Sem - 2 BVJMM Syllabus

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BVJMM- 201

Print Journalism
Max Marks: 100
End Term Examination: 70
Internal Assessment: 30
Duration of Exam: 3 hours

Course Objectives

 Understand the principles and techniques of journalism.

 Identify news values and sources of news.
 Understand structure of newsroom 
 Understand modern trends in print journalism with discussion on contemporary issues and
problems which are there and which might affect organizations of newspapers in the

UNIT I Introduction to Journalism

Define Journalism, role of a journalist, responsibilities of a journalist/reporter, Journalism as Fourth
Estate, Yellow Journalism and Citizen Journalism.

UNIT II Introduction to Newspapers

Define Newspaper, Elements of Newspaper, Print Media Terminologies, Classification of Newspapers,
Difference between newspaper and magazine. Types of Headlines, Newspaper as a medium of Mass

UNIT III Introduction to News

What is News:need and importance, Elements of News, Hard News & Soft News, Types of Headlines,
Leads and Body in the news story, News Sources; News Sources: Attribution and its types;
Credibility and Quotations, By Line, Credit Line and Embargo

UNIT IV Structure of Newsroom

Newsroom setup, Set up of editorial Department, Functions of News Editor, Chief Editor,
Responsibilities of chief editor and sub editor
UNIT V Editing and Layouting
Editing: Definition, principles, Editing symbols and Proof Reading, Advent of electronic editing,
Photo Caption. Design and Layout for Newspaper, Magazine

Text Books:

1. Ahuja, B. N. (1996). History of Indian Press: Growth of Newspapers in India. Surjeet

2. Aggarwal, V. B., & Gupta, V. S. (2001). Handbook of Journalism and Mass Communication.
New Delhi. Concept
3. Natarajan, J. (1955). History of Indian Journalism. Delhi. Publications Division, Ministry of
Information and Broadcasting.

Reference Books:

1. U Raman. Writing for the Media. University Press.

2. Handbook of Print Media - Technologies and Production Methods /Helmut
3. Ahmad Shahzad. Journalism & Press.Anmol Publication
Indian Culture and Media Ethics
Max Marks: 100
End Term Examination: 70
Internal Assessment: 30
Duration of Exam: 3 hours

Course Objectives
• To enable the student to understand various media ethics, policy and regulatory
frameworks in India that affect media establishments’ communication activities.
• The course will examine the success or failure of existing media policy and
regulations in a technologically dynamic media environment.
• To understand and analyse the broad range of specific ethical and moral issues
pertinent to various aspects of the media.

UNIT I Ethics
Ethics-Concept and Importance of Media Ethics, Code of Ethics, Practical Application and Solutions
to Media Ethics Theories – Deontology, Utilitarianism, Teleological, Theory based on Rights and
Virtue. Principles of Media Ethics: Accountability and Transparency – Components of Media Ethics
– Ethical Values and Conflict of Ethical Values.

UNIT II Codes and Standards in Media

Codes of Journalistic Ethics: Press Council Codes and Parliamentary Code of Conduct for Journalists
in India. Parliamentary Privileges and Immunities’, tips for reporting parliament. Broadcasting
Codes – For radio (AIR) Fundamental Principles, Self-Regulation: For (Television) By NBA .Public
Relations and Advertising Codes of Conduct – General Principles and Practices.

UNIT III Social & Moral Responsibility of Press

Normative Theories of Press: Authoritarian, Libertarian, Social Responsibility, Soviet Media Theory.
Media Responsibility/ Restrictions: Comparative Study in UK, USA and India. Pressures on
journalists: Types and Professional solutions – AJA Code of Ethics. Censorship and Film
Certification: OTT Platforms. Freedom of Responsibility in Reporting Methods: Media Trail and
Right to Privacy.
UNIT IV Media & Society
Media & Women: Status of Women, Women Empowerment, Advancement of Women Strategies,
Portrayal of Women in Media- Films, Reality Shows, OTT Platforms and Advertisements etc.,
Representing Women Issues. Media and Politics: Basics of Political Communication, Ethics and
Security Implications- Media Usage by Political Parties, Rise of Polarizing and Divisive Content,
Social Media and India politics. Media and Religion: Role of Media- Cinema, TV, Social Media and
Dedicated Channels for Religion, Narrow down the Scope of Religion- Widened Superficial
Perception, Relation Between Media, Religion and Politics, Role of Media During Communal Riots.

UNIT V Current Issues

Social Media, OTT Self Regulations, Hate speech- Reporting and Consequences Paparazzi- Concept,
Pros and Cons, Sting Operations- Concept- Legal Regulations and Cases, Advocacy and Activist
Journalism- Concept, Objectivity and Criticism, Paid News and Fake news- Issues Associated,
Adoption of International Best Practices, Types and Cases in India
CASE STUDIES on current issues and presentation
1. Kishore Devesh. Media Laws: Its Ethics and Ethos.Sage Publication.
2. Patriwala Rajni, Oberoy Patricia. Marriage, Migration and Gender. SagePublication.
3. Madhu Purnima Kishwar. Deadly Laws& Jealous Reformers.
4. Kamal Akash. Media Laws- A Brief Observation. Asian Press.

Reference Books:

1. Shantakumar S. Introduction to Environmental Law. Butterworths Wadhwa.

2. Hansen Anders. Environment, Media & Communication. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
3. Tiwari A K. Politics in India: Comparative Study.Eastern Book Corporation.
203 Hindi Journalism
Max Marks:100
Duration of Exam: 3 Hrs.
End Term Examination: 70
Internal Assessment: 30

Objectives: (उद्देश्य)

 हिंदी भाषा के महत्व को समझना।

 पत्र लेखन की प्रक्रिया से परिचित होना।
 हिंदी में समाचार लेखन की बारीकियों को जानना।
 हिंदी में रे डियो / टीवी कार्यक्रमों के विभिन्न स्वरूपों का वर्णन करना।
 सोशल मीडिया में हिंदी के प्रयोग को समझना।

इकाई -1 भाषा, भाषा – शैली और पत्र लेखन।

भाषा का संक्षिप्त परिचय , भाषा की विशेषताएं। भाषा के रूप- मौखिक, लिखित, सांकेतिक। भाषा के भेद-
ृ ाषा, राजभाषा, राष्ट्रभाषा, मानकभाषा । हिंदी भाषा शैली - विवरणात्मक शैली, मूल्यांकन शैली,
व्याख्यात्मक शैली, विचारात्मक शैली। पत्र - लेखन और पत्र लेखन के प्रकार – औपचारिक, अनौपचारिक।
समास - अर्थ एवं परिभाषा , समास के प्रकार -अव्ययीभाव समास, तत्परु
ु ष समास,कर्मधारय समास, द्विगु
समास,द्वन्द समास, बहुव्रीहि समास।

इकाई – 2 हिंदी पत्रकारिता लेखन और सम्पादन के सिद्धांत।

पत्रकारिता - अर्थ एवं परिभाषा, पत्रकारिता के प्रकार - खोजी पत्रकारिता , वाचडॉग पत्रकारिता, एडवोकेसी
पत्रकारिता, पीत पत्रकारिता, खेल पत्रकारिता, पेज थ्री पत्रकारिता, आर्थिक पत्रकारिता, ग्रामीण और कृषि
पत्रकारिता, रे डियो पत्रकारिता, टे लीविज़न पत्रकारिता, विकास पत्रकारिता, संसदीय पत्रकारिता, फोटो पत्रकारिता,
विज्ञान एवं तकनीकी पत्रकारिता, सांस्कृतिक - साहित्यिक पत्रकारिता, अपराध पत्रकारिता, राजनैतिक
पत्रकारिता। समाचार पत्र और पत्रिकाओं की भाषा। समाचार लेखन और सम्पादन के मल
ू भत
ू सिद्धांत।
प्रिंट- पत्रकारिता की भाषा। प्रिंट माध्यम में लेखन के लिए ध्यान रखने योग्य बातें ।
इकाई – 3 रे डियो और टे लीविज़न माध्यम के लिए लेखन।

रे डियो लेखन की अवधारणा। रे डियो लेखन के तत्व। रे डियो लेखन की प्रक्रिया एवं रे डियो कार्यकर्मो की
पटकथा (स्क्रिप्ट) । रे डियो समाचार की सरं चना । रे डियो माध्यम में लेखन के लिए ध्यान रखने योग्य
बातें । टे लीविज़न लेखन की अवधारणा। टे लीविज़न कार्यकर्मो के प्रकार। टे लीविज़न लेखन की प्रक्रिया एवं
प्रकार। टे लीविज़न समाचार लेखन के विभिन्न चरण ।

इकाई - 4 इंटरनेट और सोशल मीडिया ।

इंटरनेट-पत्रकारिता का अर्थ, इंटरनेट-पत्रकारिता का इतिहास, भारत में इंटरनेट-पत्रकारिता, इंटरनेट-पत्रकारिता

के लिए ध्यान रखने योग्य बातें । सोशल मीडिया की अवधारणा, सोशल मीडिया के प्रकार- सोशल मीडिया
के लाभ, सोशल मीडिया के नुकसान, सोशल मीडिया में लेखन के लिए ध्यान रखने योग्य बातें ।

इकाई – 5 जनसम्पर्क और विज्ञापन ।

जनसम्पर्क की अवधारणा। जनसम्पर्क के प्रकार। जनसम्पर्क के लाभ। विज्ञापन - परिचय , परिभाषा एवं
उद्देश्य। विज्ञापन की भाषा। विज्ञापन के प्रकार। विज्ञापन के माध्यम - समाचार पत्र , पत्रिकाएँ ,रे डियो
,टे लीविज़न ,इंटरनेट और अन्य माध्यम ( होर्डिंग , पोस्टर )। विज्ञापन लेखन के लिए ध्यान रखने योग्य
बातें ।


1. हिंदी पत्रकारिता: इतिहास, स्वरुप और सम्भावनाये, अनिल सिन्हा, कनिष्का पब्लिकेशन।

2. हिंदी पत्रकारिता की विकास यात्रा: तब से अब तक, आशा गुप्ता, सामायिक प्रकाशन।


1. पत्रकार और पत्रकारिता प्रक्षिषण, मोहन अरविन्द, सामायिक प्रकाशन।

2. पत्रकारिता और कानून, ओम गुप्ता, कनिष्का पब्लिकेशन।
3. पत्रकारिता का स्वरुप और प्रमुख पत्रकार, नवीनचंद्र पंत, कनिष्का पब्लिकेशन।
4. पत्रकारिता की लक्ष्मण रे खा, अलोक मेहता, सामायिक प्रकाशन।
Radio Programming and Production

Course Objectives
 To describe radio as a medium of mass communication
 Describe various formats of radio program

 To explain the process of radio program production

UNIT I Understanding the Medium

Radio as Medium of Mass Communication, Relevance of Radio to Society
Objectives of broadcast—Information, Education & Entertainment, Role of radio
in development of society, Organizational Structure and Functionaries of a
Radio Station: Govt. and Private

UNIT II Program Formats- I

Podcast , Radio Talk/Interview/discussion, Radio Announcement and Links,
Radio News, Radio Feature and Documentary , Radio Commentary ,Radio

UNIT III Program Formats -II

Radio Ads/ Spots (Social and Commercial), Phone-in and Radio Bridge, Vox Pop,
Radio Prank, Signature Tune, Music Program

UNIT IV Radio Production

Elements of Radio Program, Stages of Radio Production, Equipment used in
Radio Production: Microphones (Types, characteristics, Handling and
placement, specifications), Headphones/speakers and Talk Backs, Audio
Mixers(Input /output , fade in /fade out and jack panel) and Transmitters,
Recording, Broadcasting and Troubleshooting,. Indoor: Studio, Acoustics and
Perspective, Outdoor: Ambience and Noise

UNIT V Post Production

Editing and Mixing, Adding Sound Effects and Music, Audio Filters: Types, Need
and Importance, Use of Silence (Pre- role and Post- role)
Text Books:
1. Patrakar Singhal Mahavirji. Radio Broadcasting in India. Patrakar Parivar
2. Gaur D.K. Broadcast Journalism. Omega Publication

Reference Books:

1. Wulfemeyer K. Tim. Beginning Radio-T.V. Newswriting: A self-

instructional learning experience. Surjeet Publication
2. Chaudhary J.K. Build your career as radio jockey.
3. Bhatt SC. Broadcast Journalism. Har-Anand Publication
Television Journalism
Max Marks: 100
End Term Examination: 70
Internal Assessment: 30
Duration of Exam: 3 hours

Course Objectives

 To understand the importance of television

 To discuss the working of public and private channels
 To demonstrate working of TV channels
 To differentiate between fiction and non-fiction
 To discuss the formats of TV.

UNIT I TV News Anchoring

News Anchor: Qualities, Responsibilities and Professional Ethics 2. Voice Personality &
Presentation 3. Anchoring News & Non-News Programs Anchoring with/without Tele-prompter,
Studio and Outdoor

UNIT II Organizational Structure

Organizational structure and working of TV news channel, TV news production desk and functions,
duties and functions of a TV reporter.

UNIT III Basics of TV News Writing

Basic principles of TV news writing, writing for visual medium: thinking audio and video, TV
formats: meaning and needs. Fictional programs: soap operas, sitcoms and serials. Writing for News
based programme: talk, discussion and interview

UNIT IV News Sources

Sources of TV news, types of TV news bulletins and their structure  Planning and conducting
various types of interviews

UNIT V TV Programme Formats

Understanding the structure of Breaking News, Flash News. Piece to Camera. Outdoor Broadcasting,
News interviews- structure, points to be considered while preparing and conducting interview.
Discuss the formats and features of Live Shows, Anchoring. Role of Language, Vocabulary, Body
Language in presentation of News and other programs. Importance of Voice Culture of an anchor &
a news reader.

Text Books:
1. Bob Dematteis, Gibbs Michael Neustel. Writing: An Introduction. Sage Publication,
2. David Ingre. Survivor Guide to Technical Writing.Writing Press. London St. Martin’s Press
3. Wulfemeyer K. Tim. Beginning Radio-T.V. Newswriting: A self-instructional learning

Writing for Media
Max Marks: 100
End Term Examination: 70
Internal Assessment: 30
Duration of Exam: 3 hours

Course Objectives

 To understand basics of media writing

 To describe writing process for various media
 To describe the process of translation
 To utilize knowledge gained in writing accurately and creatively for mass media

UNIT I Understanding Writing

Fundamentals of Media Writing: Descriptive, Narrative, Objective and Reflective; ABCD of Media
Writing; Writing for News and Non-news Mediums (print and electronic media); Ethics in Media

UNIT II Art of Putting Words & Sentences Together

The Sentence: Concision/Clarity; Emphasis Rhythm; Variety; Breaking Monotony; Varied Openings;
The Paragraph: meaning, elements; Putting Paragraphs Together - Logical Sequencing, The First
Draft; Revise -Edit

UNIT III Understanding Writing Process

Process Writing: Brainstorming for Ideas, Idea Organization and Audience Analysis; Writing
Mechanism: Opening, Developing and Winding up the Argument/ Narrative; Formatting: APA Style
Sheet Basics; Writing Formats: Journals, Letters, Essays & Reports

UNIT IV Online Writing Skills

Introduction to Online Writing: Social Media Writing Skills and Etiquettes; Online Official
Correspondence; Social Media and Language Change: e-mail, SMS, Emoticons, Blogs, Social
Networking Sites; Maintaining Digital Databases
UNIT V Translation
Translation Practices: Translation, Transliteration and Trans-Creation; Concept, Forms and
Manifestations; the Location, Scope and Significance of Translation in Indian Media; Process of
Translation from English to Hindi and vice - versa

Text Books

1. Choudhary, R. (2010). Media Writing. New Delhi: Centrum Press.

2. Howard, P. (1986). Perfect your Punctuation. Melbourne: Longman Cheshire.
3. Sinha, P. K. (2006). Media Writing. Delhi: Indian Distributors.
Reference Books:
1. Vander Mey, R. The College Writer: A guide to Thinking, Writing and Researching. Boston:
Houghton Mifflin.
2. W., M., & V., P. R. High School English: Grammar &Composition. Batu Caves, Selangor:
Crescent News.
3. Whitaker, W. R., Ramsey, J. E., & Smith, R. D.Media writing: Print, Broadcast, and Public
Relations. New York: Routledge.
Radio Production (Lab)
Max Marks: 100
End Term Examination: 70
Internal Assessment: 30
Duration of Exam: 3 hours

Course Objectives

 To differentiate between various programme formats

 To identify various radio equipments
 To learn the process of radio programme production
 To demonstrate proficiency in radio programme production

1. Identify and Usage of various Studio Equipment
2. Hands-On: Work on studio recording (Positioning of Microphones)
3. Editing- using Audio Editing Software
4. Prepare a Production Book for
a. 10 to 30 minutes Music Show (Individual Activity)
b. 30 Seconds Public Service Announcements /Radio commercial/Jingle(Individual
c. Minutes Radio News Bulletin
Documentary/Feature/Drama/Interview/discussion(small group activity)
d. Outdoor recordings: Vox-Pop/Interview
e. 2 Programs of each format will be produced

Production Book must include

a. Audio brief
b. Program objective (s)
c. Synopsis
d. Treatment
e. Script
f. Crew list
g. Technical requirements
Student shall be evaluated on the basis of the end-product prepared by him/her along with
hard and soft copy of the practical file. A viva would also be conducted to assess the
understanding and knowledge of the student on the basis of practical file.
NOTE: Internal Assessment- The student should maintain a file and soft copy of his/her
assignments duly checked and signed by the concerned faculty.
French –II
Max Marks: 100
End Term Examination: 70
Internal Assessment: 30
Duration of Exam: 3 hours

Course Objectives

 Students will be aware of basic French language

 Students will enable them to adapt themselves easily in French culture in later years

Qu’est que c’est?, Qui est- ce?. les adjectifs qualificatifs, Présentez quelqu’un (present someone)
- mère, père, ami(e)
Audio with transcription:Présentez quelqu’un

Les prepositions, Qu’est que vous voyez de votre fênetre? (what do you see from your window?), La
famille, les adjectifs possessifs, Présentez votre famille
Audio with transcription:Présentez votre famille

Le Logement, Le lieu, comment est le logement, les pieces de l’appartement, les meubles, Montrer,
Localizer., Décrivez votre maison , Deux compréhensions écrites (La maison), Deux
compréhensions orales (La maison)

Les adjectifs démonstratifs , Les adjectifs Intérrogatifs, Les saisons, Les sports, Les fruits
, Les legumes, Les couleurs, Dans la classe

Les activités de la journée, Les verbes pronominaux, Décrivez la routine quotidienne (l’étudiant(e),
la mère, le professionel ), Deux compréhensions écrites (Les activités de la journée), Deux
compréhensions orales (Les activités de la journée)

Additional activities
 Project on festivals of france
 Project on specialized shops
 Presention on describing a family

Suggested Readings;

 Apprenons les français level 2

 Le Nouveau Sans Frontier – CLE International Paris
 La Grammmaire essentielle (A1)


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