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Teaching Math in Primary Syllabus

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Binalonan, Pangasinan


College of Teacher Education
First Semester, A. Y. 2021-2022
Teaching Math in the Primary Grades
Vision: Mission:
University of Eastern Pangasinan is the best holistic higher institution known University of Eastern Pangasinan is the best holistic higher institution known
to cultivate excellent and virtuous individuals to become catalyst of progress to cultivate excellent and virtuous individuals to become catalyst of progress
and development for both the local and the global communities and development for both the local and the global communities

Institutional Outcomes: Program Outcomes:

The graduates of University of Eastern Pangasinan should be able to: Common to all programs in all types of schools

1. Critically analyze and solve problems in order to render sound The graduates have the ability to:
2. Generate new knowledge and produce scholarly works contributory to
1. Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific fields of
the advancement of their profession and sustainable development.
3. Practice their respective professions efficiently and effectively.
2. Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and
4. Build relationships among individuals and promote camaraderie and Filipino.
teamwork in the working environment.
3. Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural
5. Express themselves exemplarily in both oral and written teams.
6. Demonstrate and uphold moral values and standards of the society. 4. Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility.
7. Promote and preserve the historical and cultural Filipino heritage. 5. Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage”.

I. Course Description:

This course equips prospective teachers with pedagogical content knowledge for the teaching of basic contents in mathematics in the primary
level. Understanding of key concepts and skills of whole numbers up to 10, 000, fractions, measurement, simple geometric figures, pre-algebra
concepts and data representation and analysis are applied using appropriate technology. Teaching strategies include problem solving, critical
thinking, differentiated instruction, inquiry-based learning with the use of manipulatives based on cultural context will be emphasized.

II. Course Outcomes:

1. Discuss the twin goals of mathematics in the basic education levels

2. Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the pedagogical content knowledge for the teaching of basic contents in mathematics in the
primary grades
3. Understand the curriculum content, skills and processes, and desirable values and attitudes of mathematics in the primary levels
4. Use appropriate tools and technology in teaching key concepts and skills in mathematics
5. Design mathematics lessons in the primary grades applying appropriate tools and technology, sound principles and teaching strategies
with the use of manipulatives based on cultural context

III. No. of Units:

3 units

IV. Course Pre-requisite:

V. Course Outline:

Learning No. of Learning Content Intended Learning Outcome Mode of Delivery-Flexible Model Teaching/Learning Required Reading Assessment Activity
Delivery Hours Activity
(ILO) (Category A-All Online; Category B-
Schedule Mix Online & Print Materials, Category
C-All Print Materials)

Septemb 1 Vision, Mission, Goals and Core At the end of the module, A & B - Google Meet Orientation and Student Introduction Quick Responses
er 2 Values students should be able to: Survey
C – Photocopies of modules UEP Vision and
1. state the class policies, course Mission Statements
requirements, grading system, etc.

Orientation (Policies and Learning

Preference of Students) 2. state and explain the
University’s Vision, Mission, Goals
and Objectives

A & B - Google Meet Reading Activity Online Articles Brief Answers (sample
Septemb 4 Google Forms K-12 Mathematics questions)
K-12 Mathematics Goals and 1. Explain the purposes, goals, C – Photocopies of modules
er 4-11 Curriculum Guide
Conceptual Framework: An aims and contents of 1. In the Philippine
Overview mathematics instruction in the Pdf education system,
21st century what levels are
DepEd Daily included in the primary
DepEd Daily Lesson Log (DLL): A Lesson Log grades? Include also
Review 2. Describe a mathematically the ages of learners.
literate individual
depedteacher.com/ 2. Why is mathematics
deped-daily-lesson- included as a major
log-dll-updated-sy- subject in the primary
3. Examine the parts of the 2019-2020/ grades?
Daily Lesson Log (DLL) for
3. For you, what is the
primary goal of
teaching math in the
primary grades?

Septemb 14 Twin Goals of Mathematics in the 1. Discuss the twin goals of A & B - Google Meet Synchronous 15 Essential Paperworks- Essays
er 14-30 Basic Education mathematics in the basic discussions using Teaching
C – Photocopies of modules Reflection Papers
education PowerPoint Strategies in Math
1. Critical thinking presentations https:// Activity Sheets
2. Problem Solving Lecture discussions www.weareteacher
Sample Lessons using
2. Describe the basic and s.com/strategies-in-
the DLL format
contemporary approaches, Reading Activity teaching-
methods, strategies and mathematics/
Teaching Approaches and
techniques in teaching
Strategies in Teaching Primary
mathematics in the 21st
Mathematics century
1. Discovery and Inquiry-
based Learning
3. Design mini lessons in
2. Cooperative Learning mathematics in the primary
3. Constructivism

4. Reflective Teaching

5. Experiential and Situated


October 14 Five content areas in the 1. Demonstrate in-depth A & B - Google Meet Synchronous K-12 Mathematics Paperworks- Essays
12- mathematics curriculum of primary understanding of the curriculum discussions using Curriculum Guide
C – Photocopies of modules Activity Sheets
Novembe grades content, specific skills and PowerPoint Pdf
r3 processes and values and presentations Critiquing sample
attitudes in mathematics mathematics lessons
Lecture discussions
teaching in the primary grades.
Specific skills and processes to be
developed in the primary grade Reading Activity in the primary grades
2. Critique mathematics lessons
in the primary levels

Values and attitudes to be honed in

the primary grade mathematics

Novembe 6 Tools and Technologies in 1. Recognize that the use of A & B - Google Meet Synchronous Paperworks- Essays
r 4-9 Teaching Mathematics appropriate tools and discussions using
C – Photocopies of modules Activity Sheets
technologies are necessary in PowerPoint
1. Manipulative objects teaching mathematics presentations Demonstration in using
2. Measuring devices teaching manipulatives
Lecture discussions
3. Calculators 2. Demonstrate lessons using Reading Activity
appropriate tools and
4. Computers
5. Smartphones

6. Tablets and PC’s 3. Apply contextualized

7. Internet teaching in mathematics
Contexts in mathematics teaching

Novembe 15 Current trends in teaching primary 1. Discuss trends in teaching A & B - Google Meet Synchronous Essays
r 12- grade mathematics primary grade mathematics discussions using
C – Photocopies of modules Demonstration
Decembe PowerPoint
teaching of a
r 18 presentations
mathematics lesson
Teaching Mathematics Practicum 2. Demonstrate mathematics
Lecture discussions
lessons in the primary grades
using appropriate tools, sound Reading Activity
principles and pedagogies
based on cultural contexts
The student is expected to comply with the following:
VI. Course 1. Must have at least 80% attendance of the prescribed number of days.
2. Obtain satisfactory rating for paperworks, exercises and major examinations given for the course.
3. Finish and submit all requirements at the end of the semester.
4. Must actively participate in all activities inside or outside the classroom.

VII. Course ● K-12 Mathematics Curriculum Guide 2016

● Acero, V. C. et.al (2017). Principles of Teaching 1
● Reyes, E. et.al (2015) Curriculum Development. Adriana Publishing House, Inc. Manila, Philippines


Exam 50%
Class Standing 60%
Class Standing 10%
Attendance/Participation 20%
Outputs 20%
FINAL GRADE: (Prelim Grade + Midterm Grade + Pre-Final Grade + Tentative Final Grade)/4

Prepared by: Noted: Recommending Approval: Approved:

Instructor Dean, CTE AVP for Academic Affairs University President

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