Torres 2019 Dockingrev
Torres 2019 Dockingrev
Torres 2019 Dockingrev
Abstract: Molecular docking has been widely employed as a fast and inexpensive technique in the
past decades, both in academic and industrial settings. Although this discipline has now had
enough time to consolidate, many aspects remain challenging and there is still not a straightforward
and accurate route to readily pinpoint true ligands among a set of molecules, nor to identify with
precision the correct ligand conformation within the binding pocket of a given target molecule.
Nevertheless, new approaches continue to be developed and the volume of published works grows
at a rapid pace. In this review, we present an overview of the method and attempt to summarise
recent developments regarding four main aspects of molecular docking approaches: (i) the available
benchmarking sets, highlighting their advantages and caveats, (ii) the advances in consensus
methods, (iii) recent algorithms and applications using fragment-based approaches, and (iv) the use
of machine learning algorithms in molecular docking. These recent developments incrementally
contribute to an increase in accuracy and are expected, given time, and together with advances in
computing power and hardware capability, to eventually accomplish the full potential of this area.
1. Introduction
Molecular docking is a method which analyses the conformation and orientation (referred together
as the “pose”) of molecules into the binding site of a macromolecular target. Searching algorithms
generate possible poses, which are ranked by scoring functions [1]. Several software were developed
during the last decades, amongst which are some well-known examples, such as AutoDock [2],
AutoDock Vina [3], DockThor [4,5], GOLD [6,7], FlexX [8] and Molegro Virtual Docker [9].
The first step in a docking calculation is to obtain the target structure, which commonly consists
of a large biological molecule (protein, DNA or RNA) [10] (Figure 1). The structures of these
macromolecules can be readily retrieved from the Protein Data Bank (PDB) [11], which provides
access to 3D atomic coordinates obtained by experimental methods. However, it is not unusual that
the experimental 3D structure of the target is not available. In order to overcome this issue,
computational prediction methods, such as comparative and ab initio modelling can be used to obtain
the three-dimensional structure of proteins [1].
Figure 1. General workflow of molecular docking calculations. The approaches normally start by
obtaining 3D structures of target and ligands. Then, protonation states and partial charges are
assigned. If not previously known, the target binding site is detected, or a blind docking simulation
may be performed. Molecular docking calculations are carried out in two main steps: posing and
scoring, thus generating a ranked list of possible complexes between target and ligands.
Usually, the binding site location on which to focus the docking calculations is known. However,
when the binding region information is missing, there are two commonly employed approaches:
either the most probable binding sites are algorithmically predicted or a “blind docking” simulation
is carried out. The latter has a high computational cost, since the search covers all the target structure
[12]. Several available software can be used to detect binding sites. MolDock [9], for example, uses an
integrated cavity detection algorithm to identify potential binding sites. DoGSiteScorer is an
algorithm that determines possible pockets and their druggability scores, which describe the
potential of the binding site to interact with a small drug-like molecule [13]. Fragment Hotspot Maps
[14] uses small molecular probes to identify surface regions in the receptor that are prone to interact
with small molecules. These predicted interaction sites can then be provided as the centre of the
sampling space.
Moreover, information derived from such hotspots or even from previous experimental
knowledge (e.g., NMR, mass spectrometry) can be used to generate distance restraints, which is
known to greatly increase protein-small molecule docking accuracy [15].
During docking calculations, a common strategy is to employ a grid representation that includes
precalculated potential energies for interaction within the target binding site [16]. This approach
speeds up the docking runs and basically consists of the discretisation of the binding site [17]. Then,
at each grid point, interactions related to the Lennard–Jones and electrostatic potentials are
Ligand structure is also required and can be obtained from small molecules databases, such as
ZINC [18] and PubChem [19]. These online databases facilitate the retrieval of a large number of
compounds for subsequent virtual screening. If not directly available, the 3D atomic coordinates of
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20, 4574 3 of 29
these compounds can be obtained from the 2D structures (or even from simpler representation
schemes, such as SMILES) using several available software, such as ChemSketch (Advanced
Chemistry Development, Inc., Toronto, On, Canada,, 2019), ChemDraw
(PerkinElmer Informatics), Avogadro [20] and Concord [21]. It is worth noting that for small molecule
ligands all that is needed initially is a stereochemically defined geometry with the correct relevant
protonation state, since conformations will be explored by the docking software in the context of the
target’s binding site.
Charges are usually assigned through algorithms that distribute the net charge of a molecule
among its constituent atoms as partial atom-centred charges. Furthermore, most docking methods
assume that a particular protonation state and charge distribution in the molecules do not change
between their bound and unbound states [3]. Nevertheless, it is crucial for successful docking to
evaluate free torsions, protonation states and charge assignments. The protonation states of the
target’s amino acid residues can be critical to ligand interactions and, consequently, to the binding
affinity prediction. There are several software available to evaluate the pKa of the amino acid
residues, such as PropKa [22] and H++ [23].
Ligand protonation is also important since it affects the net charge of the molecule and the partial
charges of individual atoms. Nonetheless, each docking program will employ a different charge
assignment protocol [1]. For example, in the MolDock program, the protein and the ligands are
automatically prepared (charges and protonation states assigned) and simplified charge and
protonation schemes are used, as described by Thomsen and Christensen (2006). AutoDock uses
Gasteiger–Marsili atomic charges whereas the closely-related AutoDock Vina does not require the
assignment of atomic charges, since the terms that compose its scoring function are charge-
independent [3,24]. The DockThor algorithm, as implemented in the homonymous web portal,
automatically generates the topology files (i.e., atom types and partial charges) for the protein, ligand
and cofactors according to the MMFF94S force field [4,5,25].
Two aspects are crucial to docking programs: search algorithms and scoring functions. The
search algorithm analyses and generates ligand pose at a target’s binding site, taking into
consideration the roto-translational and internal degrees of freedom of the ligand [10].
Search strategies are often classified as systematic, stochastic or deterministic [16]. Systematic
search algorithms explore each ligand’s degree of freedom incrementally. As the number of free
rotatable bonds increases, the number of evaluations can undergo a combinatorial explosion
[16,26,27]. This class of search algorithms can be subdivided in exhaustive, incremental construction
(which relies on the fragmentation of the ligand) and conformational ensemble [26]. FlexX [8] and
eHits [28], for example, employ fragment-based approaches with systematic algorithms (incremental
construction and graph matching, respectively).
A number of algorithms were also developed to use information from protein and ligand
pharmacophores. Those algorithms try to match the distances between each of the ligand’s and
protein’s pharmacophoric points [29]. The software FLEXX-PHARM, for example, is an extended
version of FLEXX and applies pharmacophoric features as constraints into a docking calculation [30].
Stochastic search algorithms perform random changes in the ligand’s degrees of freedom.
However, this kind of algorithm does not guarantee convergence to the best solution. To improve it,
an iterative process can be performed. Monte Carlo, Evolutionary Algorithms (including genetic),
Tabu Search and Swarm Optimisation are some of the most common stochastic algorithm
implementations [26]. Several software use stochastic algorithms as search methods, such as
AutoDock [2], GOLD [6], DockThor [4,5,25] and MolDock [9] (Table 1).
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In deterministic search, the orientation and conformation of the ligand in each iteration is
determined by the previous state, and the new state has equal or lower energy value than the
previous one [16,26]. However, this kind of algorithm has higher computational cost and often leads
to the undesired trapping of the resulting conformations to a local energy minimum [16]. Examples
are energy minimisation methods and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations.
The overall size of the ligand, especially if it contains a large number of rotatable bonds impacts
most docking algorithms in a negative way, both in terms of computational cost of each individual
docking run and in terms of docking accuracy [46]. That is the case because each new rotatable bond
inherently increases the ligand’s degrees of freedom, thus increasing the number of possible
conformations. The enhanced conformational space is therefore much more complex to explore,
rendering less accurate results, usually even with increased sampling steps. The magnitude of this
effect is distinct for different algorithms [3,47] and fragment-based ones seem to exhibit superior
performance in such cases [46].
Some algorithms can combine different search strategies, and often MD simulations are used to
analyse the time-resolved trajectory of the ligand-bound system and to further pinpoint the best
docking solutions [48–51].
After the generation of thousands of ligand orientations, additional scoring functions may be
used to rank the conformations. They may be based on binding energy, free energy, or a qualitative
numerical measure to approximate interaction energies [52]. Currently, scoring functions are
grouped into three major types: force field, empirical and knowledge-based [26,27,53].
Force field-based functions consist of a sum of energy terms [26]. The potential energy usually
accounts for bonded (bond length, angle, dihedrals) and nonbonded (van der Waals, electrostatic)
terms. This type of function usually neglects solvent effects and entropies [16]. The DockThor
program [4], for example, employs a scoring function for pose prediction based on the MMFF94S
force field composed of three energy terms [54], i.e., the torsional term for bonded interactions, the
electrostatic potential and the Buffered-14-7 term for the van der Waals potential (Equation (1)):
where V1, V2 and V3 are constants dependent on the types of the atoms i and j, ϕ is the i-j-k-l torsion
angle, qi and qj are the partial charges of atoms i and j, ε is the dielectric constant given by a distance-
dependent sigmoidal dielectric function [55], Rij is the internuclear separation between atoms i and j,
and δelec is the electrostatic buffering. Repulsion at short distances and van der Waals interactions are
calculated by the last term, the Buf-14-7 potential [56]. In this term, 𝜀 is the well depth, 𝑅∗ is the
minimum-energy separation (Å) that depends on the MMFF94S types of the atoms i and j, and
𝛿 = 0.07 and 𝛾 = 0.12 are the buffering constants.
Empirical scoring functions are derived from quantitative structure-activity relationships which
were first idealised by Hansh and Fujita [16,57]. The goal is to predict binding affinity with high
accuracy by using known experimental binding affinity data [26]. ChemScore [58] and GlideScore
[59] are examples of empirical scoring functions.
Knowledge-based functions are based on frequency of atom pairs interactions observed in
experimentally determined 3D structures of ligand-target complexes [16,26]. DrugScore of FlexX
program [60] and PMF [61] are examples of knowledge-based functions.
Binding affinity prediction is still a major challenge for docking programs and most approaches
rely upon consensus scoring schemes and rescoring approaches [16,26,27]. Consensus scoring for
improving molecular docking accuracy is an ever-evolving research topic and will be addressed
further in this review.
Molecular docking is a key component of the Computer-aided Drug Design toolbox. It is part of
the so-called “structure-based drug design” methods and was first developed in the middle 80s
through early 90s for predicting the binding mode of known active compounds and virtually
screening large digital compound libraries to reduce costs and speed up drug discovery [62]. Docking
tools have also been used in the hit-to-lead optimisation process. The latter application imposes the
biggest challenge as predicting relative binding affinities for a series of related compounds has been
the Achilles heel of most docking software since the very beginning of their development.
Nevertheless, docking can still be used in hit-to-lead optimisation by indicating if the designed
analogues of a hit compound present improved molecular interactions with the target.
Another widely known shortcoming of traditional docking methodologies is the poor modelling
of receptor flexibility [63–65]. Some docking algorithms are able to partially mitigate this issue by
allowing side-chain movement of active-site residues. Nevertheless, larger conformational changes
might be triggered upon ligand-binding or might be a prerequisite to the binding event itself. A
strategy, usually referred to as Receptor Ensemble Docking (or simply Ensemble Docking) is the most
frequently used to model those scenarios. It is based on the concept of Conformational Selection and
consists in using multiple conformations of the receptor molecule, that can be obtained via different
methods, such as MD simulations [66,67], Normal Mode Analysis [68], and even by using alternative
experimentally-determined receptor conformations [69]. It is worth noting that some software, such
as GOLD and Glide have implemented functionality to execute this type of analysis.
The main limitations and challenges in the docking methodology have been identified nearly
two decades ago [16] but they are still the subject of a very active research field. As described earlier
here, two key components of the docking methodology are the conformational search algorithm and
the scoring function. The former can suffer dramatically in performance when dealing with longer
and flexible ligands, especially for shallow and chemically featureless binding sites, such as in
polymer binding proteins (e.g., peptidases and glycosidases). Force-field based scoring functions
suffer from the inherent problem of calculating binding affinities from the simplified interaction
energies necessary to keep the docking calculations fast enough to process large compound libraries.
Although binding affinities can be more accurately predicted from calculated binding free energies
the latter also suffers from a problem of subtraction of large numbers (interaction energy between the
ligand and protein on one hand and the cost of bringing the two molecules out of solvent and into an
intimate complex on the other hand), which are often calculated with sub-optimal accuracy, and yield
a small number as a result of the calculation [70].
In the following sections, we will review and discuss a selection of the main topics in the
literature for molecular docking in drug design, all of which intend to address the above discussed
limitations and advances in the methodology.
2. Benchmarking Sets
When using computational methods for molecular docking, it is paramount to assess the
performance and accuracy of the programs to be employed. This not only allows one to know the
degree of credibility that can be expected in the results, but also helps choosing the method or
program better suited to the task at hand. To that end, there are many benchmarking databases that
provide targets and ligands for docking, along with additional information such as true binding
affinity, experimental binding pose, and actives/inactives distinction. Experimental information can
then be compared to the docking program’s predictions through different statistical metrics, which
allows the assessment of its performance.
2.1. Benchmarking Sets for Pose Prediction and Binding Affinity Calculations
The development of either empirical parametric or nonparametric regression models for
docking pose and binding affinity predictions must be based on experimental data so that their
functions may be properly parameterised (or inferred) and thus better represent reality. Moreover,
the performance of these models must also be evaluated on such data. In light of this demand, there
are many benchmarking datasets which aim to group as much high-quality data as possible [71–74].
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The most widely employed of these is PDBBind [71]. This database is a result of an effort to
screen the entire Protein Data Bank (PDB) [11] for experimentally determined 3D structures of
protein-ligand complexes and collect their experimentally measured binding affinities. There is also
a refined set of complexes [75] and a core set derived from it [76], which has become the standard set
for benchmarking scoring functions (SFs). It is noteworthy that PDBBind is also widely used in
training machine learning SFs for binding affinity predictions [77–79].
There are also benchmarking databases which encompass specific complexes or purposes, such
as protein-protein complexes [80], membrane protein-protein complexes [81], and a blind set based
on PDBBind for testing machine learning SFs [82].
Accuracy for pose prediction can be assessed by root mean square deviation (RMSD)
calculations comparing predicted pose and experimental pose. To compare binding affinity
predictions with experimentally determined affinities for a set of multiple data points, one can too
calculate RMSD for the values, but also the Pearson correlation coefficient (Rp) and the Spearman
rank-correlation (Rs) [83].
descriptors. At about the same time DecoyFinder was published, DUD was upgraded to DUD-E,
which also allows searching the ZINC database for decoys utilising the same search method
employed to construct the database’s new target subsets. In 2017, Wang et al. [99] argued that these
tools lacked computational speed for large active sets and flexible input options to avoid bias in the
user-specified active set. To address these issues, they created RADER (RApid DEcoy Retriever),
which selects decoys from four different databases, including ZINC.
3. Consensus Methods
With the continued development of new scoring functions (SFs) and the improvement of well-
established ones, the use of docking strategies that combine two or more SFs has become increasingly
common. That is especially interesting because the various available functions perform differently
across the spectrum of potential interactions, and presumably, in an ideal combination, the
shortcomings of a particular function may be compensated by the others.
This strategy was first suggested by Charifson and co-workers in a study in which they
benchmarked several SFs, both individually and in combination, using p38, IMPDH and HIV
protease as model systems. Their approach involved taking the intersection of the top-scoring
molecules according to two or three different functions available at the time and they found it
provided a “dramatic reduction in the number of false positives identified by individual SFs” [106].
A consensus-docking protocol will generally differ in three major aspects: (i) the means by which
the poses are obtained, (ii) the selection of the SFs, and (iii) the algorithm used to achieve the
consensus. Realistically, the number of possible procedures is overwhelming, and, to date, no single
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protocol has been proven remarkably superior to the others. Nevertheless, it is absolutely clear that
consensus methods perform consistently better when compared to individual SFs (c.f. referenced
papers in Table 2).
The theoretical rationale for this was explored in 2001, soon after the first approaches, in a work
in which the authors simulated an idealised computer experiment where scores were generated for
a hypothetical set of 5000 compounds and the effects of consensus strategies were evaluated. The
authors suggest that the improvement is largely due to the fact that the mean value of repeated
samplings tends to be closer to the true value than any single sampling [107].
Although some initiatives have been explored to come up with composite scoring schemes that
are applied simultaneously during the posing procedure [108], in most cases, the consensus is
achieved after the conformational sampling. Moreover, it is widely accepted that the conformational
sampling is not the major bottleneck in the docking process [109,110] therefore, a greater fraction of
the developed methods generate the docking poses using a single algorithm and subsequently use a
different set of SFs to re-assess them (Tables 2 and 3). Nevertheless, several groups have focused on
obtaining more reliable poses, for example, Ren and co-workers have explored the effects of using
multiple software in the pose generation step [111]. They used a RMSD-based criterion to come up
with a representative pose derived from a minimum of three and a maximum of 11 docking
programs. A pose representative was selected for all possible combinations and their method
achieved an increase in the success rate (pose-to-reference RMSD < 2.0 Å) of approximately 5% when
compared to the best independent program.
Additionally, the concept of “consensus level” has been explored in recent works [112,113], and
similarly to the previously described approach, it uses a combination of docking software to generate
ligand poses, which are then clustered and the number of software that predict the same pose is taken
as the consensus level. This metric can then be used to reject compounds that fail to attain a certain
level and true ligands are less likely to being rejected, which, in turn increases the enrichment factors.
Another consensus posing strategy is to reject a given pose if it two or more programs fail to
“converge” to that conformation. Houston and Walkinshaw have demonstrated that the success rate
can be increased from ~60% to ~80% by simply rejecting a molecule if the RMSD between the poses
calculated by two programs (AutoDock and VINA) is greater than 2.0 Å. The idea behind this
approach is that a correct pose is more likely to be predicted by more than one algorithm, thus
eliminating the misleading orientations (which could be considered false positives) [114].
Some initiatives combine consensus posing and scoring, as is the case of the VoteDock approach
(and two correlated functions), proposed by Plewczynski et al., in which they combine cross-software
pose conformation agreement, in the form of a voting system, with a composite scoring obtained via
multivariate linear regression with results performing consistently better than individual SFs [115].
Besides consensus posing, many groups have focused their efforts on creating consensus scoring
schemes. Very recently, Perez-Castillo and co-workers have applied the Genetic Algorithm to devise
the best combination from a total of 15 SFs (or 87 scoring components) that maximises either the
enrichment factor or the BEDROC value. Their results suggest that combining scoring components,
instead of SFs themselves is a more effective strategy. Their algorithm, CompScore, is made available
as a webserver [116].
Other reported strategies for achieving scoring function consensus are sequential docking
[117,118], linear regression [119], rank-by-rank, rank-by-number, rank-by-vote [86,107,120] and
standard deviation consensus [121]. Combinations of consensus docking strategies and ligand-based
approaches have also been suggested [122,123].
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20, 4574 10 of 29
Target Lig. Posing Fa Hits/Test Activity Ref.
3.57 × VINA, Sequential Onawole,
EBOV Glycoprotein 2 - -
107 FlexX Docking 2018 [117]
Z-scaled rank-by-
Liu, 2012
β-secretase (BACE1) 1.13e5 Surflex 12 Principal 2/20 51.6 μM
c-Met Kinase 738 2 2 Compound - -
2017 [118]
rejection if pose
RMSD > 2.0 Å
Acetylcholinesterase 14,758 4 4 vSDC[121] 12/14 47.3 nM
2019 [129]
rejection based on 13.4 μM Spena, 2019
PIN1 32,500 10 10 1/10
RMSD consensus 53.9 μMc [130]
Support Vector Zhan, 2014
Akt1 47 LigandFit 5 6/6b 7.7 nM
Regression [123]
Monoacylglycerol 4.80 × rejection based on Mouawad,
4 4 1/3 6.1 μM
Lipase (MAGL) 105 RMSD consensus 2019 [131]
aNumber of scoring functions used; bThis work consisted of a Quantitative Structure-Activity
Relationship (QSAR) model using consensus docking as descriptors. Six compounds were designed,
synthesised and tested, exhibiting IC50 values between 7.7 nM and 4.3 μM; cFirst IC50 value: inhibitory
activity against PIN1 isomerisation. Second IC50 value: inhibitory effects on ovarian cancer cell lines.
Machine learning algorithms have also been employed in the determination of the consensus in
recent developments. Early efforts used Random Forest algorithms to achieve consensus for 11
different SFs, outperforming the regular rank-by-rank approach in about 5%–10% and individual SFs
by a far greater margin [125]. Support Vector Rank Regression (SVRR) has been suggested as a
possible tool to combine seven distinct SFs (Glide- Score, EmodelScore, EnergyScore, GoldScore,
ChemScore, ASPScore and PLPScore) computed using GLIDE and GOLD docking programs, and
was shown to improve correct top pose prediction (RMSD < 2.0 Å) by 12.1% and correct top ligand
selection by 46.3% [126]. In another study, Ericksen and collaborators used gradient boosting to
derive a consensus score and benchmarked this approach using 21 targets selected from DUD-E,
gradient boosting was shown to outperform traditional consensus methods (maximum, median and
mean scores) and as well as the mean-variance consensus [124]. A summary of the aforementioned
works can be found in Table 2.
Although molecular docking was first applied over three decades ago, it is apparent, given the
virtually endless protocols, that there is still much improvement to be made in the field. In this sense,
initiatives such as the Community Structure-Activity Resource (CSAR active from 2010 to 2014)
[73,132] and the Drug Design Data Resource (D3R) [133,134] are invaluable as they promote the
standardisation of validation datasets and metrics, as well as serve as a repository for the knowledge
accumulated in the field.
A simple comparison made with a keyword search software in the SCOPUS database for the
years 1995 until 2018 (“TITLE-ABS-KEY (software AND docking) AND PUBYEAR > 1994 AND
PUBYEAR < 2019” where the word software is replaced by several of the mostly employed docking
programs) shows the relative prevalence of these software. Substituting the term software for
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20, 4574 12 of 29
consensus, shows that consensus methods, in spite of consistently showing superior results, are less
frequently mentioned in the literature than some of the more common docking programs (at least in
the searched fields, i.e., title, abstract and keywords) (Figure 2). While one could argue that this could
be due to the fact that the fraction of works that indeed use consensus methods also mention other
software, Figure 3, which contains the ratio of (research and conference) papers mentioning
“molecular docking” OR “ligand docking” to the ones mentioning (“molecular docking” OR “ligand
docking”) AND consensus, shows that the discrepancy is even more pronounced (an average of 88.36
works that cite molecular docking per each work that mentions the word consensus—Figure 3).
Figure 2. Scopus search results for the query “TITLE-ABS-KEY (software AND docking) AND
PUBYEAR > 1994 AND PUBYEAR < 2019” where the word software is substituted for one of the eight
most common docking software or by the word consensus.
Figure 3. Ratio of the numbers of papers containing either the expression “molecular docking” or
“ligand docking” to the number of papers containing either of the two expressions AND the word
There is also clear disparity in the level of elaborateness between the protocols used by the
groups that develop and the ones that implement these methods. As a result, the virtual screening
protocols used by the latter (such as sequential docking, rank-by-number and RMSD-based pose
rejection) are often less involved than the ones suggested by the former. Table 3 summarises recent
works that employed consensus docking in their screening methodologies, along with the best
experimentally-determined activity. Despite using more straightforward methodologies to achieve
consensus, these studies show the importance of combining distinct SFs, since they have still been
able to find relatively potent ligands. It appears that, easy-to-use, carefully designed and validated
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20, 4574 13 of 29
docking pipelines which include consensus posing and/or scoring are called for and could be widely
adopted in structure-based drug design studies, both in academic and industrial settings.
fewer hydrogen bond acceptors, clogP under three and, additionally, three or fewer rotatable bonds
and a polar surface area under 60 Å2. These guidelines can help filtering fragment libraries for
efficient screening, both experimentally and computationally. A third matter worth noting is the
reported “lack of tri-dimensionality” in fragment libraries, which can hinder the development of
ligands with high affinity for certain classes of targets [151].
Fragment libraries can be generic or generated ad hoc (targeted, or focused libraries). Many of
the generic libraries are commercially available on demand, and thus may be readily used in
experimental screens, and the compound chemical structures are usually also available as Structure-
Data Files (SDF), which can be straightforwardly converted to other structural formats, such as MOL2,
PDB and PDBQT and used for virtual screening (cf. Verheij [152] work on lead-likeness for sources
of such libraries). Fragment libraries usually contain 102 to 104 molecules, which are generally
compliant with the RO3 and are idealised to maximise attributes such as solubility, chemical stability,
scaffold complexity, tri-dimensionality and tractability [151,153,154]. Tractability-guided
fragmentation algorithms and pipelines can be used to generate specialised fragment libraries
starting from collections such as the World Drug Index (which has been fragmented using the RECAP
algorithm [155]) or natural products libraries [156].
The combination of fragments into a larger molecule has been classified into four distinct
categories, namely Merging, Linking, Growing and “SAR by catalogue” [153]. In fragment merging,
two fragments occupying an overlapping site are joined together to obtain a larger molecule with
higher affinity. Conversely, in fragment linking, the fragments are usually bound to two distinct
binding pockets (or sub-pockets) and are joined together via the construction of a linker fragment,
that ideally allows the maintenance of the initial orientation of the fragments. Fragment growing
consists of the design and incorporation of new functional groups that are expected to form new
interactions with the receptor, thus increasing the binding affinity. Finally, the “SAR by catalogue”
is particularly interesting from the virtual screening angle due to its simplicity; in this approach, a
fragment initially detected (and ideally confirmed by experimental techniques) is then used as an
“anchor” to query a database for larger molecules that contain the original fragment. Thus, effectively,
this strategy is largely used to create more focused libraries.
This allows for more diverse and accurate SFs: more features from the docked complex can be
accounted for implicitly, therefore skirting modelling assumptions and necessary generalisations of
classical SFs [77,82,171]. Moreover, the adeptness of the ML algorithm can be adjusted by tailoring
the training dataset. For instance, increasing the diversity of the training complexes results in ML SFs
with greater comprehensiveness. In fact, it has been shown that increasing the size of the training set
boosts the scoring function’s performance [82,172,183].
This contrasts greatly with classical SFs, whose parametric behaviour remains unable to improve
performance with larger training datasets [82]. On the other hand, increasing the level of feature
detail in training sets comprising of similar complexes may provide greater discrimination power
when studying such data [183,184].
Figure 4. Learning methods can be broadly divided into supervised learning, when there is data
available for training and parameterisation; and unsupervised learning, when there is no such data.
Unsupervised learning cannot be used for binding affinity predictions and virtual screening.
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Supervised learning, on the other hand, can be divided into parametric and nonparametric learning.
Parametric learning assumes a predetermined functional form, as observed in linear regression, and
is the method employed in classical scoring functions. Nonparametric learning, or just machine
learning, does not presume a predetermined functional form, which is instead inferred from the data
itself. It can yield continuous output, as in nonlinear regression, or discrete output, for classification
problems such as binders/nonbinders identification.
Table 4. Recent developments using machine learning (ML) algorithms in molecular docking.
Generic or Type of
ML Training
SF Name Best Performance Family Docking Reference
Algorithm Database
Specific Study
RF-Score RFa PDBbind Rpb = 0.776 Generic BAPc
2010 [77]
Liu 2013
B2BScore RF PDBbind Rp = 0.746 Generic BAP
Zilian, 2013
SFCScoreRF RF PDBbind Rp = 0.779 Generic BAP
Constructed Springer,
PostDOCK RF 92% accuracy Generic VSd
from PDB 2005 [181]
- SVMe DUD - Both VS
2011 [175]
Li, 2013
ID-Score SVRf PDBbind Rp = 0.85 Generic BAP
PDB; MOAD; Durrant,
NNScore NNg EF = 10.3 Generic VS
PDBbind-CN 2010 [79]
Rp = 0.7668 (gen.)
CScore NN PDBbind Rp = 0.8237 (fam. Both BAP
2011 [174]
- Deep NN CSAR, DUD-E ROCAUC = 0.868 Generic VS
2017 [196]
Imrie, 2018
- Deep NN DUD-E ROCAUC = 0.92 Both VS
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20, 4574 19 of 29
DLScore Deep NN PDBbind Rp = 0.82 Generic BAP
2018 [173]
DeepVS Deep NN DUD ROCAUC = 0.81 Generic VS
2016 [177]
1. Jiméne
Kdeep Deep NN PDBbind Rp = 0.82 Generic BAP z, 2018
Random Forest; bPearson’s Correlation Coefficient; cBinding Affinity Prediction; dVirtual Screening;
Support Vector Machine; fSupport Vector Regression; gNeural Network.
5. Conclusions
Molecular docking has been established as a pivotal technique among the computational tools
for structure-based drug discovery. Here we addressed key aspects of the methodology and
discussed recent trends in the literature for advancing and employing the technique for successful
drug design. Benchmarking sets and the various metrics available are crucial for validating
performance gains achieved by new docking software but must be carefully chosen since no single
one can be regarded as the absolute best for molecular docking. A significant improvement in the
performance of all docking software can be achieved by employing multiple SFs for consensus posing
and/or scoring. As reviewed here, there is a plethora of protocols for consensus docking to be
explored by the user.
FBDD emerged as a successful paradigm for developing new drugs, combining the serendipity
of target-based high throughput screening with the rationality of structure-based drug design
approaches. Molecular docking has important roles in FBDD, from planning and prioritisation of
fragment library composition to finding analogues with improved binding affinities through large-
scale VS of compound libraries.
ML is a branch of artificial intelligence that has gained much attention in diverse fields of science
and technology and molecular docking methods are also taking advantage of this pulsating area.
Although recent, the flexibility of ML in modelling data has already rendered more diverse and
accurate SFs implicitly accounting for more features from the docked complex.
Funding: FPSJr is a productivity fellow from the National Council of Technological and Scientific Development
(CNPq) and holds a Newton Advanced Fellowship from the United Kingdom Academy of Medical Sciences.
PHMT research is funded by The Cystic Fibrosis Trust (SRC 010 - RG92232). PJ is a M.Sc. grantee supported by
the “Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior” (CAPES - Brazil).
Acknowledgments: The authors thank the Brazilian National Council for Research and Development (CNPq),
the State of Rio de Janeiro Research Foundation (FAPERJ), the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation for general financial
support. The authors also thank the researchers from the Blundell Group from the University of Cambridge for
helpful discussions and Dr. Isabella Alvim Guedes from the National Laboratory for Scientific Computation
(LNCC, Petrópolis, Brazil) for insightful clarifications regarding DockThor’s algorithm.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the
study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to
publish the results.
ML Machine Learning
RF Random Forest
MD Molecular Dynamics
SF Scoring Function
FBDD Fragment-Based Drug Design
VS Virtual Screening
MW Molecular Weight
SAR Structure-Activity Relationship
QSAR Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20, 4574 20 of 29
EF Enrichment Factor
ROC Receiver Operating Characteristic
PDB Protein Data Bank
RMSD Root-Mean-Square Deviation
MUV Maximum Unbiased Validation
DUD Directory of Useful Decoys
GPCR G-Protein-Coupled Receptor
LADS Latent Actives in the Decoy Set
BEDROC Boltzmann-Enhanced Discrimination of Receiver Operating Characteristic
AUC Area Under the Curve
RIE Robust Initial Enhancement
DUD-E Directory of Useful Decoys, Enhanced
DEKOIS Demanding Evaluation Kits for Objective in Silico Screening
HTX High Throughput X-ray Crystallography
RO3 Rule of Three
DSF Differential Scanning Fluorimetry
Rp Pearson correlation coefficient
Rs Spearman rank-correlation
BFGS Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno
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