Essential Cybersecurity Controls (ECC - 1:2018) Standard Compliance
Essential Cybersecurity Controls (ECC - 1:2018) Standard Compliance
Essential Cybersecurity Controls (ECC - 1:2018) Standard Compliance
Implementation Considerations
Tarun Ambwani, CISSP, CIPP
Vice President – Risk Advisory Services
Cyber-security is a complex and multifaceted challenge
that is growing in importance. Traditionally viewed as an
IT security problem, many organizations today realize that
cyber security needs to be treated as a broader risk
management issue to protect business interests against
the adverse effects of cybercrime and hacktivism.
I. Objective
The objective of this whitepaper is not to replicate the National Cybersecurity Authority’s Essential
Cybersecurity Controls (ECC – 1:2018) standard but to share our viewpoint on the important
considerations that should be kept in mind while implementing the standard.
These implementation considerations can be used in conjunction with the ECC control text for
elaborated guidance and also include recommendations that, while not required or explicitly
mentioned in the ECC standard, are likely to add value to the implementation.
The whitepaper also includes a listing of the minimum set of documentation and evidences
required for compliance to the standard.
ECC Scope
These controls are applicable to government organizations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
(including ministries, authorities, establishments and others) and its companies and entities, as well
as private sector organizations owning, operating or hosting Critical National Infrastructures (CNIs),
which are all referred to herein as “The Organization”. The NCA strongly encourages all other
organizations in the Kingdom to leverage these controls to implement best practices to improve
and enhance their cybersecurity.
ECC Applicability
These controls have been developed after taking into consideration the cybersecurity needs of all
organizations and sectors in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Every organization must comply with all
applicable controls. Applicability to implement these cybersecurity controls depends on the
organization’s business and its use of certain technologies.
3-1 Cybersecurity Resilience Aspects of Business Continuity Management (BCM)
Industrial Control
Systems 5-1 Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Protection
1. Cybersecurity Governance
The cybersecurity strategy should be able to address both current business requirements
and future growth plans that may result in IT/ICS/OT infrastructure changes or expansion.
The strategy should be formulated after study of all potential solution options for
Implementation cybersecurity keeping in mind advances in the cybersecurity space and also be able to
address the organization’s specific challenges.
The roadmap should identify all cybersecurity related focus areas, initiatives, high level action
plans, and timeframes. A more detailed program plan for each focus area and its constituent
initiatives can then be developed, executed, tracked and reported.
The cybersecurity committee charter should include the committee mandate and objectives,
Implementation authority, membership, roles and responsibilities, and governance framework. The latter can
Considerations include the decision making model, baseline meeting agenda including owners, RACI matrix,
any specialized processes, meeting frequency, participation and delegation.
During the gap assessment stage, all existing policies and procedures should be reviewed to
Implementation determine if all cybersecurity relevant areas are covered and adequately addressed. If gaps
Considerations are found, these should be enhanced and where required additional policies or procedures
should be defined, documented, approved, communicated, and implemented.
Additionally, while not required by the ECC, the cybersecurity risk management methodology
can include an information security focused risk appetite. The risk appetite and methodology
can be aligned with the enterprise and operational risk management methodology.
Implementation While not required by ECC, the organization may additionally choose to automate project risk
Considerations management via a technology solution.
While not required by ECC, the organization may additionally choose to automate
compliance management via a technology solution.
Scope of the periodic independent reviews and audit should be carefully determined to
Implementation include compliance reviews, security process area/control audits as well as technical
Considerations security assessments. All core security processes and at-least all critical, high and other
important assets (especially all external facing
Remediation activities should be prioritized and completed on time. Where risk is being
accepted, risk acceptance forms should be drafted with rationale and compensating controls
and signed by the cybersecurity steering committee.
The ECC control is clear. It is important to keep in mind that exiting personnel access to ‘all
information and technology assets must be permanently removed’ via deletion of the user
account and not just by disabling access.
The personnel targeted for cybersecurity awareness should cover all of the organization’s
staff including any third party contractors. It is recommended that all staff have access easy
Implementation to awareness and training materials at all times e.g. via Intranet portal.
In addition, the organization may consider deploying a Learning Management System. While
not required by ECC, the program may be extended to customers and partners.
2. Cybersecurity Defense
A centralized up to date inventory (e.g. CMDB) of all information and technology assets
(including hardware, software, applications, servers, databases, devices) must be maintained
with relevant information for each that should include asset name, id, location, IP address,
asset value or criticality level based on CIA, business department mapping, owner, custodian,
among other parameters.
Segregation of duties matrix for all applications must be developed and implemented. The
same should be done for other IT assets such as servers, databases, network devices as well
as security solutions.
Implementation Malware and virus protection should not only be restricted to the IT network but, if applicable,
Considerations should be extended to other networks such as ATM.
A detailed Email Security policy should be defined covering all points mentioned in the ECC
Considerations control text as well as other requirements such as email usage policies, attachment
handling, sharing of classified information over emails, email monitoring, etc.
In addition, Segregation of Duties (SOD) between the network and infrastructure management
team (e.g. those managing servers, databases, routers, switches) as well as security device
Implementation management team (e.g. those managing IDS/IPS, Firewalls, other security appliances/
Considerations solutions) should be defined, documented and implemented. Access control should be
implemented in accordance to SOD, least privilege and need to know principles.
A detailed Mobile Device Security and BYOD policy should be defined to capture other cyberse-
Implementation curity requirements such as not allowing jail-broken devices, restrictions on downloads and
Considerations application installation, applying manufacturer provided security patches promptly when
released, organization’s applications being thoroughly tested for security flaws prior to their
installation, etc.
A Data and Information Protection Policy should be defined that is aligned with applicable legal,
regulatory and industry standard requirements to include, but
not limited to, areas such as: data ownership, data classification; data handling including
collection, storage, use, transfer and disposal; media handling; and data protection. The policy,
associated processes and procedures should be documented, approved and implemented.
A Data Classification, Handling and Protection Standard should be defined that describes
based on the type of data and its classification and for each stage of collection, storage, use,
transfer and disposal - how the data should be handled considering different data channels as
A detailed cryptography policy in compliance with applicable laws, regulations and standards
should be defined covering other areas such as where to use hardware vs software
cryptography, digital certificate management, inventory of keys, assigning key custodians,
annual review of the key inventory, logging and monitoring mechanism to detect key misuse
Implementation or tampering, etc.
Conducting an assessment to move from less secure to more secure cryptographic
implementation is recommended. For examples, on the implementation of cryptographic
standards and ciphers for web services, it is preferred that TLS be used instead of SSL. If
backward compatibility is required and supported by involved assets TLS 1.2 should be used.
For new implementations where backward compatibility is not needed for communicating
with other systems TLS 1.3 should be used.
While not required by or explicitly mentioned in the ECC standard, to add more effectiveness
Implementation to the vulnerability management program: a compromise assessment using indicators of
Considerations compromise can be conducted on a periodic basis to identify already compromised systems
and take remedial action.
In addition to Penetration Testing, Red Team Assessments can be considered. While the goal
of penetration testing is to exploit known vulnerabilities and may or may not necessarily
include identifying zero day vulnerabilities, the goal of the Red Team Assessment is to test
the organization's detection and response capabilities by employing multiple targeted attack
strategies and channels to gain access to sensitive information in an undetected way.
While the ECC control recommends monitoring only for critical assets, remote access and
privileged user accounts, it is vital that the organization considers integration of all IT assets
(including applications, databases, servers, devices) with the Security Information and Event
Management (SIEM) solution for monitoring. Security solution integrations with the SIEM
should be additionally considered.
Considerations A security event monitoring standard identifying all events to be monitored for an asset type
or specific assets, where applicable, should be documented, approved and implemented.
Logging policy and log levels should be clearly defined and implemented.
Additionally, developing tailored use cases for the SIEM solution, implementing correlation
and conducting an exercise for evaluation the effectiveness of security monitoring and SIEM
can be considered.
prompt communication of applicable threats to relevant stakeholders and their timely mitiga-
tion / resolution should be performed.
It is important to ensure that members of the threat and incident management staff are
qualified and experienced to execute their assigned role.
Implementation In addition, a physical security audit should be conducted at-least annually to determine the
Considerations effectiveness of physical security practices, measures and controls.
While not explicitly mentioned in the ECC control text, it is recommended that threat profiling
and subsequent remediation be done at a minimum for all external facing applications as
well as other important applications.
3. Cybersecurity Resilience
The organization should perform both third party risk management (i.e. identifying risks
Implementation introduced in their environment by engaging third parties) as well as third party due diligence
Considerations prior to engaging third parties.
Cloud architecture review, cloud data access and data sharing review, cloud service provider
Implementation contractual compliance keeping in mind applicable legal and regulatory requirements, as well
Considerations as specialized cloud security assessment including process and technical risk assessment
(e.g. vulnerability assessment, penetration testing, and configuration review) should be
Implementation Additionally, specialized penetration testing exercises for ICS and OT network and compo-
Considerations nents can be considered.
1 Cybersecurity Strategy
2 Cybersecurity Roadmap
3 Cybersecurity Committee Charter
4 Cybersecurity Governance Framework
5 Cybersecurity Policies
6 Cybersecurity Procedures
7 Technical security standards/baselines
8 Cybersecurity Organization Structure, Roles and Responsibilities
33 Cryptography Policy
34 Backup and Recovery Policy and Procedures
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