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Trucks Through A Tunnel

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Trucks Through a Tunnel

write down, identify, show, find,

Assessment Type Criterion D: Applying mathematics in real-life
Communication and Real-life Application of

contexts MYP Global Context

MYP Assessment Criteria Criterion C:
Recommended Grade Level
explain, describe, use, apply, draw, discuss
Grade 10 (MYP 5) Standard

MYP Command Terms Used

Orientation in space and time

MYP Key MYP Related
Concepts Concepts Models,
Relationships, Logic Space

MYP Branch of
Mathematics Thinking with
��(�� − ��)(�� − ��)
MYP Topics and Skills Prior Knowledge Needed
• Graph of linear functions in the form of • Using technology (GDC or Desmos) to
�� = �� find points of intersection
• Systems of equations solving • Solving quadratic equations for �� both
algebraically and graphically algebraically and graphically
• Quadratic functions in the forms of ��
= ����2 + ���� + ��, �� =

Assessment Description

In this assessment, students work through an initial and then an updated proposal for a tunnel,
identifying points that represent the edge of lanes and finding the width of lanes. Then, given the
dimensions (width and height) of four vehicles, students are asked to find whether these vehicles
are able to use the outer lanes of the tunnel, if they drive extremely closely to the inner edge of
the outer lane. For the Tesla Semi, it is not possible, as shown. However, is it possible for the
other vehicles? – this is the question to answer in Achievement Level 7-8.

Materials Needed

The task requires students to use technology (GDC or Desmos), so access to technology is
necessary for this task.

Task-specific instructions / Recommendations

If students have access to Desmos, then scientific calculator is sufficient.

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Assessment Criterion C: Communication

Achievement Level Descriptor

(MYP5) Task Specific Descriptor The student does not reach a

standard described by any of the descriptors below.

1-2 labeled, Graph has title.

The student is able to: Points of intersection of truck and
Shows basic use of mathematical tunnel found
language and/or forms of
representation. The lines of The student is able to:
reasoning are difficult to follow. The student is able to:
Shows good use of mathematical
3-4 language and forms of mathematical
The student is able to: representation. The lines of reasoning
The student is able to: are concise, logical and complete.
Coordinates of points stated The student moves effectively
New width of the tunnel between different lines of

The student is able to:
consistently use appropriate
Attempt at two ways of finding function mathematical language
Shows sufficient use of language • use appropriate forms of
and forms of mathematical mathematical
representation. The lines of representation to
reasoning are clear though not consistently present
always logical or information correctly
complete. The student moves • move effectively between
between different representations different forms of
with some success. mathematical
5-6 • communicate through lines of
reasoning that are complete,
equation coherent and concise
Graph of function equation shown, • present work that is
appropriate scales chosen, axes consistently organized using a
logical structure.
Function equation found using
two methods.
Equation of new tunnel found
Notation and use of technology
throughout the entire investigation
consistent, accurate and complete
(All tasks)

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Assessment Criterion D: Applying mathematics in real-life contexts

Achievement Level Descriptor

(MYP5)Task Specific Descriptor

0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.





The student is able to:
i. identify some of the elements of the
authentic real-life situation
ii. apply mathematical strategies to
find a solution to the authentic
real-life situation, with limited
success authentic real-life situation The student is able to:
iii. (not demonstrated at this level) ii. select appropriate mathematical i. identify the coordinates of each
iv. (not demonstrated at this level) strategies to model the authentic edge of each lane on the ground (Q5)
(not demonstrated at this level). real-life situation iii. apply the selected ii. select the correct algebraic method
The student is able to: mathematical strategies to reach a to find the height (��-coordinate) of
i. identify the relevant elements of the correct solution the tunnel at the outer edge of each
authentic real-life situation iv. explain the degree of accuracy of
lane (Q6)
ii. select, with some success, the solution
iii. apply their algebraic method to
adequate mathematical strategies to v. explain whether the solution makes
model the sense in the context of the authentic find the required heights correctly (Q6)
authentic real-life situation real-life situation. and use technology to find the same
iii. apply mathematical strategies to The student is able to: heights (Q7)
reach a solution to the authentic i. write down the coordinates of at iv. describe the accuracy of their
real-life situation iv. (not demonstrated least one of the ��-intercepts and results (Q7) v. briefly explain why the
at this level) attempt to identify what they heights must be the maximum height
v. describe whether the solution represent (Q1) of the vehicles allowed in these lanes
makes sense in the context of the ii. show that the given function rules (Q6)
authentic real-life are equivalent and write down the The student is able to:
situation. ��-intercept i. identify which vehicle is allowed to
The student is able to: iii. (not demonstrated at this level) use the outer lanes (Q8)
i. identify the relevant elements of the iv. (not demonstrated at this level) ii. draw the correct horizontal line in
authentic real-life situation v. (not demonstrated at this level). Diagram 4 to model the height of the
ii. select adequate mathematical The student is able to: appropriate vehicle (Q9) and select an
strategies to model the authentic i. write down both coordinates of the appropriate algebraic method to find
real-life situation ��-intercepts and correctly identify the ��-coordinates of the
iii. apply the selected mathematical what they represent (Q1) ii. select the intersection points (Q10)
strategies to reach a valid solution correct strategy to find the maximum iii. use technology to find the
to the authentic real life situation width of each of the four lanes (Q3) ��-coordinates of the intersection
iv. describe the degree of accuracy of iii. apply the correct strategy to find points of the given line, write down
the solution the maximum width of each of the these coordinates in Diagram 4 (Q9)
v. discuss whether the solution four lanes and briefly explain how and find the same coordinates using
makes sense in the context of the they found their value (Q3) an algebraic method (Q10)
authentic real-life situation. iv. (not demonstrated at this level) iv. explain the accuracy of their
v. describe whether the maximum findings (Q11) v. discuss and briefly
width of the car lane is realistic in the explain whether the vehicle could
context of the task and briefly explain use the inner part of the outer lane
The student is able to: why they think so (Q4).
i. identify the relevant elements of the

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As the Head Engineer leading a specialized team of engineers, you are

often asked to design tunnels, some only for smaller vehicles as
alternative routes while others for connecting major transportation hubs
used by long distance buses and trucks.

In this assessment task, you will work through the progressive

development of a proposal for a tunnel put forth by your team of
engineers. Let’s explore!

The basic outline of the proposed tunnel is shown in Diagram 1 below. The shaded regions on
each end represent access pathways for engineers that are closed off for the public.
Diagram 1

The tunnel is modelled by two functions, one for the inner curve and one for the outer curve. (1)
The equation representing the inner curve of the tunnel is �� = −0.08(�� + 10)(�� − 10). For
this inner curve,
a. write down the coordinates of both ��-intercepts, and
b. identify what these coordinates represent in the context of the task.

The x axis represents the direction along the central axis of the tunnel.

[D: 1-4, i]

(2) Show that the function rule representing the inner curve of the tunnel given in question (1)
may also be written as �� = −0.08��2 + 8. Then, write down the ��-intercept of this function.

y= -0.08(x+10) (x-10) 𝑌 =− 0. 08(0) + 8

y= − 0. 08(𝑥 − 100) 𝑌=8

𝑌 =− 0. 08𝑥 + 8

[D: 1-2, ii]

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The proposal presented is a two-way tunnel, with two lanes in each direction, equally spaced out.
(3) Given that the ��-axis represents the ground and 1 unit on the graph represents the length
of 1 meter, find the maximum width of each of the four lanes, in meters, proposed. Briefly
explain how you found this value.

20/4=5 meters.
The width of the tunnel is 20 metres which, when dividing them into four equal parts, their
maximum width is 5 meters.

[D: 3-4, ii-iii]

(4) Describe whether the maximum width of the car lane you found in question (3) above is
realistic in the context of the task. Briefly explain why you think so.

The maximum width that was obtained in question 3 is realistic in context o the task, due to the
fact that the average width of an average car is around 2m wide and an average truck is
2.5m meaning that there would be enough space in all of the lanes for cars to pass through.

[D: 3-4, ii]

As the second step in the development of the proposal, your team decided to add walkways
between each car lane. The model of this modified proposal is shown in Diagram 2 below, with the
newly added walkways (and the space above them) represented by shaded regions.

Diagram 2

(5) As a result of this modification, each lane became narrower. Identify the coordinates that
represent each edge of each lane on the ground. Then, use the information provided in
question (3) to find the new width of each lane, in meters.

The original width of each of the tunnels was 5 meters. Question 3, stated that one unit on the
graph represents one meter. From the parabola, 2 meters has been removed from each
lane. 5m - 2m=3m

The new width of each lane = 3 meters.

[D: 5-6, i-iii]

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(6) Apply an algebraic method of your choice and use your findings in question (5) to find the
height (��-coordinate), expressed in meters, of the tunnel at the outer edge of a. each
outer lane,
b. each inner lane.
Then, briefly explain why these heights must be the maximum height of the vehicles
allowed in these lanes.

− 0. 08𝑥 + 8
Substitute the x in the equation by the edge of the inner and outer lanes x values.

− 0. 08(− 8) + 8 = 2. 88 𝑚

− 0. 08(4) + 8 = 6. 72𝑚

If the height of the car exceeds the maximum hight of the lanes, they would not be able to fit
as they would be too long.
[D: 5-6, ii-iii, v]

(7) In order to confirm your results in question (6), use technology (GDC or Desmos) to find the
height (��-coordinate) of the tunnel, expressed in meters, at the outer edge of a. the inner
b. the outer lane.
Write down the values obtained in the boxes provided below, exactly as you found them,
without any rounding.
Height of the tunnel at the outer edge of the

inner lane outer lane

y= 6 m y= 2.81 m

Then, briefly describe the accuracy of your findings in question (6) compared to your
findings in question (7).

Compared to my findings, the answers found in question 7 were accurate when it came to
the whole numbers. However the decimals werent as accurate.

[D: 5-6, iii-iv]

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The dimensions of some commonly used vehicles, according to www.dimensions.com and other
reliable sites, is shown in the table below.
Vehicle name Sketch Width Height CHECK
(meters) (meters)

Tesla Semi 2.59 3.96

Karmann Gipsy 1.85 2.7


Tantri 2.18 3.71

Dump Truck

Volkswagen Type 1.72 1.94

2 Microbus

Table 1

The cross mark ( ) in the table above indicates that the Tesla Semi cannot use the outer lanes as
its height is above the maximum allowed height in that lane, as found in questions (6) and (7).

(8) Use your findings in questions (6) and (7) to identify, by placing checks ( ) or crosses (
) in the table above, which of remaining vehicles in the table can or cannot use the outer

[D: 7-8, i]

The height of the Tesla Semi can also be represented by the horizontal line �� = 3.96 on the
graph. This line intersects the inner curve at (−7.106,3.96) and (7.106,3.96), as shown in Diagram

3 below. Diagram 3

These intersection points indicate that if the Tesla Semi had its width less than 7.105 − 5 = 2.106
meters, it could technically go through the tunnel in the outer lane too, if it stayed on the inner part
of that outer lane, extremely close to the inner walkway. However, as the width of the Tesla Semi is
2.59 meters, this is not possible.

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(9) On Diagram 4 provided below, use a ruler to draw the horizontal line that represent the
height of the vehicle you identified with a cross mark ( ) in question (8).

Then, use technology to find both intersection points of this line and the inner curve of the
tunnel. Write down these coordinates in Diagram 4 below.

Diagram 4

[D: 7-8, ii-iii]

The ��-coordinate of the intersection points for the horizontal line �� = 3.96 and the inner curve
may also be found algebraically, as shown below:

3.96 = −0.08��2 + 8 subtract 8 from both sides

−4.04 = −0.08��2 divide both sides by −0.08
50.5 = ��2take the square root of both sides
±7.106 = ��

(10)Apply a similar algebraic method or another method of your choice and show the
necessary steps to find the ��-coordinates of the same intersection points you found
using technology in question (9).

3. 71 =− 0. 08𝑥 + 8

− 4. 29 =− 0. 08𝑥

53. 6 = 𝑥

±7. 321 = 𝑥
[D: 7-8, ii-iii]

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(11)Briefly explain the accuracy of your findings in question (9) compared to your findings in
question (10).
The answer found in question 9 compared to the answer in question 10 are similar only when
looking at the whole number making it the answer in question 10 pretty accurate as there is
only a difference of 0.19 in the answers.

[D: 7-8, iv]

(12)Use the example given above question (9) and right under Diagram 4 to discuss and briefly
explain whether your findings in questions (9) and (10) mean that this vehicle could use the
inner part of the outer lanes to go through the tunnel.

It could be possible for the vehicle to use the inner part of the tunnel solving the issue of the
height. However, this will reduce the space the vehicle had access to. The lane is 3 meters
wide and the car’s width is 2.18 meters. This means that even if the vehicle were to drive
though the tunnel, it would be dangerously close to the edges of the lane.
Check the width of your vehicle in Table 1.

[C: 5-6, v]
[D: 7-8, v]
(13) What you have done above is an example of quadratic modeling. Why is quadratic
modeling important? What is its practical value?
Quadratic modeling is important as it is able evaluate the relationship between variable
values. This mathematic idea is helpful in every aspect of life, from estimating area,
speed, and profits to helping in the silving of criminal investigations.

Write down a report, using an example of your own on Quadratic modeling with explaining
all necessary functions and calculations. Explain how your model works in real life. You may use
Desmos graphing or GeoGebra to explain your model with all the values related. Your completed
paper should include the following:

• An introduction to the project.

• A detailed sketch or model of your model, including the quadratic functions used to
explain your model
• You should label the coordinates of the vertex and the x intercepts.
• A write-up of how you found the parabolas and how you know they are correct. You
should use the unit exercises as a model. (Remember to use appropriate technology.)
• Your report should be double-spaced and follow MLA format.

Michaela Anani Apala

April 9,2023
Ms. Nabil

Report: Basketball

In a month, a 6 year old basketball player has a crucial game. As the team's captain, she has to
devise a method for throwing the basketball high in order to increase the likelihood that her
team will succeed, as the higher the ball the thrown, the less the chances of the opponent
team stealing the ball. Throughout her career, she has been experimenting with two throwing
techniques, to identify which of the two is more efficient and could put her as well as her team
mates at an advantage.

This investigation will determine which throwing technique between overhand and underhand is
more efficient when playing basketball. This will be determined by solving for a basketball’s
maximum height by using the vertex motion model, ℎ =− 16𝑡 + 𝑣𝑡 + 𝑠, when its being
thrown using an overhand throw, as well as when its being thrown using an underhand throw.

v= inicial velocity in meters

s= hight in meters

The height of the basketball hoop from the ground is 3 meters tall, meaning that the basketball
will have to be thrown at the height of 3.5 meters for it to go through the hoop. When conducting
the test, the ball is thrown 3 meters away from the hoop, starting at the height of 1.3 meters at a
vertical velocity of 1 meter per second.

To find the maximum height the basketball has reached we will be constructing a quadratic
equation, with the information that has been given above.
ℎ =− 16𝑡 + 𝑡 + 3. 5

Using overhand:

Diagram 1

1. 3 =− 16𝑡 + 𝑡 + 3. 5
0 =− 16𝑡 + 𝑡 + 4. 8

In order to solve for the maximum height, the formula 𝑡 =− 𝑏/2𝑎 will be used to find the time at
which the ball hit the ground.

𝑡 =− 1/2(− 16)
𝑡 = 0. 02 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑠

Use the information to find the maximum height reached by the ball.
ℎ =− 16(0. 02) + (0. 02) + 4. 8
ℎ = 4. 8 𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠

To check whether this was the corrects maximum hight reached, Desmos was used, and the 𝑡
was substituted with 0.02.

The investigation is repeated but this time the height at which the ball is thrown has decreased by
0.6 meters making the initial height 0.7, as the ball is being thrown using an underhand.

0. 7 =− 16𝑡 + 𝑡 + 3. 5
0 =− 16𝑡 + 𝑡 + 4. 2

New graph:

Using the equation that has been found above, calculate the maximum height reached by the
ball, when being thrown with an underhand.
Finding the time in seconds:
𝑡 =− 1/2(− 16)
𝑡 = 0. 02 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑠

ℎ =− 16(0. 02) + (0. 02) + 4. 2
ℎ = 4. 2 𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠

To check whether this was the corrects maximum hight reached, Desmos was used, and the 𝑡
was substituted with 0.02.

After the investigation was conducted, the results portrayed that the overhand throw made the
ball have the maximum of 4.8 meters while the underhand throw made the ball have a maximum
of 4.2 meters with a gap of 0.6 meters in between the heights. To conclude the overhand throw
has been shown to be more effective meaning that the basketballer would be at an advantage if
she used that specific throwing technique.
To obtain the highest levels in Criterion C you should:
• consistently use appropriate mathematical language
• use appropriate forms of mathematical representation to consistently present information
• move effectively between different forms of mathematical representation
• communicate through lines of reasoning that are complete, coherent and concise
• present work that is consistently organized using a logical structure.

Submit your report as a pdf on ManageBac. Due date: Monday, April 10th- 8:00pm

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