Clastic Cells in Orthodontic Treatment: Translational Challenges and Recent Advances

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Received: 14 December 2018    Accepted: 14 December 2018

DOI: 10.1111/ocr.12285


Clastic cells in orthodontic treatment: Translational challenges

and recent advances

Wellington J. Rody Jr1  | Estela L. Truzman2 | Desmond T. Foster2 | 

Leigh N. Smith2 | Fernanda G. Rocha3 | Heather L. Sorenson4 | Shannon M. Wallet4 | 
L. Shannon Holliday2

Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric
Dentistry, Stony Brook University, Stony Structured Abstract
Brook, New York Objectives: Orthodontic treatment consists of numerous appliance activations that
Department of Orthodontics, University of
rely on stimulation of osteoclasts at alveolar bone sites. However, the action of
Florida, Gainesville, Florida
3 osteoclast-­like cells on dentin (“odontoclasts”) is a pathological side effect of ortho-
Department of Oral Biology, University of
Florida, Gainesville, Florida dontic treatment. The aim of this article is twofold: (a) To report preliminary results
School of Dental Medicine, East Carolina from ongoing cell culture experiments to identify unique markers of dentin resorp-
University, Greenville, North Carolina
tion, and (b) To discuss our work using nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) and ex-
Correspondence osomes for developing biological fluid-­based biopsies to monitor clastic cell activity.
Wellington J. Rody Jr, School of Dental
Medicine, Stony Brook University, Stony Setting and sample population: Twelve healthy volunteers in permanent dentition.
Brook, NY. Material and methods: For the in vitro experiments, murine clastic cell precursors
Email: wellington.rody@ were cultured on dentin or bone slices for 7 days and phage-­display biopanning was
used to identify molecular surface differences between osteoclasts and odonto-
clasts. In the human study, gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) samples were collected
using different tools and analysed for protein and exosome recovery.
Results: Biopanning generated antibody fragments that were uniquely reactive to
odontoclasts. Numerous nanoparticles in the size range of exosomes were detected
in all of the human GCF samples.
Conclusions: Our results support that there are molecular differences between os-
teoclasts and odontoclasts. Emerging technologies may allow the use of exosomes in
GCF as a clinical tool to detect markers of root resorption.

exosomes, gingival crevicular fluid, odontoclasts, osteoclasts, phage display

1 | I NTRO D U C TI O N orthodontic tooth movement, the alveolar bone is initially removed
by osteoclasts located in the marrow spaces, a process called ‘under-
Orthodontic treatment consists of numerous appliance activations mining resorption’.1 This happens because during force application
that are sometimes planned without full appreciation for biological the periodontal ligament (PDL) undergoes necrosis and needs a few
issues. The remarkable plasticity of the tooth's supporting alveolar days to be restored histologically. 2,3
bone permits orthodontic tooth movement; however, it is important Since bone resorption is accomplished by multinuclear, giant cells,
to remember that the pattern of bone resorption differs significantly called osteoclasts, it can be concluded that the appearance of these
induced tooth movement.1-3 In
between physiologic and force-­ cells at specific sites is essential to orthodontic tooth movement.1,2

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© 2019 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Orthod Craniofac Res. 2019;22(Suppl. 1):180–185.
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
RODY Jr et al. |

Unlike osteoblasts that have mesenchymal origin, osteoclasts are of and drugs when compared to bone resorption.15,16 For instance, in-
hematopoietic origin. When bone is stimulated to resorb, a complex domethacin seems to enhance dentin resorption but doesn't interfere
multistep process is initiated in order to recruit and maintain osteo- as much with bone resorption during tooth movement.16 Towards this
clasts in the periodontium during tooth movement. The literature on end, a cell culture workflow was implemented in which primary mu-
osteoclast recruitment in rodents reports remarkably similar periods rine bone marrow cells were cultured on bone and dentin slices and
of 3-­
4 days between orthodontic force application and peak ele- allowed to mature and begin resorption as described previously.11 We
vations in osteoclast numbers at alveolar bone sites. The lifespan then employed two independent yet complementary screening ap-
of osteoclasts in rodents is short as they usually die by apoptosis in proaches that enabled not only the interrogation of osteoclasts and
about 4 days.3 Interestingly, the decline in osteoclast numbers during odontoclasts but also the identification of secreted factors in condi-
force-­induced tooth movement is followed by an immediate increase tioned media that may be unique to one cell type or the other (Fig. 1).
in clastic cell activity on the root surface as shown by many histological Phage-­display biopanning was used in an attempt to identify mo-
studies.2,3,6 The molecular pathway that orchestrates this shift from lecular surface differences between osteoclasts and odontoclasts.
osteoclast activity to odontoclast activity is still obscure and so are Readers are referred to a current review for a comprehensive descrip-
the phenotypic differences between these two types of clastic cells. tion of this molecular biology technique.17 Traditionally, researchers
While several biological features are shared by clastic cells that resorb use phage-­display biopanning to screen for engineered antibody frag-
bone (osteoclasts) and clastic cells that resorb dentin (odontoclasts), ments (named single-­chain variable fragment-­scFv) that bind to a par-
differences have been identified as well, that likely result from cell's ticular molecule of interest. We have modified the traditional protocol
interactions with distinct mineralized matrices. to screen for antibodies that bind uniquely to odontoclasts, but not
Harnessing our understanding of clastic cell mechanisms and osteoclasts, in an attempt to identify surface molecules that are very
phenotypes not only will improve the clinical management of or- specific for odontoclast activity. Adhering to all relevant Institutional
thodontic tooth movement, but may also allow the development Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) regulations at the University
of novel approaches to minimize side effects such as root resorp- of Florida, clastic cell precursors were isolated from the bone marrow
tion. Studies have emerged in recent years showing that exosomes of C57BL/6 mice and cultured on dentin or bone slices for 7 days. In
secreted by clastic cells may be involved in the regulation of bone order to identify scFvs that reacted with molecules associated with
remodelling 8,9 and dentin resorption.10,11 Exosomes are minute ves- odontoclasts but not osteoclasts, we utilized the Tomlinson J (TJ) li-
icles (30-­150 nm in diameter) that can be found in saliva and gingival brary, which is a phage display library that encodes for over 100 million
crevicular fluid (GCF).12 Thus, the assessment of mineralized tissue different scFv fragments encoded in an ampicillin resistant phagemid
resorption using biofluids is an important research topic since it may vector.18 Initially, the osteoclast-­reactive scFvs were absorbed out
allow for the development of non-­invasive methods to monitor bone while odontoclast-­
reactive scFvs were enriched. Following three
and dentin resorption over time. In this article, we will review our ef- rounds of panning, the odontoclast-­reactive antibodies were eluted
forts to identify differences between osteoclasts and odontoclasts (Figure 1A). In preliminary experiments, thirty colonies containing
and report the results of some in vitro investigations designed to antibody fragments reactive to odontoclasts were identified and we
examine the translational feasibility of identifying novel markers confirmed the reactivity of three of these scFvs to protein lysates from
of clastic cell activity for screening and therapeutics. In addition, odontoclasts. Interestingly, two of these antibodies were also non-­
we will show evidence that exosomes in GCF may be detected by reactive to osteoclasts (Figure 1B). These findings are promising and
nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) and describe the technical chal- may contribute to the development of tools for in vivo characteriza-
lenges associated with this approach. tion of odontoclasts, which in turn can drive the development of tar-
geted therapies for dental root resorption in the future.
Exosome fractions from conditioned media of osteoclasts and
2 | PH E N OT Y PE S O F C L A S TI C C E LL S odontoclasts were analysed for differences in protein expres-
sion by one-­
dimensional (1D) and two-­
dimensional (2D) liquid
For the past six years, our research group has developed a working chromatography-­mass spectrometry (LC-­MS/MS). The results of
hypothesis that cells resorbing dentin and cells resorbing bone have the 1D analysis were previously reported by our group.11 Briefly, a
different phenotypes. Note that while the consensus on what to call proprietary polymer (ExoQuick TC, System Biosciences, Palo Alto,
these clastic cell types is still evolving,7,11 we will refer to them as ‘os- CA) was combined with cell conditioned media to pellet the exo-
teoclasts’ and ‘odontoclasts’ in this publication. Indeed, much contro- somes overnight, which were then analysed by LC-­MS/MS. The
versy exists about the role of different mineralized matrix types in the study showed different proteome profiles between exosomes from
terminal differentiation of multinuclear clastic cells. Although bone osteoclasts and odontoclasts, thus suggesting that matrix type
and dentin share a similar inventory of proteins and minerals, they are may play a role in the final differentiation of clastic cells. A total of
distinct mineralized matrices. Morphological differences between 40 exosomal proteins were uniquely present in osteoclast media,
‘clastic’ cells have long been noted including decreased size and nu- while 6 proteins were unique to odontoclast media. More recently,
clei number in odontoclasts relative to osteoclasts.7,14 In addition, the our group has completed the 2D LC-­MS/MS analysis (manuscript
regulation of dentin resorption is influenced by different hormones in preparation). The data from the 2D analysis are consistent with
182       RODY Jr et al.

F I G U R E   1   A, Cell culture workflow to search for molecules that can differentiate between osteoclasts and odontoclasts. Bone marrow-­
derived cells are grown on bone (‘osteoclasts’) or on dentin (‘odontoclasts’). Screening of cell surface markers was carried out by phage-­
display biopanning. Briefly, ‘osteoclast’ reactive antibodies were absorbed out (1) while ‘odontoclast’ reactive antibodies were enriched
(2). Following three rounds of absorption and panning (3), odontoclast reactive antibodies were eluted (4). Liquid chromatography–mass
spectrometry (LC-­MS/MS) analysis of exosomes was used to identify markers in conditioned media that were differentially expressed during
dentin resorption. B, Preliminary results of the modified phage-­display biopanning protocol. The figure on the left confirms that biopanning
generated approximately 30 colonies containing antibody fragments (scFvs) reactive to odontoclasts. The reactivity of 3 antibody fragments
was tested by modified western dot blot using lysates from odontoclasts and osteoclasts (figure on the right). Note that the antibodies
scFv01 and scFv02 are uniquely reactive to odontoclasts

the initial 1D study but provide a much larger database of pro- resorption.7 Currently, standard diagnosis of these conditions
teomic differences between osteoclasts and odontoclasts. From relies on x-­r ays or computed tomography scans. However, these
a biological standpoint, these proteomic studies contribute to a methods usually detect the problem at an advanced stage where
better understanding of clastic cell phenotypes. From a clinical significant tissue damage had occurred. Rather, the expression of
perspective, the proteomic findings may be significant in providing biomarkers in GCF has been recognized as a promising non-­invasive
fundamental new knowledge for the development of a biomarker tool for clastic cell activity surveillance during orthodontic treat-
panel for early diagnosis of root resorption before the damage can ment.12,19,20 Gingival crevicular fluid is defined as a transudate of
be visualized with diagnostic imaging. interstitial fluid and/or inflammatory exudate. Gingival crevicular
fluid initially appears to be a more efficient means of fluid analysis
compared to saliva because its proteomic composition is far less
3 |  LI Q U I D B I O P S Y FO R C L A S TI C C E LL complex and provides a clearer picture of localized biological pro-
AC TI V IT Y cesses. Nevertheless, significant limitations also exist. 21 A major
problem is that a limited amount of GCF (1-­5 μL) can be obtained
Dysregulated bone or dentin resorption is associated with a from a single site. Given that liquid biopsies are usually performed
host of oral diseases including attachment loss and external root using millilitres of biofluids (serum, urine, saliva), this represents a
RODY Jr et al. |

formidable challenge. Therefore, studies have been inconclusive than the micropipette (Figure 2). The improved performances by
due to several challenges in obtaining adequate amounts of non-­ Periopaper and Duropore were probably in part attributable to the
contaminated GCF and analysing the molecules expressed at low skill and patience (both on the part of the clinician and the subjects)
levels within it. 20,21 required to obtain samples by micropipette.
Multiple techniques have been developed to collect GCF and Research in the biomarker field suggests that the sample com-
each has its advantages and disadvantages. Amongst the most plexity in liquid biopsy can be reduced if the exosome fraction is
popular collection methods are micropipette, or capillary tubing, and targeted. 26 Exosomes are rich in biomarker molecules, including pro-
absorbent filter paper strips. The micropipette collection method teins and RNAs. Although the cargo of exosomes varies according
is carried out by holding a micropipette at the entrance of the gingi- to the cell of origin, they do express common proteins on their sur-
val crevice for an extended period of time (5-­30 minutes) and allow- face (such as CD9, CD63 and CD81) that allow for the development
ing GCF to migrate into the tube. 23 In theory, this technique allows of techniques to capture them in biofluids. 27 It is well documented
collection of uncontaminated native sample whose volume can be that exosomes are found in saliva28; however, the presence of exo-
accurately determined. The most glaring drawback of the micropi- somes in GCF has just begun to be explored. Our group previously
pette collection method is the time-­consuming process of which the observed that 54% of the proteins detected in GCF have been re-
collection tube must be held at the entrance of the gingival crev- ported to be found in exosomes, and 37 of them were significantly
ice. An additional drawback is the difficulty of removing the sample upregulated at sites of dentin resorption. 20 Although the sample size
from the micropipette without introducing contaminants. Collection of 11 subjects was relatively small and exosomes were not directly
of GCF via filter paper is conducted by inserting the strip 1-­2 mm observed, this study pioneered the exploration of exosomes in GCF
into the gingival sulcus for 30-­60 seconds. 21,22 In comparison to research. More recently, a study published by Atsawasuwan et al12
collection with capillary tubing, collection with paper strips is much provided direct evidence that exosome tracking may be a suitable
faster but complete elution of GCF components from the strip can alternative to monitor osteoclast activity in GCF during tooth move-
be difficult. In addition, the difficulty of eluting the GCF components ment. These advances open a new window of opportunity in the
from the strip varies depending on the type of strip used by the in- discovery of novel biomarkers of mineralized tissue resorption.
vestigator. 24 In a recent cross-­sectional clinical study done at the Nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) has recently emerged as a
University of Florida, 25 our group tested three collection methods “gold standard” for the detection and enumeration of small parti-
of GCF and observed that the use of filter membrane (Durapore, cles, including exosomes. 29 In this technique, the particle size is de-
Millipore Corp., Bedford, MA) and filter paper (Periopaper, Oraflow termined by following its Brownian motion, which is in turn related
Inc., Plainview, NY) were significantly better at capturing proteins to particle size in a solution with a specific viscosity at a specific

F I G U R E   2   Bar graph showing higher median concentrations of proteins in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) samples collected with Durapore
and Periopaper. Gingival crevicular fluid was obtained from the labial side of the upper central incisors in twelve healthy volunteers using
three methods: micropipette, durapore and periopaper. Sampling was carried out in one single visit and the research protocol was approved
by the University of Florida Internal Review Board (UF-­IRB # 201600476). Protein concentration in each sample was quantified in duplicate
by ultraviolet spectroscopy using the NanoDrop 2000c Spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific, Waltham, MA). The results indicated a
statistically significant advantage in the use of Periopaper and Durapore to recover proteins from GCF when compared to Micropipettes
(P < 0.05). There was no significant difference (NS) in protein recovery between Durapore and Periopaper. Wilcoxon signed rank was used
for pairwise comparisons
184       RODY Jr et al.

temperature according to the Stoke-­Einstein equation.30 As the laser testing GCF and control (dilution media) samples of the various
beam passes through the liquid sample, light is scattered from the methods (Durapore, Periopaper and Micropippete) to determine
particle which can then be visualized under a microscope in real time which has the lowest level of background particles and which is
based on its Brownian motion. Our experiments were carried out most effective at isolating exosomes from GCF. Our preliminary
using a Nanosight NS300 (Malvern Instruments, UK) equipped with analysis indicates that a large number of nanoparticles in the size
a 488 nm laser beam. Videos of the nanoparticles were recorded range of exosomes can be observed in the GCF; however, collec-
by a built-­in high-­resolution camera, while the NTA 2.3 software tion methods also produce background particles (Figure 3). In gen-
(Nanosight, Amesbury, UK) calculated particle size and concentra- eral, manufacturers of everything from plastic ware to filters have
tion. Interested readers are referred to Gercel-­Taylor et al29 for a not been challenged to create their products so that nanoparti-
more detailed theoretical description of this method. The GCF sam- cles are not present or are not shed. Until recently such nanopar-
ples were eluted from the collection device by centrifugation using ticles would have not been detected; however, for exosome
100 μL of phosphate buffer saline (PBS) as previously described in research, this level of background particles becomes a problem
the literature. 20 until nanoparticle free reagents and disposables become available.
Our initial step was to test different dilutions of the GCF stock Another important caveat with this technique is that the theoret-
solution to ensure a constant flow of the sample through the laser ical and absolute levels of detection of GCF exosomes are around
beam. Our experiments showed that 30 μL of the GCF stock solu- 50 nm in diameter. In our own studies by electron microscopy,
tion further diluted in 500 μL of PBS showed the best performance we have found that roughly half of the exosomes detected have
by providing a refreshed population of nanoparticles for analysis a diameter less than 50 nm. Thus, the percentage of these very
with fewer air bubbles and less background scattering. The samples small exosomes that are actually detected by NTA is still unknown.
were manually introduced into the equipment using a 1 mL syringe Finally, NTA by itself is unable to determine the cellular origin of
connected to a push-­fit elbow Luer connector and three video re- the exosomes. Labelling the vesicles with odontoclast-­
cordings were carried out for each sample. Noise and background markers will be important to allow root resorption surveillance in
measurements were determined by running control samples of PBS the clinical setting.
eluted from the GCF collection devices.
There are several important challenges with NTA in GCF re-
search. First, background particles are difficult to eliminate. 4 | CO N C LU S I O N S
Despite using highly purified dilution media and nano filters, our
experience with nanoparticle tracking of exosomes in GCF has A growing number of studies indicate that the mineralized matrix
been that there are always background particles. We are currently type contributes to the final differentiation of osteoclast-­like cells;

F I G U R E   3   Characterization of
exosomes in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF)
and control samples using Nanoparticle
Tracking Analysis (NTA). The graphs
on the left show size distribution
and concentration of nanoparticles
recovered from a GCF sample collected
with Periopaper and a control sample
containing only dilution media. The
images on the right are representative
screenshots of the NTA videos used in
the evaluation of the respective samples.
Particle size between 30 and 150 nm
(box) is consistent with exosome size. The
concentration of nanoparticles in this size
range tends to be lower in the control
sample than in the GCF sample; however,
some background noise can be detected.
Note that the Y-­axes of the equipment
output graphs are not in the same scale
RODY Jr et al. |

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tial therapeutic agents for orthodontics. Orthod Craniofac Res. et al. Clastic cells in orthodontic treatment: Translational
2017;20(Suppl 1):95‐99. challenges and recent advances. Orthod Craniofac Res.
11. Rody WJ Jr, Krokhin O, Spicer V, et al. The use of cell culture plat-
2019;22(Suppl. 1):180‐185.
forms to identify novel markers of bone and dentin resorption.
Orthod Craniofac Res. 2017;20(Suppl 1):89‐94.
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