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December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-fm page vi
Preface v
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-fm page viii
Contents ix
5. Molecular Dynamics 81
5.1 Introduction to Molecular Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . 83
5.1.1 The Verlet Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
5.1.2 The Velocity Verlet Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . 86
5.1.3 The Leap Frog Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
5.2 Other Ensembles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
5.2.1 Andersen Thermostat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
5.2.2 Nosé–Hoover Thermostat . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
5.2.3 Nosé–Hoover Chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
5.2.4 Langevin Thermostat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
5.2.5 Andersen and Parrinello–Rahman Barostats . . . 104
5.3 Examples for Practical Simulations in Real Poly-Atomic
Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
References 245
Acknowledgements 261
Index 263
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-fm page xi
List of Figures
December 28, 2017 12:30 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-fm page xii
List of Tables
b2530 International Strategic Relations and China’s National Security: World at the Crossroads
Introduction to Computer
Simulations of Molecules
and Condensed Matter
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch01 page 2
specific properties of the electrons referred to and the theories used. Among
the various properties and theories used for describing the electronic sys-
tem, we will focus on the ones concerning depiction of the total energies and
spectroscopies of the system within the ab initio framework throughout this
book. For electronic structure theories based on model Hamiltonian, e.g. the
effective-mass envelope function and the tight-binding methods, which are
equally important in molecular simulations but will not be discussed here,
please refer to the seminal book of Martin in Ref. [1].
Besides the behavior of the electrons, the motion of the nuclei is another
aspect one must accurately address in simulating the material properties,
since a real material is composed of interacting electrons and nuclei. To
describe such a correlated motion, some basic concepts underlying our daily
research must be introduced, among which the Born–Oppenheimer (BO)
approximation and the potential energy surface are the most crucial.
Because of this, in the following, we start our discussions by introducing
these two concepts. Using these concepts, we can categorize the major-
ity of the tasks we want to fulfill in daily researches concerning simula-
tions of material properties into two different regimes, i.e. those concerning
mainly the electronic structures and those concerning mainly the nuclear
motion. The whole book is then organized on the basis of such a catego-
rization. In Chapters 2–4, we discuss different electronic structure theories
and some technical details concerning their implementation. Chapters 5–7
focus on the molecular dynamics (MD) method and its various extensions
in descriptions of the nuclear motion. With this choice of theories on both
the electronic structures and the molecular dynamics levels, we hope that
we can help the graduate students to find the proper method for tackling
the physical/chemical problems they are interested in, in their practical
ĤΨ(r1 , r2 , . . . , rN , R1 , R2 , . . . , RM ) = EΨ(r1 , r2 , . . . , rN , R1 , R2 , . . . , RM ),
where ri stands for the Cartesian coordinate of the ith electron and Ri
stands for that of the ith nucleus. The Hamiltonian operator is given by
1 1 1
Ĥ = − ∇2i + V (ri − ri ) − ∇2j
2 2 j=1
2M j
1 1
+ V (Rj − Rj ) + V (ri − Rj ) (1.2)
2 i,j
in atomic units (a.u.) with Hartree as the unit of energy. The first two terms
in Eq. (1.2) correspond to the kinetic energy and the Coulomb interaction
potential, respectively, of the electrons. The third and fourth terms repre-
sent the same physical quantities, but for the nuclei. The fifth term is the
Coulomb interaction potential between the electrons and the nuclei which
couples the two subsystems.
We note that this atomic unit will be used in all equations through-
out this book. The notation of the electron coordinate with r and that
of the nucleus with R will be used when our discussions concern both
the electrons and the nuclei. In Chapters 5 and 7, when propagations of
purely the nuclei are discussed, r is also used to denote the position of the
nucleus since in those cases, R is often used to denote other quantities in the
The BO approximation, proposed by Born and Oppenheimer in 1927
[2] and also known as the “adiabatic approximation” in descriptions of
electronic structures, makes use of the feature that the masses of the nuclei
are several orders of magnitude larger than that of the electrons and their
velocities are consequently much smaller with similar kinetic energy. Tak-
ing advantage of these extremely different dynamical regimes, this adiabatic
approximation allows us to address the dynamics of the electronic subsys-
tem separately from that of the nuclei by considering the latter as static.
Pictorially, this is similar to the case when a slow-moving person accidently
touches a hornets’ nest and gets surrounded by the hornets (Fig. 1.1). Since
the velocities of these hornets are much larger than that of the person, wher-
ever he goes in order to escape, the hornets quickly adjust their positions so
that this unlucky guy is always surrounded by the hornets and therefore has
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch01 page 4
Figure 1.1 Pictorial illustration of the BO approximation analogy. The electrons are
much lighter than the nuclei and therefore with similar kinetic energy, they are much
faster. When the nuclei move, the electrons quickly adjust their positions as if the nuclei
are stationary. This is similar to the case when an unlucky slow-moving guy is surrounded
by hornets. Wherever he goes, the hornets can easily adjust their positions as if this
person is stationary. In other words, there is an “adiabatic” correlation between the
movement of this person and that of the hornets, so that this person has to suffer the
sting all the time.
to suffer being stung all the time. Similarly, in the electron–nuclei system,
since the velocities of the electrons are some orders of magnitude larger
than those of the nuclei, for a certain spatial configuration of the nuclei,
we can always focus on describing the electronic system first and allow the
electrons to relax to their eigenstates before the nuclei are ready to move
to the next step. Using this concept, from the mathematical perspective,
the poly-atomic quantum system including both electrons and nuclei as
described by Eq. (1.1) can be simplified into a system that only includes the
electrons as quantum particles. The Schrödinger equation for the electrons
then reads
Ĥe Φ(r1 , r2 , . . . , rN ) = Ee Φ(r1 , r2 , . . . , rN ), (1.3)
where the Hamiltonian
1 1 1
Ĥe = − ∇2i + V (ri − ri ) + V (ri − Rj ) (1.4)
2 2 2 i,j
Figure 1.2 (Courtesy of Dr. Yexin Feng) PES is a plot of the system’s total energy,
defined as the total energy of the electronic system plus the classical Coulomb repulsion
potential between the nuclei as a function of the nuclear geometric parameters. In the
above case, two geometric parameters, labelled collective variables 1 and 2 (CV1 and
CV2), are chosen to characterize the spatial configuration of the nuclei, and the PESs
are a series of two-dimensional (2D) surfaces corresponding to the electronic ground and
excited states. In principle, these surfaces representing different electronic states (ground
electronic state, first excited electronic state, etc.) may intersect with each other.
Figure 1.3 Illustration of the geometry optimization using a traditional Chinese paint-
ing, courtesy of Ms. Yehan Feng (XZL’s wife). Imagine that one (x, y) coordinate gives
the spatial configuration of the nuclei, and the landscape represents the PES. The system
(denoted by the person) is unhappy when it is on the slope of the PES and consequently,
forces exist which drag him to a local minima (e.g. points A and B).
ones among them, of chemical interest, are the so-called first-order saddle
points, where the corresponding curvatures are all positive except for one.
These first-order saddle points are interesting because in chemistry, two
local minima on the PES can refer to the reactant and product states. The
lowest first-order saddle point between them on the PES then corresponds
to the transition state (TS) (see Fig. 1.4). Paths close to the TS allow
chemical reactions to happen with the least energy cost compared to other
paths. These terms will often be used in discussions on chemical reactions.
At these stationary points (including the local minima and the first-order
saddle point), the system does not feel the force for relaxation. Therefore,
to distinguish between them, further calculations on vibrational properties
are often needed. Close to stationary points other than those properly-
defined local minima, there are imaginary-frequency phonons (or otherwise
called soft phonons) associated with the negative curvature of the PES.
Accordingly, vibrational spectrum calculation serves as an efficient way to
distinguish a well-defined stable structure from those of other stationary
points with negative curvatures.
So far, we have introduced the concepts of the local minima on the PES,
the first-order saddle point (TS) on the PES, and geometry optimization.
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch01 page 9
Figure 1.4 Similar to Fig. 1.3, this is a schematic representation of the concept of TS
using a traditional Chinese painting. Courtesy of Ms. Yehan Feng. Again, one (x, y)
coordinate is used to mean one spatial configuration of the nuclei, and the landscape
represents the PES. The stationary points on the PES refer to those where the slope is
zero (e.g. points A, B, and C in Fig. 1.3). However, the curvatures can be either positive
or negative. Among all stationary points, the one with all curvatures are positive except
for one which is called a first-order saddle point, or a TS, as indicated by the cartoon in
Structures of the molecules and condensed matter associated with the local
minima and the first-order saddle points on the PES at the atomic level
are of primary interest in simulations of material properties. Taking the
local minima as an example, characterization of their structures can help
us understand one of the most fundamental questions in material simula-
tions, i.e. why is a material the way it is? Therefore, assuming that the
electronic structures of the system at a specific spatial configuration of the
nuclei can be satisfactorily solved, the primary task in material simulations
associated with understanding the behavior of the system on its PES then
simplifies into the characterization, on the atomic level, of the system’s
structures at these states-of-interest at the first step. The most rigorous
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch01 page 10
do is to find the lowest barrier between two local minima, which represent
the reactant and product states, respectively. On a multi-dimensional PES,
searches for this TS between these two local minima, however, are still com-
putationally very difficult. Currently, there are various schemes on carrying
out such searches, including the constrained optimization (CO) [19], nudged
elastic band (NEB) [20–22], Dewar, Healy and Stewart (DHS) [23], Dimer
[24–26], activation-relaxation technique (ART) [27, 28] and one-side grow-
ing string (OGS) [29] as well as their various combinations. The purpose
of this section is to establish the concepts for material simulations related
to discussions in the later chapters. Therefore, we will not go into details
of such searches and instead, direct interested readers to the References
the ab initio MD in this book. But it is worth noting that the principles
underlying the propagation of the nuclei as introduced also apply to those
when empirical potentials are used.
There are several schemes for the ab initio MD simulations to be carried
out, depending on the ensemble used in the simulation. The simplest one is
the so-called micro-canonical ensemble. In these simulations, the total num-
ber of particles in the system (N ), the volume (V ), and the total energy
(E) of the system are kept constant. The system is completely isolated from
the environment. Therefore, this ensemble is also called N V E ensemble in
literature. Practically, however, experiments are often carried out at finite
temperatures. Therefore, the temperature (T ) of the system, instead of its
total energy (E), should be kept constant in a more realistic simulation of
such isothermal processes. This leads to the next class of the more often used
ensembles in molecular simulations, i.e. the canonical ensemble (N V T ). In
this ensemble, the control of the temperature is often achieved by coupling
the system to a heat bath (or thermostat) that imposes the desired tem-
perature on the system. Depending on how this is carried out, we have
different schemes for the ensemble to be simulated, e.g. the Andersen ther-
mostat, the Nosé–Hoover thermostat, the Nosé–Hoover chain thermostat,
or the Langevin thermostat, etc. All these different schemes help simulate
an N V T process and will be discussed in detail in Chapter 5.
the original scheme of the path integral sampling, as given in the classical
textbooks like Refs. [67, 97], a more or less complete explanation for the
computational details in the statistical PIMD simulations, as well as its
extensions to the zero-point energy calculations, dynamical calculations,
and free energy calculations are also given. We hope that this limited, yet
to a certain extent organized, introduction can provide the readers with
an idea about what molecular simulations are and how we can carry out a
molecular simulation in practice. We acknowledge that due to the limitation
of our time and knowledge, lack of clarity and mistakes may exist at several
places in the present manuscript. We sincerely welcome criticism and sug-
gestions (please email [email protected]), so that we can correct/improve in
our next version.z
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch02 page 17
Quantum Chemistry Methods
and Density-Functional Theory
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch02 page 18
Ee [Φ] E0 , (2.2)
Since the many-body wave function can always be written as a linear com-
bination of products of one-particle wave functions, the simplest possi-
ble ansatz, first proposed by Hartree [98], for the many-body electronic
wave function is to assume it as the product of the single-particle wave
Substituting this trial wave function into Eq. (2.1), making use of the
variational principle, the many-body problem of this electronic system is
mapped onto a set of single-particle, Schrödinger-like, equations
The last term in Eq. (2.5) corrects for the interaction of the electron with
itself, included in the Hartree potential.
|ϕi (r )|2
ViSIC (r) = − dr . (2.8)
|r − r |
1 |ϕi (r)|2 |ϕj (r )|2
Ee = i − drdr . (2.9)
2 i=1 |r − r |
ϕ1 (r1 , σ1 ) ϕ1 (r2 , σ2 ) · · · ϕ1 (rN , σN )
1 ϕ2 (r1 , σ1 ) ϕ2 (r2 , σ2 ) · · · ϕ2 (rN , σN )
Φ(r1 , σ1 , . . . , rN , σN ) = ,
(N )!
.. .. ..
. . .
ϕN (r1 , σ1 ) ϕN (r2 , σ2 ) · · · ϕN (rN , σN )
− + Vext (r) + V H (r) ϕi (r, σ)
ϕ∗j (r , σ )ϕj (r, σ)
− dr |
δσ,σ ϕi (r , σ ) = i ϕi (r, σ). (2.11)
|r − r
The only difference from Eq. (2.5) is the last term, representing the
exchange interaction between electrons, which is known as the Fock oper-
ator. It is non-local and affects only the dynamics of electrons with the
same spin. Note that when j = i, the exchange term equals the correspond-
ing term in the Hartree potential. This indicates that the Hartree–Fock
approximation is self-interaction-free.
In terms of the single-particle orbitals, the total energy of the system
can be written as
Ji,j Ki,j
Ee = Φ|Ĥe |Φ = Hi,i + − , (2.12)
i i j
2 4
Hi,i = ϕ∗i (r, σ) − ∇2 + Vext (r) ϕi (r, σ)drdσ, (2.13)
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch02 page 21
Ji,j = ϕ∗i (r, σ)ϕi (r, σ) ϕ∗ (r , σ )ϕj (r , σ )drdσdr dσ ,
|r − r | j
Ki,j = ϕ∗i (r, σ)ϕj (r, σ) ϕ∗ (r , σ )ϕi (r , σ )drdσdr dσ .
|r − r | j
Substituting Eq. (2.16) into Eq. (2.17), one obtains the Thomas–Fermi
(3π 2 )2/3 n(r)2/3 + Vext (r) + V H (r) + V x (r) − μ = 0, (2.18)
where the Hartree potential, V H (r) is the same as defined in Eq. (2.6), and
the exchange potential is given by
x 3
V (r) = − n(r) . (2.19)
From Eq. (2.18), for a certain external potential V ext (r) and chemical
potential μ, one can obtain the electron density of this system and conse-
quently, the total energy (from Eq. (2.16)). However, in practice, as it is
based on too-crude approximations, lacks the shell character of atoms and
binding behavior, the Thomas–Fermi theory automatically fails in providing
a proper description of real systems.
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch02 page 24
F [n(r)] contains the potential energy of the electronic interactions and the
kinetic energy of the electrons. It is a universal functional independent of
the external potential. Unfortunately, its exact form is unknown.
Since the expression for the Hartree energy as a functional of the density
is known, the functional F [n(r)] in Eq. (2.20) can be further decomposed
where the expression of the Hartree energy U H [n(r)] is already given by the
third term on the right-hand side of Eq. (2.16). Like F [n(r)], G[n(r)] is an
unknown universal functional of the density, independent of the external
potential. The total energy can then be written as
1 n(r)n(r )
Ee = Vext (r)n(r)dr + drdr + G[n(r)]. (2.22)
2 |r − r |
The second theorem proves that the exact ground-state energy of the
electronic system corresponds to the global minimum of Ee [n(r)], and the
density n(r) that minimizes this functional is the exact ground-state density
n0 (r).
These two theorems set up the foundation for the concept of “density
functional”. However, a practical scheme which can be used to calculate
the density was still absent. This seminal contribution was given by KS. In
1965, they proposed a scheme to calculate the G[n(r)] in Eq. (2.22) [106].
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch02 page 25
In this scheme, one can decompose this G[n(r)] into two parts
The first term is the kinetic energy of a non-interacting system with the
same density. The second term is the exchange–correlation (XC) energy.
Minimizing the total energy in Eq. (2.20) under the constraint of par-
ticle number conservation (Eq. (2.17)), one gets
δT s [n]
δn(r) Veff (r) + − μ dr = 0, (2.24)
n(r )
Veff (r) = Vext (r) + dr + V xc (r). (2.25)
|r − r |
δE xc [n]
V xc (r) = . (2.26)
n(r) = |ϕi (r)|2 , (2.27)
− ∇2 + Veff (r) ϕi (r) = i ϕi (r). (2.28)
The so-called PBE functional [129] is the most commonly used non-
empirical GGA functional nowadays. It is an improvement to the LDA
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch02 page 28
for many properties, for example, the geometries and ground-state energy
of molecules [129–132].
Further climbing Jacob’s ladder, meta-GGA’s functionals are found in
the third rung. Its description, as well as prescriptions for the fourth and
fifth rungs can be found in Ref. [133].
Δxc = lim+ [V xc |N +δ − V xc |N −δ ] . (2.35)
Pseudopotentials, Full Potential,
and Basis Sets
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch03 page 32
ul (l , r)
ϕl,m (r) = Yl,m (r̂).
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch03 page 34
Figure 3.1 Pseudovalence wave functions in comparison with the all-electron ones.
S atom is taken as the example. The 3s, 3p and 3d all-electron and pseudopotential
states are shown; the 3d state is an unbound state. The two wave functions agree
with each other outside the matching radius, while the pseudo one is much softer
inside this radius. Their norms are equal. The figure was generated using the fhi98PP
pseudopotential program [154], which is open access and available at http://th.fhi-
l (l + 1) 1 d2 ps
Vlps,scr (r) = ps
l − + ps u (l , r) . (3.3)
2r 2 2ul (r) dr2 l
occ ps
ul (r) 2
ñ0v (r) =
r , (3.4)
a Inthis context, the term “screened” is used in the sense that Vlps,scr (r) also contains
the interaction between valence states.
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch03 page 36
1 d2 l (l + 1) ps,i (i)
− + + Vl (r) − l wl (l , r) = 0 (3.7)
2 dr2 2r2
has the same eigenvalue as its all-electron counterpart (l = l ).
Since both wl and ul are solutions of the same potential outside the
core region, one can write
l (r) = γl [wl (r) + δl gl (r)], (3.9)
where gl (r) must vanish as rl+1 for small r to give a regular pseudopoten-
tial at the origin, and it must vanish rapidly for r > rcl since γl wl (r) is
already the desired solution in that region. At this point, the normalization
condition is used to set the value of δl ,
γl2 |wl (r) + δl gl (r)| dr = 1. (3.10)
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch03 page 37
l (l ,r)
where ϕ̃lm (r) = r Ylm (r̂). It can be easily verified that
δV KB (r, r ) ϕ̃∗l,m (r )d3 r = δVlps (r)ϕ̃l,m (r), (3.14)
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch03 page 38
that is, the KB form is equivalent to the semilocal one in the sense that it
produces the same atomic pseudoorbitals. At the expense of a more com-
plicated expression in real space, the KB form is fully separable, strongly
reducing the number of integrations necessary, e.g. in a plane wave basis
set, to calculate the Hamiltonian matrix elements. It is used in most of the
electronic structure codes nowadays.
The main assumption in the pseudopotential method is that the core states,
strongly bound to the nucleus and localized, are insensitive to the envi-
ronment surrounding the atom. Therefore, they can be excluded from the
self-consistent calculation in the poly-atomic system. This is the “frozen
core” approximation.
The pseudopotential is defined by the requirements that the wave func-
tions and eigenvalues are accurately reproduced, however, no conditions on
total energies are imposed. In 1980, von Barth and Gelatt [158] demon-
strated that the error in the total energy is of second order in the difference
between frozen and true-core densities. Their calculations for Mo further
confirmed this conclusion, thus validating the application of the pseudopo-
tential method in total energy calculations from this perspective.
The definition of the pseudopotential in Eq. (3.5) implies that the self-
consistent total XC potential in a condensed matter system is written as
where the terms in curly brackets are included in the pseudopotential. Equa-
tion (3.15) would be exact, within the frozen-core approximation, if the XC
potential were a linear functional of the density.b As it is clearly not the
case, the assumption of validity of Eq. (3.15) is known as core–valence
b Notethat Eq. (3.15) is also exact in a non-self-consistent calculation, since in that case,
n(r) = n0 (r) and ñv (r) = ñ0v (r).
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch03 page 39
However, the errors due to this approximation are small in most cases,
as long as the overlap between the core and valence densities are not signif-
icant. Louie et al. [159] developed a method for the generation and usage
of pseudopotentials that explicitly treats the nonlinear core–valence XC
interaction. The method consists in modifying Eq. (3.5) to
Vlps (r) = Vlps,scr (r) − V H [ñ0v ; r] − V xc [ñ0v + ñc ; r], (3.16)
where ñc is a partial core density. It reproduces the full core density in the
region where it overlaps with the valence density, outside a chosen cut-off
radius rnlc . Inside this radius, it is chosen to match the true density at
rnlc , minimize the integrated density and be easily Fourier transformed in
order to optimize its use within the plane wave basis set. This density has
to be added to the pseudovalence density in the self-consistent calculation
whenever V xc or E xc are computed. Pseudoization
By pseudoization, we refer to the fact that the wave functions of the valence
states in the pseudopotential method are, by construction, nodeless and
much smoother than their all-electron analogue. It is only observable in
the core region, which constitutes a small portion of space. As long as
the full potential is local, the errors in the energies, within this region,
are taken care of in the pseudopotential by construction. Furthermore, the
norm-conserving constraint ensures that the Hartree potential generated by
the pseudocharge outside the core region is the same as in the all-electron
treatment. Nevertheless, whether it is also negligible in the calculation of
non-local operators is unclear, as mentioned in Ref. [160]. The fact that
pseudoization can lead to qualitative differences between PP and AE cal-
culations has been pointed out in Ref. [161], where significant discrepancies
in the electron–hole distribution function of LiF were observed. Because of
these, it is worth noting that this pseudoization is also a possible source of
error in practical ab initio electronic structure calculations, especially when
non-local operators are concerned [162, 163].
Figure 3.3 Schematic view of the space partition in the APW method. The space is
divided into the interstitial region and a series of non-overlaping muffin-tin (MT) regions.
The potential in the MT region is atomic-like, while that in the interstitial region is much
idea underlying this method is that in the region close to nuclei, the poten-
tials and wave functions are similar to those in the free atoms, strongly
varying but nearly spherical. In the space between the atoms, both of them
are smooth. In his seminal work, Slater proposed a division of the space in
the unit cell into a set of non-overlapping spheres centered at each atom
and the interstitial region between them (Fig. 3.3). The potential was taken
as spherically symmetric inside the spheres and constant outside (later on
known as the muffin-tin approximation, for obvious reasons). Accordingly,
the eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonian corresponding to each of the regions
are taken as basis functions, namely, plane waves in the interstitial and
atomic orbitals in the “muffin-tin” (MT) spheres. Adding the continuity
condition at the sphere boundary, the APWs were born
⎪ 1 i(G+k)·r
⎨Ωe , r ∈ interstitial,
φG (r) =
⎩ Al,m (k + G) ul (rα , ) Yl,m (rα ) , r ∈ MT.
Inside each MT sphere, the radial wave function ul (rα , ) at the refer-
ence energy l , is obtained from
d2 l (l + 1)
− 2+ + V (r) − l rul (r, l ) = 0. (3.18)
dr r2
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch03 page 41
4πil α ∗
Al,m (k + G) = j (|k + G|RMT
α , ) l
)Yl,m (k + G). (3.19)
Ω1/2 ul (RMT l
The coefficients CG should be obtained by solving the eigenvalue equa-
(HG,G − n SG,G ) CG =0 (3.21)
for each k where HG,G (SG,G ) are the Hamiltonian (overlap) matrix ele-
ments in the APW basis.
The major drawback of this method is that, inside the MT sphere,
the APWs are solutions of the Schrödinger equation only at the reference
energy (i.e. l = n ). Thus, the eigenvalue equation (3.21) becomes nonlinear
and its solution much more computationally demanding for each k-point.
Furthermore, it is hard, though not impossible (Refs. [165, 166]) to extend
the method to the full potential case. When the potential inside a MT
sphere is not spherical, the exact solution of the particle’s wave function
inside this MT sphere does not correspond to the solution of the radial
Schrödinger equation with the same eigenvalue.
Another shortcoming of the APW method, known as the asymptote
problem, is related to the indetermination of the augmentation coefficients
when the radial function has a node at the MT radius (ul (RMT ) in the
denominator of Eq. (3.19)). In the vicinity of this region, the relation
between Al,m and CG becomes numerically unstable.
With the aim of overcoming these limitations, Andersen [167] proposed
a modification of the APW method in which the wave functions and their
derivatives are made continuous at the MT radius by matching the intersti-
tial plane waves to the linear combination of a radial function, and its energy
derivative, calculated at a fixed reference energy. The method, known as the
linearized augmented plane waves (LAPWs) method, rapidly demonstrated
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch03 page 42
its power and accuracy, becoming, during decades, the benchmark for elec-
tronic structure calculations within the KS scheme. Recently, Sjösted et al.
[168] proposed an alternative method in which the APW wave functions
are recovered, but with the radial functions calculated at a fixed energy.
The flexibility of the basis is achieved by adding a set of local orbitals
constructed as linear combinations of the same radial functions and their
energy derivatives, with the condition that the function cancels at the
sphere radius. This method, called APW plus local orbitals (APW+lo),
requires fewer plane waves for an accurate description of the electronic
structure properties, thus increasing the computational efficiency. However,
this improvement is limited by the large number of local orbitals required
for large l’s. Nowadays, the state-of-the-art method involves a combination
of both, using APW+lo’s for small l and LAPWs for the large ones [169],
known as (L)APW+lo method. The rest of the chapter is devoted to an
overview of these methods.
φk+G (r)
⎪ 1 i(G+k)·r
⎪ e , r ∈ interstitial,
⎨ (3.22)
= [Al,m (k + G)ul (rα , l )
⎪ l,m
⎩ +Bl,m (k + G) u̇l (rα , l )]Yl,m (rα ) , r ∈ MT,
where (u̇l (r, l ) = ∂ul (r, )/∂|=l ). The augmentation coefficients Al,m and
Bl,m are obtained by requiring both the value and the slope of the basis
function to be continuous on the MT sphere boundary.
Making a Taylor expansion of the radial wave function around the
reference energy l , one has
which means that in the linearized treatment, the error in the wave function
is of the second order in −l . Taking into account the variational principle,
this leads to an error of fourth order, ( − l )4 , in the band energy. In other
words, the LAPWs form a good basis over a relatively large energy region,
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch03 page 43
typically allowing the calculation of all the valence bands with a single set
of reference energies, i.e. by a single diagonalization of Eq. (3.21).
However, there are situations in which the use of a single set of refer-
ence energies is inadequate for all the bands of interest. Such a situation
arises, for example, when two (or more, but rarely) states with the same l
participate in the chemical bonding (semicore states), or when bands over
an unusually large energy region are required, like for high-lying excited
states. To address such cases, the local orbitals were introduced by Singh
in 1991 [170]:
LAPW (r)
⎪ 0, r ∈ interstitial,
⎨ (3.24)
α α α α
= [Al,m ul (r , l ) + Bl,m u̇l (r , l )
⎩ α
ul (rα , l )]Yl,m (rα ) , r ∈ MT.
+ Cl,m
In this way, a second set of energy parameters l is introduced to provide
the additional variational freedom required for an accurate representation
of the different states with the same l. The coefficients Al,m s, Bl,m s and
Cl,m s are determined by requiring the local orbital and its radial derivative
to be zero at the MT sphere boundary and normalized.
The LAPW basis set is designed to be flexible in describing the wave func-
tions in the vicinity of the reference energy. However, the requirement of
continuous derivatives at the MT radius increases the number of plane
waves needed to achieve a given level of convergence with respect to the
APW method.
Recently, Sjösted et al. [168] proposed an alternative way to linearize
the APW method in which the continuous derivative condition is released.
In this method, the eigenvalue problem of the original APW method is
linearized by choosing fixed linearization energies (l ) for the APW basis
functions in Eq. (3.17). Then, the flexibility of the basis set with respect to
the reference energy is obtained by adding a set of local orbitals (lo):
lo 0, r ∈ interstitial,
φAPW (r) = α α α
[Al,m ul (r , l ) + Bl,m u̇l (r , l )] Yl,m (r ) , r ∈ MT,
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch03 page 44
|jmj l ≡ l ml σ|j mj Ylml (r̂a ) |σδm+σ,mj , (3.28)
σ=− 2
s 0 1/2 –1 2
p 1 1/2 3/2 1 –2 2 4
d 2 3/2 5/2 2 –3 4 6
f 3 5/2 7/2 3 –4 6 8
The representation of the density and the potential has to confront the
same difficulties as the representation of the wave functions, namely, rapid
variations in the muffin-tin spheres and soft oscillations in the interstitial.
The use of a dual representation as for the wave functions, which is the
basis of the (L)APW+lo efficiency, seems the natural choice. However, an
expansion in spherical harmonics inside the spheres and plane waves in the
interstitial is clearly inefficient. The complete representation of the density
requires a basis set at least eight times larger than the basis required for
the wave functions. Since the number of augmentation functions in the MT
sphere also increases four times, the number of augmentation coefficients is
25 times larger.
This can be reduced by exploiting the symmetries of the density (poten-
tial), namely:
(i) Inside the muffin-tin sphere, they respect the symmetry of the corre-
sponding nuclear site.
(ii) In the interstitial region, they have the symmetry of the corresponding
space group.
(iii) Both are real quantities.
Inside the muffin-tin spheres, properties (i) and (iii) allow the rep-
resentation of the density in a lattice harmonic expansion [172]. For the
interstitial region, the use of stars ensures both properties (ii) and (iii) to
be fulfilled with a minimum number of coefficients. More details can be
found in Ref. [149].
b2530 International Strategic Relations and China’s National Security: World at the Crossroads
Many-Body Green’s Function Theory
and the GW Approximation
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch04 page 48
where ψ̂(r, t) (ψ̂ † (r , t )) is the quantum field operator describing the anni-
hilation (creation) of one electron at position r and time t (position r and
time t ). The operator T̂ is the time-ordering operator, which reorders the
field operators in ascending time order from right to left. |N is the ground-
state eigenfunction of the N -electron system. Making use of the Heaviside
function (Appendix A), and the commutation relations for fermionic oper-
ators, Eq. (4.1) can be rewritten as
making evident that for t > t (t < t ), the Green function describes the
propagation of an added electron (hole) in the system.
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch04 page 50
where Ĥ is the Hamiltonian operator and ψ̂ (r) is the field operator in the
Schrödinger representation.
Inserting Eq. (4.3) into Eq. (4.2) and making use of the completeness
relation in the Fock space:
1= |n, s n, s| , (4.4)
n=0 s
where |n, s corresponds to the sth eigenstate of the the n-electron system,
we can transform Eq. (4.2) into
G (r, t; r , t ) = − i N |ψ̂ (r) |N + 1, se−i(EN +1 −EN )(t−t )
· N + 1, s|ψ̂ † (r ) |N Θ (t − t ) + i N |ψ̂ † (r ) |N − 1, s
−i(EN −1 −EN )(t −t)
·e N − 1, s|ψ̂ (r) |N Θ (t − t) .
Here, EN stands for the ground-state energy of the N -electron system, and
EN ±1 for the sth excited-state energy of the N ± 1 electronic system.
Using the excitation energy s and amplitude ψs (r) defined by
s = EN +1 − EN , ψs (r) = N |ψ̂ (r) |N + 1, s, for s μ,
s = EN − EN −1 , ψs (r) = N − 1, s|ψ̂ (r) |N , for s < μ,
c InFig. 4.1, this corresponds to the energy of the lowest unoccupied state when T → 0 K;
for its derivation, see Ref. [174].
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch04 page 51
Figure 4.1 Position of the poles of the Green function (Eq. (4.8)) in the complex
frequency plane. Those corresponding to the unoccupied states are slightly below
the real frequency axis while those corresponding to the occupied states are slightly
above it.
Θ (s − μ) Θ (μ − s )
G (r, r , ω) = lim+ ψs (r) ψs∗ (r ) + .
ω − (s − iη) ω − (s + iη)
The key feature of Eq. (4.8) is that the Green function has single poles
corresponding to the exact excitation energies of the many-body system.
For excitation energies larger (smaller) than the chemical potential, these
singularities lie slightly below (above) the real axis in the complex frequency
plane (Fig. 4.1).
It can be easily shown that in the non-interacting case, Eq. (4.8)
reduces to
Θ (n − F ) Θ (F − n )
G0 (r, r , ω) = lim ϕn (r) ϕ∗n
(r )
+ ,
ω − (n − iη) ω − (n + iη)
where n (ϕn ) is the eigenvalue (eigenfunction) of the single-particle Hamil-
tonian and F is the Fermi energy.
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch04 page 52
i ψ̂ (r, t) = ψ̂ (r, t) , Ĥ (4.10)
The quantity in the integrand of the second term is the two-particle Green
function. Following the same procedure to obtain the equation of motion
for the two-particle Green function will give a term depending on the three-
particle Green function, and so on.
To break this hierarchy, a mass operator can be introduced, defined by
dr1 dt1 M (r, t; r1 , t1 ) G (r1 , t1 ; r , t )
= −i dr1 v (r − r1 ) N |T [ψ̂ † (r1 , t) ψ̂ (r1 , t) ψ̂ (r, t) ψ̂ † (r , t )]|N .
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch04 page 53
H0 (r) = − ∇2 + Vext (r) + VH (r) . (4.16)
In the Hartree approximation, Eq. (4.15) becomes
i − H0 (r) G0 (r, t; r , t ) = δ (r − r ) δ (t − t ) . (4.17)
Multiplying Eq. (4.15) by G0 on the left, using the hermiticity of the single-
particle operator together with Eq. (4.17) and then integrating yields the
well-known Dyson equation:
G (r, t; r , t ) = G0 (r, t; r , t )
+ dr1 dt1 dr2 dt2 G0 (r, t; r2 , t2 ) Σ (r2 , t2 ; r1 , t1 )
×G (r1 , t1 ; r , t ) . (4.18)
Recurrently replacing G on the right-hand side by G0 + G0 ΣGd leads to
the series expansion:
G = G0 + G0 ΣG0 + G0 ΣG0 ΣG0 + · · · , (4.19)
where the double plain arrow represents the interacting Green function and
the plain arrow represents the non-interacting one.
where the double wiggly line represents the screened Coulomb potential.
Figure 4.2 Schematic representation of the self-consistent solution of the Hedin equa-
tions in conjunction with the Dyson equation for the determination of the Green function
(G) and the self-energy (Σ). Entries in boxes symbolize the mathematical relations that
link Σ, G, Γ, P and W .
The set of Eq. (4.20), together with the Dyson Equation (4.18), consti-
tute the definitive solution of the quantum mechanical many-body problem.
One just needs to solve them self-consistently to obtain the single-particle
Green function of the interacting system (see Fig. 4.2). However, one needs
to note that a direct numerical solution is prevented by the functional
derivative in Eq. (4.20a), and, as usual, one has to rely on approximations.
This will be the subject of the second part of this chapter.
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch04 page 57
Defining the excitation energies s and amplitudes ψs (r) (Eq. (4.6)) allowed
us to write the Green function of the interacting system in the spectral rep-
resentation (Eq. (4.8)). The expression obtained has the same form as the
Green function of the non-interacting system (Eq. (4.9)), with the excita-
tion energies (amplitudes) playing the role of the single-particle eigenvalues
(eigenfunctions). We may ask, under which condition can the object defined
by ψs (r) and s be interpreted as a “particle” that can be measured exper-
The experimentally obtained quantity in photoemission experiments is
the spectral function,e i.e. the density of the excited states that contribute
to the spectrum. For a finite system, it is defined by (Fig. 4.3(a))
A(r, r ; ω) = ψs (r) ψs∗ (r ) δ(ω − s ), (4.21)
body electronic system by Pratt in Refs. [180, 181] and later systematically by Hedin in
Refs. [176, 182].
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch04 page 58
(a) (b)
Figure 4.3 Spectral function for a discrete (a) and a continuous (b) spectrum.
where s is the center of the peak and Γs the width, Eq. (4.22) can be inte-
grated analytically. Thus, the results of Eqs. (4.7) and (4.8) are recovered,
provided one redefines s = s + iΓs . In this case, the object defined by
ψs (r) and the complex s is called a “quasi-particle”. It describes the group
behavior of a set of excitations with continuous excitation energies. The real
part of s corresponds to the average energy of these related excitations.
The imaginary part leads to a decaying factor e−Γs t , i.e. the excitation has
a finite lifetime given by τ = Γ−1s . That the quasi-particle “disappears” can
be physically understood, taking into account that one is dealing with an
infinite system. In other words, the quasi-particle can decay to the “infi-
nite” reservoir. The quasi-particle equation (4.23) remains valid, provided
one performs an analytic continuation of the self-energy to the complex
frequency plane. A more detailed discussion on the subject can be found in
Ref. [183].
4.2 GW Approximation
In the above discussions, we have shown that in descriptions of the single-
particle excitation of a many-body system, the key quantity is the self-
energy and the key equation is the Dyson equation. The self-energy contains
all the complexity of the many-body interactions and in practical simula-
tions, one must resort to approximations of this quantity. The simplest
approximation of this quantity, which contains the dynamic feature of the
screened Coulomb interaction, is the so-called GW approximation. It was
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where the electron and the hole interact with each other are neglected.
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch04 page 60
where the added electron interacts with that of the electron–hole pair are
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch04 page 61
4.3 G0 W0 Approximation
A popular method in avoiding the self-consistent solution of the Dyson
equation, which contains the essence of the many-body interactions at the
GW level in descriptions of the self-energy, is the so-called G0 W0 approx-
imation. The key point of this approximation is the assumption that one
can count on an effective single-particle potential V xc (r), which contains
some of the XC effects in a many-body system and approximates the self-
energy reasonably well. In other words, the solutions of the single-particle
Ĥeff (r) = − ∇2 + Vext (r) + V H (r) + V xc (r) (4.27)
are such that ϕi (r) ≈ ψs (r), i ≈ (s ) (ψs (r) and s are the solutions of
Eq. (4.23)).
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch04 page 62
ψi (r) = ϕi (r),
qp qp
i = i + ϕi (r1 ) | [ΔΣ (r1 , r2 ; i )] |ϕi (r2 ) . (4.30)
With these, one can easily calculate the quasi-particle corrections to the
single-particle excitation energy in Eq. (4.30).
We note that this treatment of the quasi-particle excitation energies
is obviously not done in a self-consistent manner, as illustrated pictorially
by the diagram in Fig. 4.4. Due to the fact that the self-energy is repre-
sented by the product of G0 and W0 , this further approximation beyond the
self-consistent treatment of the GW approximation is known as the G0 W0
approximation in the literature.
With this framework of the G0 W0 approximation set up, the next
thing we need to do is to find a good zeroth-order approximation for
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch04 page 63
We note that other fictitious single-particle states can also be used as the
starting guess of the quasi-particle states. The results depend on this start-
ing guess and normally correct them in the right direction. For example,
the LDA-based KS orbitals give smaller band gaps in molecules and semi-
conductors (in the case of a molecule, it is the difference between the lowest
unoccupied molecular state energy and the highest occupied molecular state
energy). After the G0 W0 correction, these band gaps increase. On the other
hand, when the Hartree–Fock band gaps are used, the starting point has
larger band gaps than those in experiments. Then when the G0 W0 cor-
rection is used, these values decrease toward the experimental results. In
spite of this dependence, the KS orbitals are still the most popular choice
in calculations of the G0 W0 corrections. As an example, in Fig. 4.5, we
show how the LDA-based KS band diagram is compared with the G0 W0
band diagram in Si. It is clear that after the G0 W0 correction is added,
the agreement between the theoretically calculated band diagram (in an ab
initio manner) and experiment significantly improves.
For the completeness of this introduction to the GW method, in the
following, we use three more paragraphs to summarize the history behind
the development of this method and its present status.
The first application of the G0 W0 method to real materials was carried
out by Hybertsen and Louie in 1985 [185]. Since then, it has achieved an
impressive success in reproducing the experimental single-particle excita-
tion spectra for a wide range of systems from simple metals [186, 187]
to weakly correlated semiconductors and insulators [188–190]. Nowadays,
it has become the standard method used to calculate the single-electron
excitations of condensed matter systems. For these early implementa-
tions, one notes that the pseudopotential method and its associated plane
waves for the expansion of the wave functions were often resorted to
due to their simplicity of implementation and computational efficiency.
In the last 10 years, all-electron method-based implementations of the
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch04 page 64
Figure 4.5 Band diagram of Si (in eV, referenced to the valence band maximum)
obtained from the all-electron LDA (labels as AE-LDA in solid lines) and G0 W0 (labelled
as AE-G0 W0 in dash lines) calculations. The experimental results (circles) are taken from
Ref. [184].
Notes: a Ref. [191], b Ref. [160], c Ref. [194], d Ref. [195], e Ref. [196],
f Ref. [188], g Ref. [190], h Ref. [197], i Ref. [189].
g Related to other arguments put forward in this discussion, namely the cancellation of
errors between lack of self-consistency and absence of vertex correction, we consider them
pertinent to support the G0 W0 approach itself, but irrelevant to an explanation of the
differences between all-electron and pseudopotential-based calculations.
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch04 page 66
seems clear that the earlier reported all-electron results in Refs. [160, 191]
should have some problems related to its convergence with respect to the
number of unoccupied states included in the calculations of the self-energy.
When this issue is taken care of, larger band gaps and smaller discrepancy
with the early pseudopotential-based results should be expected. However,
one notes that differences on the order of 0.1 eV still remain in many of
the simple semiconductors. Physically, there is no other reason to explain
such a discrepancy, except for the intrinsic approximations underlying the
pseudopotential method. In Refs. [162, 163, 193], a systematic analysis on
how these approximations underlying the pseudopotential-based GW cal-
culations are given.
In spite of this clarification, we note that there is still no perfect method
for calculating the single-particle excitation energy from the theoretical
perspective due to the different approximations we have already made in
this chapter for the simplification of the many-body perturbation theory
into a practical scheme. These approximations include, most seriously, the
neglect of the vertex correction. Concerning the self-consistent solution of
the Dyson equation within GW approximation, we acknowledge that great
progress has been made in the last few years [202–211]. From a practical
perspective, the pseudopotential-based G0 W0 method prevails nowadays
due to its efficiency and well-defined physical meaning for the interpretation
of the quasi-particle energies, especially in calculations of large systems.
In some solids, when the all-electron method is applicable and its error
is controllable, the all-electron method can be used to set a benchmark
for the pseudopotential method-based calculations. However, application of
this GW method to real poly-atomic systems and real problems in physics,
to a large extent, still relies on a good combination of these different kinds
of implementation.
h Reference [212] is the Ph.D. thesis of XZL which is available online as “All-electron
G0 W0 code based on FP-(L)APW+lo and applications, Ph.D. Thesis, Free University of
Berlin, 2008”. Readers may contact XZL via [email protected] if the thesis is inaccessible.
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch04 page 68
qp qp
n,k = n,k + ϕn,k (r1 ) |[Σ(r1 , r2 ; n,k )] − V
(r1 ) δ (r1 − r2 ) |ϕn,k (r2 ),
where ϕn,k (r) and V xc are the KS eigenfunctions and XC potential, respec-
tively. The self-energy Σ(r1 , r2 ; ω) is obtained from the Fourier transform
of Eq. (4.31c):
Σ(r1 , r2 ; ω) = G0 (r1 , r2 ; ω + ω )W0 (r2 , r1 ; ω )dω , (4.34)
c i
Σ (r1 , r2 ; ω) = G0 (r1 , r2 ; ω + ω )W0c (r2 , r1 ; ω )dω (4.41)
The required input for solving this set of equations are the eigenfunc-
tions, (ϕn,k (r)), eigenvalues (n,k ) and the exchange–correlation potential
(Vxc (r)) of the KS orbitals, and these data can be obtained from a self-
consistent DFT calculation, and in this particular case, using the Wien2k
code [213].
For periodic systems, the reciprocal space representation improves the effi-
ciency by exploiting explicitly the translational symmetry of the Bravais
lattice. However, a direct Fourier transform of the operators, which implies
taking plane waves as a basis set, is computationally inefficient for their
representation in a FP, all-electron implementation (see Chapter 3). Anal-
ogous to the proposal of Kotani and van Schilfgaarde [191], an optimized
set of functions satisfying Blöch’s theorem can be used for the expansion
of the operators as summarized in Sec. 4.4.1. This “mixed” basis set uses
the space partition in the MT and interstitial regions following the APW
philosophy. In this section, we introduce how this mixed basis set is defined.
By replacing the expression of Eq. (4.35) for Green’s function in
Eq. (4.38), one can see that the spatial dependence of the non-local polariz-
ability on each coordinate is a product of two KS wave functions. Thus, the
basis set one chooses to expand this polarizability should be efficient in rep-
resenting those products of two KS wave functions. From Sec. 3.2, we know
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch04 page 70
O (l,l );(l1 ,l1 ) = uα,l (rα )uα,l (rα )uα,l1 (rα )uα,l1 (rα )(rα )2 drα .
• The matrix O(l,l );(l1 ,l1 ) is diagonalized, obtaining the corresponding set
of eigenvalues λN and eigenvectors {cN l,l }.
• Eigenvectors corresponding to eigenvalues (λN ) smaller than a certain
tolerance λmin are assumed to be linear-dependent and discarded.
• The remaining eigenvectors, after normalization, constitute the radial
basis set: vα,N,L (rα ) = l,l cN α α
l,l ul (r )ul (r ).
Blöch summation:
q 1 iq·(R+rα )
γα,N,L,M (r) = √ e γα,N,L,M (rα ), (4.44)
Nc R
where rα is the position of atom α in the unit cell, and R is a Bravais lattice
Since the interstitial plane waves are not orthogonal, one can diagonal-
ize the overlap matrix by solving the eigenvalue equation:
OG,G SG ,i = εi SG,i , (4.45)
where S̃G,i = √1εi SG,i so that the orthogonal interstitial plane waves are
normalized. The plane wave expansion can be truncated at a certain Gmax .
In fact, a parameter Q that defines Gmax in units of GLAPW max (the plane
wave cut-off of the LAPW basis functions) can be introduced. Finally, the
orthonormal mixed basis set is
χqj (r) ≡ {γα,N,L,M
q q
(r), P̃G (r)}. (4.47)
The basis set as introduced above was derived from the requirement of
efficiency to expand products of KS eigenfunctions. The principal quantity
for such expansion, and also a central quantity for the whole implementation
are the matrix elements:
Mn,m (k, q) ≡ [χ̃qi (r)ϕm,k−q (r)] ϕn,k (r)dr. (4.48)
Using the matrix element defined in Eq. (4.48), the polarizability can
be calculated by
occ unocc
i j ∗
Pi,j (q, ω) = Mn,n (k, q)[Mn,n (k, q)]
k n n
1 1
· − .
ω − n ,k−q + n,k + iη ω − n,k + n ,k−q − iη
To avoid the divergence at q = 0 of the dielectric function as defined
in Eq. (4.37), one resorts to the symmetrized dielectric functioni defined as
1 1
ε̃i,j (q, ω) = δi,j − 2
vi,l 2
(q)Pl,m (q, ω)vm,j (q). (4.51)
Using this equation, the correlation term of the screened Coulomb interac-
tion can be calculated through
1 1
Wi,j (q, ω) = 2
vi,l (q)[ε̃−1
l,m − δl,m ](q, ω)vm,j .
i Formore details about this symmetrized dielectric function and how the divergence of
the related screened Coulomb potential is treated for its contribution to the self-energy,
please refer to Ref. [212].
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch04 page 73
⎡ ⎛ ⎞ ⎤−1
⎢ ∂ ⎥
Zn,k = ⎣1 − ⎝ (ω)⎠ ⎦ . (4.56)
Figure 4.6 Two-dimensional sketches of the description of the Fermi surface in the
special points (a) and the linear tetrahedron method (b). The red dotted line shows the
exact Fermi surface, and the blue solid line the approximated one. The k-points grid
is represented by dots. The tetrahedron method gives better description of the Fermi
in these systems due to its better description of the Fermi surface (Fig. 4.6)
and, therefore, of the integration region [224].
In the linear tetrahedron method, first proposed by Jepsen and
Andersen [221] and Lehmann et al. [222], the Brillouin zone is divided into
a set of tetrahedra. The energy eigenvalues (n,k ) and the integrand are
calculated on the vertices of these tetrahedra and, through the procedure
known as isoparametrization, linearly interpolated inside each of them. The
values of the integrand can be factorized out of the integral. The remain-
ing integrals, independent of the values at the vertices, can be integrated
analytically and added to obtain integration weights dependent only on
the k-point and the band index (Appendix C). In metallic systems, the
Fermi surface is approximated, through the isoparametrization, by a plane
that limits the integration region inside the tetrahedra it intersects. The
occupied region of the Brillouin zone can thus be described much better
than in any of the special points methods (Fig. 4.6).
The calculation of quantities like the polarizability (Eq. (4.50)) or mag-
netic susceptibility presents particular characteristics that require a differ-
ent treatment. The integral depends on a second vector q, it is weighted
by two Fermi functions, so that the states at k are occupied while those at
k − q are unoccupied, and finally, the eigenvalues appear in the denomi-
nator of the integrand. The grid of k-points for this integration is chosen
as usual in the tetrahedron method. On the other hand, the calculation of
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch04 page 75
Figure 4.7 The integration region in the tetrahedron method for q-dependent Brillouin-
zone integration. The two tetrahedra on the left side are connected by the vector q
(arrow). The right zone corresponds to the occupied region for the state (n, k), the
middle one to the unoccupied region for the state (n , k − q). The resulting integration
region, determined by superimposing the two tetrahedra on the left and taking the
intersection of the right and middle zones, is the left region in the tetrahedron on the
right-hand side.
However, as pointed out in Ref. [223], the integration region can always be
subdivided into, at most six, tetrahedra. The integration can be performed
analytically inside each of these tetrahedra and then projected onto the
vertices of the original tetrahedron to obtain the weights for each k-point.
These different configurations of the distinct integration regions determined
by two Fermi “planes” were then analyzed and categorized so that computer
programming can be applied (see Fig. C.2 in Appendix C).
To test the accuracy and stability of this implementation, the static
polarizability of the free electron gas can be calculated and compared to
its well-known analytical solution (the Lindhard function). The results are
shown in Fig. 4.8. This tetrahedron method performs really well for the free
electron gas, which is one of the most demanding examples for the Brillouin-
zone integration. Comparison of Fig. 4.8(a) with Fig. 4 in Ref. [223] shows
that this implementation achieves a comparable accuracy with a coarser
mesh (a 13 × 13 × 13 mesh in our calculation compared to the 24 × 24 × 24
mesh used in Ref. [223]).
Then we discuss the frequency convolution for the correlation term of the
self-energy in Eq. (4.53). Due to the poles of both Green’s function and
W c , infinitesimally close to the real axis (Fig. 4.9), this integral is difficult
to converge numerically, requiring a large number of frequencies.
Several schemes have been proposed to improve the computational effi-
ciency in the evaluation of this convolution. One of the first methods was
proposed by Godby, Schlüter, and Sham [225]. Using the idea of the well-
known Matsubara summation [124, 126], which analytically continuates the
integrand into the complex frequency plane and calculates the integral over
the real frequency axis from the integral over the imaginary axis plus the
sum of the residues corresponding to the poles of Green’s function between
the given frequency and the Fermi energy, they have shown that the simple
form of the integrand in the imaginary axis allows a precise calculation of
the integral with few frequencies only. In a different approach, proposed by
Rieger et al. [227], the screened Coulomb potential is Fourier transformed to
the imaginary-time axis. The self-energy is then obtained by direct product,
according to Eq. (4.31c) and transformed back to the imaginary frequency
axis. Afterwards, it is fitted by an analytic function and continued to the
complex plane to obtain its dependence on the real frequency axis.
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch04 page 77
Figure 4.8 Comparison of the numerical (points) and analytical (line) results for the
polarizability of the free electron gas (Lindhard function) as function of q (a) on the
(100) direction and (b) on other directions.
Figure 4.9 The analytic structure of Σc = iGW c for ω > μ (a) and ω < μ (b). Frequency
integration of the self-energy along the real axis is equivalent to the integration along
the imaginary axis including the path C.
c c
Wi,j (q, iω) = Wi,j (q, −iω). (4.58)
The integrand in Eq. (4.57) is singular when ω = ω and n ,k−q = 0. There-
fore, a direct numerical integration becomes unstable for small eigenvalues.
The numerical details, as well as the method to avoid this instability, are
shown in Appendix 7.5. In the end, each matrix element of the self-energy
is fitted with a function of the form:
m j
j=0 an,k,j (iω)
Σcn,k (iω) =
m+1 , (4.59)
j=0 bn,k,j (iω)
4.4.6 Flowchart
as described in Sec. 4.4.4 and Appendix C. Together with the matrix ele-
ments, Mn,n (k, q), these weights are used to obtain the polarization matrix
(Eq. (4.50)). The latter, together with the bare Coulomb matrix, is the input
required to obtain the dielectric matrix and then the screened Coulomb
potential. With these, the matrix elements of the exchange and correla-
tion terms of the self-energy can be calculated separately. The coefficients
of the expansion described in Sec. 3.2.4 of the XC potential are obtained
from the Wien2k code and used to obtain its diagonal matrix elements
for each eigenstate. Finally, a first set of G0 W0 quasi-particle energies are
obtained by solving Eq. (4.55), which are used as the starting point for
solving Eq. (4.33) self-consistently.
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Molecular Dynamics
So far, we have discussed the electronic structures; from now on, we shift
our attention to descriptions of the nuclear motion.
As introduced in Chapter 1, molecular dynamics (MD) is a technique
which allows us to investigate the statistical and dynamical properties
of a real poly-atomic system at the molecular level. When the Born–
Oppenheimer (BO) approximation is further imposed, this simplifies into
reproducing the propagation of the nuclei on their BO potential-energy
surfaces (PESs). In standard treatment of such propagations, the classi-
cal equations of motion governing the microscopic evolution of a many-
body entity (composed by nuclei) are often solved numerically, subject to
the boundary conditions appropriate for the geometry and/or symmetry
of the system. Therefore, the method is, in principle, classical and these
nuclei are classical point-like particles in this treatment. We note that there
are extensions of this method to the quantum (in the statistical perspec-
tive) or semiclassical (in the dynamical perspective) regime, where some
of the quantum nuclear effects (QNEs) can be explicitly addressed. In this
chapter, to be clear, we restrict ourselves to the classical picture that the
nuclei are point-like particles for the illustration of the basic underlying
principles. Its extension to the descriptions of QNEs will be described in
Chapter 7.
Depending on how the interatomic interactions are calculated, the MD
simulations can be separated into two categories: the traditional classi-
cal MD simulations, where the interactions between different nuclei are
described by empirical potentials, and the more recent ab initio MD simu-
lations, where the interactions between the nuclei are calculated on-the-fly
using the Hellmann–Feynman theorem after the electronic structures of
the system at each specific spatial configuration of the nuclei were obtained
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Molecular Dynamics 83
one should be able to do a proper simulation for a system under the situation
to be studied and compare the results with experiments.
Molecular Dynamics 85
example and explain the underlying principles by going through the key
equations in the following [229].
In this algorithm, the spatial configuration of the system at time t + Δt
is determined by
Fi (t) 2
ri (t + Δt) = ri (t) + vi (t)Δt + Δt + O(Δt3 ) + O(Δt4 ), (5.1)
when the Taylor expansion is used. Here, O(Δt3 ) (O(Δt4 )) represents error
on the order of Δt3 (Δt4 ), which equals r (t)Δt3 /3! (r (t)Δt4 /4!). Fur-
ther expansions beyond O(Δt4 ) are neglected. We note that the quantities
calculated along the trajectories are only ri , vi , and Fi ; the terms O(Δt3 )
and O(Δt4 ) will not be calculated. But it is important to write them down
in Eq. (5.1) in order to show the order of accuracy for ri and vi calculated
along the trajectory.
From Eq. (5.1), it is easy to see that in reverse time, the spatial con-
figuration respects
Fi (t) 2
ri (t − Δt) = ri (t) − vi (t)Δt + Δt − O((Δt)3 ) + O((Δt)4 ).
It is worthwhile to note that Eqs. (5.1) and (5.2) are the bases of the
Verlet algorithm, which is obviously time-reversible. Therefore, trajectories
obtained from the Verlet algorithm respect the time reversibility of the
Newton’s equation of motion. Disregarding the error terms which are not
calculated, in this Verlet algorithm, the trajectory is propagated through
Fi (t) 2
ri (t + Δt) = 2ri (t) − ri (t − Δt) + Δt , (5.6)
ri (t + Δt) − ri (t − Δt)
vi (t) = . (5.7)
The positions and velocities contain errors on the orders of Δt4 and Δt2 ,
We note that in Eq. (5.6), the velocity is not used when the new position is
generated. There is an algorithm equivalent to the Verlet one in which the
velocity is used in the calculation of the new position. This is the so-called
velocity Verlet algorithm [230].
In this algorithm, the new position is calculated from
Fi (t) 2
ri (t + Δt) = ri (t) + vi (t)Δt + Δt . (5.8)
The velocity is updated by
Fi (t + Δt) + Fi (t)
vi (t + Δt) = vi (t) + Δt. (5.9)
We note that a key difference between this algorithm and the Euler scheme,
which updates the velocity by
Fi (t)
vi (t + Δt) = vi (t) + Δt, (5.10)
is that the new velocity can only be calculated after the new position and
its corresponding forces are generated in the velocity Verlet algorithm. This
fine numerical difference actually results in the fundamental distinction that
the trajectory obtained from the Euler algorithm is not time-reversible and
the position contains an error on the order of Δt3 , whereas in the velocity
Verlet algorithm, the trajectory is time-reservable and the updated position
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Molecular Dynamics 87
contains an error on the order of Δt4 , although this is not clear in Eqs. (5.8)
and (5.9).
To prove the equality between the velocity Verlet algorithm and the
original Verlet algorithm, we start from the original Verlet algorithm in
Eqs. (5.6) and (5.7) and try to deduce the velocity Verlet algorithm in
Eqs. (5.8) and (5.9). To this end, we first rewrite Eq. (5.6) into the following
ri (t + Δt) − ri (t − Δt) Fi (t) 2
ri (t + Δt) = ri (t) + Δt + Δt . (5.11)
2Δt 2mi
Then, by replacing the (ri (t + Δt) − ri (t − Δt))/(2Δt) with vi (t) through
Eq. (5.7), we arrive at Eq. (5.8). Therefore, the updating of the position is
completely equivalent in these two algorithms.
Concerning the deduction of Eq. (5.9), from Eq. (5.8), we see that
ri (t + Δt) − ri (t) Fi (t)
vi (t) = − Δt. (5.12)
Δt 2mi
This equation is equivalent to
ri (t + 2Δt) − ri (t + Δt) Fi (t + Δt)
vi (t + Δt) = − Δt, (5.13)
Δt 2mi
which further equals
ri (t + 2Δt) − ri (t) ri (t + Δt) − ri (t) Fi (t + Δt)
vi (t + Δt) = − − Δt.
Δt Δt 2mi
Using Eq. (5.7), it can be reduced to
ri (t + Δt) − ri (t) Fi (t + Δt)
vi (t + Δt) = 2vi (t + Δt) − − Δt,
Δt 2mi
which equals
ri (t + Δt) − ri (t) Fi (t + Δt)
vi (t + Δt) = + Δt. (5.16)
Δt 2mi
From Eq. (5.12), we see that (ri (t + Δt) − ri (t))/Δt equals vi (t) +
Fi (t)Δt/(2mi ). Replacing this (ri (t + Δt) − ri (t))/Δt term with vi (t) +
Fi (t)Δt/(2mi ) in Eq. (5.16), one arrives at Eq. (5.9).
The above deduction means that starting from Eqs. (5.6) and (5.7),
one easily arrives at Eqs. (5.8) and (5.9). In other words, Eqs. (5.8) and
(5.9) propagate the trajectory in the same way as Eqs. (5.6) and (5.7), i.e.
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch05 page 88
the velocity Verlet and the Verlet algorithms are completely equivalent. The
position (velocity) contains error on the order of Δt4 (Δt2 ). They both differ
from the Euler algorithm in Eq. (5.10) in the sense that their trajectories
are time-reversible and preserve a higher order of accuracy in terms of Δt.
The second frequently used algorithm for the propagation of the MD trajec-
tory, which is also equivalent to the Verlet algorithm, is the so-called Leap
Frog algorithm [48, 231]. In this algorithm, the velocities and positions are
updated by
Fi (t)
vi (t + Δt/2) = vi (t − Δt/2) + Δt, (5.17)
ri (t + Δt) = ri (t) + vi (t + Δt/2)Δt. (5.18)
The propagation is equivalent to the Verlet algorithm with the only differ-
ence that the velocities are updated at half-time step.
For the completeness of this introduction, we use one more paragraph
to explain how these equations can be derived from Eqs. (5.6) and (5.7).
From Eq. (5.7), we have
ri (t) − ri (t − Δt)
vi (t − Δt/2) = , (5.19)
ri (t + Δt) − ri (t)
vi (t + Δt/2) = . (5.20)
From Eq. (5.20), it is easy to obtain Eq. (5.18) for the update of the posi-
tions. Concerning the deduction of Eq. (5.17), one can rewrite Eq. (5.6)
into the following form:
ri (t + Δt) − ri (t) ri (t) − ri (t − Δt) Fi (t)
= + Δt. (5.21)
Δt Δt mi
Then by inputting Eqs. (5.19) and (5.20) into Eq. (5.21), one gets
Fi (t)
vi (t + Δt/2) = vi (t − Δt/2) + Δt, (5.22)
which is the same as Eq. (5.17). Therefore, the trajectory is equivalent to
that of the Verlet algorithm. However, due to the fact that the velocities
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Molecular Dynamics 89
are not calculated at the same time slides as the positions, the total energy
cannot be rigorously calculated.
The Verlet, velocity Verlet, and the Leap Frog algorithms are the main
frequently used simple algorithms in standard implementations of the MD
method. For most MD simulations, they are sufficiently accurate. From
Eq. (5.1), it is easy to see that if higher orders of expansion for the updating
of the position in terms of Δt are included, one may use a larger time
step for the propagation of the trajectory and consequently, obtain higher
efficiency of the simulations. The predictor–corrector algorithm is one such
example [232]. However, these extensions may not respect the time-reversal
symmetry of the Newton’s equation and consequently may not lead to more
reliable sampling of the corresponding phase space. In this chapter, we
restrict ourselves to the simplest ones introduced and refer the readers
interested in more complicated ones to Refs. [48, 233].
There are several schemes for the temperature to be controlled. The under-
lying principle is that at a finite temperature T , the probability of finding
a classical particle, e.g. the ith atom in the system, with kinetic energy
p2i /(2mi ), which is labeled as P(pi ) throughout our discussions, respects
the Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution:
32 p2
β −β i
P(pi ) = e 2mi . (5.23)
Here, β = 1/(kB T ). The simplest implementation of this restriction on
simulation of real systems naturally is achieved through a stochastic colli-
sion of nuclei with a thermostat that imposes such a Maxwell–Boltzmann
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Molecular Dynamics 91
mi Q 2 g
LNosé = s2 ṙ2i − V (r1 , . . . , rN ) + ṡ − lns. (5.24)
2 2 β
Here, we use “Nosé” to denote the extended system. Q is the effective mass
associated with the additional degree of freedom, g is a parameter to be
fixed, and [glns]/β is the external potential acting on this extra degree of
freedom. The corresponding Hamiltonian of this “Nosé” system can then
be written as
1 1 2 g
HNosé = p2 + V (r1 , . . . , rN ) + p + lns, (5.25)
2mi s2 i 2Q s β
Molecular Dynamics 93
in Eq. (5.28) and make use of Eq. (5.29), Eq. (5.28) can be simplified into
1 βs
ZNosé = dps dsdp1 · · · dpN dr1 · · · drN s3N
N! g
⎛ ⎡ N ⎤⎞
1 2 p2s
i=1 2mi i + V (r1 , . . . , rN ) + 2Q − E
· δ ⎝s − exp ⎣−β ⎦⎠
1 βs(3N +1)
= dps dsdp1 · · · dpN dr1 · · · drN
N! g
⎛ ⎡ N ⎤⎞
1 2 p2s
i=1 2mi pi + V (r1 , . . . , rN ) + 2Q −E
· δ ⎝s − exp ⎣−β ⎦⎠ .
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch05 page 94
We integrate s out first. In doing so, we can get the partition function of
the “Nosé” system as
1 β
ZNosé = dps dp1 · · · dpN dr1 · · · drN
N! g
⎡ ⎛ ⎞ ⎤
N 1 2 p2s
i=1 2mi i p + V (r1 , . . . , rN ) + 2Q − E
· exp ⎣−β ⎝ ⎠ (3N + 1)⎦
1 βexp[Eβ(3N + 1)/g] 3N + 1 p2s
= dps exp −β
N! g g 2Q
· dp1 · · · dpN dr1 · · · drN exp
3N + 1 1 2
· −β p + V (r1 , . . . , rN ) . (5.32)
g i=1
2mi i
Molecular Dynamics 95
ds ∂HNosé ps
= = , (5.36c)
dt ∂s Q
dps ∂HNosé p2 g
=− = − s. (5.36d)
dt ∂s i=1
m i s2 β
With the quasi-ergodic hypothesis that the time average along the trajec-
tory equals the ensemble average when the simulation time is sufficiently
long, the ensemble average of a certain physical quantity A that depends
on p and r in the “Nosé” system equals
1 τ
A(p , r) = lim A(p , r)dt. (5.37)
τ →∞ τ 0
We label the right-hand side of the above equation as A(p , r)NVT , since
it is equivalent to the canonical ensemble average of the operator A(p , r)
in a system with Hamiltonian H(p , r) at T . In other words,
From this equality, it is clear that A(p , r)NVT , the canonical ensemble
average of A(p , r) in the subsystem, can be evaluated using the micro-
canonical ensemble average of the extended system. Numerical, if the quasi-
ergodic hypothesis is further imposed, by combining Eqs. (5.37) and (5.40),
this canonical ensemble average further equals the time average of this
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch05 page 96
Molecular Dynamics 97
1 2 s2 p2
s g
HNosé = pi + V (r1 , . . . , rN ) + + lns . (5.43)
2mi 2Q β
But we note that this is not the Hamiltonian of the system since the equa-
tions of motion cannot be obtained from it. The MD simulation performed
in this manner, accordingly, is called non-Hamiltonian MD in Ref. [246].
Now, we can generate a trajectory using Eq. (5.42) which satisfies the
equation of motion defined by the Hamiltonian in Eq. (5.25). Accordingly,
the expectation value of a physical quantity A(p , r ) should be evalu-
ated with it. However, we note that the application of the quasi-ergodic
hypothesis as shown in Eq. (5.41), which relates the ensemble average of
the extended micro-canonical ensemble to the real canonical subsystem, is
achieved by using the trajectory generated with Eq. (5.36) for the extended
system, where an even distribution of dt is imposed. In order for this quasi-
ergodic hypothesis to be applied to the new trajectory of the extended
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch05 page 98
We note that till now, along the trajectory generated by Eq. (5.42), the
time average of the physical quantity as given in Eq. (5.44) is not related
to the ensemble average of any kind. In order to relate it to an ensemble
average of some kind, we can use Eq. (5.45) and rewrite Eq. (5.44) in terms
of the trajectory in the virtual time as
τ τ
1 τ 1 A(p(t)/s(t), r(t))
lim A(p(t )/s(t ), r(t ))dt = lim dt
τ τ →∞ 0 τ τ τ →∞ 0 s(t)
τ limτ →∞ 0 s(t) dt
τ /τ
τ A(p(t)/s(t),r(t))
τ limτ →∞ 0 s(t) dt
= 1
τ 1 . (5.46)
τ limτ →∞ 0 s(t) dt
Here, τ1 limτ →∞ 0 · · · dt is the time average of a physical quantity along
the trajectory in the virtual time (that generated by Eq. (5.36)).
Then, making use of Eq. (5.37), these quantities related to the time
average of the virtual trajectory can be further simplified into
, (5.47)
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch05 page 99
Molecular Dynamics 99
= R
dp1 ···dpN dr1 ···drN exp[−β 3N
g H(p ,r)]
R 3N +1
dp1 ···dpN dr1 ···drN exp[−β g H(p ,r)]
dp1 · · · dpN dr1 · · · drN A(p , r)exp[−β 3N
g H(p , r)]
dp1 · · · dpN dr1 · · · drN exp[−β 3N
g H(p , r)]
N ! dp1 · · · dpN dr1 · · · drN A(p , r)exp[−β g H(p , r)]
= 1
. (5.48)
N! dp1 · · · dpN dr1 · · · drN exp[−β 3N
g H(p , r)]
Again, we note that this is not a real Hamiltonian since the equations
of motion cannot be generated from it. It is a quantity which should be
conserved during the MD simulation.
dri pi
= , (5.52a)
dt mi
dpi ∂V (r1 , . . . , rN ) pξ1
= − − p, (5.52b)
dt ∂ri Q1 i
dξ1 pξ
= , (5.52c)
dt Q1
dpξ N
p2 pξ
= − g/β − 2 pξ1 , (5.52d)
dt i=1
mi Q2
dξj pξ
= .......................2 j M − 1, (5.52e)
dt Qj
dpξ pξ pξ
= j−1
− 1/β − j+1
p , (5.52f)
dt Qj−1 Qj+1 ξj
dξM pξ
= , (5.52g)
dt QM
dpξ pξ
= M −1
− 1/β , (5.52h)
dt QM−1
Now, it has been shown that the Nosé–Hoover chain is very efficient
in sampling ergodically the statistical property of many systems. It is also
of practical use that dynamic properties such as the vibrational frequency
can be extracted from their trajectories, although a rigorous justification of
such applications is absent. As mentioned at the end of Sec. 5.2.1, after the
BO MD method became a standard routine in practical ab initio MD simu-
lations since the late 1990s, other stochastic methods such as the Andersen
and Langevin thermostats were also widely used. In Sec. 5.2.1, we have
introduced the Andersen thermostat. In the following, we will give a brief
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch05 page 102
Here, ri and pi are the position and velocity of the ith particle in the simu-
lation respectively. Fi is the force imposed by the other particles explicitly
treated in the simulation. The two parameters which are essential to control
the temperature in this scheme are γ and Ri . The first one (γ) represents
a viscous damping due to fictitious “heat bath” particles, while the second
one (Ri ) represents the effect of collisions with these particles. A balance
between them, which decelerates or accelerates the particles to be simu-
lated, respectively, keeps the average kinetic energy and consequently, the
temperature of the system constant.
In MD simulations where all atoms are explicitly treated, these “heat
bath” particles are purely fictitious, originating from the thermal fluctu-
ations. In computer simulations of large molecules in a solvent composed
of smaller ones (though these solvent molecules will not be explicitly sim-
ulated), this “heat bath” represents thermal effects originating from real
collisions between the smaller molecules in the solvent which are implicitly
treated and the larger ones which are explicitly treated under simulation.
Therefore, in the limiting case for very large friction coefficients, the Brow-
nian movement of the large molecules in solvent can also be described by
this equation, which simplifies into
ṙi = γ −1 m−1
i [Fi + Ri ] (5.55)
There are four properties for the stochastic forces Ri to comply with in
order to control the temperature in simulations using Langevin dynamics:
(i) they are uncorrelated with ri and pi , (ii) the autocorrelation function of
Ri (t) has a form of δ-function, (iii) their mean values are zero, and (iv) their
is Gaussian-like and the unit variance of this Gaussian function
is 2kB T γm/Δt. For a clarification of these four properties, we note that
the first one is easy to understand since it just implies that the random
force imposed by the collisions of the nuclei and the fictitious “heat bath”
particles is uncorrelated with the position and momentum of the nuclei. The
second point needs some explanation. It originates from the fact that the
timescale of the collisions between the particles under simulations and the
fictitious “heat bath” ones is much smaller than that of the ionic movement.
Therefore, the autocorrelation function of the random force Ri reads
These t and t only take values with integer time step along the trajec-
tory. Besides this, it is also assumed that during an MD movement, there
are many collisions between the particles under simulation and the “heat
bath”. Therefore, one can impose a Gaussian distribution on Ri based on
the central limit theorem [256]. Then the Stokes–Einstein relation for the
diffusion coefficient can be used to show that the unit variance associated
with this Gaussian distribution is 2kB T γm/Δt and its mean value is zero.
With this, the principles underlying the choice of Ri for the simulation
of a canonical ensemble using the Langevin dynamics is clear. We note
that this choice of Ri limits this thermostat to the equilibrium simula-
tions only. For its extension to the non-equilibrium state simulations, one
may refer to Ref. [257]. The last point which needs to be explained for
the simulation of a canonical ensemble using Langevin dynamics is that
the equations of motion in Eq. (5.54) are equivalent to a Fokker–Planck
equation in description of the phase space probability density distribution
function ρ(r1 , . . . , rN , p1 , . . . , pN ), of the form
∂ρ pi
+ · ∇ri ρ + Fi · ∇pi ρ = γ ∇pi · pi ρ + mi kB T ∇pi ρ ,
∂t i=1 mi i=1
which has the canonical phase space probability distribution function as a
stationary solution. Therefore, this method is justified for the simulation
of the canonical ensemble. From these principles, it is clear that the choice
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch05 page 104
dΩ HAndersen Π
= = ,
dt ∂Π M
dΠ HAndersen
dt ∂Ω
= −(3Ω)−1 −2(2Ω2/3 )−1 πi · πi +Ω1/3
m i
∂V (Ω1/3 xi,j )
× xi,j +3P0 Ω⎠ . (5.63)
∂x i
Figure 5.2 Illustration of how the electron charge transfer is analyzed in an ab initio MD
simulation. The same simulation cell and notation of the nuclei are used in Fig. 5.1. The
contour in brown shows electron charge accumulation and the contour in blue indicate
electron charge depletion. This analysis shows that an extraordinarily strong hydro-
gen bond is associated with the extra proton. Besides this, significant electron charge
redistribution also exists on the neighboring hydrogen bonds, enhancing most of them.
Therefore, for a reasonable characterization of the transfer process of this extra proton,
besides the dynamics of this extra proton, the hydrogen bond dynamics of the “shell” is
also crucial.
Figure 5.3 Illustration of the hydrogen bond dynamics related to the proton transport
in liquid water obtained from an ab initio MD simulation using classical nuclei. Red
spheres are oxygen nuclei and white spheres are hydrogen nuclei. The excess proton is in
green and the pivot oxygen (Op ) is in blue. Hydrogen bonds (except for the most active
one) are indicated by green dashed lines. Os is the oxygen which shares the most active
proton with the pivot oxygen. The first three panels show that the most active proton
switches identity between the three hydrogen bonds related to Op . Going from the third
to the fourth, the coordination number of Os reduces from 4 to 3. Then proton transport
happens going from the fourth to the fifth panel. After the proton transport, the most
active proton begins to exchange sites about a new pivot oxygen (the last two panels).
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch05 page 111
pivot oxygen (Op ) is defined as the oxygen nucleus which owns three hydro-
gen atoms simultaneously, and Os is defined as the oxygen nucleus which
shares the most active proton with the pivot one. The pair (hydrogen bond)
between Op and Os is called “the special pair”. In the MD simulation, the
pivot oxygen normally stays on one site, i.e. the pivot oxygen’s identity does
not change, peacefully for a certain time interval (∼ 1 ps). During this time,
the special pair switches identity between the hydrogen bonds in which the
pivot oxygen is involved frequently, which is often called the special pair
dancing in Refs. [267–271]. The coordination number of Os is normally 4
during this dancing process (the first three panels in Fig. 5.3). Upon going
from the third panel to the fourth one, the coordination number of Os
reduces from 4 to 3. Then proton transport happens (the fifth panel). After
the proton transport, the most active proton begins to exchange sites about
a new pivot oxygen (the last two panels). In short, the proton transport
happens through the well-known Grotthuss mechanism [275, 276], with the
hydrogen bond dynamics determining the interconversion between different
hydration states of the excess proton.
The second example we want to show briefly here for practical simu-
lations using the ab initio MD method is the phase diagram of condensed
matter under extreme conditions, e.g. high pressures. It is well known that
experimental realization of pressures above 100 GPa is extremely difficult.
For theoreticians, however, this is readily doable since an ab initio MD
simulation using an N P T ensemble easily reproduces the atomic level evo-
lution of the system under investigation if (i) the electronic structures are
accurate, (ii) the simulation cell is large enough, and (iii) the simulation
time is long enough. As a matter of fact, this simulation technique has
already been widely used in studies of the high-pressure phase diagrams for
a series of systems [277–280, 291]. One of the most prominent examples is
the high-pressure phase diagram of hydrogen, as shown in Fig. 5.4. Below
300 GPa, it is well known that three regions exist, consisting of the molec-
ular solid, molecular liquid, and the atomic liquid. The dissociation line
between the molecular liquid and the atomic liquid as shown in the figure
was just determined by the ab initio MD simulations in Refs. [277, 278].
We note that the accuracy of the electronic structures obtained from
the present ab initio method, which is affordable for the MD simulations, is
still a problem which determines the accuracy of the theoretical predictions
of this phase diagram [282–285]. As a matter of fact, this is a problem
which is vital for the accuracy of the MD simulations in general. It is also
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch05 page 112
Figure 5.4 Illustration of hydrogen phase diagram under pressure. The dissociation line
between the molecular liquid phase and the atomic liquid phase was obtained using the
ab initio MD simulations in Refs. [277, 278].
why when chemical bond breaking and forming happen, non-reactive force
field-based method is to be abandoned in descriptions of the interatomic
interactions and ab initio MD method prevails in recent years. Therefore,
to conclude the chapter with a reminder, when the MD simulation tech-
nique is used to interpret the experiments or make predictions, one must
pay special attention to the accuracy of the interatomic interactions for all
spatial configurations covered during the simulation.
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch06 page 113
Extension of Molecular Dynamics,
Enhanced Sampling and the
Free-Energy Calculations
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch06 page 114
for the MD simulation can be significantly increased so that the time scale
accessible to computer simulations increases, sometimes to a value large
enough to complement biological or chemical experiments. However, it is
worth noting that an a priori detailed knowledge of the system to be sim-
ulated is required, which unfortunately is often not available.
A different route, which keeps the atomistic feature for the description
of the propagation, is to develop a method so that the frequency with which
a rare event happens can be significantly increased. Or, in other words,
an enhanced sampling efficiency is guaranteed. Over the last few decades
(almost four), great success has been achieved in this direction. A num-
ber of methods, e.g. the umbrella sampling [94, 95], the adaptive umbrella
sampling [33], the replica exchange [34, 35], the metadynamics [38, 39],
the multi-canonical simulations [40, 41], the conformational flooding [42],
the conformational space annealing [43], the integrated tempering sampling
[44–47] methods, etc. had been proposed, each having its own strength and
weakness. For example, in the umbrella sampling, adaptive umbrella sam-
pling, metadynamics, and configurational flooding methods, predetermined
reaction coordinates are required before the simulations were carried out.
While in replica exchange and multi-canonical simulations, different tem-
perature simulations are needed, which make the trajectories obtained lose
their dynamical information. In this chapter, we will take the umbrella sam-
pling, the adaptive umbrella sampling, and the metadynamics methods as
examples of the former class to show how they work in practice. In addition
to this, the integrated tempering sampling method from the second class
will also be discussed.
The enhanced sampling methods as introduced above focus on explor-
ing the free energy profile, or otherwise often called potential of mean force
(PMF), throughout the entire conformational phase space of the poly-
atomic system under investigation. In some applications of the molecu-
lar simulations, e.g. phase transitions, this entire PMF exploration can be
avoided if the two competing phases are well-defined metastable states in
standard MD simulations. In such cases, the free energy of the system at
each phase can be calculated using methods like thermodynamic integration
at a certain temperature and pressure. Then, by monitoring the competi-
tion of these two free energies at different temperatures and pressures, one
can find out which phase is more stable at a certain condition and conse-
quently determine the phase diagram of this substance under investigation.
Since phase transition is also an important topic in molecular simulations,
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch06 page 115
F (ξ0 ) = − ln P (ξ0 )
−βV (x)δ(ξ(x)−ξ )
1 e dx
= − ln . (6.1)
β Q
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch06 page 116
Figure 6.1 Taking the simplest case, i.e. the system is 1D and the ξ is the same as the x,
as an example, the original PES V (x) has a very deep valley so that the MD simulation
cannot go through the whole space in practical MD simulations. However, if an additional
biased potential Vb (x) which roughly equals −V (x) is added to the original potential,
the new potential Vb (x) + V (x) will be very flat so that in an MD simulation using this
potential, the particle can go through the entire x axis freely and Fb (x) can be sampled
very well. Based on this Fb (x), the original free energy profile can be reconstructed using
Eq. (6.7). This principle also applies to the system with higher dimensions for the nuclear
degree of freedom and more complex form of the reaction coordinate ξ.
Due to the fact that the biased potential can be chosen in a way that
V (x)+Vb (ξ(x)) is rather flat as a function of ξ (see Fig. 6.1), the probability
distribution Pb (ξ0 ) can be much better-sampled over the whole conforma-
tional space relevant to the problem of interest compared with P (ξ0 ) in the
MD simulations so that the biased PMF can be calculated efficiently using
MD statistics.
Then, one relates the biased PMF Fb (ξ0 ) with the unbiased one F (ξ0 )
using the following equation:
1 e−β[V (x)+Vb (ξ(x))]δ(ξ(x)−ξ0 ) dx
Fb (ξ0 ) = − ln
β Qb
−βV (x)
1 e δ(ξ(x) − ξ0 )dx
= − ln e−βVb (ξ0 )
β Qb
1 e−βV (x) δ(ξ(x) − ξ0 )dx Q
= Vb (ξ0 ) − ln
β Q Qb
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch06 page 118
1 e−βV (x) δ(ξ(x) − ξ0 )dx 1 Q
= Vb (ξ0 ) − ln − ln
β Q β Qb
1 Q
= Vb (ξ0 ) + F (ξ0 ) − ln . (6.5)
β Qb
Therefore, from the biased PMF Fb (ξ0 ), which can be sampled well in
practical MD simulations over the whole conformational space, one can
reconstruct the unbiased PMF through
1 Qb
F (ξ0 ) = Fb (ξ0 ) − Vb (ξ0 ) + ln . (6.6)
β Q
We note that this (1/β) ln(Qb /Q) is a constant, which we denote as F . It
is independent of ξ0 , but determined by the choice of Vb (ξ), the conforma-
tional space of the poly-atomic system relevant to the problem of interest,
the original interatomic potential, and the temperature. Rewriting Eq. (6.6)
also gives us
F (ξ0 ) = Fb (ξ0 ) − Vb (ξ0 ) + F. (6.7)
As simple as it looks, the addition of a biased potential easily solves
the problem for the ergodic exploration of the conformational space for
the mapping of the PMF in principle, in the MD simulations. However,
we note that in practical applications, the high-dimensional PES function
V (x) is always unknown. Therefore, it is impossible to define an additional
potential in its negative form in an a priori manner so that the system
can go through the entire conformational space relevant to the problem of
interest efficiently, using this biased potential. When this is the case and the
chosen additional potential does not compensate for the original one, the
system will still be trapped in one local minimum in the MD simulations
under the biased potential (see e.g. Fig. 6.2).
One way to circumvent this problem and ensure that the whole confor-
mational space relevant to the problem of interest is sufficiently (or even
uniformly) sampled is to separate this conformational space into some boxes
using the chosen reaction coordinates. When there is only one reaction coor-
dinate, this is simplified into taking some values of ξ in the region relevant
to the problem of interest, say ξ i . Then, a series of MD simulations can be
carried out using these biased potentials which constrain the system in the
neighborhood of these ξ i s so that the conformational spaces of the system
with reaction coordinates in the neighborhood of all these ξ i s are all well
sampled. Taking the 1D PMF associated with two stable states (reactant
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch06 page 119
Figure 6.2 The situation is similar to Fig. 6.1. However, one does not know the form of
the original potential and therefore the additional one does not compensate for it well.
In this case, the sampling of the system with the biased potential will not be ergodic on
the conformational space either.
Figure 6.3 Illustration of how umbrella sampling is used in simulations of the transition
between a reactant state and a product, one separated by high energy barrier. Along the
reaction coordinate, a series of points were taken. At each point ξi , a bias potential with
the form Vb (ξ) = K(ξ − ξi )2 /2 is used to constrain the system to its neighborhood.
From this biased simulation, the PMF at this neighborhood can be obtained from the
corresponding probability distribution (indicated by the blue curve). These series of
additional biasing potentials ensure that the whole conformation space relevant to the
problem of interest is sufficiently sampled.
ni e−β(Vb (ξ0 )−Fi )
P (ξ0 ) = P (ξ0 ) N j , (6.8)
j=1 nj e−β(Vb (ξ0 )−Fj )
where F i (ξ0 ) = − ln P i (ξ0 )/β and Fbi (ξ0 ) = − ln Pbi (ξ0 )/β. Pbi (ξ0 ) repre-
sents the biased probability distribution sampled with the biased potential
around ξ i , which is directly obtained from the ith MD simulations. Sta-
tistically, it samples the region around ξ i rather well. By inputting the
expressions of F i (ξ0 ) and Fbi (ξ0 ) into Eq. (6.9), one gets
i i
P i (ξ0 ) = Pbi (ξ0 )eVb (ξ0 )−F . (6.10)
ni Pbi (ξ0 )
P (ξ0 ) = Nw j . (6.11)
i=1 j=1 nj e−β(Vb (ξ0 )−Fj )
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch06 page 122
The free energies FI s in Eq. (6.11), on the other hand, satisfy the following
1 Qib
Fi = − ln
β Q
−β[V (x)+V i (ξ(x))]
1 e b dx
= − ln
β Q
1 i
= − ln e−βVb (ξ0 ) P (ξ0 )dξ0 . (6.12)
Therefore, Eqs. (6.11) and (6.12) compose a set of equations which define
the relationship between the Fi s and P (ξ0 ). By solving these two equations
self-consistently, one can obtain a much better and more efficient estimate of
P (ξ0 ) compared with the traditional PMF matching method from the sta-
tistical point of view. Once again, we note that the essence of this method,
in the language of Roux [96], is “constructing an optimal estimate of the
unbiased distribution function as a weighted sum over the data extracted
from all the simulations and determining the functional form of the weight
factors that minimizes the statistical error”.
So far we have discussed the umbrella sampling method. From this
introduction, we know that a key point on reconstructing the PMF using
the biased potential is that a sufficient sampling, in the best case a uniform
sampling, of the conformational space relevant to the problem of interest is
guaranteed. To this end, an a priori set of umbrella potentials are needed
in order for this uniform sampling to be carried out in a practical manner.
For simulations of relatively simple systems, in which the variable related to
the umbrella potential is easy to define, this method works well. However,
for complex systems where this a priori definition of the umbrella potential
is unlikely, which unfortunately is usually true in reactions with more than
one degree of freedom, this method often fails.
An alternative method within a similar scheme, which is more often
used in present explorations of the PMF in complex systems, is the so-called
adaptive umbrella sampling method [296–298]. A key difference between the
adaptive umbrella sampling method and the umbrella sampling method is
that in the former case, the umbrella potentials are chosen and updated
in the simulations, while in the latter one, the umbrella potentials do not
change. Plus, in the umbrella sampling method, the conformational space is
separated into a series of regions and the MD simulation with bias potential
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch06 page 123
future. We note that this is just a general description of how the adaptive
umbrella sampling works. There are many numerical details concerning real
implementation. For these details, please see Ref. [299, 300].
6.2 Metadynamics
In the above discussions on the umbrella sampling and adaptive umbrella
sampling methods, Eq. (6.7) is the basis for the analysis to be carried out
and rigorous justification for the construction of the unbiased PMF exists
behind the biased MD simulations. Parallel to this scheme, however, there
is another algorithm which (as pointed by A. Laio, the main founder of
this method) did not follow from any ordinary thermodynamic identity but
was rather postulated on a heuristic basis and later verified empirically to
be very successful in the enhanced sampling simulations of many complex
systems [301–307]. This method is the so-called metadynamics [38, 39].
The principles underlying this metadynamics method can be under-
stood pictorially using Fig. 6.4. The first step is to choose a sensible collec-
tive variable (labelled as CV, corresponding to the reaction coordinate used
in the earlier discussion) which, in principle, should be able to distinguish
the initial, intermediate, and final states and describe the slow processes
relevant to the problem of interest. This is similar to the umbrella sampling
and adaptive umbrella sampling methods introduced before. The difference
appears afterwards. Imagine that only one CV is chosen and the BO PES
looks like the black curve in Fig. 6.4, starting from one deep valley, the sys-
tem will take a time which is unacceptably long for atomic simulations to
escape from it using the standard MD method. In the language of metady-
namics, what one can do in order to impose an efficient enhanced sampling
on the PES is to add in some additional potentials so that the deep valley
can be filled up quickly (Fig. 6.4(a)). This potential can be written in terms
of Gaussian functions as
− (ξ(x)−ξ(t
where ξ(x) stands for the CV coordinate associated with the spatial con-
figuration of the nuclei x, and ξ(t ) stands for its instantaneous value at
t . It is obvious that the Gaussian height w, Gaussian width δs, and the
time interval τG at which the Gaussians are added control the form of this
additional potential and consequently the accuracy and efficiency of the
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch06 page 125
Figure 6.4 Illustration of the principles underlying the metadynamics method, taking
the 1D case as an example. Imagine that the PES has multiple deep valleys. In meta-
dynamics, some artificial potentials will be added along the chosen collective variable
coordinates as the system evolves. At a certain valley, this is similar to the case that a
man falls into a deep well. To get out of it, simply by jumping is unlikely, but imagine
that he has an infinite amount of stones in his “magic” pocket, he can throw a stone
every few steps he walks. With time going on, these stones will fill up the well and he
can get out of it easily. By remembering the geometric shape of the space filled up by
the stone, intuitively the PMF can be reconstructed. It is easy to understand that the
size of the stone determines the accuracy and efficiency of the reconstructed PMF. As
mentioned earlier, this rationalization is postulated on a heuristic basis. However, we
note that it has been verified empirically to be very successful in the enhanced sampling
simulations of many complex systems [301–307].
enhanced sampling. Imagine that the Gaussian potentials are like small
stones (size of the stone controlled by w and δs) which fill up the valley
gradually, the difference between the curve the stick man is standing on
and the curve below then naturally represents the sum over the Gaussian
functions as shown in Eq. (6.14), and the size of the stones determines
the efficiency and accuracy for the construction of this difference between
the two curves. After one valley was filled up, the walker which describes
the evolution of the system in the enhanced sampling process starts to
explore the neighboring one (Fig. 6.4(b)), until all the valleys are filled.
After this, the system is allowed to travel between the valleys in a free
manner (Fig. 6.4(c)). When the exploration of the walker is controlled
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch06 page 126
e−βU = p(U ) = nk e−βk U . (6.17)
and consequently, the biased force Fb on the ith atom can be calculated
M −βk U
k=1 nk βk e
Fib = M Fi , (6.19)
β k=1 nk e −β k U
where Fi stands for the Hellmann–Feynman force on the ith nuclei when
the inter-atomic potential is the physical one (namely U ).
From Eqs. (6.17)–(6.19), it is clear that an MD simulation using a
Boltzmann ensemble (but with an “artificial” interatomic potential) can be
employed to reproduce the distribution function associated with the non-
Boltzmann ensemble in Eq. (6.16). Due to the fact that a wide temperature
range is included in the summation over the Boltzmann distribution func-
tion in Eq. (6.16) for the non-Boltzmann ensemble, it is expected that the
probability of the rare event, which hardly happens in a normal MD sim-
ulation at the targeting physical temperature, can be increased. However,
one notes that there are still some weighting factors to be determined in
Eq. (6.19). These factors are determined through the requirement that each
term in the summation of Eq. (6.16) contributes to the total distribution
with a desired fraction. In other words, if one defines
Pk = nk e−βk U(x) dx, (6.20)
a fraction
pk = M . (6.21)
k=1 Pk
1 2
E(R1 , . . . , RN ; Tel ) = fi drψi∗ (r) − ∇ ψi (r) + n(r)Vext (r)dr
1 n(r)n(r )
+ drdr
2 |r − r |
+ E xc [n(r)] + Eion-ion (R1 , . . . , RN ), (6.30)
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch06 page 134
S = −2kB T [fi ln fi + (1 − fi ) ln(1 − fi )] . (6.31)
F = −kB T ln
1 −β(U(R01 ,...,R0N ;Tel )+U vib (R1 ,...,RN ;Tel ))
× dR1 · · · dRN e ,
N !Λ3N
be separated into two terms, i.e. F harm which represents the free energy of
a harmonic lattice and the deviation of F vib from it. In terms of thermo-
dynamic integration, the reference state is the harmonic lattice, whose free
energy can be calculated analytically using
3kB T 1 βωk,s 1
F harm = ln e 2 − e− 2 βωk,s , (6.35)
Quantum Nuclear Effects
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 138
the quantum mechanics starting from the late 1940s, the foundation of such
a scheme has been rigorously and systematically presented by Feynman and
Hibbs in Ref. [67]. Based on this foundation, the MD simulation technique
as introduced in Chapter 5 was combined with the framework of this path
integral representation of the statistical mechanics and a series of path
integral molecular dynamics (PIMD) simulations had been performed in
the 1980s (see, e.g., Refs. [68, 69, 74]). Parallel to these PIMD simulations,
the Monte-Carlo (MC) sampling technique was also used and properties of
liquid helium including its superfluidity were systematically studied using
this path integral Monte-Carlo (PIMC) method (see, e.g., Refs. [70–73]).
In these PIMD/PIMC simulations, the QNEs are addressed on the same
footing as the thermal ones when the statistical properties of the system
to be simulated are evaluated, as will be explained in detail soon in this
chapter. Therefore, when comparing their results with the ones where the
nuclei are treated as classical particles, such as the MD simulation method
we have introduced in Chapter 5, the differences account for the impact of
the QNEs on the statistical properties in a very clear manner.
This comparison sets up a rigorous framework for the QNEs to be ana-
lyzed, which is still used nowadays. However, it needs to be pointed out that
in both these early PIMD and PIMC simulations, the empirical potentials
were used to account for the interatomic interactions in the simulation.
These potentials are simple and very good in describing the statistical
property of many solids and liquids. However, they can easily fail when
chemical reaction happens, due to a serious reconstruction of the electronic
structures, which needs to be addressed “on-the-fly” as the dynamics of
the system evolves. To address problems like this, where the impact of
the QNEs is often more interesting, people started trying a combination
of the PIMD and PIMC simulation techniques with the ab initio method
for the description of the electronic structures after the 1990s, first within
the framework of Car–Parrinello (CP) MD (see e.g. Refs. [319–321]) and
then directly on the Born–Oppenheimer (BO) MD or MC schemes [282, 286,
322, 323]. These methods really allow the bond making and bond breaking
events to happen, as well as the thermal and quantum nuclear effects to
be accounted for in a seamless manner based on the forces computed “on-
the-fly” as the dynamics of the system evolve. Now, it is fair to say that
they have come to such a mature stage that not only different functionals
with the density-functional theory (DFT) can be used in descriptions of
the electronic structures (see, e.g., Refs. [324, 325]), but also traditional
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 139
quantum chemistry methods such as the MP2 method can be used (see,
e.g., Refs. [326, 327]). With these choices of the electronic structures, when
the interatomic interactions are accurate enough and the sampling over
the high-dimensional phase space is complete (ergodicity is satisfied, in the
language of statistics), one can safely rely on results obtained from such
simulations, even under low temperatures when the classical description of
the nuclei fails. Therefore, on the statistical level, a scheme in which the
thermal nuclear effects and QNEs are accounted for on the same footing
in the atomic simulations is already there. The only thing we need to be
attentive to is in its use the choice of the electronic structures for the
description of the interatomic interactions and the ergodicity issue in the
PIMD/PIMC sampling (which, however, is non-trivial at all).
Besides these statistical properties, another kind of property where the
QNEs may also play an important role relates to the dynamics, especially
when the chemical reaction rate is evaluated. This chemical reaction rate is
a key parameter in chemistry which is very hard to simulate rigorously. One
theory underlying descriptions of this quantity is the so-called transition-
state theory (TST) [328–331]. Since the probability of finding the system
close to the transition state (TS) is much smaller than that of the reactant
or product state, this theory is intrinsically both statistical and dynamical.
The term “statistical” means that this chemical reaction rate is propor-
tional to the ratio of the equilibrium density of the system at the TS to
its value at the reaction state, which is a statistical property. Conversely,
the term “dynamical” indicates that since the TS is defined by a divid-
ing surface separating the reaction and product states, after the system
at the TS falls into either the reactant or the product region, it stays at
this state for a longer time than it spends at the TS. Therefore, what
happens dynamically at the TS is of crucial importance to its behavior in
the future, and theories underlying descriptions of such processes should be
dynamical. Following the principles of scientific research, i.e. from the easy
and idealized models to the more difficult and realistic ones, the earliest
methods within the TST usually assume a classical treatment of the nuclei.
Later, when events like quantum tunneling were found to be crucial in
describing the chemical reaction behaviors, a quantum version of this was
also proposed. This development is also associated with the development of
the purely statistical PIMD method to the dynamical regime. Two of the
schemes most often used in descriptions of this dynamics within the scheme
of path integral molecular dynamics are the centroid molecular dynamics
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 140
where j runs over all eigenstates of the quantum system. This equation
indicates that if one knows the eigenstate wave functions and eigenvalues
of this quantum system, this propagator can be expressed analytically
and consequently, the correlation between any two events is accurately
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 142
P −1
m xi − xi−1 1
+ − (V (xi ) + V (xi−1 )) (ti − ti−1 )
2 ti − ti−1 2
m xb − xP −1 1
+ − (V (xb ) + V (xP −1 )) (tb − tP −1 ) .
2 tb − tP −1 2
With this definition, it is clear that the integration in Eq. (7.2) can be
calculated numerically through such a procedure, as shown in Fig. 7.1 for
the 1D case. In practice, a finite number of time intervals must be chosen,
one often tests the convergence of the quantity to be calculated with respect
to the number of slides till a reasonable accuracy can be obtained.
With this, we hope that we have made our point clear. To put it simply,
the same quantity, i.e. the propagator, can be obtained by using either (i)
all eigenstate wave functions of the quantum system, or (ii) a sum over
contributions from all paths between the events to be investigated. The
first option looks elegant, but it is difficult to handle for large many-body
systems. In cases when it is not feasible, the path integral approach provides
a numerically simple alternative, which we will make use of in studies of
QNEs to be discussed in the following sections.
Figure 7.1 Illustration of how a propagator can be calculated using path integral. The
first step is to divide the time interval into some slides. At the starting and ending points
(ta and tb ), the spatial coordinates (xa and xb in this 1D case) must be fixed since they
represent the events whose correlation is to be investigated. With the spatial coordinates
on the time slices between ta and tb chosen, we have one specific “path”. Contribution
from this path to the propagator is then calculated using Eq. (7.4). Then one further
moves the spatial coordinates on each time slide between ta and tb through the whole
space (x axis in this 1D case). In doing so, we can take account of contributions from
all paths between a and b. If all these contributions are calculated numerically using
Eq. (7.4) and the time interval number approaches infinity, we have the propagator
rigorously defined which equals the number it gives through Eq. (7.1). Calculations of
the eigenstate wave functions are avoided accordingly.
Now, we discuss how these quantities are represented in two spaces, i.e.
the system’s eigenstate wave functions’ Hilbert spaces and the position
space. Such a comparison can help us in setting up a link between the
density matrix and the propagator we have discussed in Sec. 7.1.1, which
you will see soon. We first look at the system’s eigenstate wave functions’
Hilbert space, where the probability of finding the quantum system at its
ith eigenstate equals e−βEi at thermal equilibrium. From this probability,
it is clear that for an operator Ô, its expectation value at the thermal
equilibrium equals
Ô = (Z Q )−1 ψi |Ô|ψi e−βEi . (7.6)
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Then we come to the position space. In this space, the density matrix
is written as
ρ (xa , xb , β) = xb |e−β Ĥ |xa , (7.8)
whose diagonal part is the so-called density function. To arrive at the wave-
function-based expression of this density matrix, one can insert an identity
matrix Iˆ = j |ψj ψj | into the right-hand side of this equation. In doing
so, we have
⎛ ⎞
−β Ĥ ⎝
ρ (xa , xb , β) = xb |e |ψj ψj |⎠ |xa
= xb |ψj e−βEj ψj |xa
= ψj (xb )ψj∗ (xa )e−βEj . (7.9)
in terms of the path integral. The only thing we need to do is to treat the
temperature-dependent factor β as an imaginary-time interval and replace
the i(tb −ta )/ term in Eq. (7.1) by this temperature-dependent imaginary-
time interval. To be more precise, we should replace the time interval tb − ta
as used in Eq. (7.1) by −iβ. Then, using the same trick as that mentioned
for the numerical representation of the propagator in Eqs. (7.2)–(7.4), we
can rewrite the density matrix in terms of path integral without resorting
to the nuclear wave functions.
Following this routine, the first thing we need to do is to divide the
time interval −iβ into P slices. Such a treatment results in a time step
of −iβ/P along the imaginary time path to be integrated in the density
matrix. Now, imagine that one path is defined by a certain choice of x1 ,
x2 , . . . , xP −1 between xa and xb , the action which determines the weight
of this path in the path integral scheme then equals
mP 2 2 1 −iβ
S[b, a] = − 2 2
(x1 − x a ) + (V (x 1 ) + V (xa ))
2β 2 P
mP 2 2 1 −iβ
− 2 2
(xi − xi−1 ) + (V (xi ) + V (xi−1 ))
2β 2 P
mP 2 2 1 −iβ
− (xb − xP −1 ) + (V (xb ) + V (xP −1 ))
2β 2 2 2 P
from Eq. (7.4). We note that because imaginary time is used, the positive
sign of the kinetic energy becomes negative, resulting in the action (which
is originally defined as an integral over the Lagrangian) as a term above
which looks like an integral over a Hamiltonian with a minus sign. The
(i/)S[b, a] term on the index of the exponential functional in Eq. (7.2)
consequently becomes
mP 2 β
(i/)S[b, a] = − (x1 − xa ) + (V (x1 ) + V (xa ))
2β2 2P
mP 2 β
− 2
(xi − xi−1 ) + (V (xi ) + V (xi−1 ))
2β 2P
mP 2 β
− (x b − xP −1 ) + (V (xb ) + V (x P −1 )) .
2β2 2P
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 147
To clarify the labeling in the above equations further, we can relabel the
xa and xb in the density matrix as x0 and xP , respectively. The imaginary-
time interval is still divided into P slices and the path is determined by
a consequence of spatial coordinates from x1 to xP −1 , with x0 and xP
keeping fixed. Then, Eq. (7.11) can be rewritten in a simple form as
mP 2 β
(i/)S[b, a] = − (xi − x i−1 ) + (V (xi ) + V (xi−1 ))
2β2 2P
1 1
= −β mωP2 (xi − xi−1 )2 + (V (xi ) + V (xi−1 )) ,
2 2P
where ωP = P /(β). If we put this exponential index to the path integral
representation of propagator as shown in Eq. (7.2), but using the imaginary
time for the density matrix, the equation this density matrix ends up with
will be
ρ (x0 , xP , β)
1 1 2 2 1
= lim ··· e−β i=1 2 mωP (xi −xi−1 ) + 2P
[ (V (xi )+V (xi−1 ))]
P →∞ A V V V
ρ (x0 , xP , β)
= lim ···
P →∞ 2βπ2 V V V
PP 1 2 2 1
· e−β i=1 2 mωP (xi −xi−1 ) + 2P
[ (V (xi )+V (xi−1 ))]
dx1 dx2 · · · dxP −1 .
PP hP 2
−β i=1
N 1 2
j=1 2 mj ωP (xji −xji−1 ) 1
+ 2P (V (x1i ,...,xN 1 N
i )+V (xi−1 ,...,xi−1 ))
Equation (7.15) gives an expression for the density matrix in terms of the
path integral in the 3N -dimensional configuration space, where N is the
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 149
ρ (xP , xP , β)
⎡ ⎤
N P2
mj P
= lim ⎣ ⎦ · · ·
P →∞
2βπ2 V V V
PP hP i
−β i=1
N 1 2
j=1 2 mj ωP (xji −xji−1 )2 + 2P
(V (x1i ,...,xN 1 N
i )+V (xi−1 ,...,xi−1 ))
In Sec. 7.1.2, we stated that the density matrix is e−β Ĥ in the operator
notation, whose trace gives us the partition function. Therefore, in the
configuration space, this partition function is easily obtainable from the
density matrix. What we need to do is to perform an extra integration on
xP over the configuration space in Eq. (7.16). This integration gives us the
partition function Z Q for the quantum canonical system in the limit of P
approaching infinity through
⎡ ⎤
⎣ m j P ⎦
ZQ = lim ···
P →∞
2βπ2 V V V
PP hP i
−β i=1
N 1 2
j=1 2 mj ωP (xji −xji−1 )2 + 2P
(V (x1i ,...,xN 1 N
i )+V (xi−1 ,...,xi−1 ))
The relationship between this configuration partition function (ZP ) over a
3N × P configuration space and the quantum canonical partition function
(Z Q ) of the real poly-atomic system is that ZP equals Z Q when P goes to
Pictorially, this relationship can be understood from the comparison
as shown in Fig. 7.2. We use H2 , the simplest molecule, as an example.
The canonical partition function of the quantum system is what we want
to simulate. From Eq. (7.9), we know that one needs the eigenstate wave
functions and the eigenvalues of the nuclei, which is not feasible in the
studies of most poly-atomic systems, except for descriptions of some simple
gas phase small molecules [59–62]. As an alternative, one can resort to
Eq. (7.17) and construct a fictitious polymer for the real system under
investigation. This polymer is composed of P replicas of the real poly-
atomic system. In between the replicas, the same atoms are linked by spring
interactions, whose spring
√ constant (defined as mj ωP2 ) is determined by mj
and ωP , with ωP = P /(β). Within one replica, the interatomic potential
is calculated by either force fields or ab initio methods upon which the
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 151
Figure 7.2 Illustration of how the mapping from the canonical quantum system to a
classical polymer is done in path integral statistical mechanics. The simplest molecule,
H2 , is taken as an example. In principle, one needs to calculate the nuclear wave functions,
as shown on the left. Using path integral, this calculation of the wave function can be
avoided. What one needs to do is to set up a fictitious polymer. This polymer is composed
by P replicas of the real molecule. In each replica, the potential is determined by the real
potential of the system at the specific spatial configuration of this replica. In between the
replicas, the neighboring images (beads) of the same atoms are linked √ by springs. The
spring constant is determined by mj and ωP as mj ωP 2 , where ω = P /(β). Therefore,
the higher the temperature, the heavier the nucleus, the stronger the interaction between
the beads. In the limit of T → ∞ and mj → ∞, one arrives at the classical limit when all
images overlap with each other. The partition function of the quantum system as shown
on the left equals the configurational partition function of the polymer on the right as
P → ∞.
molecular simulation is based. These two terms, i.e. the spring interaction
and the intra-replica potential, correspond to the kinetic and the potential
energies of the path integral, respectively. From the form of the spring
constant as shown in Eq. (7.17), it is clear that as the temperature and
mj go to infinity, the spring constant becomes so large that all the replicas
overlap in configuration space, resulting in a simulation in the classical limit.
When the temperature is low and mj is reasonably small, it is reasonable
to expect that a molecular simulation based on this polymer gives results
very different from the one with P = 1, i.e. the classical simulation. In
other words, from P = 1 (the classical simulation), when P approaches
infinity, one approaches the quantum limit of this canonical ensemble. In
practice, a finite P must be taken. The statistical results obtained from
these simulations with a finite P should always be converged with respect to
this P . The difference between results obtained from the P = 1 simulation
and this path integral converged simulation tells us the impact of QNEs on
the statistical results.
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 152
Figure 7.3 An example of the artificial polymer in a real path integral molecular sim-
ulation, courtesy of Dr. Brent Walker from our joint paper [322]. The system is a layer
of squaric acid, a molecular crystal held together with intermolecular hydrogen bonds.
The quantum nature of the nuclei is addressed using the path integral treatment by
generating a series of images for the real poly-atomic system and connecting the same
atom in neighboring images with spring potential. The electronic structures are calcu-
lated quantum mechanically for each image, and the blue contour denotes the density
distribution of the electrons in one image. For more details, please see Ref. [322].
The mass of the oxygen nucleus is larger and consequently, their dispersions
are smaller, but still observable. If we compare results of simulations using
this polymer and the classical system (P = 1), it is obvious that the QNEs
are small for O and large for H. With the increase of the temperature, it
is also easy to expect that the difference between simulations with P = 1
and larger P decreases. For more details on this path integral simulation,
readers are directed to Ref. [322].
Then we come back to the mathematics. With this relationship between
the “configurational” partition function of the polymer and the quan-
tum partition function as introduced in the early paragraphs in mind,
we now shift our attention to this “configurational” partition function.
Equation (7.19) for this “configurational” partition function of a polymer
may look a little complicated to be handled numerically at first sight. How-
ever, for people working on molecular simulations, this is an equation which
cannot be more simple. To understand what we mean by this statement,
one just needs to rewrite ZP using a proper partition function in a fictitious
phase space, composed of variables x1 , . . . , xP , p1 , . . . , pP , as
ZP = C · · · e−βH(x1 ,...,xP ,p1 ,...,pP ) dx1 · · · dxP dp1 · · · dpP . (7.20)
We note that such an equality means that for a finite P , the path inte-
gral of a quantum system is isomorphic to a classical polymer composed of
P replicas of the real poly-atomic system under investigation, subject to a
classical Hamiltonian given by Eq. (7.21) [68]. In doing so, the molecular
simulation techniques as introduced in the earlier chapters can be directly
used. These molecular simulation techniques include both MD and MC
methods, with which the partition function as given in Eq. (7.20) can be
evaluated. In the following, we discuss how these path integral-based molec-
ular simulation techniques are used, taking the MD-based implementations
as the guiding example. The only thing we need to take care in is to design
the fictitious polymer in a proper way, so that the contributions from the
quantum nature of the nuclei to the statistical properties of the system are
not miscounted. Readers interested in the PIMC method are directed to
peruse Refs. [70–73].
Besides the partition function and the density matrix, other quantities,
such as the expectation values of any physical observable Ô, can also be
described using this path integral. The definition of such an expectation
value is already given in Eq. (7.5). From this definition, one can obtain a
path integral-based representation for the expectation value of this observ-
able using the Trotter factorization. To understand this statement, we first
go back to the path integral representation of the propagator as shown
in Eq. (7.2). As a matter of fact, its form originates and is equivalent to
a Trotter factorization-based equation. What one does in such a Trotter
factorization is to insert P − 1 identity matrices dxi |xi xi | = I on the
time slices between ta and tb . With this treatment, one arrives at such an
equation for the propagator
G (xb , tb ; xa , ta)
= lim ··· xa |e(i/)L̂Δt |x1 x1 |e(i/)L̂Δt |x2 · · ·
P →∞ A V V V
With this equality in mind, one can rewrite the expectation value of Ô
in the configuration space as
Ô = (Z Q )−1 Tr Ôe−β Ĥ
1 1 1
= lim ··· x0 |Ôe− P β Ĥ |x1 x1 |e− P β Ĥ |x2 · · ·
P →∞ ZP V V V
− P1β Ĥ
·xP −1 |e |xP dx1 dx2 · · · dxP
1 1 1
= lim ··· O(x1 )x0 |e− P β Ĥ |x1 x1 |e− P β Ĥ |x2 · · ·
P →∞ ZP V V V
− P1β Ĥ
·xP −1 |e |xP dx1 dx2 · · · dxP , (7.23)
− P1β Ĥ
·xP −1 |e |xP dx1 dx2 · · · dxP
1 1 1
= lim ··· O(x2 )x0 |e− P β Ĥ |x1 x1 |e− P β Ĥ |x2 · · ·
P →∞ ZP V V V
− P1β Ĥ
·xP −1 |e |xP dx1 dx2 · · · dxP . (7.24)
Then we can continue such a cycling to xP and make an average over all
the images. Such a treatment gives us an expression for the expectation
value of Ô as
1 1
Ô = lim ··· O(xi )
P →∞ ZP V V V P i=1
1 1
×x0 |e− P β Ĥ |x1 x1 |e− P β Ĥ |x2 · · ·
·xP −1 |e− P β Ĥ |xP dx1 dx2 · · · dxP . (7.25)
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 156
In doing so, the equation from which the expectation value of any
physical observable is calculated in the frequently used path integral scheme
is arrived at.
We note that most of the studies in this field focus on the expec-
tation value of local physical quantities [282, 286, 321, 322], such as the
density function. In recent years, however, simulations for some non-local
physical quantities such as the momentum distribution of a proton in water
have also attracted much attention from the theoretical perspective, espe-
cially after the deep inelastic neutron scattering (DINS) experiment became
available [334–336]. In these cases, rigorously speaking, the so-called open-
path integral molecular dynamics method should be resorted to (see e.g.
Morrone, Lin and Car’s work in Refs. [337–339]), where the constraint
x0 = xP is released. This open path allows the density matrix itself to
be simulated. However, we note that compared to the normal PIMD simu-
lations with close path, special care must be taken in the open-path simula-
tions concerning its stability. To deal with the problem, some new methods
on simulating the momentum distribution using the conventional close-path
PIMD method were also proposed; see e.g. Refs. [340–342]. Readers inter-
ested in theoretical simulations concerning this quantity may refer to two
sets of works in particular: Morrone, Lin, Car, and Parrinello’s in Refs. [337–
341], and Ceriotti and Manolopoulos’, in Ref. [342].
(or force field) calculations within each image serving only as a small per-
turbation to the spring interaction. Consequently, the trajectories for the
beads of the artificial polymer will remain close to “invariant tori” in the
Cartesian space and efficient sampling of its entire configuration space is
seriously hindered. Third, even if this multi-time scale and the “invariant
tori” problems are solved, a sufficient number of thermostats should still
be incorporated into the dynamical scheme to ensure ergodicity of a simple
polymer in the PIMD simulations. Therefore, the ergodicity for the config-
uration space sampling of the fictitious polymer in the PIMD simulation is
technically much trickier than a simple implementation of the equation of
motion generated from Eq. (7.21). To the best of our knowledge, this non-
ergodic sampling in direct implementations of the PIMD method was first
pointed out by Hall and Berne in 1984 [343], using water and liquid neon as
examples. To a certain extent, this is also why the MC methods are prefer-
entially used in the path integral molecular simulations in the 1980s [70–73].
An MD-based method, in which an efficient sampling over the configuration
space of the artificial polymer was guaranteed, was highly desired.
These difficulties had been largely solved in the late 1980s and the
early 1990s. In order to explain these efficient sampling methods in a clear
manner, we first rewrite the Hamiltonian in Eq. (7.21) in the following form:
H(x1 , . . . , xP , p1 , . . . , pP )
(pj )2
1 2 P
= i
+ mj ωP2 xji − xji−1 + V (x1i , . . . , xN
i ),
j=1 i=1 2Mij j=1 i=1
2 i=1
H(x1 , . . . , xP , p1 , . . . , pP )
(pj )2 1 1
= i
+ mj ωP2 xj Axj + V (x1i , . . . , xN
i ),
j=1 i=1 2Mij j=1
2 P i=1
⎛ ⎞
2 −1 0 0 ··· 0 0 0 −1
⎜ ⎟
⎜−1 2 −1 0 ··· 0 0 0 0 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 0 −1 2 −1 · · · 0 0 0 0 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ . ⎟
⎜ ..
⎟ (7.28)
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 0 0 0 0 · · · −1 2 −1 0 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 0 0 0 0 ··· 0 −1 2 −1 ⎠
−1 0 0 0 ··· 0 0 −1 2
Here, A is a P × P matrix. For the matrix multiplication term
(1/2)mj ωP2 xj Axj in Eq. (7.27), xj can be viewed as a P -dimensional vector
composed of (xj1 , xj2 , . . . , xjP ), with xji representing the position of the ith
image of the jth nucleus. When this position is a 3D vector in the Cartesian
space, this matrix multiplication term goes through the coordinate of x, y,
and z one by one. We note that Mij is the artificial mass we set for the ith
image of the jth nucleus, while mj is the physical mass of the jth nucleus.
From Eq. (7.27), it is clear that the smallest time step required in
the PIMD simulations to describe the motion of the polymer, which origi-
nates from the spring interaction between neighboring beads, is associated
with the largest eigenvalue of the matrix A. However, we note that an
artificial mass can be attributed to each fictitious particle in the polymer.
Based on this advantage which is intrinsic in the principles of the PIMD
method, a coordinate transformation can be employed to solve the infa-
mous multi-time scale problem originating from the interbead vibrations.
This coordinate transformation first decouples the harmonic interactions
between neighboring beads in Eq. (7.27). Then, the mass associated with
the different renormalized degrees of freedom (after coordinate transfor-
mation) can be artificially chosen so that the spring interaction results in
vibrations of the same frequency, and it is advisable to choose those masses
so that the resulting frequency does not depend on P . In doing so, the
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 159
uj1 = xj1 ,
(i − 1)xji+1 + xj1
uji = xji − , for i 2,
whose form does not depend on the nuclear index j. The inverse of this
relation is
xj1 = uj1 ,
(i − 1)
xji = uj1 + ujl , for i 2,
xj1 = uj1 ,
(i − 1) j 1
xji = uji + xi+1 + xj1 , for i 2.
i i
Since xjP +1 = xj1 , one often carries out the recursion in Eq. (7.31) in the
order xj1 , xjP , xjP −1 , . . . , xj2 .
One advantage of such transformed coordinates is that the interbead
spring interaction can be normalized through
(xji − xji+1 )2 = (uj )2 . (7.32)
i=1 i=2
i−1 i
uj1 = xj1 ,
3xj1 + xj1
uj4 = xj4 − = xj4 − xj1 ,
2xj + xj1 (7.33)
uj3 = xj3 − 4 ,
xj + xj1
uj2 = xj2 − 3 .
Putting this relation into 4i=2 i−1i
(uji )2 , one easily obtains
i 3 4
(uj )2 = 2(uj2 )2 + (uj3 )2 + (uj4 )2
i−1 i 2 3
2 2
j xj3 + xj1 3 j 2xj4 + xj1 4
= 2 x2 − + x3 − + (xj4 − xj1 )2
2 2 3 3
= 2(xj1 )2 + 2(xj2 )2 + 2(xj3 )2 + 2(xj1 )2 − 2xj1 xj2 − 2xj2 xj3
−2xj3 xj4 − 2xj4 xj1
= (xji − xji+1 )2 . (7.34)
H(x1 , . . . , xP , p1 , . . . , pP )
= H(u1 , . . . , uP , P1 , . . . , PP )
(Pji )2 1 j 2 j 2 1
= + mi ωP (ui ) + V (u1i , . . . , uN
i ). (7.36)
2M j 2 P
j=1 i=1 i i=1
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 161
for a certain k. When k = 1, from Eq. (7.30), it is clear that ∂xji /∂ujk equals
one for any i. Therefore, using the first equation in Eq. (7.38), one easily
1 ∂V 1 ∂V
= . (7.39)
P ∂uj1 P i=1 ∂xji
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 162
When k 2, from Eq. (7.29), it is clear that ∂uj1 /∂xjk = 0 and ∂uji /∂xjk = 0
for i 2. Therefore, the second equation in Eq. (7.38) becomes
1 ∂V 1 ∂V ∂uji 1 ∂V ∂uji
= = . (7.40)
P ∂xjk P i=1 ∂uji ∂xjk P i=2 ∂uji ∂xjk
Then, we can make use of the second equation in Eq. (7.29) and rewrite it
1 ∂V 1 ∂V ∂uji
P ∂xjk P i=2 ∂uji xjk
1 ∂V ∂xji
i − 1 ∂xi+1
= −
P i=2 ∂uji ∂xjk i ∂xjk
1 ∂V i−1
= δ i,k − δ i+1,k
P i=2 ∂uji i
1 ∂V 1 k − 2 ∂V
= j
− . (7.41)
P ∂uk P k − 1 ∂ujk−1
Combining Eqs. (7.39) and (7.42), the ∂V /∂ujk s to be used in the numerical
simulation of the propagation in Eq. (7.37) should be calculated recursively
1 ∂V 1 ∂V
= ,
P ∂uj1 P i=1 ∂xji
1 ∂V 1 ∂V 1 k − 2 ∂V
= + , for k 2.
P ∂ujk P ∂xjk P k − 1 ∂ujk−1
It is worth noting that, different from the recursion for the transformation
of the coordinates between xji and uji in Eq. (7.31), the force transformation
here starts from k = 2, after ∂V /∂uj1 is obtained using the first expression
in Eq. (7.43).
With these, the coordinate transformation which decouples the move-
ment of the neighboring images and imposes one single frequency for all
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 163
these interbead vibrations has been introduced. The next thing one needs
to do, in order to carry out an ergodic sampling of the polymer naturally, is
a massive thermostat sampling for all the degrees of freedom for the artifi-
cial polymer in the transformed coordinates. This thermostat sampling can
be performed using the thermostats introduced in Chapter 5. Taking the
Andersen thermostat as an example, in this case, the momentum Pji for
1 i P and 1 j N should be rescaled for the desired temperature
during each collision between the artificial particle and the thermostat. In
the case when Nosé–Hoover chain thermostat of a certain length is used, the
equation of motion in Eq. (7.37) for the ith bead of the jth nucleus should
be linked with this Nosé–Hoover chain according to Eq. (5.52). One notes
that the computational cost of these thermostats is much lower than that of
the force calculation in real poly-atomic systems, especially when ab initio
methods for the electronic structures are used. Therefore, picking up a
thermostat which is efficient in pushing the polymer into its equilibrium
state is essential in practical PIMD simulations.
So far, we have discussed the “staging” transformation. As mentioned,
the coordinate transformation aims at decoupling the relative motion
between neighboring beads in the transformed coordinates. Therefore, as
an alternative to the “staging” method, the most direct way to fulfill such a
task is to diagonalize the matrix A in Eq. (7.28) and then use its eigenvec-
tors to perform the coordinate transformation. In doing so, the Hamiltonian
in Eq. (7.27) will have diagonal spring interactions in its second term in the
transformed coordinates, with the constant of these diagonal spring inter-
actions determined by the eigenvalues of the matrix A. This method is the
so-called “normal-mode” method in Refs. [81, 319]. Parallel to the “staging”
method, it is the other frequently used coordinate transformation method
in practical PIMD simulations.
Now, we go into the details of how such a “normal-mode” transforma-
tion is performed. Since the matrix A is the same for all the nuclei, a single
unitary orthogonal matrix U can be used to transform coordinates of all
nuclei from the Cartesian to the normal-mode ones. This transformation
1 √
uj = √ Uxj and xj = P UT uj , (7.44)
where j goes through all the nuclear index from 1 to N . From our knowledge
of linear algebra, we know that the matrix U can also be used to diagonalize
the matrix A through P UAUT , and the resulting matrix Γ is diagonal. If
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 164
the unitary orthogonal matrix U will have the following simple form:
⎪ 2/P sin 2πki
, −n k < 0,
⎪ 2n+2
⎨ 1/P , k = 0,
Uk,i = # (7.46)
⎪ 2πki
0 < k n,
⎪ 2/P cos 2n+2 ,
⎩ √
(−1)i / P , k = n + 1.
Here, the row index k goes from −n to n + 1 and the column index l goes
from 1 to P [344]. In other words, we label the beads from 1 to P in the
Cartesian coordinates and from −n to n + 1 in the normal-mode coor-
dinates. The diagonal elements of Γ are λ0 = 0, λ±i = 4P sin2 (iπ/P ) for
0 < i n, and λn+1 = 4P . In the transformed “normal-mode” coordinates,
the Hamiltonian in Eq. (7.27) then reads
which represents the centroid of the path of the jth nucleus. Therefore, in
the normal-mode coordinate, the propagation of this specific mode natu-
rally describes the evolution of the centroid. Analogous to the “staging”
method, from the other eigenvalues of the matrix Γ and the fact that an
artificial mass M i can be set for each artificial particle, one can easily
M0j = mj ,
Mij = cλi mj , for − n i −1 and 1 i n + 1,
The next thing one needs to do is the same as the above descriptions for the
“staging” method, i.e. calculating ∂V /∂uji from ∂V /∂xji . Compared with
the “staging” method, here, due to the fact that the coordinate transfor-
mation is performed with a constant matrix determined by P only, from
Eqs. (7.38) and (7.44), this transformation between ∂V /∂uji from ∂V /∂xji
can be carried out in a much simpler manner.
In Eq. (7.44), we can see that the transformation between the Carte-
sian and the normal-mode coordinates can be carried out as follows. For
a specific nucleus, e.g. the jth, we go through the indices x, y, and z one
by one. For each index, e.g. the x index, the Cartesian coordinates of the
P images were organized as a P -dimensional vector. Then the coordinate
transformation to uj is carried out using Eq. (7.44). In the force transfor-
mations, we follow the same routine. For the jth nucleus, we go through the
indices x, y, and z one by one. For each index, e.g. x, the forces along the x
axis on the P images of the jth nucleus were organized as a P -dimensional
vector, which we label as F j . It is composed of
$ $
∂V $$ ∂V $$
$ ,..., $ ,
∂xj1 $ ∂xjP $
x x
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 166
∂V $
where $
∂xji x
means the Hellmann–Feynman force on the ith image of the
jth nucleus along the x axis. We label F j as the vector which represents
the transformed forces, composed of
$ $
∂V $$ ∂V $$
$ ,..., $ .
∂uj−n $x ∂ujn+1 $x
In the above discussions, we have introduced how the PIMD method should
be implemented. From the corresponding PIMD simulations, one can esti-
mate the statistical expectation value of a physical quantity at a finite
temperature using Eq. (7.25). The result of such an evaluation is the expec-
tation value of this quantity in the poly-atomic system at a finite T , with
the QNEs rigorously addressed on the same footing as the thermal ones.
From our discussions in Chapter 5, we know that the expectation value of
the same physical quantity can also be calculated in an MD simulation, with
only the thermal nuclear effects taken into account. Therefore, by compar-
ing the results obtained from these two simulations, one can evaluate the
impact of QNEs on this physical quantity in a very clear manner.
Besides these quantities which can be evaluated using Eq. (7.25),
e.g. the radial distribution function [323, 338, 345], the intra and inter-
molecular bond length distributions [286, 321], etc., there are also some
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 167
1 ∂Z Q
E = − . (7.52)
Z Q ∂β
1 1 N
+ V (xi , . . . , xi )
» j –
PN PP (p )2 1 2 P
−β j=1 i=1
i + m ω2
j 2 j P (xji−xji−1 ) − P 1 1 N
i=1 β P V (xi ,...,xi )
·e 2M
1 1 N
+ V (xi , . . . , xi )
» j –
PN PP (p )2 1 P
−β j=1 i=1
i + m ω2
j 2 j P (xji−xji−1 )2 − P 1 1 N
i=1 β P V (xi ,...,xi )
·e 2M
1 1
V eff
(x1 , x2 , . . . , xP ) = mj ωP2 (xji − xji−1 )2 + V (x1i , . . . , xN
i ).
i=1 j=1
2 i=1
Similar to what we have used for the nomenclature before, (x1 , x2 , . . . , xP )
altogether represents the spatial configuration of the artificial polymer. xi
is composed of (x1i , . . . , xN
i ). It means the spatial configuration of the poly-
atomic system at its ith image. The key point of the virial internal energy
estimator is that the first two terms in Eq. (7.57) is replaced by the mean
kinetic energy of the quantum system as
3N P 1 1 j ∂V (x1i , . . . , xN
2 j j 2 i )
− mj ωP (xi − xi−1 ) = x · .
2β j=1 i=1
2 2P j=1 i=1 i ∂xji
With this treatment, the expectation value of the internal energy in
Eq. (7.57) reforms into
1 j ∂V (x1i , . . . , xN
i )
1 1 N
E = x · + V (xi , . . . , xi ) .
2P j=1 i=1 i ∂xji i=1
Here, you can see that neither of the two terms being evaluated in the PIMD
simulation scales with P . Therefore, a smaller fluctuation of the internal
energy to be evaluated in the PIMD simulations should be expected.
To understand how the equality in Eq. (7.60) exists, we use the parti-
tion function in Eq. (7.58) to evaluate the quantity on the right-hand side
of Eq. (7.60). From this partition function, the ensemble average of this
quantity equals
1 j ∂V (x1i , . . . , xN
i )
xi · j
2P j=1 i=1 ∂xi
1 N P j ∂ P1 V (x1i ,...,xN
i )
· · · x · (7.62)
V V 2 j=1 i=1 i ∂x j
e−βV (x1 ,x2 ,...,xP ) dx1 dx2 · · · dxP
−βV eff (x1 ,x2 ,...,xP ) dx dx · · · dx
V ··· V e 1 2 P
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 171
α(x1 , x2 , . . . , xP ) = mj ωP2 (xji − xji−1 )2 , (7.63)
i=1 j=1
λ(x1 , x2 , . . . , xP ) = V (x1i , x2i , . . . , xN
i ), (7.64)
N P eff
· · · V 12 j=1 i=1 xji · ∂V (x 1 ,...,xP )
∂xj i
∂α(x1 , . . . , xP )
xji · = 2α(x1 , . . . , xP ). (7.67)
j=1 i=1 ∂xji
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 172
Therefore, the second term on the right-hand side of Eq. (7.66) equals
1 N P
V ··· V 2 j=1 i=1 xji · ∂α(x1 ,...,xP )
e−βV (x1 ,x2 ,...,xP ) dx1 dx2 · · · dxP
· · · V e−βV eff (x1 ,x2 ,...,xP ) dx1 dx2 · · · dxP
= α(x1 , . . . , xP )
1 j j
2 2
=− mj ωP (xi − xi−1 ) , (7.68)
j=1 i=1
1 j ∂V (x1i , . . . , xN
i )
xi · j
2P j=1 i=1 ∂xi
1 N P j ∂V eff (x1 ,...,xP )
· · · V 2 j=1 i=1 xi · ∂xj i
eff (7.69)
e−βV (x1 ,x2 ,...,xP ) dx1 dx2 · · · dxP
−βV eff (x1 ,x2 ,...,xP ) dx dx · · · dx
V ··· V e 1 2 P
− mj ωP2 (xji − xji−1 )2 .
j=1 i=1
Comparing Eq. (7.69) with Eq. (7.60), the only equality we need to prove
3N P
= . (7.70)
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 173
This proof is doable if we reform the left-hand side of Eq. (7.70) in the
following manner:
1 N P j ∂V eff (x1 ,...,xP )
··· V 2 j=1 i=1 xi · ∂xji
e−βV (x1 ,x2 ,...,xP ) dx1 dx2 · · · dxP
· · · V e−βV eff (x1 ,x2 ,...,xP ) dx1 dx2 · · · dxP
1 N P j ∂ −βV eff (x1 ,x2 ,...,xP )
· · · V 2 j=1 x
i=1 i · ∂xj e
With these, the equality in Eq. (7.60) is proven and one can use the
virial estimator as given in Eq. (7.61) to calculate the finite-temperature
internal energy of the poly-atomic system under investigation. In practice,
a slight variation of Eq. (7.61) is often used. This variation is based on the
following equation:
1 j ∂V (x1i , . . . , xN
i )
xi · j
2P j=1 i=1 ∂xi
1 j ∂V (x1i , . . . , xN
i )
= xc · j
2P j=1 i=1 ∂xi
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 174
1 j ∂V (x1
, . . . , xN
+ (x − xjc ) · i i
2P j=1 i=1 i ∂xji
1 j 1 ∂V (x 1
, . . . , xN
= x · Fjc + (xj − xjc ) · i i
2 j=1 c 2P j=1 i=1 i ∂xji
3N 1 j ∂V (x1i , . . . , xN
i )
= + (xi − xjc ) · j , (7.73)
2β 2P j=1 i=1 ∂xi
where Fjc stands for the effective force imposed on the centroid of the jth
atom and xjc stands for its centroid position, and the estimator in Eq. (7.61)
further changes into
3N 1 j j ∂V (x1i , . . . , xN
i )
E = + (x − xc ) ·
2β 2P j=1 i=1 i ∂xji
1 & '
1 N
+ V xi , . . . , xi . (7.74)
One can use either the estimator in Eq. (7.74) or the one in Eq. (7.57) to
evaluate the internal energy in real poly-atomic systems.
We note that the internal energy calculated this way includes contribu-
tion from the QNEs. As mentioned above, an MD simulation, in which only
the thermal nuclear effects are included, can also give us an expectation
value of this quantity. Therefore, a comparison between results obtained
from these two simulations in principle can give us the zero-point energy of a
real poly-atomic system. To understand how this works in practice, we show
a sketch for the evolution of the internal energy in the MD and PIMD (using
different P ) simulations as a function of temperature in Fig. 7.4. At 0 K,
the internal energy equals the static geometry-optimized total energy in the
MD simulation. With the increase in the temperature, it increases linearly
due to the classical virial theorem. In the PIMD simulations, this internal
energy evolves differently from the one obtained from the MD simulations,
and this difference originates from the QNEs. Its value increases with the
number of beads P till convergence. At higher T s, a small value of P is
good energy to describe this difference. At lower T s, larger P is needed. At
0 K, since an infinite P is needed for the path integral sampling, the PIMD
simulation loses its precision too. However, an extrapolation of the QNEs
from finite T still presents a good estimator for the zero-point energy.
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 175
Figure 7.4 Illustration of how the internal energy’s expectation value changes with
temperature in the MD and PIMD simulations. In the MD simulation, as T approaches
0 K, the internal energy approaches the static geometry-optimized total energy E0 . With
the increase in T , it increases linearly because of thermal fluctuations. In the PIMD sim-
ulations, since the QNEs are included, at finite T , there is a difference in this value from
its classical result. This difference increases with the number of beads P till convergence.
At higher temperatures, a small P is already good energy to describe this difference. At
lower temperatures, larger P s are needed. At 0 K, due to the fact that an infinite P is
needed for the path integral sampling, the PIMD method also loses its power. However,
an extrapolation of the difference between the internal energy obtained from the con-
verged PIMD simulations and MD simulations at finite T (indicated by the dotted line)
still presents a good estimator for the zero-point energy.
the chemical reaction rates, and the neutron or light scattering spectra,
etc., require their descriptions. In a many-body (poly-atomic) system, we
know that the key quantity in describing such dynamics is the so-called
time-correlation function. Taking the infrared absorption spectrum as an
example, it is directly related to the dipole–dipole time-correlation function
of the system. The translational diffusion coefficient, on the other hand, can
be understood using the velocity autocorrelation function, etc. Because of
these, inclusion of the QNEs in descriptions of such time-correlation func-
tions becomes an issue of considerable interest in present studies in both
theoretical physics and chemistry [74, 79, 91, 352–357].
A natural choice for the calculation of such time-correlation functions is
to solve the time-dependent Schrödinger equation of the nuclei in real poly-
atomic systems. This implies propagating the nuclear quantum dynamics
on the Born–Oppenheimer potential energy surfaces (BO-PES) which are
precomputed with very accurate electronic structure theories. The multi-
configuration time-dependent Hartree method (MCTDH) is such an exam-
ple [358, 359]. In the past years, it has been very successful in describing
some gas phase chemical reactions and the dynamical properties of small
molecules [60, 61, 360–362]. However, one notes that the scaling of their
computational cost with system size makes it unfeasible to many practi-
cal systems quickly as the nuclear degree of freedom increases. Alternative
methods in describing such nuclear dynamics, where scaling behavior is
much better so that simulations can be performed in systems of relevance
in practical studies, must be used.
In the seminal book by Feynman and Hibbs [67], it has been shown that the
concept of path centroid can be used to interpret the impact of quantum
effects on the effective potential the particle under investigation feels. Later,
this concept was extended by Feynman and Kleinert so that we have an
effective centroid potential [385], which is of practical use in molecular
simulations. As one example, Gillan has employed it in calculating the
probability of finding a quantum particle at its transition state during a
rare-event transition process, which could be used later to describe the
transition rate between two stable states at the quantum mechanical level,
see e.g. Refs. [386, 387]. We note that theories behind characterizing such
transition rates of slow processes, such as the chemical reactions and the
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 179
diffusion events, are the so-called TSTs. It is both statistical and dynamical
in the sense that a statistical property (the probability of finding the system
at its TS) is assumed to be proportional to a dynamical property (the TS).
Due to this fundamental assumption, theories behind characterizing this
probability of finding the system in its transition state lie at the heart of
the TST.
Already at the static level, searching for this TS is non-trivial in a
poly-atomic system, due to the high-dimensional feature of the BO PES
associated with the nuclear degrees of freedom. Currently, there are sev-
eral schemes in which such a hunting can be carried out, including the
constrained optimization (CO) [19], nudged elastic band (NEB) [20–22],
Dewar, Healy and Stewart (DHS) [23], Dimer [24–26], activation–relaxation
technique (ART) [27, 28] and one-side growing string (OGS) [29] as well as
their various combinations. Here, we suppose that a reasonable estimation
of the TS and its associated hyperplane separating the reactant and product
states is already carried out. Our discussions only concern further thermal
and quantum nuclear effects on the static energies based on this knowledge.
At the classical level, suppose that we have a well-defined reaction
coordinate s, which properly separates the reactant and product states.
According to the TST, the transition rate is
v⊥ Z T δ v⊥ Z T
kTST = = , (7.75)
2δ Z 2 Z
where δ is defined as the interval for the reaction coordinate s with which we
think that the system is at the TS. With this definition, Z T δ/Z stands for
the probability of finding the system at the TS while v⊥ /(2δ) stands for
the escape rate from the TS. Putting these two factors together, one obtains
a transition rate through the TS from the reactant to the product, which
is sensitive to the choice of the “TS”. One notes that this estimation of
the transition rate with the TST in Eq. (7.75) sets the upper bound for the
real transition rate [331], since moving the “TS” used here away from the
real one will clearly increase Z T /Z. Therefore, it is highly recommended
that one searches for the TS and its associated hyperplane dividing the
reactant and product states so that the estimated rate in Eq. (7.75) reaches
a minimum. In doing so, one obtains the best evaluation of the transition
rate. Such a variational method is called variational transition-state theory
(VTST) [331, 388, 389].
Then one tries to include the QNEs. There are several extensions of
this TST to its quantum version [390–395], with the simplest ones only
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 180
replacing the classical statistical averaging with the quantum one. In these
simplest methods, we note that the extension of the centroid’s concept from
the traditional statistical PIMD method is already used in calculating the
free energy difference between the reactant and the TSs. One prominent
example is the work by Gillan in the 1980s [386, 387]. In this example, the
probability of finding the system in the TS compared to that in the reactant
was calculated using the reversible work. In particular, a series of locations
along the transition path were selected and a PIMD simulation is carried out
by fixing the centroid of the path integral chain of the transition particle
at each point. In doing so, the average over all the remaining quantum
degrees of freedom at this point can be properly evaluated and one obtains
an effective mean force on the centroid of the transition particle along
the transition path. By integrating this effective force along the transition
path using reversible work, one gets the free energy difference between the
reactant and the TSs. The relative density of the centroid at this TS is
then calculated using this free energy difference and by assuming that the
transition rate is proportional to this relative density, one finally gets the
transition rate.
Following the idea that effective forces on the centroids of the quan-
tum particles can be calculated by fixing the centroid positions and doing
statistics over all other quantum degrees of freedom, the CMD method was
introduced by Cao and Voth in 1993 as an approximate method to compute
the real-time quantum correlation function for the dynamical properties of
a real poly-atomic system to be described [384]. The central point of this
CMD method is the assumption that the real-time evolution of the centroid
positions on their potential of mean force (PMF) surface can be used to
generate approximate quantum dynamical properties of real poly-atomic
systems. Their evolution respects the Newton equations:
ẋjc = ,
m (7.76)
j j
ṗc = F (xc ),
where j again runs through the atomic index, xc represents a spatial config-
uration of the centroids and xjc means the centroid position of the jth atom.
F j (xc ) is the derivative of potential of mean force surface with respect to
xjc , i.e. the mean field centroid force at xc . It is mathematically defined as
dx1 · · · dxP δ(x0 − xc )F0j (xc )e−βV (x1 ,...,xP )
F (x0 ) = . (7.77)
dx1 · · · dxP δ(x0 − xc )e−βV eff (x1 ,...,xP )
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 181
Then we compare the CMD method with the more recently proposed
RPMD [85–93]. The differences are mainly located in three aspects. First,
the RPMD method chooses the kinetic mass Mij in Eq. (7.26) as Mij =
mj /P , where mj is the mass of the jth nucleus, if the dynamics is done
at real temperature T . Such a setting ensures that the mass of each bead
associated with its potential V (x1i , . . . , xN
i )/P in the case of Eq. (7.26) gives
the physical interatomic vibration frequency when interbead interactions
are neglected. If the dynamics is performed at P T , then the potential part
in Eq. (7.26) will be
P mj ωP2 (xji − xji−1 )2 + V (x1i , . . . , xN
i ) , (7.79)
j=1 i=1
hand, the canonical ensemble is used for the single trajectory to be gener-
ated. Because of this difference, although RPMD does not need a very small
time step, many trajectories are needed in order for the thermal averaging
on the time-correlation function to be sufficiently sampled.
In recent years, there are several studies aiming at comparing the per-
formance of CMD and RPMD in some models and real poly-atomic sys-
tems [91, 397, 398]. In Ref. [91], Braams and Manolopoulos showed that
the Kubo-transformed autocorrelation functions obtained from the RPMD
simulations are accurate on the time scale up to the sixth order for the
position and the fourth for the velocity; that of the CMD method leads to
an accuracy of the fourth order and second order for these two quantities,
respectively. Hone et al., on the other hand, showed results clearly in favor
of CMD [397], where simulations on para-hydrogen demonstrates that the
CMD method gives better agreement with experiments. Later, Perez et al.
pointed out that when such a comparison is made, the differences in the
setting of the simulations as mentioned above must be kept in mind [398].
Furthermore, in complex systems when the accuracy of the inter-atomic
potential is unclear, comparison with experimental results cannot be used
to judge which one is more accurate, since it is impossible to discern how
much of the discrepancy with experiment is due to the accuracy of quantum
dynamics and how much is due to the interatomic potential. Rather, an
alternative method for such a comparison should be used. In this paper, it
is suggested that one uses the same numerical treatment to infer the time-
correlation function from the real-time axis as obtained from the CMD and
RPMD methods to the imaginary-time axis. Then, these results can be
compared with the numerically exact results from imaginary-time PIMD
or PIMC simulations. In doing so, the performance of these two methods
on quantum dynamics is compared solely. We highly recommend such a
choice of criterion for future studies in this direction.
1 1
V eff (x1 , x2 , . . . , xP ) = mj ωP2 (xji − xji−1 )2 + V (x1i , . . . , xN
i ).
i=1 j=1
2 i=1
It is clear from our earlier discussion that the free energy associated with
this partition function is the free energy of the quantum poly-atomic system,
given by
FQ = − ln Z Q . (7.82)
1 1
V eff (x1 , x2 , . . . , xP ) = mj ωP2 (xji − xji−1 )2 + V (x1c , . . . , xN
c ).
i=1 j=1
2 i=1
Here, xjc means the centroid position of the jth nucleus, which does not
depend on the bead index i. By inputting this equation into Eq. (7.80), we
can see that the partition function Z becomes
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 186
⎡ ⎤
mj P 1 N
Z C = lim ⎣ 2
⎦ · · · e−β j=1 V (xc ,...,xc )
P →∞ 2βπ V V
· e−β j=1
1 2
i=1 2 mj ωP (xji −xji−1 ) dx1 · · · dxP . (7.84)
⎡ ⎤
N P2
m j P 1 N
Z C = lim ⎣ 2
⎦ du0 e−βV (u0 ,...,u0 )
P →∞ 2βπ V
−1 n+1
PN 1 2 j 2
· e−β j=1 2 mj λi ωP (ui ) dui
i=−n i=1 V
⎡ ⎤
N P2
mj P 1 N
= lim ⎣ 2
⎦ du0 e−βV (u0 ,...,u0 )
P →∞ 2βπ V
−1 n+1
− 12
PN mj P
(2 sin iπ 2 j 2
P ) (ui )
· e j=1 β2
dui . (7.85)
i=−n i=1 V
−1 %
iπ 1 N
× 2 sin · du0 e−βV (u0 ,...,u0 )
⎡ ⎤⎧ ⎫
N P2 ⎨ N P −1 ⎬
2 − 2
mj P 2πβ 1
= lim ⎣ ⎦
P →∞ 2βπ 2 ⎩ m j P P ⎭
j=1 j=1
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 187
1 N
× du0 e−βV (u0 ,...,u0 )
⎡ V ⎤
m j 1 N
=⎣ 2
⎦ dxc e−βV (xc ,...,xc ) , (7.86)
2βπ V
which is simply the classical partition function. In other words, the partition
function defined by Eq. (7.80) evolves into a classical partition function if
one sets the effective potential V eff (x1 , x2 , . . . , xP ) as
1 1
mj ωP2 (xji − xji−1 )2 + V (x1c , . . . , xN
c ). (7.87)
i=1 j=1
2 i=1
From Sec. 6.4, we know that the free energies of two systems (F1 and F0 )
with potentials (U1 and U0 ) can be linked by a thermodynamic integral.
In the above introduction, we also understand that the free energies of
the “artificial” polymer corresponds to the free energies of the quantum
and classical systems, respectively, if one takes the effective potential as
Eqs. (7.81) and (7.83). Based on this analysis, one can easily introduce an
artificial effective potential between the classical and quantum systems as
1 2
V eff (x1 , x2 , . . . , xP ; λ) = mj ωP2 xji − xji−1
i=1 j=1
1 + ,
+ λV (x1i , . . . , xN 1 N
i ) + (1 − λ)V (xc , . . . , xc ) .
Using this effective potential, one can calculate the free energy of the “arti-
ficial system” between the classical and quantum ones through
F (λ) = − ln [Z(λ)] , (7.89)
with F (1) giving the quantum free energy and F (0) giving the classical one.
The difference between them, in terms of thermodynamic integration, can
be calculated using
ΔF = F (1) − F (0) = dλF (λ), (7.90)
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 188
1 + 1 N 1 N
F (λ) = V (xi , . . . , xi ) − V (xc , . . . , xc ) . (7.91)
P i=1
V eff (λ)
Similar to Sec. 6.4, the symbol · · · V eff (λ) means that ensemble is generated
using the effective potential in Eq. (7.88). From Eqs. (7.90) and (7.91), the
free energy difference between the classical and quantum systems can be
rigorously evaluated. If the free energy of the classical system is known,
the free energy of the quantum system will be obtainable. We note that
this introduction follows the algorithm by Morales and Singer in Ref. [400].
The only thing one needs to take care in is the numerical stability, especially
in the strong quantum case when V (x1i , . . . , xN 1 N
i ) and V (xc , . . . , xc ) differ
significantly, as pointed out in Ref. [333]. In such cases, nonlinear interpo-
lation of the effective potential can be used. For details of this extension,
please see Ref. [333].
7.4 Examples
For a better understanding of the principles underlying the path integral
molecular simulations, similar to Chapter 5, we also use some examples to
show how they work in practice.
The first example concerns the problem on how the impact of the QNEs is
like that on the structure of the water–metal interface. This problem was
investigated by Li et al. in Ref. [286]. Here, we use some of their results to
show how the results of PIMD simulations are analyzed. The system chosen
is composed of a transition metal substrate and a hexagonal water–hydroxyl
Concerning the importance of such interfaces, it was already well known
in the study of surface physics/chemistry that under ambient conditions,
most surfaces are covered in a film of water [401]. These wet surfaces are of
pervasive and fundamental importance in processes like corrosion, friction,
and ice nucleation. On many such surfaces, it was also well known that the
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first contact layer of water does not comprise pure water, but instead a mix-
ture of water and hydroxyl molecules [401–411]. Physically, these overlayers
form because they provide the optimal balance of the hydrogen bonding
within the overlayer and the bonding of these overlayers to the surface, and
now they have been observed on several oxide, semiconductor, and metal
For the characterization of such overlayer structures, from the experi-
mental perspective, it is fair to say that these water–hydroxyl wetting layers
are now most well characterized on close-packed metal surfaces under ultra-
high vacuum (UHV) conditions [401]. In these experiments, it is widely
accepted that the molecules in the overlayer are “pinned” in registry with
the substrate, with the oxygen atoms sitting right above individual metal
atoms in the hydrogen bonded network (see Fig. 7.5). Because of this fea-
ture, we can say that the distances between the adjacent molecules are
determined mainly by the substrate, being relatively large on a metal with
a large lattice constant (e.g. ∼2.83 Å on average on Pt(111)) and small on
a metal with a relatively small lattice constant (e.g. ∼2.50 Å on average on
Ni(111)). From earlier studies of water in other environments, e.g. certain
phases of bulk ice, it was known that the behavior of the shared proton in
intermolecular hydrogen bonds varies dramatically over such a large range
of O–O distances. For example, under ambient pressures, bulk ice is a con-
ventional molecular crystal, with O–O separations of ∼2.8 Å. At very high
pressures ( 70 GPa), however, the O–O separations can decrease to ∼2.3 Å.
In the meantime, ice loses its integrity as a molecular crystal and the protons
become delocalized between the O nuclei (see, e.g., Refs. [339, 412, 413]).
Now, if we make a direct comparison between the behavior of proton in ice
under pressure and that of the water–hydroxyl overlayer on metal surfaces,
it is reasonable to expect that in the latter system, pronounced substrate
dependence of QNEs might exist.
To describe the influence of the QNEs on the structure of such over-
layers as well as its substrate dependence, as mentioned, one can take a
series of systems and perform both ab initio MD and PIMD simulations.
A comparison between the MD and PIMD results illustrates in a clear
manner how such an influence of the QNEs will be, and analysis on the
differences between the impact of QNEs on different substrates shows us
the substrate dependence. Based on this consideration, we choose three
substrates, i.e. Pt(111), Ru(0001), and Ni(111), and perform ab initio MD
and PIMD simulations at 160 K. These three substrates, in descending order
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 190
√ √
Figure 7.5 Static geometry optimized structure of the 3 × 3-R30◦ overlayer (with
classical nuclei) that forms on the transition metal surfaces. Side views on right show
the cases when the proton is donated from water to hydroxyl (upper, labeled “short”)
and from hydroxyl to water (lower, labeled “long”). The short and long hydrogen bond
lengths (denoted by the dashed lines) are ∼1.7 and ∼2.1 Å on Pt, ∼1.6 and ∼1.9 Å on
Ru, and ∼1.4 and ∼1.6 Å on Ni, respectively. The coordinate for proton transfer δ is
defined as ROa H −ROb H , where ROa H and ROb H are the instantaneous O–H distances
between Oa and H and Ob and H, respectively. For a proton equidistant from its two
neighbors, δ = 0 and upon transfer from one O to another δ changes its sign.
one long hydrogen bond at the classical static ground state (Fig. 7.5). At
finite temperature, ab initio MD simulations with classical nuclei show that
this asymmetry is still kept, although thermal fluctuations cause the peaks
associated with the long and short hydrogen bonds to overlap, particularly
on Ni (which has the smallest lattice constant). This asymmetry is illus-
trated in Fig. 7.6 where we show the probability distributions of O–H and
O–O distances on Pt, Ru, and Ni. In addition to this asymmetric feature,
the probability distribution of O–H distances also shows that the overlayer
comprises individual H2 O and OH molecules of hydrogen bonded to each
other. This is reflected by the sharp peak at ∼1.0 Å, characteristic of the
covalent bonds of water and hydroxyl, and broader peaks at ∼1.7–2.1 Å,
∼1.6–1.9 Å, and ∼1.5 Å, characteristic of the hydrogen bonds on Pt, Ru,
and Ni, respectively. The probability distributions of the O–H bond length
between these peaks characteristic of the covalent and hydrogen bonds are
Then we turn on the QNEs and see what happens in the PIMD simula-
tions. A key result is that there is no longer a clear division between short
covalent and longer hydrogen bonds. This is explicitly shown in Fig. 7.6.
On Pt, the population of covalent O–H bonds is reduced by one-third and
replaced with a clearly non-zero probability distribution over the entire
range of 1–1.5 Å (Fig. 7.6(a)). Likewise, the proportion of the short O–O
distances is reduced from two-thirds to one-third, and the center of the
peak associated with the short O–O distances moves from ∼2.7 Å to ∼2.5 Å
(Fig. 7.6(b)). These changes are associated with one-third of the shared
protons being delocalized between the two oxygen atoms to which they
are bonded. In turn, this delocalization proton further “drags” the oxygen
atoms sharing it closer and in doing so creates an “H3 O2 ” complex. We note
that in this complex, the shared proton belongs to neither of the two oxygen
atoms. A typical snapshot from the ab initio PIMD simulation is shown in
Fig. 7.6(g) with the H3 O2 complex located along one particular O–O axis.
This snapshot also shows how when the two oxygen atoms on either side of
the shared proton are drawn close, the distances to their other oxygen neigh-
bors increase. It is this effect that leads to a larger proportion of the long O–
O distances than that was observed in the classical simulation (Fig. 7.6(b)).
On Ru, similarly, delocalization of the proton was observed and again
the structure contained H3 O2 complexes (Fig. 7.6(h)). The smaller lat-
tice constant of Ru also means that only a small variation in the propor-
tion of the short O–O separation (∼2.5 Å) is required to enable proton
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 192
Figure 7.6 Statistical structural information from the ab initio MD and PIMD sim-
ulations of the water–metal interfaces, using some selected structural properties. More
specific, probability distributions of the O–H ((a), (c), (e)) and O–O distances ((b), (d),
(f)) on Pt(111), Ru(0001), and Ni(111) are chosen. Results obtained from ab initio MD
simulations with classical nuclei were labeled “classical” and shown by solid lines. Those
from the ab initio PIMD simulations with quantum nuclei at the statistical level were
labeled “quantum” and shown by dashed lines. A key difference between the MD and
PIMD results is that in the PIMD simulations, a non-negligible distribution of the O–H
distance between the covalent and hydrogen bond peaks was observed. This feature is
absent in the MD simulations with classical nuclei and it originates from some spatial
configurations of the system during the simulation in which one proton is equally shared
by two oxygen atoms. In panels (g)–(i), we show some snapshots for typical spatial
configurations of the overlayer on Pt, Ru, and Ni obtained from the PIMD simulations
(using 16 beads). On Pt and Ru, at any given snapshot, one proton is equally shared by
two of the oxygen atoms yielding an intermediate “H3 O2 ” complex. On Ni at any given
snapshot, several protons can simultaneously be shared between the oxygens.
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 193
delocalization (Fig. 7.6(d)). Upon moving to Ni, the influence of the QNEs
on these structural properties becomes even larger. This is shown by the
larger magnitude for the distribution of the O–H distances between the
peaks characterizing the covalent and hydrogen bonds (Fig. 7.6(e)). Because
of Ni’s smaller lattice constant, the quantum delocalization of the proton
within the overlayer becomes possible without any major rearrangement of
the oxygen nuclear “skeleton”. A snapshot from the PIMD simulation on
Ni, in which several protons are delocalized simultaneously and the distinc-
tion between covalent and hydrogen bonds is completely lost, is shown in
Fig. 7.6(i).
The obviously different probability distributions observed in the MD
and PIMD simulations mean that the QNEs significantly change the struc-
tures of the water–hydroxyl overlayer on the transition metal surfaces stud-
ied. For a more rigorous characterization of difference from a statistical
perspective, we further calculated the free energy profiles for the protons
along the intermolecular axes. This free energy profile is calculated using
ΔF (δ) = −kB T ln P (δ), where P (δ) is the probability distribution of δ and
δ is the proton transfer reaction coordinate as defined in Fig. 7.5. kB is
the Boltzmann constant. For an unbiased analysis, we take all inequiva-
lent hydrogen bonds in the system into account. In other words, the free
energy profile calculated here is an average over all hydrogen bonds in the
overlayer. The results are shown in Fig. 7.7. In the MD simulations with
classical nuclei, the free energy profiles are characterized by two partially
overlapping valleys. On Pt (Ru), they are located at δ ∼ 0.7 (0.6) and
δ ∼ 1.1 (0.9) Å. On Ni, these two valleys almost completely overlap at
∼0.5 Å, since, as we have said, thermal broadening obscures the distinction
between short and long hydrogen bonds on this surface. Concerning proton
transfer, it is a rare event, as reflected by the presence of large classical free
energy barriers on all substrates, at δ = 0.
Then we move to the free energy profiles obtained from the PIMD
simulation, in which the QNEs are included in the theoretical descriptions.
It is clear in Fig. 7.7 that they differ significantly from the MD ones. On the
Pt and Ru substrates, the minima for the long hydrogen bond remain. But
we note that those associated with the short hydrogen bonds completely
disappear due to the formation of the intermediate H3 O2 complexes as
mentioned before. On Ni, the single valley feature was kept. However, it was
softened and its position shifted from δ ∼ 0.5 Å to δ ∼ 0.4 Å. We note that
the key difference between the quantum and classical free energy profiles
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 194
is that in the quantum simulations, the proton transfer energy barriers are
significantly smaller than the classical ones. Upon going from Pt through Ru
to Ni, the height of the barrier and the area beneath it decreases, indicating
that proton transfer probability increases as the lattice constant is reduced,
and a plateau appears on all three quantum free energy profiles.
To understand how this plateau appears, we correlate the location of
the proton along the intermolecular axes (δ) with the corresponding O–O
distances (RO−O ) and plot the probability distribution as a function of
these two variables in Fig. 7.8. In the MD simulations (Figs. 7.8(a), 7.8(d),
and 7.8(g)), these functions are characterized by negligible distributions at
δ = 0, consistent with the fact that the proton transfer is a rare event
and the protons hop from one side of the hydrogen bond to the other. The
O–O distribution has two peaks for the short and long hydrogen bonds,
respectively, on Pt and Ru, but they merge on Ni. When the QNEs are taken
into account, finite distributions at δ = 0 appear on all three substrates.
These distributions correspond to the delocalized protons, as shown by the
snapshots in Fig. 7.6. To understand the behavior of this “delocalized”
proton from a more rigorous perspective, one can focus on the most active
proton, i.e. the proton which at any given snapshot in the PIMD simulations
has the smallest magnitude of δ. On Pt and Ru, this is the proton located
along the hydrogen bond with the smallest O–O distance. On Ni, due to
the fact that the average O–O distance is only ∼2.5 Å, the most active
proton need not necessarily be the one with the shortest O–O distance.
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The results are shown in Figs. 7.8(c), 7.8(f), and 7.8(i). The key feature is
that different from the panels on the left and middle columns in Fig. 7.8,
where the mean peak is located at δ with large magnitude of the absolute
value, the distribution peaks on the right column clearly are located around
δ = 0. Therefore, the corresponding free energy barrier for the transfer of
the most active proton is zero and the classical proton transfer energy
barrier is wiped out by the QNEs.
Another mean feature of the distribution functions in Fig. 7.8 is that a
“horseshoe” shape exists. On Pt and Ru, this indicates that the covalently
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 196
bonded proton requires the oxygen atoms to move close first. When this
O–O distance is smaller than a certain value, the classical proton transfer
energy barrier for the most active proton will become so small that it can
be easily wiped out by its zero-point energy. In this case, the quantum
nature of the proton results in an “adiabatic” response to the movement
of the oxygen atoms and the proton quickly becomes delocalized along
this short hydrogen bond. In this case, the H3 O2 complex as shown in the
earlier discussions appears, and it persists till the thermal fluctuations of
the oxygen force them to move apart. When this O–O distance is larger
than a certain value, the quantum zero-point energy fails to wipe out the
classical proton transfer energy barrier and consequently it falls to either
side and becomes covalently bonded to one of the oxygen atoms. Therefore,
the mechanism for proton transfer on Pt and Ru is the so-called “adiabatic
proton transfer” [417], as predicted for the diffusion of the excess proton in
water and ice at certain pressures [321, 412].
For more details of these simulations, please see Ref. [286].
The second example we want to show here, in which the quantum nature
of the nuclei is explicitly addressed, concerns a fundamental problem in
physics and chemistry, i.e. what will be the impact of QNEs on the strength
of hydrogen bonds.
We all know that hydrogen bonds are weak intermolecular interactions
which hold much of soft matter together, as well as the condensed phases
of water, network liquids, and many ferroelectric crystals. The small mass
of hydrogen, as shown already in the above example, means that they are
inherently quantum mechanical in nature, and effects such as zero-point
motion and tunneling must be taken into account in descriptions of the
properties related to it. As a prominent example, from the statistical point
of view, it is well known that by replacing H by D, the hydrogen bond
strength changes. However, as direct as it looks, a simple picture, in which
the impact of QNEs on the strength of hydrogen bonds and consequently
the structure of the hydrogen bonded systems, can be rationalized, has been
absent for a long time.
As a matter of fact, this problem concerning the influence of QNEs on
the strength of hydrogen bonds is a fundamental problem in physics and
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 197
(a) (b)
Figure 7.9 Correlation between the impact of the QNEs and the hydrogen bond
strength. In panel (a), the differences between the shortest heavy-atom distances obtained
from the PIMD and MD simulations (X–X)PIMD MD
average –(X–X)average , denoted by Δ(X–
X), is chosen as the y axis. It characterizes the impact of the QNEs on the strength
of the hydrogen bonds. This influence is drawn as a function of the hydrogen-bond
strength. As mentioned in the prose, this hydrogen bond strength is defined as the
ratio of the X–H stretching frequency in the hydrogen-bonded system to that in the
free monomer. In panel (b), the correlation between this hydrogen-bond strength index
and the binding energy per hydrogen bond in the neutral systems is given. In panel
(c), simplified schematic illustration of the expected isotope (Ubbelohde) effect on the
differences in heavy-atom distances. We suggest that three regimes of positive, negli-
gible, and negative Ubbelohde effect depending on the hydrogen-bond strength exist.
For the HF clusters, labels (1)–(5) denote the hydrogen bonds in the dimer to the
hexamer. For the water clusters, labels (1), (2), (3a), and (3b) refer to the hydrogen
bonds in the dimer, pentamer, and the long (short) hydrogen bond in the octamer. For
the charged clusters, labels 1–4 refer to H9 O− + − −
5 , H9 O4 , H7 O4 , and N2 H5 , respectively.
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 201
Figure 7.9 (continued) For the organic dimers, labels (1a), (1b), and (2) refer to the
red-shifted and blue-shifted hydrogen bond in the formamide and the red-shifted hydro-
gen bond in the formic acid. For the solids, labels (1)–(3) refer to the hydrogen bonds
in HCl, HF, and squaric acid. The same labels are applied in Fig. 7.11. For the water
cluster in panel (b), the octamer is not included since there are two kinds of hydrogen
bonds. Results for the trimer and tetramer are added to further test the correlation.
Figure 7.10 HF clusters as examples for detailed analysis of the QNEs. Distributions of
the F–F distances (left), the F–H bond lengths (center), and the intermolecular bending
(F–H· · · F angle, right) from the MD (solid lines) and PIMD (dashed grey lines) for
a selection of systems: the HF dimer (top), the HF tetramer (middle), and the HF
pentamer (bottom). The MD and PIMD averages are shown in black and grey vertical
dashes, respectively.
increase in the F–H bond length of the donor leads to a 40 meV increase in
interaction energy within the dimer, whereas in contrast, a 21◦ reduction in
H-bond angle leads to a 16 meV decrease in interaction energy. This analysis
provides a qualitative understanding of the trend observed. In short, the
F–F distance increases in the dimer as a result of a large decrease in hydro-
gen bond angle, but only a small increase in the covalent F–H bond length.
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 202
Figure 7.11 A quantification for the competition between the quantum fluctuations on
the stretching and bending modes. Differences in average shortest heavy-atom distances
between PIMD and MD simulations (Δ(X–X), vertical axis) vs. the ratio of the projec-
tion of the donor X–H covalent bond along the intermolecular axis from PIMD and MD
simulations (horizontal axis). For the meaning of the labels, please refer to the caption of
Fig. 7.9. x larger (smaller) than 1 indicates a dominant contribution from the stretching
(bending) mode when the QNEs are included. Negative values of Δ(X–X) indicate that
quantum nuclear effects decrease the intermolecular separation. An almost linear corre-
lation between the two variables can be observed: When the contribution from stretching
becomes more dominant, the QNEs turn from weakening to strengthening the H-bonds.
The inset illustrates the geometry used for projecting the donor covalent X–H bond onto
the intermolecular axis. The curved arrow represents the intermolecular bending and the
straight arrow represents the intra-molecular stretching.
when this value is clearly smaller than 1, it indicates that when the QNEs
are included, the main influence is on the bending of the hydrogen bond.
When one plots this ratio against the variations in intermolecular separa-
tions, y = Δ(X–X) (which we used to quantify the impact of the QNEs). A
striking (almost linear) correlation is observed (Fig. 7.11). For all systems
where hydrogen-bond bending dominates (x clearly smaller than 1), the
heavy-atom distances are longer in PIMD than in MD (y > 0). In cases
where covalent bond stretching is dominant (x clearly larger than 1), the
heavy-atom distances are shorter in PIMD than in MD (y < 0). With
the increase of x, quantum fluctuations on the stretching mode become
more dominant and the QNEs turn from weakening the hydrogen bonds
to strengthening them. Thus, the overall influence of the QNEs on the
hydrogen bonding interaction quantitatively comes down to this delicate
interplay between covalent bond stretching and intermolecular bond bend-
ing. One notes that this explanation arrived at here for the general case
is consistent with what Manolopoulos and coworkers have elegantly shown
for liquid water in Ref. [427].
Given the ubiquity of the hydrogen bonds in the physical, chemical, and
biological sciences, there are a number of implications in this finding. Con-
sidering that liquid HF comprises long polymer chains and rings whereas
liquid water is widely considered to be made up of small clusters, these
results shed light on why the QNEs strengthen the structure of liquid HF
but weaken that of liquid water [338, 420]. More generally, one can use the
trend observed in Fig. 7.9 as a simple rule of thumb to estimate the impact
of the QNEs on hydrogen-bonded systems without performing expensive
PIMD simulations. All that is required is an estimate of hydrogen-bond
strength, which can be obtained from the red-shift in the covalent stretch-
ing frequency or from other commonly used measures of hydrogen-bond
strength such as hydrogen-bond length. Thus, the trend may be particularly
useful to biological systems such as α-helixes and β-sheets for which many
crystal structures have been determined and where cooperative effects lead
to particularly strong H bonds [428].
In addition to the implications mentioned, this trend also allows one
to rationalize the Ubbelohde effect over a broad range of H-bond regimes
(Fig.7.9(c)). Specifically speaking, traditional Ubbelohde ferroelectrics such
as potassium dihydrogen phosphate fall in the relatively strong H-bond
regime where a positive Ubbelohde effect (i.e., an increase of the X–X dis-
tance upon replacing H with D) is observed in the experiment and also
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 204
in recent PIMD studies [419, 429], and in this context, the squaric acid,
the solid HF, and the larger HF clusters are expected to exhibit a tradi-
tional Ubbelohde effect upon replacing H with D. In contrast, the smaller
hydrogen-bonded clusters studied here and solid HCl are expected to exhibit
a negative Ubbelohde effect (a decrease of the X–X distance upon replac-
ing H with D). Hydrogen-bonded materials of intermediate strength such
as large water clusters and ice at ambient pressure are predicted to exhibit
a negligible Ubbelohde effect because in this regime, the QNEs have little
influence on the intermolecular separations. Indeed, this observation is con-
sistent with experimental and theoretical observations for the ferroelectric
hydrogen-bonded crystals, ice, and gas phase dimers [418, 419, 422].
A further prediction stemming from this work is that ice under pressure
will exhibit the traditional Ubbelohde effect. However, one cautions that at
very high pressure, ice possesses such strong hydrogen bonds, with shared
symmetric protons [412], that the picture sketched in Fig. 7.11 is not likely
to apply. Indeed, this note of caution applies to all ultra-strong hydrogen
bonds, where the proton is shared symmetrically by the two heavy atoms
already in the classical perspective. In this case, the distinction between a
relatively short covalent bond and a relatively long hydrogen bond is lost
and bond stretching along the X–X axis does not lead to any strengthening
of the intermolecular interactions. The gas phase Zundel complex, H5 O+ 2,
is an example of one such ultra-strong hydrogen bond and the calculations
in Ref. [322] show an approximate increase of 0.016 Å in the O–O distance,
which is consistent with the previous studies [326, 430].
Another class of very strong H-bonded systems are the so-called “low-
barrier” H-bonds, e.g. H3 O− + −
2 , N2 H7 , and N2 H5 . In these systems, there
remains a clear distinction between covalent and hydrogen bonds, and the
picture we have presented still holds. This fact can be seen from our data for
N2 H−5 in Fig. 7.9. We caution, however, that in these very strong H-bonded
systems, errors associated with the underlying XC functional can have a
qualitative impact on the results and that the accuracy of the underlying
PES is of critical importance. For example, in H3 O− +
2 and N2 H7 , using the
PBE XC functional yields a shared symmetric proton already in the classical
MD simulations. But earlier studies with the more accurate second-order
Møller–Plesset perturbation theory and also the Becke–Lee–Yang–Parr XC
functional [326, 430, 431] show that protons actually feel a double-well
potential and in this case, quantum nuclear effects strengthen the hydrogen
bond, consistent with the model presented here. In addition to this, since
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 205
both inter- and intramolecular vibrations are relevant to the QNEs, this
work also highlights the need for flexible anharmonic monomers in force
field simulations of the quantum nuclear effects. Specifically, if this feature
is absent, only hydrogen-bond bending will be present in the simulation and
consequently the intermolecular interaction will be “artificially” weakened.
For more details concerning such discussions and the numerical details of
the calculations, please see Ref. [322].
The third example we show here, in which the ab initio PIMD simulation
is used to study the fundamental properties of condensed matter, concerns
the existence of a low-temperature quantum metallic liquid, which exists in
high-pressure hydrogen.
Concerning the importance for the existence of this low-temperature
metallic liquid phase, one can track back to a very famous conjecture about
hydrogen under pressure. This conjecture was first proposed by Wigner
and Huntington in 1935, and states that solid molecular hydrogen would
dissociate and form an atomic metallic phase at high pressures [432]. Ever
since this prediction, the phase diagram of hydrogen has been the focus
of intense experimental and theoretical studies in condensed matter and
high-pressure physics [278, 281, 433–436].
Due to the advancement of many experimental techniques, notably
diamond anvil cell approaches, it is possible nowadays to explore hydro-
gen at pressures up to about 360 GPa [433, 437–439], and one notes that
new types of diamond anvil cell may be able to access even higher pres-
sures [440]. These experiments, together with numerous theoretical stud-
ies, have revealed a remarkably rich and interesting phase diagram com-
prising regions of stability for a molecular solid, a molecular liquid and
an atomic liquid, and within the solid region, four distinct phases have
been detected [438, 439, 441]. In high-temperature shock-wave experiments,
metallic liquid hydrogen has also been observed [442, 443]. It is accepted
to be a major component of gas giant planets, such as Jupiter and
Saturn [443]. Despite the tremendous and rapid progress, important gaps
in our understanding of the phase diagram of high-pressure hydrogen
still remain, with arguably the least well-understood issue being the solid
to liquid melting transition at very high pressures. Indeed, the melting
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 206
Figure 7.12 Ab initio PIMD simulations of solid–liquid coexistence and melting. Snap-
shots of the PIMD simulations at 700 GPa showing (a) the starting structure, (b) the
final state at 100 K, and (c) the final state at 125 K. Around 32 beads (pictured in the
larger squares) were used to represent the imaginary-time path integral for each atom.
The balls in the insets of (b) and (c) correspond to the centroid of each atom. (d) The
angularly averaged pair-distribution function g(r) for the same two simulations at 100 K
and 125 K. At 100 K, the solid state persists (solid line) as indicated by the relatively
sharp peaks. At 125 K (dashed line), these peaks are much broader and the g(r) is
characteristic of a liquid. This is further supported by the data in panel (e), where the
MSDs as a function of time from separate adiabatic CMD simulations within the path
integral framework are shown. The MSD for the 100 K solid-phase saturates rapidly,
whereas for the liquid phase at 125 K, it rises approximately linearly with time, resulting
in a finite-diffusion coefficient.
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 209
Figure 7.13 Phase diagram of hydrogen and the low-temperature metallic liquid phase.
Regions of stability for the molecular solid, molecular liquid, atomic solid, and atomic
liquid are indicated by the various shadings. The dashed line separating the molecular
and atomic liquid phases is taken from quantum MC calculations [282]. The solid line
separating the molecular solid and molecular liquid phases is taken from ab initio MD
simulations [284], whose negative slope has been confirmed by experiment [436]. The
thick black line is the melting curve obtained in this study from the ab initio PIMD
coexistence simulations. The solid lines separating phases I, II, III, and IV are from
Refs. [441, 453]. The inset shows how the high-pressure melting curve (dashed lines) are
established here. The black and grey triangles (inset) correspond to the PIMD and MD
results, respectively. The solid up triangles give the highest temperatures for solidification
and the solid down triangles show the lowest temperatures for liquefaction. At 900 GPa
and 1200 GPa, the so-called degeneracy temperature is ∼40 K, below which the exchange
of nuclei will be important. Accordingly, 50 K was the lowest temperature examined in
our PIMD simulations. At this temperature, each simulation yields a liquid state, and so
the two open triangles at 900 GPa and 1200 GPa indicate upper bounds for the melting
occur between 360 GPa and 500 GPa (the lowest pressure they have con-
sidered in their simulations of the melting).
The negative slope of the melting curve up to 800 GPa suggests that at
even higher pressures, a lower-temperature liquid phase might exist. Moti-
vated by this, they also carry out simulations at 900 GPa and 1200 GPa.
However, in this pressure range, one needs to consider nuclear exchange
effects, which are neglected in the PIMD simulations, but could potentially
become significant. Indeed, analysis of their simulations reveals that at these
pressures, the dispersion of the beads in the path integral ring polymer
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 210
Figure 7.14 Static lattice ground state enthalpies of different crystal structures relative
to FCC in solid hydrogen as a function of pressure.
Figure 7.15 Single point total energies of snapshots from the thermalized state of the
two-phase PIMD simulations at 700 GPa. The centroid position is used for simplicity. s-1,
s-2, and s-3 correspond to snapshots at low temperature (100 K) with hydrogen in the
solid I41/amd phase. l-1, l-2, and l-3 correspond to snapshots of the liquid phase at high
temperature (150 K).
energy differences of several tens of meV between the internal energy of the
liquid and solid phases.
One notes that the PBE XC functional was used in MD and
PIMD simulations reported. This functional suffers from self-interaction
errors which can be significant in systems containing hydrogen. One can
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 213
Figure 7.16 Melting temperatures calculated at 700 GPa using different numbers of
beads. A bead number of 1 means an MD simulation. The upper and lower limits of
the melting temperatures from the two-phase simulations are indicated by down and
up triangles, respectively. The dashed line indicates the middle of the upper and lower
Figure 7.17 Melting temperatures calculated at 700 GPa using different numbers of
atoms in the ab initio MD simulations. Upper and lower limits of melting temperatures
from two-phase simulations are plotted with down and up triangles. The dashed line
indicates the middle of the upper and lower limits.
Figure 7.18 The angularly averaged pair-distribution function g(r), as explained above,
calculated using different intervals during a two-phase PIMD simulation of hydrogen at
700 GPa and different temperatures. Black (from 2 ps to 3 ps) and red solid (from 4 ps
to 5 ps) lines give g(r) from simulation at 100 K when the system solidifies. Green and
blue dashed lines are results at 125 K when the hydrogen melts.
Figure 7.19 Probability distribution of the distances between the first and
N /2+1(th)beads in the same atom (solid lines scale on left) and probability distribution
of the distances between the first bead in two neighboring atoms of different molecules
(dashed lines scale on right). Distributions are reported from a 32-bead two-phase PIMD
simulation at 1200 GPa and 50 K, the highest pressure and lowest temperature case
investigated, and for comparison, a simulation at 900 GPa and 50 K.
origin of this high Tc phase, we show details of its electronic and vibrational
properties at 500 GPa in Fig. 7.20. This reveals a high electronic density
of states (DOS) at the Fermi level (Fig. 7.20(a)), strong electron–phonon
coupling (Fig. 7.20(d)), and consequently a high value of λ (2.15 as shown
in Fig. 7.21) which leads to a high value of Tc within Bardeen–Cooper–
Schrieffer (BCS) theory [463].
These results were obtained using a dense q-point mesh (8×8×8). Their
convergence with the energy cut-off for the PAW pseudopotential is shown
in Fig. 7.21. A cut-off energy of 80 Ryd gives good convergence for both Tc
and the electron–phonon interaction parameter λ. In Fig. 7.21(b), we also
plot Tc versus μ∗ for the LDA and PBE functionals. We found that the LDA
and PBE results for Tc are similar, and both of them give Tc values which are
much higher than the melting temperature of the solid phase. In Ref. [323],
we have used μ∗ = 0.1 to obtain the value of Tc = 358 K reported. This value
of μ∗ is close to the value of 0.085 obtained from the Bennemann–Garland
formula [464] and larger than the value of 0.089 used in Ref. [446]. From
Fig. 7.21(b), it is clear that Tc decreases with increasing μ∗ . Considering
the fact that they have chosen a large value of μ∗ and that their value of Tc
is still much higher than the melting temperature of the solid phase, it is
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 217
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 7.20 Electron and phonon properties of the I41/amd structure of solid hydrogen
at 500 GPa, with a volume of 2.28 Å3 for its primitive cell: (a) electronic band structure
and DOS, (b) Fermi surface in the Brillouin-zone, (c) phonon dispersion curves, and (d)
phonon DOS (dashed line) and α2 F (ω) (solid line).
reasonable to suppose that the atomic solid phase under the melting line is
superconducting. As the crystal melts well below room temperature, their
results also rule out a room temperature superconducting phase of solid
hydrogen at the pressures considered here and concluded that any room
temperature superconductor in this regime would have to be a liquid. For
more details concerning this study, please see Ref. [323].
7.5 Summary
In summary, we have discussed some extensions of the molecular simulation
methods as introduced in the earlier chapters to descriptions of the QNEs in
this chapter. The language we have used is the path integral representation
December 28, 2017 10:19 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-ch07 page 218
(a) (b)
Figure 7.21 Superconductivity of the I41/amd phase at 500 GPa: (a) superconduct-
ing critical temperatures Tc (circles) and the electron–phonon interaction parameter λ
(squares) as a function of the plane wave cut-off energy using the PBE functional, and
(b) superconducting critical temperatures Tc as a function of the effective Coulomb
interaction parameter μ∗ using the PBE (circle) and LDA (square) functionals.
where Plm (x) is the corresponding Legendre polynomial (see Ref. [465]).
Recurrence relations
Y0,0 (θ, φ) = , (A.2a)
Y1,0 (θ, φ) = cos(θ), (A.2b)
Y1,1 (θ, φ) = − sin(θ)eiφ , (A.2c)
Y1,−1 (θ, φ) = −Y1,1 (θ, φ), (A.2d)
2l + 1
Yl,l (θ, φ) = − sin(θ)eiφ Yl−1,l−1 , (A.2e)
December 28, 2017 10:20 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-appa page 220
(2l − 1)(2l + 1)
Yl,m (θ, φ) = cos(θ)Yl−1,m (θ, φ)
(l − m)(l + m)
(l − 1 + m)(l − 1 − m)(2l + 1)
− Yl−2,m (θ, φ). (A.2f)
(2l − 3)(l − m)(l + m)
eiG·r = 4π iλ jλ (Gr)Yλ,μ
(T −1 Ĝ)Yλ,μ (T −1 r̂)
λ=0 μ=−λ
= 4π iλ jλ (Gr)Yλ,μ (T −1 Ĝ)Yλ,μ
(T −1 r̂).
λ=0 μ=−λ
have to be included
F (iω) = −i F (iτ )e−iωτ dτ ,
i iωτ
F (iτ ) = F (iω)e dω.
2π −∞
Appendix B: Expansion
of a Non-Local Function
Since χqi (r1 ) is a Bloch function (χqi (r − R) = e−iq·R χqi (r)) normalized to
unity in the crystal with volume V , the matrix element fi,j (q, q , τ ) can be
evaluated by
fi,j (q, q , τ ) = (χqi (r1 ))∗ f (r1 , r2 , τ )χqj (r2 )dr2 dr1
= (χqi (r1 − R))∗ f (r1 − R, r2 − R − R , τ )
December 28, 2017 10:20 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-appb page 224
×χqj (r2 − R − R )dr2 dr1
= eiq·R (χqi (r1 ))∗ f (r1 , r2 − R , τ )e−iq ·R e−iq ·R
×χqj (r2 )dr2 dr1
= ei(q−q )·R (χqi (r1 ))∗f (r1 , r2 − R , τ )
×e−iq ·R χqj (r2 )dr2 dr1
= Nc δq,q (χqi (r1 ))∗ f (r1 , r2 − R , τ )
×e−iq·R χqj (r2 )dr2 dr1 , (B.3)
where we have made use of this relation for the Bravais lattice
e−i(q−q )·R = Nc δq,q . (B.4)
where the integration must be done on the whole volume of the crystal, or
⎨f (r1 , r2 , τ ) = BZ
q q ∗
i,j χi (r1 )fi,j (q, τ )(χj (r2 )) ,
⎩f (q, τ ) = N (χq (r ))∗ f (r , r − R, τ )e−iq·R χq (r )dr dr .
i,j c Ω Ω i 1 R 1 2 j 2 2 1
The integration must be performed only on the Wigner–Seitz cell.
If we have a product of operators, say
h(r1 , r2 , τ ) = f (r1 , r3 , τ )g(r3 , r2 , τ )dr3 , (B.7)
December 28, 2017 10:20 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-appb page 225
= [χqi (r1 )] f (r1 , r3 , τ )g(r3 , r2 , τ )dr3 χqj (r2 )dr2 dr1 .
We can now use the second line of Eq. (B.5) for f and g and the
orthogonality of the basis to get
q ∗
hi,j (q, τ ) = [χi (r1 )] f (r1 , r3 , τ )g(r3 , r2 , τ )dr3 χqj (r2 )dr2 dr1
= [χqi (r1 )] χl 1 (r1 )fl,m (q1 , τ ) [χqm1 (r3 )]∗
V V V q l,m
× χqn2 (r3 )gn,p (q2 , τ ) χqp 2 (r2 ) dr3 χqj (r2 )dr2 dr1
q2 n,p
∗ q
= [χqi (r1 )] χl 1 (r1 )dr1 fl,m (q1 , τ )
q1 q2 l,m n,p V
× [χqm1 (r3 )] χqn2 (r3 )dr3 gn,p (q2 , τ )
× χp 2 (r2 ) χqj (r2 )dr2
= δ(q, q1 )δi,l fl,m (q1 , τ )
q1 q2 l,m n,p
Xn (k) = ϕn (k)|X|ϕn (k). (C.2)
This Xn (k) is the expectation value of this operator on the state (n, k). VG
is the volume of the reciprocal unit cell. f () is the Fermi function. An
exact evaluation of Eq. (C.1) requires calculating the expectation value of
this operator over all its occupied states, including an infinite number of
k points in the Brillouin zone. In practice, this average expectation value
is determined from a set of sample points in the Brillouin zone; each has
December 28, 2017 10:20 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-appc page 228
Figure C.1 The 2D sketch of the BZ in the tetrahedron method. In this case, the space
is divided into a list of triangles. One triangle is related to another by a vector q.
a certain weight addressing the integration of Eq. (C.1) over the region
around it.
In the tetrahedron method, this is obtained by dividing the Brillouin
zone into a set of tetrahedra using a grid (as shown in Fig. C.1 for the 2D
case). The values of Xn (k) are calculated on the discrete set of vectors ki
at the vertices of all these tetrahedra, namely the grid points. A function
X̄n (k) obtained by linearly interpolating the function Xn (k) within the
tetrahedra using its expectation values on the vertices can be written as a
superposition of functions wi (k), such that
X̄n (k) = Xn (ki )wi (k), (C.3)
wn,i = wi (k)f (n (k))dk, (C.4)
one can write the average expectation value of X in Eq. (C.1) as a weighted
sum over the discrete set of k points
X = Xn (ki )wn,i . (C.5)
Since wi (k) is zero for all {kj } except ki , we can rewrite the weights as
wn,i = wi (k)f (n (k))d3 k = 1T
wn,i , (C.6)
Ti VT Ti
where Ti means that the sum runs only over those tetrahedra containing
ki as one of its vertices, and one has defined
1T 1
wn,i = wi (k)f (n (k))d3 k.
With this, it is clear that the integration in Eq. (C.1) can be approx-
imated by a sum of the form in Eq. (C.5) where wn,i can be calculated
by summing its contribution from each tetrahedron containing this ki as a
vertex. The next job is to define the function wi (k) in order to calculate
these wn,i . For this, one needs the isoparametric transformation.
F = Ax + By + Cz + D, (C.7)
with solution
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞−1 ⎛ ⎞
A x1 − x0 y1 − y0 z1 − z0 F1 − F0
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜F − F ⎟
⎝B ⎠ = ⎝x2 − x0 y2 − y0 z2 − z0 ⎠ ⎜ ⎝ 2 0⎟ .
⎠ (C.11)
C x3 − x0 y3 − y0 z3 − z0 F3 − F0
⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎟
F − F0 = x − x0 y − y0 z − z0 ⎜ ⎟
⎝B ⎠ . (C.14)
Combining Eq. (C.15) with Eq. (C.12), we see that the same expression
holds for the function F as well as for the coordinates x, y, and z. This
coordinate transition from outside the tetrahedron to inside the tetrahedron
is called as an isoparametric transformation. The functions wi (k) used in
Eq. (C.3) can be simply written as
w0 (ξ, η, ζ) = 1 − ξ − η − ζ,
w1 (ξ, η, ζ) = ξ,
w2 (ξ, η, ζ) = η,
w3 (ξ, η, ζ) = ζ
The integral of any function F inside one tetrahedron, after applying the
isoparametric transformation, is given by
F (x, y, z)f (n (x, y, z))dxdydz
1 1−ζ 1−ζ−η
= ξ(F1 − F0 ) + η(F2 − F0 )
0 0 0
+ζ(F3 − F0 ) + F0 f (n (ξ, η, ζ))dξdηdζ,
where VT is the volume of the tetrahedron and is the Jacobian
determinant given by
∂x ∂x ∂x
∂ξ ∂η ∂ζ x1 − x0 y1 − y0 z1 − z0
∂(xyz) ∂y ∂y ∂y
∂(ξηζ) = ∂ξ ∂η ∂ζ = x2 − x0 y2 − y0 z2 − z0 . (C.19)
∂z ∂z ∂z
∂ξ ∂η ∂ζ x3 − x0 y3 − y0 z3 − z0
This is just the volume of a parallelepiped whose sides are given by those
of the tetrahedron, clearly
∂(ξηζ) = 6VT . (C.20)
Let us take one of the tetrahedra with its four vertices denoted as 0, 1, 2,
and 3. Using the wi (k) and n (k) defined in Eq. (C.16) and Eq. (C.17), one
December 28, 2017 10:20 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-appc page 233
can calculate the integration weights on these vertices. If the four energies
are below the Fermi energy, the occupation is identically one and we have
1T 6VT 1 1−ζ 1−ζ−η 6VT 1 1−ζ
wn,i = ζdξdηdζ = ζ(1 − ζ − η)dηdζ
VG 0 0 0 VG 0 0
6VT 1 1 2 3VT 1 2 1 VT
= ζ(1 − ζ) dζ = − + = .
VG 0 2 VG 2 3 4 4VG
Let us now take the case where only n,0 < F and, for the sake of
simplicity, n,3 > n,2 > n,1 > n,0 , then the integration limits are changed,
and one gets
F −n,0 F −n,0 −ζ(n,3 −n,0 ) F −n,0 −ζ(n,3 −n,0 )−η(n,2 −n,0 )
× ζdξdηdζ
VT (F − n,0 )4
= . (C.23)
4VG (n,1 − n,0 )(n,2 − n,0 )(n,3 − n,0 )2
A similar calculation for the rest of the vertices leads to
1T VT (F − n,0 )4
wn,2 = ,
4VG (n,1 − n,0 )(n,2 − n,0 )2 (n,3 − n,0 )
1T VT (F − n,0 )4
wn,1 = 2
4VG (n,1 − n,0 ) (n,2 − n,0 )(n,3 − n,0 )
1T VT (F − n,0 )3 1T 1T 1T
wn,0 = − wn,1 − wn,2 − wn,3 .
VG (n,1 − n,0 )(n,2 − n,0 )(n,3 − n,0 )
The last line in Eq. (C.24) can be calculated using w0 (k) = 1−ξ−η−ζ =
wt − w1 (k) − w2 (k) − w3 (k), where wt means the total weight over this
tetrahedron. Expressions for the remaining cases can be found in Ref. [224].
Since these vertices are also sample points in the grid mesh, the integration
weight on each grid point can be calculated from Eq. (C.6).
To evaluate this operator, one needs to know Xnn (k, q) on each k point
in the Brillouin zone in principle. In practice, again, this is obtained by
calculating the expectation value of this operator on a set of sample points
weighted by a certain factor. In addition to n (ki ) and ϕn (ki ) on the set of
sample points {ki }, one also needs to know n (ki − q) and ϕn (ki − q) on
another set of sample points {ki − q}.
In Ref. [212], an even division of the Brillouin zone along each axis is
made. Then, one takes the q vector from this mesh. With this treatment,
the meshes of ki and ki − q overlap totally with each other. One just needs
to know the eigenwavefunctions and the energy eigenvalues in one mesh. A
2D sketch for the k-mesh is shown in Fig. C.1.
Using this grid, the Brillouin zone is divided into a set of tetrahedra.
The expectation values of the function Xn,n (k, q) are calculated on the
vertices of these tetrahedra, namely, the grid points, giving Xn,n (ki , q).
Following the same procedure as in the previous section, we interpolate
the function Xn,n (k, q) linearly within each tetrahedron using
X̄n,n (k, q) = Xn,n (ki , q)wi (k, q), (C.27)
wn,n ,i (q) = wi (k)f [n (k)] (1 − f [n (k − q)]) d3 k. (C.30)
1T 1
wn,n ,i (q) = wi (k)f [n (k)] (1 − f [n (k − q)]) d3 k. (C.32)
Ti runs over all the tetrahedra in which the sample point ki serves as a
w0 (k) = w0 (ξ, η, ζ) = 1 − ξ − η − ζ,
w1 (k) = w1 (ξ, η, ζ) = ξ,
w2 (k) = w2 (ξ, η, ζ) = η,
w3 (k) = w3 (ξ, η, ζ) = ζ,
n (k) = n (ξ, η, ζ) = ξ(n,1 − n,0 ) + η(n,2 − n,0 )
where we have used the shorthand notation n,i and n ,i to represent the
energy eigenvalues of the state (n, k) and (n , k − q) on the vertices of this
December 28, 2017 10:20 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-appc page 236
1 1−ζ 1−ζ−η
= wi (ξ, η, ζ)Θ[F −ξ(n,1 −n,0 )
VG 0 0 0
− η(n,2 −n,0 )−ζ(n,3 −n,0 )−n,0]
× Θ[ξ(n ,1 − n ,0 ) + η(n ,2 − n ,0 ) + ζ(n ,3 − n ,0 )
+ n ,0 − F ]dξdηdζ,
where Θ is the step function to address the Fermi function in Eq. (C.32).
From Eq. (C.34), we see that the Θ functions determine the integration
region within this tetrahedron. For insulators and semiconductors, this
region is either the full tetrahedron or zero. For metals, the situation
becomes more complicated. If the integration region does not include the
full tetrahedron, that is, the n,i s are smaller or bigger than F , the Fermi
surface represented by the first Θ function in Eq. (C.34) will intersect with
this tetrahedron, leading to only part of it satisfying the condition, the
first Θ function equals one. Another case is when the n ,i are smaller or
bigger than F — the Fermi surface represented by the second Θ function
in Eq. (C.34) will intersect with this tetrahedron, leading to only part of it
satisfying the condition, and the second Θ function equals one. If neither
of these cases happen, the integration region is either the full tetrahedron
or zero. Otherwise, the integration region is determined by the intersection
of these Fermi surfaces with this tetrahedron (Fig. 4.7 shows one example
when both of them intersect with this tetrahedron).
There are in total nine different configurations for this region. They
are shown in Fig. C.2 except for the simplest case of a tetrahedron. All
of them can be subdivided into smaller tetrahedra. Then, we perform one
further isoparametric transformation inside each of these small tetrahedra.
The weight on each of its vertices is
1 1−z 1−y−z
w0 = (1 − x − y − z)dxdydz = ,
VG VT 0 0 0 4VG (C.35)
w1 = w2 = w3 = w0 ,
December 28, 2017 10:20 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-appc page 237
Figure C.2 The configurations for the region to be integrated. How these regions are
decomposed into the principle units of the small tetrahedra is shown by the red lines in
the graph.
C.2.3 Polarizability
As has already been mentioned in Sec. 4.4.4, for the polarizability, we can-
not assume both the energies and the integrand to be simultaneously linear
in the coordinates of the tetrahedron. In this case, we have to include the
energy-dependent factor of Eq. (4.50) into the analytical integration. In
Sec. 4.4.5, we have discussed the frequency integrations in the GW calcula-
tions, where we pointed out that we calculate all the frequency-dependent
properties on the imaginary frequency axis. The polarizability is such a
property. In this section, we will discuss the integration weight of the polar-
izability on both the real and imaginary frequency axes. The latter is the
one used in the GW calculation. The former can be used to calculate the
macroscopic dielectric constant.
December 28, 2017 10:20 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-appc page 238
BZ occ unocc
Nc i i ∗
Pi,j (q, ω) = Mn,n (k, q)[Mn,n (k, q)]
k n
1 1
· − .
ω − n ,k−q + n,k + iη ω − n,k + n ,k−q − iη
1T 1
wn,n ,i (q, ω) = wi (k)f [n (k)](1 − f [n (k − q)])
1 1
× − d3 k.
ω − n (k − q) + n (k) + iη ω − n (k) + n (k − q) − iη
Following the procedures in Sec. C.2.2, the weight on each vertex of the
small tetrahedron is calculated by
1 1−z 1−y−z
6VST 2(1 − x − y − z)
w0 = dxdydz,
VG 0 0 0 ω 2 − (xΔ1,0 + yΔ2,0 + zΔ3,0 + Δ0 )2
1 1−z 1−y−z
6VST 2x
w1 = dxdydz,
VG 0 0 0 ω2 − (xΔ1,0 + yΔ2,0 + zΔ3,0 + Δ0 )2
1 1−z 1−y−z
6VST 2y
w2 = dxdydz,
VG 0 0 0 ω 2 − (xΔ1,0 + yΔ2,0 + zΔ3,0 + Δ0 )2
1 1−z 1−y−z
6VST 2z
w3 = 2 − (xΔ 2
0 0 0 ω 1,0 + yΔ 2,0 + zΔ3,0 + Δ0 )
Here, Δi = n ,i − n,i and Δi,j = Δi − Δj .
December 28, 2017 10:20 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-appc page 239
1 1−z 1−y−z
6VST 2
wt = dxdydz.
VG 0 0 0 ω2
− (xΔ1,0 + yΔ2,0 + zΔ3,0 + Δ0 )2
The correponding w0 is then calculated from w0 = wt − w1 − w2 − w3 .
Even with this treatment, solving this analytical integration is very
complicated. We use Mathematica to treat it. There exists a general solu-
tion. To restrict the size of this appendix, we just list that of wt here,
which is the simplest case due to the absence of variables in the numerator
in Eq. (C.39):
f (ω)
f (ω) = ,
6Δ21,0 Δ2,0 Δ22,1 Δ3,0 Δ23,1 Δ3,2
wt = [f (ω) + f (−ω)] (C.41)
6VST 1 1−z 1−y−z 2y
w2 = 2 + (xΔ 2
VG 0 0 0 ω 1,0 + yΔ 2,0 + zΔ3,0 + Δ0 )
6VST 1 1−z 1−y−z 2z
w3 = 2 + (xΔ 2
VG 0 0 0 ω 1,0 + yΔ 2,0 + zΔ3,0 + Δ0 )
Again, we introduce wt as
6VST 1 1−z 1−y−z 2
wt = 2 + (xΔ 2
VG 0 0 0 ω 1,0 + yΔ 2,0 + zΔ3,0 + Δ0 )
to avoid solving the first equation of Eqs. (C.43) directly. Its general solu-
tion is
f (ω) = 2(ω − Δ20 )Δ0,1 Δ0,2 Δ0,3 Δ1,2 Δ1,3 Δ2,3 ,
−3Δ20 (ω 2 + Δ2 Δ3 + Δ1 Δ2 + Δ1 Δ3 )
+2Δ0 (ω 2 Δ2 + ω 2 Δ3 + Δ1 ω 2 + 3Δ1 Δ2 Δ3 )]
−2Δ30 (3ω 2 + Δ2 Δ3 + Δ1 Δ2 + Δ1 Δ3 )
+3Δ20 (ω 2 Δ1 + ω 2 Δ2 + ω 2 Δ3 + Δ1 Δ2 Δ3 )]
6VST f (ω)
wt = . (C.45)
VG 6Δ0,1 Δ0,2 Δ20,3 Δ1,2 Δ1,3 Δ2,3
2 2
I = I1 + I2 , (D.4a)
I1 = f (ω)dω, (D.4b)
I2 = f (ω)dω. (D.4c)
December 28, 2017 10:20 Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter 9in x 6in b3021-appd page 244
For I1 , we make the change of variables u = 2ω/ω0 −1 and thus, dω = du.
Then we have
ω0 1
I1 = f (ω)dω = f [(u + 1)ω0 /2]du, (D.5)
0 2 −1
which can be solved by standard Gauss–Legendre quadrature. For I2 ,
we make the change of variables u = 2ω0 /ω − 1 and thus, dω =
− du. Then we have
(u + 1)2
∞ 1
I2 = f (ω)dω = 2ω0 f (u + 1)−2 du, (D.6)
ω0 −1 u+1
which can also be solved by standard Gauss–Legendre quadrature.
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