II-ECE-SS-QB-II Mid 2022

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Vivekananda Institute of Technology & Science, Karimnagar

Department of ECE
Question Bank
Subject Name: Signals & Systems Subject Code: EC304PC

Class : II B.Tech. I Semester ECE Faculty Name: B.Srinivas

PART-A (Short Answer Questions)
1. Define LTI and LTV systems.
2. Define signal bandwidth and system bandwidth
3. Give the condition for the physical reliability of a system.
4. What are the properties of convolution
5. What is an LTI system? Explain the properties of it
6. Give the relation between bandwidth and Rise time of a signal
7. Is the system described by the equation y(t)=x(2t) time invariant or not? Why?
8. Define transfer function and L.T.I system
9. Sketch the frequency response of ideal LPF,BPF and HPF
10. Justify why ideal LPF cannot be realized.
11. Define Transfer function and state its relation with Impulse function
UNIT I- PART-B (Long Answer Questions)
1. Obtain the conditions for the distortion less transmission through a system
2. Explain causality and physical reliability of a system and explain Paley-wiener criterion
3. Derive the relationship between rise time and bandwidth
4. Explain the procedure for graphical representation of convolution with an example.
5. Explain the Concept of convolution in Time domain and Frequency domain
6. Explain the difference between the following systems with examples.
a) Linear and Non-linear systems. b) Causal and Non-Causal systems. c) stable and unstable systems
7. Explain Ideal LPF, HPF, and BPF characteristics.
8. Explain Filter characteristic of Linear System
9. Show that the output of an LTI system is given by the convolution sum of the input and system
function.( convolution theorem)
PART-A (Short Answer Questions)
1. Define Laplace Transform and Its inverse
2. Distinguish between unilateral and bilateral Laplace transforms.
3. Define inverse Laplace transform. State the linearity property for Laplace transforms.
4. What is the time shifting property of Z transform?
5. Explain the concept of region of convergence for Laplace transforms
6. Write the differentiation in time property of Laplace transform
7. Give the relationship between z-transform and Laplace Transform.
8. Find the Laplace transform of x( t )= −eat u (−t)

9. What is S – plane
10. State the initial value theorem in z- transform.
11. What is meant by ROC
12. Find the Z transform of the signal x(n) = u(-n).
13. State the properties of the ROC of Laplace Transform and its existences
14. Find the z-transform of the following signal and sketch its ROC. 𝑥 (𝑛) =−𝑎[ −𝑛−1] .

15.List out the properties of Laplace transform

16. Find the Z transform of x[n]=(-2)-n u[-n-1]
17. Derive relationship between z and Laplace Transform and describe about the stability
PART-B (Long Answer Questions)

1. Determine the inverse Laplace of the following functions.

a) 1/s(s+1) (s+3) b) 3s2+8s+6 / (s+8) (s2+6s+1).

2. Find the Inverse Z transform of

3. Find the Z transform of x [n] = an+1 u [n+1].

4. Find the inverse Z- transform of for different possible ROCs

5. State and prove the properties of ROC of Laplace transform.

6. Distinguish between the Laplace, Fourier and Z-Transforms
7. Find the Laplace Transform of following functions:
i) Exponential function
ii) Unit step function.
8.Prove that the signals x(t) = e-at u(t) and x(t) = e-at u(-t) have the same X(s) and differ only in ROC.
9. Define Laplace transform and state the necessary and sufficient conditions for its existence. List out its
advantages and disadvantages
10. What is ROC? Discuss the ROCs of various classes of signals(LT of standard signals and their ROC)
11. Discuss the properties of ROC of Z- Transforms
12. State any four properties of Laplace transform.
13. Find the inverse Laplace Transform of
i) 3s /(s2+1) (s2+4) ii) (s2+2s+1) / (s+2)(s2+4).
14. Find the Laplace transform of the signal x(t)=e -2tu(-t)+e-3tu(-t) and find its ROC.
15. Explain the waveform synthesis using Laplace transform
16. Distinguish between one-sided and two sided Z-transforms. What are their applications?
17.Find the inverse Z-transform and ROC given X(z)= log(1/ 1−az−1).
PART-A (Short Answer Questions)
1. Define aliasing effect? How can you overcome
2. Define sampling Theorem
3. Explain the effect of under sampling
4. List the properties of Cross correlation function
5. Give the relation between correlation and Convolution.
6. compare ESD and PSD
7. Define Nyquist rate
8. Discuss the Aliasing and aperture effect and how can they avoided
PART-B (Long Answer Questions)
1. State and prove sampling theorem for band limited signals
3. Explain the process of reconstruction of the signal from its samples.
4. Write about the types of Sampling and compare the Impulse Sampling, Natural and Flat top Sampling
5. Write note on Flat top Sampling
6. Relation between Autocorrelation Function and PSD form Fourier Transform pair
7. Give the introduction to band pass sampling
8. Discuss Natural and Flat-top sampling of low pass signals
9. State and prove Parseval’s Theorem
10. Define Sampling Theorem and discuss the way of performing sampling using impulse sampling
11. Explain the process of detection of periodic signals by the process of correlation.
12. Explain about cross-correlation function with their properties
13. Compare and contrast Auto and cross correlations.
14. Explain extraction of Signal from Noise by Filtering

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