Students Perceptions of Using Microsoft Teams App
Students Perceptions of Using Microsoft Teams App
Students Perceptions of Using Microsoft Teams App
Email: [email protected]
Abstract. The spread of COVID-19 has an impact on changing the learning process at the
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Nusa Nipa University (UNIPA). UNIPA
chose to implement online learning using Microsoft Teams. This study aims to determine the
FKIP students’ perceptions on the use of Microsoft Teams application in online learning during
the COVID-19 pandemic. The sample of this research was 176 FKIP students’ which were
spread in 5 study programs. They are Physics Education, Chemistry Education, Biology
Education, and Elementary School Teacher Education. This research is qualitative research
with data collection techniques were questionnaire and analyzed using Likert scale. The results
showed that FKIP UNIPA students had a good perception of using Microsoft Teams. Students
hope that this application will continue to be used during online learning with some
improvements so that learning using this application can take place more effectively and
1. Introduction
The spread of Covid-19 has an impact on various aspects of human life, one of which is the education
aspect. Various efforts have been made by the authorities to ensure the learning process continues
during this pandemic. One of the efforts made by Indonesian government, in this case, the Ministry of
Education through circular letter No.3 of 2020 on the Education Unit and Decree No 36962 / MPK.A /
HK / 2020 concerning Implementation of Education Policies in Emergency Times learning is done
online [1]. Further to the Ministry of Education and Culture Decree, all educational institutions began
to find out and apply appropriate online learning methods so that the online learning process could run
optimally. Online learning is learning method using information and communication technology.
Through online learning, students and educators able to interact and communicate each other without
worrying to meet directly [2].
As one of the educational institutions, Nusa Nipa University (UNIPA) has responded to this
situation wisely. UNIPA itself in the learning process already has an e-campuz application as an online
learning media. However, the e-campuz application that is owned by UNIPA has not been able to fully
support the online learning process. As the result, we need other supporting applications, namely the
Zoom application, WhatsApp, Google Classroom and Microsoft Teams. Through various
considerations, UNIPA chose Microsoft Teams application as the main application used in online
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International Conference on Science Education and Technology (ICOSETH) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1842 (2021) 012016 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1842/1/012016
learning during the pandemic. All face-to-face learning schedules are replaced with online learning
using the Microsoft Teams application.
Microsoft Teams is a communication platform that is integrated with Microsoft Office 365. This
application provides features for meetings, video conferencing, file storage and offers easy access for
its users. Users can create virtual classes and manage the class like a real class, where in this virtual
class students can interact with fellow students and teachers. This interaction can be done through
online class meetings, chat, post, online assessment and assessment. Microsoft Teams also guarantees
the security of application user data. The features and conveniences provided by Microsoft Teams
make this application very suitable to be used as a medium to carry out learning and learning online
Online learning system and Microsoft Teams application are new experiences for UNIPA students
and lecturers; therefore, they need to adapt with these circumstances. As the results online learning
process is not running effectively and efficiently. Several problems appear during online learning
using Microsoft Teams application. Consequently, researchers are interested to conduct research about
student perspectives on the implementation of online learning during this pandemic. This study aims
to determine students' perceptions of online learning using the Microsoft Teams application. The
results of this study are expected to help lecturers and students to improve the quality of online
learning using Microsoft Teams application.
Several studies about online learning and online learning applications have been conducted. There
was research about student perspectives on online learning [9,10,11,12], the usage of zoom application
[13], google classroom application [14], and Microsoft Teams application [15]. Based on Brahma
research [13] regarding the usage of zoom application in online learning, informed that zoom
application can be an alternative media to support the online learning process. Moreover, same
research about online learning applications was also conducted by Hapsari [14] regarding the use of
google classrooms, which showed that this application could improve student literacy skills.
Furthermore, Rojabi [15] research found that most of students have positive perspective on learning
using Microsoft Teams.
Research about student’s perception on online learning is important to measure students’
perspective on teaching learning process [12]. Based on Almarabeth, behavioral aspect like student’s
perspective take a main role in learning process to reach aims of study [16]. Therefore, the question of
this research was “how students’ perception of online learning using Microsoft Teams application?”
This article consists of five parts. First part contains an introduction to the research, the second part is
about the methodology used in this study, the third part is the research results and discussion, the
fourth part contains the conclusions and suggestions and the last part is the references used.
2. Method
This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive analytical approach. It means that research
aims to uncover problems and obstacles occur in the field. Especially, this research aims to know
student’s perception of using Microsoft Teams application in online learning. Data were collected
using questionnaire and interview based on survey method. According to Thomas [17] the survey
method is used when; a) the available information does not answer the research problem, b) the
questionnaire is considered a more suitable method for collecting data than interviews or observations,
c) the availability of resources that allow to use the questionnaire, d) the data obtained will be
analyzed. Based on the opinion of Thomas [17], the survey method is more appropriate to use in this
study. The reason is because this study requires quickly data collection techniques from a large sample
where the sample can represent the research population.
The questionnaire consists of 4 aspects of perception. They are student’s enthusiasm, the use of the
Microsoft Teams application, the obstacles faced, the expectations and suggestions of the students.
The questionnaire questions used 4-point Likert scale with the type of response from strongly agree,
agree, disagree and strongly disagree. The questionnaire data was analyzed using quantitative
International Conference on Science Education and Technology (ICOSETH) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1842 (2021) 012016 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1842/1/012016
descriptive statistical techniques, which were interpreted then. To find out the overall perspective
category of respondents using the presentation criteria in the following table:
Table 1. Category and Perspective Intervals
Number Category Intervals
1 Strongly Agree 75% - 100%
2 Agree 50% - 74,99 %
3 Disagree 25% - 49,99%
4 Strongly Disagree 0% - 24,99%
Furthermore, researcher conducted interview for students to gain deepest information about their
perception of online learning using Microsoft Teams. Students impressions and suggestions during
online learning using Ms. Teams are two aspects in interview questions. The interview data is used as
supporting data for questionnaires.
The sampling technique used a non-probability sampling method with a convenience sampling
approach. Non-probability sampling is a sampling technique that does not provide equal opportunities
for each member of the population to be sampled [18,19]. While, convenience sampling is a non-
probability sampling technique where the sample is determined accidentally by the researcher and the
sample is able to provide information or data needed in research [20]. The population in this study was
500 students from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. While the number of samples in this
study was 176 students with an error rate of 10%, based on sample size determination table develop by
Isaac and Michael [18]. Sample was spread in five study programs. They are Physics Education,
Chemistry Education, Biology Education, English Language Education and Elementary School
Teacher Education. The questionnaire and interview data were analyzed to determine students’
perceptions of using Microsoft Teams application in online learning.
Data in table 2 related to student enthusiasm during online learning using Microsoft Teams. It shows
that 28.48% of respondents strongly agree and 58% of respondents choose to agree. This data means
that more than half of respondents are enthusiastic taking online learning used Microsoft Teams.
Student enthusiasm can be seen through their preparation such as students preparing themselves well
for the lessons, attending lessons on time and submitting assignments according to the time limit.
Online learning helps students learning process during the pandemic to replace direct learning
activity. This statement supported by data in table 2. There are 24.8% of respondents strongly agree
and 50.1% of respondents agree to use Microsoft Teams as online learning application. Microsoft
Teams helps students in learning process during pandemics. Students be able to build communication
and interaction with lecturers even though in virtual condition. Students also can communicate each
other with their classmates use this application. This condition can motivate students to be
independent and disciplined in learning. In addition, students learning process become easy to control
International Conference on Science Education and Technology (ICOSETH) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1842 (2021) 012016 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1842/1/012016
and flexible. Moreover, students can access the material and study any time to deepen their conceptual
The questionnaire distributed to respondents was not only to know the enthusiasm and the usage of
Microsoft Teams, but also to monitor student’s obstacles during their online learning. The results in
table 2 showed that 34.51% of respondents chose to disagree and 28.45% of respondents chose to
disagree. It means that not all students had obstacles during the learning process using Microsoft
Teams. However, some students experienced some obstacles during the learning process. Generally,
students faced bad internet connection in areas where they live, which is not supporting them to use
this application. In addition, lack of internet data and information about the usage of Microsoft Teams
become obstacle factor for students. This can be seen from the data that 9.6% of respondents chose
strongly agree and 27.42% of respondents chose agree there are some obstacles on online learning
process use Microsoft Teams.
Apart from various obstacles faced by students during online learning, 81.2% of respondents hoped
that learning process would be continue using Microsoft Teams during the pandemic. However, online
learning process using Microsoft Teams needs improvement. Such as, the learning process must be
packaged more attractive through various and interactive methods of transferring concepts. In
addition, interaction between lecturers and students must be improving, as well as interaction between
In general, students are willing to take part in online learning using the Microsoft Teams
application. Students give positive response as seen from the data results is 74,22% analyzed by Likert
Scale. This data informed students’ perceptions are in good category. This means that students of
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education UNIPA have good perspective of using Microsoft Teams
Beside questionnaire data in table 2, researcher also find out some information related to students’
opinions and suggestions through interview. In the interview process, students gave a positive
impression regarding the use of Microsoft Teams in online learning. Microsoft Teams application
helps students extremely to keep learning during pandemic, in addition, this application is a great
place to interact with lecturers. Moreover, students become more enthusiastic and disciplined
attending lectures. All these statements were explained by students in following interview results;
Student A: “Using Microsoft Teams in learning process is definitely good for me. The Microsoft team
helps me in the learning process. Although, the network in my village has limited access
than in the city, I never give up to keep learning. I still enthusiastic take online lectures
through Microsoft Teams. This application helps me in submitting assignments
punctual, therefore I was trained to more disciplined. Thanks you”.
Student B: “Microsoft Teams application is an appropriate application used in online learning. I am
felling grateful because of Microsoft Teams application give me a chance to keep
studying course from lecturer. There are plenty of method that lecturer can use in order
to improve student’s attention in learning process. As teacher candidate, we can learn
various method from our lecture, so that we can conduct these methods in the future as a
teacher. Thank you”.
Students gave several suggestions concern to improve learning process using Microsoft Teams.
Students state that there are need some improvement in the method of presenting learning material
which is considered monotonous and sometimes boring. The application of attractive learning methods
is needed to increase student interest in learning and understanding of concepts. In addition, students
must also prepare themselves well before taking part in learning in order to create a balanced
interaction between lecturers and students. Students hopes that there will be some tutorial regarding
International Conference on Science Education and Technology (ICOSETH) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1842 (2021) 012016 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1842/1/012016
the usage of Microsoft Teams application. This is recorded in the results of student interviews as
Students A: “This application exactly useful. It helps me during lectures from home. However, the
online learning process through Microsoft Teams made students feel bored and sleepy.
For that reasons, I suggest that lecturer need to be more creative using various learning
methods, so that, students do not get bored easily. In addition, there needs to be
socialization about how to use Microsoft Teams, because it is the first time, we learn
using Microsoft Teams application. That is all and thank you”.
Students B: “I hope that Microsoft Teams still using in online learning during this pandemic. It is
better if lecture using a variety of methods in presenting material through Microsoft
Teams. As students’ we need to prepare ourselves well before joining online learning,
so that this online learning can take place smoothly and effectively”.
Except to students’ impressions and suggestions above, students also faced problems using
Microsoft Teams application in online lectures. The obstacles experienced by students are generally
related to the internet network that is less supportive and often has problems when taking online
learning. This application requires a lot of internet quota to use. This can be seen from the interview
results as follows:
Students A: “Learning using Microsoft Teams helped me stay abreast of studies during this pandemic.
However, the use of Microsoft Teams in lectures must require a large amount of internet
quota so it is unfortunate for friends who have economic limitations”.
Students B: “At first it seemed awkward because it was just the beginning of using this application, as
time passing by, I was be able to attend lectures well. The problem is that I often feel
that the network in my place is inadequate”.
All of the data above, both questionnaire and interview data showed firstly, FKIP UNIPA students
had a good perception of using Microsoft Teams application in online learning during the COVID-19
pandemic. It can be seen from students expecting lectures using Microsoft Teams to continue during
the pandemic. Students are enthusiastic and prepare themselves well during lectures using Microsoft
Teams. Study using Microsoft Teams can motivate them to be more disciplined. Moreover, students
can also interact with peers and lecturers easily. These results are related to research conducted by
Rojabi [15] who found that online learning using Microsoft Teams optimally supports student learning
Secondly, there needs to be an improvement using the Microsoft Teams application in online
learning. Such as, the teaching method must be more varied and creative. In addition, before using the
Microsoft Teams application, students need to be given some explanation regarding how to use this
application. This step important because, learning by Microsoft Teams is a new experience for
students. Students nowadays are familiar with technology information but it does not guarantee that
these students can use online learning applications well [21]. The reason is online learning
applications are very different from technology information applications commonly used by students
in their daily lives.
Thirdly, students faced some obstacles using Microsoft Teams during online learning. The
constraints faced are more specific to internet quota and inadequate internet network. These findings
are used as study material in order to develop online learning using Microsoft Teams. Therefore, it can
be more effective and efficient. This is related to Almarabeth's statement that perception plays an
important role in achieving learning goals [16]. In general, the Microsoft Teams application can be a
good solution for educational institutions to deliver online learning.
International Conference on Science Education and Technology (ICOSETH) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1842 (2021) 012016 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1842/1/012016
4. Conclusion
Learning using Microsoft Teams application will be using continuously during pandemic. Students of
Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Nusa Nipa University have good perspective on using
Microsoft Teams application. Students can experience the online learning process same as direct
learning process as usual. Therefore, students are motivated to conduct self-study and more
disciplines. Microsoft Teams application become helpful media for conducting online learning.
However, there are several points need to be considered so that this application can use effective and
efficient especially in teaching method needs to be more interactive and variative.
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