Covid-19 Test Report: Pa Ent Informa On
Covid-19 Test Report: Pa Ent Informa On
Covid-19 Test Report: Pa Ent Informa On
Specimen Information
ICMR ID: 693087020 SRF ID: 1861803889360
Date Time of Sample 20-02-2022 15:37:17 Date Time of Sample 20-02-2022 15:45:12
Collection: Received at Lab:
Date Time of Sample 20-02-2022 15:50:12 Date Time of Result 20-02-2022 17:24:21
Testing: Reported:
Note: The results relate only to the specimens tested and should be correlated with clinical findings.
Interpretation guidance:-
1. Testing of referred clinical specimens was considered on the basis of request / referral received from / through State Surveillance Officer (SSO) of concerned State Integrated
Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP)/ any other health care facility affirming requirements of the case definition/s.
2. A single negative test result, particularly if this is from an upper respiratory tract specimen, does not exclude infection*
3. A positive test result is only tentative, and will be reconfirmed by retesting
4. Repeat sampling and testing of lower respiratory specimen is strongly recommended in severe or progressive disease. The repeat specimens may be considered after a gap of 2
– 4 days after the collection of the first specimen for additional testing if required. *
5. A positive alternate pathogen does not necessarily rule out either, as little is yet known about the role of coinfections.
6. Please note that these results are not to be used for any thesis or presentations or for Publication in any Journal without the prior permission of the Director General, ICMR 1/1