that translation differences caused by exchange rate fluctuations between periods
are stored separately.
During the CT, the translation is done for each method entry and its corresponding Selection ID. A selection
includes FS items, subitems, and possibly document types.
In the CT log, for each combination of FS item and subitem, the following item types are displayed as rows:
• A row that reflects the translation in the group currency (item type: Currency Translation).
• A row that reflects the currency difference (item types: Difference). This row also displays on which FS item
or subitem the difference is posted.
• Total: These rows display the total group currency values.
Several Difference item types exist depending on where the currency translation difference is posted. For
example, Posting to Trigger, Not Affecting Net Income, and Rounding Difference.
• The translation method, the method entry/sequence, the selection ID, the corresponding FS item, and the
• The CT key, which can be used in combination with the exchange rate indicator, to define, for example, if
the translation is periodic or year to date, the exchange rate indicator, and the exchange rate used for the
translation of the FS item or subitem
• The local currency, the group currency, the reference amount (using the closing rate), and the translation
difference amount (= reference amount - group currency)
For more information on the task log, see Task Logs [page 218].
If the local currency equals the group currency of the group currency extension version, the local currency
doesn’t need to be translated and the system copies the local currency value to the group currency value. In
the log, it is displayed with the specific YYY selection and the Copied from LC Value selection ID.
When a combination of FS item and subitem is not included in any method step, the reference exchange rate
defined in the method applies. This is indicated in the log with the Other FS Items sequence (sequence ZZZ). Examples
The difference between the reference and the specific rate is posted to the same item on subitem 980 (CT
For the data records processed in this translation, the following translation indicators are set:
The difference between the reference and the specific rate is posted to the same item but to subitem 980.
For the data records processed in this translation, the following translation indicators are set:
Run preparation for consolidation group changes to adjust reported and standardized data when a
consolidation unit is acquired by a consolidation group or divested from a consolidation group. After this data is
adjusted, the financial statements (FS) contain only the data that arose during the time the consolidation unit
was part of the consolidation group.
You have:
• Checked the global parameters and ensured that the period is open
• Updated the assignments of your consolidation unit to your consolidation group (period on year of the first
consolidation, period on year of the last consolidation)
• Run the task Currency Translation before running Preparation for Consolidation Group Changes.
When a consolidation unit is acquired by a consolidation group or divested from a consolidation group, the
financial data must be adjusted.
The task Preparation for Consolidation Group Changes automatically posts these adjustments. The following
table shows an overview of the adjustment entries for the purchase method:
Between First
Before Acquisi During First Con Consolidation and
tion solidation Divestiture During divestiture After divestiture
Adjustments Financial data is For balance sheet No adjustment. For balance sheet Financial data is
reversed. FS items, the fi- FS items, the fi- reversed.
nancial data of pe nancial data of pe
riods prior to the riods prior to the
first consolidation divestiture is re
is posted to the ac versed using the
quisition subitem. divestiture sub
The balance sheet item. The balance
FS item net in sheet FS item net
come is reclassi incomeis reclassi
fied as net income fied as net in
prior to first con come / clearing.
Record type on Record type A Record type 0 Record type 0 Record type D
which the adjust
ment is posted
The following table shows an overview of the adjustment entries for the equity method:
Between First
Before Acquisi During First Con Consolidation and
tion solidation Divestiture During divestiture After divestiture
Adjustments Financial data is Financial data is Financial data is Financial data is Financial data is
reversed. reversed. reversed. reversed. reversed.
Record type on Record type A Record type E Record type E Record type E Record type D
which the adjust
ment is posted
For more information on record types, see Record Types [page 399].
For consolidated data (interunit eliminations), the partner unit is also evaluated for these adjustments.
Posting Levels
There are special posting levels for the adjustment entries.
The following table shows the posting levels in which entries were originally made, and the posting levels for the
associated adjustment entries:
Space - Reported Financial Data from Realtime Update 02 - Reported Data: Consolidation Group Changes
*Posting level 20 is adjusted by posting level 22. This is done in the Preparation for Consolidation Group Change
task in the Consolidation Monitor [page 381].
The data records for the preparation postings for consolidation group changes are neither translated nor
carried forward.
After you run preparation for consolidation group changes, you can block the task.
Run standardized data validation to validate the financial data in the group currency according to the validation
method you assigned to your consolidation unit.
You have:
• Checked the global parameters and ensured that the period is open
• Defined the validation rules and the validation methods using the corresponding apps or you can use the
pre-delivered validation method
• Assigned the validation method to your consolidation unit using the corresponding app
This is the final validation task run on the standardized financial data in the group currency.
If you run this task as a test and update run, you are redirected to the Manage Data Validation Tasks –
Standardized Data app.
Next Steps
After you run standardized data validation, you can block the task if no errors are displayed.
You can create custom tasks in the Data and Consolidation Monitor, if you miss a specific task in the standard
system or if you want to refine your tasks.
You create a custom task, which you use as a sign-off task. To do so, you create a custom task that checks
whether all preceding tasks in the Data Monitor have been performed with the status "successful". The task
is closed, if this condition is met. The sign-off task is the last milestone, which has to be confirmed before
the Data Monitor can be closed.
To create your own custom tasks, you first have to complete the corresponding Customizing activities. Then,
you have to create your implementation using the corresponding BAdI as follows:
1. Complete the required definition in the Customizing under SAP S/4HANA for Group Reporting Custom
Tasks for Consolidation Custom Task for Data Monitor / Custom Task for Consolidation Monitor Add
Custom Task for Data Monitor / Add Custom Task for Consolidation Monitor
2. Then you implement the BAdI BADI_FINCS_CUST_DATAMON or BADI_FINCS_CUST_CONSMON for the
custom task/s you defined in step 1.
To do so choose in the Customizing SAP S/4HANA for Group Reporting BAdIs for Group Reporting
BAdI: Custom Task for Data Monitor / BAdI: Custom Task for Consolidation Monitor .
By opening the BAdI (Business Add-In) Documentation tab you can view the BAdI-specific documentation.
Then follow the standard steps to implement a BAdI/s for your defined Custom Task/s for Data Monitor
and/or Custom Task/s for Consolidation Monitor.
With this app you copy reported financial data and additional financial data from the source consolidation
version to the target consolidation version. For example, you copy records from version Actuals to version Plans
or Budgets.
You have:
You can specify which of the following data types you want to copy:
If the old reporting logic is active, the ledger is taken from the consolidation group specified in the selection
screen. When you assign different consolidation ledgers (with different group currencies) to the consolidation
group in the target version, the data is copied to a different target ledger (group currency) implicitly.
If you copy data with posting level blank (Realtime update from Accounting), it is replaced by posting level
00. This means that a drill-down to the original accounting data is not possible for copied data.
If you have run the copy successfully, the data collection task gets blocked in the target version (if the Block
Automatically checkbox is set in the Task Groups customizing activity (transaction CXE0) for the data
collection task).
More Information
• The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an
app on the SAP Fiori launchpad. The SAP Fiori apps reference library is available here: https://
To see this app’s Fiori content, search for the app. Then select SAP S/4HANA as the product. On the
Implementation Information tab, select the correct release. The details are in the Configuration section.
• Desktop
You can upload reported financial data for several periods in one step. This is useful when you want to upload
planning or forecasting data.
If the upload method SRD2 (File Driven Upload method (Comma Separated Values (CSV), 1,000.00)) is
selected for your consolidation unit, you need to prepare a CSV file.
You can also upload your data using the XLSX file format. XLS is not allowed, however.
The following table is an example of what the CSV file should look like:
ICAL X for
type or
P UPDAT <Enter
EMODE 1 for
all" or 2
P NSEP <Enter
1 for
or 2 for
nt type
t from
P DELTA <Enter
2 (Keep
s to
e the
D Consoli Consoli FiscalYe FiscalPe Consoli Financi Partner Amount Subite Segme
dationC dationV ar riod dationU alState Consoli InLocal m nt
hartOfA ersion nit mentIte dationU Currenc
ccounts m nit y
2 <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
2 <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
In the table above, P stands for parameters, D for the header row, and 2 for the data value in the row.
*Parameter is not uploaded.
In the CSV file, replace the field values shown within the angle brackets with your values and remove the
angle brackets. The quantity field can contain numbers with up to 21 digits and 8 decimals.
• If you enter x, the data of the file is interpreted as period data, for example, the data of the file is
written to the period specified in the file with no additional calculation.
• If you leave it blank, the data of the file is interpreted as cumulative (year-to-date) data, that is, the
system subtracts the cumulative data from the previous year, calculates the periodic data, and
then stores the cumulative data to the specified period.
• Enter x, if you upload multiple periods. Cumulative data is not supported for this case for
performance reasons.
• Enter 1 to Delete - all FS items, all subassignments: The deletion replaces any existing data that was
uploaded using the same combination of version, period, consolidation unit, and document type.
The system does not delete any data physically in the system. Instead, it calculates a delta
between the new data and any data uploaded previously and then creates new records for the delta
• Enter 2 to overwrite: Only the uploaded records are written. Any existing records that share the
same item and all of the same subassignments are overwritten.
• NSEP: number format
• Enter 1 for number format 1,000.00.
• Enter 2 for number format 1.000,00.
The thousand separator is optional in both cases.
If you use the expose mode, ensure that multiple versions aren´t uploaded simultaneously.
• The Keep mode 2 is used to reverse base postings to extension versions. The initial upload to the
standard version isn´t reflected in extension versions.
• The combination of the UPDATEMODE - Delete All parameter and the DELTAMODE - Keep
(2) parameter does not make sense and is not supported.
• The Rebase mode 3 overwrites extension versions. If there is a new upload to the standard version,
the values of the extension versions are set to the same values as in the standard version.
You can use the Rules for Substitution/Validation app in the GR Journal Entry Item Business
Context and Event fields. You can create and use substitution and validation rules to fill fields automatically,
or to substitute or validate field values based on defined preconditions and rules. If you want to restrict a
rule to a specific process, you have to define a precondition for the rule on the document type level. If you
don’t specify a document type, the rule applies to all processes, such as manual posting, API import, and
upload. In addition, you can use the rules for data import using the Reported Financial Data for Group
Reporting - Bulk Import API.
The following field names are supported by flexible upload in columns with row indicator D:
Field names with * are mandatory input fields, additional fields that you enable for input are optional. For more
information, see Customizing for Define Consolidation Master Data Fields under SAP S/4HANA for Group
Reporting Master Data .
Field names with ** may be fixed, required, or optional depending on the breakdown category assigned to the
financial statement (FS) items. For example, for the FS item investments in consolidation unit, the partner unit
field is mandatory since it is assigned to the breakdown category 1D20. For more information, see Breakdown
Categories [page 47].
AmountInLocalCurrency LocalCurrency
AmountInTransactionCurrency TransactionCurrency
AmountInGroupCurrency GroupCurrency
QuantityInBaseUnit BaseUnit
For example, if you use AmountInTransactionCurrency you also have to provide TransactionCurrency. If you use
QuantityInBaseUnit you also need to provide BaseUnit.
LocalCurrency is derived from the currency assigned to the consolidation unit automatically. GroupCurrency is
derived from the currency assigned.
The upload methods as delivered from SAP Best Practices content are SRD1 and SRD2. In SRD1 the field
separator is a tab, in SRD2 it is a semicolon.
This app only supports posting level 00. Journals on other posting levels can be uploaded with the Import
Group Journal Entries [page 200] app.
Subitems that are blocked for entry (set to No Posting/Entry) cannot be changed.
• If a subitem is blocked for entry and it isn’t contained in the input file, no error message is displayed.
• If the input file contains a record for the blocked subitem, with the same value as the value in the
database, no error message is displayed. That is, the uploaded file needs to result in no change on this
kind of subitem.
If the input file contains a record for a blocked subitem, which has a different value than the value in the
database, error G00696 is displayed.
However, there is an exception. If there is no data for the consolidation unit in any of the preceding periods
for the fiscal year, the opening balances can be changed.
Subitem 900 (Opening balance) is set to No Posting/Entry. For consolidation units, which have opening
balances that were carried forward from the previous fiscal year, you can upload a file that has the input
type Cumulative and update mode Delete all.
• Enter the exact same values as the existing values in the system in the file on subtitem 900.
• Enter no line in the input file for subitem 900.
1. Select the dropdown menu next to the Physical file name field.
2. Choose Import & Choose to select the file you want to upload.
3. Choose Open.
3. Choose Execute.
4. Check the detailed log for the results. You can export the log items to a spreadsheet application for further
analysis, for example, the Message column provides the possible failure root causes. The spreadsheet
application file also allows filtering and sorting based on the message type (information, warning, or error),
message number, and so on.
More Information
• The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an
app on the SAP Fiori launchpad. The SAP Fiori apps reference library is available here: https://
To see this app’s Fiori content, search for the app. Then select SAP S/4HANA as the product. On the
Implementation Information tab, select the correct release. The details are in the Configuration section.
• Desktop
This topic explains how you can change the value of single document types using flexible upload and how you
can calculate and store the delta for selected document types.
You have prepared your flexible upload template. You can download the template from the attachments of SAP
Note 2659672 .
When you upload the template again, with different values for the same document types, the values
that have been uploaded into the ACDOCU database are overwritten.
e. Select Execute to upload your template.
The values for your read document types are entered into the ACDOCU database.
2. Calculate the difference between the read document types and the write document types calculated by
following these steps:
a. Fill in the template for the flexible uploads of totals.
The values of the parameters SELECTDOCTY are your read document types from the previous step.
b. Open the Flexible Upload of Reported Financial Data app.
c. Enter an upload method in the Upload method field.
d. Upload your template that contains your data and the values for the document types by selecting the
Physical file name field.
e. Select Execute to upload your template.
In the Task Logs app, you can see the values of the document types. You can see that the value of the write
document type consists of the total sum of the values of the read document types and the delta between them
and the value of the write document type.
You upload the values 20 for X and 50 for Y. You also upload the value 100 for Z.
D = (X + Y) + (Z-(X+Y))
D is the difference that the system automatically calculated and becomes the value of the write document type
Z. The value of the write document type (D) equals the sum of the values of the read document types (X + Y)
and the difference between the value of write document type (Z) and sum of the values of the read document
types (X+Y).
Group journal entries are the consolidation-specific journal entries you post to correct, standardize, or
consolidate reported financial data to the requirements of the group. In the posting, you use different
document types to fulfill these purposes.
This section describes the three apps available for posting, importing, and displaying group journal entries.
With this app, you can make manual postings to adjust the reported financial data, standardizing entries, and
consolidation entries to the requirements of the group.
There are some consolidation tasks, for example, interunit eliminations and consolidation of investments,
leading to automatic postings in the system. In some cases, you may want to supplement automatic postings
with manual postings for financial statement (FS) imbalances, deferred income tax, or consolidation unit
balance adjustments, for example.
For documents, which are posted manually or automatically on posting level 20 in 2 different consolidation
units, the net income effect is recorded in the consolidation unit of the first entry and the corresponding
profit center/segment fields, if these fields are enabled for hierarchical eliminations.
For information about the document types for manual posting, see the document types listed in Manual Journal
Entry part of Document Types and Posting Levels topic.
Key Features
• Data collection
• Manual posting (posting level 10)
• Manual eliminations (posting level 20, 30)
• Enter group shares (posting level 30)
When executing the tasks from monitors or directly within this app, system checks task status in monitors, for
example if the required preceding tasks are complete or if the manual posting task is blocked or not. After task
execution, the task status is updated in monitors.
Default values for the ledger, consolidation chart of accounts, and version are based on the settings in the
Set Global Parameters app.
After choosing a document type, press Enter key to display the respective consolidation unit or group
fields as follows:
• Display Consolidation Unit field when a document type of posting level 10 is selected.
• Display Consolidation Unit 1 and Consolidation Unit 2 fields when a document type of posting level 20 is
• Display Consolidation Group field when a document type of posting level 30 is selected.
After entering an FS item, press Enter key to refresh the relevant table fields with the available attribute
values for this FS item, for example, for a certain FS item, a subitem category may be filled in automatically and
only the allowed subitem values are available in the Subitem drop-down list. This is based on the breakdown
category you set for the FS item in the Define Financial Statement Items app.
The Check feature helps to verify the correctness of the created journal entries before posting.
You can use the Balance button to automatically calculate and fill in the amount for your selected line item so
that all line items balance out to zero.
Attachments of group journal entries aren’t designed to process any personal data.
After you specify line item details and choose the Post button, automatic lines can be generated to make
sure the balance sheet and P&L statement affected are balanced or deferred taxes are correctly posted.
The automatic posting items are configured in Customizing under SAP S/4HANA for Group Reporting
Specify Selected FS Items for Automatic Posting .
You can also use an existing journal entry or line item as a template to create new ones by selecting the
reference one and choosing Copy.
• Define its tax rate in the Methods tab in the Consolidation Unit - Create & Change app.
• Use a document type that has a Deferred Income Taxes attribute enabled. For more information, see
Document Types and Posting Levels [page 77].
• Assign the FS item roles for net income (ANI) and deferred tax to the corresponding FS items. For more
information, see Selected FS Items [page 62]
• Post a document that effects the net income. For more information, see Financial Statement Items [page
If the document contains a profit impact, the automatic postings have indicator 1 (retained earnings) and the
profit is split in deferred tax with indicator 2 (deferred taxation) and remaining profit with indicator 1.
If you post a document without deferred tax, because you, for example, haven’t entered a tax rate, the
journal entry would look something like this:
If you maintain a tax rate of 40% for the consolidation unit and post a document with deferred tax, the
journal entry would look something like this:
You can also reverse multiple journal entries (also called documents) in the Mass Reversal app. While doing so,
you select and reverse manually posted documents by various criteria, for example, by organizational unit,
version, time, task, or subassignment.
This app contains Web Assistant documentation for key fields and concepts. To display the documentation
while working in the app, press F1 or click the question mark displayed in the app header.
More Information
• The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an
app on the SAP Fiori launchpad. The SAP Fiori apps reference library is available here: https://
To see this app’s Fiori content, search for the app. Then select SAP S/4HANA as the product. On the
Implementation Information tab, select the correct release. The details are in the Configuration section.
• Desktop
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• Smartphone
You can manually post journal entries in multiple group currencies and in a single posting at the same time.
Later, you can display this posting in the Display Group Journal Entries app. To use this function in the Post
Group Journal Entries app:
• Select all extension versions, which are defined for your standard version, in the Extension Versions field.
The corresponding multiple group currency values are displayed in the line item column. For example,
Amount in Group Crcy for MC1 Version.
Generally, only selected extension versions are active and posted. However, there is one exception: The
standard version is always selected automatically from the global parameters settings.
• For each selected version, with an amount that isn't equal to 0, the posting creates a separate document.
The Document Bundle No. is a unique number, which is assigned to each multiple group currency posting.
It contains a document for every version. These document numbers can be used for reversal postings.
• You can use the Document Bundle No. field to filter for the corresponding bundle number in the Post Group
Journal Entries and Display Group Journal Entries apps.
• Amounts Posted (full amount vs delta amount)
When you post a group journal entry with multiple group currencies, you enter full amounts. However, once
there is an extension version, that is a version with the same group currency key as your standard version,
delta amounts are calculated and stored in the database. These delta amounts are also reflected in
corresponding extension version documents. If you post an extension version that doesn't have the same
group currency key as your standard version, full amounts are stored and transferred to the posted
In the example below, you see that although the extension version Y12 contains 120 EUR only 20 EUR is
stored in the database and hence, reflected in the posted document.
Extension Versions
Y10 (EUR)
Y11 (USD)
Y12 (EUR)
100 120 20
In addition to the group currency (GC), values in local currency (LC), transactional currency (TC), and
quantity can be loaded and stored in extension versions of both manual and automatic run modes.
The Import Group Journal Entries app doesn’t support multiple group currencies.
You can post to and display multiple consolidation groups in the Post Group Journal Entries, Import Group
Journal Entries, and Display Group Journal Entries apps.
These postings can only be made for document types with posting level 30 (PL30).
Only the consolidation groups you select are active and considered for posting.
The Primary Group and Additional Groups fields are only used for posting group journal entries to
multiple consolidation groups. They aren't fields, which you define on group reporting level.
Only the header and line item values that you've entered are populated to the selected consolidation
groups. You cannot post different values to different consolidation groups.
For every selected consolidation group, separate documents are posted. To track these documents, the
system assigns a document bundle number (BUNNR) to every group journal entry, which posts to multiple
If you use the Manage Substitution/Validation Rules app for line items, note that they're applied in run-
time only for the consolidation group that you've selected in the Primary Group. After the rules are
applied, the modified document is also posted to the additional consolidation groups that were
selected with the values, which were substituted. For the consolidation groups selected in Additional
Groups, only the validation rules are checked upon "Check action" and/or during posting of the
document itself.
To create or post a group journal entry to a local currency, transaction currency or quantity for versions that are
defined for the restatement function, you must first complete the following steps:
When you manually create a document for a standard version, only extension versions of the standard version,
with the Automatic run mode, are displayed as extension version in the app. Depending on how you configured
the Define Versions configuration activity and your document type definition preferences, only versions that
have postings to a local currency (LC), transaction currency (TC), quantity or group currency (GC) are available
and ready for posting.
If you select a document type, which allows postings to a local currency in the header of the document only,
you create extension versions with the Automatic run mode that allow postings to the local currency and
these are displayed in the extension version dialogue.
To manually create a document for an extension version with the Manual run mode, select this version in your
global parameters and open the Post Group Journal Entries app and/or run the manual posting task in the data
or consolidation monitor.
• On the screen, the Extension Version field displays all extension versions that are asscociated with this
version, with the Automatic run mode.
• When you manually create a document for a standard version, only extension versions of the standard
version, with the Automatic run mode, are displayed as extension version in the app. Depending on how
you configured the Define Versions configuration activity and your document type definition preferences,
only versions that have postings to a local currency (LC), transaction currency (TC), quantity or group
currency (GC) are available and ready for posting.
If you select a document type in the header of a document, which allows postings to a local currency only,
only extension versions with run mode Automatic that allow postings to a local currency are displayed in
the dialog of the extension version.
With this app, you can post multiple manual journal entries into the system all at once, to adjust the reported
financial data, standardizing entries, and consolidation entries to the requirements of the group. Depending on
the posting type (Unit-Dependent Adjustments, Two-Sided Elimination, or Group-Dependent Adjustments), you
download a template file that contains the relevant fields to make the postings, enter the required information,
and upload the completed file back to the app. The data will be verified and updated into the database.
Key Features
• Template 01 Unit-Dependent Adjustments is used for posting adjustment entries or standardizing entries to
the reported financial data. The relevant document types are:
• 01: Manual correction of universal journal (0C)
• 02: Manual correction of reported data (01)
• 11: Manual standardizing in local currency, deferred tax, no automatic reversal in the subsequent
period (10)
• 12: Manual standardizing in local currency, deferred tax, automatic reversal (10)
• 13: Manual standardizing in local currency, no deferred tax or automatic reversal (10)
• 14: Manual standardizing in local currency, no deferred tax, automatic reversal (10)
• 16: Manual standardizing in group currency, deferred tax, no automatic reversal (10)
• 17: Manual standardizing in group currency, deferred tax, automatic reversal (10)
• 18: Manual standardizing in group currency, no deferred tax or automatic reversal (10)
• 19: Manual standardizing in group currency, no deferred tax, automatic reversal (10)
• Template 02 Two-Sided Elimination is used for posting two-sided eliminating entries for consolidation unit
pairs. The relevant document types are:
• 21: Manual elimination correction, automatic reversal (20)
• 22: Manual elimination correction, no automatic reversal (20)
• Template 03 Group-Dependent Adjustments is used to post group elimination entries. The relevant
document types are:
• 31: Manual consolidation adjustments, automatic reversal (30)
• 32: Manual consolidation adjustments, no automatic reversal (30)
• 39: Group shares (30)
The numbers in parenthesis denote the posting level for each document type. For more information about
document types, see Document Types and Posting Levels [page 77].
• Header Data
• Journal Entry ID: A temporary identifier used to differentiate journal entries in the file. Input a positive
integer following an increasing sequence. Note that rows with the same journal entry ID should have
identical header data.
• Document Type: Input a two-digit number. See the above list of supported document types.
• Ledger: Enter the relevant consolidation ledger, for example, Y1.
• Consolidation Chart of Accounts: Y1.
• Consolidation Version: Enter the relevant actuals version, for example, Y10.
• Fiscal Year (4 digits) and Posting Period (3 digits).
• Consolidation Unit: Input the ID of the consolidation unit for which you are making the manual posting.
This field moves to Line Items part in the template 02 Two-Sided Elimination.
• Consolidation Group: Only relevant for the document types 31 and 32.
• Line Items
• Line Item: A 6-digit number identifies a single item of a journal entry. Each row should have a different
• Financial Statement Item: The identifiers of financial statement items. See Define FS Items [page 49]
for the list of your configured financial statement items.
• Partner Unit: Only required in the template 02 Two-Sided Elimination. Rows with the same journal entry
ID should have the same pair of consolidation units.
• Value in Local Currency: Only available in the template 01 Unit-Dependent Adjustments.
• Value in Group Currency: A required field except for document types 02, 11, 12, 13, and 14.
When filling out the file, do not change its layout or format except for document type 39 (Group shares), which
is based on quantity and the base unit Percentage. When entering data with document type 39, you need to
first unhide the technical name row (row 6) and replace the column text AmountInGroupCurrency with
QuantityInBaseUnit, then enter the group share percentage for the relevant consolidation unit/group in
data area of this column. Changing the description row (row 7) from *Value in Group Currency to *Quantity is
Verify Data
After uploading the completed file, choose the Check button to verify the uploaded data. If the system detects
errors, you can choose the relevant row to navigate to the Post Group Journal Entries [page 193] app and
correct the data on header or line item level.
When the data is verified, choose Post to post the journal entries into the database. This will check and update
the status of the following tasks in Data Monitor [page 142] and Consolidation Monitor [page 381] depending
on which document type you selected during importing:
After that, you can view the details of each posting by choosing Show Log to navigate to the Task Logs [page
218] app.
The imported journal entries are first added to the Post Group Journal Entries app as drafts with the Draft
Entry Source: 1 (Imported from File). Only after you successfully post these draft entries or you upload a
new file, these drafts are removed.
When you download templates from the Import Group Journal Entries app, they contain all the defined custom
fields. These fields are automatically included in the template by your system. If you don’t have custom fields
the template doesn’t contain any custom fields.
A custom field is processed and posted the same as any other field.
More Information
• The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an
app on the SAP Fiori launchpad. The SAP Fiori apps reference library is available here: https://
To see this app’s Fiori content, search for the app. Then select SAP S/4HANA as the product. On the
Implementation Information tab, select the correct release. The details are in the Configuration section.
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When you create multiple group currency entries in the Import Group Journal Entries app, you have to specify a
standard or extension version (with run mode manual) for all entries. The system processes the line items and
FS items in this version. All posting levels are supported.
To use this function, we open an entry in the standard version and two extension versions (run mode
automatic). The standard version is in EUR, the group currency extension version 1 is in USD, and the group
currency extension version 2 is in CZK. We start with the first FS item pair. For these entries to be correctly
processed, they have to share a line item number. In addition, the selected FS items have to be the same for
each line. This results in an entry as shown in the following table:
MC1 1 x
MC1 2 y
MC2 1 x
MC2 2 y
MC8 1 x
MC8 2 y
We then open a new FS item pair in the same document. Here, we enter again the standard version and a new
FS item pair for this version. However, these entries have to share a new line item pair. The same is true for all
extension versions. The previous enhanced example results in an entry as shown in the following table:
MC1 1 x
MC1 2 y
MC2 1 x
MC2 2 y
MC8 1 x
MC8 2 y
MC1 3 a
MC1 4 b
MC2 3 a
MC2 4 b
MC8 3 a
MC8 4 b
You don't need to fill in FS items for the extension versions that share a Journal Entry ID and Line Item with
a base version. The FS items are automatically derived from the base version or extension version (with
manual run mode).
Multiple group currency entries are only processed for document types that are enabled for group currency
It's also possible to create multiple group currency postings for extension versions only. However, in this
case you also have to specify your standard version or extension version (with manual run mode).
Furthermore, all the group urrency amounts in the standard version must be 0.
You can post documents to multiple consolidation groups using one journal entry ID, within one document, in
the template that you fill out for your data import.
1. To upload the template entries correctly, the desired entries have to share one journal entry ID.
2. You process the template as usual, but you create multiple rows with identical values, yet different
consolidation group entries.
When you create multiple consolidation group entries in the Import Group Journal Entries app
template, using one journal entry ID, the first consolidation group entered corresponds to the Primary
You don't need to enter any other information in the template, except for the header data for the
additional consolidation groups that you want to post to. All line item values are automatically taken
from the Primary Group values.
The image below is an example of a template, which you fill out to import group journal entries that you want to
post to multiple consolidation groups.
To import group journal entries for restatement or simulation, values in local currency, transaction currency,
and quantity can be saved to extension versions using either of the following run modes:
• Manual
• Automatic
You can’t post a single group jounal ID to a standard version and to extension versions with the Manual run
mode. Every posting must have a unique group journal entry ID.
Under one group journal entry ID, you can post to a standard version or extension version with the Manual
run mode, together with their associated extension versions, only if you use the Automatic run mode.
This app displays line items of posting documents with all posting levels (00~30), including data updated ad
hoc, adjustments to reported data, standardized data, eliminations, and consolidation entries.
For posting level empty value (blank) and document type 0F (realtime update from Accounting) the line items
are directly read from the ACDOCA table.
In the case of documents that are read from the universal journal (ACDOCA table) and therefore have the
following attributes, you are brought to the detail page of the original accounting (FI) documents:
The drilldown function is achieved by integrating with the accounting app Manage Journal Entries. Note that
the business catalog SAP_SFIN_BC_GL_JE_PROC (General Ledger - Journal Entry Processing) is required for
the drilldown to accounting document line items. This business catalog is not included in any standard
business roles delivered for Group Reporting as described under Prerequisites [page 6]. You need to explicitly
add the business catalog to a business role and assign the role to the relevant users.
For technical reasons, fields marked as Technical Use Only are selected by default when you choose the
Settings icon ( ). Please keep these fields selected.
From the local report P&L by Nature of Expense - Year Comparison, you choose Jump To Display Group
Journal Entries from the context menu of the local currency amount of FS item 799000 (Net income/
loss) for consolidation unit 1010. You are brought to this app, which displays the following journal entry
details restricted by the same filter criteria above:
This app replaces the Database Listing of Journal Entries (Classic View) and Database Listing of Journal Entries
(Classic View) - Reporting Logic apps, which can still be found by using the App Finder on the SAP Fiori
This app contains Web Assistant documentation for key fields and concepts. To display the documentation
while working in the app, press F1 or click the question mark displayed in the app header.
More Information
• The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an
app on the SAP Fiori launchpad. The SAP Fiori apps reference library is available here: https://
To see this app’s Fiori content, search for the app. Then select SAP S/4HANA as the product. On the
Implementation Information tab, select the correct release. The details are in the Configuration section.
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• Smartphone
Data validation is a required step in both the data preparation phase and the consolidation phase. The
consistency of reported, standardized, and consolidated financial data must be checked according to the
validation method you assigned to each consolidation unit or consolidation group. You can run data validation
and check the validation result by using the Manage Data Validation Tasks apps.
How to Use the Validation Solution for Group Reporting (English Only)
This is a short demo of how to use the Validation solution, from defining validation rules and methods,
assigning validation methods to consolidation units or groups, running validation for your specified period and
consolidation units or groups, to viewing validation results and drilling through to their data source:
Captions are available for multiple languages. Use the CC (Closed Captions) button in the video player to
see which languages are supported.
You can also use the Search within video field to search for specific text in the English or German captions.
The following sections describe the two apps that are relevant to the validation task types for the data
preparation phase:
With this app, you can validate the reported data in local currency (or in transaction currency and tolerance
currency, and quantity-type data as you specified in the relevant validation rules) for your specified fiscal
period and consolidation units. Also, for each consolidation unit, you can check the validation result that is
broken down into the data sets verified against each validation rule, that is, if the data passed or failed the
validation rule and the failure root causes.
Key Features
Only data with the following posting levels are included in this validation task:
For more information, see Document Types and Posting Levels [page 77].
If a new validation run is launched, it can display one of the following statuses underneath the primary
• Processing: Your current validation is being processed and will soon return a status that overwrites
the above primary status.
• System Error: Your current validation run fails to complete due to some technical issues. To solve
the issue, you may view the job log available in Message column.
• Last Run: The time stamp when the system returns the status.
• Commenting Status: Indicates whether comments exist for the respective validation result. It can be:
• Commented: The validation result has comments for all rules that require comments.
• Partially Missing: The validation result has comments for part of the rules that require comments.
• Missing: The validation result has no comments for any of the rules that require comments.
• Not Required: The validation result has no rules that require comments.
To run validation in simulation mode, you can select the Simulation Run checkbox. In this way, the validation
run doesn't consider any blocking status in monitors or update task status there, and the table displays
only the test run results. It is equivalent to the Test with Original List feature in the monitors.
The figure below is the screen for running new validations and checking overall validation results as described
• Method
• Rule Group 1
• Rule 1 (Basic Rule)
• Value 1 of Group-By Field 1
• Value 1 of Group-By Field 2
• Value 1 of Group-By Field 3
• Value <n> of Group-By Field 3
• Value <n> of Group-By Field 2
• Value <n> of Group-By Field 1
• Rule <n> (Compound Rule)
• Basic Rule 1
• Basic Rule <n>
• Rule Group <n>
If transaction currency (TC) amount is used when defining sum-type operands of a validation rule, data is
first grouped by TC and then by the grouping fields you specified for the rule.
• Result: The result of the last completed validation run at method, rule group, and rule levels. The result is
determined as the following:
Only when the method-level re
sult is Failed does the respective
validation task show Error status.
All other method-level results,
Success, Warning, or Information,
lead to a Success task status.
At this stage, basic rules
have either Failed or Success
Compound Rule result, depending on whether
the data meets the rule ex
pression and tolerance. Con
trol levels of these basic rules
are not taken into account.
Additionally, the following exceptions may occur in a validation and display in the Result column:
• Division by zero when calculating left value, right value, or difference (%). It leads to a Failed result.
• No data for all sum-type operands in a basic rule and the no-data processing option of the rule is set to
Success with Warning. It leads to a Warning result (or Success result when the basic rule is part of a
compound rule), regardless of the control level of the rule.
If the no-data processing option is set to Failed or Zero for the rule, the exception won't occur and the
control level is taken into account in the validation. For more information, see Create Basic Rules [page
Exceptions of basic rules are also carried over to their compound rules.
By default, rows with rule-level result Success are hidden. You can choose to display them by using the
Result Filter.
• Comments: Show the number of existing comments. The asterisk symbol (*) indicates the rule is set as
Comments required in its definition. Note that the existence of a comment has no effect on the validation
result or monitor status.
Comments can be entered on rule level, not down to any grouping level.
• Left Value: The value calculated using the left formula in the respective validation rule. It has the same
currency as the source data available at runtime, that is, the local currency for reported financial data and
group currency for standardized or consolidated data.
• Comparison Operator: The operator defined in the validation rule to compare left value or right value. It can
be equal to, greater than, less than, and so on.
The drill-down capability is only available to data of the lowest grouping level.
• For compound rules, it shows the rule expression, that is, which basic rules make up the compound
rule and how they are connected.
• Difference: The absolute difference between the left value and right value.
• Difference (%): Calculated with the formula (Left Value - Right Value)/Left Value.
• Tolerance: The amount within which the difference between the left-side and right-side values is ignored
and the values of both sides are considered equal. It is defined in basic rules.
Additional columns are also available, such as Tolerance (%), Comments, and References. For information
about these columns, see Create Basic Rules [page 101].
By choosing the Switch to Tolerance Currency button, you can change the displayed left values and right values
to the currency of tolerance. This is useful if you explicitly specified a different tolerance currency than the
source data currency when defining the relevant validation rule.
When converting values to tolerance currency, the system uses the exchange rate type M (Standard
translation at average rate) and the last day of your specified period as the reference date, or uses the
current date if the last period day is in the future.
The figures below are the validation result examples as described above:
You can check the detailed source data of each basic rule result row by choosing Drill Down ( icon).
For each operand in the rule expression, you can drill through to the following levels of data granularity:
• Account Detail: The calculated data for individual items that are included by the respective operand in the
• Group Journal: The original accounting documents or group journal entries that have relevant posted data.
The consolidation unit S2001 has a Success validation result for rule SB00060 in fiscal period 007/2022.
By choosing the Account Detail link under the left formula, which only includes FS item 172100, you find
the following data posted to the respective FS items:
By choosing the Group Journal link under the left formula, you are brought to the Display Group Journal
Entries - With Reporting Logic [page 411] app, where the filter criteria are automatically populated
according to the rule definition. In our case, the following group journal entry data for consolidation unit
S2001, fiscal period 007/2022, and FS item 0000172100 is displayed:
• Document number
• Line item
• Subitem category and subitem
• Amount in transaction currency
• Amount in local currency
• Amount in group currency
The FS item 172190 included in the right formula has no data posted for the consolidation unit S2001 in
fiscal period 007/2022. Therefore, it shows No Data in the Drill Down window and is treated as having zero
• Desktop
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This app contains Web Assistant documentation for key fields and concepts. To display the documentation
while working in the app, press F1 or click the question mark displayed in the app header.
The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an app
on the SAP Fiori launchpad. To see this app’s Fiori content, go to the SAP Fiori apps reference library and
search for the app. Then select the product. On the Implementation Information tab, select the correct release.
The details are in the Configuration section.
With this app, you can validate the standardized data in group currency (or in transaction currency and
tolerance currency, and quantity-type data as you specified in the relevant validation rules) for your specified
fiscal period and consolidation units. Also, for each consolidation unit, you can check the validation result that
is broken down into the data sets verified against each validation rule, that is, if the data passed or failed the
validation rule and the failure root causes.
Key Features
When performing the Standardized Data Validation task for one or more consolidation units in either a test run
or an update run in Data Monitor, you are brought to this app, with the validation results displayed in a list, one
row for each consolidation unit.
Only data with the following posting levels are included in this validation task:
For more information, see Document Types and Posting Levels [page 77].
The following available features are same as validation for reported data:
For detailed explanations and app screenshots, see Manage Data Validation Tasks - Reported Data [page 208].
This app contains Web Assistant documentation for key fields and concepts. To display the documentation
while working in the app, press F1 or click the question mark displayed in the app header.
• Desktop
• Tablet
• Smartphone
Interunit reconciliation is a process to reconcile and eliminate data from trading partner relationships between
consolidation units in a consolidation group. The reconciliation reports allow users to monitor data of different
reconciliation cases from the perspective of groups or consolidation units.
With this app, you can set group currency reconciliation difference thresholds for the relevant consolidation
unit pairs and reconciliation cases. Later in the interunit reconciliation reports (unit view and group view), you
can also filter those consolidation unit pairs and reconciliation cases whose reconciliation differences exceed
the defined thresholds.
For the Consolidation Unit 1, Consolidation Unit 2 or Reconciliation Case fields, keep the asterisk (*)
wildcard to represent any value.
The number of reconciliation cases that exceed the difference thresholds are displayed in the interunit
reconciliation report app tiles as an important KPI. Value 0 means no exceeded value. A negative value typically
indicates a system error or missing parameter settings. See the following example app tiles for interunit
reconciliation reports:
This report displays reconciliation amounts and reconciliation differences in group and local currencies for all
relevant reconciliation cases of your specified consolidation unit pairs. It is based on unconsolidated data
source, indicated by Record Type 0.
While performing tasks in data collection or currency translation, consolidation units can check their reported
data and the reported data of their trading partners.
Reconciliation Case is defined as a reporting item, each of which groups the FS items that belong to a type
of interunit transactions. For example, reconciliations of dividend receivables and payables, other current
or non-current receivables and payables, or other income and expenses. The pre-delivered reporting item
structure for interunit reconciliation is X5 (IC Reconciliation). You can configure this reporting item
structure to fulfill your business requirements. For details, refer to Define Reporting Rules [page 118] app.
With the introduction of a new reporting logic with this release, the Interunit Reconciliation - Group View app
is deprecated. The Define Interunit Reconciliation Thresholds and Interunit Reconciliation - Unit View apps
are still applicable and available in App Finder. The two apps will be deprecated in a future release. SAP
recommends that you use the Intercompany Matching and Reconciliation [page 221] solution introduced
since SAP S/4HANA 1909. For a quick guide, see Group Financial Close [page 228].
With this app, you can check the logs of each consolidation task along the consolidation process. The system
records details of tasks during their test runs and update runs. You check logs by specifying the task category,
consolidation unit or group, version, date range, or the users who performed the tasks. A list of tasks is
displayed, from where you can navigate to a detail screen for each task, depending on the task category you
choose: Manual Posting, Data Collection, Currency Translation, Reclassification, or Data Validation.
This graphic illustrates the main aspects and is followed by a detailed explanation of each task category:
Manual posting tasks include manual correction of reported data, manual eliminations at posting level 20 or
30, and entering group shares. These tasks are available as tasks in Data Monitor or Consolidation Monitor and
are usually executed by using the Post Group Journal Entries [page 193] or Import Group Journal Entries [page
200] app. In the log, the relevant consolidation unit/group, the overall status, document type, any possible
error messages, and journal entry line item details are displayed.
Data Collection
• Flexible upload of the reported financial data for the consolidation units whose data transfer method is set
to use Flexible Upload. The action is performed by using the Data Collection task in the Data Monitor app or
using the separate Flexible Upload of Reported Financial Data app with a document type 00 Upload
reported data (00/UPL). The details, for example, journal entry amount, consolidation unit, FS item,
partner unit, and subitem are displayed. From any journal entry amount, you can navigate to the Display
Group Journal Entries [page 205] app to view the original posting data at line item level.
• The API call that imports the reported financial data of multiple consolidation units from the client system
to the SAP S/4HANA system. Its log contains similar details with flexible upload and can be differentiated
by the document type 07 External reported data (00/API). For more information about the API service, go
to the SAP API Business Hub ( and search for the API artifact Reported Financial
Data for Group Reporting – Bulk Import and Update.
For technical reasons, fields marked as Technical Use Only are selected by default when you choose the
Settings icon ( ) on the detail page. Please keep these fields selected.
Currency Translation
The currency translation logs record actions that are performed by using the Currency Translation task in the
Data Monitor app or using the separate Currency Translation app. Details such as consolidation unit, method,
selection, FS item, subitem, subitem category, difference item, translation key, exchange rate, local currency
and group currency amounts, translation difference, and amount at reference exchange rate are displayed.
The reclassification logs record actions that are performed by using the relevant elimination tasks in the Data
Monitor or Consolidation Monitor app. The details such as method, journal entry, consolidation unit, partner
unit, triggering selection, FS item, subitem, subitem category, triggering amount, and journal entry amount in
the group currency are displayed.
Data Validation
Three task categories are relevant for data validation: Reported Data Validation,Standardized Data Validation,
and Consolidated Data Validation. By choosing each validation task log, you navigate to the validation result
page, which contains information about overall validation result, calculated left-handed and right-handed
values based on the formulas of each relevant validation rule, tolerance, difference, and so on. For more
information, see Check Result Details [page 208] part in the app description for Manage Data Validation Tasks.
The Log Status refers to the validation task run status. For example, " Success" means the task was
completed while " Error" means it ran into a technical error. The Log Status doesn't indicate the
validation result. To view the validation result, choose the validation task row to navigate to the result page.
Additional Features
The following features are available in this app:
Last Log
By using the Last Log filter, you can display only the logs for the most recently executed tasks based on your
other specified filter criteria. For example, if you select a consolidation unit, a fiscal year/period, and Yes for
Last Log filter, logs with the latest Log Time are displayed for this consolidation unit and fiscal year/period, one
log for each relevant task.
Alternatively, from Data Monitor or Consolidation Monitor, you can also navigate to this list by choosing Last
Log from the context menu of the relevant task.
Group by a Criteria
On the log detail page, you can select a column header and use it as a grouping criteria for the whole Log Items
table. See the following example for currency translation:
As currency translation is based on selections, which include FS items and subitems, you may want to analyze
the log items by selections. To do so, you select the Selection ID column header and choose Group. The table
layout is changed to the following:
Log Messages
By choosing Log Header Messages or the Messages icon ( ), you can view the possible failure root causes or
warning messages for each log or log item.
By choosing the Export to Spreadsheet icon ( ), you can export the log items to an MS Excel file for further
analysis, for example to show columns such as Reference Exchange Rate that are hidden by default, or to allow
filtering and sorting based on message type (information, warning or error), message number, and so on.
1.5.1 Features
The solution comes with the following key features:
This is a video showing how to use the ICMR solution, from running document matching, checking matching
results, making and approving adjustment postings, to viewing reconciliation reports and drilling through to
their matching items and original documents (English only):
Captions are available for multiple languages. Use the CC (Closed Captions) button in the video player to
see which languages are supported.
You can also use the Search within video field to search for specific text in the English or German captions.
1.5.2 Architecture
The solution contains three modules: Matching, Reconciliation, and Automatic Posting. Matching deals with
transactional-level matching and Reconciliation presents an aggregation-level view. The two modules together
can analyze, process, and present two sets of data on both aggregated and line item levels. The last module
Auto Posting provides an additional function for variance adjustment, accrual postings, or elimination
The Matching Engine was built for processing large data volumes efficiently and quickly. It can directly access
any data source, such as Universal Journal Entries. The direct access eliminates the requirements for ETL
(extract, transform, load) processing. The matching logic is executed in SAP HANA and the results are written
directly to the database. This allows for fast processing of large amounts of data.
• The Data Source defines from where the data to be matched and reconciled is to be read. It is based on a
CDS view that exposes data from the underlying physical tables. A data source holds business semantics,
for example, matching dimensions, field labels, field navigation settings, and the option to restrict access
to the data.
• The Matching Method is used to define which data sources the Matching Engine should access. You can
define filters and matching rules for each matching method. You can execute a matching method to
analyze the data and store the results of this analysis.
• Reconciliation Case needs to be defined if you want to reconcile data on aggregation level. It has a 1:1
mapping relationship with matching method. Display groups can be defined in a reconciliation case, with
each having a two-sided filter definition and tolerance settings. Data is then aggregated and compared
between the two sides.
• Reconciliation Reports are generated on both matching item level and reconciliation level.
• After checking reconciliation results, you can set Reconciliation Close Status to control if any new
postings can be included for processing.
• Elimination Method connects reconciliation case and automatic posting rule and is assigned to a
consolidation task in Group Reporting.
Auto Posting
• Auto Posting Scenario defines the metadata and posting logic, such as for variance adjustment for G/L
Accounting (ACDOCA) and elimination posting for Group Reporting (ACDOCU).
• Users can define scenario-specific posting rules, which are called up at runtime to generate postings
You can follow the steps below to get familiar with the solution right away:
To find the pre-delivered objects, you need to activate the SAP Best Practices content for the scope item
40Y or 1SG. For more information about the content, see SAP Note 2965516 .
You may need to adapt the contained filters to your actual data and use cases before using the
matching method.
4. Choose Run Matching in the top-right corner. In the dialog that appears, specify the run parameters and
filter values as required.
5. Go back to the page header to view the Last Run Status. If the matching is in process, it shows Active and
Running; when it is finished, it shows Finished.
6. Follow the Check Result link to navigate to the Manage Matching Documents app, which shows the newly
generated matching documents.
7. You can also check the matching results in the Manage Assignments app. To do so, select the matching
method and enter a company, then choose Go. Any unassigned items posted by the specified company are
displayed in the upper-left table. Any unassigned items posted by its trading partners are displayed in the
upper-right table. If there are any matched items, that is, they met the requirements according to the
defined matching rules, they are displayed in the Assignments table.
Within this app, you can also manage assignments manually, trigger communications, correction postings
or follow-up activities, or run auto-matching again.
You may need to adapt the contained filters to your actual data and use cases before using the
reconciliation case.
3. Go back to the SAP Fiori launchpad. Open the Reconciliation Status Overview app, which provides an
overview of the matching status of each company and the reconciliation balance status with their trading
4. Choose one data row to navigate to the Reconciliation Balances app, which shows the balances between AR
and AP amounts of a company and trading partner pair.
5. From there, choose one data row to navigate to the Manage Assignments app to view details of line items
that account for the total values and differences.
To try out all the features above, you may need to make the required configuration or settings described in
detail in the next chapters.
A business role provides users with authorizations to access apps. You can create business roles by referencing
the standard business role SAP_BR_RECON_ACCOUNTANT (General Ledger Accountant - Intercompany), which
resides in your SAP Fiori front-end server and contains all the business catalogs for ICMR. Then assign the
created business roles to the relevant users according to their job responsibilities. The following table lists the
business catalogs:
SAP_FIN_BC_ICA_ME_CONFIG (Intercompany Matching Define matching rules and methods, maintain variance ad
Settings) justment workflows, and manage teams and responsibilities
for workflow scenarios and communication.
SAP_FIN_BC_ICA_ME_RUN (Intercompany Matching View or change matching rules and methods, run matching,
Operation) adjust auto-matching results, display matching items, delete
documents, schedule matching run jobs, and view adjust
ment posting logs.
SAP_FIN_BC_ICA_MLM (Intelligent Intercompany Matching) Initiate and monitor machine learning (ML) training and in
ference for intercompany document matching based on an
ML-enabled matching method.
Additionally, you need to set up the necessary authorizations for users in the back-end systems, for
example, by using the transaction code PFCG. For more information about the ICMR authorization settings
in the back end, see Authorization [page 374].
Related Information
The ICMR solution can be used in reconciliation processes of the following typical cases:
The following sections describe overall processes for using ICMR in local close and group close cases.
A local accountant can leverage ICMR to check and reconcile the intercompany transactions regularly, and in
the event of any discrepancies identified, solve them in a timely manner. At month end, they can submit
reconciliation results for approval and close the period reconciliation.
Delivered Content
For reconciliation in the local close scenario, SAP delivers the following objects with SAP Best Practices content
of scope item 40Y, which you need to adapt to your actual data and use cases:
• Data sources:
• SF_JOURNAL_ENTRIES_01: For comparing journal entry data from the Universal Journal Entry Line
Items (table ACDOCA) for entity pairs such as company and trading partner company.
• SF_JOURNAL_ENTRIES_04: For comparing journal entry data from the Universal Journal Entry Line
Items (table ACDOCA) for entity pairs such as profit center and partner profit center.
• SF_AR_AP_ENTRY_VIEW: Provides a data entry view of accounts receivable (AR) and payable (AP)
based on BSEG (Accounting Document Line Items) table.
• Matching methods:
• SF101: For intercompany document matching based on both control accounts and other G/L
adjustment accounts. All documents for past years and periods are selected.
• SF102: For intercompany document matching based on P&L accounts. All documents for past years
and periods are selected.
• SF104: For intercompany AR and AP document matching based on the data from the data entry view.
All documents for past years and periods are selected.
• Reconciliation cases:
• SF101: For intercompany reconciliation based on aggregated AR and AP amounts in B/S. This
reconciliation case sums up amounts of period 000 and the periods of the current year.
• SF102: For intercompany reconciliation based on aggregated income and expenses in P&L. This
reconciliation case sums up amounts of the periods of the current year.
• SF104: For intercompany AR and AP reconciliation by using the data from the entry view. This
reconciliation case sums up all corresponding documents for the past years and periods.
• Create a data source that only selects the documents of the current fiscal year for matching and
reconciliation. To do so, in Mandatory Filter Fields, enter RYEAR (Fiscal Year) = $CurrentFiscalYear$
and POPER (Posting Period) <= $CurrentFiscalPeriod$. For more information, see Data Source [page
• Based on the data source SF_AR_AP_ENTRY_VIEW, create a new matching method and reconciliation case
for P&L accounts. In the reconciliation case definition, select the With Balance Carryforward checkbox to
sum up documents of the current year for YTD amount calculation. For more information, see
Reconciliation Case [page 273].
Delivered Content
For reconciliation in the group close scenario, SAP delivers the following objects with SAP Best Practices
content of scope item 1SG, which you need to adapt to your actual data and use cases:
• Data sources:
• SC_JOURNAL_ENTRIES_01: For journal entry data from the Universal Journal Entry Line Items (table
ACDOCA) and Consolidation Journal Entries (table ACDOCU) for entity pairs of consolidation unit and
partner unit.
The underlying CDS view (ICA_CONSJOURNALENTRIES_4) of this data source combines ACDOCA
and ACDOCU in this way:
• Data in ACDOCA is converted to consolidation context by mapping G/L account to financial
statement (FS) item, company to consolidation unit, operational fiscal year variant (FYV) to
group FYV, and so on.
• Data transferred from ACDOCA is tagged with posting level Empty (Realtime update) to indicate
local data.
• In ACDOCU, only the data with posting level 00 (Manual entry of reported data), 01
(Adjustments to reported data), 0C (Reported data with deactived checks), and 10
(Standardizing entry) is read. That is, only the data before elimination is included.
• SC_JOURNAL_ENTRIES_02: For journal entry data from the Consolidation Journal Entries (table
ACDOCU) for entity pairs of consolidation unit and partner unit.
• Matching method SGR01: For interunit document matching based on FS items of balance sheets (B/S).
Documents for the periods of current year are selected, including that of period 000.
The method contains multiple matching rules, such as rules for grouping AR/AP documents with same
transaction currency amounts and reference document numbers, documents with amount difference
within tolerance, documents where trading partner is missing, and reversed documents.
• Reconciliation case SGR01: For interunit reconciliation based on aggregated AR and AP amounts in B/S.
This reconciliation case sums up amounts of period 000 and the periods of the current year.
The reconciliation case contains multiple display groups, such as display groups for aggregating
current AR and AP amounts, non-current AR and AP amounts, and other assets and liabilities for
consolidation unit pairs. Display group is defined on the granularity of selection, which selects FS
items based on interunit elimination attribute, such as S-IUE-BS-AR (IC Trade Payables) and S-IUE-
BS-AR (IC Trade Receivables). In this way, to include or exclude any FS item in the reconciliation, you
can just change its attribute assignment in the Define FS Items [page 49] app without changing the
reconciliation cases and display groups themselves.
For an overview about how intercompany data is processed in group close scenario, see From Reconciliation to
Elimination [page 390].
Apart from the pre-delivered content, you can define your own matching rules and reconciliation cases based
on your business needs. The following use cases are possible:
• Set up matching rules to match data between consolidation units based on a finer granularity, such as G/L
account. Later in the Display Matching Items app, you can drill down from a matching assignment or a
matching document to the line item level of source documents, such as an invoice.
• The predelivered matching methods are based on transaction currency (TC) amounts. You can also set up
matching rules to compare group currency (GC) amounts after performing currency translation tasks. In
this way, you can evaluate the currency translation effects.
• Set up reconciliation cases by reusing your existing configuration objects for Group Reporting, such as
selections, breakdown categories, and elimination attribute and currency translation attribute of FS items.
For more information, see Financial Statement Items [page 41].
• Compare data before and after interunit elimination tasks and postings. To do so, you can set up rules to
differentiate data by posting level or document type.
• Include data from external consolidation units based on FS item or a finer granularity. For example, when
importing data to SAP S/4HANA using flexible file upload or the Reported Financial Data for Group
Reporting - Bulk Import and Update API. These consolidation units can fill in the values for fields to be used
in matching, such as the field AssignmentReference (ZUONR).
• Create a data source that supports running matching and reconciliation on a different organizational
dimension than consolidation unit. For example, choose Profit Center/Partner Profit Center or Segment/
Partner Segment as the leading unit/partner unit. For more information, see Data Source [page 314].
If you merely want to check the reconciliation status between consolidation units, you can skip the document
matching step and go directly to the analytical app Reconciliation Balances:
1. Select a reconciliation case and a display group. It filters the relevant financial statement (FS) items so that
only the interunit transaction data is displayed.
For the consolidation scenario, SAP delivers the reconciliation case SGR01. They are available once you
activate the SAP Best Practices content for the scope item 1SG. You can also define your own
reconciliation cases.
Up to Last Matching columns are only relevant if you have run matching for any consolidation unit.
6. By right-clicking any amount value and choose Show Matching Items, you can drill down to the relevant
documents that account for the amount.
With the matching engine, intercompany document items can be auto-matched line by line.
Matching engine can read data directly from the source database tables without any ETL (Extract-Transform-
Load) processes. Matching rules can be defined flexibly, for both exact-match and suggested- or exceptional-
match patterns. You can trigger matching runs either directly from the SAP Fiori apps or by scheduling
recurring background jobs. Upon completion of a matching run, you can check the matching results and
process the discrepancies by executing workflows and auto-adjustments.
The required settings and operations for document matching are explained in the following topics.
A matching method is a collection of matching rules and is used to match items from two data sets.
Each matching rule narrows down the data source into two data slices using filters. Later in a matching run, the
system first reads data based on the filters set for data slices and then applies the matching rule expressions to
the filtered data. If the items meet the requirements defined in a matching rule, they are grouped under a
matching assignment number and excluded from processing of subsequent matching rules. Any data not
assigned yet is processed by the next matching rule of the matching method. Define
With the Define Matching Methods app, you can create, display, change, or delete matching methods.
Key Features
If a system is configured as the production system, Master data is selected automatically and cannot
be changed.
The second data source must have the same leading unit field, partner unit field, mandatory
filter fields, unit entity CDS views, and authorization objects as the first data source. This also
means that you can use the same data source as first and second data sources.
For the transaction matching within one company (intracompany matching), such as the
matching between invoices issued and payments received, you need to define two data
sources that meet the above criteria. After that, you select here the first data source for invoice
postings and the second data source for payment postings.
2. You can use the Filter By fields to define method-level filters to narrow down further the data to be
matched. For example, if you define two filters: Ledger equal to 0L and Account Number between
10000000 and 19999999, data not meeting the filter criteria is excluded from any method-specific
process, such as matching run, flexible upload, and reconciliation report display.
You can create a maximum of 100 filters. The limitation is applied to ensure system performance in
the follow-on processes. If you have more filter conditions, try to merge them by using the operator
For more information about how to maintain data sources, see Data Source [page 314].
5. In the Matching Rules section, create a new matching rule as follows.
1. Specify a meaningful description, and optionally, a long description. By default, the system
automatically assigns a 4-digit numeric ID, which you can change to another unique numeric ID.
2. Maintain the settings in the Attributes subsection. First, select one of the following available match
• Exact Match: Select this match type if data records assigned according to this rule do not require
any follow-up activities. The assignment generated will have the 30 Matched status.
• Auto-Assign: This match type results in a suggested assignment. Any data assigned based on such
a rule will have the 20 Assigned status, meaning you need to check the assigned data and
complete any required follow-up activities, for example, trigger a workflow or an automatic
adjustment posting or confirm the item matching after communicating with others.
• Group as Matched: This match type groups the filtered data together and assigns the 30 Matched
status with no further actions needed. For example, you may want to apply this kind of matching
rule to reversed journal entries that are not relevant for intercompany reconciliation.
• Group as Assigned: This match type groups the filtered data together and assigns the 20 Assigned
status. User action is required to achieve the final status 30 Matched. For example, you may want
to apply this kind of matching rule to journal entries that lack the trading partner information.
• Auto-Assign as Exception: Can be used for some common or known exceptional matches, for
example, the documents have the same reference number and amount but different currency
codes. Other than that, it has the same system behavior as Auto-Assign and helps filter
3. Select a Default Reason Code for the data matching records assigned by the rule. If necessary, you can
still change the reason code so that a different follow-up activity can be performed.
Reason code controls whether any follow-up activities are required for assigned data. For example,
you may need to enter comments, go through an approval workflow, or make adjustment postings.
For more information about how to maintain reason codes, see Reason Code [page 322].
In auto match, any data records pass a matching rule with match type Exact Match will reach the
ultimate status 30 Matched, regardless of the reason code setting.
4. Select the Inactive checkbox if you want to deactivate a rule instead of deleting it permanently. The
rule won't be processed as long as the Inactive indicator is set.
5. In the Data Slices subsection, you can change the data slice descriptions and define additional filters in
basic or expert mode. For more information, see Expert Mode for Defining Filters [page 234].
Data slices represent user-defined data subsets of the data set defined on the matching method
level. You can slice the data set into subsets by defining filters on the fields derived from the
underlying data sources. Matching rules only process data included in the data slices. You should
avoid having intersections between the two data slices. If any data records are included in both
data slices, they are treated only as part of data slice 1.
6. Depending on the match type you chose earlier, one of the following options is available for each data
• Aggregate: Select the checkbox if you want to aggregate the amount fields and group by the
characteristic fields as defined in the matching expressions for this data slice. This is mainly used
in “m:n”-type matching cases. For example, two accounts receivable (AR) items are to be matched
with one accounts payable (AP) item. For more information, see Example [page 239].
• Group items on this data slice: Between the two data slices, only one can be selected as a basis for
data grouping. For this data slice, you define its filters so that the data not relevant for
reconciliation can be filtered and grouped together and later be merged into one matching
assignment number.
7. In the Matching Expression subsection, define any necessary matching expressions for comparing
values of both data slices. A matching expression is an equation that consists of left- and right-hand
matching fields, a comparison operator, and optionally, conversion functions for either or both fields.
Note that if any conversion function, such as CONVERT_CURRENCY or SUBSTRING, is used for a data
slice that has Aggregate selected, value conversion is executed after the aggregation.
The available functions and operators depend on the data type of your selected expression field. For a
complete list, see Functions and Comparison Operators [page 236].
Matching expressions are not needed for matching rules with the match type Group as Assigned or
Group as Matched. And it is also not mandatory for the other three match types. For example, if a
matching rule with the type Auto-Assign doesn’t have any matching expressions, it means all the
items filtered by the two slices are grouped into one assignment.
For more information about data selection, aggregation, and matching, see Example [page 239].
8. Save your matching rule.
You can create more matching rules by choosing Copy. And when in display mode, you can switch
to a different rule by using the dropdown list in top-right corner of the page. Note that if you have
multiple rules, in each matching run, the system checks documents using the rules according to
their sequence, therefore the rule sequence is very important. You can change the sequence by
choosing the Move Up or Move Down buttons after selecting a rule.
You can also create a matching method by copying from an existing one and making any necessary changes.
This app contains Web Assistant documentation for key fields and concepts. To display the documentation
while working in the app, press F1 or click the question mark displayed in the app header.
More Information
• The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an
app on the SAP Fiori launchpad. The SAP Fiori apps reference library is available here: https://
To see this app’s Fiori content, search for the app. Then select SAP S/4HANA as the product. On the
Implementation Information tab, select the correct release. The details are in the Configuration section.
When defining data slices of a matching rule, you can choose to use expert mode.
By choosing Switch to Expert Mode, any filters you defined in the basic mode are automatically converted to a
filter string in expert mode, where you can continue composing the string with the standard SQL WHERE
clause syntax.
The filter string cannot be converted to basic filters. To switch back to the basic mode, you must clear the
• SEGMENT = PSEGMENT: To select the document items where the segment value is the same as the
partner segment.
• (RACCT = '0021300000') and ((BLART = 'SU') or (BLART = 'RE' AND
CLEARING_STATUS = '3')): To select the payable items of intercompany clearing documents
(document type SU) or of invoice documents (document type RE) that are already cleared.
• (RACCT = '0012300000') and (month(BLDAT) = month(BUDAT) or
days_between(BLDAT, BUDAT) <= 15): To select the receivable items whose posting date and
document date are in the same month or with an interval less than or equal to 15 days.
The following animated GIF shows how to compose a filter string in expert mode:
• Clauses such as GROUP BY, ORDER BY, and LIMIT, set operators such as UNION and UNION ALL and
subqueries are not supported.
• Comment signs such as --, /*, and */ are forbidden.
• Filter values must be entered in SAP internal format. For example, SAP numeric values have leading zeros,
Boolean value true is X and false is ' ' (empty string), and date format is YYYYMMDD.
• The maximum length is 1000 characters.
When defining matching expressions for any matching rule, the following conversion functions and comparison
operators are available depending on the data type of you selected expression field:
Returns the sign (positive or negative)
of the value, that is, returns 1 for a posi
tive value, -1 for a negative value, and 0
for value 0.
Rounds an amount to the decimal pla
ces you specified in Parameter 1. For ex
ample, ROUND (1) rounds the amount
'100.345' to '100.3'.
Converts to the value in target currency.
You need to specify the exchange rate
Function type in Parameter 1 as maintained in the
table TCURV, target currency code in
Parameter 2, and the reference date
field in Parameter 3. For example,
BLDAT) converts the amount to 'USD'
using the average rate based on the ref
erence document date.
"<", "<>" (not equal to), "<=", "=", ">", Compares the left and right field values.
and ">="
The function doesn't check that
both amounts have opposite signs.
Pads a string by adding the number/
character you specified in Parameter 2
to the beginning of the string to a length
you specified in Parameter 1. For exam
ple, LPAD (10, 0) pads the beginning
of string '10000' with '0'. The returned
value is '0000010000'.
"=" and "<>" (not equal to) Compares the left and right field values.
When defining a matching rule, if you have selected Aggregate for either or both data slices, the
characteristic fields in the matching expression are used as group-by fields. In this case, string-type
functions, such as SUBSTRING, are applied after rather than before the aggregation. For more information,
see Example [page 239].
Calculates a date by adding the days
you specified in Parameter 1 to the
Function value of date field. For example,
ADD_DAYS (5) increases the date
value by 5 days.
Calculates a date by adding the work
days you specified in Parameter 2 to the
value of date field based on the factory
calendar you specified in Parameter 1.
For example, ADD_WORKDAYS (01, 4)
adds 4 workdays to the value of the
date field based on the factory calendar
"<", "<>" (not equal to), "<=", "=", ">", Compares the left and right field values.
and ">="
Checks whether difference in days be
tween two dates is between the values
you specified in Parameter 1 and
Parameter 2. For example,
DAYS_BETWEEN (0, 5) checks
whether the day difference between the
left and right dates is within the range
[0, 5]. If the left date is '2009-12-15' and
the right date is '2009-12-18', the differ-
Operator ence is 3 days and "true" is returned.
Checks whether difference in workdays
between two dates is between the val
ues you specified in Parameter 1 and
Parameter 2 based on the factory calen
dar you specified in Parameter 3. For ex
ample, WORKDAYS_BETWEEN (0, 5,
01) checks if the workday difference
between the left date and the right date
is within the range [0, 5] based to the
factory calendar '01'. Example
The following example shows in a matching run how data selection, aggregation, and matching work, based on
your defined matching rules.
The explanation below is applicable to all rules with the match type EM (Exact Match), SA (Auto-Assign), or
XA (Auto-Assign as Exception). In contrast, rules with the match type GM (Group as Matched) or GA (Group
as Assigned) have no matching expressions, because group-by or aggregation is not relevant to these rules.
Data Slices
The rule is defined to compare accounts receivable (AR) and accounts payable (AP) between trading units.
Therefore, the data slice settings are as follows:
• Data Slice 1 (Leading Unit): Selects AR-related account numbers. The Aggregate checkbox is selected.
• Data Slice 2 (Partner Unit): Selects AP-related account numbers. The Aggregate checkbox is selected.
Matching Expression
We want to match the AR and AP data that have identical transaction currency amounts after being aggregated
by assignment reference. The matching expression can be defined as follows:
Matching Process
Selecting Data
In a matching run, the system first selects the relevant data as defined in filters of data slices. The following
posting records are selected:
Transaction Cur
Data Slice Company Trading Partner G/L Account rency Amount Assignment Ref.
Aggregating Data
The system then aggregates the data by the characteristic fields you defined in the matching expression. In our
example, there is only one characteristic field acting as the group-by field, that is Assignment Ref. (ZUONR).
Data Slice 1 (Left Side of Matching Expression) Data Slice 2 (Right Side of Matching Expression)
Transaction Transaction
Trading Part Currency Assignment Trading Part Currency Assignment
Company ner Amount Ref. Company ner Amount Ref.
C100 C200 120 USD XYZ2020001 C200 C100 -120 USD XYZ2020001
Leading unit and partner unit fields are the default group-by fields, which you don't need to include
explicitly in matching expressions.
Comparing Data
Finally, the system compares the aggregated data of both data slices and groups them into one assignment if
the data hits the rule, which is the case in our example.
In the aggregation step, the system groups data by the characteristic fields in your defined matching
expressions. However, if you have used any string-type functions, such as SUBSTRING, for any characteristic
fields, the functions are applied after the aggregation. As a result, using these functions for line item-level fields
may not work as expected.
For example, if in either or both data slices, the relevant line items have different values of Assignment Ref. as
Transaction Currency
Company Trading Partner G/L Account Amount Assignment Ref.
When defining the matching expression, you may try to use the function SUBSTRING(1,7) to extract the prefix
value ("XYZ2020") as below so that the line item amounts can still be aggregated.
However, it won't work that way, since the system aggregates the data before applying the string functions. In
our example, no aggregations will take place because values of Assignment Ref. are different without the
function SUBSTRING(1,7) being executed beforehand. Therefore, the data is compared line by line. Since no
line item amounts (100 USD, 20 USD, -60 USD, and -60 USD) meet the OPPSITE condition required by the
matching expression, no data is matched in the end.
Despite the limitation stated above, string-type functions are still useful in some cases, especially for
document header-level fields, such as XBLNR (Reference Document No.) in the BKPF (Accounting
Document Header) table. For example, for documents with the similar XBLNR values, you may apply the
function SUBSTRING, LCASE, or LPAD to match these documents. The function acts on the final step
Comparing Data (rather than the Aggregating Data step). Download/Upload
You can download or upload master-data-type matching methods so that they can be duplicated between
systems. These matching methods have the Master Data option selected as the storage type in the Define
Matching Methods app
This feature is particularly useful when you want to transfer the matching methods defined and tested in your
quality system to your production system. To do so, you choose Export within the app in your quality system to
download the existing matching methods to a ZIP file and save it to a local folder, then access the app again in
your production system and choose Import to select the downloaded ZIP file and upload it.
The ZIP file contains multiple .xml files, each of which collects the settings of various matching method
attributes. For a successful upload, don't edit or delete the XML files.
The matching methods that are set as Configuration Data are not included in the download or upload. They can
only be transported between systems via a transport request by using transaction code ICATRM (Transport
Matching Methods).
For configuration-type matching methods, that is, they have the Configuration Data option selected as the
storage type, you can transport them between systems via a transport request for customizations.
You can do so in Customizing for Transport Matching Methods under Intercompany Matching and
Reconciliation Matching Methods . Alternatively, use transaction code ICATRM.
You can include multiple matching methods into one transport request by re-executing the transaction
Configuration-type matching methods can also be deleted from your production (PRD) system by using the
transaction. To do so, first delete the relevant matching method in the source system, such as in your
development (DEV) system, then run the transaction for the non-existent method ID. In this way, once the
customizing request is released, the deletion also takes place in the PRD system.
In a matching run, the system rolls in new transaction line items from the data source, matches them based on
the matching rules, and saves the items in the table ICADOCM. The matched items are grouped into
assignments, while the unmatched items are also tagged with the unmatched status.
In any subsequent matching runs, the system rolls in data on a delta update basis, that is, only documents
incoming since last matching are read into ICMR. The new document items, together with the items that
remain unmatched in prior matching runs, are included in the new matching run.
You can launch individual matching runs ad hoc by accessing one of the following apps:
To match data of intercompany transactions, include all parties involved to produce correct
matching results.
• Optionally, select a past timestamp in Data Cutoff field to restrict the data range to that point of time,
otherwise, all data up to now are included.
4. The matching run status, such as Active and Running, Finished, or Canceled, displays instantly on the app
header area.
5. Once the matching run is finished successfully, you can follow the Check Result link to check the matching
result, for example, the generated matching documents and matching assignments if any.
2. In the mandatory filter fields Display Group, Amount Field, and Currency as well as those derived based on
the underlying data source, enter the filter values.
3. Choose Go to show all unassigned items for your selected leading unit and all its partner units who have
trading records with the leading unit during the relevant period.
4. Choose Auto-Match to run matching for unmatched items, so that the items are compared by all matching
rules sequentially.
5. Once the matching run is finished successfully, you can choose Check Results to view any matched items
and their generated assignment numbers in the lower table Assignments. From there, you can proceed
with manual assignments, adjustments, or approval as necessary.
For more information, see Working with Matching Results [page 247].
With the Schedule Matching Run Jobs app, you can schedule jobs using the provided template. In this way, you
replace the manual activities as described before with the scheduled jobs in the background and therefore
reduce your workload or waiting time.
Key Features
• Create Job: You can choose New ( icon) to create a job based on the Matching Run or the Matching Run -
For Consolidation job template.
The two delivered job templates are same except that Matching Run - For Consolidation provides a
sample filter string RITCLG ='Y1' and RVERS ='Y10' and RLDNR ='Y1' that is only relevant for
consolidation scenario, where Consolidation Chart of Accounts is Y1, Consolidation Version is Y10, and
Ledger is Y1. You can change these default filter values. For more information, see the Specify
Parameters part of this topic.
• Choose Scheduling Options: You can trigger an immediate job run, define a future start date and time for a
single run, or define the recurrence pattern for the jobs you want to run regularly.
• Specify Parameters: Specify the following criteria to restrict the data scope:
• Matching Method
• Filter String: Compose a filter string with the relevant filter fields and values using standard SQL
syntax, for example, fiscyearper <= '2020010' and RCOMP between 'C1001' and
Only the following fields are allowed for use as the filter fields here:
• Mandatory filter fields as defined in the underlying data source, for example fiscal year/period. If
you don't include them in the string, the system uses the default values you specified for these
fields in the data source definition.
• Leading unit field such as RCOMP (Company) and RBUNIT (Consolidation Unit): Specify a range of
organizational units as the leading units. This is optional. If you don't include the leading unit field
in the string, all the relevant organizational units in your system are included in the matching run.
To match data of intercompany transactions, include all parties involved to produce correct
matching results.
If the IDs of your leading units are numeric, you need to add all necessary leading zeros.
To run matching for each period at your specified day of the period, you can schedule monthly
jobs. In doing so, you need to exclude date-related filters, such as FISCYEARPER (Fiscal Year
Period), RYEAR (Fiscal Year), and POPER (Posting Period), from the filter string. Then the values
of these fields will be automatically determined based on current date and fiscal year variant.
To trigger follow-ups automatically, the relevant reason codes must have the Automatically trigger
follow-ups checkbox selected.
• Show Statistics: Keep selected so that you can view the matching run results when the job is finished.
• Data Cutoff: Optionally, specify up to when the data is captured and included in the scheduled
matching run.
• Display Scheduling Details: From the job list, you can choose the arrow icon ( ) of any scheduled job to
navigate to the detail page, which includes the scheduling information described above.
• Check Job Status: For any scheduled job, you can monitor its status (Finished or Failed) by checking the
Status column.
• Check Matching Run Results: When job status shows Finished, you can choose the icon ( ) in the Results
column to view the matching run results. The result page shows the following information:
• Total count of the matching documents generated and the document numbers.
A matching document is generated for each unique value combination of leading unit and
mandatory filter fields of the data source.
• For each leading unit, how many line items are newly rolled into ICADOCM. This is shown in the first
Number column.
• For each leading unit, how many line items are newly assigned, that is, matched with those of trading
partners and are therefore grouped into assignments. This is shown in the second Number column.
These items may include new rolled-in items, items that were not matched previously, and the
items that were part of any prior assignments marked as Temporary Resolution (See explanations
in Manage Assignments [page 247]).
This app contains Web Assistant documentation for key fields and concepts. To display the documentation
while working in the app, press F1 or click the question mark displayed in the app header.
Related Information
After any successful matching run, you may want to view the matching results and take any necessary actions
accordingly. This section describes the process and the available apps.
With the Manage Assignments app, for the data read from underlying database table or data sources, you can
launch a matching run, view matching results, make manual assignments, and trigger and monitor any follow-
up activities.
The app has two mode variants: By Matching Method and By Reconciliation Case. The following key features are
described mainly based on Manage Assignments - By Matching Method.
Key Features
Which filter fields are available and have default values depend on the Main CDS View you specified in the
data source for the matching method. For more information, see Data Source [page 314].
You can choose to save your frequently used filter values into a new view variant by choosing Select View (
icon) and then Save As. You can also set the view variant as the default view. This setting is matching method-
• 00 New: The item is newly inserted into the underlying data sources, but hasn't yet rolled in to the
matching engine, that is, was not copied to database table ICADOCM (Matching Entries). These items are
therefore not allowed for actions such as Assign and Communicate. You must execute the auto-match
function to roll them in first.
• 01 Roll-In: The item has been processed by the matching engine, that is, data has been copied to the
matching database table but was not hit by any matching rule. Items with this status are listed in the
Unassigned Items table and require manual assignment.
This status is only relevant when the approval workflow includes Confirm Variance Adjustments as the
last workflow step. Note that the predelivered workflow has Post Variance Adjustments as the last step,
therefore, the variance adjustment is posted directly after the approval.
• 29 Auto-Adjusted: When the item has this status, it can no longer be processed manually to prevent
redundant adjustment postings. This status is mainly applicable to the assignments with reason codes that
have automatic adjustment logic implemented and are set as Temporary Resolution. When processing this
type of assignment, the status changes from 20 Assigned or from 25 Pending Confirmation to 29 Auto-
Adjusted after the adjustment was posted. In this way, the adjusted data is grouped together with the
original items to achieve a perfect match in the next matching run. Bear in mind the original assignment is
unassigned, and a new assignment number is given for the changed item group.
• 30 Matched: The item has achieved the final status. Generally, no follow-ups are needed, but you can still
unassign the item if necessary.
Items with 00 New status are also shown in the two tables after being read directly from the underlying
source table.
You can choose to change the visible columns and their sort order and save as your own view variant by
choosing Select View ( icon) and then Save As. You can also set the view variant as the default view. In
this way, you can have the most relevant columns displayed by default. This setting is matching
If the assignment is still in the process of automatic adjustment or approval workflow, the
auto-match run skips it.
• Workflow Status: This status is relevant for the assignments that have a reason code with variance
adjustment workflow configured. The workflow can be initiated by choosing Process or, in case of
manual assignments, directly after assigning the relevant reason code. Note that:
• The workflow approvers receive the approval tasks in both Verify Intercompany Variance
Adjustment - Inbox app and Notifications ( icon) area.
• Once the adjustment is approved or rejected, the workflow initiator receives the alert in the
Notifications ( icon) area.
For more information, see Automatic Variance Adjustment [page 260].
• Adjustment Log: Shows if the adjustment posting was successful and how many adjustment
documents were posted. You can also navigate to the Application Log - Automatic Adjustments
[page 265] app for details.
• Assigned Items: This table is only visible when you select an assignment and click on Show Items. The
table then lists all the items the assignment groups.
By default, the screen includes all sections. By choosing Change Layout ( icon) and then Upper Area Only or
Lower Area Only, you can change the screen layout.
The expression fields you defined in the matching rule as a basis for data matching are marked with colors:
Green stands for the expression fields with operators "Equal to" or "Opposite", while yellow stands for
the expression fields with other operators.
Choose Auto-Match to run matching for newly rolled-in or unassigned items, so that the items are compared by
all matching rules sequentially. Once the matching run is finished, you can choose Check Results to view the
updated matching results as described above.
For any items, matched or unmatched, you can take the following actions:
The default notification and email recipients are determined based on the assignment of
ICAM_COMM (Intercompany Communication) function in Intercompany Teams and Responsibilities
[page 372]. You can also send notifications or emails to any recipients other than those assigned in
Manage Teams and Responsibilities.
• Set to Done: When a certain comment or notification is addressed, you can set the item to done so that
the due date and overdue alarm are cleared.
You can view the communication history by choosing the communication status.
For the manual assignment, you need to select multiple unassigned items that have the same leading
unit and partner unit pair.
For any existing assignments, matched or unmatched, you can take the following actions:
• Assign: You can also merge any unassigned items to an existing assignment number if they all have the
same leading unit and partner unit pair.
Within an assignment, items belong to the leading unit have the “SLICE” value 1, while items belong to
the partner unit have the “SLICE” value 2. If company A is regarded as the leading unit in the two upper
tables, you cannot add its matching items to an assignment that has company B as the leading unit.
Instead, you need to go to the filter bar area, change the leading unit to company B, select the
corresponding matching items and the matching assignment, then choose Assign to add the items to
the assignment.
• Unassign: You can revert any assignment with status 20 Assigned or higher to 05 Unassigned. The
assignment number is therefore invalidated, and the involved matching items need to be processed again.
• Process: For any assignment with processing status 20 Assigned, you can trigger the follow-up activity by
choosing Process. You can also change its reason code and choose Process to trigger a different follow-up
activity. Based on the assigned reason code, the assignments are moved to the next possible status as
With Workflow Scenario specified Variance adjustment posting ap 25 Pending Confirmation
For more information about reason code and workflow configuration, see Reasons and Solutions [page
• Filter: For the Assignments table, you can use the quick filters to show a filtered list of assignments. SAP
pre-defines the following standard filters:
• Show All
• Show Assigned but Not Matched
• Show Created in Last 30 Days
• Show Obsolete Assignments
In addition, you can also define your own filters. For more information, see Define Custom Filters [page
The following animated GIF (English only) shows the main aspects described above:
Which amount types are available for your selected reconciliation case depends on the data source
of its assigned matching method.
• You can choose Show Balances to display the aggregated amounts of your specified leading unit and
partner unit pair based on the display group of the reconciliation case. The quick view is equivalent to the
Reconciliation Balances [page 282] app but limited to only one pair of leading unit and partner unit.
When choosing the app mode to be used, By Reconciliation Case or By Matching Method, data permission is to
be taken into account. In the reconciliation case mode, a user can be limited to accessing the data set defined
by a display group. For example, if a user is only permitted to manage accounts receivable (AR) of a company
and accounts payable (AP) of its trading partners (the "AR-driven" approach), then he or she should not have
the access to the AP of the company. In contrast, when using the matching method mode, a user can access
both AR and AP of the company, as well as that of its trading partners. The matching method mode has no
permission control applied and gives a more comprehensive view.
This app contains Web Assistant documentation for key fields and concepts. To display the documentation
while working in the app, press F1 or click the question mark displayed in the app header.
The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an app
on the SAP Fiori launchpad. To see this app’s Fiori content, go to the SAP Fiori apps reference library and
search for the app. Then select the product. On the Implementation Information tab, select the correct release.
The details are in the Configuration section.
Apart from checking matching results immediately after running matching in the Manage Assignments app,
you can also view a plain list of matching records based on certain filter criteria using the following two apps:
With this app, you can display a list of matching documents based on your matching method selection or
delete any matching document to correct and rematch data.
• Business Transaction Type: Indicates the source of the new posting data, such as:
• ROLL-IN (From Data Source Tables): Data was transferred from the data sources once a matching run
is triggered.
• UPLOAD (From Uploaded Files): Uploaded via a file by using the transaction code ICAFU (Flexible
Upload of Matching Items). For more information, see Flexible Upload of Matching Items [page 269].
• API (From API): Data was imported from an external system by using the Matching Items - Bulk Import
API service call. For more information, see Matching Items - Bulk Import.
• Data Cutoff Time: The time point when the matching run was launched.
• Created By and Created On: The user who launched the matching run and the time point when the
matching document was generated.
• Deletion Flag: Indicates if the matching document has been deleted or not.
Company is displayed in the table by default. If your matching run was based on another organizational
dimension, such as consolidation unit, you can choose Settings ( icon) to enable its display. Other
additional information, such as the used matching method and fiscal year/period, can also be displayed in
this way.
• If uploaded via a file, the data is deleted and blocked for any further matching steps. You can therefore re-
upload and correct the data.
• If transferred from data sources, the data is reverted to the processing status 00 New. The matching
process is started over in the next matching run.
For tracking or auditing purposes, the deleted documents can still be displayed, but with the Deletion Flag set
to Yes.
Please make sure the deletion is always made from the latest document backwards. For example, if you
have documents 1, 2, and 3 for the same unit that are generated chronologically, you should delete from
document 3. If you only delete document 2, the items created between documents 1 and 3 are not rolled in
to the matching engine again.
This app contains Web Assistant documentation for key fields and concepts. To display the documentation
while working in the app, press F1 or click the question mark displayed in the app header.
With this app, you can display all matching items and their details based on your specified filter criteria.
The app has two mode variants: By Matching Method and By Reconciliation Case. The following key features are
described mainly based on Display Matching Items - By Matching Method.
Key Features
• Matching Method
• Data Source: Only required when the matching method was assigned with two different data sources.
• Data Source Alias: Only required when the matching method was assigned with two identical data sources
with different aliases.
Other optional filter fields include leading unit and partner unit, matching document, assignment number, and
those derived from the underlying data sources, such as Fiscal Year and Fiscal Period.
The derived filter fields have comparison operators attached. For example, if you have defined the
mandatory filter “FISCYEARPER <= $CurrentFiscalYearPeriod$” in the underlying data source, here
in the filter bar area of the Display Matching Items app, the current fiscal year/period, for example
2019/006, is filled in by default and all matching items from the beginning of year 2019 to period 006 are
displayed. You can change the default fiscal year/period value, but the operator "<=" is always taken into
• What are the leading unit, partner unit, year/period, original document number, account number, and
amounts in different currency types for the matching item?
• What's its processing status?
• Has it been assigned an assignment number?
• What was the matching rule the matching item hit if the assignment was made by auto-matching?
• What was the specified reason code if the assignment was made manually?
By default, it lists all the fields derived from the underlying data source. You can choose Settings ( icon)
to hide, sort, and group them.
Download List
You can download the full list of matching items to an MS Excel file by choosing Export to Spreadsheet.
Drill Down
By choosing the available link, you navigate to the detail screen of matching rule and matching assignment of
the Define Matching Methods and Manage Assignments apps respectively. If you have configured navigation
settings when defining data sources, you are also able to navigate to other screens or apps, for example, to the
Manage Journal Entries app to view the original accounting document and line item details.
This app contains Web Assistant documentation for key fields and concepts. To display the documentation
while working in the app, press F1 or click the question mark displayed in the app header.
For the items, either perfectly matched or nearly matched and still with variances, reasons should be provided
to facilitate future analysis and explanations. In addition, the recommended solutions can be attached to
increase efficiency and achieve automatic resolution.
This section describes the setup of reason codes and solutions such as workflow and auto-adjustment.
The reason code controls whether and what follow-up activities are required for a matching assignment. It has
the following main settings:
• No Follow-Ups: Used for assigning items without requiring any further actions.
• Comment Required: Indicates if a comment is mandatory when users submit an assignment with the
reason code.
• Adjustment Class: An ABAP Class that encapsulates the logic for variance adjustment posting.
• Workflow Scenario: A workflow scenario ID defined to establish the workflow for approving certain
In the Manage Assignments app, if you think certain unassigned items should be exempted from matching rule
validation and be assigned manually, you can select them and choose Assign. Then you are prompted to
specify a reason code.
When defining a matching rule in the Define Matching Methods app, you need to assign a Default Reason Code.
Later, for any data matching record (assignment number), you can change the reason code if necessary, so
that a different follow-up activity can be performed other than the one defined by the default reason code.
Reason codes are defined in Customizing for Maintain Reason Codes under Intercompany Matching and
Reconciliation Reasons and Solutions . Alternatively, use transaction code ICARC.
As outlined in the Reason Code [page 259] section, automatic adjustment posting can be triggered when you
process a matching assignment with a reason code that has an adjustment class. A standard ABAP class
CL_ICA_DC_FIN_DOCUMENT_POST is delivered for automatically adjusting the variances for items under a
matching assignment. To do that, in addition to assigning the ABAP class to the reason code, you also need to
define automatic posting rules and assign them to the matching method. For more information, see Define and
Assign Posting Rules [page 260].
Starting from SAP S/4HANA 2020, posting rules are introduced to replace the document templates
configured using Customizing activities Define G/L Posting Document Templates and Assign Document
Templates to Companies in the prior release. SAP recommends that you switch to posting rule definition
and assignment for more flexibility. The document template-related Customizing activities will be
deprecated in a future release. For information about their usage, see Customizing documentation for
these activities in your system.
For the system to adjust the differences between items of trading companies automatically, you need to define
postings rules and assign them to matching methods. To do that, you must have the business catalog
SAP_FIN_BC_ICA_CONFIG (ICA - Intercompany Configuration) assigned to your role.
1. Choose Create and select the predelivered automatic posting scenario SA001 (Adjustment Postings for
Accounting) or a scenario you configured in Define Your Own Posting Scenarios [page 333].
2. You are brought to the detail page. In the General Information section, specify a rule name and a meaningful
3. In the Document Header section, specify an accounting document type, and optionally, the document
header text. The information entered here applies to the entire document.
Reversal Reason is only required if you select Reverse in Next Period in the next step.
4. In the Control Options section, make the additional document settings as follows:
• Posting Date: Choose FIRST_DAY or LAST_DAY to specify the first day or the last day of the matching
assignment period as the adjustment document posting date.
If the accounting documents are matched (and an assignment is generated) in period 2020/002,
then the "FIRST_DAY" setting determines the adjustment document posting date (BUDAT) as
2020-02-01 and "LAST_DAY" 2020-02-29.
• Posting Side: Determines in case of variance between seller and buyer sides, which company code the
adjustment document should be posted to. The following 4 options are available:
• L_UNIT (Leading Unit): Adjustment document to be posted on the leading unit side (seller
• P_UNIT (Partner Unit): Adjustment document to be posted on the partner unit side (trading
• LOW_TAMNT (Lower Transaction Amount Side): Adjustment document to be posted to the side
whose transaction amount (WSL) is lower than the other.
• HIGH_TAMNT (Higher Transaction Amount Side): Adjustment document to be posted to the side
whose transaction amount (WSL) is higher than the other.
• Reverse in Next Period: Select the checkbox if you want to have the adjustment document posted
together with its reversal document. The posting date of the reversal document is always the first day
of the next period after the matching assignment.
• Calculate Variance and Posting Adjustment: Choose the amount type, Amount in Global Currency (KSL)
or Amount in Transaction Currency (WSL), for variance calculation and adjustment.
5. In the Document Items section, specify how the system generates document line items in the following two
item groups:
Variance Adjustment Group By Data is aggregated based on You can add more group-by
your selected group-by fields, for example, XBLNR
fields. (Reference Document) and
ZUONR (Assignment
The default group-by fields Number).
are BUKRS (Company Code)
and RASSC (Trading
Company), which means
the data of same company
code and trading company
is aggregated into one en
Set Field Value Specify a G/L account for You can set values for more
the target adjustment line fields, such as SGTXT (Item
item that is used to record text) and ZUONR
the variance. (Assignment Number), by
using various field func
tions, such as FIX_VALUE
(Sets a fixed value) and
COPY_FROM (Copies value of
a source field).
The chart of accounts (COA) is derived from the original posting line item. Therefore, you should make
sure the G/L accounts you specified above are valid in the relevant COA.
For more information, see Define Posting Rules - Intercompany Matching and Reconciliation [page 333].
Select only the reason codes that have the adjustment class maintained as
CL_ICA_DC_FIN_DOCUMENT_POST. The posting rules are only applicable to these reason codes.
3. If, for the same matching method, you want to assign different posting rules from the one assigned on
method level above to a company and/or its trading partner, you can additionally make the assignments in
the Assignments to Companies subpage. For other dimensions, such as profit center, the posting rule
assigned on method level applies.
Posting rule assignment adopts the maximum-hits logic. Take the assignments below as an example:
C1001 RULE02
"RULE04" is returned for the tuple "C1001, C1002, S01", "RULE03" is returned for the tuple "C1001, C1002,
non-S01", and so on.
This example shows with the configured posting rule how the system makes automatic adjustment postings to
solve the variance between accounts receivable (AR) and accounts payable (AP) postings of two trading
• The adjustment documents are posted on the leading unit side. The posting date is set to the last day of
the matching assignment period.
The reversal documents shall be generated simultaneously with the first day of the next period as the
posting date.
• The adjustment document line items are grouped by BUKRS (Company Code), RASSC (Trading Company),
XBLNR (Reference Document), and ZUONR (Assignment Number).
• The adjustment item is posted to G/L account 123020000, regardless of the sign, debit or credit.
• The offsetting item is posted to G/L account 11002030.
Amount in
Transac Assign
Document Posting Company Trading G/L Ac tion Cur Reference ment Num
No. Date Code Partner count rency Document ber Item Text
10005 2020-01-31 C100 C2000 12302000 -20 USD 90001 PO1001 AUTO-ADJ
The variance adjustment process may be subject to an approval workflow, depending on your workflow
Reversal Documents
Meanwhile, the following reversal documents are generated for the next fiscal period after the matching
assignment, so that the adjustment documents can be reversed in the next period. This is usually required
when there is a big chance that the variance will be resolved in the next period with new documents received.
Amount in
Transac Assign
Document Posting Company Trading G/L Ac tion Cur Reference ment Num
No. Date Code Partner count rency Document ber Item Text
Related Information
With the app, you can choose log category FIN_ICA (Intercompany Matching and Reconciliation) and
subcategory AA (Automatic Adjustment Posting) to view the automatic adjustment postings executed in your
specified period.
• If the adjustment posting was successful, you can see a Success status for the activity and the adjustment
posting document.
If Reverse in Next Period was selected when defining the posting rule (or posting document template),
you can also see a reversal document generated, which has a posting date of the next period following
the matching assignment.
• If the posting failed, you can see an Error status and the root cause, for example:
• You assigned the matching items that have different transaction currencies, which makes the
automatic posting not applicable.
• Your manual assignment contains matching items from only one side, either only leading unit or only
partner unit.
• You haven't assigned a valid posting rule (or posting document template) to the leading unit.
• Any errors returned by the accounting posting API.
• If the posting was not executed, for example, because no variance exists between the matching items,
which makes an adjustment unnecessary, you can see an Information status.
Related Information
Variance adjustment is triggered from the Manage Assignments app when a user processes a matching
assignment with a reason code that has an adjustment class. If you want the auto-adjustment to be approved
before taking place, you need to attach a workflow scenario to your reason code. The standard workflow
scenario WS78500087 is delivered for the variance adjustment approval. Based on this scenario, you can define
your workflows for the auto-adjustment process with the Manage Workflows - Intercompany Variance
Adjustment app.
Create Workflow
The workflow Intercompany Variance Adjustment Posting (indicated by the icon) is pre-delivered and
activated for use. You can use the workflow as is or create your own workflows. Please put the workflows in
1. Enter a workflow name, for example, "Confirm Adjustment for Variance Greater Than 100 USD", and
optionally, a long description.
2. Enter the dates for Valid From and Valid To to specify the workflow validity period. Leave the fields empty if
you want your workflow to be valid permanently.
3. For Start Condition, select Variance greater than or equal to tolerance from the dropdown list and input 100
if you want to trigger the workflow when variance of the relevant assignment is greater than or equal to
100. Selecting None to set no precondition.
4. In the Step Sequence section, choose Add to add a step and select from the following two step types:
• Check Variance Adjustment Posting: Allows approvers to approve or reject the posting for variance
adjustment. When this step is triggered, the relevant approvers receive a task in Verify Intercompany
Variance Adjustment - Inbox, where they can approve or reject the posting, or navigate to the matching
assignment detail screen by choosing Open Task.
• Post Variance Adjustments: System executes automatic posting. No user decision is involved.
Please always make Check Variance Adjustment Posting as the first step.
5. For Step Recipients, you can choose a whole team or a certain role in the team by selecting Team or Role
• Team: All team members of a defined team. It's not recommended to choose Team in our scenario,
choose Role instead.
• Role: A group of team members who have a specific role/function assigned. Two roles are relevant for
the step type Check Variance Adjustment Posting:
• Check Variance Adjustment Posting: For the members who have the right to check and approve the
automatic variance adjustments.
• Confirm Approval of Variance Adjustment: For the members who have the right to supervise the
adjustment posting approval. This role is only relevant for multi-level approval workflows and, if
required, is usually assigned to a second step that has the step type Check Variance Adjustment
The teams and role assignment are maintained using the Manage Teams and Responsibilities -
Intercompany app. For more information, see Intercompany Teams and Responsibilities [page
6. Step Condition (optional): In our scenario, don’t set any step preconditions, but only use the workflow-level
precondition. If you set step-level conditions, when executing the workflow, the steps with stricter
preconditions might be bypassed because the conditions are not met. The approvers of this step therefore
won’t receive the approval request, but the workflow may still be completed.
7. Step Deadline (optional): Mark the step as overdue if it's not completed within a period.
8. Exception Handling: Keep the default settings.
If a multi-level approval workflow is required, you can add a second step of the step type Check Variance
Adjustment Posting, same as the first step, but assign to it the role Confirm Approval of Variance
Always add a step of step type Post Variance Adjustments as the last step of the workflow. This step
instructs the system to execute the adjustment posting if the preceding steps are passed.
Unless you activate your own workflow, the pre-delivered workflow is used in your business process by
default. Otherwise, the workflow you created takes precedence.
Related Information
Business Workflow
The following two use cases show how typical workflows for variance adjustment posting can work:
In both cases, if a workflow is completed with an automatic variance adjustment posted, in the next matching
run, the amounts posted by the buyer and seller sides should match well and the matching assignment
achieves 30 Matched status. However, if the Check Variance Adjustment Posting step ends up with a Rejected
decision, you, as the workflow initiator, can see the rejection reason and decide what to do next. For example,
you can edit and trigger the workflow again, make some adjustments on your own, or just leave a memo.
Sample Workflow
SAP delivers a sample workflow that includes the Check Variance Adjustment Posting and Post Variance
Adjustments steps. It works in this way:
1. As an accountant, you manually match two items by selecting them and choose Assign in the Manage
Assignments app.
This workflow corresponds to the use case 1 and can be illustrated by the following graphic:
If your created workflow has these two steps Check Variance Adjustment Posting and Confirm Variance
Adjustments instead, it works basically in the same way as the process above, except in step 5. After the
adjustment is approved, the assignment first moves to the processing status 25 Pending Confirmation, and you
need to confirm the automatic posting by choosing Process again. After that, the next status depends on the
Temporary Resolution checkbox setting of your assigned reason code, that is, changes either to the final status
30 Matched or to the status 29 Auto-Adjusted.
This workflow corresponds to the use case 2 and can be illustrated by the following graphic:
With the Flexible Upload of Matching Items app or the transaction code ICAFU (Upload Matching Items), you
can upload data to the matching engine via a CSV file. This is useful if you want to match and reconcile external
data, for example, for the organizational units that are outside SAP S/4HANA.
To download the CSV file template and upload data, do the following:
1. Select a matching method. The data sources assigned to the method are automatically populated in the
Data Source field.
If there are multiple data sources, you need to perform the next steps for each data source. This is
because the template to be downloaded is derived from the underlying CDS view of each data source
assigned to the matching method.
2. Select a delimiter, Semicolon, Comma, or Tab, for the CSV file template to be downloaded. It's
recommended to use the same delimiter as the List Separator in your system regional settings.
3. Choose Download Template and specify a file path to store the template file. Steps 2 and 3 can be skipped
if you have downloaded the file before and you want to reuse the file.
Input for field FISCYEARPER (Fiscal Year/Period) must be in the format YYYYPPP, for example,
2021009 for period 009 of year 2021.
• Ensure your entered data are within the value range based on the filters you defined for the matching
method. For example, you have defined a method-specific filter using the Define Matching Methods
app, restricting to the data with the G/L account between 100000 and 199999. When you try to
upload the data that contains a line item with the G/L account number 200000 or an empty value, the
system blocks the data upload.
5. In the Source File field, choose the file you just filled out.
6. Optionally, specify a timestamp no later than the current time in the Cutoff Time field. If you leave the field
empty, the file upload time is used.
The Cutoff Time is useful if you find some items are missing compared with the source and want to insert
the items at a certain time point. When the file upload succeeds, the cutoff time is taken as the data roll-in
time and assigned to the matching documents generated.
In the next matching run of the relevant leading units, the system only retrieves their data after the latest
cutoff time. For more information about cutoff time, see SAP Note 3114279 .
If you have specified values for the TIMESTAMP column in the file, the Cutoff Time here must be no
earlier than any values of the TIMESTAMP column. Otherwise, the upload fails with an error. If no value
is specified for the TIMESTAMP field in the file, the Cutoff Time is taken as the timestamp of the
matching items.
7. Choose Execute. If the upload is successful, a log message is displayed instantly to notify you of the
generated matching document numbers. A document is generated for each unique value combination of
leading unit and mandatory filter fields of the data source.
You can also upload the data by using the Flexible Upload of Matching Items app in the SAP Fiori launchpad.
The procedure is slightly different, where you need to manually enter a file name with the file extension
".csv" when downloading the template. The file will be downloaded to your default folder.
Once uploaded, the data is stored in the database table ICADOCM of the matching engine, and the generated
matching documents have a business transaction type UPLOAD (From Uploaded Files). The uploaded data can
then enter the matching and reconciliation process.
In Intercompany Matching and Reconciliation (ICMR), data is read from the specified data sources to the
ICADOCM table. Data inconsistency may occur between the source and ICADOCM due to various reasons, for
example, after matching runs, the matching method-level filters are changed to expand the data range, or a
new extension field is added to the data source, which causes the historic data to have empty field values.
With the ICADR (ICMR Data Remediation Tool) transaction, you can synchronize the ICADOCM table from the
data sources with one of the following remediation modes:
• Roll in Missing Items: Check for and remedy any missing data from sources to ICADOCM.
• Synchronize Document Deletion from Source: Mark as deleted for any matching items of the documents
that have been deleted from source.
• Update Field Values: Fill in or update values for specific field.
To run the remediation functions, the matching method must have one or more key fields specified in the
underlying data source. The key fields are the basis for the system to identify unique line items.
To run a remediation function, you first define the data scope using criteria such as Matching Method and a
filter string. Then select a remediation mode and any additional options and filters. After that, choose Execute.
For detailed step-by-step guidance, choose Program Documentation (the icon) in the system.
• For the Roll in Missing Items mode, you can find the line items that are missing in the ICADOCM table for
each leading unit.
If the data remediation was executed in update mode (instead of Test Run), the missing line items are
written into ICADOCM and matching documents are generated, one document per leading unit. These
matching documents have the business transaction type REMEDY in the Manage Matching Documents
[page 255] app. You can then perform the matching and reconciliation based on the new and complete
• For the Synchronize Document Deletion from Source mode, the documents that were deleted from source,
for example triggered by a reset program, are listed. In an update run, these documents and the relevant
matching items are marked as deleted in ICMR.
• For the Update Field Values mode, you can check the current values of your selected field in the first
column if you ran in test run. In the update run, the result page shows the updated field values.
Related Information
To maximize the system utilization when processing massive data, each matching run is executed as a
background job, either an immediate job or recurring jobs. Therefore, a concurrency control mechanism is
introduced to guarantee data consistency. That is, when a matching process is running on a certain data scope,
other processes are blocked from accessing the data in that scope. Usually, the system can handle the
concurrency accesses well without any user actions needed. However, in exceptional cases, for example when
the system is shut down abnormally during a matching run, you may find some leading units in the data scope
are still locked even the background job is canceled. Therefore, the Unlock Asynchronous Matching Status app
is introduced to allow you manually unlock them.
You can also run transaction code ICAAM in the back-end system.
With the app, you can view a list of all the ongoing and finished matching run jobs based on your specified
matching method. A leading unit can be locked when users take actions such as run matching, communicating,
and assigning items manually. If you want to unlock the leading unit, you can select the corresponding job from
the list and choose Unlock Entities so that the leading unit is released for a later processing using the same
matching method.
Based on your defined reconciliation case, which aggregates amounts of your selected data sets, you can view
the reconciliation status and balance details between companies or other organizational units.
Each reconciliation case is based on one matching method. It provides an aggregated view of the data set
defined by the matching method.
A reconciliation case consists of one or more display groups, which are used to filter and display the data in
the reconciliation overview and balance detail reports. A display group is comprised of two sides, typically the
leading unit side and partner unit side as well as tolerance settings. Each side sums up the amounts of a data
• Two opposite display groups can produce a netting view in Reconciliation Balances [page 282].
You define a display group that has two sides: Accounts payable (AP) of the leading unit (company)
and accounts receivable (AR) of the partner unit (trading partner company). You then define an
opposite display group with AR of the leading unit and AP of the partner unit and pair up these two
display groups.
In this way, an intercompany netting view is established in Reconciliation Balances to show netting
amounts that offset the AR and AP between the two units.
• More display groups can be defined, for example, to break down AR items by product or service account.
Among all display groups, one must be defined as the leading display group, which is used as a basis for
calculating balances in Reconciliation Status Overview [page 278] and Manage Reconciliation Close [page 289].
Related Information Define
With the Define Reconciliation Cases app, you can create, display, change, or delete reconciliation cases.
If a system is configured as a production system, Master Data is selected automatically and cannot
be changed.
2. Assign a matching method. The method-level filters are then applied to data scope of the reconciliation
Each matching method can only be assigned to one reconciliation case, that is, you cannot assign a
matching method that has already been assigned to any other reconciliation case. Once assigned,
a matching method cannot be deleted unless its assignment to the reconciliation case is revoked.
The assigned matching method must have the same storage type with the reconciliation case.
3. Select the With Balance Carryforward checkbox if all the involved organizational units carry forward
balances to the next fiscal year (period 000). The balances from the period 000 are therefore taken for
YTD amount calculation.
In this case, it’s recommended that in the assigned matching method, you set the first matching rule to
group together all items of period 000.
If you keep the checkbox unselected, no balance carryforward results should be taken. You need to
filter out the period 000 data in your underlying CDS view. The system simply aggregates all the
amounts in your database from the very beginning to get the to-date amounts, which might cause
system performance issues.
The setting is only applicable when the underlying data source allows reconciliation across years or
across periods within one year, that is, the year/period-related filters are set as Fiscal Year Period
<= $CurrentFiscalYearPeriod$ in the data source. For more information, see Define Data
Source [page 314].
The hierarchies must match the organizational unit fields of the matching method data source.
Hierarchies are maintained using the Manage Global Hierarchies app. For more information, see
Define Organizational Unit Hierarchies [page 278].
Whether all the 4 display options above are available depends on the mandatory filter fields (MFF)
of the underlying data source:
• If set as “<= FISCYEARPER” or “= RYEAR” and “<= POPER”, all 4 display options are available.
• If set as “= FISCYEARPER” or “= RYEAR” and “= POPER”, only 2 display options Up to Now
and Up to Last Matching are available without the suffix YTD or Period. Whether the data
displayed in Reconciliation Balances refer to YTD or period values depends on your business
The available source fields and conversion profiles depend on the data source of the assigned
matching method.
The settings of Is Leading Amount, Calculate Difference By, and Converted Measures can only be
made or changed for the leading display group. Any non-leading groups inherit these settings from
the leading group.
3. In the Sides subsection, you can define two sides that represent opposing views of the data to be
reconciled. For each side, you define additional filters so that it sums up the amounts of a distinct
subset of the underlying data source. For example, you can define a display group that has two sides:
Accounts payable (AP) of the leading unit and accounts receivable (AR) of the partner unit.
To produce meaningful reconciliation reports, avoid having intersections between the two sides.
This is especially important for the reconciliation cases that are used in Define Elimination
Methods [page 557].
4. If you have created multiple display groups, you must do the following:
• One display group must be set as the leading group, which will be used as a basis for calculating
balances in the relevant reconciliation reports.
• Optionally, you can pair up two display groups so that an intercompany netting view can be
established later in the reconciliation balance report. The paired display groups must contain
exactly opposing views of the data. For example, if display group 1 has filter A for leading unit
defined and filter B for partner unit, the paired display group 2 must have filter B for the leading
unit and filter A for the partner unit.
A quick way to create display group 2 is to choose the Copy and Swap button on the detail
screen of display group 1.
For more information about the purposes of creating multiple display groups, see Display Groups of
Reconciliation Case [page 273].
You can also create a reconciliation case by copying an existing one and adjusting it to your requirements.
This app contains Web Assistant documentation for key fields and concepts. To display the documentation
while working in the app, press F1 or click the question mark displayed in the app header.
More Information
• The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an
app on the SAP Fiori launchpad. The SAP Fiori apps reference library is available here: https://
To see this app’s Fiori content, search for the app. Then select SAP S/4HANA as the product. On the
Implementation Information tab, select the correct release. The details are in the Configuration section. Download/Upload
You can download or upload master-data-type reconciliation cases so that they can be duplicated between
systems. These reconciliation cases have the Master Data option selected as the storage type in the Define
Reconciliation Cases app.
This feature is particularly useful when you want to transfer the reconciliation cases defined and tested in your
quality system to your production system. To do so, you choose Export within the app in your quality system to
download the existing reconciliation cases to a ZIP file and save it to a local folder, then access the app again in
your production system and choose Import to select the downloaded ZIP file and upload it.
The ZIP file contains multiple .xml files, each of which collects the settings of the various reconciliation
case attributes. For a successful upload, don't edit or delete the XML files.
The reconciliation cases that are set as Configuration Data are not included in the download or upload. They
can only be transported between systems via transport requests by using transaction code ICATRC (Transport
Reconciliation Cases).
Related Information
For configuration-type reconciliation cases, that is, they have the Configuration Data option selected as the
storage type, you can transport them between systems via a transport request for customizations.
You can do so in Customizing for Transport Reconciliation Cases under Intercompany Matching and
Reconciliation Matching Methods . Alternatively, use transaction code ICATRC.
You can include multiple reconciliation cases in one transport request by re-executing the transaction
Configuration-type reconciliation cases can also be deleted from your production (PRD) system by using
the transaction. To do so, first delete the relevant reconciliation case in the source system, such as in your
development (DEV) system, then run the transaction for the non-existent reconciliation case ID. In this way,
once the customizing request is released, the deletion also takes place in the PRD system.
If you have defined organizational unit hierarchies in the Manage Global Hierarchies app, you can use these
hierarchies in the Reconciliation Status Overview and Reconciliation Balances apps. For example, you can filter
the relevant units by specifying a hierarchy node or display the data of these units in a hierarchy view.
Related Information
With this app, you can monitor the line item-level matching status and aggregation-level reconciliation status
for leading display group and leading amount of your specified reconciliation case, fiscal year/period, and
organizational units.
Whether the Fiscal Year, Fiscal Period, or any other context fields are available and whether they are
populated with default values depend on the data source definition of the reconciliation case. For more
information, see Data Source [page 314].
The Hierarchy Node field can only be displayed in the filter area if you have specified an organizational unit
hierarchy when defining the relevant reconciliation case.
• Matching Status: A status based on line item-level document matching. The following statuses are
• Initial: No matching run has been executed.
• Not Assigned (n): Not all documents have been assigned. The number in parentheses denotes how
many items have status value lower than 20 Assigned.
• All Assigned: All documents have been assigned but not all of them have been matched.
• All Matched: All documents have been matched.
The matching status is calculated based on the leading display group. For example, for the leading
display group AR → AP, the number of Not Assigned items of a company is the number unassigned AR
items of the company plus all unassigned AP items of its trading partners. That corresponds to the
number of items displayed in both the Leading Unit: Unassigned and Partner Units: Unassigned tables
of the Manage Assignments app. It is not to be confused with the number of all items (AR and AP) of
the company.
Items with status 00 New haven’t been processed by the matching engine and are therefore not
To take a closer look at unassigned, assigned, and matched items for any units, access the Manage
Assignments - By Reconciliation Case app or see Manage Assignments [page 247].
• Reconciliation Balance Status: An overall status based on aggregation-level amount comparison for the
leading unit and all its partner units. By comparing their amount differences and the tolerance defined for
the reconciliation case’s leading display group, three colors can be shown on the statistics status bar:
• Green indicates the number of partner units that have an identical aggregated amount with the leading
If the partner unit info is missing, the amount is aggregated under an empty-value partner unit, and the
difference is also calculated in the same way.
Bear in mind that Matching Status and Reconciliation Balance Status are different, calculated on item
level and aggregation level respectively. Therefore, the numbers usually don’t coincide.
• Reconciliation Close Status: Indicates for each leading unit, how many trading pairs have the period
reconciliation open or closed, as set in the Manage Reconciliation Close app. The possible statuses are the
• Initial: The leading unit has no transaction data with any trading partners.
• All Open: All trading pairs of the leading unit have the Open reconciliation status.
• Partially Open: Some trading pairs of the leading unit have the Open or Pending Approval reconciliation
status, while the other trading pairs have the Closed status.
• All Closed: All trading pairs of the leading unit have the Closed reconciliation status.
For more information, see Manage Reconciliation Close [page 289].
• The statuses above reflect the data up to the latest matching run, that is, up to the Latest Cutoff Time. In
the New Posting column, you can monitor if any new postings have been detected in the corresponding
data source since last matching run.
If you have specified both leading unit and superordinate leading unit in the underlying data source,
both organizational units are listed as a compound entity in the form of <Superordinate Leading
Unit>/<Leading Unit>.
For the reconciliation cases that you have specified organizational unit hierarchies, you can choose Switch View
so that the same data can be display in a hierarchy view. If either or both leading unit and superordinate leading
unit have hierarchies, you have the option to switch to the hierarchy view based on the unit dimension.
The data source of the reconciliation case has Profit Center as the leading unit and Company as the
superordinate leading unit. You have specified profit center hierarchy Sales10 and company hierarchy
NA100 when defining the reconciliation case. In Reconciliation Status Overview, you can then choose the
company or profit center hierarchy view. Any organizational units not belonging to Sales10 or NA100 are
listed under "Unassigned Node".
The hierarchy view is only meaningful if you have defined the hierarchies for the relevant organizational
units using the Manage Global Hierarchies app.
For each organizational unit data row, you can choose Details ( icon) to navigate to the Reconciliation
Balances report, where YTD and period amounts are displayed for this organizational unit and all its partner
units. For more information, see Reconciliation Balances [page 282].
This app contains Web Assistant documentation for key fields and concepts. To display the documentation
while working in the app, press F1 or click the question mark displayed in the app header.
• The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an
app on the SAP Fiori launchpad. The SAP Fiori apps reference library is available here: https://
To see this app’s Fiori content, search for the app. Then select SAP S/4HANA as the product. On the
Implementation Information tab, select the correct release. The details are in the Configuration section.
With this app, you can display the YTD and period amounts of your specified organizational units and their
partner units and their amount differences in a specific fiscal year/period based on the reconciliation case you
Key Features
Whether the Fiscal Year, Fiscal Period, or any other context fields are available and whether they are
populated with default values depend on the data source definition of the reconciliation case. For more
information, see Data Source [page 314].
The Hierarchy Node field can only be displayed in the filter area if you have specified an organizational unit
hierarchy when defining the relevant reconciliation case.
Whether all the 4 column groups above are displayed depends on your Display Options settings when
defining the reconciliation case. For more information, see Define [page 273].
• Difference: Difference between the amount values of the leading unit and partner unit. Based on the
comparison with the tolerance specified for the display group, the difference values are shown in different
• Green: Zero difference
• Yellow: Difference within the tolerance
• Red: Difference exceeds the tolerance.
When you hover over any difference amount value, you can view the tolerance amount or percentage
you set for the current display group. Note if multiple display groups are selected, the leading display
group takes precedence.
In addition, you can switch to any converted measure if you have defined them for the reconciliation case. In
this way, based on your configured conversion profile, amounts in different currencies can be converted
instantly to a single currency and quantities in different units converted to a single target unit. Any
reconciliation balance differences can therefore be identified more easily.
You can switch to the netting view, which additionally shows the netting amounts that offset the accounts
receivable (AR) and accounts payable (AP) between two organizational units or trading partners.
To establish the netting view, when defining the reconciliation case, you need to pair up two display groups
that contain exactly opposite sides of each other.
To view the relevant line items of any value in the table, you can right-click on the value and choose Show
Matching Items. This will take you to the Display Matching Items app while applying any relevant filters and
restrictions. For more information, see Display Matching Items (Unit View) - By Reconciliation Case [page 285].
For each data row, you can choose Details ( icon) to navigate to the Manage Assignments - By Reconciliation
Case app. For more information, see Manage Assignments - By Reconciliation Case [page 285].
This app contains Web Assistant documentation for key fields and concepts. To display the documentation
while working in the app, press F1 or click the question mark displayed in the app header.
More Information
• The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an
app on the SAP Fiori launchpad. The SAP Fiori apps reference library is available here: https://
To see this app’s Fiori content, search for the app. Then select SAP S/4HANA as the product. On the
Implementation Information tab, select the correct release. The details are in the Configuration section.
From each data row within the Reconciliation Balances app, you can navigate to the Manage Assignments - By
Reconciliation Case app, where you can assign items manually or delete previously maintained assignments as
1. The reconciliation case, display group, trading units, amount type, currency, and other context field values
are automatically populated based on the data row from which you navigated.
2. You can select any items from the Unassigned Items tables for the leading unit and partner unit and choose
3. You are prompted to select a reason code, which determines which follow-up activities (if any) are required
for this manual assignment.
4. The assigned items are moved to the Assignments table in the lower area of the screen. Depending on the
reason code you assigned, the assignment status can be 30 Matched or 20 Assigned. The latter status still
requires some follow-up activities such as a variance adjustment or an approval workflow. You can trigger
the follow-up activity by choosing Process.
For detailed explanations and app screenshots, see Manage Assignments [page 247].
With this app, you can display all matching items and their details based on your specified filter criteria.
• Reconciliation Case
• Display Group
• Side of Display Group: Restricts the data based on which side of the display group you want to display. As a
display group is comprised of two sides, typically the leading unit side and partner unit side, and each side
sums up the amounts of a subset, you can combine this filter with the Display Group, leading unit, and
partner unit fields to narrow down the displayed data as follows:
(1st side: Accounts Partner Unit Side C1000 / AR items of companies with the trading part
payable of leading ner C1000
unit; Both Sides C1000 / AP items of company C1000 and AR items of
2nd side: Accounts re its trading partners. These items usually rep
resent the same transactions.
ceivable of partner
unit) Leading Unit Side C1000 C2000 AP items of company C1000 with the trading
partner C2000
Partner Unit Side C1000 C2000 AR items of company C2000 with the trading
partner C1000
• Leading Unit: The business unit of your primary interest. You want to display its line items that are within
the scope restricted by display group of reconciliation case and side of display group.
Depending on field semantics of the data source, the field label may change to your actual org. unit
dimension, such as Company, Consolidation Unit, and Profit Center. This is same for the Partner Unit
• Mandatory filter fields that are set in the data source, such as Fiscal Year/Period.
These fields have comparison operators attached. For example, if you have defined the mandatory
filter “FISCYEARPER <= $CurrentFiscalYearPeriod$” in the underlying data source, here in the
filter bar area of the Display Matching Items app, the current fiscal year/period, for example 2021/005,
is filled in by default and all matching items from the beginning of year 2021 to period 005 are
displayed. You can change the default fiscal year/period value, but the operator "<=" is always taken
into account.
All details of matching items can be displayed so that similar questions to the following can be answered:
• What are the leading unit, partner unit, year/period, original document number, account number, and
amounts in different currency types for the matching item?
• What's its processing status?
• Has it been assigned an assignment number?
• What was the matching rule the matching item hit if the assignment was made by auto-matching?
• What was the specified reason code if the assignment was made manually?
By default, it lists all the fields derived from the underlying data source. You can choose Settings ( icon)
to hide, sort, and group them.
If you keep the Key Timestamp empty, the data up to now is displayed. However, if you fill in any timestamp,
the Partner Unit field also becomes mandatory to ensure meaningful results.
You can download the full list of matching items to an MS Excel file by choosing Export to Spreadsheet.
Drill Down
By choosing the available link, you navigate to the detail screen of matching rule and matching assignment of
the Define Matching Methods and Manage Assignments apps respectively. If you have configured navigation
settings when defining data sources, you are also able to navigate to other screens or apps, for example, to the
Manage Journal Entries app to view the original accounting document and line item details.
Display Matching Items - By Reconciliation Case is an app with a different data display mode than described
above. More specifically:
• It allows selecting multiple leading units to present a better view from group's perspective.
• Side of Display Group works differently, that is, it provides Side 1, Side 2, and All options and always maps
the leading unit to the first side of display group even when Side 2 is selected. The following example shows
how it filters data:
Starting from SAP S/4HANA 2021, with the introduction of the Display Matching Items - Unit View app,
Display Matching Items - By Reconciliation Case is moved to the App Finder.
Related Information
Key Features
You have set up and activate reconciliation close process for the relevant reconciliation cases. For more
information, see Activate Reconciliation Close Process [page 371].
After specifying the reconciliation case and fiscal year/period, you can view the following reconciliation
information of all involved trading unit pairs:
• Difference: Amount difference between trading units. It is calculated based on the Reference GC Amount
you specified for the reconciliation case in the Activate Reconciliation Close Process customizing activity.
The amount can be either KSL (Amount in Group Currency) or a converted amount measure, the latter
translates local amounts or transaction amounts with a unified exchange rate and therefore rules out any
currency translation differences.
Based on the comparison with the tolerance specified for the leading display group of the reconciliation
case, the differences are shown in different colors:
• Green: Zero difference
• Yellow: Difference within the tolerance
• Red: Difference exceeds the tolerance.
The difference can be calculated on a year-to-date (YTD) or period basis, depending on the mandatory
filter fields of the underlying data source, that is, if the filters are set as Fiscal Year Period<=
$CurrentFiscalYearPeriod$ or Fiscal Year = $CurrentFiscalYear$ and Posting Period <=
$CurrentFiscalPeriod$, YTD amounts are calculated, otherwise, period amounts are calculated.
Whether an approval workflow is required for closing reconciliation is set in Activate Reconciliation
Close Process.
• Elimination Status: The execution status of consolidation monitor task "IC Balance Sheet Elimination". It's
only relevant for the reconciliation case that is consolidation related and is assigned with the elimination
method SC001 in the Define Elimination Methods customizing activity. The following statuses are possible:
• Initial: The elimination task hasn't been executed yet.
• In Process: The elimination task is initiated and running.
• Completed: The elimination task has finished successfully.
• Failed: The elimination task ran into an error, for example, due to system error or misconfiguration. The
error details can be viewed in the Task Logs app.
• Outdated: The elimination task was once executed and finished successfully, but after that, a new
matching run was triggered and brought new posting data, which makes the prior Completed status
outdated. Therefore, the elimination task needs to be executed again.
For any trading unit pair, by choosing Details ( icon) from the list view, you can open its detail page, which
shows difference breakdown by reason code.
The reason code is assigned to each difference breakdown during document matching, either by auto
matching or by manual assignment. It helps explain how the differences arise and why the items are
considered matched. You can also add comments for further clarifications.
You can close the period reconciliation of a trading unit pair by choosing Close. As a result:
• No more matching run is allowed for the unit pair. Therefore, user actions in the Manage Assignments app
are not possible.
• Any new postings are no longer included in the matching process for this period. That is, the "Up to Last
Matching" data in reconciliation balance report remains unchanged, while the "Up to Now" data can still
retrieve new postings if any.
• The period reconciliation statement that can be viewed or downloaded from Manage Reconciliation Close is
The controls above are only valid when the period you close is the current period, based on your
system time and the fiscal year variant. This is because by default, a matching run always rolls in the
data up to the current timestamp, which includes the data of prior periods.
To close reconciliation, any close prerequisites you set in Activate Reconciliation Close Process must be met.
The possible prerequisites are:
• All Items Are Matched: The transaction data between the pair of trading units, as restricted by the
reconciliation case, have reached the 30 (Matched) status after the matching run or any manual
• All Items Are Assigned: The transaction data between the pair of trading units have reached the 20
(Assigned) status after the matching run or any manual assignments.
Depending on your settings in Activate Reconciliation Close Process, closing reconciliation may be subject to an
approval workflow. You can set if and when an approval workflow is required, for example, only when difference
between two trading units exists or when the difference exceeds the defined tolerance. For more information,
see Activate Reconciliation Close Process [page 371].
The elimination task of Consolidation Monitor is not affected by the reconciliation close status set here.
Reopen Reconciliation
You can also reverse the reconciliation status Closed to Open, so that any new data can enter the matching and
reconciliation process for this period again.
For any trading unit pair, regardless of its reconciliation close status, you can download the interunit
reconciliation statement as a PDF file. The file contains the same information as shown on the reconciliation
details screen.
This app contains Web Assistant documentation for key fields and concepts. To display the documentation
while working in the app, press F1 or click the question mark displayed in the app header.
The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an app
on the SAP Fiori launchpad. To see this app’s Fiori content, go to the SAP Fiori apps reference library and
search for the app. Then select the product. On the Implementation Information tab, select the correct release.
The details are in the Configuration section.
Reconciliation close is initiated from the Manage Reconciliation Close app when a user chooses to close period
reconciliation of a trading unit pair. If you want to have the reconciliation close approved before taking place,
you need to set the relevant reconciliation case as requiring an approval workflow in Activate Reconciliation
Close Process. The standard workflow scenarios WS78500026 and WS78500027 are delivered for the
reconciliation close approval process for accounting and consolidation data models respectively. With the
Manage Workflows - Reconciliation Close Requests app, you can also define your own workflows.
Please always make Approve Reconciliation Close Request as the first step.
4. For Step Recipients, you can choose a whole team or a certain role in the team by selecting Team or Role
• Team: All team members of a defined team. It's not recommended to choose Team in our scenario,
choose Role instead.
• Role: A group of team members who have a specific role/function assigned. Two roles are relevant for
the step type Approve Reconciliation Close Request:
• Approve Reconciliation Close Request: For the members who have the right to check reconciliation
details and approve reconciliation close.
• Confirm Approval of Reconciliation Close Request: For the members who have the right to
supervise the reconciliation close approval. This role is only relevant for multi-level approval
workflows and, if required, is usually assigned to a second step that has the step type Approve
Reconciliation Close Request.
The teams and role assignment are maintained using the Manage Teams and Responsibilities -
Intercompany app. For more information, see Intercompany Teams and Responsibilities [page
5. Step Deadline (optional): Mark the step as overdue if it's not completed within a period.
6. Exception Handling: Keep the default settings.
If a multi-level approval workflow is required, you can add a second step of the step type Approve
Reconciliation Close Request, same as the first step, but assign to it the role Confirm Approval of
Reconciliation Close Request.
Always add a step of step type Confirm Reconciliation Close Request as the last step of the workflow.
This step instructs the system to execute the reconciliation close if the preceding steps are passed.
Unless you activate your own workflow, the pre-delivered workflow is used in your business process by
default. Otherwise, the workflow you created takes precedence.
Related Information
Business Workflow
With the Approve Reconciliation Close Requests - Inbox app, you can receive reconciliation close requests, view
reconciliation details, and approve or reject the requests.
Key Features
• Receive reconciliation close requests you are set as the approver for.
• View reconciliation details of the relevant trading unit pairs and period.
• Search and filter reconciliation close requests.
• Claim an approval task to reserve it for processing or forward it to other users.
• Approve or reject reconciliation close requests.
• Desktop
• Tablet
SAP S/4HANA Cloud for intelligent intercompany reconciliation is a solution that complements
Intercompany Matching and Reconciliation (ICMR) by providing machine learning (ML) capabilities in
matching intercompany transactions.
Running on SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP), the solution is integrated with SAP S/4HANA. By
leveraging machine learning algorithms, it learns from the historic intercompany data and infers which
documents belong to same transactions and should be grouped together. The predication results are then sent
to ICMR for further processing. As a result, your intercompany document matching and reconciliation process
can be accelerated.
Process Flow
The graphic below illustrates the process flow of intelligent intercompany reconciliation:
1. As part of standard features of ICMR, the matching engine runs rule-based matching on the transaction
data and stores the matching results in the ICADOCM table. See Intercompany Document Matching [page
230] for details.
ISLM also generates connection information and sets up connections for the ICMR machine learning
apps so that they can transfer the data. ISLM itself connects to the ICR service to deploy and activate
training models, monitor statuses, and receive inference results.
7. After receiving the inference result, the ML agent parses the result and generates matching assignments in
The essential process steps and the required system setup and configuration are explained in the next
Related Information
To leverage the SAP S/4HANA Cloud for intelligent intercompany reconciliation solution, you typically
progress through three phases: setup, training, and inference.
A subsequent phase can only start upon the completion of the prior phase. Usually, the subsequent phase
happens more frequently than the prior one, that is, the setup phase may happen only once for setting up the
infrastructure, while the training phase may happen monthly to improve the active training model, and
inference phase takes place whenever machine learning-based matching is required.
Related Information
The Intelligent Intercompany Reconciliation (ICR) service is a microservice built on SAP Business
Technology Platform (BTP). It processes training and inference data and provides the machine learning
capabilities for the matching engine of ICMR. Setup
The setup process for Intelligent Intercompany Reconciliation consists of the following three steps:
Intelligent Intercompany Reconciliation (ICR) service is registered on SAP Business Technology Platform
(BTP). Once you have a global account in SAP BTP, the ICR service is available to you.
Create Subaccount
In this step, you can also choose to assign certain space roles to yourself.
A subaccount with the required Cloud Foundry space for the ICR service is created.
The service entitlement and service plan are assigned to your subaccount.
The credentials are created in JSON format. You can copy the credentials or download the JSON file. The
credentials are required in the step Establish Service Connection [page 300].
The steps above are to be done separately in your quality and production systems. Transport between the
two systems is not available. It's recommended that you create a dedicated ICR service subaccount for
each of your SAP S/4HANA instance roles.
To establish the connection between SAP BTP and SAP S/4HANA and to consume the Intelligent
Intercompany Reconciliation (ICR) service, you need to do the following in your back-end system:
You have the authorizations as described in Prerequisites for Configuration of an OAuth 2.0 Client for
Accessing a Service Provider and RFC Connection to Remote Machine Learning Provider.
You have the credentials created in the step Provision ICR Service in SAP BTP [page 298] at hand.
An OAuth 2.0 client enables you to access services offered by SAP BTP. Take the following steps to create and
configure the OAuth 2.0 client:
A trusted RFC destination is required to establish connection to the machine learning service provider. Take the
following steps to create the connection:
1. Go to Customizing for Create Connection to Remote Machine Learning Provider under Application Server
Basis Services Intelligent Scenario Lifecycle Management Service Connections for Machine Learning
Infrastructure . Alternatives, run transaction SM59.
2. Choose Create.
3. In the dialog that appears, enter your own RFC destination name and select HTTP Connection to External
Server as the connection type.
4. In the Host field under Technical Settings, enter the host name, which is the basic URL (the first URL)
included in the credentials. In doing so, remove "https://".
5. In the Path Prefix field, enter /.
6. Switch to the Logon & Security tab. Under Security Options, select Active as the SSL option.
7. Save your entries.
The intelligent scenario delivered for the ICR service is ICR_SERVICE. The RFC destination defined above must
be mapped with this intelligent scenario. Take the following steps to do the mapping:
1. Go to Customizing for Maintain Connection for an Intelligent Scenario under Application Server Basis
Services Intelligent Scenario Lifecycle Management Service Connections for Machine Learning
Infrastructure . Alternatives, run transaction ISLM_CONN_MAP.
2. Switch to the edit mode.
3. Choose Append Row ( icon).
4. In the new row, enter or select ICR_SERVICE as the intelligent scenario.
5. In column Connection Information, enter the name of the RFC destination you created in step 3 of the
Create RFC Connection [page 301] section.
6. In column OAuth 2.0 Client Profile, enter or select SAP_COM_0553.
7. In column Configuration, enter the name of the configuration you created in step 3 of the Configure OAuth
2.0 Client [page 300] section.
8. Save your changes.
The connection from your SAP S/4HANA system to the ICR service on SAP BTP is now created.
Related Information
To use the machine learning feature, you need to set up the following.
ICMR introduces the following apps for initiating and monitoring machine learning training and inference:
To access these apps, your role must contain the business catalog SAP_FIN_BC_ICA_MLM (ICA - Intelligent
Intercompany Matching).
Additionally, the Intelligent Scenario Management app allows you to check and activate the trained model.
Therefore, the business catalog SAP_BASIS_BC_ISM_ISO (Analytics - Intelligent Scenario Management) is also
• Reason code SX1 (Matched by Machine Learning). The assignments generated by machine learning will
have this reason code.
This reason code is part of the SAP Best Practices content, which can be obtained by activating the
scope item 4LG or copying from the client 000. You can also manually create the reason code SX1 in
transaction ICARC. For more information, see Reason Code [page 322].
• A matching method that has enabled machine learning. You need to set it manually in Customizing for
Define Additional Settings for Matching Methods [page 331].
Related Information
After completing setup of the ICR service and system communication, you can start pushing the training data,
that is, the matched line items (with processing status 30 Matched) of a certain time span, to the ICR service in
SAP BTP. You can monitor the data pushing and training status. Once it's done, you can check the quality of the
trained model. If it meets your requirement, you can deploy and activate the model for the inference purpose.
Related Information
With the Schedule Training Jobs - Intelligent Intercompany Document Matching app, you can launch jobs to send
the training data to the ICR service in SAP BTP.
Key Features
• Create a single training job or recurring jobs using the job template.
• Specify parameters for the job run.
• Check the job status and result.
You have set a matching method, for example, the pre-delivered method SF104, to Enable machine learning by
using the Customizing activity Define Additional Settings for Matching Methods [page 331] (transaction
The underlying data source of the matching method must have RCOMP (Company) and RASSC (Company ID
of Trading Partner) as the leading unit and partner unit fields. It is recommended to use the CDS view
ICA_BSEG_ENTRY_VIEW, because the ICR service is highly optimized for the data model. For more
information, see Data Source [page 314].
• The companies whose data you want to include in the training dataset. If you leave the field empty, all
the companies in your system are included.
• The Package Size (Items) and No. of Parallel Tasks fields are pre-filled with the values 15000 and 3 for
the optimal performance in sending the data packages to ICR service.
ICR service only accepts the packages with a minimum size of 5 MB. Therefore, the number of
items must ensure the package size is more than 5 MB.
• Select Auto Trigger Training so that the model training is initiated in Intelligent Scenario Management as
soon as the data pushing is complete.
5. Choose Schedule.
The job is created and the data pushing and training are started.
For a scheduled job, you can monitor its status (Finished or Failed) by checking the Status column in the job list.
When a job is finished, by choosing Results ( icon), you can view the job result details, for example, the
dataset ID, data packages, total items, and total processing time.
The Finished status indicates completion of the data pushing process, while the actual training process
takes longer in SAP BTP. You can track the training progress in either of the following apps:
• Machine Learning Monitor: The Pipeline Status turns to Completed when the training is done. See
Monitor Training and Inference [page 311] for details.
• Intelligent Scenario Management: The training status turns to Completed when the training is done. See
Check, Deploy, and Activate Trained Model [page 305] for details.
• Desktop
• Tablet
Upon completion of the training, the pipeline status changes from In Process to Completed in Machine Learning
Monitor. Now, you can start evaluating the trained model and decide whether to deploy and activate it for the
inference use. To do that, use the Intelligent Scenario Management app.
To access Intelligent Scenario Management, you must be assigned with a role that contains the business
catalog SAP_BASIS_BC_ISM_ISO (Intelligent Scenario Management) and the authorizations described in
Backend Authorization for Intelligent Scenario Management.
Note down the external ID of the training you initiated earlier by using Schedule Training Jobs [page 303]. The
external ID starts with TRN followed by numbers.
If the status is Training, it indicates the training is still in progress. Wait till the status changes to
Completed. If the status is Failed, you can try to launch the training again by choosing Retrain.
6. On the report page, check the metrics, such as Accuracy and Log Loss, to evaluate quality of your trained
If the trained model is evaluated as useful, you can deploy and even activate the model for the inference use.
Take the following steps to deploy and activate a model:
You can also find the Deploy button on the individual training report page.
Only one training deployment can be active at a time. When you activate a deployment, any other
active deployments will be deactivated.
The deployment is activated and shows the icon (Active for all).
After being deployed and activated, the trained model can be used for inference. Inference
After completing the training process, a useful trained model is activated for inference use. Now, you can
initiate the inference to let the ICR service suggest the matched items. You can monitor the inference status.
When the inference is complete, you check the inference results (generated assignments) and make
adjustments if necessary.
• You have set a matching method, for example, the pre-delivered method SF104, to Enable machine
learning by using the Customizing activity Define Additional Settings for Matching Methods [page 331].
• You have a useful trained model that is activated in the step Check, Deploy, and Activate Trained Model
[page 305].
Related Information
For a matching method that has enabled machine learning, you can initiate its inference run from the Manage
Assignments app. To do that, take the following steps:
1. Open Manage Assignments - By Matching Method (or Manage Assignments - By Reconciliation Case).
2. Select the matching method.
In the case of Manage Assignments - By Reconciliation Case, select the reconciliation case that is
assigned with the matching method.
3. Select a fiscal period and a company whose items you want to match with those of its trading partners.
4. Enter the values for any other filters that are set as Mandatory Filter Fields in the underlying data source
and choose Go.
The not-yet-matched items are displayed in the tables Leading Unit: Unassigned and Partner Units:
5. Choose Auto-Match with ML.
The system first matches the items based on the matching rules defined in the matching method and then
runs the machine learning inference.
6. Choose Check Results.
The rule-based matching can be completed instantly while the inference may take a while to complete.
7. When the auto match completes, you can check the matching results in the table Assignments. All the
assignments generated by machine learning inference have the status 20 Assigned, while the status of
rule-based assignments varies.
For more information, see Check Inference Results [page 310].
Related Information
From Manage Assignments, you can initiate an immediate inference run for one leading company. With the
Schedule Inference Jobs - Intelligent Intercompany Document Matching app, you can launch recurring inference
jobs to send data and trigger inference runs for multiple leading companies periodically.
Key Features
• Create a single inference job or recurring jobs using the job template.
• Specify parameters for the job run.
• Check the job status and result.
With the option selected, the system behaves in a way similar to Initiate Inference from Manage
Assignments [page 307].
5. Choose Schedule.
The job is created. The data for inference is sent to ICR service and the inference run is started.
For a scheduled job, you can monitor its status (Finished or Failed) by checking the Status column in the job list.
• When the job is finished, by choosing Results ( icon), you can view the job result details, for example, the
dataset ID, data packages, total items, and total processing time.
The Finished status indicates completion of the data pushing process, while the actual inference
process takes longer in SAP BTP. You can track the inference progress in the Machine Learning Monitor
• If the job fails, the most likely reason is that the data within the job scope is already included in a parallel
matching run. Upon its completion, the data will be released. You can then recreate the job.
Incorrect data source configuration for the matching method is another possible reason for the failed job.
For more information, see Data Source [page 314].
When the inference is done, in the Machine Learning Monitor app, the Pipeline Status turns to Completed and
Data Pushing Status changes to Result Received (or Empty Result). You can then check the inference result in
the Manage Assignments app. For more information, see Check Inference Results [page 310].
• Desktop
• Tablet
Related Information
When an inference run completes, you can check the inference result, that is, which assignments are generated
to group which line items together, in the Assignments table of the Manage Assignments app.
Types of Assignments
• The machine learning inference-created assignments with the status 20 Assigned. These assignments
can be distinguished by the following:
• Matching Rule: 9999 (Matched by Machine Learning)
• Reason Code: SX1 (Matched by Machine Learning)
• Confidence: The probability of the items being grouped properly.
• Rule-based assignments with the status 20 Assigned or 30 Matched.
Like the assignments generated by matching rules, you can take the following necessary actions to the
inference-created assignments:
The machine learning-generated assignments have the initial processing status 20 Assigned. If you
choose Process for such an assignment without changing its default reason code SX1, the assignment
advances to the final status 30 (Matched).
• Assign: Merge any unassigned items to an existing assignment if they all have the same leading unit and
partner unit pair.
• Unassign: Undo the assignment so that the items are reverted to the status 05 Unassigned.
For more information, see Work with Assignments part of Manage Assignments [page 247].
With the Machine Learning Monitor - Intelligent Intercompany Document Matching app or the transaction
ICAMLM, you can monitor the data pushing status and the training and inference progress.
Key Features
• The status of pushing training or inference data from ICMR to ICR service in SAP BTP
• The status of receiving inference results from ICR service
• The training and inference progress
• Scope of the data sent for training and inference
• Dataset ID and external ID that differentiate each training or inference job
When a training or inference run is initiated, for example, from the job scheduling apps or the Manage
Assignments app, a job entry is added to the monitor. You can find the job as follows:
1. Select the matching method that was used in the training or inference.
2. Optionally, enter the following filter values:
• Machine Learning Type: 1 (Training) or 2 (Inference)
• The user who initiated the training or inference
• The time range in which the job was created.
3. Choose Execute.
For inference, To Period/Year indicates the period of the data scope. From Period/Year is not
• Machine Learning Scope: The companies you selected to include in the training or inference.
The asterisk value (*) indicates that no specific companies were selected. Therefore, all the
companies in your system are in the scope.
When many specific companies were selected, the company list may be incomplete due to length
The external ID starts with TRN or INF is the unique identifier of each job.
You can use the Connection Test button to test the connection between SAP S/4HANA and the ICR service
With the Data Pushing Status column, you monitor the data transfer process between ICMR apps on SAP S/
4HANA and the ICR service on SAP BTP. There are the following data pushing statuses:
• Sending: The data for training or inference is being sent from ICMR to ICR service.
• Sending Completed: The data for training or inference has been sent to ICR service.
• Initiated: Upon completion of the data sending, a training or inference job is initiated.
For a training job, this data pushing status is final. Completion of the training is indicated with Pipeline
• Result Received: Inference is completed by the ICR service, which has sent back the results to ICMR. You
can select the row and choose View Inference Results to check the following:
• Which assignments have been created by the inference?
• What's the confidence level (%) of the inference?
• What are the matching documents and line items generated?
To check detailed results and follow up on the assignments, go to the Manage Assignments app. For more
information, see Check Inference Results [page 310].
You may go to the Intelligent Scenario Management app to find out the reason for each failed job.
After the training or inference job is launched, that is, the data pushing status is Initiated, you can focus on the
Pipeline Status to monitor the progress of training or inference, which takes place in ICR service on SAP BTP.
There are the following pipeline statuses:
Related Information
This section explains in detail the advanced configuration or settings that are usually made by configuration
experts or administrators.
Customizing activities for Intercompany Matching and Reconciliation can be accessed by the transaction
code ICAIMG.
Data sources are used to define which data is to be used by the matching engine. Each data source has a main
CDS view assigned, along with some business semantics such as which fields are used as leading unit and
partner unit respectively. Define
SAP pre-delivers multiple data sources, which have names starting with "S".
You can define your own data sources in Customizing for Maintain Data Sources under Intercompany Matching
and Reconciliation. Alternatively, use transaction code ICADS. You can choose to copy an existing data source
or create one from scratch. Follow the procedure below to create a new data source:
1. Enter the data source name and, optionally, a short and a long description.
2. Assign a Main CDS View to the data source. The CDS view must contain the following fields:
If possible, avoid aggregations in the CDS view so that the data can be matched at line item level.
For a complete list of delivered CDS views, place the cursor in field Main CDS View and press F1 . For more
information, see Main CDS Views [page 319].
3. Optionally, select organizational units in Leading Unit Field and Partner Unit Field. These fields must exist in
the DDIC structures ICA_S_DIM and ICA_S_DIM_P as well as in the assigned CDS view. If a superordinate
You can choose the same field as both the Leading Unit Field and Partner Unit Field. This is used in
intra-unit matching scenarios, for example, a company wants to match its own G/L postings with bank
statements. Later, when defining a matching method, you also need to specify two data sources (one
for G/L postings and one for bank statements) with the same leading and partner unit definitions. This
is different for inter-unit matching scenarios, where two different fields are selected as leading and
partner unit fields and only one data source is specified in the matching method.
If necessary, you can extend the structures ICA_S_DIM and ICA_S_DIM_P in the back-end system to
include your custom fields. Accordingly, the CDS view also needs to be extended by using the SAP
ABAP Development Tools (ADT).
4. If the leading unit field is specified, you need to assign a Unit Entity CDS View to check the validity of the
unit values or for data filtering purposes. The partner unit field, if specified, shares the same CDS view.
The Unit Entity CDS View must have the same technical field name as the leading unit field. Please refer
to the CDS view ICA_Company (Company Master Data) in the ADT tool. It contains the unit field
Company (RCOMP), therefore, it can only be assigned to data sources that have RCOMP defined as the
leading unit field. For all available unit entity CDS views, press F1 key for this field to get the field help.
5. By default, any user with authorization to execute the Fiori apps for Intercompany Matching and
Reconciliation (ICMR) has access to any data that is available via the assigned data sources. If you want to
restrict access to the data, you need to specify an Authorization Object. By doing so, the related Fiori apps
can grant users the different permissions for accessing leading units accordingly. For more information,
see Authorization Objects [page 374].
6. On the Field Semantics page, do the following:
• For each field, the data element text is retrieved to display on UIs of the related apps, such as Manage
Assignments and Reconciliation Balances. If you want to overwrite the data element text, assign a Field
Label to each relevant field.
• If necessary, assign a search help name for the relevant fields.
The search help specified here is applicable to the Define Matching Methods and Define
Reconciliation Cases apps, while the SAP standard search help applies to most of the other apps.
• Select the Update from Original Doc. checkbox for the fields that need to be updated in ICMR when
their values are changed in the original documents. This is typically required for the fields such as
clearing status, reversal status, any fields containing reference numbers to be used in matching, and
texts for the original documents. Meanwhile, you also need to select Key Field for the fields that are
used for selecting the matching items relevant to the value update. For example, you may want to
select fields such as company code, fiscal year, and accounting document number to identify such
matching items.
The Key Field setting is only relevant if the data source has at least one field marked as Update
from Original Doc. For more information, see Auto Update Field Values [page 321].
• Optionally, enter the Global Field Name for each field. It can help maintain text consistency between
miscellaneous apps and API service interfaces. Refer to the predefined data source
SF_JOURNAL_ENTRIES_01 when filling in the global field names for your own data sources.
7. Optionally, on the Mandatory Filter Fields page, you can define fields as mandatory filter fields (also known
as context fields). The following fields are available as mandatory filter fields, provided that they also exist
in the Main CDS View assigned to the data source:
You can extend the DDIC structure ICA_S_MFF to include more fields than listed above.
These fields will be available for user input when launching a matching run or viewing a reconciliation
report. Note the following:
• Year/period-related filter settings determine the available amounts to be displayed in the relevant
reconciliation reports. The possible settings are as follows:
Displayed Amounts in
Filter Setting Reconciliation Report Usage
• If the main CDS view contains one or more of the three fields: RYEAR (Fiscal Year), POPER (Posting
Period), and FISCYEARPER (Fiscal Year Period), you may need to add the PERIV (Fiscal Year Variant)
field as a filter field, choose the operator “=” and enter a default value to derive the posting period for
the matching and reconciliation process.
• If you select the Hide Field checkbox, the respective filter field is hidden from the UI and the user
cannot change the filter value there, that is, the specified value will always be used.
8. Optionally, on the Conversion Profiles page, you can define conversion profiles to enable on-the-fly
conversion of amount- or quantity-type measures. Take the steps below:
1. Specify the conversion profile name and description.
2. Select a conversion type, currency conversion or quantity unit conversion.
3. Depending on your selected type, specify the necessary parameters for the conversion. That is:
• For currency conversion, select an Exchange Rate Type, such as monthly average rate or closing
rate, a Reference Date Field, and a Target Currency. Together with a source currency, which will be
available at runtime, the specific exchange rate can be determined for the conversion.
The Use Derived Target Currency checkbox is only for the Group Reporting use scenario, where
the underlying CDS view of the data source is consolidation specific. If you select the
checkbox, group currency is derived as the conversion target currency and takes precedence
over the value you specified in Target Currency.
• For quantity unit conversion, select a Target Unit of Measure. Note that only the measurement
units with a dimension are supported and the conversion is only possible for measurement units of
the same dimension. For more information, see Measurement Unit Concept.
Later, when defining reconciliation cases, you can create additional measures based on these conversion
profiles, so that the measures can be selected in Activate Reconciliation Close Process and reconciliation
9. Optionally, on the Navigation Settings page, you can define navigation targets for the relevant fields to allow
drill-through to the target web pages or apps.
1. Select a field from the drop-down list. If you want to set up more than one navigation option for the
same field, enter a Navigation ID to differentiate between the different entries.
2. In the Navigation Target URL field, enter the identifier of your target app. The identifier is usually a
string that can be copied from the app URL, from "#" to the last character before "?".
The Manage Journal Entries app has an identifier #AccountingDocument-manage. For field
"REF_BELNR" (Accounting Document Number), you specify #AccountingDocument-manage as
the navigation target URL. Later, from the Manage Assignments or Manage Matching Documents
app, you can navigate to G/L journal entries to allow the drill-through to original accounting journal
3. Select Open in a New Tab to open a new web page for the target app while keep the current page open.
4. Enter a text in the Link Label field to help the user understand what will happen when selecting the link.
5. In addition, you can specify the URL parameters for any field defined above so that only the navigation
target objects filtered by the parameters are displayed. For example, for the field "REF_BELNR", if you
define the following three parameters, then only the journal entries according to the specified
accounting document number, company code, and fiscal year will be shown in the navigation target
AccountingDocument {{REF_BELNR}}
CompanyCode {{RBUKRS}}
FiscalYear {{GJAHR}}
{{ }} is used to embrace a field name from the data source so that the value of the field will be assigned
to the corresponding URL parameter. You can also specify a fixed literal value for the parameter.
10. Save your changes. The system checks the consistency of your definitions. Only consistent data sources
can be saved. The check mainly verifies if all the fields contained in your assigned CDS views exist in the
database table ICADOCM and fulfill the requirements listed in step 1.
You can extend the ICADOCM table to include additional fields. When doing so, make sure to add any fields
to ICADOCM, the Main CDS View, and Unit Entity CDS View.
If a matching run has been executed, changing the following key settings for the underlying data source
may cause data inconsistency:
In ICMR, data sources and their assigned CDS views can only process the fields that exist in the database table
ICADOCM (Matching Entries). If you want to extend the table to include your custom fields, there are two ways
to achieve this:
If you want to extend the ICADOCM table, make sure the custom fields reside in the customer namespace
(Y* or Z*) to avoid naming conflicts in future upgrades.
If you want to include a custom dimension field, that is a custom field for leading unit and partner unit, you
need to additionally append it to both ICA_S_DIM and ICA_S_DIM_P structures.
If you want to make your custom field a Mandatory Filter Field, you need to additionally append it to the
ICA_S_MFF structure.
After the table and structure extension, you also need to create or extend the Main CDS View that is assigned to
the relevant data source accordingly. For any custom dimension fields, the Unit Entity CDS View also needs to
be extended.
Related Information
1. On which dimension do you want to run matching and reconciliation? The available dimensions are
company code, company, cost center, profit center, functional area, segment, business area, and
consolidation unit. You can find them in the ABAP dictionary structures ICA_S_DIM and ICA_S_DIM_P.
The first one includes the fields of leading unit while the second one includes the fields of partner unit. You
can extend the two structures with your own dimension fields.
2. For what purposes do you want to run matching and reconciliation? For example, to run accounts payable
(AP) and accounts receivable (AR) matching between two companies, bank statement matching within
one company, open items matching, and so on. Accordingly, you need to decide which fields are needed,
which are the dimension fields, and which can be set as the mandatory filter fields.
3. Where does the data come from? The data source usually stands for the database tables or CDS views
from which the data can be read, for example, from accounting or consolidation tables.
Each data source is assigned with a Main CDS View, which exposes data from the underlying database tables
and allows data querying and processing. SAP predefines the following CDS views:
(Intercompany Journal
Entries for Accounting) ICA_GENJOURNALENTRIES_ For general usage in Account
SF_JOURNAL_ENTRIES_04 2: Universal journal entry line ing based on the ACDOCA ta
(Intercompany Journal items ble.
Accounting Entries for Profit Centers and
Partner Profit Centers)
(Accounting Entry View for ICA_BSEG_ENTRY_VIEW: For AR and AP matching
Companies (From BSEG and Data entry view based on the BSEG table.
When defining your data source, you can assign any of the CDS views above as its Main CDS View depending
on the underlying database tables and the data source usage.
FYV Alignment
In the delivered CDS views, fiscal year variants (FYV) are aligned for the involved organizational units as
The company C1000 has the local FYV maintained as K4 (Calendar year, 4 special periods). C1000 trades
with the company C2000, which has the local FYV maintained as V3 (April to next March, 4 special periods).
You set the reconciliation FYV as V3 in Mandatory Filter Fields of the data source. The data for these two
companies is as follows:
The posting dates are converted to period 01 based on the reconciliation FYV V3. Therefore, use the
converted period 01 as the posting period in any ICMR processes.
Account Mapping
In the delivered CDS views for Accounting area, operational accounts and group accounts are handled as
For the CDS view ICA_GENJOURNALENTRIES_2, if you want to use group accounts for matching and
reconciliation, you can create a custom CDS view, for example, by copying the pre-delivered CDS view and
joining table SKA1 to populate field BILKT (Group Account Number). To do that, re-map RACCT to LRACCT and
map BILKT to RACCT. In this way, you will have both operational accounts and group accounts.
Sample Code
When you run matching for data such as financial journal entries, the data is copied from the source database
table to ICMR. Values of all the relevant fields are taken as a snapshot at the time of the matching run. Later on,
• Select the Update from Original Doc. checkbox for the fields to be updated.
• Select the Key Field checkbox for the fields used for identifying the relevant matching items whose values
are to be updated.
The value update takes place in the next matching run, not instantly after the value changes in the original
documents. Also, only the matching items with processing status lower than 25 (Pending Confirmation)
can be updated.
For more detailed explanations, see Define Data Sources [page 314].
For clearing and reversal statuses of accounting documents, real-time update in ICMR is possible. Instead of
setting Key Field and Update from Original Doc. for these fields as above, you can also use the Customizing
activity Define Additional Settings for Matching Methods (or transaction ICAAS) to enable the synchronization.
With that, value changes of the following fields are synchronized from the source documents to ICMR in real
If you want to update values for other fields in this way, you can make enhancements on document posting, for
example, by implementing BAdI or Business Transaction Event (BTE). The status synchronization described
above is achieved by implementing the BTE 00001030 and 00001040.
For more information, see Define Additional Settings for Matching Methods [page 331].
A reason code explains why certain items are grouped together or if any post-processing activities are required.
SAP pre-delivers various reason codes, which have names starting with "S". You can define your own reason
codes in Customizing for Maintain Reason Codes under Intercompany Matching and Reconciliation
Reasons and Solutions . Alternatively, use transaction code ICARC.
You can choose to copy an existing reason code or create one from scratch. Follow the procedure below to
create a new reason code:
1. Choose New Entries and enter the reason code ID and short description and, optionally, a long description.
2. Select the No Follow-Ups checkbox if the reason code is for perfectly matched items without any further
actions required.
3. Select the Comment Required checkbox if a comment is mandatory when assigning the reason code to a
matching assignment number.
4. Select the Temporary Resolution checkbox if you want to unassign the assignment in the next matching
5. Select the Rematch in Next Period checkbox if you expect to have the final resolution in the next period.
Any matching assignments with this reason code are unassigned and are subject to a new matching run in
the next period.
6. Specify a Workflow Scenario ID if relevant. Later, when the reason code is assigned, the relevant workflow
instance is triggered. SAP delivers the scenario "WS78500087" for variance adjustment posting approval.
You can choose to use this scenario or your own workflow scenario.
7. By default, the workflow instance is triggered on the leading unit side, unless you select the Trigger on
partner side checkbox.
8. Specify an adjustment class, which is an ABAP class for the system to perform automatic postings. You
can choose from the following two adjustment classes SAP delivers:
• CL_ICA_DC_FIN_DOCUMENT_POST: Applicable to the posting rules defined using the Define Posting
Rules app.
• CL_ICA_FIN_JOURNAL_POST: Applicable to the document templates for adjusting the variances
between accounts receivable (AR) and accounts payable (AP) of two trading companies. The template
needs to be defined using Customizing for Define G/L Posting Document Templates.
SAP recommends that you use the first option as the Define Posting Rules app provides more flexibility.
The second option will be disabled in a future release.
9. Select the Automatically trigger follow-ups checkbox if you want to have either a workflow instance or auto-
adjustments triggered instantly after a matching run.
If you specify both the workflow scenario ID and adjustment class, the adjustment class is called by the
triggered workflow instance, that is, when a user chooses Approve during the workflow process.
10. Specify an output structure, which is an ABAP DDIC structure used as the target output structure for the
adjustments to be posted. If you leave it empty, the standard structure ICADOCM will be used.
If you have specified the adjustment class CL_ICA_DC_FIN_DOCUMENT_POST in step 8, the output
structure ICA_S_ITEM must be specified here.
11. On the Assigned Methods page, you can assign the reason code to a range of matching methods. In this
way, only the assigned methods can use the reason code.
12. On the Related Links page, you can assign related links to a reason code, so that once the reason code is
assigned to an assignment number, the links are shown for users to navigate to the target. The target URL
can be an absolute URL or a relative URL, or even a Fiori app URL.
Apart from the pre-delivered adjustment class CL_ICA_DC_FIN_DOCUMENT_POST, you can also develop your
own class that inherits the superclass CL_ICA_AUTO_ADJUSTMENT and redefine the method POST.
• GET: To retrieve the data by an assignment number and return in the output structure that you defined for
the reason code.
• Application log processing methods ADD_MESSAGE_TO_LOG, SAVE_APPL_LOG,
SAVE_BAPIRET2_TO_APP_LOG, and DELETE_APPL_LOG: These methods are used to record application
logs to the object FIN_ICA (Intercompany Matching and Reconciliation) and subobject AA (Automatic
Adjustment Posting). These logs can be viewed from the Fiori App Manage Assignments.
• UPDATE_PROCESSING_STATUS: To update the processing status of an assignment.
• UNASSIGN: To unassign an assignment.
• REMATCHING: This method is called when a re-matching is needed.
When developing your own adjustment class, you can take reference to CL_ICA_DC_FIN_DOCUMENT_POST,
which only deals with the variances between AR and AP items.
To make sure the predelivered workflow scenarios work properly, you need to perform the following checks in
the back-end server:
• In Customizing for Scenario Activation under SAP NetWeaver Application Server Business
Management SAP Business Workflow , check if the workflow scenarios WS78500087, WS78500026, and
WS78500027 exist and the Active checkbox is selected.
• In Customizing for Scenario Definition under SAP NetWeaver SAP Gateway Service Enablement
Content Task Gateway Task Gateway Service , check if the inbox scenarios ICAWS0 and ICAWS1 exist
and contain the following task types:
ICAWS1 (Approve Reconciliation Close Request) TS78500025 (Approve Reconciliation Close Request)
If not, create them by copying from the system client 000. Additionally, you must go to the Task Definition
for Scenario subpage to adapt the SAP system aliases to your own back-end system for each task type.
To define a system alias, go to Customizing for Manage SAP System Aliases under SAP NetWeaver
SAP Gateway OData Channel Configuration Connection Settings SAP Gateway to SAP
System . In doing so, specify /IWPGW/BWF as the software version.
• In Customizing for Maintain Task Names and Decision Options under SAP NetWeaver SAP Gateway
Service Enablement Content Workflow Settings , check if the workflow scenarios WS78500087,
WS78500026, and WS78500027 exist and the relevant settings are in place. If not, create it by copying from
the system client 000.
To find the links to the three customizing activities above, you can also run the transaction code ICAIMG to
access Enable Flexible Workflow under Intercompany Matching and Reconciliation Reasons and
Solutions .
For the predelivered workflow scenario WS78500087, which contains 3 task/step types (Check Variance
Adjustment Posting, Confirm Variance Adjustments, and Post Variance Adjustments), you can change it or
create a new one to contain different or more task types. The procedure below guides you to create a workflow
scenario and make the necessary configuration changes.
To create a workflow scenario from scratch, access the transaction code SWDD_SCENARIO (Flexible Workflow:
Scenario Editor) and perform the steps below:
1. Choose Create New Workflow, enter a name in Abbreviation and optionally, a description.
2. On the bottom-left pane Scenario Context, create a container element as following:
1. Enter CL_ICA_ASSIGNMENT_VER in Element field and a name.
2. Select ABAP Class as the object type.
The predelivered ABAP class CL_ICA_ASSIGNMENT_VER is associated with the CDS view
I_INTERCOMPANYASSIGNMENT and therefore deals with the organizational unit Company. It can be
used as a reference if you want to develop a different class that can be assigned here. The class must
have an instance method that can be called to trigger the workflow, such as the SUBMIT method. It also
needs to contain the methods for executing background jobs, such as the CONFIRM and POST
To associate your ABAP class and CDS view, access Customizing for SAP NetWeaver Application
Server Business Management SAP Object Type Repository . First, create an SAP object type
(SOT) and set it as Business Object in the customizing activity Maintain Object Type and Category.
Here, you can also find the pre-delivered SOT ToBeVerifiedIntcoAssgmt. Then, map you SOT with
your ABAP class in the activity Maintain Object Representation, and create an SAP object node type
(SONT) and map it with the SOT and your ABAP class in the activity Maintain Object Node Type.
3. Under Leading Object part of the Process Data tab, enter CL_ICA_ASSIGNMENT_VER (or your created
ABAP class) as the leading object. Under Workflow Start Events part, select CL (class) as the category,
enter CL_ICA_ASSIGNMENT_VER or your created class in the Object Type field, and select SUBMITTED as
the start event of the object.
4. On the Control tab, enter a name in Step Name field. Note this is the name of a process that contains the
activities/steps to be defined later, not a real workflow step.
1. Under the Callback Classes part, keep the default class in the Definition Data and enter
CL_ICA_ASSIGNMENT_VER_FLEX_RUN in the Runtime Data fields. The latter class is called when a
workflow instance is interrupted or canceled. You can also create your class with reference to the
sample and enter it in the Runtime Data field.
2. Under the Pre-delivered Content part, view the sample process description and step sequence for the
predelivered workflow (indicated by the icon) in the Manage Workflows app. If necessary, you can
change the description, start conditions, or step sequence by exporting, editing, and importing the
XML file.
5. On the Activities tab, add the activities/tasks that you want to include in the workflow scenario. These
activities/tasks will be available as steps for you to choose in the Manage Workflows app.
The activities/tasks included in predelivered workflow scenario WS78500087 and inbox scenario ICAWS0
are TS78500003 (Check Variance Adjustment Posting), TS78500006 (Confirm Variance Adjustments), and
TS78500074 (Post Variance Adjustments). The first task is user-decision type, meaning an approval or
rejection action is needed from users to proceed with the workflow. The other two are activity-type tasks,
which determine the object method to be called and executed at runtime. You can also add your created
tasks here.
You can create your own tasks by using the transaction code PFTC_INS (Create Workflow Tasks) and
add these tasks here. Make sure when adding each task, that you bind &CL_ICA_ASSIGNMENT_VER&
or your own leading object (maintained on the Process Data tab) with the generic step variable
&_WI_OBJECT_ID& or the relevant task container element. Refer to the predelivered tasks for
If you have added any activities/tasks different than the three above ones, you will need to update the
inbox scenario as described in the section Maintain Inbox Scenario and Tasks.
6. On the Conditions tab, create any necessary conditions for the workflow to start. The condition can be an
expression comprised of parameters from the workflow container element and an operator, for example,
&ASSIGNMENT.VARIANCE& >= &Tolerance&. The condition will be available as a workflow precondition
when you create a workflow later in the Manage Workflows app, where you can choose the Variance greater
than or equal to tolerance from the condition dropdown list and enter a tolerance value, so that the
workflow can only be triggered when the variance of the relevant assignment is greater than or equal to
your entered tolerance value.
7. Save and activate the workflow scenario you created by choosing Create and Activate Runtime Version (
icon). An ID starting with WS will be automatically generated for your scenario.
After creating and activating the workflow scenario, you can find it in the customizing activity Scenario
Activation under SAP NetWeaver Application Server Business Management SAP Business Workflow .
It has the Active checkbox selected.
If necessary, you can deactivate the workflow scenario by unselecting the checkbox. In this way, the scenario
cannot be used in the Manage Workflows app until you activate it again.
If in the step 5 of the workflow scenario creation procedure, you have included the activities/tasks different
than the pre-delivered ones, you also need to add them to the inbox scenario ICAWS0 so that they can be
integrated with the workflow inbox. To do so, access the Customizing activity Scenario Definition under SAP
NetWeaver SAP Gateway Service Enablement Content Task Gateway Task Gateway Service .
In addition, if you have included any new task with the activity type set as User Decision, you need to maintain
its decision options so that the buttons for user actions are available in the workflow inbox items. To do so,
access the Customizing activity Maintain Task Names and Decision Options under SAP NetWeaver SAP
Gateway Service Enablement Content Workflow Settings and perform the following steps:
1. Choose New Entries and enter your workflow scenario ID (starting with WS) and step ID (from transaction
SWDD_SCENARIO). Save your entries in this row.
2. Select the row and open the Decision Keys page.
3. Choose New Entries. Enter numeric decision keys and the decision texts for user actions with POSITIVE
and NEGATIVE natures respectively. For example, enter Approve and Reject as the decision texts. These
texts will be shown as the button names in approvers' workflow inbox.
4. If a user's comment is required if a certain decision/action is taken, you can select the checkbox Comment
Mandatory for this decision key. It is usually selected for the decisions with NEGATIVE nature.
Now that you have created your own workflow scenario, you can assign it to the relevant reason codes, so that
it can be used later in intercompany document matching process. To do that, run transaction code ICARC
(Maintain Reason Codes), find the relevant reason codes, enter your scenario ID (WS<8-digit number>) in the
Workflow Scenario ID field, make any other necessary changes, and save.
As the app tile Manage Workflows - Intercompany Variance Adjustment is dedicated for the predelivered
workflow scenario WS78500087, if you have developed your own workflow scenario as described above, you
need to create an app tile in SAP Fiori launchpad.
As a prerequisite for creating and configuring your own tiles, you must have created your customized
technical catalog. For more information, see Creating and Configuring Catalogs.
To create an app tile that can deal with you own workflow scenario, log on the SAP Fiori launchpad designer as
an administrator and perform the following steps:
Related Information
Scenario Editor
Creating or Deleting Tiles or Target Mappings
• Show All
• Show Assigned but Not Matched
• Show Created in Last 30 Days
• Show Obsolete Assignments
You can also define your own filters to show a list of matching assignments that are of most interest to you. To
do that, access Customizing for Define Filters for Assignment List under Intercompany Matching and
Reconciliation Matching Methods . Alternatively, use transaction code ICAFC.
Follow the procedure below to create a new filter for the assignment list:
1. Select a matching method ID for which you want to define the filters.
2. Choose New Entries and enter a filter ID and short description.
3. Select the filter you just created and double-click the Definition node.
4. Choose New Entries and enter a number such as 10 or 20 in the Row ID column.
5. Choose a dimension field from the drop-down list, and when necessary, combine the Attribute Field for
each dimension field to define the filters as following:
• DIFFERENCE: Amount difference. When choosing this dimension, you must specify an amount field in
Attribute Field, a Low Value, and optionally, a High Value. For example, you can enter "TSL", which
stands for the amount in transaction currency, in Attribute Field, "10" in the Low Value column, and
"1000" in High Value. When filtering, the system sums the TSL amounts for each assignment and
shows only the assignments that have the aggregated value between 10 and 1000. The amounts are
usually counterbalanced because of the positive and negative signs indicating debits or credits, hence
the dimension name "DIFFERENCE". In addition, make sure the amount field (such as "TSL") you
specified in Attribute Field for "DIFFERENCE" exists in the data source CDS views that are assigned to
the matching method.
• PSTAT: Processing status
• RCODE: Reason code
• RULE_ID: Matching rule
• CREATE_DATE: Assignment creation date. You choose this dimension to filter by the creation date of
assignments. It has three attributes: "FROM_LAST_X_DAYS", "FROM_LAST_X_WEEKS", and
"FROM_LAST_X_MONTHS". Depending on which attribute you choose and the number you enter in the
Low Value column, you can filter the assignments that were created in the last n days, weeks, or
months. Note: 1 week = 7 days and 1 month = 30 days.
• COMM_DUE_DATE: Communicated due date. You choose this dimension and attribute field
"IS_DUE_TODAY" or "IS_NOT_DUE_TODAY" to filter the assignments that are due or not due today.
Low Value or High Value is not needed for this dimension.
Related Information
To use your own email template when communicating within the Manage Assignments app, you need to first
define the template and then assign it to the relevant matching methods.
You can also create your own email templates as standard development objects by using the transaction SE80
in the back-end system.
Related Information
You can make additional settings for the relevant matching methods. As part of customizing, these settings are
not included in the Define Matching Methods app. The available settings are:
• Enable synchronization of clearing status: If selected, the matching methods have the journal entry
clearing status synchronized from the source system in real time.
• Enable synchronization of reversal status: If selected, the matching methods have the journal entry
reversal status synchronized from the source system in real time.
After a matching run, if a financial journal entry is cleared or reversed in the source system, you may want
to have the status changes synchronized to the matching process, for example, to the Manage
Assignments app. You need to enable the status synchronization explicitly for the relevant matching
In the synchronization, values of the reversal and clearing related fields, such as CLEARING_STATUS
(Clearing Status), AUGBL (Clearing Document), and XREVERSED (Is Reversed), are updated. For more
information, see Auto Update Field Values [page 321].
The procedure is only relevant for matching methods that are assigned with a data source of
accounting model, for example, the SF_JOURNAL_ENTRIES_01 and SF_AR_AP_ENTRY_VIEW data
• Enable machine learning: Select a matching method for machine learning training and inference. Later,
when using this method to run matching, data is matched based on the patterns identified by machine
learning as well as your defined matching rules.
To enable machine learning, the underlying data source must have RCOMP (Company) and RASSC
(Company ID of Trading Partner) as the leading unit and partner unit fields and, ideally, the CDS view
assigned to the data source has a structure similar to ICA_BSEG_ENTRY_VIEW. For more information,
see Intelligent Intercompany Reconciliation [page 295].
To make the settings, go to Customizing for Define Additional Settings for Matching Methods under
Intercompany Matching and Reconciliation Matching Methods . Alternatively, use transaction code
ICAAS. Then take the following steps:
Each matching method must be assigned with a data source in the Define Matching Methods app. Once
assigned, the data source cannot be changed in the app. However, you can change the data source assignment
in Customizing for Switch Data Source of Matching Method under Intercompany Matching and Reconciliation
Matching Methods or in transaction ICASDS.
In either operation, the system checks if the assigned data source contains the following fields:
In addition, when you try to change the assigned data source to a different one, the system checks if the two
data sources have the same leading unit and partner unit.
For more information, see the Customizing documentation of Switch Data Source of Matching Method in your
With posting rules defined, documents, such as variance adjustment documents, can be posted automatically.
A posting scenario represents a business context where an intercompany matching and reconciliation process
can trigger automatic postings, such as for variance adjustments or elimination postings. It determines header
fields, control options, item fields, and item groups that are available for defining posting rules.
Apart from the predelivered automatic posting scenarios, you can also define your own scenarios. To do so,
access Customizing for Define Automatic Posting Scenarios or use transaction code ICAPS.
For more information, see Customizing documentation for Define Automatic Posting Scenarios under
Intercompany Matching and Reconciliation Automatic Document Posting .
The defined scenarios can then be selected in the Define Posting Rules app, where rules are defined for
generating documents automatically.
Related Information
A posting rule is about how automatic postings are generated for a specific scenario, such as how variance
adjustments or interunit elimination postings are generated. The available header, item-level fields, and control
fields for defining posting rules are determined by your selected scenario.
With this app you can define rules for automatic postings that are triggered from processes of intercompany
matching and reconciliation (ICMR), such as variance adjustments for accounting documents and elimination
postings for Group Reporting.
Key Features
To have write access to the app, you must have a business role that contains the ICA - Intercompany
Configuration (SAP_FIN_BC_ICA_CONFIG) business catalog.
You can define a posting rule by either copying an existing rule or creating one from scratch. Follow the
procedure below to create a new posting rule:
1. Choose Create.
2. In the dialog box that appears, based on your business needs, select one of the following pre-delivered
automatic posting scenarios or a scenario you defined in Define Your Own Posting Scenarios [page 333]:
• SA001 (Adjustment Postings for Accounting)
• SC001 (Elimination Postings for Group Reporting)
Scenario represents a business context where an intercompany matching and reconciliation process can
trigger automatic postings. It determines document header fields, control options, and document item
fields that are available for defining posting rules.
3. The detail input page is divided into 4 sections: General Information, Document Header, Control Options,
and Document Items. In General Information, specify a rule name and a meaningful description.
4. In the Document Header section, provide inputs for the header fields of the documents to be generated.
These fields contain the information that applies to the entire document, such as the document type and
header text.
Inputs for header fields are optional by default, unless an additional value check is implemented in back
end, for example, for Document Type field.
5. In the Control Options section, make the additional settings that apply business logic to the whole
document, such as whether to reverse the document in the next period and which side the document is to
be posted, leading unit or partner unit.
6. In the Document Items section, specify the logic for generating document line items. Each collection of
logic is called Item Group indicated with a four-digit number. For each item group, you can set the logic
using the following 3 functions:
• Filter By: Selects the data entries using filters. Only the data entries meet the filter conditions are
relevant for the item group processing.
• Loop Option: Defines how the relevant data are accessed for further processing, line by line (loop
option "For Each Item"), aggregated ("Group By"), or only acting on the first data entry ("Pick First
• Set Field Value: Sets values for your selected fields in the documents to be generated.
To set the field values, you can use various field functions, such as REVERSE (Returns opposite value),
FIX_VALUE (Returns a fixed value), and COPY_FROM (Copies value of a source field). If you use multiple
functions for the same field, the functions are applied sequentially. For the complete list of field
functions, see Functions for Setting Field Values [page 336].
Whether all 3 functions available for each item group depends on the posting scenario you selected.
Transport Rules
Posting rules are configured in a customizing client. These customizing changes are recorded and transported
to the production client via customizing requests. In the production client, users only have read access to the
configured rules.
All changes to rules can be transported in this way, including rule creation, change, and deletion.
To enable the transport as described above, Automatic recording of changes must be selected as the option
for Changes and Transports for Client-Specific Objects for your customizing client.
• For SA001 (Adjustment Postings for Accounting) scenario, you assign the posting rules to matching
methods and reason codes by using Customizing for Assign Posting Rules under Intercompany Matching
and Reconciliation Variance Adjustment or by accessing transaction ICAAPT. In this way, when
accounting documents are matched with the relevant reason codes, variance adjustment postings can be
generated automatically. For more information, see Automatic Variance Adjustment [page 260].
• For SC001 (Elimination Postings for Group Reporting) scenario, you assign the posting rules to elimination
methods by using Customizing for Define Elimination Methods under Intercompany Matching and
Reconciliation Reconciliation Close or by accessing transaction ICAEM. In this way, when the
elimination task is initiated from Consolidation Monitor, elimination postings can be generated
automatically. For more information, see Interunit Elimination with ICMR Posting Rules [page 390].
• Desktop
• Tablet
This app contains Web Assistant documentation for key fields and concepts. To display the documentation
while working in the app, press F1 or click the question mark displayed in the app header.
The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an app
on the SAP Fiori launchpad. To see this app’s Fiori content, go to the SAP Fiori apps reference library and
search for the app. Then select the product. On the Implementation Information tab, select the correct release.
The details are in the Configuration section.
When defining posting rules, you can set values for document line item fields by using the following field
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. Reconciliation
To better run reconciliation reports or manage reconciliation close status, apart from setting up reconciliation
cases, you may need to make some additional settings as described in this section.
Matrix reconciliation refers to reconciliation based on two organizational dimensions. Usually, one is a legal
entity dimension, such as company, and the other is an additional dimension, such as profit center or segment.
The following example shows how to set up matrix reconciliation of Company and Profit Center dimensions,
starting from the data source creation.
For information about other data source settings, see Define Data Sources [page 314].
In Reconciliation Status Overview, you can also switch to profit center or company hierarchy view, so that
the organizational units are structured in a hierarchical way, as maintained in Manage Global Hierarchies.
You can set up and activate reconciliation close process for the reconciliation cases that are relevant for the
following processes:
To do that, access the Customizing for Activate Reconciliation Close Process under Intercompany Matching
and Reconciliation Reconciliation Close . Alternatively, run transaction ICAARC. Follow the procedure below:
SAP delivers workflow scenarios WS78500026 (Approve Reconciliation Close Request for Accounting)
and WS78500027 (Approve Reconciliation Close Request for Consolidation) for your reference.
5. For each reconciliation case, set the reference group currency (GC) amount, the amount field mainly
used for calculating reconciliation differences between trading units in reconciliation close process. You
can select either KSL (Amount in Group Currency) field or a converted amount measure you created for the
reconciliation case.
Additionally, if the reconciliation case is relevant for elimination posting, that is, it will be assigned to an
elimination method in Define Elimination Methods, the Reference GC Amount field is also used as a basis in
calculations for elimination postings, such as for calculating currency translation differences. In this case,
You can also use your own PDF form object that is defined with the transaction SFP (Form Builder), for
example, you may customize the form template layout or content.
7. To enable the reconciliation close process you set up above, select the Active checkbox for the relevant
reconciliation cases.
8. Save your changes.
These reconciliation cases are then available in Manage Reconciliation Close and Define Elimination Methods for
follow-on settings or processes.
With the Manage Teams and Responsibilities - Intercompany app, you can define teams and team member
functions so that the agents responsible in intercompany workflows can be determined.
Make sure that the relevant system users (SU01 users) have been converted into business users (business
partners). For step-by-step instructions, see Creating an Employee, Assigning a User to an Employee, Defining
Email Address of an Employee, and Business Partner Synchronization sections under chapter Creating
Approvers of SAP S/4HANA 2021 Administration Guide. For more information, see SAP Note 2570961 .
You can create teams and assign functions that are involved in the following two ICMR processes.
Variance Adjustment
Variance adjustment is triggered from the Manage Assignments app when a user processes a matching
assignment with a reason code that has an adjustment class. If the reason code is also assigned with an
adjustment approval workflow, team members with approver role are involved.
Follow the procedure below to create a team that approves variance adjustments:
The ICAM_COMM (Intercompany Communication) function is not directly related to variance adjustment
workflows. You can assign this function to those who are default recipients of the notifications or emails
that are sent using Communicate Send Notification/Send Email in the Manage Assignments app.
Reconciliation Close
Reconciliation close is initiated from the Manage Reconciliation Close app when a user chooses to close period
reconciliation of a trading unit pair. If the relevant reconciliation case is set as requiring a reconciliation close
approval workflow in Activate Reconciliation Close Process, team members with approver role are involved.
Follow the procedure below to create a team that approves reconciliation close requests:
Related Information
ICMR provides fine-grained access control for data on both aggregation and line item levels.
One of the most common questions is how to control the access to partners’ data. To run data matching and
reconciliation, one must be permitted to read partners’ data. On the other hand, access to partners’ data needs
to be restricted to prevent improper use.
You can define authorizations based on a combination of reconciliation case, display group, and leading unit.
For example, if a user has access to reconciliation case SF001, display group AR to AP, and the leading unit
company A, then the user can read AP (Accounts Payable) data of all the trading partners of company A.
However, whether the user can read the line item details or only the aggregated amounts can be controlled. For
more information about how to set permissions, see Authorization Objects [page 374].
In Intercompany Matching and Reconciliation, the following authorization objects are essential for setting up
user access to the relevant data:
• F_ICA_MM (Matching Method): Determines whether a user can create, change, display, delete or transport
a matching method or execute matching run (auto-match) based on the method.
• F_ICA_RCON (Reconciliation Case): Determines whether a user can create, change, display, delete, or
transport a reconciliation case.
• F_ICA_MJ (Matching Journal): Determines whether a user can display, assign, unassign, or delete
matching items, process assignments (including changing reason codes), or trigger in-app
communication. It restricts access to the data on line item level.
• F_ICA_RR (Reconciliation Report): Determines whether a user can view reconciliation reports or act on
reconciliation close based on a reconciliation case. It restricts access to the data on aggregation level.
You want to grant read access to aggregated data of AR (Accounts Receivable) of company C1000 and AP
(Accounts Payable) of all its trading companies in apps such as Reconciliation Status Overview and
Reconciliation Balances. You set the permissions as follows:
• With the authorization object F_ICA_RR, specify values for the authorization fields:
• FICA_RCON: The relevant reconciliation case
• FICA_DG: The relevant display group of the reconciliation case, such as 1000 (AR to AP)
• ACTVT: 03 (Display)
• With the authorization object F_ICA_U2, specify C1000 for the authorization field RCOMP (Company).
If you also want to grant access to line-item level of data, for example in the apps Manage Assignments and
Display Matching Items, you additionally set permissions with the authorization object F_ICA_MJ. Specify
the values for its contained authorization fields:
Activity 02 (Change) authorizes users to create manual assignments for matching items or
unassign them in Manage Assignments.
To use the authorization objects above for leading units, you need to additionally assign them to the respective
data source.
F_ICA_U2 (Company) is assigned to a data source as the leading unit. If you grant a user the access to
certain companies by using the authorization object F_ICA_U2, when accessing the Fiori apps such as
Manage Assignments, Reconciliation Status Overview, Reconciliation Balances, and Display Matching Items,
the user can only view or process the data which have those companies as leading units.
Related Information
Consolidation Unit and Profit F_ICA_U10 (Matching and Consolidation Unit and Profit F_ICA_U10
Center Reconciliation Unit: Profit Center, with one set as the
Center & Consolidation Unit) superordinate field of the
Consolidation Unit and Seg F_ICA_U11 (Matching and Consolidation Unit and F_ICA_U11
ment Reconciliation Unit: Segment Segment for Segmental
& Consolidation Unit) Reporting, with one set as the
superordinate field of the
In ICMR, the authorization object is only used for restricting access to consolidation versions (RVERS). The
restrictions maintained for fields DIMEN, CONGR, and BUNIT of this authorization object are ignored. This is
because the authorization object is designed to control whether users can see the data of specific units and
groups, while ICMR requires control over the data of both leading units and their trading partners.
Always restrict access to consolidation units by using the authorization objects listed in the table of the
section Authorization for Consolidation Units.
In this section, you can find the functions available for managing your data.
Related Information
You can use archiving object ICA_JOURNA to archive intercompany matching items.
ICA_JOURNA archives data from several tables. To check which tables these are, call up transaction SARA,
enter the archiving object, and choose Database Tables. You can display the relevant tables in the lower part of
the screen.
To find out which programs this archiving object offers, call up transaction AOBJ and double-click on your
archiving object.
You can use this archiving object with the ICA_JOURNA ILM object as part of SAP Information Lifecycle
Management. In transaction IRMPOL, you can create policies for residence or retention rules, depending on the
available policy category. Here you can also see the available time references and which condition fields exist,
and decide which of them shall be used in which order to define your rule structure.
In the transaction IRMPOL (ILM Policies), you can create policies for residence or retention rules. For ILM object
ICA_JOURNA, you can select one or more of the condition fields and put them into a specific order. Then you
can create rules on the basis of these fields.
You define an ILM policy for residence rules for ILM object ICA_JOURNA. You select Period/Year
(FISCYEARPER), Matching Method ID (METHOD_ID), and Company (RCOMP) as condition fields. In the
rule, you define that the minimum residence period for matching documents is 3 Years. As time reference,
you select Created On, which is the creation date of matching document. As time offset, you select End of
Month. This means that at the earliest, matching items that meet your specified criteria can be archived at
the end of the month three years after their creation.
When you schedule the archiving run, you must enter an existing variant or create a new one. You can do so in
transaction SARA.
A write variant contains the parameters for the matching items that you want to archive.
To generate the archive files that can be used by the delete program (the Delete action), the variant must
be created with the processing option Production Mode instead of the default option Test Mode.
ICA_JOURNA_REL is the reload program that reloads the data of a specific archiving session back into the
relevant database tables. You must take care that the data of the archiving session has been deleted from the
database tables prior to reloading so there are no duplicate records.
You can use the read program ICA_JOURNA_READ_AR_SEQUENTIAL to display archived and deleted matching
items as follows:
1. On the Archive Administration: Initial Screen (transaction SARA), enter the name of the archiving object
FINCS_DOC in the Archiving Object field.
2. Choose Read.
The Archive Administration: Run Read Program screen appears. The Background/Dialog field is preset with
"Dialog". Select the read program, and choose Execute.
3. Specify the selection criteria such as Matching Method to search for archived matching items and choose
4. The Archive Administration: Select Files for Read Program dialog box appears. Select the archive files that
you want to read or analyze and then confirm your selection by choosing Continue.
5. The system outputs a summarized list of the matching items corresponding to the selection criteria.
Related Information
You can use the data destruction object ICA_JOURNA_DES for destroying intercompany matching items.
You can use this destruction object with ILM object ICA_JOURNA_DES as part of SAP Information Lifecycle
Management. The following prerequisites need to be fulfilled before a matching item can be destroyed:
• The ILM object has been assigned to an existing or new ILM audit area.
• An ILM policy and the required retention rules for the ILM object have been defined.
• One or more policies with policy status Live are available for the ILM object.
In the ILM Policies app, you can create policies for retention rules. For the ILM object ICA_JOURNA_DES, you
can select several of the following condition fields and put them into a specific order. These fields define your
rule structure:
Once you have selected the fields, you can create rules on the basis of these fields. Later in the ILM Data
Destruction app, you can schedule destruction runs for the expired archive files.
You define an ILM policy for retention rules for ILM object ICA_JOURNA_DES. You select Period/Year
(FISCYEARPER), Matching Method ID (METHOD_ID), and Company (RCOMP) as condition fields. In the
rule, you define that the Min. Retention Period and Max. Retention Period for matching items are 0 Days. As
time reference, you select Created On, which is the creation date of matching document. As time offset, you
select End of Month. This means that the matching items that meet your specified criteria can be destroyed
immediately after their creation date.
Following the data preparation phase, the financial data is ready for consolidation. In the consolidation phase,
you perform the following tasks to process data for group reporting purposes:
The Consolidation Monitor [page 381] app is the entry point for performing each of the above tasks.
After collecting and preparing the data, you consolidate the financial data by performing tasks in the
consolidation monitor.
The procedure for running tasks in the consolidation monitor are essentially the same as for the data monitor.
For more information, see Features in Data Monitor [page 145]. The main difference is that in the consolidation
monitor, only the consolidation groups are displayed.
We recommend that all data monitor tasks are blocked before you run and block a task in the update run in
the consolidation monitor. For the purposes of having results before closing, you can complete a pre-run so
that eliminated data is made available. However, the data can continue to be changed until the tasks in the
data monitor are blocked.
The tasks of the consolidation monitor are predefined and ready to use. The system manages the status of the
tasks and thus ensures a logical sequence and consistent data. You must run all tasks for each consolidation
group or run one task for all consolidation groups. For manual eliminations (positing level 20 and 30), you can
run the task only for one group. The following table displays the tasks in the consolidation monitor:
Specific Document
Task ID Description Assigned Method Method Description Types
Depending on your initial release and configuration, not all tasks in the table are displayed. If you have
selected consolidation of investments, task 2140 Enter Group Shares and task 2100 Investments/Equity
Elimination are not displayed. Instead task 2141 Calculate Group Shares and task 2101 Consolidation of
Investments are displayed.
For more information on document types, see Document Types and Posting Levels [page 77].
For more information on the tasks in the consolidation monitor, see Reclassification Tasks in the Consolidation
Monitor [page 383] or Additional Tasks in the Consolidation Monitor [page 404].
There are a number of report apps available for cross checking data after performing some tasks such as
automatic or manual eliminations. For more information, see Analytics for Group Reporting [page 507].
If the new group reporting logic is activated, no hierarchies for consolidation groups are displayed; instead,
such consolidation groups contain a flat list of consolidation units. You maintain the structure of
consolidation groups in the Manage Group Structure apps.
Tasks can be run for consolidation groups individually or for all groups at once. You can run tasks that come
under the following task categories for all consolidation groups at once:
To do so, go to the context menu, choose More Tasks Execute All ConsGrps and choose the mode
you want to run the tasks in.
If you are using the old reporting logic, consolidation groups are represented in a hierarchy and tasks can
be run in the hierarchy.
Monitor Layout
The monitor displays, vertically, the organizational groups only. Therefore, the consolidation monitor
completes tasks for consolidation groups. No consolidation units are visible. A sub-consolidation is made
based on the consolidation groups.
More Information
• The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an
app on the SAP Fiori launchpad. The SAP Fiori apps reference library is available here: https://
To see this app’s Fiori content, search for the app. Then select SAP S/4HANA as the product. On the
Implementation Information tab, select the correct release. The details are in the Configuration section.
Related Information
The reclassification function enables you to transfer values from one account assignment to another.
In the consolidation system you can use reclassifications for the following posting levels:
For more information on posting levels, see Document Types and Posting Levels [page 77].
• Adjusting the financial data reported by consolidation units to meet the group's accounting requirements
(standardizing entries)
• Reclassifying already consolidated data
• Interunit elimination postings
A reclassification is assigned to a reclassification task along with a document type. The way a document type is
defined regarding the reversal in the next period, impacts the reclassification as follows:
• If you run a reclassification with automatic reversal, postings that are already reclassified will be
reclassified again in the next period.
• If you run a reclassification without automatic reversal, postings that are already reclassified will not be
reclassified again in the next period.
If a reclassification is periodic, the system only includes the item values for the periods that are part of the
current range of periods in the consolidation frequency.
A reclassification transfers the trigger value from the source financial statement (FS) item to the target FS item
using a reversed debit/credit sign.
Reclassifications are also possible in the Data Monitor [page 142] app.
Interunit eliminations:
Each automatic elimination task comes with a pre-delivered reclassification method, which may include
several rules that specify the settings for the following:
• Posting the reclassification entries to the triggering consolidation unit, partner unit, or other
consolidation unit
• Selection of financial statement (FS) items that trigger the reclassification from the source account
assignment to the destination account assignment
• Source account and destination account assignment for reclassification
Eliminating internal profit in inventory has an effect on the net income. Therefore, these elimination
entries must be included in the calculation base for the consolidation of investments. If you activated
the Group Reporting content before the S/4HANA Cloud 2108 release, and if you are using activity-
based consolidation of investments, you must open an incident with component FIN-CS-COR-COI to
adjust the calculation base of the consolidation on investments to include posting level 20.
For more information see the example Example for Interunit Elimination of Profit in Inventory [page 386].
• Dividends elimination:
This task eliminates the dividends received from a consolidation unit belonging to the same consolidated
The default reclassification method for this task is S2030 (Dividends Elimination), which is configured with
the document type 2H and posting level 20.
For more information, see Consolidation of Investments.
• Interunit elimination of balance sheet:
This task performs the balance sheet elimination.
The pre-delivered reclassification method for this task is S2040 (IC Elimination Balance Sheet), which is
configured with the document type 2G and posting level 20.
A Merchandise B -200
The system searches for the percentage, which corresponds to the data to be eliminated.
In the reclassification method, additional characteristics can be selected to search for percentages by
comparing these characteristics values with the trigger data to be eliminated. In this case, the system first
searches for the percentage with the same additional characteristic value as the trigger data. If this percentage
cannot be found, the system searches without this additional characteristic value.
When the option to read the percentage from the partner unit is active, the system searches for a percentage
as follows:
• If the system finds a percentage in the partner unit (selling unit), where the partner unit value corresponds
to the consolidation unit of the trigger data (buying unit), the system selects this percentage.
• Otherwise, the system searches the partner unit (selling unit) for a percentage with a default value or an
initial partner unit value.
• Furthermore, when the fields Profit Center or Segment are enabled for hierarchical eliminations and, if
these fields are selected in the percentage tab of the reclassification method, the system also searches for
the percentage in the corresponding partner unit for those characteristics.
The consolidation of investments (C/I) consists of the investments/equity elimination, the total divestiture, and
the dividends elimination tasks in the Consolidation Monitor.
You have:
• Posted the group shares in the previous task for each consolidation group for the first consolidation.
After the first consolidation, you only need to post changes in group shares.
• Assigned a consolidation method to the consolidation unit in the Manage Group Structure app.
• Maintained the period for the first consolidation and for divestiture in the master data of the respective
consolidation group.
The consolidation of investments supports the following activities for consolidation units using the purchase
• First consolidation:
• Elimination of investments
• Elimination of the capital, retained earnings, and other comprehensive income accounts
• Calculation of the group share and non-controlling interest (NCI) for retained earnings accounts
• Subsequent consolidation:
Calculation of the group share and NCI for the net income, the other comprehensive income, and the
retained earnings accounts.
• Share changes:
Calculation of the group share changes and NCI for the net income, the other comprehensive income, and
the retained earnings accounts. A manual journal entry is necessary to correct the allocation of the net
• Increase in capital:
Elimination of the changes in investments and capital value with no change in the group share.
• Total divestiture:
Reversal of the consolidation of investment postings.
The level of automation that can be reached by the rule-based C/I approach might be limited. Consider
Consolidation of Investments (Activity-Based) as an alternative or adjust by manual postings as required.
The automatic C/I elimination can be run from the Consolidation Monitor by updating the respective task or by
using the Reclassification app and selecting the respective method.
Configuration overview
The reclassification method S2100 – Investments/Equity elimination is configured along with the document
type 3A (posting level 30). Automatic postings are therefore group dependent. The method S2100 is assigned
to task 2100 Investments/Equity elimination.
410 – 427
The reclassification method S2030 – Dividends Elimination is configured along with the document type 2H
(posting level 20). Automatic postings are therefore not group dependent. The method S2030 is assigned to
task 2031 Dividends Elimination.
Reclassification is based on specific topics within the rule. These specific topics are described below:
• Percentage:
• Periodic percentage: the calculation considers the periodic value from the financial statement (FS)
item where the percentage is recorded (S00001).
• Complimentary percentage: the percentage recorded on the FS item is not directly used, but its
complement to one hundred is used instead.
• On the percentage tab of the method, the FS items and the document type used to enter the group
share are selected.
• The group share must be entered (using task 2140 Enter group shares) on the relevant group level
(posting level 30).
If the old reporting logic is activated and if a consolidation unit (CU) is consolidated in multilevel groups
with different group shares, the percentage recorded on each group must be entered incrementally. For
example, a unit is consolidated in the subgroup Spain with an 80% group share and in the top group
Europe with a 90% group share. The percentage must then be posted to the groups as follows, 80% to
Spain, and 10% to Consolidation Group (CG) 01 Europe through CU Holding CUH1.
The FS item S00001 and the document type 39 must be used to record the group share.
• C/I Activity:
Depending on the activity selected, for example, first consolidation or subsequent consolidation and the
first and last consolidation year/period of the consolidation unit (set in the consolidation group
assignment), the reclassification steps are applicable or not applicable.
• Accounting Technique:
The reclassification steps only apply when the accounting technique in the step definition is identical to the
accounting technique in the method of the consolidation unit.
• Activity/Accounting Technique of Partner Unit (ACC. T Partner):
Indicates that the settings of the C/I activity and accounting technique apply to the partner unit and not
the consolidation unit.
Related Information
Sample Data
You have completed all tasks in the monitor, including interunit elimination.
Assign the pre-delivered tasks for reclassification in the data and consolidation monitor and run the
reclassification task in the consolidation monitor. The system posts the following:
Affiliated Companies)
After performing the reclassification, the value is reclassified from the item Other Expenses to the item Other
Instead of using the elimination task based on reclassification method, as described in Interunit Elimination
[page 385], you can now run elimination by using the automatic posting rules defined with the Define Posting
With this elimination task, elimination differences can be split into transaction differences, currency
translation differences, and other differences. In addition, the transaction differences can be explained
further by reason codes, which are assigned during document matching.
To set up the elimination task, see ICMR Elimination Method [page 553] under Customizing and Integration
You can either run the elimination task from the monitor or schedule backgroud jobs for the task.
If you have a large number of consolidation units, the elimination task may take a long time to complete. To
reduce waiting time, you can launch an elimination job as follows:
1. In the Schedule Jobs for Consolidation Tasks app, add a elimination job with the job template Posting of
External Journals.
2. Choose the schedule options.
3. Specify the required job parameters, such as consolidation group, consolidation chart of accounts, version,
fiscal year/period, and task.
The task ID is either 2042 (the pre-delivered elimination task) or your custom task ID. For more
information, see Assign Elimination Method to Task [page 558].
4. Choose Schedule to create the job. You can monitor its status (Finished or Failed) by checking the Status
After completion of the task or job, the IC Balance Sheet Elimination task status is updated in Consolidation
Monitor. You can also check the automatic elimination postings in the Display Group Journal Entries app or any
group reports, by choosing the posting level 20 (Two-sided elimination entry).
With the introduction of the intercompany elimination feature, ICMR now supports the complete process from
daily matching, period-end reconciliation close, to intercompany elimination.
1. For companies that are part of SAP S/4HANA, local accountants post their intercompany transaction data
to accounting (ACDOCA). Otherwise, the data can be submitted to consolidation (ACDOCU) via file upload.
For the file upload, select a document type that is specific for reconciliation purpose, such as 0B. Later
on, the document type can be used as a filter to select reconciliation-related data.
2. Reconciliation accountants preview the intercompany transaction data in apps such as Reconciliation
Status Overview and Reconciliation Balances.
3. Reconciliation accountants reconcile the intercompany data with the Manage Assignments app. When
necessary, variances can be communicated and adjustments be initiated from the app.
4. With the Manage Reconciliation Close app, reconciliation accountants can send the reconciliation
statements for approval and close the period reconciliation.
5. Group accountants start the group close process by releasing or uploading trial balance data, for example,
with the Release Universal Journal task in Data Monitor or file upload.
For the file upload, select the document type 00 for the trial balance data to differentiate from the
reconciliation-specific data uploaded earlier.
6. Optionally, group accountants can run validation to identify discrepancy between data for reconciliation
and the data submitted for consolidation.
For the SAP Best Practices content delivered for group close, see Delivered Content [page 228].
This is a video explaining the process steps of closing period reconciliation, executing intercompany elimination
task, and viewing elimination postings in a group report (English only):
Related Information
This example shows with the configured elimination method, how the system makes automatic postings to
eliminate reciprocal payables and receivables generated by internal transactions between consolidation units
within the same group.
In Define Elimination Methods, the elimination method is assigned with the following reconciliation case and
posting rule:
• Posting rule
• Control options: Posting differences to partner unit
• Document items (The FS items to be posted):
Posting Example
At T1, intercompany (IC) transactions are posted by both trading companies E1 and E2 in fiscal year period
2020/001. The table below shows the relevant accounting documents for this transaction. For simplification
purposes, Accounting fields are mapped to Group Reporting fields, for example: company codes mapped to
companies and operational accounts to FS items.
At T2, IC transaction data is collected and currency translation executed for the period 2020/001 in Data
Monitor on Group Reporting side. This process brings in accounting documents (blank posting level) and
translates local currency (LC) amounts to group currency (GC) amounts with the closing exchange rate of 0.5
from AUD to EUR. The table below shows the relevant entries in ACDOCU:
1010 (Transaction E2 E1 21110T 915 R10 50 EUR (800-700)*0.5, where 800 and
Difference) 700 are TC amounts from table
4 and 0.5 is the closing rate
maintained in the conversion
profile of data source.
Here, 336 is not converted
as it has the same cur
rency code (EUR) as GC.
1040 (Offset) E1 E2 21110C 915 600 EUR Offsets the sum of rows 1 and 3
in this table from E1's perspec
1040 (Offset) E2 E1 21110C 915 -600 EUR Offsets the sum of rows 2, 4, 5,
6, and 7 in this table from E2's
• Item Group 1010 (Transaction Difference): Calculated by translating TC amount difference to GC with the
closing exchange rate 0.5. Since the calculation is based on data from ICADOCM, reason code can be
derived to explain the difference.
• Item Group 1020 (CT Difference): Arises out of different exchange rates applied over time. It's calculated
by first translating LC amount difference to GC with the closing exchange rate 0.5, then subtracting the
transaction difference (amount of item group 1010).
Related Information
Run preparation for consolidation group changes to adjust reported, standardized, and eliminated data when a
consolidation unit is acquired by a consolidation group or divested from a consolidation group. After this data is
adjusted, the financial statements (FS) contain only the data that arose during the time the consolidation unit
was part of the consolidation group.
You have:
• Checked the global parameters and ensured that the period is open
• Updated the assignments of your consolidation unit to your consolidation group (period/year of the first
consolidation, period/ year of divestiture.
• Run the preceding tasks before running Preparation for Consolidation Group Changes.
When a consolidation unit is acquired by a consolidation group or divested from a consolidation group, the
financial data must be adjusted.
The task Preparation for Consolidation Group Changes automatically posts these adjustments. The following
table shows an overview of the adjustment entries for the purchase method:
Adjustments Financial data is For balance sheet No adjustment. For balance sheet Financial data is
reversed. FS items, the fi- FS items, the fi- reversed.
nancial data of pe nancial data of pe
riods prior to the riods prior to the
first consolidation divestiture is re
is posted to the ac versed using the
quisition subitem. divestiture sub
The balance sheet item. The balance
FS item net in sheet FS item net
come is reclassi incomeis reclassi
fied as net income fied as net in
prior to first con come / clearing.
Record type on Record type A Record type 0 Record type 0 Record type D
which the adjust
ment is posted
The following table shows an overview of the adjustment entries for the equity method:
Between First
Before Acquisi During First Con Consolidation and
tion solidation Divestiture During Divestiture After Divestiture
Adjustments Financial data is Financial data is Financial data is Financial data is Financial data is
reversed. reversed. reversed. reversed. reversed.
Record type on Record type A Record type E Record type E Record type E Record type D
which the adjust
ment is posted
The behavior mentioned in the tables above is also valid for statistical FS items, but only before acquisition,
after divestiture, and for the equity method (record types A, D, and E).
For more information on record types, see Record Types [page 399].
For consolidated data (interunit eliminations), the partner unit is also evaluated for these adjustments.
Posting Levels
There are special posting levels for the adjustment entries.
The following table shows the posting levels in which entries were originally made, and the posting levels for the
associated adjustment entries:
Space - Reported Financial Data from Realtime Update 02 - Reported Data: Consolidation Group Changes
0C - Reported data with deactived checks 02 - Reported Data: Consolidation Group Changes
The data records for the preparation postings for consolidation group changes are neither translated nor
carried forward.
The Preparation for Consolidation Group Changes task can post entries even if its status is Task has
Example: You run this task for the Consolidation Group. Some entries are posted for some Consolidation
Units with posting level 02, but an error is found for another Consolidation Unit.
After you run preparation for consolidation group changes, you can block the task.
Record types are used to identify the different postings created by the monitor tasks Preparation for
Consolidation Group Changes (PCC) to correct financial data for the following scenarios:
A unit is consolidated in the subgroup B for 80% group share percentage and in the upper group A for
90%. The corresponding group share must be posted on the group B for 80% and in the group A for
If you enter the group share, for example, as value 80, it corresponds to 80%.
When you run this task, you are redirected to the Post Group Journal Entries app, where you can select the
document type 39 Group Shares and financial statement (FS) item S00001 Group Shares (%) to enter the
changes in percentage of group shares.
Group shares can be calculated in the Calculate Group Shares (PL30) task to support rule-based, as well as
activity-based, consolidation of investment (C/I). In both scenarios, the Calculate Group Shares task is
optional. It helps you calculate the group shares of an investee based on the direct percentage of ownership.
This percentage of ownership is entered on the investment FS item of the consolidation unit (investor) and is
based on the consolidation unit’s investment in the partner unit (investee).
The Calculate Group Shares task is not applicable for group currency extension and extension versions. It
only posts in quantities and quantities can't be changed in extension versions. Extension versions share the
group structure definition with the standard version, therefore, a log is only available for the standard
To process the activity-based C/I task, you do not have to calculate the group share yourself, because the
group share is calculated by the C/I task as a preparation step. Additionally, you can run the Calculate Group
Shares task in the Consolidation Monitor to calculate group shares on the respective group share FS item for
reporting purposes, such as a combined report, which includes equity, investments, and group shares.
If you have assigned the activity-based C/I task to the consolidation monitor, the system assumes you
chose the activity-based scenario. Therefore when reading the investment, the Calculate Group Shares task
ignores the data with an initial value for the Consolidation of Investments Activity. It is consistent with the
behavior of the activity-based C/I task. You can maintain investment items in the S-COI-INV (C/I
Investment) selection.
In this scenario, you need to provide the group share percentage in the percentage selection of the method
sequence step when defining certain reclassification rules for C/I.
The group share is then extracted from the selection that has been entered in the percentage selection. In
these selections, you need to specify FS items that contain the group share information. Here you have the
following options:
1. If the FS item S00001 is used in the percentage selection, you must manually maintain the share
percentage on FS item S00001 on posting level 30.
2. If the statistical items $000000SHD (Direct Shares) or $000000SHG (Group Shares) are used in the
percentage selection, you have to run the Calculate Group Shares task as a prerequisite for processing rule-
based C/I.
In the predefined selection S-COI-PERCENTAGE (Group Share Percentage) for percentages, both FS items
S00001 and $000000SHG are included. Do not record group shares on both FS items within the same
period, as this can lead to incorrect calculations.
The statistical items 000000SHD or $000000SHG can only be posted by the Calculate Group Shares task
that reads the investment percentage from the investment data. This means that you either run the
Calculate Group Shares task or post group shares manually on FS item S00001.
If you haven’t assigned the activity-based C/I task to the consolidation monitor, the system assumes you
chose the rule-based scenario, therefore when reading the investment, the Calculate Group Shares task
also considers the data which have the initial value for Consolidation of Investments Activity.
Consolidation of Investments (C/I) deals with the elimination of investment on investors and of equity of their
subsidiaries (investee units). It calculates the non-controlling interests (NCI) of the eliminated investment and
equity and the differential amounts. Then it reclassifies the minority portion of profit and loss (P&L) reported
by the subsidiaries. The system performs these calculations and postings on the base of reported data for
investment and equity and group-dependent investment share percentages.
• Rule-based: The system performs C/I calculations and postings by processing a sequence of
reclassification steps which you define in reclassification methods. You then run several reclassification
tasks to which you have assigned the reclassification methods and document types for group-dependent
postings. For more information, see Consolidation of Investments (Rule-Based) [page 387].
• Activity-based: The system performs C/I calculations and postings by processing one automatic posting
task of category Consolidation of Investments. The behavior of this task is influenced by various
configuration settings which are predefined and delivered by SAP. To some extent you can influence the
configuration, for example by assigning alternative C/I methods to consolidation units, in the Manage
Group Structure app. The postings of the automatic C/I task are categorized in activities which reflect
various business transactions and are predefined and fixed by SAP, for example first consolidation,
subsequent consolidation, and total divestiture. For more information, see Consolidation of Investments
(Activity-Based) [page 414].
You configure the usage of rule-based vs. activity-based C/I in the Assign Task Group to Dimension
configuration step. SAP delivers 2 task groups for the consolidation monitor:
• Task group S20 contains reclassification tasks 2100 and 2180 for rule-based C/I
• Task Group S21 contains automatic posting task 2101 for activity-based C/I
You choose to use rule-based vs. activity-based C/I by assigning either task group S20 or S21 for the
consolidation monitor. You must decide for one of the two alternative approaches, meaning that you cannot
use both approaches simultaneously.
• You maintain the investment share percentages by flexible upload of reported financial data on investment
items which have a breakdown for quantity (with fix value Group Proportion (PRC) for unit of measure). You
provide the direct share which the investor owns on the investee unit in the quantity value field.
• For the group shares, you either maintain them (again in the quantity value field) by a group-dependent
manual posting (on posting level 30, task 2140) on those statistical items which appear in the percentage
selection of the reclassification methods for rule-based C/I. Alternatively, you can use the Calculate Group
Shares task (2141) in the consolidation monitor. This task calculates the group shares automatically based
on the direct shares which you have maintained in the investment data and posts the group shares to the
statistical items.
Run the validation of consolidated data task to perform final validation checks on the consolidated data.
You have checked the global parameters and ensured that the period is open.
If you run this task in test and update run, you are redirected to the Manage Data Validation Tasks -
Consolidated Data [page 413] app.
After the task is complete, a detailed validation log is displayed showing the validation result and any error or
warning messages.
You can also use the Validation of Totals Data app to run the task.
You can run the following additional task in the Consolidation Monitor: Integration of transaction data into
consolidation group
This task is only applicable if you're working with a SAP S/4HANA release earlier than 1909 or if you've
activated the new reporting logic. With the introduction of the new reporting logic, which removes the need
to persist consolidated data separately, you don't need to perform this task if you're working with the 1909
release or later releases. To activate the new reporting logic when working with a release earlier than 1909,
you can create an incident with the FIN-CS-COR component.
This task reads data from the database, applies the reporting logic, and records the results of each
consolidation group. The data recorded by this task is retrieved in the consolidated statement. You have to run
this task before analyzing the consolidated report.
Group journal entries are the consolidation-specific journal entries you post to correct, standardize, or
consolidate reported financial data to the requirements of the group. In the posting, you use different
document types to fulfill these purposes.
This section describes the three apps available for posting, importing, and displaying group journal entries.
With this app, you can make manual postings to adjust the reported financial data, standardizing entries, and
consolidation entries to the requirements of the group.
There are some consolidation tasks, for example, interunit eliminations and consolidation of investments,
leading to automatic postings in the system. In some cases, you may want to supplement automatic postings
with manual postings for financial statement (FS) imbalances, deferred income tax, or consolidation unit
balance adjustments, for example.
For documents, which are posted manually or automatically on posting level 20 in 2 different consolidation
units, the net income effect is recorded in the consolidation unit of the first entry and the corresponding
profit center/segment fields, if these fields are enabled for hierarchical eliminations.
For information about the document types for manual posting, see the document types listed in Manual Journal
Entry part of Document Types and Posting Levels topic.
• Data collection
• Manual posting (posting level 10)
• Manual eliminations (posting level 20, 30)
• Enter group shares (posting level 30)
When executing the tasks from monitors or directly within this app, system checks task status in monitors, for
example if the required preceding tasks are complete or if the manual posting task is blocked or not. After task
execution, the task status is updated in monitors.
Default values for the ledger, consolidation chart of accounts, and version are based on the settings in the
Set Global Parameters app.
After choosing a document type, press Enter key to display the respective consolidation unit or group
fields as follows:
• Display Consolidation Unit field when a document type of posting level 10 is selected.
• Display Consolidation Unit 1 and Consolidation Unit 2 fields when a document type of posting level 20 is
• Display Consolidation Group field when a document type of posting level 30 is selected.
After entering an FS item, press Enter key to refresh the relevant table fields with the available attribute
values for this FS item, for example, for a certain FS item, a subitem category may be filled in automatically and
only the allowed subitem values are available in the Subitem drop-down list. This is based on the breakdown
category you set for the FS item in the Define Financial Statement Items app.
The Check feature helps to verify the correctness of the created journal entries before posting.
You can use the Balance button to automatically calculate and fill in the amount for your selected line item so
that all line items balance out to zero.
Attachments of group journal entries aren’t designed to process any personal data.
After you specify line item details and choose the Post button, automatic lines can be generated to make
sure the balance sheet and P&L statement affected are balanced or deferred taxes are correctly posted.
You can also use an existing journal entry or line item as a template to create new ones by selecting the
reference one and choosing Copy.
• Define its tax rate in the Methods tab in the Consolidation Unit - Create & Change app.
• Use a document type that has a Deferred Income Taxes attribute enabled. For more information, see
Document Types and Posting Levels [page 77].
• Assign the FS item roles for net income (ANI) and deferred tax to the corresponding FS items. For more
information, see Selected FS Items [page 62]
• Post a document that effects the net income. For more information, see Financial Statement Items [page
If the document contains a profit impact, the automatic postings have indicator 1 (retained earnings) and the
profit is split in deferred tax with indicator 2 (deferred taxation) and remaining profit with indicator 1.
If you post a document without deferred tax, because you, for example, haven’t entered a tax rate, the
journal entry would look something like this:
If you maintain a tax rate of 40% for the consolidation unit and post a document with deferred tax, the
journal entry would look something like this:
You can reverse individual journal entries by selecting the journal entry to be reversed and choosing Reverse.
The system reverses the journal entry and updates the records in the database.
You can also reverse multiple journal entries (also called documents) in the Mass Reversal app. While doing so,
you select and reverse manually posted documents by various criteria, for example, by organizational unit,
version, time, task, or subassignment.
You can also save created journal entries as drafts and make postings later. Before the posting takes place,
these draft journal entries can be deleted.
This app contains Web Assistant documentation for key fields and concepts. To display the documentation
while working in the app, press F1 or click the question mark displayed in the app header.
More Information
• The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an
app on the SAP Fiori launchpad. The SAP Fiori apps reference library is available here: https://
To see this app’s Fiori content, search for the app. Then select SAP S/4HANA as the product. On the
Implementation Information tab, select the correct release. The details are in the Configuration section.
• Desktop
• Tablet
• Smartphone
Related Information
With this app, you can post multiple manual journal entries into the system all at once, to adjust the reported
financial data, standardizing entries, and consolidation entries to the requirements of the group. Depending on
the posting type (Unit-Dependent Adjustments, Two-Sided Elimination, or Group-Dependent Adjustments), you
download a template file that contains the relevant fields to make the postings, enter the required information,
and upload the completed file back to the app. The data will be verified and updated into the database.
Key Features
• Template 01 Unit-Dependent Adjustments is used for posting adjustment entries or standardizing entries to
the reported financial data. The relevant document types are:
• 01: Manual correction of universal journal (0C)
• 02: Manual correction of reported data (01)
• 11: Manual standardizing in local currency, deferred tax, no automatic reversal in the subsequent
period (10)
• 12: Manual standardizing in local currency, deferred tax, automatic reversal (10)
• 13: Manual standardizing in local currency, no deferred tax or automatic reversal (10)
• 14: Manual standardizing in local currency, no deferred tax, automatic reversal (10)
• 16: Manual standardizing in group currency, deferred tax, no automatic reversal (10)
• 17: Manual standardizing in group currency, deferred tax, automatic reversal (10)
• 18: Manual standardizing in group currency, no deferred tax or automatic reversal (10)
• 19: Manual standardizing in group currency, no deferred tax, automatic reversal (10)
• Template 02 Two-Sided Elimination is used for posting two-sided eliminating entries for consolidation unit
pairs. The relevant document types are:
• 21: Manual elimination correction, automatic reversal (20)
The numbers in parenthesis denote the posting level for each document type. For more information about
document types, see Document Types and Posting Levels [page 77].
• Header Data
• Journal Entry ID: A temporary identifier used to differentiate journal entries in the file. Input a positive
integer following an increasing sequence. Note that rows with the same journal entry ID should have
identical header data.
• Document Type: Input a two-digit number. See the above list of supported document types.
• Ledger: Enter the relevant consolidation ledger, for example, Y1.
• Consolidation Chart of Accounts: Y1.
• Consolidation Version: Enter the relevant actuals version, for example, Y10.
• Fiscal Year (4 digits) and Posting Period (3 digits).
• Consolidation Unit: Input the ID of the consolidation unit for which you are making the manual posting.
This field moves to Line Items part in the template 02 Two-Sided Elimination.
• Consolidation Group: Only relevant for the document types 31 and 32.
• Line Items
• Line Item: A 6-digit number identifies a single item of a journal entry. Each row should have a different
• Financial Statement Item: The identifiers of financial statement items. See Define FS Items [page 49]
for the list of your configured financial statement items.
• Partner Unit: Only required in the template 02 Two-Sided Elimination. Rows with the same journal entry
ID should have the same pair of consolidation units.
• Value in Local Currency: Only available in the template 01 Unit-Dependent Adjustments.
• Value in Group Currency: A required field except for document types 02, 11, 12, 13, and 14.
When filling out the file, do not change its layout or format except for document type 39 (Group shares), which
is based on quantity and the base unit Percentage. When entering data with document type 39, you need to
first unhide the technical name row (row 6) and replace the column text AmountInGroupCurrency with
QuantityInBaseUnit, then enter the group share percentage for the relevant consolidation unit/group in
data area of this column. Changing the description row (row 7) from *Value in Group Currency to *Quantity is
When the data is verified, choose Post to post the journal entries into the database. This will check and update
the status of the following tasks in Data Monitor [page 142] and Consolidation Monitor [page 381] depending
on which document type you selected during importing:
• Data collection
• Manual posting with posting level 10
• Manual eliminations with posting level 20
• Manual eliminations with posting level 30
After that, you can view the details of each posting by choosing Show Log to navigate to the Task Logs [page
218] app.
The imported journal entries are first added to the Post Group Journal Entries app as drafts with the Draft
Entry Source: 1 (Imported from File). Only after you successfully post these draft entries or you upload a
new file, these drafts are removed.
When you download templates from the Import Group Journal Entries app, they contain all the defined custom
fields. These fields are automatically included in the template by your system. If you don’t have custom fields
the template doesn’t contain any custom fields.
A custom field is processed and posted the same as any other field.
• The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an
app on the SAP Fiori launchpad. The SAP Fiori apps reference library is available here: https://
To see this app’s Fiori content, search for the app. Then select SAP S/4HANA as the product. On the
Implementation Information tab, select the correct release. The details are in the Configuration section.
• Desktop
• Tablet
• Smartphone
With this app, you can display line items of posting documents with all posting levels (00~30), including data
updated ad hoc, adjustments to reported data, standardized data, eliminations, and consolidation entries. The
data records have the new reporting logic applied.
This app has implemented the new reporting logic and is ready for use with the SAP S/4HANA 1909 release
and later releases. If you are working with a release earlier than 1909 and haven't activated the new
reporting logic, you should use the Display Group Journal Entries [page 205] app instead. To activate the
new reporting logic, create an incident with the FIN-CS-COR component.
Key Features
In addition, you can choose any consolidation unit hierarchy, profit center hierarchy, or segment hierarchy to
show the data records according to your hierarchy definitions in the Manage Global Hierarchies app. In this
case, you can also make entries in the Consolidation Unit Eliminated, Profit Center Eliminated, or Segment
Eliminated fields respectively to narrow down the data records displayed. Note that the virtual dimensions that
have a suffix "_ELIM" are also available for selection and provide elimination values at posting level 20 or 22
For more information about the derivation logic for consolidation groups and for elimination members, see
Reporting Logic [page 513].
By choosing the individual document number links, you can navigate to the detail page of each group journal
entry and their line items, which are persisted in the consolidation journal database (ACDOCU table). However,
note the following exception:
In the case of documents that are read from the universal journal (ACDOCA table) and therefore have the
following attributes, you are brought to the detail page of the original accounting (FI) documents:
The drilldown function is achieved by integrating with the accounting app Manage Journal Entries. Note that
the business catalog SAP_SFIN_BC_GL_JE_PROC (General Ledger - Journal Entry Processing) is required for
the drilldown to accounting document line items. This business catalog is not included in any standard
business roles delivered for Group Reporting as described under Prerequisites [page 6]. You need to explicitly
add the business catalog to a business role and assign the role to the relevant users.
For technical reasons, fields marked as Technical Use Only are selected by default when you choose the
Settings icon ( ). Please keep these fields selected.
From group analytical reports, you can also drill through to this app with the filter criteria prepopulated, so that
only the journal entries that interest you are displayed by default. From here, you can also look at their line item
details. Note the drill-through function only works properly if you expand any hierarchies, such as FS item
hierarchy, to the lowest level in the report.
In Group Data Analysis, from the data area of consolidation unit CU01 under the hierarchy node CU0_ELIM
(CU0 is defined as a parent node for CU01 when defining consolidation unit hierarchy), choose Jump To
Display Group Journal Entries - With Reporting Logic from the context menu of a GC Amount figure of FS
item 411100 (Sales of goods) with posting level 20 (Two-sided elimination entry). You are brought to this
app, which displays the following journal entry details restricted by the same filter criteria above:
This app contains Web Assistant documentation for key fields and concepts. To display the documentation
while working in the app, press F1 or click the question mark displayed in the app header.
Data validation is a required step in both the data preparation phase and the consolidation phase. The
consistency of reported, standardized, and consolidated financial data must be checked according to the
validation method you assigned to each consolidation unit or consolidation group. You can run data validation
and check the validation result by using the Manage Data Validation Tasks apps.
This is a short demo of how to use the Validation solution, from defining validation rules and methods,
assigning validation methods to consolidation units or groups, running validation for your specified period and
consolidation units or groups, to viewing validation results and drilling through to their data source (English
Captions/subtitles are available for multiple languages. Simply click the CC button at the bottom right of
the video player to see which languages are supported.
The following section describes the Manage Data Validation Tasks - Consolidated Data app that is relevant to
the validation task type for the consolidation phase.
With this app, you can validate the consolidated data in group currency (or in transaction currency and
tolerance currency, and quantity-type data as you specified in the relevant validation rules) for your specified
fiscal period and consolidation groups. Also, for each consolidation group, you can check the validation result
that is broken down into the data sets verified against each validation rule; that is, if the data passed or failed
the validation rule and the failure root causes.
Only data with the following posting levels are included in this validation task:
For more information, see Document Types and Posting Levels [page 77].
The following available features are same as validation for reported data:
The only difference is that the validation run and results are at the consolidation group level. For detailed
explanations and app screenshots, see Manage Data Validation Tasks - Reported Data [page 208].
This app contains Web Assistant documentation for key fields and concepts. To display the documentation
while working in the app, press F1 or click the question mark displayed in the app header.
Consolidation of investments (C/I) eliminates investments relationship that exists between consolidation units
in a consolidation group.
• First consolidation
• Subsequent consolidation
• Step acquisition
• Capital increase and decrease
• Partial and total divestiture
• Partial and total transfer
• Horizontal and vertical merger
• Rule-based consolidation of investments. For more information, see Consolidation of Investments (Rule-
Based) [page 387]
• Activity-based consolidation of investments, which is described hereafter.
Before you can start activity-based consolidation of investments, you must have completed the activities
mentioned in the topics below. Since these activities are not directly part of the consolidation of investments
process, we have provided an overview of each activity for reference.
For consolidation of investments, you need to define the group structure including the following:
• Consolidation groups
• Consolidation units, including the following:
• Start and end of the assignment
• Fiscal year/period for the first consolidation and the divestiture
• Consolidation method
For more information, see Group Structure [page 415] and Manage Group Structure - Unit View [page 35].
Additional C/I control data is used to track business activities that occur during a period, such as capital
increase or step acquisition
Activity-based consolidation of investments automatically posts the adjustments and eliminations needed
because of the investment relationship between consolidation units. This is possible only when additional C/I
control data is reported to complement the data reported by the consolidation units with only financial
statement (FS) items and subitems..
• Investee:
Identifies the subsidiary to be treated in the consolidation of investments
• Activity:
Drives the posting logic of the consolidation of investments
The following activities are supported:
• 01 First consolidation
• 02 Subsequent consolidation
• 05 Increase in capitalization
• 06 Decrease in capitalization
• 07 Step acquisition
• 08 Partial transfer
• 09 Total transfer
• 10 Partial divestiture
• 11 Total divestiture
• 16 Horizontal merger
• 24 Update of retained earnings merger
• Activity number:
Sequential number (internally assigned) that identifies a C/I activity of an investee unit at a posting date
(or period)
• Posting date:
Can be used to sequence activities of an investee unit within a period
• Unit of measure/Quantity:
Used to report the direct ownership percentage and to calculate the group share based on the group
structure information
You can only enter activity types for FS items which are included in the S-COI-INV COI - Investments
and S-COI-EQUITY COI - Equity sets. If an FS item is not included in the set, the activity type cannot
be uploaded.
Additional C/I control data can be collected using the Flexible Upload app, Group Reporting Data Collection, or
the Post Group Journal Entries app.
For flexible upload, use the dedicated document type (0B) for C/I control data.
• Investee
• For equity FS items, the investee is automatically replicated from the consolidation unit
• For investments FS items, the investee can be assigned by the user, or automatically replicated from
the partner unit
• Activity
• Manual assignment: the following activities must be assigned to the investment or equity FS items:
01 - First consolidation X X
02 - Subsequent consolidation - X
05 - Increase in capitalization X X
06 - Decrease in capitalization X X
07 - Step acquisition X -
10 - Partial divestiture X -
11 - Total divestiture X -
16 - Horizontal merger X X
You have to manually assign some changes in equity and investment data to the C/I activity (and
posting date). In the current release you need to do this using the Flexible Upload or the Post Group
Journal Entries app, an API or the Group Reporting Data Collection app. Only data with filled C/I control
fields is considered in activity-based C/I.
To do so:
1. Copy the data and assign the C/I control data (especially to the C/I activity).
2. Create a reversal entry without the activity to prevent duplicating FS item balances. You can also
add the direct percentage of ownership and historical group currency (GC) values (provided that
the currency translation (CT) method is configured in a way that it keeps the GC value unchanged,
using translation key 6).
3. Upload the data into the system.
For consolidation units consolidated using the equity method, automatic postings required for the
subsequent consolidation (known as equity holding adjustments) are not started by the activity, but by
the scope of data which corresponds to the selection of the FS item and subitem. For more
information, see Accounting Techniques [page 424].
• Activity number: automatically assigned. The same number is assigned for a unique combination of
investee, activity, and period/posting date. For example:
Within one period, several activities can occur for one investee unit. For example, a step acquisition and an
increase in capitalization occur in the same period.
There is a pre-defined sequence of activities that the consolidation of investments processes by default:
1 01 First consolidation
4 05 Increase in capitalization
5 06 Reduction in capitalization
6 07 Step acquisition
8 08 Partial transfer
9 09 Total transfer
11 10 Partial divestiture
12 11 Total divestiture x
17 02 Subsequent consolidation
When necessary, you can manually change the above listed sequence by providing posting dates in the C/I
control data. For more information, see Activities [page 428].
You define the financial statement (FS) items used in the consolidation of investments postings using the
Statistical FS items are created automatically by Consolidation of investments. These FS items are
necessary to record historical values needed to process future activities, such as divestiture. These FS
items are prefixed by the dollar ($) symbol. These FS Items must not be changed because any changes
that are made are overwritten by Consolidation of Investments.
The following target NCI (non-controlling interest) FS items are assigned to the delivered FS items:
314000 Revaluation surplus, before tax NCI - Revaluation surplus before tax
314050 Income tax on revaluation surplus NCI - Income tax on revaluation surplus
314300 Non-recyclable fair value reserve, be NCI - Non-recyclable fair value reserve,
fore tax before tax (321350)
314350 Income tax on non-recyclable fair value NCI - Income tax on non-recyclable fair
reserve value reserve (321360)
314400 Fin. liability at FVTPL credit risk reserve, NCI - Fin. liability FVTPL credit risk re
before tax serve, bef. tax (321380)
The table above shows the FS items from the SAP Best Practices content.
Not all equity FS items and NCI FS items are supported for the Equity method. For equity-related FS items,
see the last table below that lists the selections for equity holding adjustments.
The following selections are delivered to identify the investments FS items and the equity FS items:
Selection ID Description
The following selections are delivered to define the reported financial data for the equity holdings adjustments: Posting
First Consolidation
During consolidation of investments (C/I), all investment relationships between companies in your corporate
group are eliminated. This is accomplished by eliminating the value of the parent companies’ investments
against the corresponding portion of the subsidiary stockholders’ equity. This procedure is called first
Exactly how elimination takes place depends on how you define C/I methods, which you assign to each
relevant consolidation unit.
Subsequent consolidation involves the posting of adjusting entries as a result of changes in investee equity (for
example, retention of profits or distribution of dividends) and not changes in investments.
The subsequent consolidation activity only comprises the adjustment of non-controlling interest (NCI) in
equity capital.
Some events require both a first and subsequent consolidation to be recorded for a consolidation unit, for
example, if equity holdings are acquired during the year and elimination takes place on the purchase date.
You can run consolidation of investments (C/I) for a consolidation group in the final period of a reporting time
frame. Consolidation takes place for the period entered in the global parameters. Prior to running C/I, you need
to have completed the steps in the section Before You Get Started. Only then can you be sure that you have
entered all the relevant data and made all the appropriate settings in the system.
You run C/I from the consolidation monitor for one or more consolidation groups. To determine which unit of a
consolidation group is to be consolidated for the first time, you specify a year and period of first consolidation
for each consolidation unit in the group structure definition. When you run C/I, the system reads the date of
first consolidation for each unit to determine whether it is to be included.
When you define the method, you need to set up the treatment of goodwill and negative goodwill that is legally
required for your group. If you are consolidating a multiple-level group, you can specify whether you want to use
group shares or direct shares as a basis for calculation. When you run C/I, you do not need to make any
additional specifications to take account of legal requirements. You simply need to ensure that you have
assigned the FS item role for the relevant FS items, which is used to determine FS items in C/I postings. For
more information, see FS Item Selection and Target Attributes [page 42].
You run C/I from the consolidation monitor. It is recommended that you to initially run C/I in test mode, so that
you can use the resulting audit trail to analyze the postings that the system generates in an update run. C/I
entries are only posted when you run C/I in update mode for a consolidation group.
All tasks for a consolidation group must be completed and blocked in the data monitor before you can run C/I
for that group in update mode in the consolidation monitor. You can run a test run with original list regardless of
the statuses in the data monitor. However, before you do this you still need to have entered all the relevant
additional financial data for C/I. The statuses in the consolidation monitor show for which consolidation groups
C/I has been run.
The system recognizes that C/I entries have already been posted for the consolidation group using the special
C/I document type (3B). It reverses all documents from the previous run and then posts new ones. The new
C/I run is posted to the database. C/I can therefore be repeated as often as required.
The C/I program generates entries automatically for a variety of activities. However, to enable it to do this, you
need to specify selected items for posting and you must define document types. You also need to assign C/I
methods to the consolidation units.
If necessary, you can post consolidation entries manually by choosing the manual posting function in the
application menu.
Once processing is finished, a detailed audit trail is displayed in the form of a hierarchical list that you can
expand and collapse by consolidation group, consolidation unit, activity, and item. The list shows the base
values for calculation (for example, the book value and ownership percentage), interim results of calculations
(for example, the group share and non-controlling interest in equity capital), and the final results (that is, the
actual documents posted).
The C/I methods assigned to the individual consolidation units determine whether and to what extent their
financial data is included in the aggregated statements. For units consolidated using the purchase method, for
example, the values of assets and liabilities are included in the aggregated statements in full.
C/I is accomplished by means of entries automatically posted for various activities. In order to process each
activity, the system reads the relevant additional C/I control data. When you run C/I, all activities are processed
in the default sequence, taking into account your specifications for investee unit activities. If changes in
investments or investee equity are entered more than once during the time period for which a first
consolidation is run, the cumulated amounts for these values are used in C/I.
From the changes in investments data, the system automatically determines the applicable investment
structure for the consolidation. You can specify whether you want to run C/I on the basis of direct shares or
group shares. You make this setting in the C/I method. The C/I method assigned to the consolidation units
determines how consolidation entries are posted. The main differences in C/I posting result from the use of
different accounting techniques, in other words the purchase or equity method.
Related Information
You use the accounting technique to specify to which extent the individual financial statement data of the
investee unit is used to produce consolidated financial statements.
• Purchase Method
The individual financial statements of an investee unit consolidated using the purchase method are
included in their entirety in the consolidated financial statements. The investment in the consolidation unit
that has been consolidated using the purchase method or its equity is eliminated completely from the
automatic consolidation of investments.
• Equity Method
If an investee unit is consolidated using the equity method, then its individual financial statement data is
not included in the consolidated financial statements. Changes in investee equity or equity holdings
adjustments for the equity-method investee unit result in an adjustment of investment book values in the
consolidation of investments. The equity units are not displayed in reporting.
The treatment of an acquisition determines whether acquisitions of investee units in a consolidation group are
calculated on the basis of direct shares or group shares.
The group share and non-controlling interest (NCI) share of investments and equity in acquisitions of an
investee unit are evaluated on the basis of the current percentages of ownership.
If acquisitions are calculated on the basis of direct shares, only investment paths between the immediate
upper units and the investee unit are taken into account; group shares of the remaining upper units are not
taken into account.
The entire ownership grid is taken into account when using acquisitions with group shares . The group share in
the investee unit results from taking into account all investment paths that lead from the parent units of the
consolidation group to the investee unit.
The treatment of an acquisition is a property of an investee unit in a specific consolidation group. Therefore,
you specify it in the consolidation of investments method. You decide whether acquisitions are calculated using
direct shares or group shares for the respective investee unit by assigning the desired group-dependent
You have the following options to analyze the activity-based consolidation of investment (C/I) related data and
task results:
• Task log: You can access it from the Consolidation Monitor (classic list)
• Using the Display Group Journal Entries app
• Using the Group Data Analysis (New) and Group Data Analysis - With Reporting Rules (New) apps
• Specific (classic) lists for Changes in Investee Equity, Changes in Investments, Group Shares, and Equity
Holdings Adjustments
Related Information
Next to the task log of consolidation of investments (C/I), you can use the Display Group Journal Entries,
Display Group Journal Entries - With Reporting Rules, Group Data Analysis, and Group Data Analysis - With
Reporting Logic apps to analyze C/I. You can, for example, filter, group, or sort data to build C/I specific
analysis lists. You can use generic app functions to store variants or save your list as a tile for re-use purposes.
For C/I-specific analysis make use of the following data model specifics:
• The Investee Unit field is filled with C/I-specific data. This field is reserved for the C/I function.
Example 1: You can filter to exclude all empty Investee Unit fields to only see C/I relevant data.
• All data that controls the activity-based C/I task has the C/I Activity (consolidation of investment activity
type) and Activity Number (consolidation of investments activity) filled.
Example 2: You can identify the reported data on posting level 00 that controls the C/I task by using a filter
to exclude all empty C/I Activity fields.
Example 3: In the Display Group Journal Entries app, you can identify reported data on equity/investment
financial statement (FS) items that is not yet assigned to a C/I Activity by using a filter to exclude all empty
Investee Unit fields and include all empty C/I Activity fields. If all changes are assigned to C/I Activity, the
resulting data records balance to zero.
Related Information
The report for changes in investments shows the equity holdings of a consolidation unit. It lists the
consolidation of investments (C/I) activities for which data was entered, the investment book value in local and
group currency, and the direct investment share.
You can access the changes in investment report from the task log of consolidation of investments.
The report for changes in investee equity shows changes in the stockholders’ equity of consolidation units in a
group. This data is listed by consolidation of investments (C/I) activity. Equity item values are displayed in both
The system uses changes in investments data to calculate the current percentage (from the direct investor's
point of view) of investments. These are called direct shares.
Group shares are the percentage of investments from the parent company’s point of view for a certain group. If,
for example, consolidation unit A holds an 80% share in unit B, which in turn holds a 75% share in unit C, the
group share in unit C is 60%.
The system calculates direct shares and group shares on the fly when processing tasks. For analytical
purposes, you can run the Calculate Group Shares (Calculate Grp Shares %) task from the consolidation
monitor. The system automatically calculates direct shares and group shares and posts them on the
appropriate statistical items.
The report for equity holdings adjustments shows the equity data entered for a consolidation unit in a
particular period. Equity data can only be displayed for units consolidated using the equity method. You can
access the changes in equity holdings from the task log of consolidation of investments. Activities
You have defined the settings for the consolidation of investments consistently.
The consolidation system supports automatic posting for C/I activities, such as first consolidation, subsequent
consolidation, changes in investee equity, and divestitures.
For each transaction, the system posts a document with posting level 30. Within a document, the fields of the
investee unit and consolidation group roles are always filled and constant. For complex activities such as
divestitures, the system requires information about consolidation of investments postings from previous
With the exception of statistical annual net income, all statistical postings are universal, which means that they
do not depend on the accounting technique. If an investee is, for example, consolidated with the purchase
method, the system additionally posts the statistical postings as if the investee were consolidated using the
equity method.
Postings of consolidation of investments extensively depend on the sequence in which the system processes
the defined consolidation of investments activities. The sequence depends on the following factors:
• Sequence of activities
• The sequence in which the consolidation units of the investment hierarchy are processed
1. The system derives an investment hierarchy from the collected additional C/I control data for changes in
2. For each consolidation unit, the system sorts the defined activities according to the default sequence of
3. The system creates the overall sequence of activities by merging the investment hierarchy and the default
1. The system works through each investment hierarchy level from top to bottom.
2. For each hierarchy level, the system goes through the consolidation units in alphanumerical order.
3. For each consolidation unit, it processes all activities up the stop-here threshold.
4. Then it processes the activities beyond the threshold. In this step, the system uses the reverse
sequence of the consolidation units.
The system first groups the data by identical posting date and orders it chronologically. Then,
for every posting date, steps 1-3 (a-d) are carried out.
The following scenarios describe the additional consolidation of investments (C/I) control data and represent
the initial situation for all subsequent examples of each respective activity. This ensures that all examples have
the same foundation and can be compared. The documents displayed in the following examples may, for
example, differ in the sequence of line items from the documents actually posted by the system.
For both scenarios, you assign consolidation method 00 (parent - direct shares) or 01 (parent – group shares)
to consolidation unit P and consolidation method 10 (purchase method – direct shares) or 11 (purchase
method – group shares) to consolidation units A, B, C, and U. This depends on whether you want to calculate
and post acquisitions based on direct shares between investors and investee units or on group shares of
investee units.
Period 3
Scenario 1
The system generates the following activities in period 3 based on the settings for the first consolidation period
and the reported financial data:
• First consolidations of consolidation units P, A, B, C, and U. The system posts only one document – for
investee unit U – because no investment book values or equity were reported by the other investee units.
(See the sections First ConsolidationFirst Consolidation [page 432] and Example: First Consolidation
[page 433].)
• Subsequent consolidation for investee unit U.
(See Subsequent Consolidation [page 446] and Example: Subsequent Consolidation [page 447].)
Scenario 2
The system generates the following activities in period 3 based on the settings for the first consolidation period
and the reported financial data:
• First consolidations of consolidation units P, A, B, C, U, and V. The system posts only one document – for
investee unit V – because no investment book values or equity were reported by the other investee units.
• Subsequent consolidation for investee unit V. Acquisition
• If an investee unit joins a consolidation group for the first time, this is a First Consolidation.
• When upper units increase their ownership in an investee for which first consolidation has already been
carried out, the activity is a Step Acquisition.
• When an acquisition of shares generates an indirect change in group shares, the activity is an increase in
indirect investment (Indirect Activities).
In general, the differential amount is calculated for each immediate upper unit when an investee unit is
Related Information
First consolidation is an activity that the system performs the first time an investee is acquired in a
consolidation group. You use this activity to eliminate the entire reported investment in an investee and its
corresponding equity reported to date.
• In the period of the first consolidation or a prior period for investee unit, you have entered the additional
consolidation of investments (C/I) control data for investments or equity. In this process, all data from
prior periods relevant to the investee unit (such as additional C/I control data for Step Acquisition or Partial
Divestiture) is reinterpreted and included in first consolidation. Likewise, all reported financial data relevant
to the equity of the investee unit (such as additional C/I control data for the Subsequent Consolidation) is
reinterpreted and included in first consolidation.
• You have entered the date of first consolidation (year and period) for the investee in the group structure.
• You have entered in the group structure whether the first consolidation should be executed at the start or
end of the period for the investee unit.
• You have assigned a consolidation method to the investee unit in the group structure.
The first consolidation always posts equity and associated non-controlling interest (NCI) to the acquisition
subitem (if such a subitem has been defined in the master record of the reported subitem). If the parent unit is
also first-consolidated in the same period, the activity eliminates the reported investment also at the
acquisition subitem (again, if such a subitem has been defined in the master record of the reported subitem).
Purchase Method
For the purchase method for acquisitions with direct shares, the investment book values of the direct investor
units are compared with the proportionate equity of the investee unit. Any difference that arises results in the
direct elimination of goodwill (positive differential amount) or direct write-off of negative goodwill (negative
differential amount). The system records the NCI in equity. The calculation of differential amounts does not
depend on the accounting technique of the investee.
When the purchase method is used for acquisitions with group shares, NCI in the investment are also recorded.
As a result, differential amount is generally lower than with acquisitions with direct shares.
Equity Method
• When the first consolidation is at the beginning of the period, all reported investment and equity data of the
investee from prior periods is used in first consolidation.
• When the first consolidation is at the end of the period, the first consolidation takes reporting data not only
from previous periods but also from the first consolidation period into account. In this period the first
consolidation is the last activity for the investment.
Related Information
The following example is based on the initial activities example, more specifically, on the additional C/I control
data for the first scenario.
First consolidation of investee unit U posts the following posting documents in period 3.
The investment of investor unit A and the reported equity of investee unit U are eliminated (lines 1 and 2). The
statistical capital and the NCI interests in equity are calculated based on the direct shares in investee unit U
(lines 3 and 4). For each investor unit, differential amount is calculated from the difference between the
reported investment and the unit's proportionate share in statistical equity. The differential amount is directly
eliminated on an equity reserves account.
1 A Investment 1000-
The investment of investor unit A and the reported equity of investee unit U are eliminated (lines 1 and 3). In
addition, the NCI share in the investment is recorded on the basis of the group share of the investor unit (line
2). The statistical capital and the NCI in equity are calculated based on the group share in investee unit U (lines
4 and 5). For each investor unit, differential amount is calculated from the difference between the group share
of reported investment and the unit's proportionate share in statistical equity. The differential amount is
directly eliminated on an equity reserves account.
1 A Investment 1000-
2 A NCI-Investment 250
The differential amount is calculated in the same way as in the purchase method example. It is posted to an
investment account which is specified in the C/I method of equity and offset against the investment. The
universal statistical equity is posted in the same way as in the purchase method with direct shares.
2 A Investment 200-
The differential amount is calculated in the same way as in the purchase method example. It is posted to an
investment account which is specified in the C/I method of equity and offset against the investment. The
universal statistical equity is posted in the same way as in the purchase method with group shares.
2 A Investment 150-
Related Information
You use this activity to eliminate the investment data reported for an increase in investment. The step
acquisition activity maps the increase of shares in direct investor units to an investee unit.
• You have entered the additional C/I control data that generates the step acquisition activity.
• The consolidation units involved have undergone the First Consolidation.
Purchase Method
Due to the increase of the direct shares and group shares, earlier NCI postings are adjusted in a step
acquisition. (For the calculation of acquisitions with group shares, earlier differential amounts need to be
adjusted to the new group shares). These adjustments are compared with the change to the investment book
values of the investor units.
The direct elimination is not considered for the calculation of revenue/expense during the total divestiture.
Equity Method
For equity units, a positive difference is eliminated and a negative difference is written-off.
Related Information
The following example is based on the initial activities example, more specifically, the additional C/I control
data for the first scenario.
The posting documents below are generated in period 4 for consolidation unit A's step acquisition of investee
unit U. Consolidation unit A reports a new ownership for the amount of 1000, which increases its share in
investee U by 10% to a total of 90%.
The investment of investor unit A is eliminated (line 1). The group share in investee equity (lines 5 - 7) and its
corresponding NCI share (lines 2 - 4) are adjusted for the new direct shares. For each investor unit, the
differential amount is calculated from the difference between the new investment value and the unit's
proportionate share in the change in statistical equity.
1 A Investment 1000-
2 U NCI-Equity 100
4 U NCI-Currency Transla 10
tion Difference
The investment of investor unit A is eliminated (line 1). In addition, the NCI share in the investment is recorded
on the basis of the group shares of the investor unit (line 2). The group share in investee equity and its
corresponding NCI share are adjusted for the new group shares (lines 3 - 5). For each investor unit, the
1 A Investment 1000-
2 A NCI-Investment 250
3 U NCI-Equity 75
9 U Statistical Offsetting 90
The differential amount is calculated as in the purchase method example. It is posted to an investment account
which is specified in the C/I method of equity and offset against the investment. The adjustment of statistical
equity is calculated on the basis of the direct shares.
2 A Investment 880-
The differential amount is calculated as in the purchase method example. It is posted to an investment account
which is specified in the C/I method of equity and offset against the investment. The adjustment of statistical
equity is calculated on the basis of the group shares.
2 A Investment 660
6 U Statistical Offsetting 90
Related Information
You use the activities increase in capitalization and reduction in capitalization to represent the change in equity
of an investee unit in the system.
You have entered additional C/I control data for the increase in capitalization or reduction in capitalization
activity for an investee unit. For these activities you can enter data regarding changes in stockholders' equity as
well as the investment. When doing this, you can determine how each respective upper unit participates in the
investee's change in capitalization.
• You can have the upper unit's investment book value changed without modifying the percentage of
• You can have the percentage of ownership increased.
If the percentages of ownership do not change, the system eliminates the investment and equity book values
that are reported for this activity. This usually results in new differential amount for each upper unit.
Changes in capitalization in which the percentages of ownership increase are split into two activities:
• Step acquisition: New differential amount is incurred by those upper units whose percentage of ownership
• Change in capitalization with unchanging percentages of ownership: New differential amount is incurred by
those upper units whose percentage of ownership does not rise.
The reported changes in the investment book values of the investor units are eliminated (lines 1 and 2). The
increase in capitalization is eliminated (line 3) and the corresponding NCI share is recorded (line 4). The group
share in the increase in capitalization is allocated and posted to the statistical equity items of the two investor
units (lines 5 and 6). A new differential amount is recorded for each investor unit for the difference between the
respective change in the investment book value and each investor unit's proportionate share in the statistical
equity (lines 8 and 9).
1 A Investment -1000
2 B Investment -1000
The reported changes in the investment book values of the investor units are eliminated (lines 1 and 2), and the
NCI shares in the investment are recorded based on the group shares of the investor units (lines 3 and 4). The
increase in capitalization is eliminated (line 5), and the NCI and group shares of the increase in capitalization
are calculated and posted based on the group shares (lines 6 - 8). A new differential amount is recorded for
each investor unit for the difference between the respective group share in the investment and the statistical
equity (lines 10 and 11).
1 A Investment -1000
2 B Investment -1000
3 A NCI-Investment 250
4 B NCI-Investment 500
9 U Statistical Offset 90
The new differential amounts are calculated and posted in the same way as in the purchase method example
(lines 1 and 2) and offset to each investment item (lines 3 and 4). The adjustment to statistical equity is
calculated according to the direct shares (lines 5 and 6).
3 A Investment -200
4 B Investment -900
The new differential amounts are calculated and posted in the same way as in the purchase method example
(lines 1 and 2) and offset to each investment item (lines 3 and 4). The adjustment to statistical equity is
calculated according to the group shares (lines 5 and 6).
3 A Investment -150
4 B Investment -450
• Purchase method
• Acquisition treatment with direct shares
• Consolidation group G contains investor units A and B, and investee unit U.
• Reported financial data for the first consolidation of investee unit U:
• Investment share of A in U = 80%, book value = 800
• Investment share of B in U = 10%, book value = 100
• Common stock of U has a book value of -1000
• Reported financial data for the increase in capitalization of investee unit U:
• Change of investment share of A in U = 0%; change in book value = 1000
• Change of investment share of B in U = 10%; change in book value = 1000
• Common stock: change in book value = -1000
• First consolidation eliminates all reported book values and records a NCI share in common stock of -100.
Due to the numeric values in the example, the differential amount is not incurred for either investor unit A
or B.
• Since the investee unit reports an increase in the percentage of ownership for investor unit B, along with
the increase in capitalization, the system divides the activity into two sub-activities:
• Step acquisition (in which investor unit B increases its percentage of ownership by 10%)
• Increase in capitalization without a change in the percentage of ownership
Step Acquisition
Investor unit A does not change its percentage of ownership in the increase in capitalization. Therefore, the
percentage of A is not relevant for the step acquisition, which the system internally derived from the increase in
But the investor unit B's change in its percentage of ownership by 10% is processed in the step acquisition
activity. The reported investment book value of 1000 is divided between the step acquisition and the actual
increase in capitalization (without change in share) in a manner so that no differential amount is incurred for
investor unit B in the actual increase in capitalization, but instead is created in the step acquisition. Therefore,
the step acquisition results in an investment book value of 800 for investor unit B.
The system eliminates the investment book value of B, which was internally calculated for the step acquisition
(line 1). Plus, the NCI share of the historical reported equity is adjusted according to the change in direct shares
for the benefit of the group share of the equity (lines 2 and 3). New differential amount is recorded at investor
unit B for the amount of the difference between the investment and the NCI share adjustment (line 5).
The same activity number is used for both the internally-derived step acquisition and the triggering increase in
1 B Investment -800
The actual increase in capitalization without change in share immediately follows the internally-derived step
acquisition. The computations in this activity use the increased share percentages that were just created in the
step acquisition. (Investor unit owns 80% of U, and investor unit B owns 20% of U.)
The investment reported by unit A goes into the increase in capitalization. Unit B reported an investment of
1000. Of that, 800 have already been processed in the step acquisition which leaves 200 for the (actual)
increase in capitalization. By splitting the investment book value between the two activities, no new differential
amount is incurred for unit B in the (actual) increase in capitalization.
The remaining investment book values of the investor units are eliminated (lines 1 and 2). The increase in
capitalization is eliminated (line 3). NCI no longer exist because of the increase in ownership to 100% which
incurred in the step acquisition. The group share in investee equity is distributed between the two investor units
on the basis of the increased shares (lines 4 and 5). A new differential amount is recorded only for investor unit
A, which did not report a change in share (line 7).
1 A Investment -1000
2 B Investment -200
You want to report non-controlling interest (NCI) for the equity data reported by an investee unit. This may be
reported equity data that affects net income (example: retained earnings) or reported equity data that has no
effect on net income (example: effects of currency translation).
When the equity method is used, the reported data for subsequent consolidation is referred to as equity
holdings adjustments. Equity holdings adjustment data is extracted from the equity data.
• You have entered additional C/I control data that generates the subsequent consolidation activity.
• The reporting consolidation unit has undergone the First Consolidation.
Purchase Method
When the purchase method is used, the activity adjusts the NCI in the equity that is reported for subsequent
consolidation. This is because the calculation is always based on the group shares. Postings for subsequent
consolidation are not dependent on the treatment for acquisitions.
Equity Method
When the equity method is used, no postings are made for the investee unit in the balance sheet or the profit
and loss statement. Instead, the activity adjusts the investment book values of the direct investor units. The
amount of the investment adjustment corresponds to the respective investor unit's share in the equity holdings
adjustments of the investee unit.
Related Information
The following example is based on the reported financial data of the first scenario in the initial activities
Purchase Method
The NCI share in reported equity is reclassified according to the group shares of the investee unit (lines 1 and
2). If the reported equity affects net income, the system reclassifies the NCI in the profit and loss (P&L)
statement (lines 3 and 4).
Statistical entries record the net income-affecting portion of the reported equity and its corresponding NCI
(lines 9 and 10).
2 U Currency Translation 40
4 U NCI-P&L Statement 40
17 U Retained Earnings 40
Equity Method
With the exception of statistical entries, all other entries are posted for investor unit A.
The equity holdings adjustment data reported by investee unit U in subsequent consolidation triggers an
adjustment to the investment book value of the direct investor units according to each of their direct shares
(lines 1 and 2).
The offsetting entry of the adjustment is posted to the offsetting item, which is defined separately in equity
method posting items for each scope of reported data (lines 3 and 4). The item type of the offsetting item
determines whether the scope of reported data has an effect on net income: If the offsetting item is an P&L
statement item, it affects net income (line 3). If the scope does not affect net income, the reported item is
normally chosen as the offsetting item (line 4).
If the consolidation group owns less than 100% of the investor unit, the system reclassifies the minority share
from the offsetting item to the assigned NCI item (lines 7 and 8). If the scope affects net income, the system
also reclassifies the NCI share to the P&L statement (lines 5 and 6).
Statistical entries at investee unit U record the net income-affecting portion of the reported equity and its
corresponding NCI share; this is done as though the investee unit were consolidated with the purchase method
(lines 13 and 14). Statistical entries at investor unit A record that unit's portion of equity holdings adjustments
1 A Investment, Scope of 80
Reported Data, Re
tained Earnings
2 A Investment, Scope of 80
Reported Data – CTD
6 A NCI-P&L Statement 20
8 A Currency Translation 20
Related Information Divestiture
With the activity partial divestiture, the system creates the reduction of shares of direct investor units in an
investee unit.
• You have entered the additional C/I control data that generates the partial divestiture activity.
• The consolidation units involved have undergone the First Consolidation.
A partial divestiture reduces the prior consolidation of investments entries in accordance with the reduction of
percentages of ownership. This reduction affects:
Related Information
The following example is based on the initial activities example, more specifically, the additional C/I control
data for the first scenario.
The following posting documents are generated by the system in period 4 in the partial divestiture of investee
unit U. Consolidation unit A reports a reduction in its investment book value by 500 and lowers the direct share
The reported reduction of the investment book value is cleared (line 1). The original value of differential amount
is proportionately reduced (line 2). NCI in the differential amount are recorded according to the group share of
the investor unit (lines 3, 4).
The group share and NCI share in equity are adjusted to the modified percentages of ownership. However, the
equity of first consolidation and that of subsequent consolidation are treated differently (lines 5-9). The
adjustment of the group portion of retained earnings is posted to the appropriation item Retained Earnings,
Partial Divestiture (line 6). Its posted amount is derived from the reduction of the adjusted statistical net
income (lines 15,17).
The statistical net income amounts and scopes of reported data are proportionately reduced (lines 10-22).
1 A Investment 500
5 U Currency Translation 30
Differences (CTD)
6 U Retained Earnings, 30
Partial Divestiture
15 U Adjusted Statistical 50
Net Income - Subse
quent Consolidation
16 A Adjusted Statistical 40
Net Income – Equity
The reported reduction of the investment book value is cleared and adjusted by NCI (lines 1 and 2). The original
value of differential amount is reduced proportionally (line 3).
Group shares and NCI shares in equity are adjusted to the changed investments. Equity from first and
subsequent consolidation are treated equally (lines 4-8). The adjustment of the group portion of retained
earnings is posted to the appropriation item Retained Earnings, Partial Divestiture (line 3). Its posted amount is
derived from the reduction of the adjusted statistical net income (lines 14,16)
The statistical net income amounts and scopes of reported data are proportionately reduced (lines 9-21).
1 A Investment 500
2 A NCI-Investment 125-
4 U Retained Earnings, 30
Partial Divestiture
5 U Currency Translation 30
Differences (CTD)
14 U Adjusted Statistical 50
Net Income - Subse
quent Consolidation
15 A Adjusted Statistical 40
Net Income – Equity
The original value of differential amount is reduced proportionally (line 2). The offsetting entry for the original
value of differential amount is posted to the investment (line 1).
The effects of the investment adjustment resulting from subsequent consolidation are reversed
proportionately (lines 3-10). Reported data affecting net income is reduced in the profit and loss (P&L)
statement (lines 5 and 9). The universal statistical equity is reduced as per subsequent consolidation (line 11).
The statistical net income amounts and scopes of reported data are proportionately reduced (lines 12-23).
The financial statement balancing adjustments are derived from the reduction of the adjusted statistical net
income (lines 24 and 25).
1 A Investment 100
5 A Divestiture, Scope of 40
Reported Data Re
tained Earnings (P&L)
6 A Divestiture, Scope of 40
Reported Data – CTD
7 A NCI-Retained Earnings 10
8 A NCI-Currency Transla 10
tion Difference
16 U Adjusted Statistical 50
Net Income - Subse
quent Consolidation
17 A Adjusted Statistical 40
Net Income – Equity
24 A Retained earnings 30
The original value of differential amount is reduced proportionally (line 2). The offsetting entry for the original
value of differential amount is posted to the investment (line 1).
The effects of the investment adjustment resulting from subsequent consolidation are reversed
proportionately (lines 3-10). Reported data affecting net income is reduced in the P&L statement (lines 5 and
9). The universal statistical equity is reduced as per subsequent consolidation (line 11).
The statistical net income amounts and scopes of reported data are proportionately reduced (lines 12-23).
The financial statement balancing adjustments are derived from the reduction of the adjusted statistical net
income (lines 24 and 25).
1 A Investment 75
5 A Divestiture, Scope of 40
Reported Data Re
tained Earnings (P&L)
6 A Divestiture, Scope of 40
Reported Data – CTD
7 A NCI-Retained Earnings 10
8 A NCI-Currency Transla 10
tion Difference
16 U Adjusted Statistical 50
Net Income - Subse
quent Consolidation
17 A Adjusted Statistical 40
Net Income – Equity
24 A Retained earnings 30
Related Information
The system carries out this activity when an investee completely leaves the consolidation group. You use this
activity to invert all the data that was previously posted in the consolidation of investments for the divested
• You have maintained the date of divestiture accounting (year and period) for the investee in the
consolidation group structure.
• In the consolidation group structure, you have decided whether total divestiture should be performed at
the start or end of the period.
You do not need to enter additional C/I control data to generate a total divestiture. However, we recommend
that you enter the group share for the divestiture so that it is considered in the calculation of group share.
As a rule, the system completely reverses all data generated in the consolidation of investments in the past for
the divested investee. A total divestiture does the following:
The Total Divestiture at Beginning of Period indicator in the consolidation group structure determines the
sequence of activities:
• If the total divestiture occurs at the beginning of the period, it reverses the totals records of all prior
periods. No further activities are carried out for the divested investee in the divestiture period.
• If the total divestiture occurs at the end of the period, the system first carries out the activities entered for
the divested investee in the divestiture period as well as the automatically generated activities. Then the
total divestiture is performed. In this case it inverts the totals records of all prior periods along with the
totals records generated by the activities in the divestiture period.
The data for the calculation base of consolidation of investments is reversed by a Preparation for
Consolidation Group Changes task and not by the consolidation of investments itself for totally divested
consolidation units.
A total divestiture always posts the equity and its associated NCI to the divestiture subitem (if such a subitem
has been defined in the master record of the reported subitem).
Related Information
The following example is based on the initial activities example, more specifically, on the reporting data for the
first scenario.
The totals records generated in first consolidation for balance sheet and statistical items are reversed in lines 1
through 5, see Example: First Consolidation [page 433].
The totals records generated in subsequent consolidation for balance sheet and statistical items are reversed
in lines 6 through 16, see Example: Subsequent Consolidation [page 447].
The gain or loss from divestiture as well as its NCI (lines 19 and 20) and consequently the financial statement
balancing adjustments (lines 24 and 25) are derived from the reduction of the adjusted statistical net income.
The protected items are reversed in the clearing item of consolidation of investments (line 21). This ensures
that the items are balanced.
1 A Investment 1000
6 U NCI-Currency Transla 40
tion Difference
8 U NCI-Retained Earnings 40
15 A Adjusted Statistical 80
Annual Net Income -
Equity Method
24 U Retained earnings 60
The totals records generated in first consolidation for balance sheet and statistical items are reversed in lines 1
through 6, see Example: First Consolidation [page 433].
The totals records generated in subsequent consolidation for balance sheet and statistical items are reversed
in lines 6 through 19, see Example: Subsequent Consolidation [page 447].
The gain or loss from divestiture as well as its NCI (lines 20 and 21) and consequently the financial statement
balancing adjustments (lines 25 and 26) are derived from the reduction of the adjusted statistical net income.
1 A Investment 1000
2 A NCI-Investment 250-
7 U NCI-Currency Transla 40
tion Difference
9 U NCI-Retained Earnings 40
16 A Adjusted Statistical 80
Annual Net Income -
Equity Method
25 U Retained earnings 60
The totals records generated in first consolidation for balance sheet and statistical items are reversed in lines 1
through 3, see Example: First Consolidation [page 433].
The totals records generated in subsequent consolidation for balance sheet and statistical items are reversed
in lines 4 through 20, see Example: Subsequent Consolidation [page 447].
The gain or loss from divestiture as well as its NCI (lines 21 and 22) and consequently the financial statement
balancing adjustments (lines 23 and 24) are derived from the reduction of the adjusted statistical net income.
1 A Investment 200
5 A NCI-Currency Transla 20
tion Difference
6 A NCI-Retained Earnings 20
7 A Currency Translation 60
8 A Investment 160-
13 A Adjusted Statistical 80
Net Income –
Equity Method
14 A NCI-Adjusted Statisti 20
cal Net Income –
Equity Method
18 U NCI-Adjusted Statisti 40
cal Net Income -
Subsequent Consoli
23 A Retained earnings 60
The totals records generated in first consolidation for balance sheet and statistical items are reversed in lines 1
through 3, see Example: First Consolidation [page 433].
The totals records generated in subsequent consolidation for balance sheet and statistical items are reversed
in lines 4 through 19, see Example: Subsequent Consolidation [page 447].
The gain or loss from divestiture as well as its NCI (lines 20 and 21) and consequently the financial statement
balancing adjustments (lines 22 and 23) are derived from the reduction of the adjusted statistical net income.
1 A Investment 150
4 A NCI-Currency Transla 20
tion Difference
5 A NCI-Retained Earnings 20
6 A Currency Translation 60
7 A Investment 160-
12 A Adjusted Statistical 80
Net Income –
Equity Method
13 A NCI-Adjusted Statisti 20
cal Net Income –
Equity Method
17 U NCI-Adjusted Statisti 40
cal Net Income -
Subsequent Consoli
22 A Retained earnings 60
Related Information
Indirect activities are automatically generated in the system, and are not entered by the user. Indirect activities
are incurred in multilevel investment hierarchies when direct acquisitions or divestitures in the higher ranks of
the hierarchy change (direct) percentages of ownership. This leads to increases or reductions of group shares
in the lower ranks of the hierarchy. Because of this, the system needs to adjust the postings of consolidation of
investments made earlier to the new group shares. This is done in the activities:
If an investee unit is simultaneously also an upper unit of other investee units in lower levels of the hierarchy,
the system automatically generates indirect activities for the lower-level investee units when processing a step
acquisition or a divestiture.
An increase in indirect investment is generated by a step acquisition that is entered at a higher level of the
hierarchy. For an investee unit of an increase in indirect investment based on group shares, the system adjusts
all earlier postings of NCI and differential amounts to the higher group shares. These adjustments normally
result in a net balance not equal to zero. A new differential amount is created for such a balance. This indirect
differential amount is posted at the upper unit that generates the step acquisition and, thus, the increase in
indirect investment.
Indirect activities adopt the activity number of the direct activity that generates those indirect activities.
The following example is based on the reported financial data of the initial activities example, more specifically,
on the second scenario in the initial example.
The system posts the following documents for investee unit V in period 3.
First Consolidation
1 U Investment 1000-
2 V Equity 1000
3 V NCI-Equity 200-
3 V NCI-P&L Statement 70
17 V Retained Earnings 70
First Consolidation
1 U Investment 1000-
2 U NCI-Investment 625
3 V Equity 1000
4 V NCI-Equity 700-
7 U Equity Reserves 75
Subsequent Consolidation
3 V NCI-P&L Statement 70
17 V Retained Earnings 70
First Consolidation
2 U Investment 200-
Subsequent Consolidation
7 U NCI-P&L Statement 50
First Consolidation
1 U Investment (C/I 75
2 U Investment 75-
Subsequent Consolidation
7 U NCI-P&L Statement 50
Related Information
This example is based on the reported financial data of the second scenario in the initial activities example. For
the postings generated by the consolidation of investments in period 3 originating from this reported financial
data, see Example: Scenario for Indirect Activities [page 469].
In period 4, consolidation unit A reports a step acquisition of investee unit U by another 50%. This increases
the group share of U from 37.5% to 75%.
However, the step acquisition of U also increases the group share of the lower-level investee unit V from 30% to
60%. This generates an increase in indirect investment for unit V in the system.
The system posts the following documents for investee unit V in period 6.
The subsequent consolidation activity in period 3 recorded NCI in equity. The system now adjusts the item to
the new group share for unit V (lines 1 and 2). The reduction of the NCI share in equity reflects an increase of
the group's equity: This is shown in the postings to statistical equity (lines 3 and 4). The system also posts
universal statistical equity for the equity method to the immediate upper unit U (lines 6 and 7).
1 V NCI-Retained Earnings 40
2 V NCI-Currency Transla 40
tion Difference
5 V Statistical Offsetting 80
8 U Statistical Offsetting 80
All calculations in period 3 were based on the group shares. Thus, the system now adjusts the following items
to the higher group shares: the NCI shares in the investment (line 1) and equity (lines 2 - 4); the statistical
equity (lines 5 - 7); and the original value of differential amount (line 12). The effects of subsequent
consolidation with the equity method also generate postings to universal statistical equity (lines 9 and 10).
An indirect, negative differential amount is created for the remaining balance (line 13).
1 V NCI-Investment 375-
3 V NCI-Retained Earnings 30
4 V NCI-Currency Transla 30
tion Difference
11 U Statistical Offsetting 60
12 U Equity Reserves 75
The subsequent consolidation activity in period 3 recorded NCI in the adjustment to the investment book value.
The system now adjusts these to the new group share of immediate upper unit U (lines 1 and 2). The NCI
adjustments are offset by statistical equity entries (lines 3 and 4). The system also posts universal statistical
equity for the purchase method to investee unit V (lines 5 and 6).
An indirect, negative differential amount is created for the balance (line 9).
1 U NCI-Retained Earnings 40
2 U NCI-Currency Transla 40
tion Difference
7 V Statistical Offsetting 80
8 U Statistical Offsetting 80
The subsequent consolidation activity in period 3 recorded NCI in the adjustment to the investment book value.
The system now adjusts these to the new group share of immediate upper unit U (lines 1 and 2). The NCI
adjustments are offset by statistical equity entries (lines 3 and 4). The system also posts universal statistical
equity for the purchase method to investee unit V (lines 6 - 8).
As in the purchase method too, the original value of the differential amount incurred at the immediate upper
unit U in first consolidation is adjusted to its higher group share (line 10). The offsetting entry is posted to the
investment item (line 11). An indirect, negative differential amount is created for the balance (line 12).
1 U NCI-Retained Earnings 30
2 U NCI-Currency Transla 30
tion Difference
5 U Statistical Offsetting 60
10 U Investment (C/I 75
11 U Investment 75-
Related Information Transfer
You use the partial transfer and total transfer activities to record that direct shares in an investee unit are either
partially or totally transferred from one investor unit to another investor unit within the same consolidation
• A total transfer is when all shares in an investee unit are transferred from the divesting unit to the buying
investor unit.
Unlike in Divestiture [page 450], there is no strict difference between the content of total and partial
transfers. The system deals with both activities in the same way. It is therefore at your discretion
whether you enter a total or partial transfer.
• If the investee unit involved in a partial or total transfer is, in turn, an investor unit of lower-level investee
units in a multilevel hierarchy, the system automatically performs indirect transfers for these lower-level
investee units.
• You have entered the additional consolidation of investments (C/I) control data for an investment that
generates the partial or total transfer activity. You must follow the guidelines mentioned in the feature
section below when entering investment data for a transfer.
• The consolidation units involved have undergone the first consolidation.
Two investor units are always involved in the transfer of an investee unit: one divesting and one buying investor
unit. The system does not support transfers between more than two investor units.
Direct Transfer
With direct transfers, the system transfers all effects (investment and differential amount) that previously
concerned the divesting unit to the buying unit. If the group shares of both investor units are different or if the
group share of the investee unit is changed as a result of the transfer, non-controlling interests (NCIs) are also
You must maintain the additional C/I control data for transfer investment according to the following guidelines:
Indirect Transfer
Previous indirect differential amounts are transferred using indirect transfers. NCIs are also adjusted to be
consistent with the changed group shares.
Functional Limitation
In a transfer activity, there is an interunit profit. This causes the investment book value on the buying investor
to be larger than the investment book value on the divesting investor. Activity-based C/I does not support the
elimination of the interunit profit, therefore you must proceed as follows:
• Post the elimination of the interunit profit by standardizing entries (on posting level 10)
• Include the document type of this standardizing entry into the calculation base of activity-based C/I.
• Maintain the same absolute values of the change in the investment book value on the divesting investor
and on the buying investor of the transfer activity, because you have already eliminated the interunit profit
The example shown is based on the Initial Example: Activities [page 429], and more specifically, on the
reporting data for the first scenario.
A partial transfer of investee U posts the following documents in period 6. The following reported investment
data is available:
• The divesting investor unit, A, reports a reduction in its investment book value by 500 and lowers the direct
share in the investee by 40%, from 80% to 40%.
• The buying investor unit reports an increase in its investment book value by 500 and increases the direct
share in the investee unit from zero to 40%.
The group share of both investor units is 75%. The group share of the investee unit remains unchanged at
The transfer of the investment is eliminated (lines 1 and 2). The original value of the differential amount,
including NCI, is proportionately transferred (lines 3-8).
The partner information in statistical equity is proportionately transferred (lines 9 and 10).
1 A B Investment 500
2 B A Investment 500-
5 A . Equity Reserves 25
15 A Adjusted Statistical 50
Net Income - Subse
quent Consolidation
17 A Adjusted Statistical 40
Net Income – Equity
The transfer of the investment is eliminated (lines 1 and 3) and the NCI of the investment is adjusted (lines 2
and 4). The original value of the differential amount is proportionately transferred (lines 5 and 6).
The partner information in statistical equity is proportionately transferred (lines 7 and 8).
The statistical net income amounts and scopes of reported data are proportionately transferred (lines 9-28).
1 A B Investment 500
2 A NCI-Investment 125-
3 B A Investment 500-
4 B NCI-Investment 125
6 B . Equity Reserves 75
13 A Adjusted Statistical 50
Net Income - Subse
quent Consolidation
15 A Adjusted Statistical 40
Net Income – Equity
The original value of the differential amount is reduced proportionately and transferred to the new investor. The
offsetting entry for the transfer of the original value of the differential amount is posted to the investment (lines
1 -4).
The effects of the investment adjustment resulting from equity holdings adjustments are reduced
proportionately and transferred to the new investor (lines 3-18). Reported data affecting net income is
transferred in the profit and loss (P&L) statement (lines 5, 9, 13, and 17).
The universal statistical equity is transferred as per equity consolidation (lines 19 and 20).
The statistical net income amounts and scopes of reported data are proportionately transferred (lines 21-40).
The financial statement balancing adjustments are derived from the transfer of the adjusted statistical net
income (lines 41 -44).
1 A . Investment 100
5 A Divestiture, Scope of 40
Reported Data Re
tained Earnings (P&L)
6 A Divestiture, Scope of 40
Reported Data (= CTD)
7 A NCI-Retained Earnings 10
8 A NCI-Divestiture, Scope 10
of Reported Data CTD
11 B . Investment, Scope of 40
Reported Data, Re
tained Earnings
12 B . Investment, Scope of 40
Reported Data – CTD
18 B Divestiture, Scope of 10
Reported Data (= CTD)
25 A Adjusted Statistical 50
Net Income - Subse
quent Consolidation
27 A Adjusted Statistical 40
Net Income – Equity
41 A . Retained earnings 30 Merger
In a merger, the entire balance sheet for a consolidation unit is transferred to another consolidation unit.
Before the merger occurs, both consolidation units belong to the same consolidation group.
Vertical Merger
In a vertical merger, the balance sheet for the ceding consolidation unit is transferred to one of its direct
After the merger, the entire balance sheet for the ceding consolidation unit C is transferred to the absorbing
consolidation unit A.
Horizontal Merger
In a horizontal merger, the ceding consolidation unit and absorbing consolidation unit have the same direct
Before the merger, consolidation units A and C have the same direct investor P.
After the merger, the entire balance sheet for the ceding consolidation unit C is transferred to the absorbing
consolidation unit A.
Related Information
In a vertical merger, the balance sheet for the ceding consolidation unit is transferred to one of its direct
investors. By configuring the settings as described below, you can model a vertical merger in the system.
Ceding Company
In a merger, you enter the investment data for a total divestiture for the ceding company. In the Manage
Consolidation Group Structure app, you specify the time (year and period) of the merger as the point in time of
the total divestiture for the ceding company.
The total divestiture generally posts entries to the revenue and expense items from the divestiture. When a
merger occurs, you can post these instead to balance sheet items. In addition, you can configure the system to
• In the Define Subitem Categories and Subitems transaction, you can assign a special subitem for mergers
to each subitem.
• In the selected items for consolidation of investments, there is the predelivered special item Annual Net
Income for Merger for posting the annual net income for mergers without an effect on earnings.
• The Divestiture Accounting due to Merger checkbox in the Manage Consolidation Group Structure app
ensures that a special posting logic is applied. If you select this checkbox for the ceding company, when
processing consolidation group changes or consolidation of investments, the system uses the subitem for
mergers as well as the special item for posting the annual net income for mergers without an effect on
Absorbing Company
In a vertical merger, you have to enter the equity from the subsequent consolidations of the ceding company
again for the absorbing company.
When you enter the equity for subsequent consolidation of the absorbing company, you can use activity 24
Updating of Retained Earnings Merger. You record the update of retained earnings that you report for this
activity in the special Annual Net Income for Merger item and not in the Annual Net Income, B/S item. You use
the subitem that you assign as the merger subitem to the subitem of the Annual Net Income, B/S item. This
ensures the following:
• The system posts the entry using the subitem for mergers.
• The system prevents an entry from being posted to the profit & loss statement by using the Annual Net
Income for Merger item.
• The system posts the adjusted statistical net income items for the Annual Net Income for Mergers.
The system only posts entries for activity 24 Updating of Retained Earnings Merger if the absorbing company is
not a parent unit.
In this example, a vertical merger is planned between the parent consolidation unit and consolidation unit A.
Both of these consolidation units have the same local currency.
The following graphic displays how the parent consolidation unit and consolidation unit A are originally set up
in year N. The vertical merger takes place in year N+1 at the end of period x.
Year N
The resulting structure in year N+1 is the parent consolidation unit including consolidation unit A.
Consolidation group
For the merger, consolidation unit A is set to Diverstiture due to merger in the system.
Year N+1
0 0 0 0 0
Additional data
For the vertical merger, the following additional data are entered for the parent consolidation unit and
consolidation unit A:
If there is a gain or loss on merger accounted for in the profit and loss statement of the parent consolidation
unit, a manual journal entry must be posted against retained earnings using activity type 24.
After this additional data is entered, the resulting data of the merger is shown in the following table:
Consolida Document
tion Unit FS Item Parent Unit Type TT 900 TT915 TT970 Closing
In a horizontal merger, the ceding consolidation unit and absorbing consolidation unit have the same direct
investor. Also, the shares of the ceding consolidation unit and the absorbing consolidation unit must be equal.
By configuring the settings as described below, you can model a horizontal merger in the system.
Ceding Company
The functions you use for the ceding company in a horizontal merger are the same as those for the vertical
merger. For more information, see Vertical Merger [page 491].
Absorbing Company
To enter the new equity data for subsequent consolidation for the absorbing company, you use the same
features for the horizontal merger as those you use for the vertical merger.
• You enter the investment book value of the direct investor on the ceding company again as an investment
book value on the absorbing company (without changing the percentage of ownership).
• You enter the eliminated equity of the ceding company that results from the first consolidation and from
increases and reductions in capitalization again for the absorbing company.
You can enter investment and equity data using activity 16 Horizontal Merger.
The fields available on the entry screen for activity 16 are the same as those for activity 05 Increase in
Capitalization. The posting logic for activity 16 in consolidation of investments is the same as the posting logic
for activity 05; however, activity 16 initiates a posting with the subitem for mergers.
In this example, a horizontal merger is performed between the parent consolidation unit and consolidation
units A and B. They all use the same local currency.
The following graphic shows how the parent consolidation unit and consolidation units A and B are originally
set up in year N.
Year N
A horizontal merger takes place in year N+1 at the end of period x. Consolidation units A and B are merged with:
Consolidation Group
To map this merger in the system, consolidation unit B is set to Divestiture due to merger.
Year N+1
0 0 0 0 0
Additional Data
For the horizontal merger, the following additional data are entered for the parent consolidation unit and
consolidation unit A:
• For the parent consolidation unit, the following entries are made:
• The increase of investment toward consolidation unit A of 1000 is entered with activity type 16
• Nothing is entered for investment on consolidation unit B
• For consolidation unit A, the following entries are made:
• The increase in the share capital amount of -1000 is entered with activity type 16
• The increase of retained earnings of -1700 is entered with activity type 24
After entering the additional data, the resulting data of the merger is shown in the following table:
Consolida Document
tion Unit FS Item PU Type TT900 TT915 TT970 Closing
The goodwill treatment function defines the procedure for adjusting the value of goodwill.
1. The types of goodwill treatment are activated in C/I-System Utilization separately for positive goodwill and
negative goodwill.
To see a posting example for direct writeoff of goodwill, see Example: Direct Writeoff of Negative Goodwill [page
To see a posting example for direct elimination of goodwill, see Example: Direct Elimination of Positive Goodwill
[page 501].
Direct writeoff of negative goodwill reduces newly incurred negative differential amount to a value of zero
immediately during the acquisition activity, with an affect on net income.
The writeoff of negative goodwill does not depend on the accounting technique, it only depends on the settings
for acquisition treatment.
In first consolidation, the system posts the new negative goodwill in its entirety to a profit and loss (P&L)
statement item for writeoff (line 6). As a result, the net book value of the negative goodwill is zero.
Statistical postings record the entire writeoff of negative goodwill and the corresponding minority share (lines 7
- 10).
1 A Investment 500-
Direct elimination of positive goodwill posts newly incurred positive differential amount to a capital reserves
The direct elimination of positive goodwill on a capital reserves account only occurs for the purchase method.
For the equity method, the system posts a positive differential amount to the investment item that is specified
for goodwill acquisition item in the C/I method for equity consolidation.
In first consolidation, the system posts the new positive goodwill in its entirety to a capital reserves account
(line 6). As a result, the net book value of the goodwill is zero.
1 A Investment 100-
The Business Combinations rules require an investor unit to post the group value of the other comprehensive
income (OCI), such as currency translation differences, with an effect on earnings when it experiences a loss of
The system posts the other comprehensive income to the profit and loss (P&L) statement in the event of a loss
of control or total divestiture (also known as OCI recycling). If you make the system settings described in the
Activities section, in the event of a loss of control or total divestiture, the system posts the group share of the
other comprehensive income as follows:
• The reported equity for the other comprehensive income results in a corresponding profit or loss. The
system posts this profit or loss in the Preparation for Consolidation Group Changes (PCC) task in the event
of a total divestiture of the consolidation unit.
• The adjustment of the other comprehensive income reported, which the consolidation of investments
posted when the investee unit was still part of the group, also results in a posting affecting earnings in the
event of a total divestiture. The system makes this posting to the P&L statement in the Total Divestiture
activity in the consolidation of investments.
You must adjust the content of the preconfigured selection S-CI-OCI in the Define Selections app, so that it
contains those financial statement (FS) items that reflect the OCI in your individual chart of accounts.
For each OCI item, you must assign a corresponding FS item that is used by the system for posting the OCI
recycling at the time of loss of control (total divestiture). The location of the OCI recycling item in either the
P&L or balance sheet depends on the nature of the OCI, such as pension liabilities, currency translation
differences, or financial instruments. You define the OCI recycling in the Define FS items app by assigning the
corresponding posting item for OCI recycling as the target for elimination to each OCI item.
The system posts the OCI recycling for each OCI item to its target for elimination item and offsets this posting
on the P&L item for divestiture. These postings for OCI recycling are generated by two task categories:
• The PCC task posts the complete amount, including group value and non-controlling interests (NCI), of
OCI recycling.
• The (activity-based) Consolidation of Investments (C/I) task reverts the NCI portion, to achieve the group
value of OCI recycling.
OCI recycling is only automated for activity-based consolidation of investments (C/I). If the task group for
the consolidation monitor doesn't contain the activity-based C/I task, the PCC task doesn't generate
postings for OCI recycling.
If other comprehensive income existed before the gain of control, you must exclude this portion of other
comprehensive income from the OCI recycling. You can achieve this by a manual or automatic
reclassification to a separate FS item for OCI prior to the first consolidation. To prevent its recycling at loss
of control, you must not assign a target for elimination item to this FS item.
Related Information Configuration
To make sure all consolidation of investments (C/I)-related tasks and reports work well, you need to make the
relevant configuration settings in your back-end system by entering transaction code SPRO and accessing the
customizing activities under SAP Reference Implementation Guide (IMG) SAP S/4HANA for Group
Reporting Consolidation of Investments
For step-by-step guidance when performing the following specific customizing activities, see IMG Activity
Documentation in the system:
When you run Check Customizing Settings for C/I, the system performs consistency checks on your C/I-
settings and issues error messages if it detects inconsistencies. In this case, you must revise your C/I-settings
When you run Customizing of C/I, the system displays all C/I-settings in an output list.
With this app, you can check the logs of each consolidation task along the consolidation process. The system
records details of tasks during their test runs and update runs. You check logs by specifying the task category,
consolidation unit or group, version, date range, or the users who performed the tasks. A list of tasks is
displayed, from where you can navigate to a detail screen for each task, depending on the task category you
choose: Manual Posting, Data Collection, Currency Translation, Reclassification, or Data Validation.
This graphic illustrates the main aspects and is followed by a detailed explanation of each task category:
Manual posting tasks include manual correction of reported data, manual eliminations at posting level 20 or
30, and entering group shares. These tasks are available as tasks in Data Monitor or Consolidation Monitor and
are usually executed by using the Post Group Journal Entries [page 193] or Import Group Journal Entries [page
200] app. In the log, the relevant consolidation unit/group, the overall status, document type, any possible
error messages, and journal entry line item details are displayed.
Data Collection
• Flexible upload of the reported financial data for the consolidation units whose data transfer method is set
to use Flexible Upload. The action is performed by using the Data Collection task in the Data Monitor app or
using the separate Flexible Upload of Reported Financial Data app with a document type 00 Upload
reported data (00/UPL). The details, for example, journal entry amount, consolidation unit, FS item,
partner unit, and subitem are displayed. From any journal entry amount, you can navigate to the Display
Group Journal Entries [page 205] app to view the original posting data at line item level.
• The API call that imports the reported financial data of multiple consolidation units from the client system
to the SAP S/4HANA system. Its log contains similar details with flexible upload and can be differentiated
by the document type 07 External reported data (00/API). For more information about the API service, go
to the SAP API Business Hub ( and search for the API artifact Reported Financial
Data for Group Reporting – Bulk Import and Update.
For technical reasons, fields marked as Technical Use Only are selected by default when you choose the
Settings icon ( ) on the detail page. Please keep these fields selected.
Currency Translation
The currency translation logs record actions that are performed by using the Currency Translation task in the
Data Monitor app or using the separate Currency Translation app. Details such as consolidation unit, method,
selection, FS item, subitem, subitem category, difference item, translation key, exchange rate, local currency
and group currency amounts, translation difference, and amount at reference exchange rate are displayed.
The reclassification logs record actions that are performed by using the relevant elimination tasks in the Data
Monitor or Consolidation Monitor app. The details such as method, journal entry, consolidation unit, partner
unit, triggering selection, FS item, subitem, subitem category, triggering amount, and journal entry amount in
the group currency are displayed.
Data Validation
Three task categories are relevant for data validation: Reported Data Validation,Standardized Data Validation,
and Consolidated Data Validation. By choosing each validation task log, you navigate to the validation result
page, which contains information about overall validation result, calculated left-handed and right-handed
values based on the formulas of each relevant validation rule, tolerance, difference, and so on. For more
information, see Check Result Details [page 208] part in the app description for Manage Data Validation Tasks.
The Log Status refers to the validation task run status. For example, " Success" means the task was
completed while " Error" means it ran into a technical error. The Log Status doesn't indicate the
validation result. To view the validation result, choose the validation task row to navigate to the result page.
Additional Features
The following features are available in this app:
Last Log
By using the Last Log filter, you can display only the logs for the most recently executed tasks based on your
other specified filter criteria. For example, if you select a consolidation unit, a fiscal year/period, and Yes for
Last Log filter, logs with the latest Log Time are displayed for this consolidation unit and fiscal year/period, one
log for each relevant task.
Alternatively, from Data Monitor or Consolidation Monitor, you can also navigate to this list by choosing Last
Log from the context menu of the relevant task.
Group by a Criteria
On the log detail page, you can select a column header and use it as a grouping criteria for the whole Log Items
table. See the following example for currency translation:
As currency translation is based on selections, which include FS items and subitems, you may want to analyze
the log items by selections. To do so, you select the Selection ID column header and choose Group. The table
layout is changed to the following:
Log Messages
By choosing Log Header Messages or the Messages icon ( ), you can view the possible failure root causes or
warning messages for each log or log item.
By choosing the Export to Spreadsheet icon ( ), you can export the log items to an MS Excel file for further
analysis, for example to show columns such as Reference Exchange Rate that are hidden by default, or to allow
filtering and sorting based on message type (information, warning or error), message number, and so on.
Analytical reports display the data from consolidation unit’s or group’s perspective before or after the
consolidation reporting logic is implemented. You can generate financial statements, such as balance sheets
and profit and loss statements by applying the specific filters.
Before running these apps, you must define organization unit master data and FS item hierarchies, and make
the necessary settings for reporting rules. For more information, see Master Data [page 13] and Reporting
Items and Reporting Rules [page 116].
Key Features
• The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an
app on the SAP Fiori launchpad. The SAP Fiori apps reference library is available here: https://
To see this app’s Fiori content, search for the app. Then select SAP S/4HANA as the product. On the
Implementation Information tab, select the correct release. The details are in the Configuration section.
Captions are available for multiple languages. Use the CC (Closed Captions) button in the video player to
see which languages are supported.
You can also use the Search within video field to search for specific text in the English or German captions.
As a consolidation specialist, use this app to view, create, edit, activate, and deactivate consolidation
hierarchies. You can also quickly create hierarchies by importing or copying from existing hierarchies if
structures or your reporting needs change. Additionally, you can check change logs and maintain node texts in
multiple languages for applicable hierarchy types, for example, profit center hierarchies.
Key Features
• View and filter existing hierarchies by criteria such as hierarchy type, status, and validity timeframe
• Create, copy, edit hierarchies, and manage their validity timeframes
• Activate or deactivate hierarchies for runtime use
• Generate simulated versions of hierarchies
• Export, edit, and import hierarchies via a spreadsheet
• View change logs of applicable hierarchy types
• Maintain node texts in multiple languages for applicable hierarchy types
• Reverse the +/- sign for totals displayed on consolidation financial statement nodes. For more information,
see +/- Sign Change [page 511].
This English video shows how to use the Manage Global Hierarchies app. The example (a cost center hierarchy)
relates to accounting, but the procedure is similar in group reporting:
Captions are available for multiple languages. Use the CC (Closed Captions) button in the video player to
see which languages are supported.
You can also use the Search within video field to search for specific text in the English or German captions.
Related Information
Copy a Hierarchy
You can create a hierarchy by copying an existing one, for example, to support reorganization activities or
changing reporting needs. For this, you have two options:
• Copy to New Hierarchy: The whole hierarchy structure is copied to a new hierarchy. You need to specify an
ID and a description for the new hierarchy.
• Copy to Existing Hierarchy: The whole hierarchy structure is copied to create a new version under an
existing hierarchy ID. You need to specify its validity timeframe. Upon activation of the new hierarchy
version, the system checks whether its timeframe overlaps with any existing ones.
The second option is only applicable to time-dependent hierarchies, which are only valid in their
respective validity timeframes (for example, profit center hierarchies).
Create a Hierarchy
1. Choose Create.
2. In the dialog box that appears, select a hierarchy type and specify the hierarchy ID, the description, and,
optionally, a note for additional information.
Depending on your selected hierarchy type, you may need to specify values for the following additional
fields, for example, dates in the Valid From and Valid To fields for time-dependent hierarchy types (for
example, profit center hierarchies).
When creating the hierarchies, make sure the total length of hierarchy ID and node ID doesn't exceed
the limit of 14 characters. Otherwise, the group IDs generated may be cut off.
3. The hierarchy entry is created. Go to the hierarchy detail page and choose Edit.
4. Complete the hierarchy creation by adding hierarchy nodes individually or in a batch. See "Fast Entry" and
"Import Nodes" described under "Edit a Hierarchy".
5. Save and activate the hierarchy.
Edit a Hierarchy
For an existing hierarchy or hierarchy version (represented by a timeframe), you can make any changes except
for changes to the hierarchy ID. For example, you can do the following:
By editing an active hierarchy version, you change its status from Active to In Revision. You need to
explicitly activate the revised hierarchy version to enable its use at runtime.
• Set the Simulate indicator to generate a hierarchy version that can be used in runtime applications for
simulation purposes, without actually activating the hierarchy. The generated version has the suffix
"_DRAFT" appended to its ID. For example, you can copy the hierarchy ID and open a relevant financial
report to view data with this hierarchy.
• Select languages from the language drop-down list to maintain node texts in any languages SAP S/4HANA
Additionally, the following features help you edit hierarchies quickly and easily:
• Fast Entry: You can add multiple subnodes or a range of master data entries by choosing More ( ) -> Fast
• Import Nodes: You can import nodes from other existing hierarchies of the same hierarchy type by
choosing More ( ) -> Import Nodes.
When you edit data in the spreadsheets, keep the hierarchy header information and table layout
If the spreadsheet that you import exceeds 250 KB, a background job is started and may take some
time to finish. Later, you can check the job status in the Notifications ( icon) area of your SAP Fiori
• Drag and Drop: You can move a node by dragging and dropping it to your desired position. All of the
subnodes it contains are moved with it.
• Cut and Paste: You can also move a node to the desired position by choosing Cut ( ) and Paste ( ). All of
the subnodes it contains are moved with it.
• Sort: You can select any node and choose Sort ( ) to arrange the subnodes it contains in alphabetical
order by ID. You can alternate between ascending and descending order by choosing the button again.
You can also view change logs of applicable hierarchy types by choosing Display Changes in display mode.
Changes are grouped into change documents, each of which is generated upon saving a hierarchy.
After you've created a hierarchy, you can use it in analytical reports, for example:
• Group Data Analysis: Consolidation Unit Hierarchy, Profit Center Hierarchy, and Segment Hierarchy
Related Information
With +/- Sign Change, you can reverse the +/- sign for the values of financial statement (FS) item nodes and
the FS items belonging to them. This +/- sign change option can be set for nodes within a Consolidation
Financial Statement Item hierarchy, which can then be used in consolidation analytical reports.
Basic Information
In the Manage Global Hierarchies app, you can select +/- Sign Change for FS item nodes in a Consolidation
Financial Statement Item hierarchy. To do so, simply click on the node's name when editing the hierarchy and
check the box for +/- Sign Change in the pop-up window. As a result, when you activate the hierarchy and use it
in consolidation analytical reports, the +/- sign will then be reversed for the values of the node and all FS items
belonging directly to that node.
Selecting +/- Sign Change does not impact values in the database nor calculations. It’s purely for display
purposes in reports. In reports and released queries, there are two sets of measures. One displays values as
stored in the database, and the other interprets the +/- Sign Change selections for nodes in the hierarchy.
Please make sure that these sign-adjusted measures are visible in your reports in order to display your +/-
Sign Change selections. When the respective hierarchy is enabled, the sign-adjusted measures display
values with the reversed +/- sign for which you've selected +/- Sign Change. However, measures that are
not sign-adjusted display values without the reversed +/- sign.
While adjusting the +/- sign change in your hierarchies, here are a few things to keep in mind:
In SAP-delivered hierarchies that you activate in SAP S/4HANA 2021 or later, the +/- sign change is already
maintained. However, for SAP-delivered hierarchies that you've activated before SAP S/4HANA 2021, you
must maintain the +/- sign change yourself. You must also maintain the +/- sign change for any hierarchies
you create or have created.
Related Information
To support both legal and management consolidation while providing high flexibility in re-organizations, the
new group reporting logic is applied. It contains the following different views of consolidated data:
• Group consolidation view: Consolidation group is a flat list of the assigned consolidation units with group-
dependent attributes such as consolidation method, acquisition date, and divestiture date. The
assignment and attribute definitions are made by using Manage Group Structure - Group View [page 32] or
Manage Group Structure - Unit View [page 35].
• Hierarchical consolidation view: Based on the hierarchies of consolidation units, profit centers, and
segments that are maintained in Manage Global Hierarchies. See Define Hierarchies [page 95] for detailed
• Combined view: When generating a report for consolidated data, by specifying both Consolidation Group
and any relevant hierarchies, you can get a combined view.
All views retrieve the same set of consolidated data, but based on different dimensions and with a specific
reporting logic described below:
You specify at least one Consolidation Group other than # value and one hierarchy other than $ value in the
filters, then the group-dependent postings (PL 02, 12, 22, and 30) are shown on the original organization units
where they were posted.
bined Note
PL 22 has the elimination members derived in the same way as PL 20 described above in Hierarchy View
The following graphic is an example Filters window for specifying criteria for group data analysis. The general
guidelines are to do the following:
• Specify Consolidation Group if you want to generate statutory group reports (Group View).
• Specify any hierarchies if you want to get the Hierarchy View to check, for example, the consolidated
operating cash flow by regions or by business lines.
• Specify both to get a combined view to, for example, check PCC postings in period of acquisition/
divestiture, consider consolidation methods, or check manual posting at PL 30.
By combining different hierarchies and/or consolidation group definitions, you may apply the new reporting
logic in the following reporting cases, each of which is elaborated in subpages of this help topic:
The new reporting logic described above is applied to the following reports/apps:
The new reporting logic and the associated reports/apps are only applicable to the SAP S/4HANA 1909
release and later releases. If working with a release earlier than 1909, you can activate the new group
reporting logic by creating an incident with the FIN-CS-COR component. Alternatively, you can continue
using the folowing report apps if working in a release earlier than 1909 without the new group reporting
These apps can be found by using the App Finder on the SAP Fiori launchpad. For more information, see
SAP Note 2659672 .
Related Information
Based on the hierarchies of consolidation units, profit centers, and segments, you can display the data for
these organizational units eliminated and consolidated hierarchically. In the hierarchy view, each enabled
hierarchy has a virtual dimension with the suffix Eliminated in the name at report runtime to provide elimination
values at posting level 20 or 22 (Two-sided elimination entry). Along the relevant hierarchies, a virtual
elimination member is automatically generated directly under each hierarchy node with a name <hierarchy
Let's take the following scenarios to explore the usage of hierarchical consolidations.
The following animated GIF graphic shows a comparison between contribution view and the hierarchical
consolidation view:
In the contribution view using the original CU dimension, you can see the region Europe has a sales
contribution of 25,000 EUR to the overall consolidated group results. With the Consolidation Unit Eliminated
dimension, the system shows only eliminations between units below the Europe node.
Hierarchies have time dependency, meaning each of them has a validity date range as you defined in the
Manage Global Hierarchies app. In Prompts, you specify one validity date based on which the valid
hierarchies are chosen and applied at report runtime.
The following animated GIF demonstrates filtering by consolidation unit hierarchy node: Europe. In this way,
you can view postings in a certain region.
Filtering also works if you choose one of the criteria (for example a region) directly within the report data
area and choose Filter Filter Member (and Remove from Axis) from its context menu. This is shown
toward the end of the second demo above.
Related Information
To be more specific, a combined view helps to fulfill the following reporting needs:
• I want to consider the consolidation interval of companies so that the financial data outside of the group
can be revoked and the PCC (preparation for consolidation group change) postings can be recorded
according to the acquisition and divestiture periods.
In the following scenarios, let's compare the examples where you select a hierarchy with/without reference to a
consolidation group in Prompts within the Group Data Analysis [page 522] app.
Consolidation of Investments
When the consolidation unit hierarchy REGION_GD is chosen, you can choose whether or not to select a
consolidation group. By additionally selecting a consolidation group, you can see the group-dependent
postings, for example the C/I postings with the PL 30. The following graphics compare the results table when
consolidation group CG40S is selected against the results table when no consolidation group is selected:
Results Table
Difference Posting data at PL 30 is shown for each Posting data at PL 30 is not included.
consolidation unit.
Results Table
Difference In period 001, the balance sheet FS The reclassification and data revocation
item Net Income of S4006 is reclassi is not shown, that is, the financial data
fied as Net Income/Clearing with record of S4006 is included as is.
type 0.
Results Table
Difference The financial data of S4005 is revoked The data revocation is not shown, that
at PL 02, 12, and 22 with record type E. is, the financial data of S4005 is in
cluded as is.
Related Information
Starting from fiscal period/year of 012/2015, consolidation unit S4003 is included into two consolidation
groups: Top group CG40S with 80% group share and subgroup CG40S2 with 75% group share, both with the
consolidation method Purchase Method. What does the consolidation of investments (C/I) look like in the
Group Data Analysis report?
Let's take an example of annual net income (financial statement item 317000) which is deducted by non-
controlling interest (NCI) posting specific to each group. The group report retrieves consolidated data for
individual groups, that is, NCI is recorded for each group separately without a delta calculation. The graphics
below show the NCI postings when you choose CG40S or CG40S2 as Consolidation Group respectively in the
For the top group CG40S, the NCI data with posting level 30 (Consolidation Entry) = local reported data with
posting level 00 * (1-80%).
Related Information
With this app, you can display different views of consolidated data: Group View based on the group structure
that includes consolidation groups and units and Hierarchy View based on hierarchies of profit centers,
segments, and consolidation units. By selecting different FS item hierarchies within the app, you can generate
consolidated financial statements (FS) such as balance sheet and profit and loss statement.
This app has implemented the new reporting logic and is ready for use with the SAP S/4HANA 1909 release
and later releases. If you are working with a release earlier than 1909 and haven't activated the new
reporting logic, you should use the Consolidated Balance Sheets [page 541], Consolidated P&L
Statements by Nature of Expense [page 541], and Data Analysis - Reporting Logic [page 542] apps
instead. To activate the new reporting logic when working with a release earlier than 1909, please create an
incident with the FIN-CS-COR component.
Before you use this app, make sure that you’ve selected values for the parameters in the app Set Global
Parameters [page 13]. Once these values are saved in the global parameters, they are then derived for the
corresponding variables in this app.
Key Features
You are adapt the prefilled filter criteria. The following criteria are required:
The assignments of CUs to CGs are maintained using the Manage Group Structure apps.
• Consolidation Unit Hierarchy, Profit Center Hierarchy, and Segment Hierarchy: Choose an organizational
unit hierarchy to derive elimination members at report runtime. It provides a consolidation view along the
respective hierarchy by populating the Consolidation Unit Eliminated, Profit Center Eliminated, and/or
Segment Eliminated reporting dimensions. The derived dimension members have a suffix "_ELIM" in their
names and provide elimination values at posting level 20 (Two-sided elimination entries) or 22 (Two-sided
elimination entries: Consolidation group changes).
Or you enter $ to deselect the relevant hierarchies and not to derive any elimination members.
The hierarchies are maintained using the Manage Global Hierarchies app. For more information, see
Define Hierarchies [page 95].
When no CG value is specified, Consolidation Unit Hierarchy is used to restrict the data range, that is, to
display only the data for the CUs that belong to the specified CU hierarchy. Once you choose any CU
hierarchies in the filters, the report is restricted to the respective data sets. Within the report display,
do not try to change the hierarchy by choosing a different one from the context menu, because that
won't produce meaningful results. Only change CU hierarchies by using Filters. However, Profit Center
Hierarchy and Segment Hierarchy are not used to restrict data range, but only for the purpose of
elimination member derivation.
When specifying a value in both Consolidation Unit Hierarchy and Consolidation Group to generate a
combined view, make sure the two data sets have intersections, that is, the CUs that are assigned to
both your specified CU hierarchy and CG exist. In any case, the value you specified in Consolidation
Group takes precedence in terms of data selection, meaning only the CUs that are assigned to your
specified CG are displayed in the report, even if they are not assigned to your specified CU hierarchy (in
that case, those CUs are displayed under the REST_H hierarchy node). See Reporting Logic [page 513]
for more information about the combined view.
• Hierarchy Valid On: The above hierarchies have time dependency, meaning they are valid within the periods
you specify in the Manage Global Hierarchies app. In this way, you can maintain organizational unit
hierarchies flexibly to support any re-organization activities and management reporting. Note that each
hierarchy ID may have multiple hierarchy versions, each of which is effective in a unique timeframe. As the
derivation of elimination members is done for a single hierarchy, the date you entered in this field
The following animated GIF shows an example for changing the filter settings:
Consolida Measures
Consolida Partner Posting
tion Unit FS Item
tion Unit Unit Level TC Amount LC Amount GC Amount Quantity
(Sales of CU02 20
(Trade re CU03 20
CU02 CU01 20
cost of in
However, you can drag any available dimensions to or from Columns or Rows to re-arrange the report layout.
For example, it makes sense to include the Profit Center Eliminated dimension in the report if you selected a
Profit Center Hierarchy in the filters.
For some dimensions such as Version and Period Mode that enable selecting multiple values for data
comparison purpose, the data are not supposed to sum up among different dimension values. For example,
aggregating the data for consolidation versions Actuals and Budgets makes no sense. In this case, if you
select multiple values for these dimensions in the filter, keep the dimensions selected in either Columns or
Rows to act as data separators.
Similarly, if you choose YTD as the period mode, Reporting Period should be added to rows or columns to
display meaningful amounts.
From the context menu of any measure, you can choose to:
• Remove the measure from the report display. You can also add it back by choosing the respective option
from Measures of Dimensions area later on.
• Specify the number format, for example, Decimal Places.
Apart from FS item, consolidation unit, profit center, and segment, for any master data types that have
hierarchies maintained via the Manage Global Hierarchies app, such as subitem, document type, and
posting level, you can choose Hierarchy Select Hierarchy... from their context menu to display the
data hierarchically. Or you can choose Hierarchy Expand All or Expand to Level to show data at your
specified hierarchy levels.
After making the above custom settings, you can choose Actions Save as Tile... to save the report
layout as an app tile on the SAP Fiori launchpad with the title Group Data Analysisand your specified
The following animated GIF shows an example for choosing reporting dimensions and FS item hierarchy:
The fields that you use to aggregate data are not displayed in the accounting documents when you jump to
the Display Group Journal Entries app.
In the data area of consolidation unit CU01 under the hierarchy node CU0_ELIM (CU0 is defined as a parent
node for CU01 when defining consolidation unit hierarchy), choose Jump To Display Group Journal
Entries - With Reporting Logic from the context menu of a GC Amount figure of FS item 411100 (Sales of
goods) with posting level 20 (Two-sided elimination entry). You are brought to the journal entry display app,
which displays the following journal entry details restricted by the same filter criteria above:
To drill through to accounting (FI) documents that are read from the universal journal (ACDOCA table),
select Jump To from the context menu of the data with posting level # (Realtime update).
Drill-through from any measures in the data area of a hierarchy node is currently not supported due to non-
parsable hierarchy IDs. For example, you choose a consolidation unit hierarchy CS17/CU0 and display the
Related Information
Learn how to adapt the filters in the Group Data Analysis app.
You can adapt the prefilled filter criteria. The following criteria are required:
• Version: The dataset version, such as Y10 for actuals data. You assign the group currency and source
ledger in the version.
• Consolidation Chart of Accounts: Y1
• Fiscal Year Period: In the format of 3-digit period.4-digit year, such as 012.2018
• Period Mode: Choose PER and/or YTD to display periodic or year-to-date (YTD) aggregated values for each
measure (amount in transaction currency (TC), local currency (LC), group currency (GC), and quantity).
• Consolidation Group: Choose a consolidation group (CG) if you want to run the report for consolidated data
based on a CG. Only then are postings on group-dependent posting levels 02, 12, 22, and 30 included.
Additionally, the data of other posting levels is assigned to the group during report run time, depending on
the assignment of consolidation unit (or/and partner unit) to the CG.
Or choose # to not derive any CG so that only posting entries for the consolidation units you specified in
Consolidation Unit are displayed.
The assignments of CUs to CGs are maintained using the Manage Group Structure apps.
• Consolidation Unit Hierarchy, Profit Center Hierarchy, and Segment Hierarchy: Choose an organizational
unit hierarchy to derive elimination members at report runtime. It provides a consolidation view along the
respective hierarchy by populating the Consolidation Unit Eliminated, Profit Center Eliminated, and/or
Segment Eliminated reporting dimensions. The derived dimension members have a suffix "_ELIM" in their
names and provide elimination values at posting level 20 (Two-sided elimination entries) or 22 (Two-sided
elimination entries: Consolidation group changes).
Or you enter $ to deselect the relevant hierarchies and not to derive any elimination members.
The hierarchies are maintained using the Manage Global Hierarchies app. For more information, see
Define Hierarchies [page 95].
When no CG value is specified, Consolidation Unit Hierarchy is used to restrict the data range, that is, to
display only the data for the CUs that belong to the specified CU hierarchy. Once you choose any CU
When specifying a value in both Consolidation Unit Hierarchy and Consolidation Group to generate a
combined view, make sure the two data sets have intersections, that is, the CUs that are assigned to
both your specified CU hierarchy and CG exist. In any case, the value you specified in Consolidation
Group takes precedence in terms of data selection, meaning only the CUs that are assigned to your
specified CG are displayed in the report, even if they are not assigned to your specified CU hierarchy (in
that case, those CUs are displayed under the REST_H hierarchy node). See Reporting Logic [page 513]
for more information about the combined view.
• Hierarchy Valid On: The above hierarchies have time dependency, meaning they are valid within the periods
you specify in the Manage Global Hierarchies app. In this way, you can maintain organizational unit
hierarchies flexibly to support any re-organization activities and management reporting. Note that each
hierarchy ID may have multiple hierarchy versions, each of which is effective in a unique timeframe. As the
derivation of elimination members is done for a single hierarchy, the date you entered in this field
determines the valid hierarchies for you to choose from. The chosen hierarchy definition (of the specified
validity date) is applied to the data of all periods selected for the report, implicitly providing restated values
of data with the chosen hierarchy.
The following animated GIF shows an example for changing the filter settings:
Learn how to select reporting dimensions in the Group Data Analysis app.
By default, the reporting dimensions FS Item and Document Type are used in the report as well as the key figure
Amount in Group Currency.
However, if you want to view different dimensions than the ones in the default layout, you can do so by selecting
Drilldown and then adjusting the dimensions to fit your needs. Alternatively, you can drag any available
dimensions to or from Columns or Rows in the Navigation Panel to rearrange the report layout. For example, it
makes sense to include the Profit Center Eliminated dimension in the report if you selected a Profit Center
Hierarchy in the filters.
For some dimensions such as Version and Period Mode that enable selecting multiple values for data
comparison purpose, the data are not supposed to sum up among different dimension values. For example,
aggregating the data for consolidation versions Actuals and Budgets makes no sense. In this case, if you
select multiple values for these dimensions in the filters, keep the dimensions selected in either Columns or
Rows to act as data separators.
Similarly, if you choose YTD as the period mode, Reporting Period should be added to rows or columns to
display meaningful amounts.
From the context menu of any measure, you can choose to:
• Remove the measure from the report display. You can also add it back by choosing the respective option
from Measures of Dimensions area later on.
• Specify the number format, for example, Decimal Places.
Related Information
Learn how to change the financial statement item hierary in the Group Data Analysis app.
By default, all FS items that have non-zero values for the selected measures are listed as a flat list. To apply any
FS item hierarchies, for example balance sheet or profit and loss statement, select the respective hierarchy by
choosing Hierarchy Select Hierarchy from the context menu of any FS item. In this way, you can generate
Apart from FS item, consolidation unit, profit center, and segment, for any master data types that have
hierarchies maintained via the Manage Global Hierarchies app, such as subitem, document type, and
posting level, you can choose Hierarchy Select Hierarchy from their context menu to display the data
hierarchically. Or you can choose Hierarchy Expand All or Expand to Level to show data at your
specified hierarchy levels.
After making the above custom settings, you can choose Actions Save as Tile... to save the report
layout as an app tile on the SAP Fiori launchpad with the title Group Data Analysis and your specified
The following animated GIF shows an example for choosing reporting dimensions and FS item hierarchy:
Related Information
Learn how you can drill through to group journals in the Group Data Analysis app.
From any displayed figures for TC Amount, LC Amount, GC Amount, and Quantity measures, you can choose
Jump To to drill through to the Display Group Journal Entries - With Reporting Logic [page 411] app to view the
posting details at line item level.
The fields that you use to aggregate data are not displayed in the accounting documents when you jump to
the Display Group Journal Entries app. For more information, see Display Group Journal Entries [page 205].
In the data area of consolidation unit CU01 under the hierarchy node CU0_ELIM (CU0 is defined as a parent
node for CU01 when defining consolidation unit hierarchy), choose Jump To Display Group Journal
Entries - With Reporting Logic from the context menu of a GC Amount figure of FS item 411100 (Sales of
goods) with posting level 20 (Two-sided elimination entry). You are brought to the journal entry display app,
which displays the following journal entry details restricted by the same filter criteria above:
To drill through to accounting (FI) documents that are read from the universal journal (ACDOCA table),
select Jump To from the context menu of the data with posting level # (Realtime update).
Drill-through from any measures in the data area of a hierarchy node is currently not supported due to non-
parsable hierarchy IDs. For example, you choose a consolidation unit hierarchy CS17/CU0 and display the
hierarchy in the Consolidation Unit Eliminated column. Choosing Jump To for any measures within same
rows of CS17/CU0 only returns No data message. However, you can expand the hierarchy CS17/CU0 and
drill through from the measures of its leaf nodes, such as CU0_ELIM, CU01, CU02, and CU03.
Related Information
With this app, you can display different views of consolidated data: Group View based on the group structure
that includes consolidation groups and units and Hierarchy View based on hierarchies of profit centers,
This app has implemented the new reporting logic and is ready for use with the SAP S/4HANA 1909 release
and later releases. If you are working with a release earlier than 1909 and haven't activated the new
reporting logic, you should use the Consolidated Balance Sheets [page 541], Consolidated P&L
Statements by Nature of Expense [page 541], and Data Analysis - Reporting Logic [page 542] apps
instead. To activate the new reporting logic when working with a release earlier than 1909, please create an
incident with the FIN-CS-COR component.
Before you use this app, make sure that you’ve selected values for the parameters in the app Set Global
Parameters [page 13]. Once these values are saved in the global parameters, they are then derived for the
corresponding variables in this app.
Key Features
This app provides essentially the same features as Group Data Analysis [page 522] except that it supports the
following rule-based reports only:
• Statement of changes in equity (with the predefined reporting item hierarchy X1)
• Cash flow statement (X2)
• Statement of comprehensive income (X3)
• Consolidated P&L statement by function of expense (X4)
• Interunit reconciliation (X5)
For more information about how to define reporting items, reporting rules, and reporting item hierarchies, see
Define Reporting Rules [page 118] and Define Hierarchies [page 51].
The following sections focus on the differences with Group Data Analysis.
You can adapt the prefilled filters or add additional ones. In addition to the criteria described in the Filters part
of the Group Data Analysis [page 522] help topic, the following criteria are required:
• Reporting Item Hierarchy: Choose a reporting item hierarchy that determines the included FS items and the
report row/column structure. Once you choose a hierarchy in the filters, the report is restricted to the
respective data sets. Within the report display, do not try to change the hierarchy by choosing a different
one from the context menu, because that won't produce meaningful results. Only change the reporting
item hierarchy by adapting the filers.
• Reporting Rule Variant: The default rule variant is based on your rule-to-version/period assignment using
the Assign Reporting Rules to Versions [page 131] app. Multiple rule variants may exist for a reporting item
hierarchy. You can choose a different one for simulation purposes.
Since this app uses reporting rules, you may want to view results by Reporting Item instead of FS Item. To do
this, select FS Item in the report table and then Drilldown. From the Drilldown menu, you can then select
Exchange with and choose Reporting Item.
The fields that you use to aggregate data are not displayed in the accounting documents when you jump to
the Display Group Journal Entries app.
Drill-through from any measures within same rows of reporting items is currently not supported due to the
fact reporting items cannot be parsed in the destination app. It only works if you select all filter criteria of
the relevant reporting items and put them in Columns or Rows for the report layout.
The reporting item SCF100 is defined using the filter criteria FS Item, Subitem, and Subitem Category in
the Define Reporting Rules [page 118] app. To get the correct drill-through result, you need to drag
these criteria from Dimensions to Columns or Rows in the report.
Related Information
With this app, you can analyze the local data for all or failed validation results by task type, period, or other
criteria using regular or visual filters, chart view, and table view.
Before you use this app, make sure that you’ve selected values for the parameters in the app Set Global
Parameters [page 13]. Once these values are saved in the global parameters, they are then derived for the
corresponding variables in this app.
Key Features
This app was developed as an Analytical List Page (ALP) app. It provides the following key features:
Header Area
By default, the header area displays how many validations failed passing the relevant rules for the following
dimensions in micro charts:
Each of the dimensions above can be used as a filter criterion to select the data displayed in the content area.
To do that, you choose Adapt Filters in either compact filter or visual filter mode.
Content Area
The content area shows different visualizations of your selected data: Hybrid view, which has both chart and
table visualizations, chart-only view, or table-only view.
Chart View: By default, it shows the total number of validations and the number of validations that failed the
relevant rules, for each task type, reported data validation and standardized data validation. You can use the
drill-down functionality to analyze the dataset further, for example, by choosing View By and selecting the most
important aspects of the dataset, such as consolidation unit. In this way, the chart shows the data for each
consolidation unit so that you can easily identify which consolidation unit failed the most validation rules, and
how the data quality improves along the timeline.
Table View: It displays all details of each validation result at rule level. For each validation result row, you can
choose the arrow icon ( ) to display all details in a separate page. Or, you can choose Export to Spreadsheet to
download all the result details to an MS Excel file.
This is a screenshot of the app that helps you understand the description above:
The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an app
on the SAP Fiori launchpad. To see this app’s Fiori content, go to the SAP Fiori apps reference library and
search for the app. Then select the product. On the Implementation Information tab, select the correct release.
The details are in the Configuration section.
More Information
How-to Video (English Only): Working with Reports (Analytical List Page)
• Desktop
• Tablet
• Smartphone
With this app, you can analyze the group data for all or failed validation results by task type, period, or other
criteria using regular or visual filters, chart view, and table view.
Before you use this app, make sure that you’ve selected values for the parameters in the app Set Global
Parameters [page 13]. Once these values are saved in the global parameters, they are then derived for the
corresponding variables in this app.
Key Features
This app was developed as an Analytical List Page (ALP) app. It provides the following key features:
Header Area
By default, the header area displays how many validations failed passing the relevant rules for the following
dimensions in micro charts:
Each of the dimensions above can be used as a filter criterion to select the data displayed in the content area.
To do that, you choose Adapt Filters in either compact filter or visual filter mode.
Content Area
The content area shows different visualizations of your selected data: hybrid view, which has both chart and
table visualizations, chart-only view, or table-only view.
Chart View: By default, it shows the total number of validations and the number of validations that failed the
relevant rules, for each task type, standardized data validation, and consolidated data validation. You can use
the drill-down functionality to analyze the dataset further, for example, by choosing View By and selecting the
most important aspects of the dataset, such as consolidation group. In this way, the chart shows the data for
each consolidation group so that you can easily identify which consolidation group failed the most validation
Table View: It displays all details of each validation result at rule level. For each validation result row, you can
choose the arrow icon ( ) to display all details on a separate page. Or you can choose Export to Spreadsheet to
download all the result details to an MS Excel file.
This is a screenshot of the app that helps you understand the description above:
The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an app
on the SAP Fiori launchpad. To see this app’s Fiori content, go to the SAP Fiori apps reference library and
search for the app. Then select the product. On the Implementation Information tab, select the correct release.
The details are in the Configuration section.
More Information
How-to Video (English Only): Working with Reports (Analytical List Page)
• Desktop
• Tablet
• Smartphone
To fulfill various report requirements using flexible structuring of financial statement (FS) items, you can
configure your own reporting rules by defining reporting item hierarchies. An reporting item hierarchy consists
of multiple reporting items, each of which is assigned with a range of FS items.
Reporting rules are applied at report runtime based on the selected hierarchy. For these reports, SAP pre-
delivers the reporting item hierarchies X1 (Statement of changes in equity), X2: Statement of cash flow, X3:
Statement of comprehensive income, and X4: P&L by Function of Expense. To check all defined reporting item
hierarchies, go to the Manage Global Hierarchies app.
In the Prompts window where you can select filter criteria to display reports, the reporting rule variant is
derived from the version, fiscal year, and posting period you select when running a rule-based report.
You can also specify a different reporting rule variant in the Reporting Rule Variant filter to replace the
derived one. This feature is not available for P&L statements by function of expense.
For more information, see help topics under the Reporting Items and Reporting Rules [page 116] section.
The following sections explain each rule-based report within Group Reports.
With the introduction of a new architecture/reporting logic, this app is only applicable to customers who
have an initial release lower than SAP S/4HANA 1909 and haven't migrated to the new reporting logic.
Customers with an initial release 1909 or higher should use the Group Data Analysis [page 522] app
instead. For more information, see SAP Note 2659672 .
The following P&L statements have the same report structure as their counterparts in Consolidated P&L
Statements by Nature of Expense [page 541], but with configured reporting items listed as P&L accounts.
• Consolidated P&L by Function (CCSTOTALSRR31Q): For your specified year, period, and consolidation
group, the report displays amounts of all P&L accounts in the group currency of all posting levels.
• Year Comparison (CCSTOTALSRR32Q): For your specified consolidation group and posting period, the
report displays year-to-date (YTD) amounts of all P&L accounts in the group currency for both the
specified fiscal year and its prior year.
The pre-delivered reporting item structure is X4 P&L by Function of Expense. You can configure this
reporting item structure to fulfill your business requirements.
The technical name in parentheses for each report denotes its CDS database view name. By adding a prefix
2C, you can derive the analytical query name for the respective report.
For the same fiscal period of your specified year and its prior year, the report displays amounts of all reporting
items configured for the cash flow statement in the group currency for your specified consolidation group.
The pre-delivered reporting item structure is X2 Statement of Cash Flow. You can configure this reporting
item structure to fulfill your business requirements.
The technical name of the CDS data view for this report is CCCMPLXRPT01Q. By adding a prefix 2C, you can
derive the analytical query name for the respective report.
For the same fiscal period of your specified year and its prior year, the report displays amounts of all reporting
items configured for the statement of comprehensive income in the group currency for your specified
consolidation group.
The pre-delivered reporting item structure is X3 Statement of Comprehensive Income. You can configure
this reporting item structure to fulfill your business requirements.
The technical name of the CDS data view for this report is CCCMPLXRPT02Q. By adding a prefix 2C, you can
derive the analytical query name for the respective report.
For your specified fiscal year and period, the report displays amounts for all reporting items configured for the
statement of changes in equity in the group currency for your selected consolidation group.
The pre-delivered reporting item hierarchy is X1 Statement of Equity. It contains reporting items that
group equity-related FS items based on causes of changes in equity and display as report rows by default.
You can configure this reporting item structure to fulfill your business requirements.
In the Prompts window, two additional filters are available for your selection:
• Item Hierarchy: Select the FS item hierarchy that contains your balance sheet accounts.
• FS Item (Node): Select the FS item hierarchy node that contains your equity accounts. The contained
FS items display as report columns by default.
Check the Manage Global Hierarchies app for your defined FS item hierarchies, including the reporting item
The technical name of the CDS data view for this report is CCCMPLXRPT03Q. By adding a prefix 2C, you can
derive the analytical query name for the respective report.
Learn about the apps that are still in use but whose reporting logic is outdated.
As of SAP S/4HANA Cloud 1902, the reporting logic has been updated. If you have an initial release that is
earlier than 1902, you can't use some of the more recent reporting apps and should continue using the
following reporting apps:
These apps can be found by using the App Finder on the SAP Fiori launchpad.
To activate the most recent reporting logic, please create an incident with the FIN-CS-COR component.
If the outdated reporting logic is active in your system, consolidated reports are based on the data that is
generated by the integration task in the consolidation monitor. This data is stored on record type R.
Note that the integration task stores year-to-date (YTD) amounts, so the reports also show YTD amounts
for the period selected in the filters.
The following consolidated balance sheets are provided out of the box:
• Consolidated Balance Sheet (CCSTOTALSRR11Q): For your specified consolidation group and fiscal year
and period, the report displays amounts of all balance sheet accounts in the group currency of all posting
• Year Comparison (CCSTOTALSRR12Q): For your specified consolidation group and posting period, the
report displays year-to-date (YTD) amounts of all balance sheet accounts in the group currency for both
the specified fiscal year and its prior year.
• By Movements (CCSTOTALSRR15Q): For your specified year, period and consolidation group, the report
displays amounts of all balance sheet accounts in the group currency by subitems within Subitem Category
of Transaction Types (also called movements).
• By Subgroups (CCSTOTALSRR13Q): For your specified year and period, the report displays amounts of all
balance sheet accounts in the group currency by subgroups under your specified consolidation group.
By default, the FS items that are not assigned to your specified Item Hierarchy in Prompts are displayed
under the REST_H hierarchy node in the report display. To suppress the unassigned FS item nodes, you
either need to specify the top node of the selected FS item hierarchy in FS Item (Node) field in the Prompts
or, within the report display, choose Filter Filter Member from the context menu of the FS item node
and restrict to the right FS item node.
The technical name in parentheses for each report denotes its CDS database view name. By adding a prefix
2C, you can derive the analytical query name for the respective report.
With the introduction of a new architecture/reporting logic, this app is only applicable to customers who
have an initial release lower than SAP S/4HANA 1909 and haven't migrated to the new reporting logic.
Customers with an initial release 1909 or higher should use the Group Data Analysis [page 522] app
instead. For more information, see SAP Note 2659672 .
The following consolidated P&L statements are provided out of the box:
• Consolidated P&L by Nature (CCSTOTALSRR21Q): For your specified year, period and consolidation group,
the report displays amounts of all P&L accounts in the group currency of all posting levels.
• Year Comparison (CCSTOTALSRR22Q): For your specified consolidation group and posting period, the
report displays year-to-date (YTD) amounts of all P&L accounts in the group currency for both the
specified fiscal year and its prior year.
• By Subgroups (CCSTOTALSRR23Q): For your specified year and period, the report displays amounts of all
P&L accounts in the group currency by subgroups under your specified consolidation group.
• By Functional Areas (CCSTOTALSRR24Q): For your specified year, period, and consolidation group, the
report display amounts of all P&L accounts in the group currency by posting levels and subitems within the
Subitem Category of Functional Areas.
By default, the FS items that are not assigned to your specified Item Hierarchy in Prompts are displayed
under the REST_H hierarchy node in the report display. To suppress the unassigned FS item nodes, you
either need to specify the top node of the selected FS item hierarchy in FS Item (Node) field in the Prompts
or, within the report display, choose Filter Filter Member from the context menu of the FS item node
and restrict to the right FS item node.
The technical name in parentheses for each report denotes its CDS database view name. By adding a prefix
2C, you can derive the analytical query name for the respective report.
With the introduction of a new architecture/reporting logic, this app is only applicable to customers who
have an initial release lower than SAP S/4HANA 1909 and haven't migrated to the new reporting logic.
Customers with an initial release 1909 or higher should use the Group Data Analysis [page 522] app
instead. For more information, see SAP Note 2659672 .
To enable deep analysis of consolidated data, the report provides an interface for accessing data of any
granularity that exists in the consolidation database from the perspective of consolidation groups.
Based on your specified fiscal year, period, and consolidation group, you can choose to display amounts for all
relevant FS items in local currencies, group currency, and transaction currencies, as well as information on
posting levels, consolidation units, partner units, and all accounting master data or attributes.
From any displayed amounts, you can drill through to the Display Group Journal Entries - With Reporting Logic
[page 411] app to view the posting details at line item level.
The report only provides meaningful results when the posting levels (02, 12, and 22) for preparation for
consolidation group changes are included in the selection criteria. For more information about posting
levels, see Document Types and Posting Levels [page 77].
The technical name of the CDS data view for this report is CCSTOTALSRR01Q. By adding a prefix 2C, you
can derive the analytical query name for the respective report.
With the introduction of a new architecture/reporting logic, this app is only applicable to customers who
have an initial release lower than SAP S/4HANA 1909 and haven't migrated to the new reporting logic.
Customers with an initial release 1909 or higher should use the Group Data Analysis [page 522] app
instead. For more information, see SAP Note 2659672 .
Plan consolidation works in conjunction with SAP Analytics Cloud. It allows you to prepare and consolidate plan
data, for example, budget and forecast, and to compare the plan data with actual data on a periodic or year-to-
date basis.
You have:
• Completed the prerequisites for consolidation. For more information, see Consolidation [page 5].
• Made the following Customizing settings for plan consolidation under SAP S/4HANA Group Reporting:
• Master Data Define Versions
• Plan Consolidation
For more information, see Customizing [page 552].
The figure below depicts how SAP S/4HANA Finance for group reporting as part of SAP S/4HANA is integrated
with SAP Analytics Cloud and is followed by an explanation:
Plan consolidation is based on the integration between SAP S/4HANA Finance for group reporting and SAP
Analytics. This integration is in form of import data connections and live connections, which must be created in
SAP Analytics Cloud.
Import data connections allow you to extract master data and transaction data from SAP S/4HANA to create
master data and transaction data in SAP Analytics Cloud. Master data extracted from SAP S/4HANA can be
used to define dimensions in SAP Analytics Cloud, such as members, attributes, and hierarchies. Transaction
data extracted from SAP S/4HANA can be used to initialize your planning process in SAP Analytics Cloud by
• Planning at accounting level for companies that reside in SAP S/4HANA: In this scenario, SAP S/4HANA
finance master data is used, for example, G/L accounts and companies and source actuals transaction
data is extracted from the Universal Journal Entry Line Items table (ACDOCA) and imported into SAP
Analytics Cloud models. Once plan data is created in SAP Analytics Cloud, it can be exported to SAP S/
4HANA Plan Data Line Items table (ACDOCP) to run consolidations.
• Planning at group level for any consolidation unit: In this scenario, SAP S/4HANA Finance for group
reporting master data is used, for example, financial statement items and consolidation units and source
transaction data is extracted from the Universal Consolidation Journal Entry table (ACDOCU).
In terms of analytics, live data connections allow you to create SAP Analytics Cloud reports that display actuals
and plan data stored in SAP S/4HANA Finance for group reporting. This data is therefore not physically
replicated in SAP Analytics Cloud.
For more information about version management, data entry, and other features available with SAP Analytics
Cloud, see the SAP Analytics Cloud Help under Getting Started with Planning at
viewer/p/SAP_BusinessObjects_Cloud. From the SAP S/4HANA 1909 release onwards, you can also create an
import connection to transfer master data and transaction data from group reporting (ACDOCU) into a
planning model in SAP Analytics Cloud.
You can then start the planning exercise from there or use data for analytics in stories
For more information about the configuration steps required after establishing the connection between SAP S/
4HANA and SAP Analytics Cloud, see the following configuration guides:
1. Gather data.
You can gather data as follows:
• For non-SAP systems, you can flexibly upload plan data from a file to the Plan Data Line Items
(ACDOCP) table. For more information, see Data Collection [page 156].
• For SAP S/4HANA-integrated companies, you can read and import actual data directly from the
Universal Journal Entry Line Items (ACDOCA) table into SAP Analytics Cloud as a starting point for your
planning process. When you complete your planning, you can send the plan data to the Plan Data Line
Items (ACDOCP) table and make the data available for consolidation.
2. Run an end-to-end consolidation process.
Once you have prepared your data, you can run the consolidation process including currency translation,
intercompany and investments eliminations, and reporting. For more information, see Consolidation
Process [page 381].
3. Create and compare several versions of data.
You can create several versions of data to enable the comparison of actual data with plan data, simulations,
forecasting, and restatement, for example.
You can restate existing consolidated financial statements and also simulate different consolidation cases.
Learn about the general process and find links to more detailed information.
Restatement is the process of restating consolidated financial statements that have already been published.
You usually carry out a restatement because of a change in accounting standards, in group structures or
management organizations, or in reported data. The restatement is necessary to make possible the
comparison between different years and periods.
In the current year, you adopt a new accounting standard. So, you restate the consolidated financial
statements of the previous year with the new accounting standard. In this way, you can make a comparison
between the statements from the previous year and the current year.
Simulation is the process of simulating a business scenario to answer a “what if” question. You can then
compare the results of the simulation with the current consolidated financial statements. Simulations are often
processed like restatements.
In the current year, you acquire a new subsidiary. You want to know the impact of this acquisition. So, you
create a simulation for the current year without this new company so that you can compare the results with
the actual data from the current year with the new company. In this way, you can evaluate the impact of this
The extension version is created on top of its reference version in the Version Stack [page 71], and it only stores
delta values. In other words, it doesn’t store all data records of the consolidated financial statements but rather
only the ones needed to obtain the restated or simulated values.
You can also consolidate the extension version using a different configuration than the reference version. For
example, you can use a different group structure or different tasks and methods in the data monitor and
consolidation monitor.
When you use extension versions with the run mode Manual Run, the following features are not supported:
Process Details
Version Configuration
You create the necessary extension versions for restatement and simulation in the Define Versions
configuration activity. You create an extension version using the original version of the consolidated financial
statements as the reference version or another version. The extension version stores only delta values, which
means that it only stores the data records needed to obtain the restated or simulated values.
• Allow LC, TC, Qty Changes: You select this option if you want to allow this version to store amounts in local
currency, in transaction currency, and quantity. If you don’t select this, then amounts are only stored in
group currency for an extension version. This setting is useful because restatement data is usually
reported in local currency, and it allows data to be sourced from accounting.
• Run Mode: The run mode determines how tasks for the versions are processed in the data monitor and
consolidation monitor. The two available options are Manual Run and Automatic Run. For the manual run,
you run the tasks yourself independently from the reference version. The manual run is suitable for
restatements and simulation since these consolidations are not processed at the same time as the
reference version.
When you create an extension version, also keep in mind that the settings you make for the special versions of
the extension version can differ from those of the reference version.
Versions can only access data from the versions below them in the version stack. This means that if versions
are stacked parallel to each other, which happens when multiple versions are created using a different
reference version, then these parallel versions can’t access data from one another. If you want to copy data
between parallel versions, then you can use the Copy Transaction Data [page 182] app.
You usually consolidate your group financial statements in EUR and USD. Due to an IFRS change and a
management reorganization, you need to restate the statements from these consolidations. To do this, you
create extension versions that result in the following version stack:
Version Z10 is your standard version, which uses EUR as the currency. To consolidate your group financial
statements in USD, you create the group currency extension version Z11 with the currency USD, and you
use Z10 as the reference version.
For the restatement due to IFRS changes, you create two extension versions – one for EUR and one for
USD. Extension version Z12 uses EUR for the currency, so you create it using Z10 as the reference version.
Extension version Z14 uses USD for the currency, so you create it using Z11 as the reference version.
For the restatement due to the management reorganization, you create two more extension versions –
again one for EUR and one for USD. You create these extension versions on top of the extension versions for
the IFRS changes so that they can access the data from the extension versions for the IFRS changes.
Extension version Z13 uses EUR for the currency and Z12 as the reference version. Extension version Z15
uses USD for the currency and Z14 as the reference version.
For restatement and simulation actions, you can open extension versions with the Manual Run run mode from
either the Data Monitor or the Consolidation Monitor.
If you work in a standard version, which has an extension version with the Manual Run run mode associated
with it, and if you open a period in a reference version, this period is automatically opened for the extension
version with the Manual Run run mode.
If you work in an extension version with the Manual Run run mode, and if you open a corresponding period in a
reference (standard) version, this period won’t be closed in the extension version with the Manual Run run
mode until the period in the standard version is closed.
Flexible Upload
Values in local currency (LC), transaction currency (TC), and quantity can be stored in extension versions using
the Manual Run and Automatic Run run modes. For these entries, the system calculates delta values based on
the same rules that are used for group currency (GC) values. For more information, see the section Upload of
Reported Financial Data under Multiple Group Currencies [page 134].
For more information see Post Group Journal Entries for Restatement and Simulation [page 199].
Balance Carryforward
You use Balance Carryforward [page 148] to carry forward closing balances into the next year from an
extension version to another version. This is useful for when the restated data, which is produced in the
extension version, becomes the new standard moving forward. In this case, you carry forward balances from
the extension version to the corresponding standard version in the version stack.
To set up this balance carryforward between versions, you first need to define source and destination versions
in the Define Balance Carryforward Settings configuration activity.
When the balance carryforward of an extension version is recorded in a destination version, you can also use a
deviating carryforward subitem to display the opening balances that originated from the extension version.
You define these deviating carryforward subitems in the Define Subitem Categories and Subitems configuration
You define the following source version and destination version for the year 2022.
Z12 is an extension version used for restatement, and Z10 is its corresponding standard version in the
version stack. When you run balance carryforward for Z10 to carry forward the closing balances of Z10
from 2021 to 2022, the closing balances from Z12 are carried forward into Z10 as well.
When you define source and destination versions, there are a couple important things to keep in mind:
• A source version can only be an extension version, not a standard version or group currency extension
• A destination version can be any type of version, such as a standard, extension, or group currency
extension version.
• A destination version must be in the same version stack as the source version.
• A destination version must have the same group currency and the same fiscal year variant as the source
• A version can be defined as the destination version of only one other version for the same year. In other
words, you can’t define more than one source version for the same destination version in the same year.
It’s still possible to carry forward the balances of multiple extension versions for restatement to the
same destination version. In this case, you just define the uppermost extension version as the source
version. In this way, the balance carryforward reads data of all versions between the source and
In this case, you can define Z13 as the source version and Z10 as the destination version. When you run
balance carryforward for Z10, the balances for both Z13 and Z12 are carried forward to Z10.
When you run the balance carryforward task for an extension version that's defined as a source version
with a destination version, the system does not carry forward the balances. This is because the balances
are carried forward when the task is executed for the destination version.
Another important consideration is the automatic reversal. When a document is posted in a source version on a
document type defined with automatic reversal in the next year, then the balance carryforward automatically
reverses the document from the source version to the destination version. If it’s not, then you need to copy the
reversal document from the source version to the destination version.
To define the deviating carryforward subitems, you first enable the option to maintain a deviating carryforward
subitem by selecting Carry Forward to Deviating Subitem on the level of the subitem category. Then, you can
maintain deviating carryforward subitems for the subitems in that category.
If you run the balance carryforward in a year other than the year you specified when defining the source
and destination versions, then the balances are recorded on the usual carryforward subitem, not the
deviating carryforward subitem.
Group Reports
Consolidation units that only exist in a reference version only appear for the reference version in a report. They
don't appear for the extension version in a report even though a report aggregates data from the extension
version and its underlying versions in the version stack, including its reference version.
So if you want to see the values of such consolidation units in a report, make sure you select the reference
version as one of the versions when you create the report.
Other Functions
Since an extension version can have a different Structure special version than its reference version, the
execution of reclassification evaluates the group structure for the version being executed. This evaluation
differs depending on the posting level to be posted by the reclassification.
• Posting level 10: The reclassification is executed for the consolidation units. If a consolidation unit is
present in the group in the reference version, but not in the extension version, the reclassification in the
extension version does not reverse the reclassification entries from the reference version. However, these
entries are not selected in group reports because this consolidation unit is not part of the group.
• Posting level 20: The reclassification is executed for a pair of consolidation units. If a consolidation unit or
a partner unit is present in the group in the reference version, but not in the extension version, the
reclassification in the extension version does not reverse the reclassification entries from the reference
version. However, these entries are not selected in group reports because this consolidation unit or partner
unit is not part of the group.
• Posting level 30: The reclassification is executed for the consolidation group. If a consolidation unit is
present in the group in the reference version, but not in the extension version, the reclassification in the
extension version reverses the reclassification entries from the reference version because this entry is not
valid for the group.
For more information on reclassification, see Reclassification Tasks in the Consolidation Monitor [page 383].
Task groups for extension versions with Manual run mode cannot have data validation tasks, ICMR
elimination tasks, and the release of universal journals tasks. These tasks aren’t supported for extension
versions with Manual run mode.
Task groups for extension versions with Manual run mode cannot have data validation tasks, ICMR
elimination tasks, and the release of universal journal tasks. The Manual run mode isn’t allowed for tasks in
these task groups.
You can’t assign task groups to extension versions with Automatic run mode.
Related Information
1.10.1 Customizing
To make sure all consolidation-related tasks and reports work well, you need to make the relevant customizing
settings in your back-end system by entering transaction code SPRO and accessing the customizing activities
under SAP Reference Implementation Guide (IMG) SAP S/4HANA for Group Reporting .
The IMG for SAP S/4HANA for Group Reporting contains the following sections:
• Global Settings: To check the starting year for using line items from the universal journal table (ACDOCA)
and the other settings that apply throughout the system, such as if online data entry is based on universal
For step-by-step guidance when performing the specific customizing activities, see IMG Activity
Documentation in the system.
The elimination task IC Balance Sheet Elimination is based on the elimination methods defined in
Intercompany Matching and Reconciliation (ICMR) process steps. To set up the ICMR elimination task, you
need to perform the following customizing activities:
1. Access the Define Posting Rules app to create a posting rule based on the automatic posting scenario
SC001. The rule specifies how elimination differences are to be posted and to which side, triggering unit or
partner unit. Or, use the predelivered posting rule SC001.
2. Assign the posting rule to the predelivered elimination method SC001 or your own elimination method in
Customizing for Define Elimination Methods (or transaction ICAEM).
3. Assign the elimination method to the ICMR elimination task in Customizing for Define Tasks for ICMR
Eliminations (or transaction CX8TT16).
Related Information
Elimination posting rule is defined to generate elimination postings, while splitting elimination differences into
different categories.
Access the Define Posting Rules app to define your own rules by copying from the pre-delivered rule SC001
(Intercompany Balance Sheet Elimination) or creating from scratch. Take the following steps to create a new
1. Choose Create and select the automatic posting scenario SC001 (Elimination Postings for Group Reporting)
or a scenario you configured in Define Your Own Posting Scenarios [page 333].
2. You are brought to the detail page. In the General Information section, specify a rule name and a meaningful
3. In the Document Header section, provide input in the Document Text field, which is an explanatory text on
line item level and is optional.
4. In the Control Options section, make the additional document settings as follows:
• Posting Side: Determines in case of elimination differences between leading unit and partner unit,
which side the difference items should be posted to. The following 2 options are available:
• Post differences to leading unit
• Post differences to partner unit
5. In the Document Items section, you determine which financial statement (FS) items are to be posted for
the differences arising from elimination. Elimination differences are calculated in 4 steps, each with an item
Transaction Difference Set Field Value Specify the line item fields You can set FS items with
(1010) for recording transaction the specific functions:
differences. • $DERIVE_FROM_TARG
Currency Translation Differ- Set Field Value Same as above, except that rive the FS item whose
ence (1030) the line item fields are for target attribute 'S-
recording currency transla ELIMINATION-
tion (CT) differences. TARGET'. For more in
formation, see FS Item
Selection and Target At
tributes [page 42].
For correct elimination,
use the subitem 901
(Incoming unit) for first
consolidation data of
acquired units. The
subitem 900 (Opening
balance) is only used
for balance carryfor
ward in the period 000.
Clearing Difference (1040) Set Field Value Same as above, except that Same as above, except that
the line item fields are for for this item group, the orig
offsetting the generated line inal items are the generated
items as set above for both line items as set above, in
leading unit and partner unit stead of the to-be-elimi
sides. nated transactional data
from Group Reporting proc
There is a hidden item group 1000, which is used to offset the to-be-eliminated original transaction
data from Group Reporting process.
Let's take the following posting rule as an example to explain each item group in more detail:
• Any differences arising from the elimination are posted to leading unit side and are split into three types:
• Item Group 1010 (Transaction Difference): Calculated based on transaction currency (TC) to reflect
any variances in bookkeeping of two sides.
The transaction difference is calculated based on data rolled into ICMR, which means if elimination
is run before document matching, there might be no transaction difference calculated.
• Item Group 1020 (CT Difference): The consolidated financial statements are based on group currency
(GC) amounts translated from local currency amounts. Currency-related differences will occur when a
consolidated unit and its partner unit use different local currency keys and the exchange rates between
LC key and GC key change over time.
Related Information
To apply the elimination posting rule when running elimination, you need to assign the rule to an elimination
method and the relevant reconciliation case.
To do that, in Customizing for Define Elimination Methods under Intercompany Matching and Reconciliation
Reconciliation Close or transaction ICAEM, you edit the predelivered elimination method SC001 (Elimination
Method - IC Balance Sheet) or create a new elimination method and assign a reconciliation case and posting
• You have created a reconciliation case by using the Define Reconciliation Cases app. Its display groups
restrict the data scope for interunit elimination. Or, use the predelivered reconciliation case SGR01.
• You have assigned a converted amount measure as the Reference Group Currency (GC) Amount to the
reconciliation case in Customizing for Activate Reconciliation Close Process (transaction ICAARC).
• You have created a posting rule based on elimination posting scenario by using the Define Posting Rules
app. Or, use the predelivered posting rule SC001.
Don't restrict posting levels using filters in these display groups, as data of all posting levels are relevant
for elimination calculation.
5. Choose New Entries, select a display group of the reconciliation case and assign the desired posting rule to
it. You can make more assignments of posting rules to display groups if necessary. In this way, different
posting logic can be applied to the different data entries restricted by display groups.
6. Save your entries.
To run elimination based on an ICMR elimination method, the method must be assigned to an elimination task
of Consolidation Monitor.
To do that, in Customizing for Define Tasks for ICMR Eliminations under Intercompany Matching and
Reconciliation Reconciliation Close or transaction CX8TT16, you edit the predelivered elimination task
2042 (IC Balance Sheet Elimination) or create a new elimination task and assign the elimination method to it.
• You have defined an elimination method as described in Define Elimination Methods [page 557].
• You have defined a document type for the elimination task in Customizing for Define Document Types for
ICMR Eliminations (transaction CXEX). You can reference the predelivered document type 2I.
Don't use a document type that has the Auto Reversal (in Subsequent Period/Year) checkbox selected.
The auto-reversal feature of document type is not supported in ICMR eliminations.
Like all other consolidation monitor tasks, the defined elimination task must be assigned to a task group in
Customizing for Define Task Group (transaction CXE0) and to the relevant consolidation version and
effective year/period in Customizing for Assign Task Group to Version (transaction CXP1). The predelivered
task groups S24 and S25 contain the ICMR elimination task 2042.
This topic explains how you can create your own custom fields, in addition to the standard fields that are
provided in ACDOCU.
The custom fields are supported in several processes and apps, such as Flexible Upload of Reported Financial
Data, Reported Financial Data for Group Reporting - Bulk Import and Update, Post Group Journal Entries,
Release Universal Journals, Define Selection and Define Validation Rules. The main consolidation process also
supports this extensibility.
Please be aware that the only possible data types that you can select in this business context are:
If you use any other data types, you might receive error messages. Please, do not enable the usage of a
business scenario that allows other data types. It is not possible to enable the usage of a business scenario for
a custom field if any of the following conditions apply:
You cannot transfer custom fields from other business contexts than FINS_CODING_BLOCK. For example
transfers from ACDOCP are not supported.
There are space limitations for each business context. The limitation depends on the number of
custom fields and the length of the data type that is used. The Business Context Capacity bar shows
the remaining space.
d. Enter a label for the custom field in the Label field, for example: EXAMPLE_FIELD.
e. Select a data type from the dropdown list, for example, select Text.
Please be aware that the only possible data types that you can select in this business context are:
• Association to Business Object
• Checkbox
• Code List
• Date
• Email Address
• Numerical Text
• Phone Number
• Text
You will see the details of the newly created custom field on a new page.
2. Under the UI and report tab, find the respective data source and enable it by selecting Enable usage. For
example, enable the usage of Post General Journal Entries
3. Under the Business Scenarios tab, enable the respective business context by selecting Enable usage.For
example, enable the usage of Accounting: Coding Block to Consolidation Journal Entry. This allows you to
transfer data from accounting to consolidation.
4. Save and publish the custom field by selecting Save and then Publish.
The newly created custom fields will appear under Custom Fields.
Make sure that you find two custom fields with the same label. The Business Context for one of them is
Accounting Coding Block, and for the other one it is Group Reporting Journal Entry Item. If the custom
field's status is Publishing, please wait until their status is Published.
The custom fields have been successfully created and published. Now, they are ready to be used. You can
download a template with your newly created custom fields, add your data to the template, upload it, and
transfer the data to consolidation.
When financial data include values on custom fields, these values are processed by the consolidation features
as described in columns (2) and (3) of the table below. When Selections are used by consolidation functions to
select data, column (4) indicates whether custom fields can be included in these Selections.
Currency translation x no
Reclassification x yes
Activity-based consolidation x x no
of investments
(investments, equity, non- (differential item, non-con
controlling interest in equity) trolling interest in net in
Related Information
Before a group journal entry is posted, the system performs checks to make sure that the data is complete and
correct. Substitution/Validation can be used to automatically fill fields or to substitute or validate field values,
depending on defined preconditions and rules. You can use the Manage Substitution/Validation Rules app to
define such substitution and/or validation rules for postings for the business context GR Journal Entry Item.
Accounting: GR Journal Entry Item Business Context
Make the following selections in the Manage Substitution/Validation Rules app if you want to create
substitution and/or validation rules for the GR Journal Entry Item context:
Available Fields
You can maintain substitution rules in the Manage Substitution/Validation Rules app for the following fields
using the GR Journal Entry Item context:
OrganizationDivision Division
Plant Plant
SubItem Subitem
If you enter a value for one of the target fields in the Source field that is not listed in the value help, one of
the following message types will be issued:
If you enter a fixed value that is not listed in the value help and a warning message is issued, you will still be able
to save and activate your substitution rule.
If you enter a fixed value that is not listed in the value help and an error message is issued, you will not be able
to activate your substitution rule.
Business Processes
You can create substitution rules, for example for the following business processes if you select the GR Journal
Entry Item context in the Manage Substitution/Validation Rules app:
• Consolidation Process
• Analytics for Group Reporting
• Journal Entries
Related Information
With this app, you can display, change, and create substitution and validation rules for your selected business
contexts and events. These rules can be used in the respective business processes to validate, derive, or
replace values at the time of entry for the relevant fields.
Key Features
You manage substitution and validation rules by business context. A context represents the situation in which
the validations and substitutions are defined and applied. It determines the fields or functions that are available
in the rule definition. The following business contexts are supported for rule definition:
Management Account Market Segment Substitution rules only Manage Substitution/ Rules for Substitution
ing and Margin Analy Validation Rules - Jour
sis nal Entries
General Ledger Ac Journal Entry Item Both rule types Manage Substitution/ Rules for Substitution/
counting Validation Rules - Jour Validation
nal Entries
Manage Substitution/
Rules for Substitution/
Group Reporting GR Journal Entry Item Both rule types Validation Rules -
Validation [page 562]
Group Journal Entries
Service Service Document Substitution rules only Manage Substitution/ Rules for Substitution/
Validation Rules - Serv Validation
ice Documents
The applicable business contexts are defined by SAP and cannot be changed. However, you can create your
own fields for these contexts and these custom fields are supported by the Manage Substitution/Validation
Rules app. For more information about custom field creation, see Custom Fields App and Custom Logic
At runtime, business users make postings or record data using various apps, such as the Post Group Journal
Entries app. Based on the respective context and event, your defined rules apply automatically as follows:
• Substitution: Derives, replaces, or clears values for the relevant fields or functions defined in the
substitution rules. The substitutions take place at the time of data entry with no system messages.
• Validation: Validates the values entered for the relevant fields or functions defined in the validation rules.
Depending on the Control Level of each validation rule, when an entered value doesn't comply with the rule,
a warning or an error message is raised. You can follow the link provided in the message to check the rule
details and correct the entered values as necessary. Note:
To navigate to the rule display, you must have the necessary authorization.
• Desktop
• Tablet
This app contains Web Assistant documentation for key fields and concepts. To display the documentation
while working in the app, press F1 or click the question mark displayed in the app header.
More Information
The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an app
on the SAP Fiori launchpad. To see this app’s Fiori content, go to the SAP Fiori apps reference library and
search for the app. Then select the product. On the Implementation Information tab, select the correct release.
The details are in the Configuration section.
Validation rules are used to check values as they are being entered in runtime applications. Follow the
procedure below to create a validation rule:
The available contexts and events are defined by SAP. Context determines which fields can be included
in the rule definition. Event specifies the exact time and location for the validation to occur, for
example, when users execute a particular step in a business process.
3. The detail input page is divided into three sections: General Information, Precondition, and Validation. In the
General Information section, do the following:
The following rule requires when a business user posts data using the G/L account between 4164000
and 41649999 for the company code 1000 that the cost center is between 200 and 300 but not equal
to 210, and the distribution channel is 01:
DistributionChannel Equal to 01
7. Save the rule. The rule now has the status New. You must activate the rule before applying it at runtime. For
more information about various rule statuses, see Change Rules [page 572].
When defining validation rules and the Precondition part of substitution rules, you can use the Matches
comparison operator to match a string-type field value against a regular expression that is based on the POSIX
standard 1003.2. A regular expression is made up of literal characters and special characters following the
syntax of regular expressions. It provides a concise and flexible means to represent a set of character strings.
For example, you can define the following validation rule using the Matches operator:
When a project ID starts with 12345, the rule requires that the cost center value starts with two capital letters
and be followed by a number that ends with 999999.
For more information about how to write regular expressions, see Syntax of Regular Expressions.
Substitution rules are used to replace or derive values when values are being entered in runtime applications.
Follow the procedure below to create a substitution rule:
The available contexts and events are defined by SAP. Context determines which fields can be included
in the rule definition. Event specifies the exact time and location for the substitution to occur, for
example, when users execute a particular step in a business process.
3. The detail input page is divided into three sections: General Information, Precondition, and Substitution. In
the General Information section, specify a rule name and a meaningful description.
4. You can define fields or functions as conditions or statements in the Precondition and Substitution
sections. The following functions are predelivered by SAP:
When defining a filter condition, you can use the Matches operator to compare a field value with a text
string represented with a regular expression. For more information, see Matches Operator [page 568].
6. In the Substitution section, define one or more substitution lines with the following settings:
• Target Field: Select a field whose values are to be substituted.
• Substitution Type: Select how the values for the target field are to be substituted. You can choose from
the following types:
• Clear value: Clears any existing value for the target field.
• Substitute with Constant: Fills in the target field or replaces its existing value with a constant value.
• Substitute with Field / Function: Fills in the target field or replaces its existing value with the value
from the source field or source function.
• Table Lookup: Looks in a custom business object for a source field or source function and uses its
value to fill in the target field. For more information, see Table Lookup [page 570].
• Source: Depending on your selected substitution type, either enter a constant value or select a source
field or source function whose value is to substitute the target field.
• Overwrite: Select the checkbox if you want to overwrite any existing value of the target field with the
value you specified in Source. If you want to keep any existing value of the target field, leave the
checkbox unselected.
Depending on the business context setting, some fields cannot be overwritten. In this case, the
checkbox is disabled.
When a business user uses the billing document type F1 to post data for the company code 1000, the
following rule fills in the Product Sold Group field with the value A001 and the Functional Area field with
the value from the Functional Area field of the relevant WBS element:
7. Save the rule. The rule now has the status New. You must activate the rule before applying it at runtime. For
more information about various rule statuses, see Change Rules [page 572].
You can also create a rule by copying from an existing one and making any necessary changes.
The Table Lookup substitution type allows you to choose a source field from a custom business object and it
uses this value to fill in the target field.
If you selected Table Lookup as the substitution type, in the Select Source Field dialog, you are prompted to
specify the following:
• A data source that is defined using the Custom Business Objects app
• A source field from the data source. You want to use its value to substitute the target field.
• Under the Conditions section, all the key fields of your data source are listed. You must specify the filter
conditions by comparing values of the key fields with those of standard or custom fields. You can also
choose to compare values of the key fields with functions. The table lookup occurs only if these conditions
are met.
In some cases, values in the source field change frequently across periods, which are known as “time-
dependent data”. You may want your target field filled with those varied values accordingly at runtime, for
example, during document creation. Let's see how it works in the following example:
In your custom data source, you have the Company Code and Cost Center fields as key fields. The value of
Business Unit constantly changes, for example, the business unit for a same combination of company code and
cost center is RD10 in year YYYY and it changes to OP20 from the beginning of YYYY+1. In this case, you can
also define a validity field as a key field in your data source, for example, the Valid To field of Date type in your
data source. So your data source looks like the data in the following table:
Company Code (Key) Cost Center (Key) Valid To (Key) Valid From Business Unit
Now, you want the business unit value from your data source to substitute the Functional Area field. You can
define your substitution rule as follows:
In this example, depending on which period range the value of your specified date field falls within, the
corresponding BusinessUnit field value is used to fill the Functional Area field when you make an entry at
For an existing validation or substitution rule, you can edit, activate, disable, or delete it.
When editing a rule, a draft of the rule is generated. Any changes are first saved to the draft and can only be
saved to the active version of the rule after you activate the draft. The possible actions to a rule or its draft are
as follows:
• Edit new rule: After creation, a rule has the New status. You can continue editing the rule, the New status is
• Activate new rule: You can activate a new rule so that it has the Active status.
• Edit draft or active rule: After activation, when you choose Edit for the rule for the first time, a draft is
generated. Any changes you made thereafter are first saved to the draft. The rule displays as the Active
status with a Draft changed by: <user name> link underneath. For this kind of rule, you can take either of
the following actions:
• Edit the draft again by choosing the draft link and making changes. Draft rules have the Modified
• Activate the draft by choosing Activate. The draft rule changes to the Active status and overwrites the
original active version.
To ensure auditability, the system keeps track of all changes to the substitution and validation rules on a
database table level. The user names and the timestamps of the changes are also persisted.
View available rules on the list page or navigate to the detail screen of a rule.
You can view all your available rules on the list page or navigate to the detail screen of a rule. When doing so,
you have the following options:
• In the Search field, enter the text contained in the rule name and description.
• Use various filters available in Adapt Filters.
• In the Search by Field dialog, select the precondition fields or functions, validation fields or functions, or
substitution fields or functions contained in the rules.
The rule list displays all substitution and validation rules of the supported contexts and events. You can choose
Settings ( icon) to personalize the list layout. For example, you can add or remove columns, group by Context
or Event, and sort your selected columns in ascending or descending order. You can also save your
personalized settings to a new view, set the new view as default, and select Apply Automatically for the view.
During runtime, the available rules for a given event are run in a certain sequence. This execution sequence is
determined automatically by the system. To check the sequence, choose Analyze Rules on the list page. In the
dialog box that appears, specify an event and choose Go. The rules are listed in the Enabled Rules tab in
prioritized order, that is, the rules to be applied first are listed first.
Generally, rules that can change field values are run before the rules that only read the field values. However,
the following conflicts between rules can occur when determining the sequence:
• Two or more rules could change values for the same field. These rules are run in alphabetical order of the
rule name.
• One rule reads the value of field A and fills field B with a value, while a different rule reads the value of field
B and fills field A with a value. In this case, the execution sequence cannot be determined, and an error is
The execution sequence of rules that don't have a logical dependency is undefined and cannot be
When activating a rule, the system checks if your input is correct or complete for that single rule. However,
conflicts between rules aren't raised at this point.
To check rule conflicts, choose Analyze Rules on the list page. In the dialog box that appears, specify an event
and choose Go. The errors and warnings are listed in the Messages tab.
For a created rule, you can choose Show Script to convert its conditions and validations or substitutions to a
script with logic in a format that is both processable by computer and comprehensible to humans. This is
especially helpful for complex rules.
Substitution and validation rules are configured in a customizing client. These customizing changes are
recorded and transported to the production client via customizing requests. In the production client, users only
have read access to the configured rules.
Note that any changes made to rules can only be transported in this way after activation of the rules. In
addition, deletion of rules can also be transported.
To enable the transport as described above, Automatic recording of changes must be selected as the option
for Changes and Transports for Client-Specific Objects in transaction SM30 (table/view T000) for your
customizing client.
With this app, you can display in-depth logs for substitution or validation rules at runtime for a specific event.
Key Features
By selecting a row in the log from the list view, you can open the log detail page. It displays, in a tree-like
structure, the processing flow when a set of rules for a specific event are triggered. Each log includes the
following information from top to bottom:
• A line depicting the event being processed, such as FINS_ACC_JEI_1 for Journal Entry Item.
• A line indicating the input document that the substitution or validation applies to, ACDOCU for Group
Reporting Journal Entries.
• Substitution or validation rule content structured in a way that shows the internal processing flow of how
the rule is applied. The third column of this part additionally shows an excerpt of the substitution or
validation script, which represents the rule in the back-end process.
• The result of the rule application shows, for example, whether the precondition was met, which fields were
subject to validation or substitution, or whether validation was successful or the substitution was
Log lines formatted in gray color are less important and are included simply for completeness reasons.
The following screenshot (English only) shows the main aspects described above:
• Desktop
• Tablet
This app contains Web Assistant documentation for key fields and concepts. To display the documentation
while working in the app, press F1 or click the question mark displayed in the app header.
More Information
The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an app
on the SAP Fiori launchpad. To see this app’s Fiori content, go to the SAP Fiori apps reference library and
search for the app. Then select the product. On the Implementation Information tab, select the correct release.
The details are in the Configuration section.
With this app, you can enable or disable logging substitution or validation rule execution for a certain user or a
time period and set logging level.
• View or filter all enabled log settings by event, rule execution user, or logging level
• Create new log settings for a specific event or user. The logging is enabled instantly after creation.
• Delete any log settings to disable the logging.
• Navigate to substitution and validation rule execution logs.
Logging Settings
• Event: The logging only applies to the rules specific to the event.
• Logging Level: Represents the level of log detail, such as recording only the rule execution failures or all rule
execution instances.
• Logging End Time: Specify until when the rule execution is logged. The logging starts from the current time
to your specified end time. The default logging end time is 24 hours from your current time. You can
change it to any future time point.
• Rule Execution User: Restrict the logging to a certain user. If you leave it empty, all users will be logged.
The following screenshot (English only) shows the main aspects described above:
• Desktop
• Tablet
This app contains Web Assistant documentation for key fields and concepts. To display the documentation
while working in the app, press F1 or click the question mark displayed in the app header.
More Information
The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an app
on the SAP Fiori launchpad. To see this app’s Fiori content, go to the SAP Fiori apps reference library and
search for the app. Then select the product. On the Implementation Information tab, select the correct release.
The details are in the Configuration section.
Learn how to connect SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office to SAP S/4HANA.
You can connect your SAP S/4HANA system to SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office.
How to set it up
The following blog describes how to connect SAP S/4HANA Cloud and SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office
(English only) but the procedure also works for SAP S/4HANA: SAP S/4HANA Cloud for group reporting with
SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office
Related Information
1518359 - SAP BusinessObjects Analysis Office & BIP Add On Release schedule
In this section, you can find the functions available for managing your data.
You can access the app in the backend using transaction Data Protection for Consolidation (CX8DPP) or using
the SAP Fiori launchpad.
In the Data Selection frame, you select the type of data you want to anonymize or delete.
• User Information
• Task Logs
• Replication of Flow Data
• Replication of Hierarchies
• Data Monitor Status
• Data Entry Layouts
• Consolidation Monitor Status
• Validation Parsing
• Rules Parsing
• Methods
• Global Parameters
• Activation of Analysis Help
• Personal Data
• Consolidation Unit, Name
• Consolidation Unit, Contact Person
To specify for which user you want to anonymize or delete data, select at least one user ID in the User Name
In the Personal Data frame, specify the name or contact person that the system should anonymize in the
master data of consolidation units.
In the Execution Mode frame, you specify what to do with the data. You have the following options:
More Information
• The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an
app on the SAP Fiori launchpad. The SAP Fiori apps reference library is available here: https://
To see this app’s Fiori content, search for the app. Then select SAP S/4HANA as the product. On the
Implementation Information tab, select the correct release. The details are in the Configuration section.
You can use the archiving object FINCS_DOC for archiving group journal entries.
FINCS_DOC archives data from several tables. To check which tables these are, call up transaction SARA, enter
the archiving object, and choose Database Tables. You can display the relevant tables in the lower part of the
To find out which programs this archiving object offers, call up transaction AOBJ and double-click on your
archiving object.
You can use this archiving object with the FINCS_ACDOCU ILM object as part of SAP Information Lifecycle
Management. In transaction IRMPOL, you can create policies for residence or retention rules, depending on the
available policy category. Here you can also see the available time references and which condition fields exist,
and decide which of them shall be used in which order to define your rule structure.
When you schedule the archiving run, you must enter an existing variant or create a new one. You can do so in
transaction SARA.
A write variant contains the parameters for the group journal entries that you want to archive.
• Ledger
• Consolidation Version
• Document Number
• Entry Date
You use the read program FINCS_ACDOCU_READ_ARCHIVING to display archived data as follows:
1. On the Archive Administration: Initial Screen (transaction SARA), enter the name of the archiving object
FINCS_DOC in the Archiving Object field.
2. Choose Read.
The Archive Administration: Run Read Program screen appears. The Background/Dialog field is preset with
"Dialog". Select the read program, and choose Execute.
3. Specify the following selection criteria to search for archived consolidation journals and choose Execute:
• Ledger
• Dimension
• Consolidation Version
• Entry Date
• Document Number
4. The Archive Administration: Select Files for Read Program dialog box appears. Select the archive files that
you want to read or analyze and then confirm your selection by choosing Continue.
5. The system outputs a summarized list of the journal entries corresponding to the selection criteria.
Focus topics are processes that cut across multiple areas of group reporting. Learn more about these focus
topics here.
Related Information
With this app, you can calculate the Equity Pickup (EPU) adjustments. This calculation can be done for every
consolidation unit, which has investments in another consolidation unit within a corporate group.
The Equity pickup (EPU) process is performed for every consolidation unit that has investments in another
consolidation unit in the corporate group. The EPU process is carried out for all consolidation units with a
controlling and non-controlling interest, which is also known as minority interest income recognition in a
consolidation unit structure.
You can only run the Equity Pickup process for one period at a time.
5. The app calculates the adjustment for all consolidation units based on the configuration settings you've
made. After finishing the calculation, the system creates and saves the following Excel files to your local
1. EPUGroupJournalEntries.xlsx
This file is saved if you’ve activated the option to post in Group Reporting in the Equity Pickup
2. EPU_GL_JournalEntries.xlsx
This file is saved if you’ve activated the option to post in General Ledger in the Equity Pickup
This file contains detailed information on the Equity Pickup calculation.
6. You upload the Excel file with the Equity Pickup journal entries in Group Reporting and/or General Ledger
using the Import Group Journal Entries app and/or Upload General Journal Entries app.
7. You use the Group Data Analysis app to report financial statements including the EPU entries.
• Desktop
With Equity Pickup, you can re-evaluate investments owned by a holding consolidation unit. Equity Pickup
(EPU) is used to adjust investments in the Balance Sheet of the holding consolidation unit to reflect the current
value of the corresponding share in the equity of the consolidation unit. This adjustment provides a realistic
picture of the value of the portfolio owned by the holding consolidation unit.
To leverage the complete transaction data and investment information for all subsidiaries, the Equity Pickup
process is made in the consolidation system.
Equity Pickup calculates adjustments. The adjustment is posted to parent units in the local currency of the
parent unit. The consolidation unit structure needs this Equity Pickup result to provide necessary stand-alone
reporting and analysis results on different levels in a unit's organization.
If you’ve activated the option to Read group currency values in the Equity Pickup configuration, the Equity
Pickup journal entries are also created in group currency.
1. You collect reported data. This step can include data from SAP systems or non-SAP systems.
2. Additional data is populated, such as direct share %, net income calculation, and adjustments.
3. The Equity Pickup app calculates Equity Pickup entries and generates Excel files to upload journal entries
in Group Reporting or/and General Ledger. If you’ve activated the Read Group Currency Values option in the
EPU configuration, you need to run the currency translation task before running the Equity Pickup app.
4. In the Excel file for group reporting, the system creates entries to reverse the EPU entries with a different
document type since they shouldn't be consolidated (optional).
5. You use the Group Data Analysis app to retrieve the reported data for the parent unit including the Equity
Pickup entries.
When you run the Equity Pickup app, the system creates the additional Excel file EPU_LOGYYYYMMHHMMSS.
This file lists the source data that is read by Equity Pickup, and the corresponding journal entries that are
created. Prerequisites
To run an Equity Pickup (EPU) calculation after the EPU system configuration, the following input data is
required by the system:
• Direct Ownership
You define 20% for noncontrolling % and 50% for controlling. If the ownership is more than or equal to
50%, the parent is the controlling parent. If the ownership is between 20% and 50%, the parent is the
noncontrolling parent. If the ownership is less than or equal to 20%, no equity pickup is performed.
In complicated business situations, the default behavior cannot reflect the real controlling status. For
example, a consolidation unit owns only 40% of another consolidation unit and, still holds the controlling
right per agreement. In this case, it is still treated as a controlling parent.
You define the FS item S_CONTROL as the force control indicator. When you report a quantity on this
FS item, the system forces a different controlling right:
1 Controlling
-1 Non-Controlling
• Source Data
Normally, the equity changed after acquisition is composed of two categories of activities: Net Income and
changes to Other Comprehensive Income.
In the configuration, you define two types of rules. Within each rule, you define the source data selection.
These selections must include FS item and document type.
• As it relates to the Net Income Type for Equity Pickup, ensure that the Annual Net Income calculation
task is run before EPU.
• For Other Comprehensive Income type of Equity Pickup, include all the OCI accounts in the selection to
ensure that the program picks up from subsidiaries.
• In general, Equity Pickup should be calculated based on reported data so that the document type or
posting level is included in the selection. This ensures that no elimination-related documents are
included in the calculation.
• Source Currency
By default Equity Pickup reads data reported in the local currency of the subsidiary.
If you’ve activated the option to read group currency values in the Equity Pickup configuration, it’s
necessary to run the currency translation task before you run the Equity Pickup app.
• Additional Fields
An additional characteristic to be considered in the EPU posting can be decided based on the following
• The field that is included in the Annual Net Income Calculation is considered in Net Income type, such
as profit center and/or segment.
• All additional fields that are enabled in Group Reporting are considered in Other Comprehensive
Income type if they are available in the records.
If the controlling parent and noncontrolling parent are included in the same ownership chain, the Equity Pickup
process (EPU) is performed for both. This process is performed from bottom to top in an investment
relationship chain.
The Universal Industry Inc. consolidation unit has four units globally. Consolidation unit A owns 100% of
consolidation units B and C, consolidation unit B owns 60% of consolidation unit D, and consolidation unit
C owns 10% of consolidation unit D.
Consolidation units A, B, and C need to make Equity Pickup adjustments and present a stand-alone report
including the EPU adjustments.
First, the consolidation units B and C pickup their share of consolidation unit D’s equity. After the EPU
equity calculation, consolidation unit B´s equity is the total of consolidation unit B’s own equity plus 60%
of D’s equity. Consolidation unit C’s equity after the EPU equity calculation is the total of consolidation unit
C’s own equity plus 10% of consolidation unit D’s equity. Then, consolidation unit A picks up the re-
evaluated equity for consolidation units B and C, which is the total of consolidation unit B and consolidation
unit C’s own equity plus 70% of consolidation unit D’s equity.
EPU entries are posted using a specific document type. You can also define a document type to revoke EPU
entries. In the file generated by the Equity Pickup app, there are line items for both document types. Posting
documents to revoke EPU entries ensures that the EPU entries don't have an impact on further consolidation
activities. You can filter different document types to achieve stand-alone or consolidated reporting in the Group
Data Analysis app.
Calculation Methods
• For the Controlling Parent, when the parent unit has a controlling right for the subsidiary, there are two
possible calculation approaches, which generate slightly different results:
• Approach 1:
The Controlling Parent recognizes 100% of the subsidiary´s equity in investment accounts.
Noncontrolling interests are posted separately to a separate noncontrolling interest (NCI) FS item.
NCI Equity (500 x 40%) 200 Noncontrolling interest (500 x 40%) = 200
• Approach 2:
Noncontrolling interests aren't posted separately to the same FS item, but instead, as a deduction. The
balance of the investment accounts is the net share of the subsidiary`s equity, but it is deducted.
Debit Credit
• For the Noncontrolling parents’ net share of subsidiary´s equity is posted directly.
Debit Credit
In the following example, the Controlling Parent recognizes 100% of the subsidiary`s equity in investment
accounts. Noncontrolling interests are posted separately to a separate NCI FS item. This example shows how
the EPU calculation that is used in approach 1 works.
The following organization includes consolidation units A, B, C and D. All belong to consolidation unit XXXX. A is
the ultimate parent consolidation unit of the group. A owns 100% of B, while B owns 45% of C, and B owns
90% of D. According to the ownership threshold defined in the configuration, A is the controlling parent of B. B
is be the controlling parent of D, and B would be the noncontrolling parent of C. However, B actually holds the
controlling right of C, and B owns less than 50% of C.
Fiscal Year Fiscal Period ConsUnit Partner
FS Item
Unit n Base Unit QuantityInBaseUnit
Fiscal Year Fiscal Period ConsUnit FS Item Partner Unit Base Unit QuantityInBaseUnit
2020 1 B S_CONTROL C PC 1
Financial data reported by the consolidation units, and selected by Equity Pickup is as follows:
The Equity Pickup journal entries expected for this scenario are shown in the following table. B first picks up C’s
change of equity for the period.
EPU Adjustment in Consolidation Unit B with Consolidation Unit C´s Equity Change
FS Item Descrip Subitem Cate
ConsUnit FS Item tion gory Subitem Description Partner Unit TC Key TC A
After the EPU calculation, B’s total equity change for the period includes B’s share of C and D’s equity.
The records in the following table are generated by the EPU calculation for uploading into Group Reporting.
EPU Adjustment A
FS Item Descrip Subitem Cate
ConsUnit FS Item tion gory Subitem Description Partner Unit TC Key TC A
In this example, the noncontrolling interests aren't posted separately to the same FS item. Instead, they're
posted as a deduction. The balance of the investment accounts is the net share of the subsidiaries´ equity.
In this example, the transaction data and ownership data input are the same as in the Calculation Example for
Calculation Approach 1. The Equity Pickup journal entries are as shown below.
EPU Adjustment in Consolidation Unit B with Consolidation Unit C´s Equity Change
FS Item Descrip Subitem Cate
ConsUnit FS Item tion gory Subitem Description Partner Unit TC Key TC A
B also picks up D’s change of equity for the period. The EPU adjustments are displayed in the following table:
EPU Adjustment in Consolidation Unit B with Consolidation Unit D´s Equity Change
FS Item Descrip Subitem Cate
ConsUnit FS Item tion gory Subitem Description Partner Unit TC Key TC A
A picks up from consolidation unitB after consolidation unitB’s equity is reevaluated. So, the EPU adjustment in
consolidation unitA is as shown in the following table:
In a circular ownership, the parent consolidation unit owns its subsidiary, which also owns part of parent
consolidation unit.
Consolidation unit C is the ultimate parent in the group and the controlling parent, unit A, owns 60% of B.
However, B also owns 10% of consolidation unit A, which forms a circular ownership between consolidation
unit A and B.
In this example, the master data are shown in the following table:
Fiscal Year Fiscal Period ConsUnit FS Item Partner Unit Base Unit QuantityInBaseUnit
B owns 10% of consolidation unit A. According to the definition of threshold (Noncontrolling 20%), the system
doesn't perform an EPU calculation for unit B. However, according to the accounting practice, since both
consolidation units A and B are subsidiary owned in this investment chain, unit B needs to perform an EPU
calculation as noncontrolling parent of unit A. So, the following information is required to force control:
Fiscal Year Fiscal Period ConsUnit FS Item Partner Unit Base Unit QuantityInBaseUnit
2020 1 B S_CONTROL A PC -1
Financial data reported by the consolidation units, and selected by Equity Pickup is as follow:
In this example we only illustrate the Equity Pickup journal entries for Approach 1. With the circular ownership
between the units A and B, A needs to pickup B’s reevaluated equity after the EPU calculation. B also needs to
pickup A’s reevaluated equity after the EPU calculation. The following manual calculation formula shows how
the system calculates the reevaluated equity for consolidation unit A and B.
In the following calculation A’ and B’ represent the reevaluated Net Income for units A and B respectively:
A’ = 100 + 0.6 * B’
B’ = 200 + 0.1 * A’
0.94B’ = 210
B’ = 223.40
The Equity Pickup journal entries expected for A are shown in the following table:
The Equity Pickup journal entries expected for B are shown in the following table:
The Equity Pickup app generates the template file and saves it to your local computer. You can confirm the
details in this Excel template file and then post the entries using the Import Group Journal Entries app.
The journal entry ID in the file is assigned based on the unique combination of parent company (consolidation
unit of the document), subsidiary and posting item identifier.
For reporting and analysis, you use the Group Data Analysis app to report financial statements including Equity
Pickup (EPU) entries. You can find this app under Analytics for Group Reporting on the Fiori launchpad.
You can flexibly derive consolidation units by mapping the same company to multiple consolidation units and
then deriving one of them for the company during accounting postings. This allows you to split up data from
one company to several consolidation units so that you can perform the consolidation of additional criteria,
such as segment, profit center, functional area, or a combination of these.
To flexibly derive consolidation units during accounting posting, you start by assigning the same company to
multiple consolidation units in the Define Consolidation Units [page 15] app or alternatively in the Import
Consolidation Master Data [page 90] app. This allows you to split up data from a single company code in
accounting to several consolidation units in group reporting.
For more information on how to assign companies to consolidation units, check out Define Consolidation
Units [page 15].
Then, you define substitution rules to derive one of these consolidation units for such a company during
accounting posting. By doing this, you can incorporate additional criteria in the derivation of the consolidation
unit, such as segment, profit center, functional area, or even a combination of these.
By aggregating data of consolidation units that belong to the same criteria value, such as the same segment,
either with consolidation unit hierarchies or by defining respective consolidation groups, you can achieve a
consolidation that represents these additional criteria. For example, you can carry out segment consolidation
and reporting.
You can flexibly derive consolidation units if the following prerequisites are met:
• You’re working in a fiscal year period as of the From Year for Group Reporting Preparation Ledger.
• You’re working in a version that is not a plan version.
During accounting postings in a group reporting preparation ledger, the consolidation unit is derived and
persisted in the accounting journal. The derivation of consolidation units happens in a 3-step process.
The following graphic illustrates how this derivation works. Click on each step for more information.
Step 1
• If the company of the accounting posting is assigned to a single consolidation unit for the fiscal year period
in the accounting posting, then this consolidation unit is derived.
• If the company is assigned to several consolidation units or no consolidation unit for the given fiscal year
period, then no value is derived for the consolidation unit. As a result, the field for consolidation unit stays
empty in step 1.
Step 2
Substitution rules that you’ve created overwrite the consolidation unit value derived in step 1. This is especially
relevant if the company is assigned to several consolidation units. As explained in step 1, the system doesn’t
derive a consolidation unit value in this case. Instead, the field is empty after step 1.
So, it’s the job of your defined substitution rules to derive the consolidation unit value in step 2 based on the
context of the accounting posting. For example, this context could be the company code, segment, profit
center, or functional area. In this way, step 2 is crucial for deriving a consolidation unit value in the flexible
derivation of consolidation units.
If step 1 provided a consolidation unit value already, then there’s no need for the substitution rules in step 2. In
other words, if you don't assign a company to several consolidation units, you don't need to define any
substitution rules yourself. Instead, the system derives the consolidation unit correctly.
Step 3
The system checks the consolidation unit derived after step 2 for consistency.
If the company ID assigned in the master data of the derived consolidation unit matches the company ID from
the accounting posting, then the value derived for the consolidation unit is consistent and left as it is. If the
company IDs don’t match, then the value is inconsistent.
If the value is inconsistent, the system reverts the value back to the value derived in step 1. If the company was
assigned to a single consolidation unit for the fiscal year period of the accounting posting, then this value is the
corresponding consolidation unit. If the company was assigned to multiple consolidation units or no
consolidation units for the fiscal year period of the accounting posting, then the value is empty.
Partner unit derivation for consolidation units that are flexibly mapped with companies follows a 3-step process
similar to the consolidation unit derivation. If there’s a trading partner in the accounting posting, then the
partner unit derivation is executed once the consolidation unit derivation is triggered.
The following graphic illustrates how this derivation works. Click on each step for more information.
Step 1
• If the trading partner of the accounting posting is assigned as a company to a single consolidation unit in
the consolidation unit master data, then this consolidation unit is derived as the partner unit.
• If the trading partner is assigned as a company to several consolidation units or to no consolidation unit,
then no value is derived for the partner unit. As a result, the field for partner unit stays empty in step 1.
Step 2
Substitution rules that you’ve created overwrite the value derived in step 1. This is especially relevant if the
trading partner is assigned as a company to several consolidation units. As explained in step 1, the system
doesn't derive a partner unit value in this case. Instead, the field is empty after step 1.
So, it's the job of your defined substitution rules to derive the partner unit value in step 2 based on the context
of the accounting posting. For example, this context could be the partner company code, partner segment,
partner profit center, or partner functional area. In this way, step 2 is crucial for deriving a partner unit value in
the flexible derivation of partner units.
If step 1 provided a partner unit value already, then there's no need for the substitution rules in step 2. In other
words, if you don't assign a trading partner to several partner units, you don't need to define any substitution
rules yourself. Instead, the system derives the partner unit correctly.
Step 3
The system checks the partner unit derived from the substitution rules after step 2 for consistency.
This consistency check concerns the breakdown type. If the breakdown category of the FS item derived has the
breakdown type 0 (No Breakdown) regarding the partner unit, step 3 clears the partner unit value derived after
step 2. If no partner unit was derived after step 2 but the breakdown type regarding the partner unit is 2
(Breakdown required, if blank, the default value is used), step 3 fills the preconfigured default value.
In any of these cases, there’s no validation in step 3 that validates the derived partner unit against the
company assigned in the master data of the consolidation unit.
Related Information
You assign companies to consolidation units so that consolidation units can be flexibly derived during
accounting posting. Get an overview of how to assign companies to consolidation units and find links to the
relevant apps.
To use the flexible derivation of consolidation units, you first need to assign companies to consolidation units.
You do this in the Define Consolidation Units [page 15] app or alternatively in the Import Consolidation Master
Data [page 90] app.
The following points are important to keep in mind when you assign companies to consolidation units:
• You can only assign companies to consolidation units if you’re working in fiscal year period as of the From
Year for Group Reporting Preparation Ledger. Before this from year, a company is only assigned
automatically to the corresponding consolidation unit that has the same ID as the company.
• You can only assign companies to consolidation units if you’re working in a version that is not a plan
version. In plan versions, a company is only assigned automatically to the corresponding consolidation unit
that has the same ID as the company. This occurs regardless of the fiscal year period.
• You can only assign one company to a consolidation unit in a given fiscal year period. However, you can
assign a company to more the one consolidation unit.
• The assignment of company to consolidation unit is time-dependent but not version-dependent.
Although you can select any company or no company for your consolidation unit, the Transfer from Universal
Journal option can only be selected if certain prerequisites are met, and many of these prerequisites concern
the company assignment.
If any of the prerequisites aren't met, then the option won’t be available. In this case, you can select the info
icon ( ) below this option to see which prerequisites are missing. For a full list of these prerequisites, check
out the Transfer from Universal Journal section in Managing Consolidation Unit Master Data [page 622].
One of the prerequisites for the Transfer from Universal Journal option is that the company code assigned
to the company must have the same fiscal year variant (FYV) as the FYV of the consolidation version you're
working in. So, you create a consolidation unit with a company assignment that satisfies this prerequisite
and all the other prerequisites for the Transfer from Universal Journal option. Then, you select this option,
and save your new consolidation unit.
Later, you go back to the consolidation unit master data and change the company assignment to a different
company. However, the company code assigned to this new company has a different FYV than the FYV of
the consolidation version you're working in.
Related Information
You create substitution rules to flexibly derive consolidation units during accounting posting. Learn about these
substitution rules, how to create them, and find an example of a substitution rule that uses a lookup table.
You must create your own substitution rules with specific settings for the flexible derivation of consolidation
units. These substitution rules are used in step 2 of the derivation of consolidation units during accounting
posting. For more information on the different steps in the derivation of consolidation units, check out Flexible
Derivation of Consolidation Units [page 597].
You only need to create these substitution rules if you have companies that are assigned to multiple
consolidation units in the fiscal year period of an accounting posting. Otherwise, the SAP-delivered substitution
rule is sufficient to derive consolidation units.
You create substitution rules in the Manage Substitution/Validation Rules – Journal Entries app. In the app,
follow these steps when creating a rule to ensure it can be used for the flexible derivation of consolidation units.
Pay special attention to the app subtitle to make sure you use the correct app. The correct app for creating
substitution rules for the flexible derivation of consolidation units is Manage Substitution/Validation Rules
– Journal Entries, not Manage Substitution/Validation Rules – Group Journal Entries.
Once you’ve created the rule, you can then give it a name, description, and define the preconditions and
In the Precondition section, you define the criteria as you wish for when this rule takes effect. You can use
several different fields or functions as well as different operators to define these criteria.
If you want to define different substitution rules for different group reporting preparation ledgers or
different fiscal years, you can use the precondition section to specify the ledger or fiscal year for which the
a substitution rule should be relevant.
In the Substitution section, you must select ConsolidationUnit as the Target Field. By setting this, you ensure
that the substitution is used during accounting posting to derive consolidation units based on the
preconditions that you’ve defined. For the Substitution Type, you can choose from the different options to
define how the values for the consolidation unit are substituted.
For more information on the available options for the preconditions and substitutions as well as a full guide on
creating substitution rules, see Create Substitution Rules [page 568].
Example: Creating a Substitution Rule Using a Lookup Table for the Flexible
Derivation of Consolidation Units
Among the different substitution types available, Table Lookup can be one of the most useful for consolidation
unit derivation. This substitution type allows you to use a custom defined lookup table in which you maintain
associations between consolidation units and the criteria in the accounting posting. In this way, the system
searches in the lookup table to retrieve a consolidation unit based on the relevant criteria of the accounting
This is advantageous because it means that you can create one substitution rule to derive one of many
consolidation units from the lookup table, rather than create a substitution rule for each consolidation unit
that’s to be derived.
To create such a substitution rule for consolidation units using a lookup table, you first need to create the
lookup table, then create and manage entries in the lookup table, and then finally create the substitution rule.
The following procedure is an example to highlight the most important settings to make when creating a lookup
table for the flexible derivation of consolidation units.
1. Open the Custom Business Objects app and create a new custom business object
This app requires extensibility authorization. So, this step may need to be performed by a user with
such authorization.
2. In the Fields tab of the business object, make the following settings:
1. Define the fields that you want to use as lookup criteria.
1. In the Label and Identifier columns, define the fields to be used as lookup criteria. For example, you
can use the fields Company Code and Segment.
2. In the Type column, select a type for the fields. For example, you can choose Association to
Business Object to associate the fields with respective business objects, like company code and
segment. In this case, you’ll automatically get a value help with values of the existing business
objects when you maintain the entries in the lookup table.
3. In the Key column, make sure to select the checkbox for all fields that you want to use as lookup
2. Define Consolidation Unit as a field for the lookup result.
1. In the Label column, enter Consolidation Unit or another label of your choice.
2. In the Type column, select a type for the consolidation unit fields. For example, you can choose
Association to Business Object to associate the fields with the consolidation unit business object.
In this case, you’ll automatically get a value help with values of your existing consolidation units
when you maintain the entries in the lookup table.
3. In the Key column, do not select the checkbox. This ensures that the consolidation unit can be
used as the lookup result, rather than the lookup criteria.
3. In the General Information tab of the custom business object, make the following settings:
1. In the Details section, name the lookup table.
If you assign the business object to a business catalog later, this name will show up as the title of
the Fiori tile that users can use to launch the maintenance of the lookup table entries. More
information on this is in step 5 of this sequence.
If you want to create different sets of fields as lookup criteria, then you need to create separate lookup
tables for each set. For example, you can create a lookup table where the lookup criteria is just the
company code and another where the lookup criteria are the company code and the segment.
Subsequently, you then create separate substitution rules for each lookup table that you create.
1. Open your lookup table. You can do this by launching the UI with the Go To Generated UI link in the Custom
Business Objects app or with the generated Fiori tile.
2. Select Create.
3. Select specific values for each of the fields used as lookup criteria.
4. Select a specific value for the consolidation unit.
5. Select Create.
When you create entries, there’s no consistency check that checks if the entries are consistent with
what you’ve defined in the consolidation unit master data. Any lookup results that are inconsistent with
the consolidation unit master data are cleared or reverted by step 3 of the flexible derivation of
consolidation units.
For example, it’s possible to create two entries for the same consolidation unit that each associate a
company code from different companies. However, it’s only possible to assign one company to a
consolidation unit in the consolidation unit’s master data. During the derivation of consolidation units,
the system would therefore get an inconsistent result from the lookup table, and it would clear or revert
the value for the consolidation unit in step 3 of the process. For more information on this step, see
Flexible Derivation of Consolidation Units [page 597].
Once you’ve created entries in the lookup table, you can manage them by using the filters on the UI to see
which objects are associated with each other in the lookup table. You can then select entries to make changes
to them or to delete them.
1. Open the Manage Substitution and Validation Rules – Journal Entries app.
2. Select Create Rule.
3. In the Create Rule window, make the following selections:
1. Business Context: GRPL core fields
Once you’ve activated the substitution rule, it can be used to derive consolidation units in step 2 of the flexible
derivation of consolidation units. When the preconditions are met by the accounting posting, the system
searches in the lookup table to retrieve a consolidation unit based on the lookup criteria provided by the
accounting posting.
Related Information
The process of creating substitution rules for the flexible derivation of partner units is very similar to creating
substitution rules for the flexible derivation of consolidation units. Learn about the key differences as well as
how to reuse lookup tables in substitution rules for the flexible derivation of partner units.
For the flexible derivation of partner units, you must create your own substitution rules with specific settings.
These substitution rules are used in step 2 of partner unit derivation during accounting posting. For more
information on the different steps in the derivation of partner units, check out Flexible Derivation of
Consolidation Units [page 597].
When you create substitution rules for the flexible derivation of partner units, the process is almost the same
as creating substitution rules for the flexible derivation of consolidation units. There are only the following
• For Business Context, you select GRPL subassignments to FS item instead of GRPL core fields.
• For Target Field, you select PartnerConsolidationUnit instead of ConsolidationUnit.
For more information and a step-by-step guide, see Creating Substitution Rules for the Flexible Derivation of
Consolidation Units [page 604].
In substitution rules for the flexible derivation of partner units, you have the same options as you have in
substitution rules for the flexible derivation of consolidation units. One option that can be especially useful is
the reuse of lookup tables that you’ve created and maintained for the flexible derivation of consolidation units.
You can read a full guide to creating such lookup tables here: Example: Creating a Substitution Rule Using a
Lookup Table for the Flexible Derivation of Consolidation Units [page 605].
However, when you reuse the lookup table in a substitution rule for the flexible derivation of partner units, you
need to maintain the mappings to your accounting posting context accordingly in the Conditions section of the
details screen Select Source Field. For more information on these mappings, see step 6.c. in Create the
Substitution Rule [page 607].
When you select the corresponding fields of the accounting line items for the values in the Conditions, be sure
to select the partner variant. For example, for the value Segment, select I_GLACCOUNTLINEITEM-
PartnerSegment instead of I_GLACCOUNTLINEITEM-Segment. As a result, the substitution rule takes the
partner segment from the accounting line items as the value for the lookup criteria Segment in the lookup
table. In this way, the consolidation unit value resulting from this lookup in the table is then taken for the
partner unit field.
When you use the flexible derivation of consolidation units, there are some important aspects to consider
regarding the data release task. Depending on whether a value was derived for the consolidation unit during the
accounting posting, you may need to take some actions to ensure that the data release task processes the
accounting journal data and transfers it into the group journal correctly.
It’s possible that no value is derived for a consolidation unit during accounting posting. This can happen if one
of your substitution rules was missing or incomplete, or if the derived consolidation unit value was inconsistent
and therefore removed in step 3 of the derivation.
In this case, the data release task doesn’t process the corresponding accounting journal items. As a result, the
data isn’t transferred to the group journal.
To correct this, after adjustments to substitution rules and consolidation unit master data, a realignment of the
accounting journal data is required. This enables the data release task to process the accounting data as usual.
For more information, see Realignment in the Flexible Derivation of Consolidation Units [page 611].
Alternatively, you can load correction data into the group journal using posting level 0C.
After a consolidation unit is derived during accounting posting, it’s possible to make changes to the assignment
of a company to consolidation units or make changes to your substitution rules used in the flexible derivation of
consolidation units. However, that means that the consolidation unit derived before these changes may no
longer be the correct consolidation unit by the time you run the data release task.
In this case, the data release task still processes the accounting data and transfers it to the group journal, but
the data is transferred on the wrong consolidation unit.
To correct this, a realignment of the accounting journal data is required. After the realignment, you can rerun
the data release task. As a result, the data on the wrong consolidation unit in the group journal is reverted, and
the data is added on the correct consolidation unit. For more information, see Realignment in the Flexible
Derivation of Consolidation Units [page 611]. Alternatively, you can load correction data into the group journal
using posting level 0C.
If the relevant substitution rules for the flexible derivation of consolidation units and partner consolidation units
have changed after the accounting posting, then you can use the realignment function to reprocess the
derivation of consolidation units. Realignment is also necessary if the group reporting master data was
changed or if the configuration influencing the result of the substitution was changed.
The realignment function offers the possibility to reprocess the derivation of group reporting relevant fields
which are derived during accounting posting. For an overview of the realignment function, see Realign Group
Reporting Preparation Ledger [page 630].
Instead of using the realignment function, you can also load correction data into the group journal using
posting level 0C.
Based on the filter criteria defined in the realignment job, the realignment function selects all relevant
accounting journal items and reprocesses all substitution rules delivered by SAP and all active substitution
rules you’ve defined for the following fields that are relevant for group reporting:
• Company
• Consolidation unit
• Consolidation chart of accounts (COA)
• FS item
• Subitem category
• Subitem
• Partner unit
In the case of flexible derivation of consolidation units, this is relevant when the respective substitution rules
have changed after the accounting posting. For example, maybe substitution rules were modified, enhanced,
added, deactivated, or even deleted. Or perhaps the relevant lookup tables were modified. This is also relevant
in case the group reporting master data or the configuration influencing the result of the substitution was
changed. For example, maybe the assignment of companies to consolidation units was changed.
In all these cases, you can use the realignment function to select individual consolidation units or use
conditions such as between, starts with, or contains to more flexibly select consolidation units. This then
determines the accounting journal data that is to be processed in the realignment.
The realignment doesn’t directly process accounting journal entries that include the selected consolidation
unit value. Rather, the company assigned in the consolidation unit master data for the selected fiscal year
and period is used to identify the company codes assigned to that company in accounting. Then, the
accounting journal entries for the identified company codes are processed.
The realignment doesn’t process each and every selected accounting journal entry individually, but rather it
works on appropriately aggregated data from these journal entries.
If the realignment results in adjustments, these are posted with separate document numbers on a special
group reporting reclassification document type. The adjustments are posted using the timestamp of the
realignment execution.
Related Information
Once you split up data from a company to multiple consolidation units, you maintain consolidation unit
hierarchies or consolidation groups to perform the consolidation of additional criteria, such segment
consolidation and reporting.
You split up data from a company to multiple consolidation units to represent data “slices” of a company for a
certain object. Using segment as an example, the consolidation units each represent a data “slice” of the
company for a particular segment. This is a prerequisite for segment consolidation and reporting.
Once this prerequisite is satisfied, you can then consolidate or aggregate the data of the consolidation units
representing a specific segment. Depending on whether segment-specific postings are required, such as
consolidation group-specific postings on posting level 30, you can either define segments as nodes in a
consolidation unit hierarchy or define segments as their own consolidation group.
If no segment-specific postings are required, then it's sufficient to define segments as nodes in a
consolidation unit hierarchy in the Manage Global Hierarchies app. You can then assign the relevant
consolidation units as leaves under the segment node.
For more information on creating consolidation unit hierarchies, see "Manage Global Hierarchies" in Group
Reporting [page 508].
With this kind of hierarchy in place, the information derived for the partner unit during accounting posting is
used for the intercompany elimination in reports on the level of the segment.
If segment-specific postings are required, then you must create the segments as a consolidation groups in
the Consolidation Groups - Create and Change [page 30] app. Then you must assign the relevant consolidation
units to the consolidation groups in the Manage Group Structure - Group View [page 32] app, in the Manage
Group Structure - Unit View [page 35] app, or in the Import Consolidation Master Data [page 90] app.
Afterwards, you can perform segment-specific postings, such as consolidation group-specific postings on
posting level 30.
Related Information
Integrating General Ledger accounting and group reporting data directly, without first fetching the data from
General Ledger accounting, has the following benefits:
• You have early access to finance data with a high level of detail.
• You have access to the most recent data at any time, including the latest predictions based on logistics
• You have the option to release only modified data (delta release) and thus, avoid full mode data releases,
which slow performance.
With this integration, specific field data is no longer sent from General Ledger accounting to group reporting
and back again. Instead, the data from these fields are available in General Ledger accounting for group
reporting activities and can be used from there. Therefore, the integration of General Ledger accounting data
allows for more efficient and faster use of the data.
This is done by defining settings in the configuration activity Define Group Reporting Preparation Ledgers, that
unites accounting data and group reporting data. Fields relevant for group reporting and consolidation-specific
fields, such as consolidation group or posting level that are required for group-specific processing, are added to
general ledger accounting. The values of these specific group reporting fields are derived during the release
task, using predefined substitution rules with data replication to accounting.
However, cases are still supported where not all data is in accounting. Data that is loaded from outside the SAP
S/4HANA system, directly to group reporting, is supported as well since an accounting configuration isn't
available for some companies.
To use the Integration with Group Reporting Preparation Ledger you have to implement a number of
configuration steps.
1. You've assigned company codes to companies so that these companies can be accessed from group
reporting. The key of the company in accounting must identically match the key of the consolidation unit in
group reporting. You've also assign a fiscal year variant (FYV) to the company codes. Keep in mind that the
FYV for company codes must be the same as the FYV assigned to the consolidation version in order to use
the integration with group reporting preparation ledger in a given consolidation version. For more
information, see Company Code.
2. You've assigned company codes to ledgers in accounting. For the leading ledger, company codes are
assigned automatically. For more information, see Ledger. For non-leading ledgers, company codes are
assigned manually. You also define the currency settings for each company code in the ledger-dependent
configuration. The Functional Currency is used as Source for Local Currency Key Figure in the case of
integration with group reporting preparation ledger. Because of this, a company code must have the same
currency set for Functional Currency as the currency set for Local Currency of the corresponding
consolidation unit. The Local Currency for the consolidation unit is set later when managing consolidation
unit master data (see Step 6: Configure Consolidation Unit). If a Group Currency Source is maintained for
a consolidation version, another prerequisite to use the integration with group reporting preparation ledger
is that a company code provides the same currency via the configured source field as the Group Currency
maintained on the consolidation version level.
3. Define accounting ledgers as group reporting preparation ledgers in the configuration activity Define Group
Reporting Preparation Ledgers. In the accounting ledgers that have been configured as group reporting
preparation ledgers, the system derives and stores consolidation-relevant information during accounting
postings. In this configuration, you assign a consolidation chart of accounts (COA) to the accounting
ledger. This defines the financial statement (FS) items that can be derived during accounting postings. In
addition, other settings can be maintained, which are then used in the derivation of consolidation-relevant
information. For more information, see Configuration for Group Reporting Preparation Ledgers [page 620].
4. You assign a preparation ledger to a version in the Define Versions configuration activity. For more
information see the Define Versions sections under Configuration for Group Reporting Preparation Ledgers
[page 620].
5. The release task must be part of a task group. This was automatically done when you implemented the
content. For new task group configurations you have to assign the release task to a task group in the Assign
Tasks to Task Group configuration activity.
6. Manage the master data of consolidation units in the Define Consolidation Units [page 15] app or in the
Import Consolidation Master Data [page 90] app. For the release task of data from accounting to group
reporting, the option Transfer from Universal Journal is used. This option can be selected in the Universal
Journal Integration section of a consolidation unit’s master data. For more information, see Managing
Consolidation Unit Master Data [page 622].
When you have carried out the necessary configuration steps for the Integration with Group Reporting
Preparation Ledger the journal entry posting process is as described below.
Procedure Glossary
The following table includes group reporting definitions related to the preparation ledger integration:
• Group reporting preparation ledger (preparation ledger): An accounting ledger you configure as a group
reporting preparation ledger in the Define Group Reporting Preparation Ledger configuration activity. This
ledger is the source of information for the integration between General Ledger accounting and group
• From Year for Integration Group Reporting Preparation Ledger (From Year): The starting point of the
integration. Any processes in or after this from year occur within the context of the integration with the
group reporting preparation ledger.
• Field derivation: Both predefined substitution rules and custom-defined substitution rules, which were
created using the Substitution/Validation for Journal Entries app, are applied when journal entries are
posted. These rules are applied to derive the group reporting field values for the group reporting fields,
which were added to accounting for the integration with group reporting preparation ledger.
To enable the usage of integration with group reporting preparation ledger, you must first set up some
configuration settings. You can manage these settings in the following configuration activities:
For more information on these configuration activities, see the help documentation for each configuration
Set the From Year for Integration with Group Reporting Preparation Ledger
You can start the configuration in the Check Global System Settings configuration activity. There, you set the
From Year for Integration with Group Reporting Preparation Ledger. You must do this step first before making
any other configurations for the integration with group reporting preparation ledger.
If you're new to SAP S4HANA Cloud for group reporting, the From Year for Integration with Group Reporting
Preparation Ledger is aready set to initial (1001).
This from year serves as the starting point of the integration. So, anything in or after this from year occurs
within the context of the integration with group reporting preparation ledger. This is important because the
system behaves differently depending on which integration process is being used. For example, the integration
with group reporting preparation ledger requires different checks for a data release task.
Please note that this From Year for Integration with Group Reporting Preparation Ledger can only be set
once. After it's set, you can only change it by contacting SAP.
After you set the from year, you can define accounting ledgers as group reporting preparation ledgers in the
Define Group Reporting Preparation Ledgers configuration activity. In the accounting ledgers that have been
configured as group reporting preparation ledgers, the system derives and stores consolidation-relevant
information during accounting postings.
In this configuration, you assign a consolidation chart of accounts (COA) to the accounting ledger. This defines
the financial statement (FS) items that can be derived during accounting postings.
If applicable, you can also assign an FS Item Mapping Version or an FS Item Attributes Version. You assign an FS
Item Mapping Version to derive FS items during accounting posting based on G/L account mappings to FS
items, which are stored on these versions. You assign an FS Item Attributes Version to make time- and version-
dependent attribute values of FS item master data available in substitution and validation rules during
accounting postings.
When you define these preparation ledgers, you enable consolidation-relevant data to be derived and persisted
during accounting postings.
If you need to make corrections to the opening balance of a new fiscal year, you can’t do so directly on the
subitem used for the opening balance (Subitem in Balance Carryforward). This is because the opening balance
of the new fiscal year must exactly match the end balance of the previous fiscal year.
Instead, you can assign Carryforward Reclassification Subitems, which are then used for corrections on the
opening balances. This way, the opening balance on the opening subitem still matches the end balance, but the
values of the opening balance can be adjusted thanks to the corrections made using the Carryforward
Reclassification Subitem. For step-by-step guidance on this, see the help documentation for the configuration
activity Define Group Reporting Preparation Ledgers.
Define Versions
Lastly, after you’ve defined group reporting preparation ledgers, you can set the Group Reporting Preparation
Ledger in the Define Versions configuration activity. If necessary, you can also optionally set the Group Currency
Source. You can only do these configurations if you’re working in a year that is greater than or equal to the From
Year for Integration with Group Reporting Preparation Ledger.
These configuration settings in the Define Version configuration activity are only necessary if the version is
not a planning version. For planning versions, these settings are unnecessary.
For each version in which you want to use the integration with group reporting preparation ledger, you must
assign a group reporting preparation ledger so that the system knows which preparation ledger to use for the
If you assign a Group Currency Source, keep in mind that the currency derived from the Group Currency Source
must match the Group Currency of the version. For example, if the Group Currency of the version is set to EUR
and the Group Currency Source of the version is set to Freely Defined Currency 2, then the Freely
Defined Currency 2 set for all relevant company codes of companies for which the integration with group
reporting preparation ledger is to be used must also be EUR.
Related Information
How to Configure the Integration with Group Reporting Preparation Ledger [page 614]
To ensure that the integration with group reporting preparation ledger functionality is used, you must manage
master data for consolidation units accordingly. This is necessary so that the release task, which releases data
from accounting to group reporting, is provided in the data monitor.
For the release task of data from Accounting to Group Reporting, the option Transfer from Universal Journal is
used. This option can be selected in the Universal Journal Integration section of a consolidation unit’s master
data in the Define Consolidation Units [page 15] app.
If you’re working in a year as of the From Year for Group Reporting Preparation Ledger, then there are further
checks in addition to the ones from the timeframe before the from year. These additional checks ensure that
the release task can be executed. Therefore, there are additional prerequisites that must be fulfilled before you
can select the Transfer from Universal Journal option for a consolidation unit.
Planning Versions
Planning versions are a kind of exception regarding the Transfer from Universal Journal option. If you’re working
in a planning version as of the From Year for Group Reporting Preparation Ledger, then there are no additional
prerequisites for this option compared to the timeframe before the from year.
To select the Transfer from Universal Journal option for a consolidation unit in a year as of the from year, all the
following prerequisites must be fulfilled:
Selecting the Option Transfer from Universal Journal Before the From Year
It may occur that the option Transfer from Universal Journal had already been selected for a consolidation unit
in a year before the From Year for Group Reporting Preparation Ledger. If this is the case, the option could
appear as selected in a year as of the from year even though all the additional prerequisites might not be
In this case, the option displays as selected but is inactive when in a year as of the from year. You also can’t
save any changes to the consolidation unit’s master data unless you change to the option No Integration.
Alternatively, you can make the necessary adjustments to fulfill the prerequisites, and then you can save the
consolidation unit master data with the option Transfer from Universal Journal. To see which prerequisites are
missing for the Transfer from Universal Journal option, you can click the Information icon ( ) close to that
If you select the option Transfer from Universal Journal and save changes to the consolidation unit master data
in a year as of the from year, this affects some consolidation unit master data options. This section lists these
effects, which can be seen in the Define Consolidation Units [page 15] app as well as the Import Consolidation
Master Data [page 90] app.
These effects don’t apply in years before the From Year for Group Reporting Preparation Ledger.
For planning versions, the logic for the Source for Local Currency Key Figure and Source for Group
Currency Key Figure is different and cannot be influenced by configuration at all.
• The Deviating Fiscal Year Variant (FYV) field is disabled in all consolidation versions except planning
versions. This is because the company code assigned to the company, which is then assigned to the
consolidation unit, must have the same FYV as the consolidation version before you can even select the
Transfer from Universal Journal option. Therefore, it’s impossible to have a deviating FYV for such a
consolidation unit.
• The columns Source for Group Currency Key Figure and Source for Local Currency Key Figure aren’t
• The column Deviating FYV is included, but it's only relevant for planning versions.
The column Group Currency is Leading Currency only appears if the functionality is activated in the
Check Global System Settings configuration activity.
• Any values in the columns Source for Group Currency Key Figure and Source for Local Currency Key Figure
are ignored by the system. This only applies if you downloaded the template in a year before the from year
of group reporting preparation ledger and then upload it in a year as of this from year. Otherwise, the
columns aren’t included in the template at all.
• Any values in the column Deviating FYV for all versions except planning versions don’t result in errors as
long as the values are the same as the ones in the database. If they differ from what’s in the database, you
receive errors. These settings may be relevant for other consolidation versions that share the same
consolidation attribute special version. However, they're not to be deleted or changed from a consolidation
version for which they're not relevant.
Related Information
To integrate the group reporting preparation ledger, specific fields for group reporting were added to
accounting. The values for these additional fields are determined by the system at the time of posting, in
accounting, using predefined substitution rules.
The following specific fields for group reporting were added to accounting:
• Consolidation Unit
• Partner Consolidation Unit
• Company
• Consolidation Chart of Accounts
• Financial Statement Item
• Subitem Category
• Subitem
The values in these fields, which the system derives, can't be entered during manual posting in accounting.
You can view these fields after a journal is posted.
Derivation Process
When you post journal entries in accounting, the system uses the Manage Substitution/Validation Rules for
Journal Entries app and uses the predefined substitution rules to determine the corresponding field values.
These predefined rules determine from which fields the values are derived.
Consolidation Unit By default, the consolidation unit is derived directly from the
company field. The company field is determined in the Fi
nance Organization configuration under Financial Account
Partner Unit By default, the partner unit is the partner entity of the corre
sponding consolidation unit. By default, it is derived directly
from the trading partner field. In accounting, the trading
partner is the same master data as Company.
Financial Statement Item (FS Item) Generally, in the group reporting master data maintenance
process, G/L accounts are mapped to Financial Statement
(FS) Items in a mapping version, mapping ID, and revision.
Then, they’re assigned to a fiscal period, Consolidation
Chart of Accounts, and G/L chart of accounts using the in
formation defined in the Assign FS Item Mapping app.
With the Manage Substitution/Validation Rules for Journal Entries app, the business contexts and events GRPL
core fields and GRPL subassignments to FS item are available.
1. The system applies the predefined substitution rules in the GRPL core fields business context.
2. The SAP default derivations for the Company, Consolidation Unit, Consolidation Chart of Accounts, and FS
Item fields are performed.
3. Then, if available, the customer-defined substitution rules for the FS Item fields are processed.
4. The system performs a new round of predefined substitution rules for FS Item fields. This is a safety
measure, which ensures there are no empty FS items that cause issues. If an FS item field contains no
value after a custom-defined substitution rules, the system enters the &NOMAP value. This value is released
and displayed in group reporting, where you can manually correct it.
5. The system applies the predefined substitution rules in the GRPL subassignments to FS item business
6. The default derivation of the Subitem, Subitem Category, and Partner Unit fields are performed.
7. If available, the custom-defined substitution rules for the Subitem and Partner Unit fields are processed.
8. The system performs a new round of predefined substitution rules for the Subitem and Partner Unit fields
by using the breakdown types. With these substitution rules, the data consistency is maintained effectively.
• If the breakdown type is 0, the field value is cleared.
Related Information
SAP delivers predefined substitution rules that are automatically applied at the time of a journal entry posting.
However, you can also create your own substitution rules, if the predefined rules don't meet your requirements.
You can create your own substitution rules for the following fields:
• FS Item
• Subitem
• Partner Unit
It isn't possible to maintain these fields manually. You can only change their values by defining substitution
• By creating custom substitution rules, it's possible to maintain the data quality and consistency at a high
level. You can optimize and improve these rules over time.
• The person who creates a journal entry often isn't responsible for the data quality and cannot handle error
situations due to incorrect postings. So, another person would need to handle the errors, which isn't
• SAP provides a real-time function to load data with mappings so it doesn't have to be done manually.
• These fields cannot be controlled by regular field control in accounting.
To create your own additional substitution rules, you use the Substitution/Validation Rues for Journal Entries
In accounting, the following business contexts and events are available for integration with the group reporting
preparation Ledger:
You can create custom-defined rules by using the substitution type Table Lookup when you create a
substitution rule in the Substitution/Validation Rues for Journal Entries app.
Custom-defined substitution rules, created for these fields, overwrite the SAP-delivered substitution rules
for these fields.
Data quality in accounting is maintained at the highest possible level to ensure that source data is consistent
with data in group reporting and to avoid future issues occurring in group reporting. The data quality is based
on the following functions:
Related Information
You can correct missing or wrong field values in accounting and group reporting. In group reporting you adjust
released reported data in the document type at posting level 0C.
In general, the correction should always have two lines for each record. The first line contains the reversal of the
original record and the second line the correct record including the corrected value in the validated fields.
There are two tasks to validate the quality of the data and to give you the starting point for locating the
documents that need to be corrected.
If the error was found by the Validate Universal Journal task, then the task log contains more information. It
provides detailed information, such as for example consolidation unit, FS item, period, subitem category
and subitem. Additional fields are available in the log.
2. Find out which data has to be corrected.
• You use the Display Group Journal Entries app to find out which entries have issues. For the missing or
wrong field value entries you prepare reversal entries based on the document. You reverse and then
correct them one by one. As the report does not display the aggregated value you go through every
document to identify which line items need to be repaired, then you prepare the adjustment entry.
• You can use the Group Data Analysis app. To define the fields displayed in the report you use the Define
Consolidation Master Data configuration activity.
3. Provide necessary details in the document for future reference
You can include a document text to describe the reason for this activity. This attachment can be used to
provide more details for a data analysis.
Document types with posting level 0C bypass the consistency check of the breakdown category, in
order to book the reversal of the wrong data. But it is still subject to the default value derivation defined
in the breakdown category. Ensure that the required fields are correctly filled to avoid new issues.
Related Information
You can realign the Group Reporting Preparation Ledger using the scheduling jobs in the following apps:
You can use this scheduling job periodically to correct data in accounting, which was modified during a
derivation process that occurred after the original posting in general ledger, in the current period. When you
run the job, the system selects the current period data and clears the group reporting fields in accounting.
After clearing, the predefined substitution rules are started again and are automatically applied to journal
entries when they're posted.
This scheduling job uses a year-to-date (YTD) or periodical approach and corrects errors from the past or
at year-end.
• To correct errors of the current period. To do so, run the program in periodic mode.
• To correct errors from past periods without reopening previous periods. To do so, run the program in Year-
To-Date (YTD) mode for the current period. The job selects data from period 000 to the current period,
and adjusts the accumulated amount to the current period.
To ensure that the opening balance in a new year and the closing balance of the previous year are equal,
SAP recommends to schedule the job at the year-end for prior year data adjustment. If this is not possible,
run the program in YTD mode for the current period to realign the opening balance. For the opening
balance realignment, the job uses the subitem reclassification that you've defined in the group reporting
preparation ledger. This prevents the opening balance from being modified when the derivation process of
the respective FS item is modified in the balance sheet (B/S) accounts.
Log file
Special fields AWITEM and AWREF are available for tracking realignment runs in ACDOCA-based reports for data
Related Information
For currency translation in the preparation ledger integration, the default currency translation concept as used
in group reporting applies.
There is no direct change in currency translation after you have activated the integration with group reporting
preparation ledger. However, consider that the the following impact on the overall currency translation solution
is possible:
• The source of local currency behavior will change once you have activated the integration with group
reporting preparation ledger. Instead of choosing the source currency of a local currency, group reporting
will always use the functional currency as local currency for every integrated consolidation unit. Any
flexibility required for the local currency must be handled in accounting.
• The source of group currency is no longer defined by the consolidation unit, but instead by the version.
If there are errors in the Validate Universal Journal and Reported Data Validation task, which aren't resolved,
related errors for currency translation occur.
The balance carryforward (BCF) process in accounting also supports the derivation of specific group reporting
fields. You start this process by scheduling the Balance Carryforward job in the Schedule General Ledger Jobs
It's necessary to rerun substitution rules in BCF to ensure that the document types in the opening period are
correct after you've realigned the group reporting preparation ledger. This means latest derivations from the
original accounting document types are used and not the derivations used by the realignment function, which
prevents an accumulation of realignment documents.
Realignment document types balance to 0 in posting period 0 and thus, shouldn't appear in the opening
Balance Carryforward into New Year - Including Realigning the Group Reporting Preparation Ledger
Period and Year BTTYPE Document Type FS Item Subitem LC Value
SAP recommends running the Balance Carryforward job in accounting after the last change in the group
reporting field derivation logic, and after realigning the group reporting preparation ledger. In this context
and if the derivation logic has changed during the year, you should run the Realign Group Reporting
Preparation Ledger job with the option year-to-date (cumulative) in the last period of the year. This prevents
discrepancies between the opening balances in the new year and the closing balances in the prior year on
group reporting fields, such as FS item.
If you've run the Balance Carryforward job before the last changes in the derivations, you must run the job
again with the reset option.
• FS item derivation
FS items are derived from the general ledger account. A special case exists for retained earnings in the
general ledger account. First, the balance carryforward in accounting creates the data record with the
Note that the G/L sender field is carried forward first by the regular accounting Balance Carryforward.
For balance sheet FS items where the transaction type RMVCT is used as the sender field, and an
opening transaction type is configured, this opening transaction type is moved to the subitem such as
for example 900.
• If the sender field is empty, the breakdown type is evaluated. If the breakdown type is greater than or equal
to 2, and if the subitem category supports the carryforward subitem, the value of the carryforward subitem
900 is taken from the default value of the transaction type.
For balance sheet FS items where you use the transaction type RMVCT as the sender field, and opening
subitem and transaction type are configured, ensure that consistent configuration is in place,
especially that the opening transaction type = opening subitem.
Related Information
When the group reporting preparation ledger is integrated, the process to release universal journals has many
advantages compared to the standard release process.
When journal entries are released, the transfer of special periods between accounting and group reporting,
such as special period 13, 14, 15, 16, and so on, is supported. By activating the integration with group reporting
preparation ledger, special periods are transferred directly from accounting to group reporting during the data
SAP recommends running the full update at the end of a period to ensure all delta updates were
processed correctly.
• If a document was missed by the Data Release Task, the Validation of Totals Records app in group reporting
finds the imbalance. When you run the Complete Period mode, missing documents are corrected.
• You select the Complete Period mode when you run the Data Release Task as a job in the Schedule Jobs for
Consolidation Tasks app.
Related Information
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