Trends Assessing Neuromuscular Fatigue in Team Sports - A Narrative Review
Trends Assessing Neuromuscular Fatigue in Team Sports - A Narrative Review
Trends Assessing Neuromuscular Fatigue in Team Sports - A Narrative Review
Trends Assessing Neuromuscular Fatigue in Team Sports:
A Narrative Review
Claudia Alba-Jiménez 1,2,3 , Daniel Moreno-Doutres 3, * and Javier Peña 1,2
1 Sport and Physical Activity Studies Center (CEEAF), University of Vic, Central University of Catalonia,
08500 Barcelona, Spain; [email protected] (C.A.-J.); [email protected] (J.P.)
2 Sport Performance Analysis Research Group (SPARG), University of Vic, Central University of Catalonia,
08500 Barcelona, Spain
3 Club Joventut Badalona, 08912 Barcelona, Spain
* Correspondence: [email protected]
when questionnaires are implemented daily, their length should be considered. Many
team sports practitioners prefer shorter and simpler questionnaires to minimize time
constraints, which is more time-efficient when they have to be completed daily [4,27,31].
Implementing daily wellness questionnaires into an athlete monitoring program, such
as the PAR-Q, requires time, but the RPE is a quick way to know the NM statuses of the
athletes. A current study shows that a customized wellness questionnaire that encompasses
the sleep quality, fatigue, muscle soreness, and mood on a 1–5 Likert scale produced an
acceptable interday reliability, with a coefficient of variation (CV) of 6.9% [4]. Against this,
some coaches raise concerns about the subjectivity and individual dimensions of these
measures, as well as the scope for athletes to manipulate the responses to facilitate favorable
outcomes [27]. Brito, Hertzog, and Nassis, in an article published in 2016 that assesses
how the contextual variables influenced the training loads of highly trained soccer players
under the age of 19, and they identified that the fatigue scores were inaccurate when using
the sessional RPE (sRPE), and detected meaningful differences during the season. The
individual fatigue scores that were reported varied significantly inside the microcycles [32].
The explanation for these inaccuracies may come from the fact that the perception of effort is
very multidimensional and is determined by physiological, psychological, and experiential
factors, as was determined by Morgan in a classic piece of research on the psychological
components of the effort sense that was published in 1994 [33]. Moreover, the assessment of
fatigue can be provided by the coach [3]. The performance markers can assist the coaching
staff when an athlete is in a state of fatigue or recovery. There are available a multitude of
fatigue markers to inform the coaching staff, and while the research in this area is plentiful,
no single reliable diagnostic marker has been identified.
it challenging to obtain accurate measurements [3]. Moreover, the time, cost, and expertise
required for the data collection and analysis are all high, the analysis is time-consuming,
and there is generally a relatively long lag time to obtain feedback. These methodological
limitations limit their use in high-performance environments and potentially impair the
usefulness of such markers in a cyclic fatigue-monitoring system. The precise control of the
previous exercise, the time of the day, the diet, the presence of injuries, the inconvenience
of taking venipuncture blood samples, the possible unwillingness of some players to be
subjected to invasive tests, and the relatively high cost associated with laboratory analysis,
make this method difficult to implement in a practical training environment [3]. Moreover,
the temporal relationships to the neuromuscular performance are not well established yet,
and the multifaceted nature of fatigue makes it difficult to rely on a single biochemical,
hormonal, or immunological marker [27].
that this drill is the most task-specific measure of NMF [27,44,46,47]. According to Mar-
rier et al. [46], in team sports, such as rugby sevens, sprint accelerations and decelerations
are more frequent than vertical jumps (VJ). Sprint tests rely primarily on the concentric
muscle action, whereas the VJ fundamentally relies on a stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) [47].
A running test could be more sensitive to neuromuscular status changes than a jump test
because of the higher task-specific nature. Garret et al. [44] observed this trend in Australian
Football, a predominantly running sport. Surprisingly, the authors found similar results
between the sprint test and the vertical jump tests, which shows an alternative method
of assessing the neuromuscular function in high-performance athletes. In basketball, the
sprint speed has been identified as a relevant attribute; specifically, 5 m of sprint time
showed a moderate inverse relationship to the playing time in the NCAA Division II
competition. Thus, monitoring the athletes’ acceleration abilities can be a more suitable
method of identifying fatigue, in opposition to the maximal speed. The sprint performance
could be considered a valid tool for the assessment of NMF in sports where sprints are
specific to the task [20]. Since it does not cause excessive fatigue, it is easy to administer as
a part of the warm-up, and it can be applied to large groups of athletes concurrently in a
different number of environments and settings, i.e., indoors and outdoors, which increases
its ecological validity [44]. However, some authors report that the sprint performance was
less sensitive as a fatigue marker compared with the CMJ, which suggests that its use to
profile recovery is limited [17].
within the literature [27,28,45,52]. Even though the use of the three jumps mentioned above
to monitor fatigue is well documented, the CMJ is the most popular vertical jump test
among practitioners for assessing NMF [4,15–17,44,45,52,53]. Taylor et al. [28] studied the
current trends through a questionnaire, and for the performance tests, the VJ was the most
popular and was used by 54% of all the responders. The VJ test is the performance test
that produces less fatigue when compared with the sprinting or strength tests [27]. While
the simple measures of the jump performance are cheap and easy to administer with large
groups, they are helpful because, as described above, they reflect the stretch-shortening
capability of the lower-limb musculature and the ability to evaluate muscle fatigue [27].
Many factors can influence the CMJ. The main factors cited in the bibliography are:
The countermovement depth: The protocols describe that the jump initiates with the
participants in an upright position before executing the vertical jump, which starts with a
countermovement until the legs are bent down to 90◦ [58]. Despite this, a protocol wherein
a self-selected knee angle is used may present higher reliability, and a short test duration
should potentially minimize errors [37,56,57,59–65];
The arm swing: The arm swing influences the vertical jump performance, and increases
the jump height compared to vertical jumps without an arm swing [54,57,60,63,66,67].
Despite the performance improvement, the lower variability due to less error of measure-
ment, a smaller average measurement bias, a reduction in the measurement difference
variability, and a higher reliability of the CMJ without the arm swing versus the CMJ with
the arm swing suggests that maintaining the arms in a fixed position provides a more stable
form than allowing unrestricted arm movement [63,68].
The jumps considered for the analysis are another factor of the variability between the
studies. A meta-analysis of the CMJ test to monitor the neuromuscular status determined
a predominance of studies using the highest CMJ performance value for their analyses.
However, when comparing the highest and average results, the average jump results were
more sensitive than the highest jumps in identifying fatigue or the effects of supercompen-
sation [69]. A systematic review of the CMJ and the SJ defined the most common numbers
of trials performed in the published research and found that three jumps were found 76%
of the time, compared to two jumps (11%), and more than three jumps (13%) [58].
Despite being the most commonly used test to evaluate the vertical performance, there
is no general agreement in terms of the CMJ protocol. The most common description in the
literature follows the upcoming rules: the CMJ has to be performed with the participants’
hands on their hips and starting from an upright static position with their legs straight. The
Sports 2022, 10, 33 8 of 15
participants have to be instructed to squat by bending the knees at approximately 90◦ angles
as quickly as possible. Then, they should jump as high as possible, keeping the legs straight,
and landing with both feet together [54,61,70–74]. In a recent study, McMahon et al. [75]
offer a detailed description of the CMJ phases (Table 2).
reproducible movement patterns. Along the same idea, Spiteri et al. [16] also studied
NMF in basketball and they indicate the the FT:CT appears to be a sensitive measure for
monitoring the training intensity and for detecting NMF following training and game
2. Training
Programand andFatigue
Monitoring team team sports
sports activity
activity and its its recovery
recovery cancan inform
inform athletes’ fatigue [16].
Furthermore,there thereis is
also a need
also a needto ensure the appropriate
to ensure monitoring
the appropriate of individuals
monitoring within
of individuals
team environment. Athletes may respond differently to the training
a team environment. Athletes may respond differently to the training stimulus, stimulus, and the
training loads required for the adaptation may differ significantly,
and the training loads required for the adaptation may differ significantly, and conse- and consequently, so may
the fatigue
quently, sothat
fatigue bythattheis training
produced load. Monitoring
by the the individual
training load. Monitoring athlete allows
the individ-
ual athlete allows for the identification of those athletes who are not responding toand
the identification of those athletes who are not responding to the training program, the
for the control
training program, of theandinternal
for theand external
control of the loads to avoid
internal the appearance
and external loads toofavoid
pearance ofthe movement
fatigue technique,
[96]. Moreover, theormovement
the agility,technique,
are related or to
thethe performance
agility, are relatedandto
influence fatigue [48]. When local muscular work is relatively heavy,
the performance and influence fatigue [48]. When local muscular work is relatively heavy, and of a considerable
duration, the fatigue it duration,
and of a considerable causes is transferred
the fatigue to and impairs
it causes both the to
is transferred speed
and and the accuracy
impairs both the
speed and the accuracy in the neuromotor-coordination tasks performed by these and[97].
the neuromotor-coordination tasks performed by these and the associated muscles the
There is extensive
associated muscles literature about
[97]. There is team sportsliterature
extensive and NMF.about The performance
team sports tests have been
and NMF. The
performance withtests
been in professional
validated with soccer, rugby, and
high reliability in basketball
professional teams. However,
soccer, rugby,
there is no evidence
and basketball teams.of the different
However, player
there is nopositions
evidence in of
anythesport [44,47,52].
different player positions in
3. sport [44,47,52].
The present narrative review describes NMF and the complex processes that cause
3. Conclusions
this specific type of fatigue. NMF has been reported as a reduction induced by exercise
in theThe presentvoluntary
maximal narrative force
review describesby
produced NMF and the
a muscle orcomplex
a group processes
of muscles,thatand
this specific its
understand type of fatigue.
extent NMF
is pivotal has been
because reported
of its as a reduction
consequences induced
on sports by exercise
performances andin
the maximal voluntary force produced by a muscle or a group of muscles,
athlete statuses. Various NMF monitoring procedures have been used in the past, but not and to under-
all its extent
of them is pivotal
are suitable because
in team of itsFor
sports. consequences
example, inon sports
team performances
sports, biochemicaland athlete
are Various
not used NMF methodological
for their monitoring procedures have The
limitations. beenquestionnaires
used in the past,andbutsubjective
not all of
them are suitableof fatigue
in teamare sports.
not accurate becauseinthe
For example, perception
team of effort and
sports, biochemical fatigueare
markers is
multidimensional. However, performance tests (sprinting ability and
not used for their methodological limitations. The questionnaires and subjective assess-vertical jump test)
mentsthe of
most usedare
fatigue for not
practical application
because in team sports
the perception training.
of effort Furthermore,
and fatigue not
is multidi-
all these monitoring strategies provide the same information on how
mensional. However, performance tests (sprinting ability and vertical jump test) are the athletes respond
to training
most andtheir
used for nontraining stressors. This
practical application article
in team reviews
sports theFurthermore,
training. main technologies
not all used
and their advantages and disadvantages in terms of the cost, the time needed to gather
monitoring strategies provide the same information on how athletes respond to training
and process the information obtained, as well as in terms of the validity and reliability.
and nontraining stressors. This article reviews the main technologies used and their ad-
We recommend that coaches and practitioners decide which are the most appropriate
vantages and disadvantages in terms of the cost, the time needed to gather and process
for their particular situations, but ecology is the most important of these procedures in
high-performance sports settings.
Author Contributions: The manuscript was written by C.A.-J., D.M.-D., and J.P. All authors have
read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Sports 2022, 10, 33 12 of 15
Funding: The authors, C.A.J. and J.P., received funding to conduct this study from the Industrial
Doctorate Plan from the Government of Catalonia, under the grant: EMC/964/2018. The funders
had no role in the study design, the data collection and analyses, in the decision to publish, or in the
manuscript preparation.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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