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Physiol Mol Biol Plants



Phytochemical and antioxidative potential of orange, red, yellow,

rainbow and black coloured tropical carrots (Daucus carota subsp.
sativus Schubl. & Martens)
B. K. Singh1 • T. K. Koley1 • Arti Maurya1 • P. M. Singh1 • B. Singh1

Received: 31 October 2017 / Revised: 4 June 2018 / Accepted: 29 June 2018

Ó Prof. H.S. Srivastava Foundation for Science and Society 2018

Abstract This study was executed to determine phyto- future breeding to harness the genetic wealth of carrot
chemical content i.e. total carotenoids, phenolics and fla- efficiently.
vonoids, and antioxidant ability expressed in the form of
FRAP, CUPRAC and ABTS activity among different Keywords Tropical carrot  Antioxidant  Carotenoids 
coloured tropical carrots (orange, red, yellow, rainbow and Phenols  Phytochemical
black carrot) developed at ICAR-IIVR, Varanasi, Uttar
Pradesh, India. Overall, within different colour group, the
extent of variation for various phytochemical content and Introduction
antioxidant potentiality is narrow i.e. ranged from 1.04- to
3.21-fold; but at the same time, the genotypic variability Phytochemicals are biologically active compounds pro-
across genotypes is too wide which varied 20.90- to 57.92- duced by plants through primary and/or secondary meta-
fold for phytochemical and antioxidants is an indication of bolism which have been identified as being beneficial to
broad genetic base of carrot germplasm. Among all the human as well as plant health in various ways. They are
carrots, black carrot had an exceptionally high content of classified into the major categories such as carotenoids,
total phenolics and flavonoids, and thereby led to the polyphenols and organosulfides (glucosinolates, allicin and
highest antioxidant ability in the terms of FRAP, CUPRAC glutathione). The carotenoids are tetraterpenoids, lipid-
and ABTS activity expressing about 76–83% relative soluble organic pigments that are mostly produced by
potentiality followed by rainbow carrot, and least in plants, algae and several bacteria and fungi. Structurally,
orange, red and yellow carrot (black carrot [ rainbow carotenoids take the form of a polyene hydrocarbon chain
carrot [ red carrot & orange carrot & yellow carrot). with or without additional oxygen and soluble in lipids
The content of phenolics and flavonoids were highly cor- (lipophilic), named as xanthophylls (lutein, zeaxanthin,
related with antioxidant activity (0.955** to 0.992**). cryptoxanthin, astaxanthin, etc.) and carotenes (a-carotene,
However, the most cultivated and consumed carrots, b-carotene, c-carotene, d-carotene, b-zeacarotene, lyco-
orange and red one, possessed higher amount of car- pene, phytoene, etc.), respectively. Carotenoids are
otenoids. The content of carotenoids negatively correlated responsible for the brilliant colours ranging from pale
with total phenolics, flavonoids and antioxidants activity yellow through bright orange to deep red, and absorb
(- 0.612** to - 0.627**). Broad genetic base and selec- wavelengths ranging from 400 to 550 nm (Eldahshan and
tion based on total phenolics content could be pivotal in the Singab 2013; Anonymous 2017). Polyphenols are sec-
ondary metabolites of plants, soluble in water (hy-
drophilic), derived from phenylalanine or shikimic acid
which generally contribute to the colour, bitterness,
& B. K. Singh astringency, flavour, odour and oxidative stability. The
[email protected]
main classes of polyphenols include phenolic acids, fla-
ICAR-Indian Institute of Vegetable Research (ICAR-IIVR), vonoids (anthocyanins, flavones, flavanones, isoflavones,
Shahanshahpur, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 221305, India flavonols, etc.), stilbenes and lignans (Pandey and Rizvi

Physiol Mol Biol Plants

2009). The majority of recent research trend focuses on flavour, cylindrical shape, smooth surface, uniformity and
carotenoids and anthocyanins, two bioactive pigments tolerant to bolting; became popular in Europe and there-
responsible for the colour of the vast majority of fruits and after all over the world, and dominates in production and
vegetables, including carrot. consumption. While red carrot finds its place up to some
Antioxidants are the molecules that inhibit the process extent in Asian countries, including India. Primarily, carrot
of oxidation (the chemical reaction that produces free is classified on the basis of colour of roots which varies
radicals) of other molecules. They are grouped into two from white to black colour due to presence/absence of
broad categories, hydrophilic and lipophilic. Usually, different organic pigments; but the carotenoid pigments
water-soluble antioxidants react with oxidants in the cell (yellow, orange and red colour) and anthocyanin pigments
cytosol and the blood plasma; while lipid-soluble antioxi- (purple and dark purple i.e. black colour) are most common
dants protect cell membranes from lipid peroxidation. and of commercial importance worldwide (Singh 2016).
Most of the disorders/illness in humans and plants are Each unique colour of carrots has different pigments and
aroused through the production of deleterious reactive health benefits. The orange carrots contain b-carotene and
oxygen species (ROS) or free radicals which are invariably a-carotene, important for healthy vision and immune sys-
produced during metabolic processes as well as exposure to tem; red carrots possess lycopene, associated with the
various stresses. The endogenous antioxidant enzymes reduced risk of heart diseases and cancers; yellow carrots
such as superoxide dismutase, peroxidase and catalase have xanthophylls and lutein, significantly reduces the risk
counteract the detrimental effects of ROS. However, con- of atherosclerosis, macular degeneration and cancers;
ditions when ROS production is excessive, or when the black/purple carrots contain anthocyanins, possessing
antioxidant system is insufficient may favour oxidative properties of anti-bacterial, anti-fungicidal and anti-in-
damage to aerobic life (Singh et al. 2009) responsible for flammatory, and inhibit the bad cholesterol; and white
various chronic diseases like cancer, cardiovascular dis- carrots lack any pigmentation and are least healthy (Simon
eases, rheumatoid arthritis and age related macular et al. 1989; Rubatzky et al. 1999; Zhang and Hamauzu
degeneration in human (Halliwell 1991); and biotic and 2004). Black carrot, also mentioned as solid purple in other
abiotic disorders in plants. The effects of ROS can be literatures, is one of the richest and best sources of
balanced by natural dietary antioxidants and antioxidant anthocyanins having very high anti-oxidative potential,
enzymes in living organisms (Alezandro et al. 2013; Singh nutraceutical values and colorant properties. Moreover,
et al. 2009). Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of nat- Rainbow carrot is a category of carrot selectively bred for
ural antioxidants like carotenoids, phenolics, flavonoids, multiple pigments in single root that reflects almost all
vitamin C, tocopherol, organosulfides and thus they reduce colours of rainbow. Generally, rainbow carrot hued with
the risk of chronic diseases (Kaur and Kapoor 2001; Boe- purple pigmentation on root exterior (periderm), and
ing et al. 2012; Manchali et al. 2012; Koley et al. 2014). orange, red, purple and yellow pigmentation in the tissues
Carrot (Daucus carota subsp. sativus Schubl. & Mar- of root interior i.e. cortex and core (phloem, cambium and
tens), a member of Apiaceae family, is an important xylem) are the good source of organic pigments containing
nutritious salad vegetable grown and consumed throughout balanced amounts of xanthophylls, b-carotene, a-carotene,
the world for fleshy roots. The roots are eaten as crunchy lycopene and anthocyanins. It is usually a good idea to eat
salad; used to prepare juice, sweet and halwa; cooked with a colorful assortment of fruits and vegetables every day to
mixed vegetables; and preserved by salting, pickling, get a wide array of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals;
canning and drying. Carrot has numerous categories vary- rainbow carrots can certainly help in that regard.
ing in colour, shape, size and flavour of roots, and ver- Usually, orange carrots are used for table, frozen and
nalization requirement to complete life cycle [(a) Tropical/ powder purposes; red carrots for table, juice, halwa and
Oriental/Eastern carrot does not require vernalization, pickle making; and black carrots for colour extraction,
annual in nature; and (b) Temperate/European/Western halwa and preparation of a beverage called kanji. The
carrot requires vernalization, biennial in nature]. Afghani- rising health awareness among the aging population, chil-
stan is recognized as the primary center of origin because dren and pregnant women are major drivers propelling the
of the existence of huge diversity in morphological char- demand for dietary supplements; carrot is one of the best
acters. Purple carrots from the place of origin, together candidates among root vegetables because of its virtue for
with a yellow variant, spread to the Mediterranean area and phytochemical and antioxidant properties. Among different
Western Europe in the 11th to 14th centuries; and to China, coloured carrots; the orange carrots, typical to temperate
India and Japan in the 14th to 17th centuries. The orange conditions only, probably developed from mutations of
types appeared as a chance mutation in the Netherlands yellow forms followed by human selection which thought
during the 17th century, and typical to temperate climates to be originated in the Netherlands (Stolarczyk and Janick
only. The orange carrot; because of improved colour, 2011). The present investigation includes twenty-five

Physiol Mol Biol Plants

genotypes of tropical carrot, including recently developed the P2O5 and K2O were applied at the time of ridges
three genotypes of orange-type and categorized in five preparation, while remaining half dose of N was dressed in
colour groups. There are reports available on quantification furrows at 45 days after sowing. To keep the plant to plant
of few biochemical compounds and antioxidant ability spacing about 4–5 cm apart, manual thinning was done
among either temperate carrots or temperate and tropical after 15–18 days of seed germination for proper root
carrots involving few to more genotypes (Simon et al. development.
1989; Alasalvar et al. 2001; Nicolle et al. 2004; Zhang and
Hamauzu 2004; Grassmann et al. 2007; Leja et al. 2013; Root sampling and laboratory analyses
Koley et al. 2014); but very fragmented information is
available on phytochemical and antioxidant potentiality of Each genotype in replicated trial was uprooted at mar-
different coloured tropical carrots. Therefore, the present ketable maturity i.e. 95–105 days after sowing. Eight roots
study convinced with the objective to assess the potential of each genotype selected arbitrarily and the leaf-tops were
of phytochemicals and antioxidants in orange, red, yellow, cut with stainless steel knife. The roots were washed
rainbow and black coloured carrots developed exclusively thoroughly with tap water to remove adhering soil, sec-
in tropical conditions. ondary roots and other extraneous substances. A repre-
sentative sample of the edible root i.e. 6–7 cm long piece
from middle portion from all selected roots were rapidly
Materials and methods cut into thin slices, put into transparent polyethylene bag,
mixed properly, and 5 g of composite root sample was
Basic experimental materials taken for subsequent assay and estimation on fresh weight
(FW) basis.
Twenty-five diverse genotypes of tropical carrot, annual in
nature and possessing self-coloured core; including eleven Methods to estimate phytochemical
of red colour, five of black colour, and three each of
orange, rainbow and yellow carrot; comprised the basic Determination of total carotenoids
experimental materials which were evaluated for this study.
All the genotypes under study are developed and main- The carrot sample of 100 g was repeatedly extracted with
tained at ICAR-Indian Institute of Vegetable Research acetone using a pestle and mortar until the residue was
(ICAR-IIVR), Shahanshahpur-221305, Varanasi, Uttar colourless. The pooled acetone extracts were transferred
Pradesh, India. into separatory funnel and the entire carotenoids were
transferred to petroleum ether phase. The concentration
Field trial was measured using UV–visible spectrophotometer (SHI-
MADZU UV 1601) at 452 nm and calculated as mg/100 g
The crops were grown in open field during 2015–2016 and FW.
2016–2017 at the Research Farm, ICAR-IIVR, Varanasi,
Uttar Pradesh, India. The experimental site is located at Extraction of hydrophilic fraction
25°100 5500 N latitude, 82°520 3600 E longitude and 85 m alti-
tude which receives an annual rainfall of 1050–1100 mm. Water soluble phytochemicals of carrot were extracted
The soil of the Farm was of silt-loam in texture, having pH according to the method reported previously (Chu et al.
7.3 and electrical conductivity of 0.28 dSm-1. During both 2002) with slight modification. For the extraction of sol-
year of experimentation, soil preparation, sowing and other uble nutraceuticals, 5 g sample was homogenized with
agronomic practices were carried out unvaryingly as 80% ethanol (1:2 w/v) using a chilled warring blender for
mentioned by Singh and Karmakar (2015) for better mor- 5 min. Extraction of the residue was repeated for two times
phological expression and root development. Carrot seeds, using the same conditions. The mixture was then further
botanically schizocarp, were sown at 1.0–1.5 cm interval in homogenized using a polytron homogenizer for an addi-
double row of 7–8 cm apart and 25–28 cm wide ridge with tional 3 min to obtain a thoroughly homogenized sample.
the spacing of 80 cm between each pair of ridges. Each The homogenates were centrifuge at 13,000 rpm for
genotype comprises four ridges of 5.50 m long and repli- 15 min. The solvent was then removed using a rotary
cated three times following randomized block design. The evaporator. The supernatants were collected in 50-mL
crop was uniformly fed with doses of chemical fertilizers plastic centrifuge tubes and then stored at - 20 °C until
i.e. 80 kg N, 50 kg P2O5 and 40 kg K2O per hectare; analysis (within next few days) of total phenolics and fla-
supplied in the form of urea, single super phosphate and vonoids content; and activity of ferric reducing antioxidant
muriate of potash, respectively. Half of the N, and full of power (FRAP), cupric reducing antioxidant capacity

Physiol Mol Biol Plants

(CUPRAC), and 2,20 -Azino-bis (3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6- CUPRAC assay

sulfonic acid) diammonium salt (ABTS), a peroxidase
substrate. The CUPRAC assay, determine compounds able to reduce
cupric ions, of root was analysed following the method of
Determination of total phenolics content Apak et al. (2008). Briefly, according to the protocol,
100 lL of hydrophilic extract was mixed with 1 mL each
Total phenolics content in carrot root was estimated spec- of CuCl2 solution (1.0 9 10-2 mol/L), neocuproine alco-
trophotometrically using Folin–Ciocalteu reagent (Single- holic solution (7.5 9 10-3 mol/L), and NH4Ac (1 mol/L,
ton et al. 1999). Aliquots (100 lL) of hydrophilic extract pH 7.0) buffer solution and 1 mL of water to make the final
were mixed with 2.9 mL of deionized water, 0.5 mL of volume 4.1 mL. Then the mixture was incubated at 50 °C
Folin–Ciocalteu reagent and 2.0 mL of 20% Na2CO3 in a water bath. After 30 min, the absorbance was recorded
solution. The mixture was allowed to stand for 90 min and at 450 nm against the reagent blank. Standard curve was
absorption was measured at 760 nm against a reagent blank prepared using different concentration of Trolox and
in UV–visible spectrophotometer. Results were expressed results were expressed in terms of lmol TE/g FW, using
as gallic acid equivalent (mg GAE/100 g FW). molar absorptivity of Trolox as 1.67 9 104 L mol-1 cm-1.

Determination of total flavonoid ABTS assay

The concentration of total flavonoids in carrot root sample ABTS activity, a peroxidase substrate, as Trolox equivalent
was analysed using aluminium chloride method (Zhishen antioxidant capacity (TEAC) in carrot roots was deter-
et al. 1999). An aliquot (1 mL) of hydrophilic extract in mined through a modified procedure using ABTS as
10 mL of volumetric flask containing 4 mL of distilled described by Re et al. (1999). The ABTS* ? free radical
water, 0.3 mL portion of 5% NaNO2 and 0.3 mL portion of (7 mmol) was prepared through reaction of 7 mmol ABTS
10% AlCl3, 6H2O. The mixture was allowed to stand for and 2.45 mmol of potassium persulphate as the oxidant
6 min at room temperature. Two millilitres of 1 mol NaOH agent. Aliquots (10 lL) of extract was added to 90 lL of
was added and the solution was diluted to 10 mL with ABTS* ? solution and absorbance readings at 734 nm
distilled water. Immediately, the absorbance of the solution were taken at 30 °C exactly 10 min after initial mixing.
versus a blank was measured at 510 nm. The results were The percentage inhibition of ABTS of the test sample and
expressed as catechin equivalent (mg CE/100 g FW). known solutions of Trolox were calculated by the follow-
ing formula:
Methods to estimate antioxidant capacity %Inhibition ¼ 100  ðA0  AÞ=A0

FRAP assay where A0 was the initial absorbance at 734 nm, obtained by
measuring the same volume of solvent, and A was the final
The FRAP activity determine compounds able to reduce absorbance of the sample extract at 734 nm. The radical-
ferric ions, was performed according to the procedure scavenging activity of the test samples was expressed as
described by Benzie and Strain (1996). In brief, initially TEAC lmol TE/g FW.
FRAP reagent was prepared by mixing 300 mM acetate
buffer (pH 3.6), 10 mM TPTZ in 40 mM HCl and 20 mM Statistical analyses
FeCl3 in the ratio 10:1:1 (v/v/v). Thereafter, 100 lL aliquot
of hydrophilic extract was thoroughly mixed with 3 mL of Data were collected from triplicate experiments during the
the FRAP reagent in a test tube and vortexed in the incu- both years for each genotype and were analysed statisti-
bator at 37 °C for 30 min in a water bath. An intense blue cally for analysis of variance as per Singh and Chaudhary
colour was formed due to reduction of ferric-tripyridyltri- (1977). To reveal the potentiality of different coloured
azine to the ferrous complex. The absorbance was mea- carrots for various phytochemicals and antioxidants, rela-
sured at 593 nm using UV–visible spectrophotometer. tive content (%) was calculated by multiplying average
Results were expressed in terms of trolox equivalent (lmol quantified value of each colour group to 100 and divided by
TE/g FW). sum of quantified values of all five colour group (quantified
value of each colour group*100/sum of quantified values of
all five colour group). The pooled data of both years were
used for making histograms to compare mean differences
among coloured genotypes of carrot by using standard error
bars with p \ 0.05 through Microsoft Excel, and

Physiol Mol Biol Plants

correlation analysis was done as mentioned by Singh and carrot & yellow carrot. The present results are in accor-
Chaudhary (1977). dance with the previous findings by Alasalvar et al. (2001)
and Grassmann et al. (2007) who reported the lower con-
tent of carotenoids (\ 2 mg/100 g FW) in yellow carrots
Results and Discussion and solid purple (black) carrots.
Total phenolics concentration (mg GAE/100 g FW)
The data of years 2015–2016 and 2016–2017 for the con- showed 40.84-times variation among the highest and low-
tent of total carotenoids, total phenolics and total flavo- est performing genotypes with a range of 7.80–318.37 mg
noids, and antioxidant ability in terms of FRAP, CUPRAC and an average phenolics level of 68.72 mg (Fig. 1b).
and ABTS value were analysed for analysis of variance to Moreover, among different colour roots investigated, phe-
observe the effect of year and colour segments. Between nolics content was maximum in black carrots (268.08 mg,
the two experimental years, there were no considerable 1.66-fold) followed by rainbow carrots (41.66 mg, 1.79-
differences found among genotypes; but highly significant fold), significantly at par in red and orange carrots
variations were comprehended among genotypes of dif- (16.06 mg, 2.04-fold and 14.52 mg, 1.46-fold) and mini-
ferent coloured carrots. Hence, the pooled data of both mum in yellow carrots (10.82 mg, 1.83-fold). Further, the
years and different colour segment are presented in various trend of the relative content of total phenolics (Fig. 2) are
Figures. Since, the traits under this study were qualitative as follows: black carrot (76.3%) [ rainbow carrot
in nature, easily identifiable, and the crops were raised in (11.9%) [ red carrot (4.6%) & orange carrot
almost similar climatic conditions during both years, it is (4.1%) [ yellow carrot (3.1%). Higher content of pheno-
obvious to get least differences over the year and lack any lics in black (solid purple) and/or rainbow (purple with
interactions between both years for various estimates. The orange/red core) carrots have been reported by Alasalvar
significant variability among genotypes; and non-signifi- et al. (2001), Grassmann et al. (2007), Leja et al. (2013)
cant differences between the two experimental years for and Koley et al. (2014). Another polyphenol, flavonoids
total phenols, phenylpropanoids, flavonoids, anthocyanins content (mg CE/100 g FW) among different coloured
and antioxidant activity (DPPH) was also reported by Leja genotypes of carrot showed a large extent of variation
et al. (2013) in carrot. The genotypic variability for car- ranging from 3.61 to 140.04 mg with a mean value of
otenoids, phenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins and antioxi- 29.17 mg (Fig. 1c). Like phenolic content, the content of
dants has been reported in carrots and other vegetables by flavonoids was also estimated maximum in black carrots
various researchers (Nicolle et al. 2004; Zhang and (118.93 mg, 1.32-fold) followed by rainbow carrots
Hamauzu 2004; Grassmann et al. 2007; Singh et al. 2011; (13.14 mg, 3.21-fold), significantly at par in red and orange
Karmakar et al. 2013; Leja et al. 2013; Koley et al. 2014). carrots (6.06 mg, 1.69-fold and 5.33 mg, 1.04-fold) and
Total carotenoids content (mg/100 g FW) varied greatly minimum in yellow carrots (4.19 mg, 1.25-fold). Similar to
i.e. 0.47–9.90 mg (20.90-fold) among genotypes of dif- total phenolics, the relative content of flavonoids (Fig. 2)
ferent coloured carrots with a general mean value of too followed the same trend with different intensity such as
4.78 mg (Fig. 1a); and it was estimated highest in red root black carrot (80.5%) [ rainbow carrot (8.9%) [ red carrot
(7.37 mg, 1.36-fold) followed by rainbow root (7.14 mg, (4.1%) & orange carrot (3.6%) [ yellow carrot (2.8%). It
1.90-fold), orange root (3.94 mg, 1.09-fold), black root is worthwhile to mention that the average phenolic content
(0.66 mg, 2.65-fold), and least in yellow roots (0.64 mg, is higher ([ two-folds) than the corresponding total fla-
1.42-fold). Total carotenoids was significantly at par in red vonoids in different carrot groups. In the plant system, the
and rainbow carrots, and very less in black and yellow most common and abundant flavonoids are the antho-
carrots (Fig. 1a); which reveals that the carotenes, espe- cyanins, flavonols and flavones. In carrot, anthocyanins are
cially two pigments b-carotene and lycopene is the main responsible for the purple and black colour of roots which
constituent of respective orange and red carrot, contribute is being reflected in the present analysis with higher values
maximum towards total carotenoids and least by xantho- of phenolics and flavonoids in the roots of black and
phylls. This result is in concurrence with the finding of rainbow carrots. Leja et al. (2013) and Koley et al. (2014)
Surles et al. (2004) who estimated 9.8 ± 1.4 mg and estimated the highest amount of flavonoids in solid purple/
0.71 ± 0.38 mg of total carotenoids (per 100 g FW) in red black coloured carrots.
and yellow carrots, respectively. The relative content (%) The dietary antioxidants are biochemical molecules that
of total carotenoids (Fig. 2) was calculated to be maximum inhibit the process of oxidation. In nutritional research of
for red carrot (37.3) followed by rainbow carrot (36.2), food items, the evaluation of antioxidant activity is
orange carrot (19.9), and least in black carrot (3.4) and becoming more important as it provides useful information
yellow carrot (3.2) which is following the trend as red with regard to health promoting functional quality of food
carrot & rainbow carrot [ orange carrot [ black items. Various natural antioxidants work in a synergistical

Physiol Mol Biol Plants

Fig. 1 a Total carotenoids

content (mg/100 g FW) in
a Orange carrot Red carrot Yellow carrot Rainbow carrot Black carrot
orange, red, yellow, rainbow

Total carotenoids
and black coloured tropical
carrots (standard error bars with 7.37
p \ 0.05). b Total phenolics 0.64
content (mg GAE/100 g FW) in
orange, red, yellow, rainbow
and black coloured tropical 0.66
carrots (standard error bars with
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00
p \ 0.05). c Total flavonoids
content (mg CE/100 g FW) in b
orange, red, yellow, rainbow Orange carrot Red carrot Yellow carrot Rainbow carrot Black carrot
and black coloured tropical
carrots (standard error bars with

Total phenolics
p \ 0.05). d FRAP activity 16.1
(lmol TE/g FW) in orange, red, 10.8
yellow, rainbow and black
coloured tropical carrots
(standard error bars with 268.1
p \ 0.05). e CUPRAC activity
0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 250.0 300.0
(lmol TE/g FW) in orange, red,
yellow, rainbow and black c Orange carrot Red carrot Yellow carrot Rainbow carrot Black carrot
coloured tropical carrots
(standard error bars with 5.3
Total flavonoids

p \ 0.05). f ABTS activity 6.1

(lmol TE/g FW) in orange, red, 4.2
yellow, rainbow and black
coloured tropical carrots 13.1

(standard error bars with 118.9

p \ 0.05)
0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 120.0 140.0

d Orange carrot Red carrot Yellow carrot Rainbow carrot Black carrot





0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 50.00

e Orange carrot Red carrot Yellow carrot Rainbow carrot Black carrot





0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00

f Orange carrot Red carrot Yellow carrot Rainbow carrot Black carrot





0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00

Physiol Mol Biol Plants

Fig. 2 Relative content and Orange carrot Red carrot Yellow carrot Rainbow carrot Black carrot
activity (%) of phytochemicals 80.5
82.6 82.2
and antioxidants in orange, red, 79.4
yellow, rainbow and black 80.0
coloured tropical carrots
(standard error bars with
p \ 0.05) 70.0



40.0 37.3


10.0 4.6 4.1 4.3 6.5 4.1 6.5 4.6 7.3
3.4 4.1 3.6 4.2 4.2 4.4 4.4
3.2 3.1 2.8 2.3 3.0

Total carotenoids Total phenolics Total flavnoids FRAP CUPRAC ABTS

and/or antagonistic manner. In the present experimentation, by rainbow carrot (5.26 lmol, 2.40-fold), significantly
the antioxidant activity of various carrots was estimated by equivalent in red carrot (2.30 lmol, 2.93-fold) and yellow
three different in vitro methods i.e. FRAP, CUPRAC and carrot (2.26 lmol, 1.09-fold), and lowest in widely culti-
ABTS assay to compare the potential of orange, red, yel- vated and consumed orange carrot (1.22 lmol, 1.19-fold).
low, rainbow and black carrots. FRAP value (lmol TE/ The higher average of CUPRAC values for black carrot in
g FW) in tropical carrots ranged from 1.03 to 59.40 lmol comparison to the other carrots is due to the presence of
(57.92-fold difference) with a mean of 10.64 lmol for 25 polyphenols, especially anthocyanins. The present results
genotypes having self-coloured core (Fig. 1d). It was follow the trend of previous studies (Koley et al. 2014).
analysed higher in black carrot (43.98 lmol, 2.32-fold) The ability to reduce metal ions was measured using
followed by rainbow carrot (3.47 lmol, 1.93-fold), sig- CUPRAC and FRAP assay. Among five different colour
nificantly at par in red carrot (2.30 lmol, 2.93-fold) and group of carrot, the overall values of mean and range for
yellow carrot (2.26 lmol, 1.09-fold), and minimum in CUPRAC assays were considerably higher than the values
widely consumed orange carrot (1.22 lmol, 1.19-fold). of FRAP assay. Higher antioxidant ability in CUPRAC
Additionally, the relative antioxidant potential (Fig. 2) in may be credited because of the presence of flavonoids such
terms of FRAP activity is very high for black carrot which as quercetin and kaempferol in carrot. A similar trend was
followed the pattern as black carrot (82.6%) [ rainbow reported Koley et al. (2014) in carrot.
carrot (6.5%) [ red carrot (4.3%) & yellow carrot Similar to FRAP and CUPRAC activities, the radical
(4.2%) [ orange carrot (2.3%). The higher value for black scavenging ability in terms of ABTS value (lmol TE/
carrot in comparison to the other carrots is due to the g FW) among various genotypes of tropical carrots ranged
presence of elevated content of polyphenols, especially from 2.14 to 73.14 lmol and varied 34.23-folds with a
anthocyanins. The trend of present result is in concurrence mean value of 13.93 lmol (Fig. 1f). Among five coloured
with those of previous studies (Bouayed et al. 2011; Koley group, the ability to scavenge free radicals was estimated
et al. 2014). Further, the antioxidant potential in terms of too low in orange, red and yellow carrots i.e. 3.07, 3.20 and
CUPRAC value (lmol TE/g FW) among various tropical 3.08 lmol, respectively which is statistically at par.
carrots varied 34.97-folds ranging from 2.38 to 83.23 lmol Moreover, it was quantified maximum in black carrot
with an average value of 16.04 lmol (Fig. 1e). In five (55.86 lmol) followed by rainbow type (5.13 lmol). The
different colour groups, CUPRAC value was assayed relative antioxidant potentiality in terms of ABTS among
highest in black carrot (66.30 lmol, 2.10-fold), followed different carrot types were as follows—black carrot

Physiol Mol Biol Plants

Table 1 Correlation coefficient between phytochemical/antioxidants in tropical carrot

Parameter Total carotenoids Total phenolics Total flavonoids FRAP activity CUPRAC activity ABTS activity

Total carotenoids 1.000

Total phenolics - 0.618** 1.000
Total flavonoids - 0.627** 0.981** 1.000
FRAP activity - 0.619** 0.990** 0.972** 1.000
CUPRAC activity - 0.619** 0.992** 0.974** 0.997** 1.000
ABTS activity - 0.612** 0.987** 0.955** 0.997** 0.996** 1.000
**Significant at 1% level

(79.4%) [ rainbow carrot (7.3%) [ red carrot and antioxidants (FRAP, CUPRAC and ABTS) were esti-
(4.6%) & orange carrot (4.4%) & yellow carrot (4.4%). mated significantly negative (- 0.612** to - 0.627**).
Overall, the antioxidant ability is higher in anthocyanins Moreover, total phenolics and flavonoids showed very high
rich black carrot followed by rainbow carrot (contains estimates of correlation with all three dietary antioxidants
blend of anthocyanins and carotenoids) and least in car- i.e. 0.987** to 0.992** and 0.955** to 0.974**, respec-
otenoids rich, red, orange and yellow carrots. Purple carrots tively because of the presence of polyphenols in purple/
contained very high contents of phenolics and were char- black carrots. The activity of antioxidants FRAP, CUPRAC
acterized by a higher antioxidant capacity than orange, and ABTS were also highly associated with each other.
yellow or white varieties (Alasalvar et al. 2001). Moreover, Higher estimates of total phenolics over flavonoids indicate
Zhang and Hamauzu (2004) also found stronger radical that phenolics could be used as a biochemical indicator
scavenging ability in phenolic extracts than pure chloro- while genetic improvement programmes pertaining to
genic acid, vitamin C and b-carotene in carrot. In another dietary antioxidants. The other researchers also observed a
study at Krakow, Poland; Leja et al. (2013) estimated very good direct association between total phenolics/
radical scavenging ability (RSA%) among 35 genotypes, polyphenols and antioxidant ability (Leja et al. 2013;
both temperate and tropical in nature, and five colour group Koley et al. 2014; Singh et al. 2017; Carrillo et al. 2017) in
of carrots which followed the trend as purple carrot root vegetables.
(51.3) [ red carrot (9.3) [ orange carrot (6.6) & red car-
rot (6.0) & white carrot (6.0); the pattern is almost in
agreement with the findings of present study at ICAR- Conclusions
IIVR, Varanasi, UP, India.
Red beetroot (Beta vulgaris), the main source of beta- Overall, within the different colour group, the extent of
lains, has been ranked among the 10 most potent antioxi- variation for various phytochemical content and antioxi-
dant vegetables whose antioxidant potential in terms of dant ability is narrow i.e. ranged from 1.04- to 3.21-fold;
FRAP and ABTS values on dry weight basis quantified as but at the same time, the genotypic variability across
40–125 mmol TE/kg DW (i.e. & 4.0–12.5 lmol TE/ genotypes is too wide that varied 20.90-fold to 57.92-fold
g FW) and 30–110 mmol TE/kg DW (i.e. & 3.0–11.0 for phytochemical and antioxidants. Remarkably, the
lmol TE/g FW), respectively (Song et al. 2010; Carrillo phytochemicals such as total phenolics and flavonoids
et al. 2017). It is very interesting to note that the black express very high association with all three dietary
carrots in the present investigation possessed [ 500% antioxidants i.e. FRAP, CUPRAC and ABTS. Wide genetic
higher antioxidant ability than red beetroot with respective base and selection based on total phenolics content could
FRAP, ABTS and CUPRAC values of be taken into consideration in the future breeding pro-
25.64–59.40 lmol TE/g FW, 26.39–73.14 lmol TE/g FW grammes to harness the genetic wealth of carrot for the
and 39.67–83.23 lmol TE/g FW. It reveals that among benefit of mankind.
vegetables, the black carrots are one of the richest sources
of phytochemicals and antioxidants that need to be pro- Acknowledgements The authors are thankful to the Director, ICAR-
Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Shahanshahpur-221305,
moted in the daily diet and utilized for the manufacturing Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India for providing the facilities and finan-
of dietary food supplements. cial support to undertake this study under the project ‘Genetic
The correlation coefficients (Table 1) between total Improvement of Cole Crops and Root Crops’.
carotenoids, and polyphenols (phenolics and flavonoids)

Physiol Mol Biol Plants

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