Sensor-Aware Elevator Scheduling For Smart Building Environments
Sensor-Aware Elevator Scheduling For Smart Building Environments
Sensor-Aware Elevator Scheduling For Smart Building Environments
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In a modern smart building, sensors can detect various physical information such as temperature, hu-
Received 24 May 2013 midity, motion, and light, which can be used for smart living services. This paper presents an efficient
Received in revised form elevator scheduling system by making use of indoor sensor technologies. Specifically, multiple sensor
9 November 2013
devices consisting of RFID, video, and floor sensors are used together to detect the candidate elevator
Accepted 13 November 2013
passengers’ behavior before they push the elevator call button. The detected information is then deliv-
ered to the elevator scheduling system through building networks. By using this information, our
scheduling system generates a reservation call for candidate passengers and controls the moving di-
Elevator scheduling
rection and the moving time of elevator cars efficiently. Extensive simulations with various passengers’
Smart building traffic conditions show that the proposed system performs significantly better than the conventional
Smart living elevator scheduling system in terms of the average waiting time, the maximum waiting time, and the
energy consumption of elevator systems.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0360-1323/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
O. Kwon et al. / Building and Environment 72 (2014) 332e342 333
information on waiting passengers, some facilities such as cameras scheduling system in detail. Section 4 shows the performance
and additional buttons are adopted [10,18]. Some research predicts evaluation results of the proposed system. Finally, we conclude the
passengers’ traffic pattern using peak-time distribution to consider paper in Section 5.
human life patterns [9,13,14]. However, prediction and adaptation
used in existing research is limited as elevator scheduling systems 2. Related works
recognize passengers’ information only after they push the elevator
call button. Unlike previous studies, our system detects passengers’ 2.1. Elevator scheduling systems
information by smart sensor technologies before they arrive at the
elevator, and uses this detected information in scheduling elevator There have been a variety of studies on the scheduling of
cars efficiently. Specifically, we generate a reservation call for elevator systems to reduce passengers’ waiting time. Most of them
candidate passengers detected by sensors and control the focus on the group elevator systems, in which a single control unit
moving direction and the moving time of elevator cars for the schedules multiple elevators simultaneously. In group elevator
reservation calls. systems, the scheduling problem becomes even more complicated,
To evaluate the performance of our elevator scheduling system, and thus various optimization techniques such as fuzzy systems
we conduct experiments with various workload conditions. The [12,22e24,26,29], genetic algorithms [10,15,21], genetic network
results show that the proposed elevator scheduling system per- programming [11], artificial neural networks [13,27,28], and DNA
forms better than the conventional elevator scheduling system in computing methods [42] have been adopted.
terms of the passengers’ average waiting time, the maximum Igarashi et al. present a fuzzy system based group elevator
waiting time, and the energy consumption of the elevator system scheduling systems [12]. When a passenger pushes the elevator call
significantly. Specifically, the improvement of the average waiting button, the system evaluates each elevator car using a fuzzy func-
time and the energy consumption is in the range of 15e30% and tion and assigns the car with the largest evaluation value that can
28e31%, respectively, by controlling the moving time and the minimize the waiting time of the request. Similar studies have also
moving direction of elevator cars for reservation calls. been performed by Kaneko et al. [22]. Unlike Igarashi et al., Kaneko
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, et al. consider the riding time of the elevator as well.
we provide previous studies that have been proposed for elevator Kim et al. use genetic algorithms to optimize the scheduling of
scheduling systems and sensor technologies for smart building group elevator systems [10]. They employ cameras to detect the
environments. In Section 3, we describe our proposed elevator number of waiting passengers at each floor and assign multiple
Table 1
A summary of elevator scheduling systems.
System proposers Heuristics used Optimization goals System overhead Main research issue Physical characteristics
Gudwin et al. [23] Fuzzy systems with Reducing waiting time Relatively high Dynamic scheduling e
linear context adaptation with fuzzy systems
Igarashi et al. [12] Fuzzy systems Reducing waiting time Relatively high Scheduling with fuzzy systems e
Kurosawa and Hill climbing and Reducing waiting time Relatively high Scheduling with e
Hirasawa [24] fuzzy systems combined optimization
Kaneko et al. [22] Fuzzy systems Reducing waiting time Relatively high Scheduling with fuzzy systems e
Ishikawa et al. [26] Fuzzy systems Reducing waiting time Relatively high Scheduling with fuzzy systems e
and riding time
So et al. [27] Neural networks Reducing waiting time Relatively high Traffic pattern recognition e
with neural networks
Dewen et al. [13] Neural networks Reducing waiting time Relatively high Scheduling with e
neural networks
Markon et al. [28] Adaptive control with Reducing waiting time Relatively high Scheduling adaptively e
neural networks with neural networks
Fujino et al. [15,21] Floor attribute control Reducing waiting time, Relatively high Scheduling with GA e
with genetic algorithm riding time, and considering floor attributes
car crowding
Eguchi et al. [11] Genetic network Reducing waiting time Relatively high Scheduling with genetic e
programming and riding time network programming
Chan et al. [20] Servicing different floors Reducing waiting time Low Scheduling specific floors e
with predetermined cars
Kim et al. [29] Fuzzy systems Reducing waiting time Relatively high Traffic classified and e
and energy consumption fuzzy-based scheduling
Kim et al. [10] Genetic algorithms, Reducing waiting time, Relatively high GA-based scheduling Camera at
multiple car load balancing with camera each floor
assignment with cameras
Lee et al. [8] Linear algorithm Reducing waiting time Low Scheduling based on e
and energy consumption waiting time and energy
Amano et al. [18] Replacing up-down buttons Reducing waiting time Low Scheduling with Numeric buttons
by numeric buttons at each floor a new user interface at each floor
Brand et al. [9] Dynamic programming under Reducing waiting time Low Up-peak/down-peak e
Marcov decision process analysis and parking strategy
Pepyne and Dynamic threshold based Reducing waiting time Low Up-peak traffic e
Cassandras [14,16] policy under Marcov model analysis and scheduling
Strang and Bauer [40] Context-aware algorithm Reducing waiting time Low Context-awareness techniques RFID tags
and riding time
Zhao and Liu [42] DNA computing Reducing waiting time Relatively high Reducing candidate e
schedules through DNA computing
Zhang and Zong [43] Robust optimization model Reducing waiting time Relatively high Up-peak traffic analysis e
and energy consumption and reducing energy
334 O. Kwon et al. / Building and Environment 72 (2014) 332e342
Fig. 1. Tracking by video sensors in the aware home [3]. In this prototype home, the location system knows user’s behaviors: where to go and when to go.
elevators simultaneously if the number of waiting passengers ex- if a person wants to use an elevator or is just walking near an
ceeds the capacity of a single elevator car. elevator [31].
Some recent studies formulate the elevator scheduling problem In most elevator environments, traffic patterns change peri-
as an optimization problem in large search spaces and reduce the odically within a day, and a number of studies have presented
spaces through approximation techniques. Hiller and Klug present traffic pattern based elevator scheduling systems. Pepyne and
the re-optimization technique that computes new schedules each Cassandras analyze up-peak traffic patterns of elevator systems
time a new passenger arrives and reduces the searching space and exploit the pattern in the elevator scheduling [14,16]. Brand
through branch-and-bound techniques [44]. Zhao and Liu model et al. consider both up-peak and down-peak traffics [9]. Their
the elevator scheduling problem as an optimization problem in a system dispatches an empty elevator to a desired parking loca-
large search space and reduce the search space by using DNA tion before requests from users. The location is determined by
computing methods [42]. the analysis of up-peak and down-peak traffic patterns. These
If an elevator scheduling system knows the destination floor of parking strategies could minimize passengers’ waiting time in
the passengers before they ride the car, the system could schedule common cases. The traffic of an elevator system changes
elevators more efficiently. A conventional elevator system, how- continuously as time progresses. There have been researches on
ever, has only two buttons (upward and downward) at each floor, detecting and modeling these traffic changes. Dewen et al. pre-
and thus it cannot predict passengers’ destination in advance. To sent a learning paradigm for elevator scheduling systems [13].
address this problem, Amano et al. present an elevator system that Their system detects the current flow and chooses a scheduling
has the destination-floor buttons at each floor. When a passenger policy among a set of ready-prepared policies. Pepyne et al.
intends to ride an elevator, he/she pushes a specific destination- present an elevator control strategy that delays the elevator
floor button at the floor. This provides more information to the moving until the number of passengers inside it reaches a certain
elevator control system than just up and down buttons [18]. Dai threshold [14].
et al. use hybrid genetic algorithms to solve the group elevator Some recent studies consider the energy consumption of the
scheduling problems with similar interfaces [30]. Strang and Bauer elevator system as well as the passengers’ waiting time [8,29,34].
use RFID tags to inform the destination floor before passengers Since reducing the energy consumption and the passengers’
enter the elevator car [40]. They also present the elevator sched- waiting time sometimes conflict, optimization of these multiple
uling system that switches its scheduling algorithm according to goals becomes an even more complex problem. Kim et al. use fuzzy
context information. Kwon et al. also use context information by systems to solve this problem [29]. Lee et al. use a weighted sum
using floor sensors, but their scheduling is not applicable to group technique to satisfy the two goals and periodically adjust the
elevator systems [6]. weight value [8]. Zhang and Zong observe that most energy is
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation developed an RFID-enabled consumed under up-peak traffic patterns and present an energy-
elevator system [31]. The RFID tag informs the arrival of passen- saving scheduling optimization for up-peak patterns [43]. Table 1
gers and their destination, which are used for the elevator control summarizes various elevator scheduling systems and their
and security. By combining RFID and cameras, their system discerns characteristics.
Hall/Car Call List Moving with passengers quality against contamination events [46]. They formulate the
problem as a multi-objective optimization problem to minimize the
P1 (t4, 1, 11) Moving without passengers
sensor cost as well as the impact of contamination events. Sreed-
P2 (t12, 16, 1) ti: j Car is at jth floor when time is ti haran et al. design a real-time sensor system that combines infor-
P3 (t20, 18, 1) mation from multiple sensors to accurately detect the sudden
Px (ti, j, k) Passenger x wants to move
from jth to kth floor at ti release of toxic contaminants in a smart building [47]. Chen and
Wen present a new sensor system design methodology based on an
t51: 18 indoor airflow model to protect building environments from
dangerous contaminants [48]. Liu and Zhai present the optimal
t19: 16 P3
sensor network design to protect a building from critical indoor
contamination [49].
P2 Smart parking providers also make use of sensor technologies to
monitor the real-time availability of urban parking spaces [36].
Finding the best path to an exit with sensor networks is also
t14: 11 attempted [37]. Brunette et al. developed wireless sensor nodes
that can provide contextual information including human activity,
environment, and RFID tags, which can be used in ubiquitous
computing applications to automatically adjust their behavior to
the situation [41]. Ramirez et al. suggest a technology that detects
P1 forest fire by making use of wireless sensor networks and fusion
information [38]. Robertson et al. present a scheme that detects
t34: 1 t68: 1 unusual incidents or counts cars with inductive loop sensors and
t4: 1
controls traffic intelligently [39].
Fig. 3. An example of the conventional elevator scheduling system.
3. The proposed system
2.2. Sensor technologies for smart building environments
In the elevator scheduling system, there are two types of calls.
One is the hall call and the other is the car call [29,35]. A hall call is
Recently, smart building prototypes are developed that contain
issued when a passenger pushes up or down button at each floor. A
various indoor sensors such as video sensors, floor sensors, and
car call is issued when a passenger pushes a destination-floor
small battery-powered wireless devices. We can obtain plenty of
button inside the elevator car. Conventional elevator scheduling
context information from these sensors and the information can be
systems could not recognize passengers before they actually push
exploited for smart home services. Kidd et al. present the aware
the hall call or car call buttons. Due to such limited scheduling in-
home prototype [3]. It consists of several living spaces such as
formation, passengers’ waiting time and energy consumption
bedroom, bathroom, living room, dining room, kitchen, laundry
highly increases in some cases. Take, for example, a typical situation
room, and office. In this prototype room, video sensors are used to
where a passenger pushes a hall call button at the 1st floor
trace human locations. A person in this home is tracked and his
immediately after the elevator moves from the 1st to the top floor.
activities are reported on the map. With this information, human
behaviors can be analyzed and predicted. Fig. 1 shows a person
tracked from the video sensor in the aware home.
Hall/Car Call List Moving with passengers
Orr et al. present the smart floor for user identification and
tracking [4]. They have created a system for identifying people P1 (t1, t4, 1, 11) Moving without passengers
according to their footstep force profile. Because people interact P2 (t9, t12, 16, 1) ti: j Car is at jth floor when time is ti
with the smart floor system, the location of the people can be P3 (t17, t20, 18, 1) Px (ti, tj, k, l) Passenger x wants to move
traced and also be predicted. Addlesee et al. present the active floor, From kth to lth floor at tj
which is similar to the smart floor [5]. The active floor is the square Reservation call occurs at ti
grid of conventional tiles that is supported at the corners by cy-
lindrical load cells which send weight changes of about 50 g to the t21: 18
location system. With this information, the system can predict the P3
future locations of people. Similarly, Steinhage and Lauterbach
present an array of capacitive sensors embedded in floor carpets to t23: 16 P2
track the movement across a large area [33]. Fig. 2 shows these floor
Want et al. present the active badge location system for the
tracking of people in an office environment [32]. In this system, t14: 11
people wear an active badge, and it periodically transmits signals.
These periodic signals are picked up by the network of sensors and
used to trace the location of people.
Sensor networks have also been widely used for environmental
monitoring and controlling situations appropriately. Gao et al. P1
propose an intelligent lighting control system based on a wireless
sensor network [45]. Their system reduces the energy consumption t4: 1 t38: 1
of a smart building significantly and provides comfortable building
environment. Eliades et al. present the sensor placement problem Fig. 4. An example of an efficient elevator scheduling system with the reservation call
in intelligent buildings for monitoring and protecting indoor air that is issued by the passenger information obtained from sensors.
336 O. Kwon et al. / Building and Environment 72 (2014) 332e342
Assignment Unit
Reservation Unit
Then, the passenger should wait during a round trip time of the car, transferring the passenger information in advance. Given infor-
and energy consumption of the elevator system also increases due mation on subsequent passengers in advance, SES schedules
to the long moving distance of the car. elevator cars more efficiently in terms of the waiting time and
To address such problems, we propose a novel elevator sched- energy consumption.
uling system called SES (Sensor-aware Elevator Scheduling). SES Figs 3 and 4 show an example that compares the conven-
obtains passengers’ information in advance from multiple sensors tional elevator scheduling system and SES. In this example, there
and exploits the information to schedule elevator systems. As are three passengers, P1, P2, and P3, waiting for the elevator car.
mentioned in Section 2, with rapid advances in sensor and wireless P1 is at the 1st floor and aims to go up to the 11th floor. P2 and
network technologies, there is no difficulty in detecting and P3 are at the 16th and 18th floors, respectively, and intend to go
P1 P1
t53: 6 t19: 6
t37: 6
t59: 18 t48: 18
t38: 15 t45: 15
t35: 12 P1 t42: 12 P1
t34: 8
t31: 8 P2 P2
t47: 6 t36: 6
Fig. 7. An example of the moving direction (MD) value used in the sensor-aware elevator scheduling system.
down to the 1st floor. Passengers P1, P2, and P3 push the hall call environment, therefore, we can minimize passengers’ average
button at t4, t12, and t20, respectively. In this simple example, we waiting time and energy consumption by using the information
use the logical time that increases by one whenever the car from sensors.
moves upward or downward for a floor and ignore all other
times such as the boarding time. The car first starts from the 1st 3.1. Sensor-aware elevator scheduling (SES)
floor with P1 and goes up to the 11th floor. After P1 gets out at
the 11th floor, the car continues to go up to the 16th floor to pick In this section, we explain the details of the proposed sensor-
up P2. When the time becomes t19, the car starts to go down aware elevator scheduling (SES) system. Fig. 5 shows the overall
from the 16th floor with P2. Unfortunately, P3 pushes the hall architecture of SES; it consists of three components, namely the
call button at the 18th floor immediately after the car has left the Control Unit (CU), the Reservation Unit (RU), and the Assignment
16th floor. If the elevator scheduling system knows the hall call Unit (AU). CU controls the moving or stopping of the elevator car.
at the 18th floor before the car starts to move down, the car may RU collects and processes passenger information detected by sen-
move up to the 18th floor first to pick up P3; then P3 waits only sors. When a passenger approaches the elevator, multiple sensors
for one time unit. This could eventually reduce the average detect the passenger’s location in advance, and then send this in-
waiting time of the three passengers significantly. However, it formation to the elevator control system through the building
was not possible as conventional elevator systems could not network. RU calculates the time when the passenger will arrive at
know the time of passengers’ requests before they actually push the elevator and then generates a reservation call according to the
the hall call button. calculated time. AU receives the reservation call from RU, and
Fig. 4 shows an efficient elevator scheduling with this infor- makes two decision values; Delay Time (DT) and Moving Direction
mation for the same example. If sensors detect the candidate pas- (MD). DT is the time interval that should be delayed before the car
sengers’ requests three time units before they actually arrive in starts its movement for the reserved request, and MD is the moving
front of the elevator door, the elevator scheduling system recog- direction, i.e., upward or downward, of the car. If a reservation call
nizes the three passengers’ requests when the time is t1, t9, and t17, arrives during the idle time of the elevator car, the car does not
respectively. With this information, the car moves from the 1st move immediately at right, but delays its movement as long as it
floor to the 11th floor with P1, and then goes up to the 16th floor to can reach the requested location before the passenger arrives there.
pick up P2. While going to the 16th floor, the scheduling system Determining the DT value is important to reduce the moving dis-
recognizes that P3 wants to go down. Hence, instead of stopping at tance of the car, potentially related to the energy consumption,
the 16th floor, the car passes by the 16th floor, and then goes since other requests towards the same direction during the delayed
straight up to the 18th floor to pick up P3. P2 takes the car at time time can arrive. We define DT as the time difference between the
t23 after the car goes down from the 18th floor. When compared to passenger’s moving time to the elevator door (denoted by PT) and
the conventional elevator scheduling system, P2 should wait 4 the elevator car’s moving time to the reserved floor. In particular,
more time units but the waiting time of P3 is dramatically reduced. the elevator car’s moving time depends on the distance of the
Furthermore, the total running time of the car is reduced by 30 movement. If the distance is longer than a certain threshold
time units. Due to the significant decrease in the running time of (denoted by MIN), a uniform motion interval exists in the middle of
the car, energy consumption is also reduced. In a smart building the moving. Otherwise, the car moves only as acceleration and
338 O. Kwon et al. / Building and Environment 72 (2014) 332e342
deceleration motions. Equation (1) represents how the DT value is actual hall call time, and RCT is the reservation call time. Using
calculated. Expression (1), we can estimate the time when the car starts to
8 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
> Now, we will explain our scheduling system by describing the
workings of the algorithm with appropriate examples. Fig. 6 shows
DT ¼
> qffiffiffiffiffiffiffi an example of the delayed movement. There are two passengers P1
: PT 2 MIN þ DISTMIN otherwise and P2. P1 is at the 18th floor and aims to move down to the 1st
floor. P2 is at the 6th floor and aims to move up to the 18th floor. P1
PT ¼ AHT RCT and P2 make reservations at t1 and t7, and they will be in front of the
DIST ¼ jCF PFi j$FH elevator at t31 and t37, respectively. When we do not apply the
delayed movement, the car starts moving at t1 towards the 18th
where CF is the current floor of the car, PFi is the current floor of floor to pick up P1. Although P2 makes a reservation at t7, the car
passenger i, FH is the height of a floor, DIST is the difference in already passed by the 6th floor at that time. As a result, P2 should
height between the car’s and the passenger i’s floors, MIN is the wait for a long time, and also the system spends additional energy
minimum distance for uniform motion, ASC is the uniform accel- due to the long moving distance. When we use delayed movement,
eration of the car, USC is the uniform velocity of the car, AHT is the however, the car delays its movement for DT (13 time units in this
O. Kwon et al. / Building and Environment 72 (2014) 332e342 339
where DIST is the distance between the passenger and the car, MIN
is the minimum distance for uniform motion, ASC is the uniform
acceleration of the car, and USC is the uniform velocity of the car.
TOPEN, TBOARDING, and TCLOSE represent the time to open the elevator
door, board the elevator, and close the elevator door, respectively. If
the car should visit some additional floor during the movement
Fig. 9. Prototype experiments to collect sensor data and compare them with actual from i to j, multiple TMOVE and TADDITIONAL values are added to PWT.
calls. After the allocation phase is completed, SES-G inserts the pas-
senger’s reservation call into the request queue of the selected car.
SES-G, then, processes the passenger’s reservation call based on the
example), and then starts moving at t14; as a result, P2 can take the original SES algorithm.
car at this turn.
Moving direction (MD) is also important to minimize pas- 4. Performance analysis
sengers’ waiting time. Fig. 7 depicts an example for the effect of
MD. Suppose that reservation calls for passengers P1 and P2 are 4.1. Detecting passenger information through sensors
issued at t1 and t6, from the 12th and 6th floors, respectively,
and the passengers will actually arrive in front of the elevator To assess the effectiveness of multiple sensor devices in
door 30 time units later; the elevator car initially stops at the detecting passenger information, we equipped RFID, video, and
8th floor and the destination of P1 and P2 are the 15th and 18th floor sensors in a twenty-story building for residence, and collected
floors, respectively. Then, in the conventional elevator sched- sensed data for enrolled users during a day. The building authen-
uling system, the car first moves to the 12th floor at t31 to pick ticates the enrolled users at the gate of the underground parking
up P1. P1 rides in the car at t35, and reaches the destination area or the main entrance of the ground floor using an RFID tag or a
floor at t38. Then, the car moves to the 6th floor to pick up P2. In password. We first collect sensor data at this time to make a
this way, the waiting time of P2 becomes 11 time units. On the reservation call. Less than 120 s are needed for a candidate pas-
contrary, in the sensor-aware elevator scheduling system, the senger to move from this location to the elevator door. Along the
car first goes down to the 6th floor to pick up P2, and then
moves to the 12th floor to pick up P1. Accordingly, the average
waiting time of the passengers and the moving distance of the 25
phase. When a reservation call is issued, the elevator scheduling Arrival rate (passengers/min.)
system first decides which car should be allocated to that request. (a) Average waiting time
For efficient allocation, SES-G calculates the passengers’ expected 3000
waiting time for each car. Then SES-G allocates the car incurring the CS
Energy consumption (KJ)
Table 2 1000
Experimental conditions.
Items Settings
Number of floors 20 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Number of cars 6
Arrival rate (passengers/min.)
Elevator capacity 20 people/car
Moving speed 3 m/s
Floor height 3m
(b) Energy consumption
Open/close time 2s
Fig. 10. Performance evaluation results for the conventional scheduling system (CS)
Boarding time 2s
and the sensor-aware elevator scheduling system (SES) as the arrival rate varies.
340 O. Kwon et al. / Building and Environment 72 (2014) 332e342
hallway towards the elevator, floor sensors are located, and they average arrival rate ranging from 5 to 35 passengers/min as usual
can detect the moving direction of people through the path of the [8,10,29]. To reflect the peak-time traffic in real situations, we also
step. This information is collected about 60 s prior to the actual hall generate passengers’ traffic by a non-homogeneous Poisson process
call at the elevator. Video sensors are also located at the ceiling of where the arrival rate itself changes according to another Poisson
the hallway, and they can also recognize the movement of people. process [8,10]. We use the following three criteria to compare SES
The distance from this location to the elevator is about 30 s or less. with CS (Conventional elevator Scheduling system).
We set the default moving direction of reservation calls to “up” at
the parking area and the ground floor. Note that a reservation call is Average waiting time: a waiting time is the interval between a
dropped from the request queue when it is not continued to appear passenger’s hall call time and a car’s arrival time. Average
in the subsequent sensors. For example, when a reservation call is waiting time is the average of all passengers’ waiting time.
issued 120 s prior to the actual hall call through RFID tags but there Maximum waiting time: the maximum waiting time is the largest
is no corresponding reservation call through video or floor sensor, passenger’s waiting time during the experimental period [11].
the request is dropped from the scheduling queue. Energy consumption: the energy consumption is the total
In the residence area ranging from the 2nd to 20th floors, each amount of energy consumed during the operation of the
home has its front door and there are floor sensors along the elevator system [8].
hallway. 60 s or so are needed to move from the front door to the
elevator including the locking time of the door. Video sensors are According to the prototype settings in Section 4.1, we perform
also located at the ceiling of the hallway, and the distance to the three SES configurations: SES-G-30, SES-G-60, and SES-G-120. In
elevator is about 30 s or less. We set the default moving direction of SES-G-30, the reservation call is issued 30 s before passengers make
reservation calls to “down” at residence floors. the actual hall call. Similarly, SES-G-60 and SES-G-120 issue the
We gathered the sensor data during a day and compared the reservation calls 60 s and 120 s before actual hall calls, respectively.
reservation calls issued by sensor information and actual hall calls In reality, the optimum time period for the reservation call should
from passengers. We use a CCTV in front of the elevator car to be defined empirically depending on passengers’ and elevators’
collect the actual hall call information. The comparison result moving time and the location of sensors. An elevator’s moving time
showed that 84.3% of the reservation calls eventually invoke actual can be estimated precisely by the law of motion as in Equation (1),
calls. As reservation calls are dropped from the request queue if but a passenger’s moving time varies depending on the location of
subsequent actual calls do not appear, the effect of false reservation sensors and each passenger’s step. If we overestimate the passen-
calls is not significant. Note that our scheduler waits only for a ger’s moving time, the passenger should wait long for the elevator
certain limited time for reservation calls, and it promptly reacts to car. If we underestimate the passenger’s moving time, the elevator
the changed request information. On the other hand, most requests car may arrive before the passenger arrives. As a closer sensor es-
benefit from these reservation calls by shortening their waiting timates the moving time of the candidate passenger more precisely,
time. Fig. 9 depicts our experimental environments that collect in our empirical study, a reservation call from a distant sensor is
passengers’ information in advance with sensing system. dropped from the request queue when it appears from a closer
sensor. To set an appropriate time period for reservation calls, we
4.2. Experimental results use the median value of the passengers’ moving time to the
elevator door captured in the traces. Location of sensors is also
In this section, we present the performance evaluation important to determine the time period for reservation calls. A
results for SES. Table 2 shows the experimental conditions for distant sensor provides the scheduling system with passengers’
performance evaluation. We use similar conditions with previous information earlier and thus using this information allows the
studies [8,10]. The number of floors and elevators is set to 20 and 6, elevator car to pick up many passengers at a time. This eventually
respectively, and each elevator car can accommodate 20 people. leads to the reduction of energy consumption. In contrast, a close
The passengers’ traffic is generated by Poisson process with the sensor provides more accurate information, and thus the average
20 44 3000
Energy consumption (KJ)
Maximum waiting time (sec)
Average waiting time (sec)
18 2500
17 40
15 1500
13 1000
32 500
10 30 0
(a) Average waiting time (b) Maximum waiting time (c) Energy consumption
Fig. 11. Performance evaluation results for the conventional scheduling system (CS) and the sensor-aware elevator scheduling system (SES) as the traffic is non-homogeneous.
O. Kwon et al. / Building and Environment 72 (2014) 332e342 341
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