09 Bibliography

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 Articles
 .AparnaViswanathan, India considers introduction of Limited Liability Partnerships,
I.C.C.L.R. 2006, 17(5), 141
 Anand Srivastava, “Limited Liability Partnership Bill, 2006 – an overview” (Feb. 2007)
Executive Chartered Secretary 139
 AparnaViswanathan , India Considers Introduction of Limited Liability Partnerships,
I.C.C. L.R. 2006, 17(5) , 141-142
 AparnaViswanathan, India considers introduction of Limited Liability Partnerships,
I.C.C.L.R. 2006, 17(5), 141
 Ashwin Shah, Incorporation and Registration of LLP, 6 Income Tax Rev. Vol.XXXV
18 (September 2009)
 B.Troy Villa, “The status of enforcing fiduciary duties in a limited
partnership after dupuis v. becnel co”, 49 Lousiana Law Review 1217, (May 1989)
 B.Troy Villa, The status of enforcing fiduciary duties in a limited
partnership after dupuis v. becnel co, 49 Lousiana Law Review 1217, (May 1989)
 Barker, Unreliable Assumptions in the Modern Law of Negligence‘(1993) 109 LQR
461; and, Hepple, The Search for Coherence‘(1997) 50 Current Legal Problems 67 at
 Batra, S. (2007), “LLP may be growth vehicle for entrepreneurs & professionals”,
Economic Times, p. 16.
 Bhasker, S. (2007), “LLPs- A SWOT Analysis”, Business Line, p. 110.

xviii | P a g e
 Braving “The Waters: A Guide For Tennessee's Aspiring Entrepreneurs”, Spring 2007,
Tennessee Journal of Business Law, 243
 Braving The Waters: A Guide For Tennessee's Aspiring Entrepreneurs, Spring 2007,
Tennessee Journal of Business Law, 243
 D.K Prahlad Rao, “limited liability partnership Act 2008 An overview”, 39
 David Kelly, Ann Holmes and Ruth Hayward, Business Law, 45, (Cavendish Publishing
Limited 2002).
 David Milman, Limited Liability Partnerships: The Waiting Goes On, I.C.C. L.R.
2000, 11(10) , 329-332
 Dr. J.P. Sharma, “Limited Liability Partnership Bill, 2006—some observations”, [2007]
78 CLA (Mag.) 10
 Dr. J.P. Sharma, Limited Liability Partnership Bill, 2006—some observations, [2007]
78 CLA (Mag.) 10
 Fergus Payne, Insolvency of Limited Partnerships,Insolv. Int. 2005,18(7),
 G. Morse, Partnership for the 21st century? – Limited Liability Partnerships and
Partnership Law reform in the United Kingdom [2002] Sing. J. Legal Stud. 455.
 Geoffrey, Devis et al (2011), “Palmer’s Limited Liability Partnership Law”, 2nd Edn.,
Sweet and Maxwell, London.
 Geoffrey Morse, Kitty Lam, Limited Liability Partnership and Liability Capping 2002
Sing. J. Legal Stud. 455
 H.Y. Yeo and J.C.S Lee, Limited Liability Partnership – New Business Entity in
Singapore [2006] Journal of Business Law, 859
 Hamilton, W. & Macey, R. (2003), “Cases and Materials On Corporations Including
Partnerships And Limited Liability Companies” 8th Edn., p. 355.
 Henning, J.J. (2004), “Partnership Law Review: The Joint Consultation Papers and the
Limited Liability Partnership Act in Brief Historical and Comparative Perspective”,
Comp. Law., 25(6), p. 163-170.
 J. Krishnamurthy, “LLP Act 2008-X-Rayed”,29csjcpr 1369(2009)

xix | P a g e
 J.J. Henning, Partnership Law Review: The Joint Consultation Papers and the Limited
Liability Partnership Act in Brief Historical and Comparative Perspective, Comp. Law.
2004, 25(6), 163-170
 J.J. Henning, Partnership Law Review: The Joint Consultation Papers and the Limited
Liability Partnership Act in Brief Hitorical and Comparative Perpective, (2004) 25
Company Lawyer 163
 J.Krishnamurthy, “LLP Act 2008- X-Rayed”, 39CSjcp,1369-1540, ( 2009)
 John, W. and John, M. (2001), “Limited Liability Partnerships-Legislation
Handbook”, 1st Edn., Jordan Publishing Limited, Bristol.
 Joseph. J Basile, “Limited Liability for Limited Partners: an argument for the
abolition of the control rule”, 38 Vanderbilt Law Review 1199 (1985)
 Joseph. J Basile, Limited Liability for Limited Partners: an argument for the abolition
of the control rule, 38 Vanderbilt Law Review 1199 (1985)
 K Srinivasan, “Warts noticeable on a closer look”, [2007] 76 CLA (Mag.) 19
 K Srinivasan, Warts noticeable on a closer look, [2007]76 CLA (Mag.) 19
 Kartikey Mahajan, Limited Liability Partnership Act: a long way forward,
International Company and Commercial Law Review, Issue 6, 2009.
 Kartikey Mahajan, Limited Liability Partnership Act: a long way forward,
International Company and Commercial Law Review, Issue 6, 2009, p. 206
 Kartikey Mahajan, Limited Liability Partnership Act: a long way forward,
International 6 CC Law Review206 (2009).
 KR Sampath, “Broad Outline of Limited Liability Partnership Act”, 183CCD,23.
 KR Sampath, Broad Outline of Limited Liability Partnership Act, Consolidated
Commercial Digest, Vol. 23 part 3, p. 183
 Larry E Ribstein, “Symposium: The Unincorporated Business Partnership”, 26 Iowa
Journal of Corporate Law 819
 Larry E Ribstein, Symposium: The Unincorporated Business Partnership, 26 Iowa
Journal of Corporate Law 819
 Limited Liability Partnership, A.R.A. LAW - Advocates & Solicitors, VOL. XV-
February 2009 ISSUE 1.

xx | P a g e
 Limited Liability Partnership Bill, 2008 passed by RajyaSabha, Press Information
Bureau dated Oct. 24, 2008
 Mahesh Kumar &Parul Jain, “LLP Bill may open global market floodgates”, Business
Standard, Oct. 6, 2008.
 Margaret Bartschi, “Foundations of Business Organizations for Paralegals”,3 DWLS
 Mark Rosencranz, You Wanna do what? Attorneys organizing as limited liability
partnerships and companies: an economic analysis, 19 Seattle University Law Review
349 (1996)
 Mark Rosencranz, You Wanna do what? Attorneys organizing as limited liability
partnerships and companies: an economic analysis, 19 Seattle University Law
Review 349 (1996)
 Milman, D. (2000), “Limited Liability Partnerships: The Waiting Goes On”, I.C.C.
L.R., 11(10), p. 329-332.
 Morgan, D. (1998) “Conflicts of Interest and the New Forms of Professional
Associations”, 39 S. TEX. L. REV.215, 218.
 Naresh Kumar, Limited Liability Partnership Bill, 2008 – a review highlighting
salient features, (2008) 87 CLA (Mag) 33
 Rajesh Dhawan, “Limited Liability Partnership – an overview”, (2008) 88 SEBI &
Corp. Law (Mag) 133.
 Rajesh Dhawan, Limited Liability Partnership – an overview, (2008) 88 SEBI &
Corp. Law (Mag) 133.
 Rajkumar S. Adukia, “overview of provisions relating to limited Liability
 Ravi Meena and RenuNainawat, “LLP in India: As Advantageous Business Model”,
Global Journal of Management and Business Studies.ISSN 2248-9878 Volume 3,
Number 10 (2013), pp. 1051-1056.
 Ravi Shankar Jha, “Limited liability partnership – Evaluation of the new business
vehicle, limited liability partnership –evolution of concept in India and foreign
countries inadequacies of act”, 90 CLA 15, ( 2009)

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 Rickett, C., Grantham, R. (2008) (eds), “Structure and Justification in Private Law:
Essays for Peter Birks”, Hart Publishing, Oxford.
 Robert W. Hamilton, Registered Limited Liability Partnerships: Present At The Birth
(Nearly), 66 U. Colo. L. Rev. 1065 (1995)
 Robert W. Hamilton Registered Limited Liability Partnerships: Present at Birth
(Nearly), Colorado Law Review 66: 1065, 1069.
 Robert W. Hamilton Registered Limited Liability Partnerships: Present at Birth
(Nearly), Colorado Law Review 66: 1065, 1069.
 Robert W. Wood, Limited Liability Companies, p. 124
 S. Bhasker, “LLPs- A SWOT Analysis”, Business Line, 31/5/07, p. 11
 S.S. Fortney, “High drama and hindsight the LLP shield post Anderson”, (2003)
12(3) Bus. Law Today.
 Sachdeva, M. &Sachdeva, S. (2009),”The Indian LLP Law: Some Concerns for
Lawyers and Chartered Accountants”, SEBI & Corporate Law, Vol. 92, No. 6,
 Saleem Sheikh, Limited Liability Partnerships: A New Trading Vehicle, I.C.C.L.R.
1997, 8(8), 270-277
 Sanjiv Agarwal, Genesis and Concept of Limited Liability Partnership, Consolidated
Commercial Digest, Vol 23
 Sanjiv Agarwal, “Genesis and concept of Limited Liability Partnership” 23CCD ,178
 Savla Paras (2009), “LLP and Partnership”, Income Tax Review, Vol 4 No. 35 pp.
 Sen, N. &Mathen, N. (2011), “Decoding the New Business Vehicle of India: The
Limited Liability partnership”, Nujs Law Review, 4 Njus L. Rev. 669.
 SenNiveditaet. al. (2011), “Decoding The Business Vehicle of India: The
LimitedLiability Partnership” NUJS Law Review, Vol. 4 (Oct-Dec) p. 683.
 Sharma, J.P. (2006), “Limited Liability Partnership Bill, 2006—some observations”,
78 CLA (Mag.) 10.
 Sheikh, S. (1997), “Limited Liability Partnerships: A New Trading Vehicle”,
I.C.C.L.R., 8(8), p. 270-277.
 Siddhartha Shukla, Limited Liability Partnership: A critical Review in the light of the
International Scenario, [2007] 2 Comp. L.J. 102

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 Srinivasan, K. (2007), “Warts noticeable on a closer look”, 76 CLA (Mag.) 19.
 Stephen Copp, Corporate Governance: Change, Consistency And Evolution: Part I ,
I.C.C.L.R. 2003, 14(2), 65-74
 Stuart R. Cross, Limited Liability Partnerships Act , 2000 : Problems Ahead, J.B.L.,
2003, MAY , 268-283
 Susan Saab Fortney, Seeking Shelter in the Minefield of Unintentended
Consequences--TheTraps of Limited Liability Law Firms,54 WASH. & LEE L. REV.
717, 720-21 (1997)
 T.N Pandey, “limited liability partnerships – too much corporatism frustrates the
objective of new form of business organization”, 39CSjcp1369 (2009).
 The Limited Liability Partnership: Pick and Mix or Mix-Up”, JBL ,pp. 475, 483
 Thomas D. Morgan, Conflicts of Interest and the New Forms of Professional
Associations, 39 S. TEX. L. REV. 215 (1998)
 Thomas E. Rutledge and Elizabeth G. Hester, Practical Guide to Limited Liability
Partnerships, sec 8, 5 State Limited Liability Company & Partnership Laws (Aspen
 V. Finch and J. Freedman, The Limited Liability Partnership: Pick and Mix or Mix-
Up?, J.B.L. 2002, SEP, 475-512
 Viswanathan, A. (2006), “India Considers Introduction of Limited Liability
Partnerships”, I.C.C. L.R., 17(5), p. 141-142.
 Walter W. Steele, How Lawyers Protect the Family Jewels…The Invention of Limited
Liability Partnerships, 39 S. Tex. L. Rev. 621
 Yeo Hwee Ying, “Liability of Partners in a Limited Liability Partnership Regime”,
SACLJ, Vol. 15 p. 392.Paras Savla, LLP and Partnership, 35(4) income tax tax R ev.
38, 39 (2009).
 Yeo Hwee Ying (2003), “Liability of Partners in a Limited Liability Partnership
Regime”, 15 SAcLJ 392, (392).

xxiii | P a g e
 Acts
 Administrative Measures for Law Firms 2008
 Australia Uniform Companies Act 1961.
 Income Tax Act, 1961
 Information Technology Act, 2000
 Limited Liability Partnership Bill 2006,
 Ministry of Companies Affairs (2006),
 PRC Partnership Enterprise Law 2007
 SingaporeLLPAct,2005
 The Companies Act, 1965 (Act 1 of 1965)
 The Companies Act, 2013.
 The Indian Contract Act, 1872
 The Indian Partnership Act, 1932
 The Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2003.
 The UK Limited Liability Partnership Act,2000
 UK Companies Act 1948
 UKLLPAct,2000
 Uniform PartnershipAct 1996.

 Books
 Allen & Gledhill, Memorandum on Limited Liability Partnerships, Singapor
 Andrew Phang and Lee EngBeng, Limited Liability Partnerships A draft Consultation
 ArbindoSaxena, Limited Liability Partnerships, 243Central Law Publication.
 Aurbindosaxena, Limited Liability Partnership. P.22
 Avtar Singh, Introduction to Law of Partnership (including Limited Liability
partnership) 2011.
 Bradley T. Borden, Robert J. Rhee, Limited Liability Entities: A State by State Guide to
LLCs, LPs and LLPs, Aspen Publishers.

xxiv | P a g e
 D K Jain, Law & Procedure of Limited Liability Partnership Paperback, Bharat law
 D.S.R. Krishnamurthi, Added value of LLP Bill 2008, (2008) SEBI & Corp. Law 120
 D.S.R. Krishnamurti, LLP Procedures - A Guide to Procedures Prescribed Under
Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 with Specimen Resolutions/ Notices/ LLP Deed
April, 2009
 D.S.R.Krishnamurti, Law Relating to Limited Liability Partnership - A Section-Wise
Commentary on Limited Liability Partnership Act2008.
 Douglas Armour, Limited Liability Partnership: A Practical Guide.
 Douglas Armour, Limited Liability Partnerships: The New Legislation.
 Dr. D K Jain, Law & Procedure of Limited Liability Partnership.
 Dr. D K Jain, Law and Procedure of Limited Liability Partnership.
 Dr. D.K. Jain, Law & Procedure of Limited Liability Partnership, 2nd Edn, Bharat Law
 Dr. MadhusudanSaharay, Textbook on Indian Partnership Act with Limited Liability
 Dr. Sanjiv Agarwal &RohiniAggarawal, Limited Liability Partnership Law
andPractice, Lexis nexis
 Dr.R.K.Bangia, The Indian Partnership Act, 1932 with Limited liability Partnership
Act, 2008.
 Gower & Davies, Principles Of Modern Company Law, p. 346
 Goyle, The Law Of Partnership, P. 34
 Hariom Jindal, Limited Liability Partnership – Need proper treatment under Income
Tax Act, 1961, (208) 88 SEBI & Corp. Law 57
 Hitender Mehta , Master Guide to Limited Liability Partnership 2009
 Hitender Mehta, Limited Liability Partnerships Law &Practice Hardcover,Wolters
Kluwer Cch; Second Edition (2015).
 Imusti, A Legal Guide to United States Business Organizations: The Law of
Partnerships, Corporations, and Limited Liability.
 Jeffrey F. Beatty, Susan S. Samuelson, Business Law and the Legal Environment,
Standard Edition.

xxv | P a g e
 Johan Henning, the Deadlocked Limited Liability Partnership – Arbitration or Winding
Up, Comp. Law. 2005
 John Whittaker and John Machell, Limited Liability Partnerships Legislation
 K.R.Sampath, Law and Procedure on Corporate Restructure Leading to
Mergers/Amalgamations, Takeovers, Joint Ventures, LLPs & Corporate Restructure,
5th edition, 2009
 K.S. Anantharaman Lectures on Company Law: Covering the Companies Act, 2013
And Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008.
 Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 (Lawmann's Series).
 LLP Ready Reckoner Taxmann April, 2009
 Mark Blackett-Ord, Partnership: The Modern Law of Partnership and Limited Liability
 Mark Blackett-Ord, Partnership: The Modern Law of Partnership and Limited Liability
 Mohammed SohailAsghar, Limited Liability Partnership in Pakistan: An overview,
 Mulla, the Sale of Goods Act and The Indian Partnership Act (English) 10th Edition.
 Nishith Desai, Characteristics of LLP for Tax and Treaty purposes Indian perspective
 P K Dass, Handbook on the Limited Liability Partnership Act (6 of 2009).
 P.C. Markanda, the Law of Partnership Hardcover – 2010, Lexis Nexis; First edition
 P.L. Subramanian, Limited Liability partnership, Law, practice & procedure,
 Palmer, Company Law Annoted Guide To The Companies Act 2006, P. 556
 Partnership Act, New Delhi, Universal Law Publishing House.
 Pollock &mulla, The Indian Partnership Act, .
 Pollock & Mulla, The Indian Partnership Act, p. 439
 Pramod Jain, Limited Liability Partnership Law Practical Guide to Limited Liability
Partnership, Law & Procedure.
 RajkumarS.Adukia ,Limited Liability Partnership - An Overview 2007.
 Ravi Prakash and Awanish Kumar, Limited Liability Partnership Bill, 2008 –
Reflections on the Holy Grail, (2008) 88 SEBI & Corp. Laws 92

xxvi | P a g e
 Robert W. Wood, Limited Liability Companies, P. 124
 Roderick I’ Anson Banks & Nathaniel Lindley ,Lindley& Banks on Partnership18th ed.
 S.A. Naik, Law Relating To Limited Liability Partnership In India-Law Practice &
Procedure Hardcover – 2010, Lexis Nixes
 S.D. SINGH, J.P. GUPTA, Law Of Partnership In India, P. 213.
 SaharayMadhusudan, Textbook on Indian Partnership Act with Limited Liability
Partnership Act, 2012 (Reprint).
 SampathIyenger, Law Of Income Tax (Vol 1) P. 345
 Sanjiv Agarwal &Rohini Agarwal, Limited Liability Partnership Law and Practice,
first edition, Lexis NexisButterworthsWadhwa, Nagpur
 Sanjiv Agarwal , RohiniAggarawal, Limited Liability Partnership - Law and
Practice Hardcover – 2009, Lexis Nexis; First edition (2009)
 Whittaker J. and Machell J. The Law of Limited Liability Partnerships (3rd Edn,

 Committee Reports

 AbidHussain in 1997

 Bhat Committee (1972)

 Dr. S P Gupta (2001).

 J.J. Irani Committee Report on Company Law (2005)

 K.B. Chandrasekhar Committee Report on Venture Capital

 Naik Committee (1992)

 Naresh Chandra Committee on Regulation of Private Companies and Partnership

Report (2003)

 Dictionaries and References:

 Black's Law Dictionary, 8th ed.

 Concise Oxford Dictionary, Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary.
 Stround’s Judicial Dictionary.

xxvii | P a g e
 Webster’s New International Dictionary.
 Willam Blackstone, Commentaries On The Laws Of England, Vol. III.

 News Papers
 “Curbs no bar, limited liability partnerships a big hit with companies, The Economics
Times, 24, 2011, 03.49 AMavailable at http://ecoti.in/ciSk0Z.
 “ET in the classroom: Limited Liability Partnership “The Economics Times, Mar 12,
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 “FDI in Limited Liability Partnerships may get nod today”, The Economic Times, May
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 “Govt introduces Limited Liability Partnership “The Economics Times, Apr 01, 2009,
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 Available at http://law.onecle.com/new-york/partnership/index.html
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 Limited Liability Partnership Act 2000, available at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limited_li
 Limited Liability Partnership An alternative Corporate Business Vehicle, available at:
 Limited Liability Partnership Law, Company Affairs, Oct. 15, 2009, (available
at pib.nic.in/.../comp_affairs_2years_upa_gov_may2006.asp)
 Limited Liability Partnership Law, Company Affairs, Oct. 15, 2009, available
 Limited Liability Partnerships (Jersey) Law 1997 (available at http://www.jer seyl eg ali
n fo.je/ Law/ Laws In Force/default.aspx).
 Limited Liability Partnerships (Jersey) Law 1997, available athttp://www.j rseyl egal inf

xxxi | P a g e
 Limited Liability Partnerships And Other Hybrid Business Entities” report of Alberta
LawReform Institute Edmonton, Alberta available atprejury.law.Ua lberta.ca/al ri/doc
 Mahesh Arora, Critical Analysis of LLP Act 2008, available at http:// www. omabc.
com/ national/indian-laws/commerce/llp/critical-analysis-llp-act-2008,
 Ministry of Company Affair Concept Paper on Limited Liability Partnership,
Explanatory Note (available at http://www.insolindia .com/shimlaPDFs /ministry
 Naresh Chandra Committee-II, Report of the Committee on Regulation of Private
Companies and Partnership, para 3.11, Recommendation 3.1, available at
http://www.llponline .in/naresh _chander _committee.php,’
 New York Code, Registered Limited Liability Partnerships (available at http://caselawlp
.find law .com codes/c81/a11.html).
 New York Code, Registered Limited Liability Partnerships, available at
 Notification no. G.S.R. 229 (E) dated 1 April 2009, (available at
 Notification no. G.S.R. 229 (E) dated 1 April 2009, available at: http://www. llp. gov.
in/ notifycation .htm

 Online Incorporation of LLP, Limited Liability Partnerships, (available at www. Netz

cap ital .com)

 Online Incorporation of LLP, Limited Liability Partnerships, available at: www.

Netzcapital. Com
 Overview of Limited Liability Partnership In India (available athttps://blog.ipleaders)

 ParthaPati, A Critique of Limited Liability Partnership Bill, 2006, available at

http://www. Legalserviceindia .com/article.

 Peri H. Pakroo, J.D, Limited Partnerships & Limited Liability Partnerships: The Basics.
Available atwww.nolo.com

xxxii | P a g e
 Peri H. Pakroo, J.D, Limited Partnerships & Limited Liability Partnerships: The Basics.
(Available at www.nolo.com.)
 Press Information Bureau, Limited Liability Partnership Act Introduced, available at
http://pib.nic.in/archieve/ others/2006/dec06/r2006121530.pdf.
 Provincial News: Limited Liability Partnerships: A Reality at Last in BC"(available
at http://www.cba.org/BC/CBA_ Publications/bartalk _06_04 /provincial_news.aspx.)
 Provincial News: Limited Liability Partnerships: A Reality at Last in BC" BarTalk 16.3
 R. Gopalakrishnan , Wanted: limited partnership and SPC laws, (available at http://
www. hind uonnet.com /thehindu/features/ssi/stories/2004082800280135.htm)
 R. Gopalakrishnan , Wanted: limited partnership and SPC laws , available
/thehindu/features/ssi/stories/2004082800280135.htm(Last Visited August 28, 2013)
 R. Gopalakrishnan, “SSIs: Why not ask for limited liability partnership?” available
ahttp://www. hindu onnet.com /thehindu/features/ssi/ stories/20040828 0028012 3.htm(
Last Visited August 28th 2013).
 R. Gopalakrishnan, SSIs: why not ask for limited liability partnership?,(available at
http:// www.hinduonnet.com/thehindu/features/ssi/stories/2004082800280123.htm)
 Recommendations of the J.J.Irani Committee, available at www. Llponline .in/jj_
irani_committee.php, (last visited on August 22, 2015.).
 S.J. Prashant, “Limited Liability Partnership in India- A Critical analysis of theNaresh
Chandra Committee Report on ‘Regulation of Small Companies andPartnership”
available at www.indlaw.com/display.aspx?41CA374E-CC62-4453-A14E
 Sachdeva Amit et. al. (2010), Indian Limited Liability Partnership Law: Some Concepts
and Concerns, p. 8 available at hhtp://ssrn.com/abstract=1557002
 Shri Prem Chand Gupta,Parliament passes Limited liability partnership(LLP) Bill 2008,
dec12,2008, available at : http:// www. icwai.org/icwai/docs/LLP-2008.pdf_ Bill 2008.
 Singapore Company Incorporation & Registration Services: Limited Liability
Partnership (Available at http://www.asiabizsetup.com/singapore-partnership-regist)
 Singapore Company Incorporation & Registration Services: Limited Liability
Partnership (LLP), available at http://www.asiabizsetup.com/singapore-partnership-

xxxiii | P a g e
 Singapore Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2005(available at http://statutes).
 Singapore Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2005, available at
 Sullivan, Arthur, Steven M. Sheffrin Economics: Principles in action. Upper Saddle
River, New Jersey 07458: Pearson Prentice Hall. pp. 190, (available at http://www.pe
arsonschool.com /index. cfm? Loca tor = PS Z3 R9 &PMDbSiteId =278 1& PM
 Sullivan, Arthur, Steven M. Sheffrin Economics: Principles in action. Upper Saddle
River, New Jersey 07458: Pearson Prentice Hall. pp. 190, available athttp://ww w.pear
sonschool.com/index.cfm?locator=PSZ3R9&PMDbSiteId= 2781&P MDbSo lution
 Taxation of Limited Liability Partnerships in India, available at (http://gaj-india.com/
useful updates /limited par tnership.pdf).
 The Limited Liability Partnership Act 2008, available at http://www. in.kpmg.com/
Flash News_ Files/ Pictures//Flash_News-LLP_Act_2008.pdf.
 The LLP Rules may be available athttp://www.llp.gov.in/to link/LLPRule sasno tifie
 The Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India has floated the following new
website for the limited liability partnerships in India, available athttps://www.ll
 The notification is available at http://www.llp.gov.in/tolink/ActNotification.pdf.
 UK Limited Liability Partnership Act 2000 (available at http://www.dti.Gov.uk/cld).
 UK Limited Liability Partnership Act 2000, available at http://www.dti.gov.uk/cld/llpbill.
 Vikramditya Singh Malik, The Latest Hybrid in India: Limited Liability
Partnership, (available at www.cisd.soas.ac.uk/.../ limitedly abilityconference _preco nff
ina lprogramm e_160707.pdf )
 VivekKathpalia, LLP model to expand India’s Legal Industry, ALB Legal News, Nov.
7, 2008, (available at http://www.nihithdesai.com/nda-news/LLP%20in%20India-
 Waxman Scott et al, Delaware Limited Liability Partnerships. available atww w.po tetra

xxxiv | P a g e
 What Is a Limited Liability Partnership? - Definition, Advantages & Disadvantages
(Available at http:// study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-a-limited-liability-partnership)
 What is a limited Liability Partnership? available athttp://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-
 www.llp.gov.in

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