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LESSON 1: Introduction to Research Openness - Share data, results, ideas,

tools, resources. Be open to criticism and

Nature of Inquiry and Research new ideas.
RESEARCH-systematic process of Responsible Mentoring- Promote their
gathering information, interpreting welfare and allow them to make their own
information decisions.
INQUIRY- You look for information by Respect for colleagues - Respect your
asking various questions about the thing colleagues and treat them fairly.
you are curious about. Non-Discrimination - Avoid discrimination
Systematic- Having, showing, or involving against colleagues or students on the basis
a system, method, or plan. of sex, race, ethnicity, or other factors not
Process- A series of actions or steps taken related to scientific competence and
in order to achieve a particular end. integrity.
Social Responsibility-Strive to promote
CHARACTERISTICS OF RESEARCH social good and prevent or mitigate social
ACCURACY- It must provide correct data harms through research, public education,
OBJECTIVENESS- This must present the and advocacy.
evidence Competence - Maintain and improve your
TIMELINESS- work on a topic that is own professional competence and expertise
original, modern and important to society through lifelong education and learning.
today. Legality - Know and obey relevant laws and
RELEVANCE- must be instrumental in institutional and governmental policies.
improving society or in solving problems Animal Care - Show proper respect and
affecting the lives of people in a community. care for animals when using them in
CLARITY- it must succeed in expressing its research. Do not conduct unnecessary or
central point or discoveries by using simple, poorly designed animal experiments.
direct, concise, and correct language. Human Subjects Protection - minimize
Ethics in Research- it keeps the harms and risks and maximize benefits;
researcher from committing errors while respect human dignity, privacy, and
seeking knowledge and truth. autonomy; take special precautions with
-deal with beliefs about what is right or vulnerable populations; and strive to
wrong, proper or improper, good or bad. distribute the benefits and burdens of
research fairly.
Codes and Policies for Research Ethics Ethical consideration in conducting
Honesty- Honestly report data, results, Research
methods and procedures, and publication 1. Objectivity and integrity
status. Do not fabricate, falsify, or 2. Respect of the research subject’s right to privacy and dignity and
misrepresent data. protection of subjects from personal harm
Objectivity- Strive to avoid bias in 3. Presentation of research findings
experimental design, data analysis, data Ethical consideration in conducting
interpretation, peer review, personnel Research
decisions, grant writing, expert testimony, 1. Objectivity and integrity
and other aspects of research where 2. Respect of the research subject’s right to privacy and
objectivity is expected or required.
dignity and protection of subjects from personal harm
Integrity- keep your promises and
agreements. 3. Presentation of research findings

Carefulness- Avoid careless errors and 4. Misuse of research role

negligence; carefully and critically examine 5. Acknowledgement of research collaboration and
your own work and the work of your peers assistance
6. Distortions of findings by sponsor
Unethical practices in conducting TYPES OF RESEARCH
Uses statistical data as the main source of
1.Deceiving a respondent about the true knowledge.
purpose of a study
2.Asking a respondent questions that cause ● Quantitative research can be
him or her extreme embarrassment; guilt generalize easily due to its large
emotional turmoil by remaining him or her of number of samples
an unpleasant experience
3.Invading the privacy of a respondent
4. Studying the respondents or research
numerical basis but on narratives and
subjects without their knowledge
stories coming from
5. When analyzing the data—revealing only
part of the facts, presenting facts out of
context, falsifying findings or offering ● Qualitative research can make
misleading presentation such as lying with sense of what the respondents are
statistics. really saying. However, the
respondents in qualitative research
Importance of Research in Daily life- are too few that they do not
Research directs us to inquire about the represent a certain population.
right information by conducting further IMPORTANCE OF QUALITATIVE
investigation of the actual condition. RESEARCH ACROSS FIELDS
-Research empowers us with knowledge
and discovers new things and issues in life. 1. Sports
-Research facilitates learning as an 2. Education
opportunity to share valuable information to 3. Technical Communication
others as a way of recognizing various 4. Advertising
concerns for public awareness. 5. Social Work

IMRad vs Traditional Research Paper FORMS OF QUALITATIVE RESEARCH

Traditional research- A systematic process
that demands a standard scientific method.
IMRaD-Introduction, Methods, Results, A.HISTORICAL RESEARCH- It aims to
and Discussion. often used for lab reports investigate the past and would like to
as well as for reporting any planned, establish how the past affected the present
systematic research in the social sciences, and its implications on the future.
natural sciences, or engineering and
computer sciences. -Documents are located by the researcher,
data is gathered, and conclusions are drawn
out of sight.

1. Problem and Focus: The Past and its

Implications on the Present and Future.
2. Methodology: Textual Discourse/ Library
Research and Interview.
3. Role of the Researcher: Collects,
Interprets and Analyzes Data.
LESSON 2: MODULE 2: TYPES OF 4. Respondents/ Data: Provides Information
RESEARCH (Respondent and Data) and Collaborate
with the Researcher (Respondent).
5. Conclusion and Recommendation:
Improvement of Present Condition. 1. Problem and Focus: Immediate Problems
needing Immediate Solutions.
B. ETHNOLOGY- This is a kind of study
2. Methodology: Any Qualitative
used in the discipline of sociology and
Methodology even Survey.
anthropology and aims to construct cultural
3. Role of the Researchers: Intervening
4. Respondents/Data: Respondents must
-two types of ethnography:
allow the Intervention to happen: The Data
macro-ethnography and micro-ethnography
must be utilized to guide the intervention or
come up with the very essence of human
5. Conclusion and Recommendation:
-Phenomenological study helps us in
understanding individual phenomena.
1. Problem and Focus: Personal Experience
2. Methodology: Interview (An In-depth and
Personal One)
3. Role of the Researchers: Collaborative
-The variable that CAUSES a change to
4. Respondents/Data: Respondents
happen to the dependent variable
Collaborate with Researcher and the Data.
-What the researcher can change in an
5. Conclusion and Recommendation:
Understanding of an Experience
C. CASE STUDY- it has specific time frame,
-The variable with observable changes.
specific group, specific place, and a specific
-What the researcher observes or
-It has high levels of specifications before it
can be considered as such.
-Things that the researcher keep or do not
1. Problem and Focus: Very Specific
Problem and Focus
-This variable can be used to ensure that
2. Methodology: Interview, Observation and
the change is caused only by the
Focus Group Discussion
independent variable.
3. Role of the Researchers: Collaborative
Take note: The dependent and
and Detached Observer
independent variables will always be seen
4. Respondents/Data: Respondents
in the research title.
Collaborate with the Researcher and the
Other Types of Variables.
Data Gathered is used to Give Voice to the
5. Conclusion and Recommendation:
- also known as qualitative variable
Understanding of a Part of a Culture.
- refers to characteristics that can't be
quantifiable or measured.
immediately improve a problematic
- can be either NOMINAL or ORDINAL
-This variant provides immediate solutions
to immediate problems.
Delete all unnecessary/ repetitive words and
• NOMINAL VARIABLE: link the remaining.
-any name, label, or category without
natural order. • STEP 5
Examples: Sex (male or female) Delete non-essential information and reword
• ORDINAL VARIABLE: the title to finalize your title.
-characteristics with values that are
defined by an order between the different FOUR ELEMENTS OF A RESEARCH
categories. TITLE
Example: Performance = behavior can be
categorized as "Exçellent", Satisfactory' • AIM - This answers the question: Why
"Not satisfactory",and Needs do I want to conduct this study? ° A
Improvement. problem should imply the Purpose of
• NUMERIC VARIABLE Conducting the study.
-also known as quantitative variable
- characteristics that can be measured or • TOP - This answers the question: What
whose values are. do I want to study about? ° The problem
- can be either CONTINUOUS or statement should contain the topic of
DISCRETE variables. interest of the researcher.
-represents measurable values • PLACE/LOCALE- This answers the
-values within a given set is infinite. question: Where do I Conduct the study?
Example: volume, weight, height The problem statement should imply
° DISCRETE VARIABLE: where the particular study will be taken.
-Represents countable values
-Values within a given set is finite • TIME/ PERIOD - This should answers
Example: the number of boys and girls in the question: How long will it take for me
a class. to finish the study?
Steps in choosing Research Title
• STEP 1
Ask yourself these questions and make note
of the answers.

• STEP 2
Use your answers to list key words.

• STEP 3
Create a sentence that includes the key
words you listed.
Do’s and Don’ts in writing a Research 4. Avoid complex phrases and unnecessary
Title details.

DO 5. Do not overwork your eye-catching

1. The title should be simple and concise.
Good research titles are brief, with no more 6. Do not put unnecessary eye- catching
than 10-15 words phrase/ subtitle.

2. Choose a declarative title for your

research article. It delivers the largest
amount of information and emphasizes the
technical side of the research.

3. The title should give a precise summary

of the paper’s content and distinguish the
paper from others on a similar topic.

4. The use of active verbs is preferable.

5. Title should contain keywords used in the

manuscript and should determine the nature
of the study. Try to figure out what terms
people would use to search for your paper
and include them in the title.

6. Place your most important terms at the

beginning and at the end of the title so that
a reader could notice them when looking
through the table of contents.

* DON'TS *

1.The title shouldn't be lengthy, because it

will hardly be read completely.

2. Choose a deseriptive phrase.

3. Do not use acronyms, specific

abbreviations and jargon in the title.
Readers, who are not familiar with the
meaning of such words, may just skip your

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