In today's world the technology is changing every-day. The leadership has to have a
strategic role to accomplish the vision of an organisation. In addition to this a leader has
to be motivating for its employees so that they can acquire new skills and adjust to the
changes that happens in business in a smooth manner.
4. Describe and discuss various channels of communication
and their role in organisations. discuss how to overcome
barriers to effective communication with relevant
Effective communication is at heart of any successful business. An organisation structure
provides channels for the flow of information on which decisions are carried out in the
1. Formal communication
Superior Superior
Subordinate subordinate
Downward communication. Upward communication
Wheel Y
Networks in
circle chair
Centralised to be used for simple task (routine), while Decentralized to be used for
complicated task.
Trade of between speed of communication and flexibility.
Large number of active participants in the decision making means highest levels of moral
of team members.
2. Informal communication
It's like a grape wine its spreads throughout organisation with its branch chains going
out in our directions in utter disregard of the levels of authority and linking members of
the organisation in any direction.
This mode of communication spreads filtered information very rapidly due to each
member acting as a “filter” in the chain. This can cause miscommunication and may
pose serious implications to the organisation.
structure system
1. organisational issues: any change should be able to link
failure to establish the need to introduce change may result in resistance to change.
2. In efficient communication
3. Lack of leadership skills
4. Poor management and training.
Reasons of resistance to change as per Ferguson:
• The fear of unknown / uncertainty
• loss of control
• loss of face
• loss of competency
• need for security
• poor timing
• loss of comfort zone
• lack of support
• lack of confidence
• lingering resentment
• political factors like favouritism
• management factors like poor management style
• individual factors like personality factor
• group factors like group mentality
• organisational factors like increased workload are also some reasons for
resisting change in organisations
Forms of resistance: Resistance to change can vary from mere undermining of change to
active resistance like strikes.
o Individual vs collective
o passive versus active
o direct vs indirect
o behavioural vs verbal
o minor vs major
Strategies to overcome resistance:
a. Normative re-educative study: by changing the norms, believes and values the
individual will absorb the changes relatively easily.
b. Rational empirical strategy: based on persuasion by bringing out the benefits of
change and selling it to the individuals so they would accept change in their own
c. Power coercive strategy: Based on application of power under whose influence
people comply and accept the change.
d. Action centre strategy: based on problem solving they view change as an
opportunity rather than a threat and use innovation and integrated approach to
solve the problems which are supposed to arise out of change and look for
opportunities in them.