A Genius Explains

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A Genius Explains

Page 9. Main Ideas. Write the correct answer A, B, or C

1. a
2. b
3. b
4. c
5. c
6. b

Page 10. Details. Fill out the chart

Category Details or Examples Ability Disability

Math 1. Daniel can calculate cube roots faster x
than a calculator
2. Daniel can multiply 377 x 795 in his
head. x
3. The thought of a mathematical problem
with no solution makes Daniel x
4. Daniel doesn't go to the beach because
there are too many pebbles to count. x

Language 1. Daniel has invented his own language x

2. Daniel is able to read a lot of books.
3. Daniel speak seven languages. x

Memory 1. Daniel can recall pi to 22,514 decimal x

2. Daniel can easily remember key dates x
in history.
Social Interaction 1. It is hard for Daniel to socialize with x
anyone outside his family.
2. Daniel has trouble making eye contact. x

3. Daniel feels uncomfortable in the

Need for Order 1. Daniel must drink his tea at exactly the x
same time everyday.
2. Daniel always has to brush his teeth x
before he showers.

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