Chapter 7 Dermatology - Integumentary System: Medical Language, 4e (Turley)
Chapter 7 Dermatology - Integumentary System: Medical Language, 4e (Turley)
Chapter 7 Dermatology - Integumentary System: Medical Language, 4e (Turley)
1) The thick, crusty scar of necrotic tissue that forms on a third-degree burn is known as a
A) bulla
B) keloid
C) eschar
D) comedo
Answer: C
3) Which one of the following is the medical word for male pattern baldness?
A) alopecia
B) vitiligo
C) folliculitis
D) hirsutism
Answer: A
4) Which is a type of electrosurgery that uses a wire loop electrode to cut out a lesion?
A) incision and drainage
B) electrosection
C) fulguration
D) cryosurgery
Answer: B
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6) Which is the common name for a herpes simplex type 1 infection?
A) scabies
B) cold sores
C) blisters
D) shingles
Answer: B
8) The superficial skin wound of a scratch is known by the medical name of a/an ________.
A) excoriation
B) contusion
C) decubitus
D) cellulitis
Answer: A
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12) Excessive dryness of the skin is ________.
A) eczema
B) keratosis
C) anhidrosis
D) xeroderma
Answer: D
13) A hemorrhage under the skin that is 3 cm in diameter or larger is a/an ________.
A) diaphoresis
B) ecchymosis
C) exudate
D) seborrhea
Answer: B
14) The physician ordered a Tzanck test to aid in making the diagnosis of ________.
A) squamous cell carcinoma
B) shingles
C) pediculosis
D) lupus erythematosus
Answer: B
16) When Jeremy Smith was in the shower, the hot water ran out. The cold water caused the
hairs on his skin to stand up. This body response to cold is known as ________.
A) exfoliation
B) piloerection
C) perspiration
D) anhidrosis
Answer: B
17) If a patient has poor skin turgor and tenting of the skin, they have ________.
A) a vitamin deficiency
B) dehydration
C) a lack of oxygen
D) jaundice
Answer: B
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18) Wilheim Schnell required a ________ for removal of necrotic tissue from his wound.
A) debridement
B) dermabrasion
C) Mohs' surgery
D) xenograft
Answer: A
19) Abnormal, white, depigmented patches of skin interspersed with normal skin are
characteristic of which skin disease?
A) albinism
B) pustules
C) pallor
D) vitiligo
Answer: D
21) Which medical specialty studies the anatomy and physiology of the integumentary system
and uses diagnostic tests, medical and surgical procedures, and drugs to treat integumentary
A) neurology
B) dermatology
C) psychology
D) integumentary
Answer: B
22) The integumentary system covers the entire surface of the body and consists of the skin, hair,
and ________.
A) nails
B) eyes
C) ears
D) fingers
Answer: A
23) The epidermis contains melanocytes, pigment cells that produce ________.
A) keratin
B) melanin
C) collagen
D) elastin
Answer: B
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24) Which of the following is NOT in the dermis?
A) sweat glands
B) nerves
C) arteries
D) keratin
Answer: D
25) The subcutaneous tissue is a loose, connective tissue located directly beneath the ________.
A) epidermis
B) cutaneous layer
C) dermis
D) adipose tissue
Answer: C
26) Sebaceous glands are related to oil as sudoriferous glands are related to ________.
A) sweat
B) follicles
C) the lunula
D) a carbuncle
Answer: A
27) Which is the name for the general category of skin lesion that is pink to red, flat or raised,
pruritic or nonpruritic?
A) neoplasm
B) rash
C) wound
D) xeroderma
Answer: B
28) A genetic mutation that causes nonfunctioning melanocytes that do NOT produce any
melanin is known as ________.
A) albinism
B) cyanosis
C) jaundice
D) necrosis
Answer: A
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30) A very firm, abnormally large scar that is bigger than the original injury is a ________.
A) callus
B) corn
C) cicatrix
D) keloid
Answer: D
33) Which is a benign, pigmented, flat macule that develops after sun exposure?
A) freckle
B) hives
C) eschar
D) lipoma
Answer: A
34) Which is a congenital abnormality in which there are extra fingers or toes?
A) syndactyly
B) polydactyly
C) senile lentigo
D) papilloma
Answer: B
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36) The abbreviation SLE stands for ________.
A) systemic lupus erythematosus
B) skin lesion enlargement
C) severe lupus erythematosus
D) senile lentigo eruption
Answer: A
38) Which surgical procedure uses a scalpel to remove an entire skin lesion?
A) excisional biopsy
B) incisional biopsy
C) punch biopsy
D) shave biopsy
Answer: A
39) Topical ________ drugs are used to treat herpes simplex infections of the skin.
A) antipruritic
B) antiviral
C) vitamin A-type
D) antifungal
Answer: B
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42) Which of the following predisposes an elderly patient to developing a decubitus ulcer?
A) circulatory problems
B) poor nutrition
C) decreased fat in the subcutaneous tissue
D) all of the above
Answer: D
43) Which of the following is a word used to describe any visible damage to the skin?
A) lesion
B) benign
C) malignant
D) dermatitis
Answer: A
44) Julius Alexander was recently in contact with poison ivy. He is now experiencing severe
itching. Another word for itching is ________.
A) rash
B) pruritus
C) xeroderma
D) dermatitis
Answer: B
46) Which medical procedure uses a metal instrument that ends in a small circular ring with a
sharp edge to scrape off the superficial part of a skin lesion?
A) cryosurgery
B) debridement
C) biopsy
D) curettage
Answer: D
47) The use of a rapidly spinning wire brush or diamond surface to mechanically scrape the
epidermis is known as ________.
A) microdermabrasion
B) chemical peel
C) laser skin resurfacing
D) dermabrasion
Answer: D
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48) A procedure that uses a circular metal cutter to remove a plug-shaped core of skin is called
a/an ________ biopsy.
A) excisional
B) incisional
C) shave
D) punch
Answer: D
49) An autoimmune disorder characterized by the production of excessive epidermal cells and
silvery scales on the skin is known as ________.
A) psoriasis
B) a sarcoma
C) lupus erythematosus
D) malignant melanoma
Answer: A
50) An autoimmune disorder that causes the skin and internal organs to become progressively
hardened is called ________.
A) xeroderma
B) acne vulgaris
C) scleroderma
D) acne rosacea
Answer: C
51) In which disease are oily areas interspersed with patches of dry, scaly skin and dandruff?
A) seborrheic dermatitis
B) anhidrosis
C) diaphoresis
D) alopecia
Answer: A
53) Abnormally curved fingernails and stunted growth of the fingers associated with a chronic
lack of oxygen in patients with cystic fibrosis is known as ________.
A) urticaria
B) curettage
C) clubbing
D) dermabrasion
Answer: C
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54) The procedure that removes acne scars, wrinkles, or tattoos by means of chemical peel,
dermabrasion, or laser treatments is called ________.
A) skin resurfacing
B) suturing
C) biopsy
D) skin graft
Answer: A
55) A surgical procedure to remove all or part of a skin lesion for the purpose of diagnosis is
called ________.
A) biopsy
B) dermatoplasty
C) rhytidectomy
D) skin grafting
Answer: A
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60) Which skin lesion is elevated and is semisolid or contains some fluid?
A) pustule
B) macule
C) cyst
D) fissure
Answer: C
62) A sliding or scraping injury that mechanically removes the epidermis is known as a/an
A) abrasion
B) callus
C) hemorrhage
D) abscess
Answer: A
63) Small or large blisters filled with tissue fluid that occur after a second-degree burn are called
A) wheals
B) lacerations
C) bullae
D) ulcers
Answer: C
65) Large abscesses with connecting channels under the skin form a/an ________.
A) carbuncle
B) ulcer
C) laceration
D) lipoma
Answer: A
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Question Type: Diseases
67) Spandex, latex gloves, soaps, and detergents all can produce ________.
A) actinic keratoses
B) contact dermatitis
C) squamous cell carcinoma
D) alopecia
Answer: B
68) A congenital growth composed of a mass of superficial, dilated blood vessels is known as
a/an ________.
A) hemorrhage
B) hematoma
C) hemangioma
D) malignant melanoma
Answer: C
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72) Severe acne rosacea can cause an erythematous, irregular enlargement of the nose that is
known as ________.
A) rhinophyma
B) alopecia
C) psoriasis
D) lipoma
Answer: A
73) Excessive sweating (due to a serious medical condition such as myocardial infarction) is
known as ________.
A) a lipoma
B) diaphoresis
C) psoriasis
D) cellulitis
Answer: B
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78) A dermatome is ________.
A) used to make a cut to form a skin graft
B) a skin area that sends sensory information to a spinal nerve
C) a surgical instrument
D) all of the above
Answer: D
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84) The normal, constant shedding of dead skin cells is known as ________.
A) hypersensitivity
B) exfoliation
C) diaphoresis
D) shingles
Answer: B
86) When oil in the skin pore becomes hardened and dark it is known as ________.
A) a follicle
B) a comedo
C) sebum
D) a lunula
Answer: B
87) A disease of the skin in which the blood vessels of the face are dilated, the skin is very
reddened, and the nose can become enlarged is called ________.
A) acne vulgaris
B) diaphoresis
C) basal cell carcinoma
D) acne rosacea
Answer: D
88) Which of these combining forms means "dead cells; dead tissue; dead body"?
A) cutane/o-
B) necr/o-
C) seb/o-
D) ungu/o-
Answer: B
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90) A ________ is a regular scar, but a ________ is an excessive, overgrown scar.
A) cicatrix; keloid
B) blister; vesicle
C) lipoma; carcinoma
D) ulcer; nevus
Answer: A
91) Using a cannula to remove excess fat from the subcutaneous tissue is known as ________.
A) liposuction
B) cryosurgery
C) frozen section
D) skin graft
Answer: A
92) The hard, fibrous protein that fills cells in the epidermis is ________.
A) melanin
B) keratin
C) basal
D) sebum
Answer: B
94) The layer of dead skin cells that arises from the epidermis around the base of the nail is
called the ________.
A) lunula
B) elastin
C) follicle
D) cuticle
Answer: D
95) Cells from plants and animals can act as ________ to sensitive individuals.
A) allergens
B) dermatomes
C) adipocere
D) lesions
Answer: A
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96) The meaning of "guarding; protecting" refers to the combining form ________.
A) phylact/o-
B) sensitiv/o-
C) cutane/o-
D) lip/o-
Answer: A
100) The combining forms adip/o- and lip/o- both mean ________.
A) "fat"
B) "layer"
C) "mouth"
D) "skin"
Answer: A
101) The combining forms onych/o- and ungu/o- both mean ________.
A) "itching; scratching"
B) "fingernail; toenail"
C) "hair; follicle"
D) "below; underneath"
Answer: B
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102) All of these combining forms mean "sweat" or "sweating" EXCEPT ________.
A) hidr/o-
B) sudor/i-
C) diaphor/o-
D) hirsut/o-
Answer: D
105) All of the following are TRUE about cellulitis EXCEPT ________.
A) it is caused by a virus
B) there is erythema (with a red streak), warmth, and pain
C) it can develop from a superficial scratch, insect bite, or blister
D) bacteria produce enzymes that allow it to spread between the tissues
Answer: A
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108) Which word parts do you need to build a medical word that means "skin (that is) dry"?
A) -itis, dermat/o-
B) -osis, cyan/o-
C) -graft, all/o-
D) -derma, xer/o-
Answer: D
109) Which is the primary accented syllable in the pronunciation of the medical word cellulitis
A) sel
B) yoo
C) ly
D) tis
Answer: C
110) Which syllable is the primary accented syllable in the pronunciation of the medical word
psoriasis (sor-eye-ah-sis)?
A) sor
B) eye
C) ah
D) sis
Answer: B
111) ________ is the medical name for the fat in subcutaneous tissue.
A) Adipose
B) Lunula
C) Lipocytes
D) Dermatome
Answer: A
113) All of the following are types of skin grafts EXCEPT ________.
A) autograft
B) synthetic
C) dermatome
D) xenograft
Answer: C
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114) Which disease is a fungal infection of the scalp that is also known as ringworm?
A) verruca
B) tinea capitis
C) decubitus ulcer
D) tinea pedis
Answer: B
115) ________ is surgery that includes any type of plastic surgery to the skin.
A) Liposuction
B) Dermatoplasty
C) Shave biopsy
D) Mohs' surgery
Answer: B
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120) The Greek singular noun ecchymosis has a plural form of ________.
A) ecchymoses
B) ecchymosae
C) ecchymotic
D) ecchymoti
Answer: A
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