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amîQ´>r¶ Am{W©H$ Xþ~©b KQ>H$ {dÚm϶mªgmR>r {eî¶d¥Îmr ¶moOZm narjm 2021-22


€B^^^B€`8y&y&a[& !


SEAT NO. AmgZ H«$‘m§H$

QR : M5

Paper Code: M
Set Code:
~m¡pÜXH$ j‘Vm MmMUr
CLASS VIII / B¶Îmm 8 dr

[DATE : 19th June, 2022]

[{XZm§H$ … 19 OyZ, 2022]
[ Time : 10:30 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.]
[ doi … 10…30 A.M. Vo 12…00 P.M.]
Maximum Marks : 90
EHy$U JwU … 90
Time : 90 Minutes
doi … 90 {‘{ZQ>o Total Pages : 48
EHy$U nmZo … 48

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 1 of 48
Read the following instructions carefully before you answer the questions.

1. Answers are to be bubbled only on the separate carbonless Answer sheet provided
to you. After examination detach the carbonless copy from original Answer sheet
& keep carbonless copy with you till the declaration of result.

2. Please write your Center Code & Seat No. very clearly (only one digit in one
block) on question paper. Before writing your seat no. ascertain it with Hall ticket.
Please see that no block is left blank or unfilled.

Example :


SEAT NO. M 3 3 9 2 2 1 1 0 2 1 2 3

3. Please ensure that you have received Mental Ability Test answer sheet.

4. Total number of questions are 90 for this paper. All questions carry one mark each.

5. All questions are compulsory.

6. For each question there are four options given in question paper. Check for the
correct answer and bubble correct option from four circles given in answer sheet
by Black/Blue pen. Please do not write any answers on question paper.

7. Start answering from first question one after another till the last question.

8. If you do not know the answer of any question, do not spend much time on it and
pass on to the next one. If time permits, you can come back to the questions which
you have left in the first instance and try them again.

9. Utilize the allotted time for solving the questions in best possible way. The rough
work is to be done in the box given under each page.

10. Do not write anything except Center Code, Seat No. and rough work anywhere in
this booklet

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 2 of 48
~m¡pÜXH$ j‘Vm MmMUr (Mental Ability Test)
n[ajmWvgmR>r gyMZm
àíZm§Mr CÎmao Zm|X{dʶmnydu nwT>rb gyMZm H$miOrnyd©H$ dmMm.
1. CÎmao Zm|X{dʶmgmR>r ñdV§Ì H$m~©Zbog CÎman{ÌH$m XoʶmV Ambobr Amho. ˶mdaM Amnbr CÎmao
Zm|XdmdrV. narjoMr doi g§në¶mZ§Va hr H$m~©Zbog àV ‘yi CÎman{ÌHo$nmgyZ doJir H$ê$Z narjoÀ¶m
{ZH$mbmn¶ªV ñdV:H$S>o OVZ H$ê$Z R>odmdr.
2. Vw‘Mm H|$Ð g§Ho$Vm§H$ Am{U AmgZ H«$‘m§H$ àíZn{ÌHo$À¶m ‘wIn¥ð>mda {Xboë¶m {d{hV {R>H$mUr
gwñnï>nUo {bhmdm. (EH$m Mm¡H$Q>rV EH$M A§H$ ¶mà‘mUo) ñdV:Mm AmgZ H«$‘m§H$ {b{hʶmnydu
àdoenÌmZwgma Vmo ~amo~a Agë¶mMr ImÌr H$ê$Z ¿¶mdr. H$moUVmhr aH$mZm [a³V amhUma Zmhr ¶mMr
XjVm ¿¶mdr.
CXmhaUmW© :
CENTRE CODE H|$Ð g§Ho$Vm§H$ 1 1 0 2

SEAT NO. AmgZ H«$‘m§H$ M 3 3 9 2 2 1 1 0 2 1 2 3

3. Vwåhmbm CÎmao Zm|X{dʶmgmR>r ~m¡pÜXH$ j‘Vm MmMUr (Mental Ability Test) MrM CÎman{ÌH$m {‘imbr
Amho ¶mMr ImÌr H$amdr.
4. gXa {df¶mgmR>r 90 àíZ AmhoV. à˶oH$ àíZmbm EH$ JwU Amho.
5. gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
6. à˶oH$ àíZmÀ¶m CÎmamgmR>r àíZnwpñVHo$‘ܶo Mma n¶m©¶ {Xbo AmhoV. ˶mn¡H$s Vwåhmbm ¶mo½¶ dmQ>ob
˶m n¶m©¶mMm H«$‘m§H$ nhm d ˶m H«$‘m§H$mMo dVw©i H$mù¶m qH$dm {Zù¶m ~m°bnoZZo a§JdyZ CÎma
Zm|Xdm. ‘mÌ ho H$m‘ Vw‘À¶m CÎman{ÌHo$da ¶mo½¶ àíZmnwT>o H$amd¶mMo Amho àíZnwpñVHo$da Zmhr.
7. n{hë¶m àíZmnmgyZ gwédmV H$ê$Z EH$m‘mJyZ EH$ àíZ gmoS>drV eodQ>n¶ªV àíZ gmoS>dmdoV.
8. EImÚm àíZmMo CÎma ¶oV Zgob Va ˶mda OmñV doi Kmbdy ZH$m. nwT>Mo àíZ gmoS>{dʶmg ¿¶m.
gd© àíZ gmoS>dyZ Pmë¶mda Caboë¶m doimV amhÿZ Joboë¶m àíZm§da Vwåhmbm nwÝhm {dMma H$aVm
9. àíZ gmoS>{dʶmgmR>r Vwåhmbm {‘iUmam doi {dMmamV KoD$Z ˶mMm OmñVrV OmñV Mm§Jë¶màH$mao
Cn¶moJ H$am. H$ÀMo H$m‘ àíZn{ÌHo$darb à˶oH$ n¥ð>mda {Xboë¶m [aH$må¶m Mm¡H$Q>rVM H$amdo.
10. ¶m àíZnwpñVHo$V H|$Ð g§Ho$Vm§H$, AmgZ H«$‘m§H$ d H$ÀMo H$m‘ ¶mIoarO Aݶ H$mhrhr {bhÿ Z¶o.

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 3 of 48
Q. 001 to 004 Directions: Find the odd term.

001. (1) TVX (2) BDF

(3) RPN (4) MOQ

002. (1) DL (2) CH

(3) DF (4) AX

003. (1) POCG (2) KLIZ

(3) BUDX (4) FQMV

004. (1) JLOS (2) GILQ

(3) MORV (4) CEHL

Q. 005 to 007 Directions: Find the odd figure.

5 5 5
   

       

1 1 21 2 1 32 3 2 43 4 3 4 4
(1) (2) (3) (4)


1 1
(1) 21 2 1 32
(2) 3 2 4(3)
3 4 3 4 4


(1) 1 2 1 2 13 2 3
(2) 3 4 3 4
2 4 (3) 4

Space for Rough Work

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 4 of 48
à. 001 Vo 004 gyMZm : {dg§JV nX emoYm.
001. (1) TVX (2) BDF
(3) RPN (4) MOQ

002. (1) DL (2) CH

(3) DF (4) AX
003. (1) POCG KLIZ
004. (1) JLOS (2) GILQ
(3) MORV (4) CEHL

à. 005 Vo 007 gyMZm : {dg§JV MAT-MARATHI-QP.

5 5 5
   

      

1 1
(1) 21 2 1 32
(2) 3 2 4(3)
3 4 3 4 4


1 1
(1) 21 2 1 32
(2) 3 2 4(3)
3 4 3 4 4


(1) 1 2 1 2 13 2 3
(2) 3 4 3 4
2 4 (3) 4

H$ÀÀ¶m H$m‘mgmR>r ’$³V

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 5 of 48
Q. 008 to 011 D
 irections: In the following questions there is a specific relationship between the first
and second term, The same relationship exists between the third and the fourth term.
Finding the relationship select the correct term from the alternatives given.

008. KNM : RFV : : SVC : ?

(1) YBK (2) ZNL
(3) XMK (4) HEX

009. PUNE : KFMV : : NIRA : ?

(1) MRJY (2) MJHZ
(3) MSIZ (4) MRIZ

010. EPKT : JSPW : : QBHE : ?

(1) VEKH (2) VMEH
(3) VEMH (4) VGML

011. DGP : MNV : : MKD : ?

(1) XSJ (2) WTK
(3) YTK (4) JSW

Q. 012 and 013 D

 irections: Ramesh starts moving to North. He walks 6 km and turns right and walks
5 km, turning left he walks 3 km. At this point he turns South and stops after walking
7 km. Answer the following questions.

012. How far he is from the origin?

(1) 0 km (2) 4 km
(3) 2 km (4) 6 km

013. To which direction is he facing from the original position?

(1) East (2) West
(3) North (4) South

Space for Rough Work

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 6 of 48
à. 008 Vo 011 gyMZm : nwT>rb àíZmV n{hë¶m nXmMm Xþgè¶m nXm§er Ogm g§~§Y Amho VgmM g§~§Y {Vgè¶m d Mm¡Ï¶m
nXm§‘ܶo Amho Vmo g§~§Y emoYyZ àíZ{MÝhmÀ¶m OmJr ¶mo½¶ n¶m©¶ {bhm.

008. KNM : RFV : : SVC : ?

(1) YBK (2) ZNL
(3) XMK (4) HEX

009. PUNE : KFMV : : NIRA : ?

(1) MRJY (2) MJHZ
(3) MSIZ (4) MRIZ

010. EPKT : JSPW : : QBHE : ?

(1) VEKH (2) VMEH
(3) VEMH (4) VGML

011. DGP : MNV : : MKD : ?

(1) XSJ (2) WTK
(3) YTK (4) JSW

à. 012 d 013 gyMZm : a‘oe CÎmaoH$S>o 6 {H$‘r MmbV Jobm, Z§Va COdrH$S>o diyZ 5 {H$‘r OmD$Z S>mdrH$S>o 3 {H$‘r
Jobm, {VWyZ X{jUoH$S>o 7 {H$‘r OmD$Z Wm§~bm Va Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao Úm.

012. ‘yi {R>H$mUmnmgyZ Vmo {H$Vr A§Vamda Amho?

(1) 0 {H$‘r (2)
4 {H$‘r
(3) 2 {H$‘r (4)
6 {H$‘r

013. ‘yi {R>H$mUmnmgyZ Vmo H$moU˶m {Xeobm Amho?

(1) nyd© (2)
(3) CÎma (4) X{jU

H$ÀÀ¶m H$m‘mgmR>r ’$³V

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 7 of 48
Q. 014 to 017 Directions: Which number will replace the question mark in the given series?

014. 4, 9, 25, 49, ?

(1) 81 (2) 121
(3) 64 (4) 100

015. 2, 17, 5, 12, 9, 8, 14, ?

(1) 5 (2) 15
(3) 13 (4) 22

016. 7, 23, 49, 149, ?

(1) 305 (2) 301
(3) 249 (4) 204

017. 6, 22, 46, 78, ?

(1) 108 (2) 110
(3) 106 (4) 118

Q. 018 to 020 D
 irections: Cubes of same size are arranged as given in the following figure, observe
the figure and answer the questions by choosing the correct alternative given below.

Space for Rough Work

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 8 of 48
à. 014 Vo 017 gyMZm : H«$‘mZo àíZ{MÝhmÀ¶m OmJr H$moUVm ¶mo½¶ n¶m©¶ ¶oB©b?
014. 4, 9, 25, 49, ?
(1) 81 (2) 121
(3) 64 (4) 100

015. 2, 17, 5, 12, 9, 8, 14, ?

(1) 5 (2) 15
(3) 13 (4) 22

016. 7, 23, 49, 149, ?

(1) 305 (2) 301
(3) 249 (4) 204

017. 6, 22, 46, 78, ?

(1) 108 (2) 110
(3) 106 (4) 118

à. 018 Vo 020 gyMZm : nwT>rb AmH¥$VrV H$mhr KZm§nmgyZ EH$ aMZm V¶ma Ho$bobr XmIdbr Amho. ˶mdê$Z Imbrb
àíZm§Mr CÎmao {Xboë¶m n¶m©¶m§VyZ {ZdS>m.

H$ÀÀ¶m H$m‘mgmR>r ’$³V

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 9 of 48
  
1 2 3 4
018. How many faces of cube ‘P’ touch the faces of other cubes?

(2) 3 6

(3) 2 (4) 1

019. How many cubes are there in the second last layer?

(1) 5 (2) 8
1 2 3 4
(3) 9 (4) 10
020. Find the total number of cubes in the first two layers.

(1) 1 (2) 3

(3) 4 (4) 5

1 2 3 4
Q. 021 and 022 Directions: Observe the following figure and answer the questions by selecting the
correct alternatives given below. 21

021. Find the number of squares in the figure.

(1) 6 (2) 8

(3) 10 (4) 12

022. Find the number of rectangles which are not squares.

(1) 9 (2) 10

(3) 12 (4) 13

Space for Rough Work

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 10 of 48
  
1 2 3 4
018. R>moH$im P Mr {H$Vr n¥îR>o Aݶ R>moH$ù¶m§À¶m n¥îR>m§Zm ñne© H$aVmV?
(1) 4 (2) 3
(3) 2 (4) 1

019. ImbyZ Xþgè¶m ñVamV {H$Vr KZ dmnabo AmhoV?

(1) 5 2 3 8
(2) 4

(3) 9 (4) 10

020. dê$Z n{hë¶m d Xþgè¶m WamV {‘iyZ {H$Vr KZ dmnabo AmhoV?

(1) 1 (2) 3
(3) 4 (4) 5
1 2 3 4
à. 021 d 022 gyMZm : gmo~V {Xboë¶m AmH¥$VrMo {ZarjU H$ê$Z Imbrb21{Xboë¶m àíZm§Mr CÎmao n¶m©¶m§VyZ {ZdS>m.

021. AmH¥$VrVrb Mm¡agm§Mr g§»¶m {H$Vr?

(1) 6 (2) 8
(3) 10 (4) 12

022. Mm¡ag Zgboë¶m Am¶Vm§Mr g§»¶m {H$Vr?

(1) 9 (2) 10
(3) 12 (4) 13

H$ÀÀ¶m H$m‘mgmR>r ’$³V

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 11 of 48
Q. 023 and 024 D
 irections: Amit, Ganesh, Reena, Seema, Mahesh and Meena are sitting around a
round table. Amit is sitting left to Meena and Ganesh is towards right. Seema is sitting
opposite to Amit. Towards the left or right of any boy in consecutive position no boy
is seated. Answer the following question.

023. Who is sitting opposite to Mahesh?

(1) Seema (2) Meena
(3) Amit (4) Ganesh

024. Who is sitting opposite to the person who is sitting to the left of Ganesh?
(1) Amit (2) Seema
(3) Mahesh (4) Reena

Q. 025 to 027 D
 irections: In the following questions a specific group is given from the given
alternatives. Find out the right term which matches the given group.

025. CJ, KF, GL

(1) HD (2) PT
(3) RK (4) MV

026. KOM, AYC, HRJ

(1) FTH (2) YCW
(3) KPQ (4) CXW

027. IJ, CP, RA

(1) OP (2) MF
(3) DL (4) AQ

028. In a certain code language the word REMOTE is written as ROTEME. How will you write the
word PICNIC in the same code language?

Space for Rough Work

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 12 of 48
à. 023 d 024 gyMZm : A{‘V, JUoe, [aZm, gr‘m, ‘hoe, ‘rZm ho dVw©imH$ma Q>o~bm^modVr ~gbobo AmhoV. ‘rZmÀ¶m
S>mì¶m ~mOyg A{‘V d COì¶m ~mOyg JUoe Amho. A{‘VÀ¶m g‘moa gr‘m Amho. H$moU˶mhr ‘wbmÀ¶m
S>mdrH$S>rb d COdrH$S>rb n{hë¶m ñWmZmda ‘wbJm ~gbobm Zmhr, Va nwT>rb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm.

023. ‘hoeÀ¶m g‘moa H$moU ~gbobo Amho?

(1) gr‘m (2) ‘rZm
(3) A{‘V (4) JUoe

024. JUoeÀ¶m S>mdrH$S>rb 춳VrÀ¶m g‘moa H$moU Amho?

(1) A{‘V (2) gr‘m
(3) ‘hoe (4) [aZm

à. 025 Vo 027 gyMZm : nwT>rb àíZm§V Ajam§Mm EH$ {d{eîQ> JQ> {Xbm Amho. {Xboë¶m n¶m©¶mVrb EH$ n¶m©¶ ˶m ˶m
JQ>m§er OwiVmo. Vmo ¶mo½¶ n¶m©¶ {bhm.

025. CJ, KF, GL

(1) HD (2) PT
(3) RK (4) MV

026. KOM, AYC, HRJ

(1) FTH (2) YCW
(3) KPQ (4) CXW

027. IJ, CP, RA

(1) OP (2) MF
(3) DL (4) AQ

028. Oa EH$m gm§Ho${VH$ ^mfoV REMOTE hm eãX ROTEME Agm {b{hbm Va PICNIC hm eãX H$gm {bhmb?

H$ÀÀ¶m H$m‘mgmR>r ’$³V

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 13 of 48
029. In a certain code language the word WED is written as 7826. How will you write the word FRI
in the same code language?
(1) 12921 (2) 9186
(3) 12219 (4) 6189

030. In a certain code language the word ARTI is written as 60. How will you write the word DEVI
in the same code language?
(1) 40 (2) 67
(3) 63 (4) 68

031. In a certain code language D = 4 and DEAR = 7 then in the same code language how will you
write the word HOTEL?
(1) 12 (2) 13
(3) 14 (4) 15

Q. 032 to 034 D
 irections: In each of the following questions find out the term that matches the given

032. 51, 119, 85

(1) 57 (2) 104
(3) 131 (4) 221

033. 23, 29, 37

(1) 13, 15, 23 (2) 17, 21, 29
(3) 31, 37, 49 (4) 41, 47, 53

034. 10 - 35, 12 - 42, 8 - 28

(1) 32 - 80 (2) 24 - 84
(3) 20 - 50 (4) 14 - 72

Space for Rough Work

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 14 of 48
029. EH$m gm§Ho${VH$ ^mfoV WED hm eãX 7826 Agm {b{hbm Va FRI hm eãX H$gm {bhmb?
(1) 12921 (2) 9186
(3) 12219 (4) 6189

030. EH$m gm§Ho${VH$ ^mfoV ARTI hm eãX 60 Agm {b{hbm, Va ˶mM gm§Ho${VH$ ^mfoV DEVI hm eãX H$gm
(1) 40 (2) 67
(3) 63 (4) 68

031. EH$m gm§Ho${VH$ ^mfoV D = 4 Am{U DEAR = 7 Agob, Va ˶mM gm§Ho${VH$ ^mfoV HOTEL hm eãX H$gm
(1) 12 (2) 13
(3) 14 (4) 15

à. 032 Vo 034 gyMZm : nwT>rb àíZmV g§»¶m§Mm EH$ {d{eîQ> JQ> {Xbm Amho. {Xboë¶m n¶m©¶mVrb EH$ n¶m©¶ ˶m ˶m
JQ>m§er OwiVmo, Vmo ¶mo½¶ n¶m©¶ {bhm.

032. 51, 119, 85

(1) 57 (2) 104
(3) 131 (4) 221

033. 23, 29, 37

(1) 13, 15, 23 (2) 17, 21, 29
(3) 31, 37, 49 (4) 41, 47, 53

034. 10 - 35, 12 - 42, 8 - 28

(1) 32 - 80 (2) 24 - 84
(3) 20 - 50 (4) 14 - 72

H$ÀÀ¶m H$m‘mgmR>r ’$³V

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 15 of 48
Q. 035 to 037 D
 irections: In each of the following questions the question figure changes in a definite
way. Find out the correct figure from the alternative figures that replaces the question
035. Question figures

???? ?? ??

Answer figures

(1) (2) (3) (4)

036. Question figures

???? ?? ??

Answer figures

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Space for Rough Work

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 16 of 48
à. 035 Vo 037 gyMZm : Imbrb à˶oH$ àíZmV àíZ AmH¥$˶m {d{eîQ> H«$‘mZo ~XbVmV ˶mM H«$‘mZo àíZ{MÝhm§À¶m
OmJr {Xboë¶m n¶m©¶m§n¡H$s H$moUVr AmH¥$Vr ¶oB©b Vo R>adm.

035. àíZ AmH¥$Vr

??? ?? ??

CÎma AmH¥$Vr

(1) (2) (3) (4)

036. àíZ AmH¥$Vr

?? ? ?

CÎma AmH¥$Vr

(1) (2) (3) (4)

H$ÀÀ¶m H$m‘mgmR>r ’$³V

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 17 of 48
037. Question figures

    ( ( ( (

???? ?? ??
    ( ( ÷ (÷ ( ÷ ÷
÷ ÷ ÷ ( ÷( × (× ( × × ÷÷ ÷ ÷
( ( ÷ ÷
( ( ÷ ( ÷( × (× ( × ×   
( ( ( (    
Answer figures
  ( (( ( (  (( (  

( (
( (
( (
( (
( (
( (
( (
( (
  ( (( ( (  (( (  
× × × × × × × × ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷
÷ ÷
÷ ÷
÷ ÷
÷ ÷
× × × × × × × × ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷

(1) (2) (3) (4)

038. Directions: Choose the correct mirror image of the question figure from the alternatives given

Question figure Answer figures

1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4
(1) (2) (3) (4)

Q. 039 and 040 D

 irections: Geeta, Sujata, Ashwini and Vandana are friends. Except Ashwini all like
chikoo. Geeta does not like guava and banana. Geeta and vandana like grapes. Sujata,
Ashwini and Vandana all like guava. Ashwini loves eating guavas and bananas.
Except Geeta all like to eat bananas. Then answer the following questions.

Space for Rough Work

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 18 of 48
037. àíZ AmH¥$Vr
    ( ( ( (
( ( ( (

???? ?? ??
   
÷ ÷ ÷ ÷
÷ ÷ ÷ ( ÷( × (× ( × × ÷÷ ÷ ÷
÷ ÷ ÷ ( ÷( × (× ( × × 
( ( ( (    

( ( ( (
   
CÎma AmH¥$Vr
  ( (( ( (  (( (  

( (
( (
( (
( (
( (
( (
  ( (( ( (  (( (  
× × × × × × × × ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷
× × × × × × × × ÷ ÷ ÷
÷ ÷
÷ ÷
÷ ÷

(1) (2) (3) (4)

038. gyMZm : {Xboë¶m àíZ AmH¥$VrMr AmaemVrb à{V‘m H$er {Xgob Vo ˶m Imbr {Xboë¶m CÎma AmH¥$VrÀ¶m
n¶m©¶m§VyZ {ZdS>m.
àíZ AmH¥$Vr CÎma AmH¥$Vr

1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4
(1) (2) (3) (4)

à. 039 d 040 gyMZm : JrVm, gwOmVm, ApídZr, d§XZm ¶m ‘¡{ÌUr AmhoV. ApídZr ì¶{V[a³V gdmªZm {MHy$ AmdS>Vmo.
JrVmbm noê$ d Ho$ir AmdS>V ZmhrV. JrVm d d§XZmbm Ðmjo AmdS>VmV. gwOVm, ApídZr, d§XZm ¶m§Zm
noê$ AmdS>Vmo. ApídZr noé d Ho$ir AmdS>rZo ImVo. JrVm ì¶{V[a³V gd©OUtZm Ho$ir AmdS>VmV. Va
nwT>rb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm.
H$ÀÀ¶m H$m‘mgmR>r ’$³V

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 19 of 48
039. Who loves to eat only three fruits?
(1) Geeta (2) Sujata
(3) Vandana (4) Ashwini

040. Who likes to eat all four types fruits?

(1) Ashwini (2) Sujata
(3) Vandana (4) Geeta

Q. 041 and 042 D

 irections: A meaningful word is formed from the letter G R A O C U E. Then
answer the following questions.

041. Write the number in the alphabetical order of the letter which is at the centre of the meaningful
(1) 19 (2) 20
(3) 18 (4) 15

042. Write the number in the alphabetical order of the letter which is second last in the meaningful
(1) 6 (2) 15
(3) 5 (4) 7

043. Directions: Choose the correct water image of the question figure from the alternatives given
Question figure Answer figures

(1) (2)
(3) (4)

Space for Rough Work

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 20 of 48
039. H$moUmbm ’$³V VrZ ’$io AmdS>VmV?
(1) JrVm (2) gwOmVm
(3) d§XZm (4) ApídZr

040. H$moUmbm Mmahr àH$maMr ’$io AmdS>VmV?

(1) ApídZr (2)
(3) d§XZm (4) JrVm

à. 041 d 042 gyMZm : G R A O C U E ¶m Ajam§nmgyZ EH$ AW©nyU© eãX V¶ma hmoVmo, Va nwT>rb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm.

041. ˶m eãXmVrb ‘ܶ^mJr ¶oUmè¶m AjamMm B§J«Or dU©‘mboVrb ñWmZ H«$‘m§H$ H$moUVm?
(1) 19 (2) 20
(3) 18 (4) 15

042. ˶m eãXmVrb eodQy>Z Xþgao Aja B§J«Or dU©‘mboV H$moU˶m H«$‘m§H$mda ¶oVo?
(1) 6 (2) 15
(3) 5 (4) 7

043. gyMZm : {Xboë¶m àíZ AmH¥$VrMr pñWa nmʶmVrb à{V‘m H$er {Xgob Vo CÎma AmH¥$VtÀ¶m n¶m©¶m§VyZ {ZdS>m.
àíZ AmH¥$Vr CÎma AmH¥$Vr

(1) (2)
(3) (4)

H$ÀÀ¶m H$m‘mgmR>r ’$³V

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 21 of 48
Q. 044 to 047 Directions: Find the odd term.

044. (1) 15 - 40 (2) 18 - 56

(3) 24 - 76 (4) 12 - 28

045. (1) 133 (2) 326

(3) 515 (4) 429

046. (1) 200 (2) 500

(3) 700 (4) 600

047. (1) 18 - 27 (2) 16 - 24

(3) 14 - 22 (4) 12 - 18

Q. 048 and 049 D

 irections: The following figure is folded to form a cube. Observe the figure and
answer the questions by choosing the correct alternative.
1 2
5 6

048. Which digit will be on the opposite face of 1?

(1) 3 (2) 4
(3) 5 (4) 6

049. Which digit will not be adjacent to the face of 3?

(1) 1 (2) 4
(3) 5 (4) 6

Space for Rough Work

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 22 of 48
à. 044 Vo 047 gyMZm : {dg§JV nX AmoiIm.

044. (1) 15 - 40 (2) 18 - 56

(3) 24 - 76 (4) 12 - 28

045. (1) 133 (2) 326

(3) 515 (4) 429

046. (1) 200 (2) 500

(3) 700 (4) 600

047. (1) 18 - 27 (2) 16 - 24

(3) 14 - 22 (4) 12 - 18

à. 048 d 049 gyMZm : Imbr {Xboë¶m AmH¥$Vrbm KS>çm KmVë¶mda EH$ KZmH¥$Vr R>moH$im V¶ma hmoVmo. ˶mdê$Z
Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm.
1 2
5 6

048. 1 A§H$mg‘moa H$moUVm A§H$ ¶oB©b?

(1) 3 (2) 4
(3) 5 (4) 6

049. 3 A§H$meoOmar H$moUVm A§H$ ¶oUma Zmhr?

(1) 1 (2) 4
(3) 5 (4) 6

H$ÀÀ¶m H$m‘mgmR>r ’$³V

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 23 of 48
Q. 050 and 051 D
 irections: A transparent square sheet of paper is folded on the dotted line as shown
in the question figure. Choose the correct alternative from the answer figures as how
the paper will look when folded?
050. Question figure Answer figures

1 (1)
1 2 (2)
2 3 (3)
3 4 (4)
051. Question figure Answer figures

1 (1)
1 2 (2)
2 3 (3)
3 4 (4)
Q. 052 to 054 D
 irections: Observe the pyramid of alphabet and answer the questions that follow by
choosing the correct alternative.
n m
j k l
i h g f
a b c d e
z y x w v u
n o p q r s t
m l k j i h g f
w x y z a b c d e
Space for Rough Work

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 24 of 48
à. 050 d 051 gyMZm : {Xboë¶m nmaXe©H$ Mm¡agmH¥$Vr H$mJXmbm KS>r KmVë¶mda V¶ma hmoUmar AmH¥$Vr {Xboë¶m
n¶m©¶m§‘YyZ emoYm.
050. àíZ AmH¥$Vr CÎma AmH¥$Vr

1 1
(1) 2 2 3 (3)
(2) 3 4 4
051. àíZ AmH¥$Vr CÎma AmH¥$Vr

1 1
(1) 2 2 3 (3)
(2) 3 4 4
à. 052 Vo 054 gyMZm : gmo~V {Xboë¶m Ajam§À¶m ‘Zmoè¶mMo {ZarjU H$am. ˶mImbr {Xboë¶m àíZm§À¶m CÎmam§gmR>r
¶mo½¶ n¶m©¶ {ZdS>m.
n m
j k l
i h g f
a b c d e
z y x w v u
n o p q r s t
m l k j i h g f
w x y z a b c d e
H$ÀÀ¶m H$m‘mgmR>r ’$³V

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 25 of 48
052. mlxw, zyon, wvrq, ?
(1) ihba (2) axpq
(3) pqaz (4) xwij

053. biajz, efdgc, tusvr, ?

(1) nokzy (2) qxpyo
(3) cwrhg (4) abcde

054. nlykp : tgchr : : aijhc : ?

(1) aypxc (2) evrwc
(3) jnoml (4) eflgc

Q. 055 and 056 D

 irections: Three different positions of a cube are shown in the figure. Observe the
figure and answer the following questions.

(i) (ii) (iii)

055. Which letter will be on the opposite face of B?

(1) C (2) D
(3) E (4) F

056. In the figure (iii) which letter will be there at the base face of the cube?
(1) A (2) D
(3) E (4) C

Space for Rough Work

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 26 of 48
052. mlxw, zyon, wvrq, ?
(1) ihba (2) axpq
(3) pqaz (4) xwij

053. biajz, efdgc, tusvr, ?

(1) nokzy (2) qxpyo
(3) cwrhg (4) abcde

054. nlykp : tgchr : : aijhc : ?

(1) aypxc (2) evrwc
(3) jnoml (4) eflgc

à. 055 d 056 gyMZm : Imbr EH$mM R>moH$ù¶mÀ¶m VrZ pñWVrVrb AmH¥$˶m Xe©{dë¶m AmhoV. ˶m AmH¥$VrMo {ZarjU
H$ê$Z nwT>rb àíZm§gmR>r ¶mo½¶ CÎmao {bhm.

(i) (ii) (iii)

055. B AjamÀ¶m {déÕ n¥îR>^mJmda H$moUVo Aja Agob?

(1) C (2) D
(3) E (4) F

056. AmH¥$Vr (iii) À¶m VimÀ¶m n¥îR>^mJmda H$moUVm A§H$ Agob?

(1) A (2) D
(3) E (4) C

H$ÀÀ¶m H$m‘mgmR>r ’$³V

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 27 of 48
Q. 057 to 060 D
 irections: In a certain code language digit 0 to 9 are used for each Letter.
If AP × DP = BBB. Then answer the following questions by choosing the correct

057. Find the value of P.

(1) 2 (2) 3
(3) 9 (4) 7

058. Find the value of A.

(1) 3 (2) 4
(3) 5 (4) 6

059. Find the value of B.

(1) 6 (2) 7
(3) 8 (4) 9

060. Find the value of AP + DP.

(1) 54 (2) 64
(3) 68 (4) 74

Q. 061 and 062 D

 irections: The folded figure of square paper is shown in the question figure. If it is
unfolded what will it look like? Select the correct alternative.

061. Question figure Answer figures

1 1
(1) 2 (2)
2 3 3
(3) 4 (4)

Space for Rough Work

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 28 of 48
à. 057 Vo 060 gyMZm : Imbrb à˶oH$ àíZmV à˶oH$ Aja 0 Vo 9 ¶m A§H$m§Mo g§Ho$V AgVrb.
Oa AP × DP = BBB Va nwT>rb àíZm§gmR>r ¶mo½¶ n¶m©¶ {ZdS>m.

057. P Mr qH$‘V {H$Vr Agob?

(1) 2 (2) 3
(3) 9 (4) 7

058. A Mr qH$‘V {H$Vr Agob?

(1) 3 (2) 4
(3) 5 (4) 6

059. B Mr qH$‘V {H$Vr Agob?

(1) 6 (2) 7
(3) 8 (4) 9

060. AP + DP Mr qH$‘V {H$Vr?

(1) 54 (2) 64
(3) 68 (4) 74

à. 061 d 062 gyMZm : EH$m Mm¡agmH¥$Vr H$mJXmbm KS>r KmVë¶mda {XgUmar AmH¥$Vr àíZ AmH¥$VrV XmIdbr Amho.
Vmo H$mJX CbJS>ë¶mda H$gm {Xgob Vo CÎma AmH¥$VtVyZ emoYm.

061. àíZ AmH¥$Vr CÎma AmH¥$Vr

1 1
(1) 2 (2)
2 3 3
(3) 4 (4)

H$ÀÀ¶m H$m‘mgmR>r ’$³V

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 29 of 48
062. Question figure Answer figures

1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4
(1) (2) (3) (4)

Q. 063 to 065 Directions: In the following questions there is a specific relation between first and
second figure. The same relationship exists between the third and the fourth figure
which will replace the question mark. Select the correct figure from the alternatives
given below each question.

063. Question figures


• ?
• •
• •

•••• •• ••
•••• •• ••
• •
• • ?? ? ?

Answer figures

1 2 3 4

1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4
(1) (2) (3) (4)

Space for Rough Work

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 30 of 48
062. àíZ AmH¥$Vr CÎma AmH¥$Vr

1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4
(1) (2)
(3) (4)

à 063 Vo 065 gyMZm : Imbrb àíZm§V n{hë¶m Am{U Xþgè¶m AmH¥$Vr‘ܶo {d{eîQ> g§~§Y Amho VgmM g§~§Y {Vgè¶m
Am{U Mm¡Ï¶m AmH¥$Vr‘ܶo Amho Vmo g§~§Y emoYyZ àíZ{MÝhmÀ¶m OmJr ¶oUmam ¶mo½¶ n¶m©¶ {ZdS>m.

063. àíZ AmH¥$Vr


• ?
• •
• •

•••• •• ••
•••• •• ••
• •
• • ?? ? ?

CÎma AmH¥$Vr

1 2 3 4

1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4
(1) (2) (3) (4)

H$ÀÀ¶m H$m‘mgmR>r ’$³V

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 31 of 48
064. Question figures

• •• •
•• •
• •

••••• • • • • •
•••• •• ••
•• •
• • ? ??

Answer figures

1 2 3 4
1 1
(1) 1 1 2 2 2 3 3
2 (2) 3 3 4 4
(3) 4 (4)

065. Question figures

• •• •
•• •
• •

••••• • • • • •
•••• •• ••
•• •
• • ?? ? ?

Answer figures

1 2 3 4
1 1
(1) 1 1 2 2 2 3 3
2 (2) 3 3 4 4
(3) 4 (4)

Space for Rough Work

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 32 of 48
064. àíZ AmH¥$Vr

• •• •
?? ? ?
• •• •
• • • • •••• •• •• • • • •
• • • • •••• •• •• • • • •

CÎma AmH¥$Vr

1 2 3 4

1 1
(1) 1 1 2 2 2 3 3
2 (2) 3 3 4 4
(3) 4 (4)

065. àíZ AmH¥$Vr

• •• •
?? ? ?
• •• •
• • • • •••• •• •• • • • •
• • • • •••• •• •• • • • •

CÎma AmH¥$Vr

1 2 3 4

1 1
(1) 1 1 2 2 2 3 3
2 (2) 3 3 4 4
(3) 4 (4)

H$ÀÀ¶m H$m‘mgmR>r ’$³V

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 33 of 48
Q. 066 to 068 Directions: In the following Venn diagram square represents a mathematician, a triangle
represents the persons expert in Sanskrit, a rectangle represents the persons who are
expert in History and a circle represents ladies. Then answer the following questions.


066. Which letter represents lady mathematicians?

(1) G (2) C
(3) H (4) E

067. Which letter represents ladies who are expert in all the subjects?
(1) B (2) A
(3) G (4) C

Space for Rough Work

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 34 of 48
à. 066 Vo 068 gyMZm : Imbrb AmH¥$VrV Mm¡ag J{UVk Xe©dVmo, {ÌH$moU g§ñH¥$Vk Xe©dVmo, Am¶V hm B{Vhmg Vk
Xe©dVmo, dVw©i ho ‘{hbm Xe©dVo, Va nwT>rb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm.


066. ’$³V J{UVk ‘{hbm H$moU˶m AjamZo Xe©{dë¶m AmhoV?

(1) G (2) C
(3) H (4) E

067. gd©M {df¶m§V nma§JV ‘{hbm H$moU˶m AjamZo Xe©{dë¶m AmhoV?

(1) B (2) A
(3) G (4) C

H$ÀÀ¶m H$m‘mgmR>r ’$³V

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 35 of 48
068. Which letter represents ladies who are expert in History?

(1) E (2) F

(3) I (4) H

Q. 069 and 070 D

 irections: Select the correct Venn diagram from the given alternatives to represent
the following element.

069. Doctor, Reader, Gents

11 1 1 22 2 2 33 3 3 44 4 4
(1) (2) (3) (4)

070. Players, Hockey players, Authors

11 1 1 22 2 2 33 3 3 44 4 4
(1) (2) (3) (4)

Q. 071 and 072 D

 irections: A rhythmic arrangement of alphabet is given, the missing letter appear in
the same order as in one of the alternatives given. Select the correct alternative.

071. –wx–p–xxp–xx–w–x
(1) x w p x p x (2) x p w x p w
(3) p x w w p x (4) p w x p w x

Space for Rough Work

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 36 of 48
068. ’$³V B{Vhmg Vk ‘{hbm H$moU˶m AjamZo XmIdë¶m AmhoV?
(1) E (2) F
(3) I (4) H

à. 069 d 070 gyMZm : nwT>rb KQ>H$ H$moU˶m doZ AmH¥$VrZo XmIdVm ¶oVrb?

069. S>m°³Q>a, dmMH$, nwéf

11 1 1 22 2 2 33 3 3 44 4 4
(1) (2) (3) (4)

070. IoimSy>, hm°H$sMo IoimSy>, boIH$

11 1 1 22 2 2 33 3 3 44 4 4
(1) (2) (3) (4)

à. 071 d 072 gyMZm : Ajam§À¶m b¶~X²Y ‘m§S>Urdê$Z Jmiboë¶m {R>H$mUr H$moUVr Ajao AgVrb Vo n¶m©¶mVyZ

071. –wx–p–xxp–xx–w–x
(1) x w p x p x (2) x p w x p w
(3) p x w w p x (4) p w x p w x

H$ÀÀ¶m H$m‘mgmR>r ’$³V

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 37 of 48
072. mpxym–x–m–xy
(1) p p m (2) x p m
(3) p x y (4) p y p

Q. 073 and 074 Directions: Find the odd term from the following.

073. 5, 27, 61, 122, 213, 340

(1) 27 (2) 61
(3) 213 (4) 340

074. 8, 13, 21, 32, 47, 63, 83

(1) 21 (2) 32
(3) 47 (4) 63

Q. 075 to 078 D
 irections: In a certain code language the word ANTHEM is written in four different
code languages. Observe the code language given below and select the correct answer.
Word Code Language


076. FLAG = HNCI



Space for Rough Work

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 38 of 48
072. mpxym–x–m–xy
(1) p p m (2) x p m
(3) p x y (4) p y p

à. 073 d 074 gyMZm : nwT>rb g§»¶m‘m{bHo$Vrb MyH$sMo nX emoYm.

073. 5, 27, 61, 122, 213, 340

(1) 27 (2) 61
(3) 213 (4) 340

074. 8, 13, 21, 32, 47, 63, 83

(1) 21 (2) 32
(3) 47 (4) 63

à. 075 Vo 078 gyMZm : EH$m gm§Ho${VH$ ^mfoV ANTHEM hm eãX Mma doJdoJù¶m àH$mao {b{hbm Amho. Vr gm§Ho${VH$
^mfm AmoiIyZ nwT>rb àíZm§Vrb eãX H$moU˶m Mma n¡H$s EH$m gm§Ho${VH$ ^mfoV {b{hbm Amho Vo emoYm.
eãX gm§Ho${VH$ ^mfm


076. FLAG = HNCI



H$ÀÀ¶m H$m‘mgmR>r ’$³V

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 39 of 48
Q. 079 and 080 Directions: In the following questions one number in each row is in bracket. Numbers
outside the bracket have some specific relation with the number inside the bracket.
Find the relation and replace the question mark from the alternatives given below.

079. 52 (98) 37
23 (48) 61
47 (?) 32
(1) 79 (2) 83
(3) 97 (4) 84

080. 27 (34) 64
343 (75) 125
8 (?) 512
(1) 28 (2) 41
(3) 16 (4) 82

081. Some friends met each other on Tuesday, 5th September 2017. They decided to celebrate
‘Childrens Day’. For the preparation they decided to meet again on the day before ‘Childrens
Day’. On which day they will meet for preparation?

(1) Sunday (2) Monday

(3) Tuesday (4) Wednesday

Q. 082 to 085 Directions: Which term will replace the question mark in the given series?

082. AZ, MN, BY, LO, CX, ?

(1) EV (2) KP

(3) JQ (4) GT

Space for Rough Work

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 40 of 48
à. 079 d 080 gyMZm : Imbrb àíZmV H§$gm~mhoarb g§»¶m§Mm H§$gmVrb g§»¶oer Agbobm {d{eîQ> g§~§Y bjmV
KoD$Z àíZ{MÝhmMo OmJr H$moUVr g§»¶m ¶oB©b Vo n¶m©¶mVyZ {ZdS>m.

079. 52 (98) 37

23 (48) 61

47 (?) 32

(1) 79 (2) 83

(3) 97 (4) 84

080. 27 (34) 64

343 (75) 125

8 (?) 512

(1) 28 (2) 41

(3) 16 (4) 82

081. 5 gßQ>|~a 2017, ‘§Jidma amoOr ^oQ>boë¶m {‘Ìm§Zr Z§Va ~mb{XZmMr V¶mar H$aʶmH$[aVm AmXë¶m{Xder
^oQ>ʶmMo R>adbo Va Vo H$moU˶m dmar ^oQ>Vrb?
(1) a{ddma (2) gmo‘dma
(3) ԤJidma (4)

à. 082 Vo 085 gyMZm : nwT>rb àíZm§V H«$‘mZo H$moU˶m Ajam§Mm JQ> ¶oB©b?

082. AZ, MN, BY, LO, CX, ?

(1) EV (2) KP

(3) JQ (4) GT

H$ÀÀ¶m H$m‘mgmR>r ’$³V

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 41 of 48
083. RE, PG, MJ, IN, ?
(1) DS (2) ET
(3) EN (4) DP

084. AZY, CXW, EVU, GTS, ?

(1) JQP (2) HSR
(3) IRQ (4) KPO

085. BXD, EUG, HRJ, ?

(1) KPL (2) KQI
(3) KPJ (4) KOM

086. Directions: An incomplete figure is give in the question figure. Select the correct alternative
to complete the figure.
Question figure Answer figures

× × × × ×


× × × × ×× × × × ×



1 1 21 12 321 23 43 2 34 43 4 4
(1) (2) (3) (4)

Q. 087 to 090 D
 irections: In the following questions there is a specific relationship between the first
and the second term. The same relationship exists between the third and the fourth
term, which will replace the question mark. Select the correct alternative from the given

087. 17 : 41 : : 21 : ?
(1) 44 (2) 45
(3) 46 (4) 42

Space for Rough Work

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 42 of 48
083. RE, PG, MJ, IN, ?
(1) DS (2) ET
(3) EN (4) DP

084. AZY, CXW, EVU, GTS, ?

(1) JQP (2) HSR

(3) IRQ (4) KPO

085. BXD, EUG, HRJ, ?

(1) KPL (2) KQI

(3) KPJ (4) KOM

086. gyMZm : AnyU© AmH¥$Vr nyU© hmoʶmgmR>r ¶mo½¶ n¶m©¶ {ZdS>m.

àíZ AmH¥$Vr CÎma AmH¥$Vr

× × × × ×


× × × × ×× × × × ×



1 1 21 12 321 23 43 2 34 43 4 4
(1) (2) (3) (4)

à. 087 Vo 090 gyMZm : nwT>rb àíZm§V n{hë¶m nXmMm Xþgè¶m nXm§er Ogm g§~§Y Amho VgmM g§~§Y {Vgè¶m d Mm¡Ï¶m
nXm§‘ܶo Amho. Vmo g§~§Y emoYyZ àíZ{MÝhmÀ¶m OmJr ¶mo½¶ n¶m©¶ {ZdS>m.

087. 17 : 41 : : 21 : ?
(1) 44 (2)
(3) 46 (4) 42
H$ÀÀ¶m H$m‘mgmR>r ’$³V

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 43 of 48
088. 47 : 19 : : ? : 26

(1) 57 (2) 77

(3) 56 (4) 46

089. 17 : 20 : : 68 : ?

(1) 69 (2) 72

(3) 70 (4) 75

090. 5 : 100 : : 8 : ?

(1) 120 (2) 504

(3) 80 (4) 448

Space for Rough Work

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 44 of 48
088. 47 : 19 : : ? : 26
(1) 57 (2) 77
(3) 56 (4) 46

089. 17 : 20 : : 68 : ?
(1) 69 (2) 72
(3) 70 (4) 75

090. 5 : 100 : : 8 : ?
(1) 120 (2) 504
(3) 80 (4) 448

H$ÀÀ¶m H$m‘mgmR>r ’$³V

NMMS-MAT-21-22 VIII M5 45 of 48
For rough work only

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For rough work only

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For rough work only

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