Septic Tank
Septic Tank
Septic Tank
Design Parameters
T Overall Hydraulic Residence Time (HRT) = 2 day
P Number of Occupants = 11 cap
q Sewage Flow Rate = 200 lpd/cap = 53 gpd/cap
qsl Sludge Production Rate = 1 lpd/cap
T Temperature = 35 °C
n Interval of Desludging Operation = 2 years
Sedimentation Zone
*Minimum of two chambers, see section VI of DOH AO 2019-0047
Chamber 1 (Two thirds of the total effective capacity)
V1 Liquid Volume 1 = 2.733 m³
W1 Liquid Width 1 = 1.2 m
D1 Liquid Depth 1 = 1.2 m ≥ 1.2 m OK
L1 Liquid Length 1 = 1.9 m
Chamber 2 (One third of the total effective capacity)
V2 Liquid Volume 2 = 1.367 m³
W2 Liquid Width 2 = 1.2 m
D2 Liquid Depth 2 = 1.2 m ≥ 1.2 m OK
L2 Liquid Length 2 = 1 m
L1 L2
1.9 1
Miscellaneous Details
S Provide one manhole per chamber with minimum dimension of 500mm.
S Inlet and outlet connection shall be sanitary tee with size same as building sewer.
S Ensure watertightness by application of approved waterproofing materials.
S Bottom slab shall rest on 50mm 95% compacted gravel bed and on undisturbed soil.
S For structural details refer to structural engineering plans.
Special Note
S Septic tanks, if sewer is not available shall be connected for further treatment
process. To complete the septic tank system, additional treatment processes
shall be applied such as effluent filter, sand filtration or disinfection system
prior to disposal.
S DOH Administrative Order No. 2019-0047, National Standard on the Design, Construction,
Operation and Maintenance of Septic Tank Systems.