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The Martial Support Class to

Lead your Party to Victory
By Fanatic66

Pathfinder 2e: Warlord 1

Warlord 4.5.1

warlord is a fierce leader that inspires your
allies and terrifies your foes. Although trained Key Ability
in fighting, a warlord's true strength lies with At 1st level, your class gives you an ability boost to your
their ability to lead their allies to victory. choice of Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom depending
Perhaps you are a trained noble born, a military on your Leadership Style.
officer, or even a minor war chief seeking glory.
Regardless of your origins, you strengthen your Hit Points
allies with your cunning, tactical strategies, or inspiring
presence. 8 plus your Constitution modifier
You increase your maximum number of HP by this
During Combat number at 1st level and every level thereafter.
You either confront your enemies head on alongside your Initial Proficiencies
allies or stand back to guide your companions with inspiring At 1st level, you gain the listed proficiency ranks in the
words and insightful words. following statistics. You are untrained in anything not listed
unless you gain a better proficiency rank in some other
During Social
Encounters... Trained in Perception
Relying on your leadership, you are a voice of reason to help
your allies negotiate with others. Saving Throws
Expert in Fortitude
While Exploring... Trained in Reflex
Expert in Will
You help push your allies to overcome any obstacle in their
path, and your coordination helps ensure your group's Skills
survival in dangerous lands. Trained in one skill determined by your choice of
Leadership Style
In Downtime... Trained in a number of additional skills equal to 3 plus
your Intelligence modifier
You can use your talents as a leader to make friends with
important individuals and gather useful allies. You might also Attacks
excel at crafting tools to help your companions in further Trained in simple weapons
adventures. Trained in martial weapons
Trained in unarmed attacks
You Might... Defenses
Help guide your companions to reach their potential. Trained in medium armor
Recognize the responsibility of leadership means your Trained in light armor
number one priority is your allies. Trained in unarmored defense
Be disinterested in problems that are out of your military
expertise. Class DC
Trained in warlord class DC
Others Probably...
Expect you have a large ego. Ancestry and Background
Respect your leadership and knowledge of warfare and
tactics. In addition to the abilities provided by your class at 1st level,
Find themselves drawn to your charismatic presence or you have the benefits of your selected ancestry and
impressed by your clever thinking. background, as described in Chapter 2 of the CRB.
Class Features Initial Proficiencies
You gain these features as a Warlord. Abilities gained at At 1st level, you gain a number of proficiencies that represent
higher levels list the levels at which you gain them next to the your basic training, noted at the start of this class.
features' names.

2 Pathfinder 2e: Warlord

Warlord Class Table Command Trait
Your A command ability can only affect allies that can either
Level Class Features hear and understand the command or see the person
giving the command.
1 Ancestry and background, initial proficiencies,
helpful word, leadership dice +1d6, leadership style,
You or an ally can only follow one command at a time. If
lead by example, warlord feat you give a command to a creature already targeted by one
of your commands this turn, then any ongoing effects from
2 Skill feat, warlord feat your previous command end immediately.
3 General feat, skill increase
4 Skill feat, warlord feat
Helpful Word
5 Ability Boost, ancestry feat, skill increase, leadership
dice +2d6, leadership command At 1st level, you are skilled at assisting your companions. You
6 Skill feat, warlord feat
gain the Helpful Word action.
7 General feat, skill increase, battle reflexes, weapon
talent, leadership reaction HELPFUL WORD
8 Skill feat, warlord feat
9 Ancestry feat, skill increase, alertness, leadership
dice +3d6, reactive commander, warlord expertise Using your leadership training, you push an ally to be their
10 Ability Boost, skill feat, warlord feat best. Designate an ally within 30 feet; this action counts as
11 General feat, skill increase, greater aura, leadership sufficient preparation to Aid that ally. When you use the Aid
will reaction to help that ally, instead of the usual check, you can
use a check modifier that is equal to your Warlord class DC -
12 Skill feat, warlord feat 10. If you roll a failure, you get a success instead.
13 Ancestry feat, skill increase, armor expertise,
leadership dice +4d6, weapon specialization, greater Leadership Dice
Certain features and feats for this class use your leadership
14 Skill feat, warlord feat dice, a d6, to power them.
15 Ability Boost, general feat, skill increase, hardy As your warlord level increases, so does the number of dice
warlord for your leadership dice. Increase the number of dice by one
16 Skill feat, warlord feat at 5th level, 9th level, 13th level, and 17th level.
17 Ancestry feat, skill increase, exemplary aura, Leadership Style
leadership dice +5d6, masterful warlord, undaunted
leader Each warlord has a distinct style of leadership. Choose a
18 Skill feat, warlord feat Leadership Style from the below. This will affect features and
feats later gained by this class.
19 General feat, skill increase, armor master
20 Ability Boost, skill feat, warlord feat

Pathfinder 2e: Warlord

Esoteric Leadership
You are as comfortable leading magic users as you are Warlord Feats
leading warriors. Choose Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom At 1st level and every even-numbered level thereafter, you
as your key ability. You are trained in your choice of Arcana, gain a warlord class feat. Warlord class feats are described at
Occultism, Nature, or Religion. You are also surrounded by a the end of this document.
warlord's aura in a 10-foot emanation. Your aura has the
visual trait and grants you and allies within the aura a +1 Skill Feats
status bonus to spell attack rolls.
At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a skill feat.
Imposing Leadership Skill feats can be found in Chapter 5 of the CRB and have the
Your intimidating presence makes allies quickly follow your skill trait. You must be trained or better in the corresponding
orders but also terrify your foes. Charisma is your key ability. skill to select a skill feat.
You are trained in Intimidation. You are also surrounded by a
warlord's aura in a 10-foot emanation. Your aura has the General Feats
visual trait and grants you and allies within the aura a +1 At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, you gain a general
status bonus to Intimidation checks. feat. General feats are listed in Chapter 5 of the CRB.
Inspiring Leadership Skill Increase
Your charismatic presence uplifts your allies to stand against
all odds. Charisma is your key ability. You are trained in At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a skill
Diplomacy. You are also surrounded by a warlord's aura in a increase. You can use this increase either to increase your
10-foot emanation. You and allies within the aura gain a +1 proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re untrained in, or
status bonus to Recovery checks and saves against fear to increase your proficiency rank in one skill in which you’re
effects. already trained to expert.
At 7th level, you can use skill increases to increase your
Skirmishing Leadership proficiency rank to master in a skill in which you’re already
Your nimble tactics and use of terrain keeps your enemies on an expert, and at 15th level, you can use them to increase
your toes. Wisdom is your key ability. You are trained in your your proficiency rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re
choice of Survival or Stealth. You are also surrounded by a already a master.
warlord's aura in a 10-foot emanation. Your aura has the
visual trait and grants you and any ally that starts their turn Ability Boost
within the aura a +5-foot status bonus to speed. At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, you boost four
Tactical Leadership different ability scores. You can use these ability boosts to
Your clever strategies ensure victory for you and your allies. increase your ability scores above 18. Boosting an ability
Intelligence is your key ability. You are trained in Warfare score increases it by 1 if it’s already 18 or above, or by 2 if it
Lore. You are also surrounded by a warlord's aura in a 10- starts out below 18.
foot emanation. Your aura has the visual trait and grants you Ancestry Feats
and allies within the aura a +1 status bonus to initiative rolls.
In addition to the ancestry feat you started with, you gain an
Lead By Example ancestry feat at 5th level and every 4 levels thereafter. The list
At 1st level, your brave attack emboldens your ally to follow of ancestry feats available to you can be found in your
with an even more powerful blow. You gain the Lead By ancestry’s entry in Chapter 2 of the CRB.
Example action. Leadership Command
At 5th level, you learn how to better advise your allies in
LEAD BY EXAMPLE combat. You gain a new action based on your Leadership
Frequency: Once per round Esoteric Leadership
You gain the Enhance Magic action.
You encourage an ally with a bold attack. Choose an ally
within 30 feet. On your next Strike before the end of this
round, you can add your Leadership Style's ability modifier to ENHANCE MAGIC
your attack roll instead of your Strength or Dexterity
If your Strike hits the target, your chosen ally's first Strike Prerequisites: Esoteric Leadership
that hits deals additional precision damage equal to your
leadership dice. This effect lasts for 1 round. You push an ally to empower their magic in a time of need. An
If your chosen ally was targeted with one of your ally within 30 feet is quickened for 1 round and can use the
commands this turn, then you can use this ability as a free additional action to use an action with the metamagic trait.

Pathfinder 2e: Warlord

Imposing Leadership Skirmishing Leadership
You gain the Dreadful Threat action. You gain the Move Command action.



Prerequisites: Imposing Leadership, trained in Intimidation Prerequisites: Skirmishing Leadership

You threaten a foe to lower its resolve. As part of this action, You urge your ally to shift their positions to a more favorable
you can attempt a check to Demoralize the target. The target one. An ally within 30 feet is quickened for 1 round and can
is flat-footed to attacks from you and your allies while it has use the additional action to Step or Stride.
the frightened condition from your Demoralize. If you have
legendary proficiency in Intimidation, then targets can no Tactical Leadership
longer be temporarily immune to your Demoralize. You gain the Strategic Observation action.
You gain the Bulwarking Command action.

BULWARKING COMMAND Prerequisites: Tactical Leadership, trained in Warfare Lore

COMMAND WARLORD You observe a creature for any weaknesses. You can attempt
Prerequisites: Inspiring Leadership a Recall Knowledge about an enemy within 30 feet of you.
For the Recall Knowledge check, you can use Warfare Lore
You inspire your ally to stand strong against coming danger. in place of the appropriate skill without affecting the Recall
An ally within 30 feet of you gains a +1 status bonus to AC Knowledge DC. On a success or critical success, you gain an
and saving throws, as well as temporary Hit Points equal to additional benefit.
your Leadership Style's ability modifier plus half your level. Critical Success: You and your allies gain a +1
All effects last for 1 round. circumstance bonus to attack rolls against the target for 1
Success: The circumstance bonus lasts for 1 round.

Pathfinder 2e: Warlord

Battle Reflexes
At 7th level, your proficiency in Reflex saves increases to
Weapon Talent
At 7th level, your proficiency ranks for simple weapons,
martial weapons, and unarmed attacks increase to expert.
Leadership Reaction
At 7th level, you can quickly assist an ally in the chaos of
battle. You gain a new reaction based on your Leadership
Esoteric Leadership
You gain the Magical Defense reaction.


Prerequisites: Esoteric Leadership

Trigger: An ally within 30 feet of you makes a save against
Having seen enough magic in battle, your advice helps an ally
overcome an incoming spell. The ally gains +2 circumstance
bonus to the saving throw.
Imposing Leadership
You gain the Harrowing Interruption reaction.

HARROWING INTERRUPTION ↻ Skirmishing Leadership

You gain the Guerilla Tactics reaction.
Prerequisites: Imposing Leadership GUERILLA TACTICS ↻
Trigger: An enemy within 30 feet of you critically succeeds
on a Strike against an ally AUDITORY VISUAL WARLORD
Prerequisites: Skirmishing Leadership
You let out an intimidating cry that shakes the attacker's Trigger: An ally within 30 feet of you takes damage
steady hand. The enemy must reroll the attack roll and use
the second result. You urge your companion to retreat. Your ally can Step or
Stride as a free action.
Inspiring Leadership
You gain the Courageous Defiance reaction. Tactical Leadership
You gain the Adjusted Striked reaction
Prerequisites: Inspiring Leadership AUDITORY VISUAL WARLORD
Trigger: An ally within 30 feet of you takes damage from a Prerequisites: Tactical Leadership
melee Strike Trigger: An ally within 30 feet of you fails an attack
You encourage your ally to defiantly strike back. Your ally can You help course correct your ally's missing blow. Your ally
make a melee Strike against their attacker as a free action. gains a +2 circumstance bonus to the attack roll, potentially
turning the failed attack into a success.
At 9th level, you remain alert to threats around you. Your
proficiency rank for Perception increases to expert.
Pathfinder 2e: Warlord
Reactive Commander Weapon Specialization
At 9th level, you can quickly shout out orders. At the start of At 13th level, you’ve learned how to inflict greater injuries
each of your turns when you regain your actions, you gain an with the weapons you know best. You deal 2 additional
additional reaction that can be used only for Aid or a reaction damage with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you are
with the Warlord trait. an expert. This damage increases to 3 if you’re a master, and
to 4 if you’re legendary.
Warlord Expertise
Hardy Warlord
At 9th level, your proficiency in warlord class DC increases to
expert. At 15th level, your proficiency rank for Fortitude saves
increases to master. When you roll a success on a Fortitude
Greater Aura save, you get a critical success instead.
At 11th level, the power of your presence expands. Your Greater Aura
Leadership Style aura increases to a 20-foot emanation, and
the status bonus granted by your aura increases to +2 or +10- At 17th level, you emanate an unwavering influence on your
foot for Skirmishing Leadership. allies. Your Leadership Style's aura extends to 30 feet.
Leadership Will Masterful Warlord
At 11th level, your proficiency rank for Will saves increases to At 17th level, your proficiency in warlord class DC increases
master. When you roll a success on a Will save, you get a to master.
critical success instead.
Undaunted Leader
Armor Expertise At 17th level, your proficiency rank for Will saves increases to
At 13th level, your proficiency rank in light and medium legendary. When you roll a success on a Will save, you get a
armor increases to expert. critical success. When you roll a critical failure on a Will
save, you get a failure instead. When you fail a Will save
Paragon of Leadership against a damaging effect, you take half damage.
At 13th level, you are a master of helping your allies, able to Armor Master
influence your allies in more meaningful ways. You gain one
of the following benefits depending on your Leadership Style. At 19th level, your proficiency rank in light and medium
armor increases to master.
Esoteric Leadership
When an ally deals precision damage from your Lead By Warlord Feats
Example action, a magical ward surrounds them, and the ally
gains a +1 status bonus to AC and saving throws for 1 round. You can choose from the following list of feats when you gain
a warlord feat.
Imposing Leadership
When an ally deals precision damage from your Lead By 1st Level
Example action, the ally's damage ignores an amount of
resistance to the damage type equal to half your level. The AGGRESSIVE START ↻
damaged creature's resistance is then reduced by the same
amount for 1 round. COMMAND WARLORD

Prerequisites: Imposing Leadership

Inspiring Leadership Trigger: After initiative is rolled but before the first turn.
When an ally deals precision damage from your Lead By
Example action, the ally gains temporary hit points equal to An ally within 30 feet of you is quickened for 1 round, and can
half your level that last for 1 round. use this extra action to Strike.
Skirmishing Leadership
When an ally deals precision damage from your Lead By FRIENDLY SHIELD
Example action, the hit enemy can't take reactions for 1
round. WARLORD

Requirement: You are wielding a shield

Tactical Leadership
When an ally of Lead By Example deals precision damage You brace your shield to guard your allies. You Raise a Shield
from your Lead By Example action, the hit enemy is flat- and an ally within 5 feet of you also gains the circumstance
footed to you and your allies for 1 round. bonus to their AC as long as they stay adjacent to you.

Pathfinder 2e: Warlord


Prerequisites: Tactical Leadership

Trigger: After initiative is rolled but before the first turn.
An ally within 30 feet can reroll their initiative roll and use
the second result.


Prerequisites: Skirmishing Leadership

Trigger: After initiative is rolled but before the first turn.
An ally within 30 feet is quickened for 1 round, and can use
this extra action to Stride.


Your attack leaves an opportunity for your ally to move. Make

a Strike. An ally who has a reaction available and is adjacent
to the target can use their reaction to Step.


Frequency: Once per 10 minutes

Trigger: You or an ally within 30 feet successfully uses Treat
Wounds or Battle Medicine.
Your guiding words ensure a smoother recovery. The target of
COMMAND WARLORD Treat Wounds regains 5 additional HP at DC 15, 10 at DC 20,
Prerequisites: Inspiring Leadership 15 HP at DC 30, or 20 HP at DC 40.
Trigger: After initiative is rolled but before the first turn.
2nd Level
An ally within 30 feet gains temporary Hit Points equal to
your Leadership Style's ability modifier plus half your level ASSAULT COMMAND
(minimum 1).

HELPFUL EXPLORER You call on your ally to go all out on their aggression. One ally
within 30 feet of you gains a +1 status bonus to attack rolls
and a status bonus to damage equal to your Leadership
Style's ability modifier. Both effects last for 1 round.
You help an ally do better in dangerous situations. As an
exploration activity, you can Aid an ally's exploration activity.
In place of Aid, you can use Helpful Word. ATHLETIC LEADERSHIP
MAGICAL START ↻ Prerequisite: Trained in Athletics
You know how to motivate your allies with bold maneuvers.
Prerequisites: Esoteric Leadership Instead of using Lead By Example to make a Strike, you can
Trigger: After initiative is rolled but before the first turn. use it to make a Disarm, Grapple, Shove, or Trip attempt. You
can also use your Leadership Style's ability modifier instead
An ally within 30 feet is quickened for 1 round, and can use of Strength for the Athletics check.
this extra action to cast a cantrip.
Pathfinder 2e: Warlord

Realizing your ally is in a better position, you encourage them

You urge your ally to escape danger. Choose one ally within to go on the offensive. An ally within 30 feet of you who has a
30 feet that is prone, grabbed, restrained, or immobilized. If reaction available can use their reaction to immediately
the ally has a reaction available, they can use their reaction to Strike.
immediately Stand if prone or attempt to Escape.
Prerequisite: Trained in Athletics
You command an ally to push themselves physically. An ally Instead of attacking, you knock your foe back into your ally's
within 30 feet gains a +5-foot status bonus to speed, a +1 waiting weapon. Make a Shove. You can make this Shove
status bonus to Athletics and Acrobatics checks, and a +1 even if you don't have a free hand.
status bonus to their DCs against Athletics skill actions such If the shoved target ends up in the melee range of an ally,
as Disarm, Shove, and Trip. All effects last for 1 round. then one ally who has a reaction available can use their
reaction to immediately melee Strike the target.
You let out an inspiring battle cry. An ally within 30 feet gains
temporary Hit Points equal to your Leadership Style's ability Your powerful attack makes your foe reeling. Make a Strike. If
modifier plus half your level. The temporary Hit Points last the attack hits, the target is flat-footed to you and your allies
for 1 round. for 1 round.

You and your ally trade places. You switch places with an ally Trigger: When you see an ally within 30 feet of you score a
within 5 feet. You and your ally's movements do not provoke critical hit on a Strike
reactions. Your ally can't be a larger size than you or more You witness a mighty strike from your ally and encourage
than one size smaller than you. them to seek greater glory. The ally gains temporary hit
points equal to your Leadership Style's ability modifier plus
STRATEGIC SWAP ↻ your level. Your ally is then temporarily immune to gaining
temporary hit points in this way for 1 hour.

Trigger: After initiative is rolled but before the first turn. HUSTLE ORDER
You can switch the initiative scores of a willing ally with CONCENTRATE WARLORD
another willing ally or yourself.
Your commands push your allies to move quicker. If your next
4th Level action is to use an action with the Command trait, then one
ally affected by the command gains a +10-foot circumstance
CHARGE WITH ME OR bonus to speed for 1 round.

You rush into the fray and inspire your allies to follow suit.
Stride twice. All allies within 30 feet of your starting position
gain a +10-foot status bonus to their speed for 1 round. If you
end your movement within melee reach of at least one enemy,
you can make a melee Strike against that enemy.
If you spend 3 actions, then you can also use Lead By
Example before you Stride twice.

Pathfinder 2e: Warlord

Requirement: The triggering creature was damaged by your
HYBRID LEADERSHIP Lead By Example this round, either from your attack or from
your chosen ally's attack.
You follow up on a wounded foe with another encouraging
You dabble in other types of command. Choose a type of attack. Make a melee Strike against the triggering creature,
Leadership Style other than that of your own. You gain the and you can add your Leadership Style's ability modifier to
aura associated with the chosen Leadership Style, and you the attack roll instead of your Strength or Dexterity modifier.
can take feats with the other Leadership Style as a If your attack is a critical hit, you disrupt the triggering action.
prerequisite, as long as you satisfy all prerequisites. You don’t
gain any of the other effects of the chosen Leadership Style. EXTEND ORDER
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time
you do, you must choose a different type of Leadership Style CONCENTRATE WARLORD
other than that of your own.
You elaborate on your command to ensure your companions
MAGICAL FOLLOW THROUGH prioritize your advice. If your next action is to use an action
with the Command trait with a duration of 1 round, you can
WARLORD attempt a check using your Warlord Class proficiency. The
DC is usually a standard-difficulty DC of a level equal to the
You excel at magical warfare. When you choose an ally for highest-level target of your command, but the GM can assign
Lead By Example, the ally can gain the additional damage on a different DC based on the circumstances. The effect
their first spell that deals damage, instead of the first Strike. depends on the result of your check.
The ally chooses one target damaged by their spell, and adds Critical Success: The command lasts 4 rounds.
your leadership dice to the damage against the chosen target. Success: The command lasts 3 rounds.
Failure: The command lasts 2 rounds.

You help coordinate the actions of your allies. The

circumstance bonus for Follow the Expert increases by 1 for
you or your allies.
6th Level

You call for an ally to use their physicality against a foe. An

ally within 30 feet of you who has a reaction available can use
their reaction to immediately Disarm, Grapple, Shove, or


You excel at helping your allies. The circumstance bonus to

your ally from your Aid reaction increase by 1.


Trigger: A creature within your reach uses a manipulate
action or a move action, makes a ranged attack, or leaves a
square during a move action it’s using.

Pathfinder 2e: Warlord

You focus your attention on one ally. If your next action is to
use an action with the Command trait, the command Any enemy is flat-footed against your ally's melee attacks due
becomes a focused command. Unlike a normal command, a to flanking as long as the enemy is within both your reach
focused command doesn’t end if you use another command and your ally's. You must still flank an enemy for it to be flat-
on the same ally that turn. Using another focused command footed to you.
on an ally ends any focused command you have in effect on
that ally. 8th Level

Prerequisite: Expert in Medicine, Warlord's Respite Prerequisite: Tactical Leadership

You are more adept at helping your companions tend to their Your studious mind rubs off on others. You and alliies within
wounds. The frequency of your Warlord's Respite becomes 1 your Leadership Style's aura gain a +1 status bonus to Recall
round. Knowledge. This bonus increases to +2 if you have Greater
Prerequisite: Friendly Shield Prerequisite: Esoteric Leadership
You use your shield to protect your allies. When you have a You help guide your magical allies in their pursuit of the
shield raised, you can use your Shield Block reaction when mysterious. You and alliies within your Leadership Style's
an attack is made against an ally adjacent to you. If you do, aura gain a +1 status bonus to Decipher Writing and Identify
the shield prevents that ally from taking damage instead of Magic. This bonus increases to +2 if you have Greater Aura.
preventing you from taking damage, following the normal
rules for Shield Block.
Pathfinder 2e: Warlord

Prerequisite: Imposing Leadership Your presence keeps your allies from succumbing to fear.
When you and allies within your Leadership Style's aura roll
You push your allies to dominate the battlefield. You and a success on a save against a fear effect, you get a critical
alliies within your Leadership Style's aura gain a +1 status success instead. In addition, any time you or an ally within
bonus to Grapple, Shove, and Trip. This bonus increases to your aura gains the frightened condition, reduce the
+2 if you have Greater Aura. condition’s value by 1.



Prerequisite: Inspiring Leadership Under your leadership, your allies rest more easily at night.
Your charismatic presence makes your allies easily liked. You When resting, you and all allies regain double the number of
and alliies within your Leadership Style's aura gain a +1 Hit Points and reduce the severity of the doomed and drained
status bonus to Make an Impression and Request. This conditions by 2.
bonus increases to +2 if you have Greater Aura.

Your commands encourage your allies. If your next action is
Prerequisite: Skirmishing Leadership to use an action with the Command trait, then one ally
You guide your allies to stick to the shadows, waiting for the affected by the command gains temporary Hit Points equal to
perfect moment to strike. You and alliies within your half your level. The temporary Hit Points last for 1 round.
Leadership Style's aura gain a +1 status bonus to Hide and If the command already grants temporary Hit Points, then
Sneak. This bonus increases to +2 if you have Greater Aura. add to that total.


Prerequisites: Shifting Assault
Your leadership encourages your ally to brutally strike. When When you use Shifting Assault, all allies who have a reaction
an ally adds damage from your Lead By Example, your ally's available and are adjacent to you or the target can use their
target also takes persistent bleed damage equal to your reaction to Step or Stride.
number of leadership dice. If you use Magical Follow
Through, then instead of persistent bleed damage, the target
takes persistent damage matching one of the spell's damage REARRANGE

COMMANDER'S INSIGHT ↻ Frequency: Once per hour

Prerequisites: Strategic Swap
AUDITORY FORTUNE VISUAL WARLORD Trigger: You use your reaction to use Strategic Swap
Trigger: An ally within 30 feet you critically fails or fails a You can swap the initiative scores between you and all allies.
skill check
You help your companions focus on the task at hand. Your ally 10th Level
can reroll the skill check and use the second result. Your ally
is then temporarily immune to your Commander's Insight for COMMANDING COHESION
1 hour.

Prerequisites: Tactical Supervision

You prevent your allies from falling to the wayside in
challenging endeavours. When you or an ally uses Follow the
Expert, you treat a critical failure or failure as one degree of
success higher.
Pathfinder 2e: Warlord
Prerequisites: Shield Warden Trigger: An ally within 30 feet of you critically fails or fails a
Trigger: You use the Shield Block reaction to prevent damage saving throw
to an ally Your words help your ally refocus themselves. Your ally can
Saving your ally from harm inspires them to stay in the fight reroll the saving throw and uses the second result. Your ally
longer. After you prevent damage to the ally, they also gain is then temporarily immune to your Stand Strong for 1 hour.
temporary Hit Points equal to your Leadership Style's ability
modifier plus your level. The temporary Hit Points last until 12th Level
the start of turn that triggered your Shield Block reaction.

Frequency: Once per hour
You land a mighty blow that reminds your companion that the
Your aggressive leadership pushes your companions towards fight isn't over yet. Make a Strike. You can attempt a
greater violence. When you or an ally within your Leadership counteract check to remove one condition on an ally within
Style's aura critically succeeds on a Strike or reduces a 30 feet, using the source of that condition to determine the
creature to 0 hit points, the attacker can make another Strike counteract level and DC. For your counteract check, you use
as a reaction. half your level rounded up as the counteract level and your
attack roll as the counteract roll. If the condition was caused
by an ongoing effect and you don't remove that effect, the
RAPID ORDER condition returns at the end of your next turn.

Frequency: Once per hour FEARLESS RESCUE ↻

You take in the battlefield with a brief glance and can quickly WARLORD VISUAL
turn your observation into a command. If your next action is Trigger: When an ally is damaged within your Stride distance
to use an action with the Command trait, reduce the number
of actions to use it by 1. You rush forward, using your own body to save your friend,
and urge them to get to safety. Stride to a square adjacent to
your ally (or within 5 feet of an ally, if you’re not using a grid),
and you take the triggering damage instead of your ally. You
gain resistance to all damage against the triggering damage
equal to your Leadership Style's ability modifier plus your
Prerequisites: Commander's Strike level.
Another ally builds off the momentum of your ordered
assault. When the ally you chose for Commander's Strike INSPIRING GUIDANCE
critically succeeds at the Strike granted by that action,
another ally can immediately use a reaction to Strike. Since WARLORD
the second ally wasn't the ally you chose for Commander's Frequency: Once per hour
Strike, this effect doesn't continue to a third ally, even if the
second ally also critically succeeds at their Strike. Your guidance fills your allies with vigor. When you get a
success on Aid, the ally you Aid also gains temporary Hit
Points equal to your Leadership Style's ability modifier plus
your level. The temporary Hit Points last for 1 minute.
You command your ally to quickly defend themselves. If your
next action is to use an action with the Command trait, you WARLORD CONCENTRATE
can Raise a Shield, and one ally affected by the command can Frequency: Once per 10 minutes
immediately use a reaction to Raise a Shield.
You push all of your allies to greater heights. If your next
action is to use an action with the Command trait that targets
only one ally, then you can instead target yourself and all
allies within 60 feet.
Pathfinder 2e: Warlord

Frequency: Once per 10 minutes

Prerequisite: Strategic Observation
Your analysis provides your allies with greater insight than
normal. If the next action on your turn is to use Strategic
Observation, you also apply the circumstance bonus to skill
checks against the target. You and allies also gain the same
circumstance bonus to AC and saving throws against the
observed enemy for Strategic Observation's duration.
Strategic Observation gains a new failure effect.
Failure or Critical Failure: You ignore Predictive
Analysis's frequency limitation.


Prerequisites: Continue the Example

Your ally coordinates a follow up attack to match your
ferocity. When you use your reaction on Continue the
Example to Strike an enemy, an ally can also make a melee
Strike against the same enemy as a reaction. If their attack is
a critical hit, then they disrupt the enemy's action that
triggered your Continue the Example.

Frequency: Once per 10 minutes
Prerequisite: Dreadful Threat
You let out a frightening roar that terrifies foes. If the next PUNISHING BLOW
action on your turn is to use Dreadful Threat, you can target
all enemies within 30 feet of you with Dreadful Threat. WARLORD

Prerequisites: Create a Target

14th Level Your ally's strike against the shoved target deals additional
AVENGE THE FALLEN ↻ precision damage equal to your leadership dice.
Trigger: When you or an ally are reduced to 0 hit points
As a companion falls to their ground, you call for retribution. Prerequisites: Friendly Shield
Each ally within 30 feet of the triggering target gains
temporary Hit Points equal to your level and gains a +2 status When you use the Friendly Shield action, you and all allies
bonus to attack rolls and skill checks. All effects last until the within 5 feet of you add your shield's circumstance bonus to
start of the triggering target's next turn. your AC and Reflex saves.

You push yourself to expand your influence. Select one aura Frequency: Once per hour
you have from a warlord feat or feature, such as Fearless You let out a victorious battle cry to push your allies forward.
Presence or your Leadership Style aura. The radius of the You and all allies are quickened for 1 round and can use the
aura increases by 10-feet until the start of your next turn. extra action to Step, Stride, or Strike.
Pathfinder 2e: Warlord
16th Level
Prerequisite: Bolstering Strike
Prerequisite: Fearless Presence Your attack invigorates your ally to not give up. When you use
Bolstering Strike, your ally gains temporary Hit Points equal
Your bravery better bolsters the resolve of your allies. You and to your Leadership Style's ability modifier plus your level.
all allies within your Leadership Style's aura treat the result
of a save against a fear effect as one degree higher. QUICKEN ORDER
Frequency: Once per 10 minutes

Frequency: Once per 10 minutes You urge an ally to seize the moment. If your next action is to
Prerequisite: Dazing Strike use an action with the Command trait, then one ally affected
by the command is quickend for 1 round. The ally can use the
Your powerful attack leaves your foe sluggish. When you use extra action to Step, Stride, or Strike.
Dazing Strike, it gains the following success effects.
Critical Success: Target is slowed 2 and flat-footed to you 18th Level
and your allies for 1 round.
Success: Target is slowed 1 and flat-footed to you and your ATTENTIVE ALLIES
allies for 1 round.

Prerequisites: Focused Order
Your allies can easily react to your orders. An ally is no longer
limited to being affected by a single command at a time;
Prerequisite: Relentless Violence when you use a new command on an ally, all previous
commands’ effects on that ally continue for their remaining
You encourage brutality in combat. When you or your ally duration.
uses a reaction to make a Strike from Relentless Violence,
the Strike deals persistent bleed damage equal to your
leadership dice.

Pathfinder 2e: Warlord

Trigger: When you see an ally within 30 feet of you take Frequency: Once per day
damage that would reduce them to 0 hit points
You urge your companion to fight off their injuries. The ally is When the situation seems grim, your rallying cry turns the
reduced to 1 hit point and gains temporary Hit Points equal tide. You and allies within 60 feet of you gain temporary Hit
to your Leadership Style's ability modifier and your level. Points equal to your Leadership Style's ability modifier plus
They can then Strike, Step, or Stride as a free action. Your your level. You and your allies also gain a +3 status bonus to
ally is then temporarily immune to Defy Death for 24 hours. AC and saving throws, as well as resistance 15 to all damage.
All effects last for 1 minute.

You can effortlessly direct the battlefield. You are permanently Frequency: Once per day
quickened; you can use your extra action only to use 1 action You signal one enemy to be swiftly eliminated. Target an
with the Command trait. While in exploration mode, you can enemy within 60 feet of you. You and your allies deal
declare that you are using an action with a Command trait additional precision damage against the target equal to your
while using any exploration tactic. Even before your first turn leadership dice. If the target of Focus Fire dies, you can
in a combat encounter, that command is active as if you had switch targets to another enemy as a free action. Focus Fire
used it on your previous turn. ends after 1 minute.
SHIFT THE FIELD Warlord Dedication
Frequency: Once per day You have studied the art of leadership and warfare.
Prerequisites: Rearrange
Trigger: You use your reaction on Rearrange Multiclass Warlord Characters
You manipulate the battlefield like a chess board. You can Any character hoping to gain abilities to support their allies
swap the initiative scores of all creatures. can benefit from the warlord archetype, especially if you have
actions to spare or want more reactions.
2nd Level
You break your adversary’s resolve with a ferocious strike.
Make a Strike. If you hit the target, the target treats its next ARCHETYPE DEDICATION MULTICLASS

saving throw as one degree of success lower. Prerequisites: Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom 14
You choose a Leadership Style and are trained in the
20th Level corresponding skill; if you were already trained in that skill,
you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. You gain
LEGENDARY PUSH your Leadership Style's aura. You gain the leadership dice
class feature, except the die is 1d4, increasing to 1d6 at 6th
level. You don’t increase the number of dice as you gain levels.
Frequency: Once per day You become trained in warlord class DC.
Through your presence and commands, your companions
exceed mortal limitations. For 1 minute, you and allies are 4th Level
quickened, but get two extra actions instead of one. You can BASIC LEADERSHIP
use the additional actions for any action. After the minute,
you and your allies are slowed 1 for 1 minute. ARCHETYPE DEDICATION MULTICLASS
Prerequisites: Warlord Dedication
You gain a 1st- or 2nd-level warlord feat.

Pathfinder 2e: Warlord

Art Credit
Thank you to these wonderful artists for making these
Prerequisites: Warlord Dedication incredible pieces!
Bethesda game studios: page 1 and 11
You gain the Helpful Word action. Stefan Kopinski: page 3
sancient: page 5
Wizards of the Coast: page 6 and 15
6th Level Paizo: page 8
Ben Juniu: page 10
jose parodi: page 14
Prerequisites: Basic Leadership
You gain one warlord feat. For the purpose of meeting its
prerequisites, your warlord level is equal to half your
character level.
Special: You can select this feat more than once. Each
time you select it, you gain another warlord feat.


Prerequisites: Warlord Dedication

You gain the warlord's Lead By Example action; however, you
can't use your Leadership Style ability modifier in place of
your Strength or Dexterity modifier for the Strike.
8th Level

Prerequisites: Warlord Dedication

You gain your Leadership Style's 5th level Leadership
10th Level
Prerequisites: Warlord Dedication
You gain your Leadership Style's 7th level Leadership

Pathfinder 2e: Warlord 17

Change Log v4.5 => v4.5.1
Just a couple minor updates
Helpful Word: Reworded the ability to work more like
official wording involving class DC (see Dispelling Slice
rogue feat)
Strategic Observation UPDATED: Added the
prerequisite to require training in Warfare Lore
Friendly Shield UPDATED: Changed the prerequisite to
a requirement instead
Change Log v4.4 => v4.5
I think the class is getting close to finalized for now until I get
more playtest data. This latest iteration is smaller changes
Core Class
Helpful Word UPDATED: Since Aid has a flat DC of 20,
this makes Helpful Word hard to use at low levels. Like
Inspire Competence for Bards, Helpful Word now
automatically becomes a success on a failure. A core class
feature should always be useful, even at low levels.
Command Trait UPDATED: Updated the wording for
better clarity
Lead By Example UPDATED: Updated the wording for
better clarity
Helpful Explorer UPDATED: Clarified you can use
Helpful Word for this feat.
Leader's Aid REMOVED: This feat felt too weak as crit
fails on Aid have only a 10-15% chance of happening at
2nd level and that chance decreases by 5% every level
until eventually becoming 0% by 4th or 5th level. With the
changes to Helpful Word, I don't think this feat is needed.
Charge with Me UPDATED: Added the Flourish trait as
other similar opener charge moves also have the Flourish
Inspiring Block UPDATED: Changed to a free action
that triggers off of you using Shield Block to prevent
damage to an ally. I better worded how the temp HP
duration works.
Fearless Rescue UPDATED: Wording clarified for better
Avenge the Fallen UPDATED: Clarified the temporary
HP duration
Attentive Allies UPDATED: This feat feels too weak
compared to the other 20th level feats so I moved it down
to 18th level for now.

18 Pathfinder 2e: Warlord

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