NSTP 2 Week 5
NSTP 2 Week 5
NSTP 2 Week 5
2. Man-Made Disasters
Man-made disasters have an element of human intent, negligence, or error involving a
failure of a man-made system, as opposed to natural disasters resulting from natural
hazards. Such man-made disasters are crime, arson, civil disorder, terrorism, war,
biological/chemical threat, cyber-attacks, etc.
3. Complex Emergencies (Hybrid)
These emergencies include a breakdown of authority, looting and attacks on strategic
installations. Complex emergencies include conflict situations and war.
4. Pandemic Emergencies.
These emergencies involve a sudden onset of a contagious disease that affects but
also disrupts services and businesses, bringing economic and social costs.
Understanding Disaster Risk
Hazards do not have to turn into disasters.
To break the vicious cycle of "Disaster, respond, recover, repeat.", we need a better
understanding of disaster risk, in all its dimensions.
1. Disaster risk - is expressed as the likelihood of loss of life, injury or destruction and
damage from a disaster in a given period of time.
2. Hazard -is a potential source of harm or adverse health effect on a person.
Example: If there was a spill of water in a room then that water would present a slipping
hazard to persons passing through it.
3. Exposure - is defined as “the situation of people, infrastructure, housing, production
capacities and other tangible human assets located in hazard-prone areas”.
4. Vulnerability -is the inability to resist a hazard or to respond when a disaster has
Example: a wooden house is sometimes less likely to collapse in an earthquake, but it
may be more vulnerable in the event of a fire or a hurricane.
1. Climate change is a long-term change in the average weather patterns that have
come to define Earth's local, regional and global climates.
2. Environmental degradation is a process through which the natural environment is
compromised in some way, reducing biological diversity and the general health of the
3. Globalized economic development has resulted in increased polarization between
the rich and poor on a global scale. This has increased vulnerability to disasters in
some cases, whilst increasing exposure to hazards in others as more (and often more
valuable) assets are developed in hazard-prone areas.
4. Poverty & Inequality
Inequality is concerned with the full distribution of wellbeing; poverty is focused on the
lower end of the distribution only – those who fall below a poverty line (McKay, 2002).
Inequality can be viewed as inequality of what, inequality of whom and inequality over
what time horizon (McKay, 2002).
Difference between poverty and income inequality:
Poverty is a term used to measure the basic standard of living of individuals. Income
inequality is the inequality in the distribution of income among various individuals living
in an economy.
5. Poorly planned urban development
Inadequately planned and managed cities also create new risks which threaten to erode
current development gains. The lack of adequate infrastructure and services, unsafe
housing, inadequate and poor health services can turn natural hazard into a disaster.
6. Weak governance zones are investment environments in which public sector actors
are unable or unwilling to assume their roles and responsibilities in protecting rights,
providing basic services, public services, and ensuring that public sector management
is efficient and effective.
It is found that highly educated individuals are better aware of the earthquake risk
(Ainuddin et al. 2013) and are more likely to undertake disaster preparedness (Paul
and Bhuiyan 2010). High risk awareness associated with education thus could
contribute to vulnerability reduction behaviors.
Instructional Materials
Instructional materials are the content or information conveyed within a course. These
include the lectures, readings, textbooks, multimedia components, and other resources
in a course.
What is the purpose of instructional materials?
Instructional materials constitute alternative channels of communication, which a
teacher can use to convey more vividly instructional information to learners. They
represent a range of materials which can be used to 'extend the range of vicarious
experience' of learners in a teaching-learning situation.
Instructional materials help to provide variations in the ways in which messages are
sent across. In using instructional materials teachers and students do not only extend
the range of sense organs we use but also extend the range of materials used for
convening the same message through the same organ. For instance, in teaching a topic
a teacher can manipulate real objects or use their stimulators. Instructional materials
therefore constitute the media of exchange through which a message transaction is
facilitated between a source and a receiver. In addition to extending the range of
materials that can be used to convey the same instructional message to learners
instructional materials also facilitate the 'process' nature of communication. In this
passage, the process nature of communication implies that both the source and the
receiver of a message are actively involved in a communication encounter. In fact, it
means that both the receiver and the source share and exchange ideas, feelings in any
communication (Tyler, 1987, Dike 1989)
Types of Instructional Materials:
1. Graphic materials
This represent these charts, graphic, posters and diagrams, cartoons, comics, maps
and globes which we draw on a cardboard paper or on a piece of cloth and present to
our learners to help them visualize what we have been laboring so hard o explain
2. Three- dimensional materials
They are different from charts and graphs which are illustration of two- dimensional
materials because of the incorporation of a third element- department. Thus, whereas
graphs and charts embrace the width and height of a visualized object, a three-
dimensional embraces this third element department, a feature that makes the three-
dimensional material a replica of the real thing. Different types of three-dimensional
materials exist, namely: Models and mock-ups, realia, specimen, kits and dioramas-
which is the creation of a scene in an event.
3. Still pictures
This refers to flat opaque pictures which we take during festivals or when we are
commemorating an event. They also refer to pictures we find in journals and
magazines. They are called still pictures because in admiring them, we hold them in our
hands or place them on a surface, which is we do not view them with the aid of
projector, as is the case with motion pictures or still projected pictures. Like graphic
materials, still pictures belong to the group of two -dimensional materials.
4. Still projected pictures
Still projected pictures is a class of instructional materials which our learners may not
be familiar with. Therefore in order to assist then to better understand what is meant by
still projected pictures, is the negative format. Still projected pictures can be projected
with a projector. The projector has powerful electronic bulbs, which throw light on to the
image on the negative, and image is finally projected on to a screen or wall. Therefore,
when dealing with still projected pictures, one is automatically dealing with a whole
range of materials (such as slides, overhead transparency, filmstrip etc) whose image
are imprinted in a negative/film and which has to be projected using different types of
projector. A major characteristics is still projected pictures is that the images are
projected one frame at a time. This is a major difference between still projected pictures
and motion pictures. This characteristic enables a still projected picture to stay for as
long as a learner wants it on a screen.
5. Motion pictures
Motion pictures are distinct from the other types of pictures because of the speed at
which they are projected. It is this speed of projection that intact gives the impression of
6. Audio materials
Cassettes, microphone, podcast
A teaching aid is anything used by a teacher to help teach a lesson or make it
more interesting to students. Teaching aids can come in almost any form. Some of
the most common are pictures, videos, charts, flashcards, and objects, like three-
dimensional models or educational toys.
Instructional materials provide the core information that students will experience, learn,
and apply during a course. They hold the power to either engage or demotivate
The Project Proposal is the initial document used to define an internal or external
project. The proposal includes sections such as title, start and end dates, objectives
and goals, requirements, and a descriptor of the proposed solution.
Parts of a Proposal include: Title page, Table of Contents, Abstract/Overview, Needs
Statement, Goals/Objectives, Project Plan, Evaluation and Budget
A Gantt chart is a timeline of a project. It is used for planning projects of all sizes,
and it is a useful way of showing what work is scheduled to be done on a specific day.
Strategies in Teaching include: Title, Introduction, Objective, Lesson Proper and
Instructional materials are the content or information conveyed within a course. These
include the lectures, readings, textbooks, multimedia components, and other resources
in a course. It helps to provide variations in the ways in which messages are sent
1. Customize your own Gantt Chart
2. Based on the given sample lesson (Disaster Risk Reduction and Management) make
your own Lesson Plan utilizing appropriate instructional materials.
Formulate a community project proposal.
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