Acknowledgement: God Almighty
Acknowledgement: God Almighty
Acknowledgement: God Almighty
First and foremost, we thank God Almighty for His divine grace and blessings in making all these
possible. May He continue to lead us in the years. It is our privilege to render our heartfelt thanks
to our beloved Manager, Rev. Msgr. Dr. Pius Malekandathil , our director Rev. Fr. Paul Nedumpurath
and our Principal Dr. K K Rajan for providing us the opportunity to do this project report during
the Fourth year (2022) of our B.Tech degree course. We are deeply thankful to our Head of the
Department, Mr. Amel Austine for his support and encouragement. We would like to express our
sincere gratitude and heartfelt thanks to our Project Guide Mrs. Libsy Ann Merin Baby, Assistant
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering for her motivation, assistance and
help for the project. We also express sincere thanks our Project Coordinator Mr.Joe Mathew Ja-
cob, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering for his guidance and
support. We also thank all the staff members of the Computer Science Department for providing
their assistance and support. Last, but not the least, we thank all our friends and family for their
valuable feedback from time to time as well as their help and encouragement.
We undersigned hereby declare that the project report “SCRAP LANE: A BLOCKCHAIN AND
ML BASED SYSTEM TO FACILITATE SCRAPPING OF CARS”, submitted for partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Technology of the APJ Abdul
Kalam Technological University is a bonafide work done by us under the supervision of Mrs.
Libsy Ann Merin Baby. This submission represents ideas in our own words and where ideas or
words of others have been included,we have adequately and accurately cited and referenced the
original sources. We also declare that we have adhered to the ethics of academic honesty and
integrity and have not misrepresented or fabricated any data or idea or fact or source in our sub-
mission. We understand that any violation of the above will be a cause for disciplinary action by
the institute and/or the University and can also evoke penal action from the sources which have
thus not been properly cited or formed the basis for the award of any degree, diploma or similar
title of any other University.
Place: Vazhakulam
Dilan Joseph
The process of scrapping cars in India is not as organized as the sale of used cars. Transactions re-
lated to vehicles mainly involve buying and selling, making it difficult to track them. Even though
there are some centralized systems, they may have issues with transparency, trust, and access con-
trol. Furthermore, scrap dealers may deceive unsuspecting customers by offering unfair prices for
the cars given for scrapping. To address these issues, we propose an integrated blockchain and
machine learning-based solution to automate transactions related to the scrapping of cars. The
key parties involved in the transactions are the Regional Transport Officer (RTO), car owners, and
scrap dealers, and their communication is facilitated with the help of smart contracts. Our solution
includes a damage detection and price prediction model based on the XGBoost algorithm to help
car owners determine the actual worth of their cars. Our proposed solution works as follows: car
owners submit their car details to the RTO, which issues a scrapping certificate to them. The owner
then submits the certificate to a scrap dealer, who uses the blockchain-based system to verify the
authenticity of the certificate. The scrap dealer also evaluates the car’s condition, and the XGBoost
model provides a fair price for the car. If the owner agrees, the scrap dealer takes possession of
the car and issues a payment. The proposed system provides several benefits. First, it ensures
transparency and trust in the transactions by using blockchain technology. Second, it provides a
fair price for scrapped cars, which helps car owners make informed decisions. Third, it promotes
environmental sustainability by incentivizing car owners to scrap their old and polluting vehicles.
Finally, it offers discounts to owners of scrapped cars when they purchase a new car, which is an at-
tractive incentive for them. Our results show that the XGBoost model achieves high-performance
gains, making it a reliable tool for damage detection and price prediction. In conclusion, our
proposed solution provides an efficient and reliable way to automate transactions related to car
scrapping while ensuring transparency, trust, and fair prices. It can be a game-changer in India’s
automobile industry, promoting environmental sustainability and responsible consumption.
List of Figures i
List of Abbreviations ii
1.2 Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.3 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2.1.9 Advantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.1.10 Disadvantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2 An Efficient System for Implementation of Goods and Service Tax in India using
Blockchain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2.1 A Buyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2.2 A Seller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3 Modeling and Prediction of Stock Price with Convolutional Neural Network Based
on Blockchain Interactive Information.............................................................................. 11
2.3.1 Data Pre-processing................................................................................................ 11
2.4.10 Disadvantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
References iii
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1
A car starts degrading and releases toxic emissions either due to an accident or aging, which in
turn contaminates the environment. Such a car is considered a scrap car according to the Scrapping
policy. In addition, as the car ages, it will need extensive maintenance and repairs, which will in-
crease the cost of ownership. In India, a new vehicle scrappage policy[1] was recently announced,
under which commercial vehicles over fifteen years old and private vehicles over twenty years old
are required to be scrapped if it fails fitness and emission tests. Scrapping ensures that the vehicle
is dismantled into pieces and recycled. It also eliminates the possibility of the vehicle being used
for unwanted or illegal purposes.
1.2 Objective
To develop a real-time accurate scrap dealing mechanism that can detect the overall condition of
the car and dictate a proper cost of the product.
1.3 Scope
Actual Scrap value of the car can be retained. Proper communication through Smart Contract
and there is no bargaining between owners and scrap dealers,so every information is updated on
Chapter 2
It is defined as a data structure, which creates a shared ledger among a peer-to-peer (P2P)
network . Cryptography is used to guarantee the security of shared ledger management by each
participant in the network, obviating the need for a central intermediary to enforce the rules. The
decentralized structure is the most powerful feature of BCT. It is hard to tamper the data when
they are appended into a Blockchain. Prior to formally inserting a record into the Blockchain,
the submitted records must be verified by peers in the Blockchain network. A typical Blockchain
network usually consists of three core components: 1) data block: a list of data added to a ledger
over a given period, which usually contains the data size, timestamp, nonce, Merkle root, version,
and hash value of previous block; 2) block chain: a chain structure that logically links these data
blocks; and 3) P2P network. As a principle mechanism of data consistency, the consensus is the
process to negotiate an agreement among a group of peers in a Blockchain network, and consen-
sus algorithm is an essential for transaction verification in a Blockchain network. Blockchains
are generally divided into permissionless ones and permissioned ones . Actually, permission-
less Blockchains usually allow public access, whereas permissioned Blockchains usually restrict
access of the consortium members. Governmental and industrial sectors prefer to utilize per-
missioned Blockchains, since only selected participants can involve in the consensus process.
Permissioned Blockchains can be further divided into consortium Blockchains .
It is easier to reach the consensus in consortium Blockchains because only trusted participants
account for the authority. Each data appending requires the privilege granting from a trusted par-
ticipant and the underlying protocol is modifiable when the majority of trusted participants reach
an agreement. To adapt specific situations and business scenarios, the permission in Blockchains
can be further tailored. For example, in partially decentralized Blockchains, the public members
are given permission for queries in a limited time. In contrast, the privilege to append data in fully
private Blockchains is owned by a single participant whereas the privilege to read is granted to the
The concept of smart contract was first proposed by Szabo in 1997 . It is first implemented as
a core feature in Ethereum. In the context of BCT, smart contract is defined as a term-based
contract that can be translated into codes and built as a self-executed program. It is intelligent that
the contract is capable of condition checking, monitoring, and self-enforcing inputs from external
trusted parties if it meets the criteria. Users can compile the terms of a contract via programming,
which is automatically replicated and self-executed across the nodes in a Blockchain network.
a) TF-IDF : Feature extraction is important for Natural Language Processing. Texta data
can’t be classified by classifiers therefore they need to be converted to numerical data. TF-
IDF is used for feature extraction. TF-IDF addresses a problem not seen much in the corpus,
but is important for better extraction of features. The value of TF-IDF increases with the
increase in frequency of a word in same document and decreases with decrease in frequency
of documents that have the word in the corpus.
b) Bag Of Words (BoW) Model : The BoW model is a simple method of extracting features
from documents that uses occurrence of words within a document. Bag of Words model has
two important parts- a vocabulary of words (tokens)derived from all documents and a way of
measuring all these words as features in each document.
Loyyal is a BCT-driven reward ecosystem, which supports redemption of loyalty points to cus-
tomers and eliminates delays and cost while exchanging information . CarVertical is another
BCT-based platform, which can trace and share vehicle information among original equipment
manufacturers (OEMs) and external partners in an instant and reliable way . The shared ledger
contains basic information of a vehicle, history of ownership, maintenance and repair works, and
it would be reviewed and updated by OEMs and other authorized participants. Users are able
to settle the payment through smart contracts for services rendered (e.g. repairing a vehicle and
purchasing/selling a vehicle). Some researchers attempted to check and verify odometer data by
using a built-in-car connector to periodically send vehicle mileage data to its BCT-based logbook.
Through this mechanism, the displayed mileage can be verified against the actual mileage stored
on a Blockchain to avoid odometer tampering. A BCT-based system by Toyota Research Insti-
tute is proposed to enable P2P car sharing (e.g. passage of vehicle and trip payments), which
records and executes monetary transactions. The system connects smart vehicles, P2P-vehicle-
sharing providers and the terminal customers in an efficient and secure way. Users and car-sharing
providers would register on the Blockchain and securely exchange data, such as the vehicle lo-
cation, rent fee, insurance term, and payment account. At the end of the trip, the system will
automatically bill the user and update the travel record .
2.1.9 Advantages
1. Simplistic approach.
2.1.10 Disadvantages
1. Costly