Beyond The Serpentine Lock
Beyond The Serpentine Lock
Beyond The Serpentine Lock
Five hundred years ago, a large clan of crypt laden with traps and sealed with an
tieflings carved a small holding out of the intricate lock bearing her personal symbol, a
trackless forests north of the town of Thaven, tangle of serpents. Within the crypt, Zalsiniah
fighting back monsters, sickness, and other stored her most valuable treasures and
hazards of the wilds. The tieflings had found prepared the materials to transform herself
no peace in civilized lands, due to their into a lich.
debauched ways and infernal appearance. Zalsiniah also brought her daughter, only a
However, deep in the forbidding woods, they young tiefling girl, into the crypt with her.
found a place to live in solitude. Zalsiniah intended to grant her daughter
The tieflings’ leader was a three-eyed witch eternal life after undergoing her own
named Zalsiniah. Obsessed with immortality transformation. None know whether Zalsiniah
and determined to live on after her demise, succeeded, for without her leadership, her
Zalsiniah forced her people to build a massive people soon fell to infighting and scattered.
Only Zalsiniah's crypt remained in the deep
forest, abandoned.
Two centuries passed, and the crypt
withstood all attempts by brave sages and
itinerant tomb-robbers to bypass its serpent-
shaped magical lock. The cleverest hero in
Thaven at that time was a human woman
named Amnis Ilvendri. Amnis spent days
examining the Serpentine Lock and weeks
more fashioning a key to open it. Amnis
opened the lock and gave her key to her
halfling assistant, Orvin Meeker, asking the
assistant to wait outside for her return. When
Amnis didn’t return after several hours, the
nervous halfling fled the forest, taking Amnis’
key. Amnis was never seen again, and it was
commonly assumed she met her death in the
crypt beyond the Serpentine Lock. The shamed
Orvin Meeker, whose cowardice was believed
instrumental in the disappearance of the
prominent hero Amnis, faded into obscurity.
The crypt has remained closed for the three
centuries since. Amnis’ key has remained lost,
and no one else has proven skilled enough to the heroes have recovered the serpentine shield,
bypass Zalsiniah’s intricate lock. Recently, they can return it to the crypt to complete the
Amnis’ descendant Algus discovered Amnis’ Serpentine Lock. The lock does not open easily;
lost key. An indolent and nearsighted scholar, its removal and reattachment has subtly
Algus was an expert on the lore of his heroic altered its magic. The heroes must recreate the
ancestor but hardly fit to be an adventurer tangle of serpents (by solving a puzzle) before
himself. Algus recognized Amnis’ handiwork entering the crypt.
and deduced that the key would open the The crypt is now populated by ageless
Serpentine Lock. Algus wants to recover his guardians, undead, and traps. Throughout the
heroic ancestor’s remains, including her crypt, the heroes discover evidence of Amnis’
unique signet ring. Algus believes (correctly) final adventure. The heroes ultimately find
that Amnis’ body is somewhere within the Amnis’ body and the undead horror Zalsiniah
tomb beyond the Serpentine Lock. has become: a failed lich (a near-mindless
undead creature with some of a lich’s powers
ADVENTURE SUMMARY but none of its intellect). If the heroes have
Algus Ilvendri, an armchair historian obsessed collected certain items connected to Zalsiniah
with the legends of his famous ancestor within the crypt, they should find their
Amnis, seeks out the heroes. Algus reveal that confrontation with the undead tiefling to be
he has recovered his ancestor’s key and its much easier.
significance in bypassing the Serpentine Lock If the heroes treated the lizardfolk of
on the mysterious stone structure deep in the Tenteeth extremely well or extremely poorly,
trackless forests north of Thaven. Algus asks the lizardfolk might either offer to aid the
the heroes to brave the crypt and welcomes heroes once they emerge from the crypt, or set
them to keep what they find within; in an ambush for them. Eventually, the heroes
exchange, he asks only for them to recover return to Algus’ home in Thaven to find Algus
Amnis’ bones and signet ring for him. under attack by a family of halfling thugs,
Traveling into the wild forest, the heroes descendants of Amnis’ cowardly servant who
discover a large band of lizardfolk living near are determined kill Algus to avoid revealing
the crypt. They run afoul of lizardfolk scouts, the stain on their family’s honor. With the
and might investigate the lizardfolk village of defeat of Algus’ would-be murderers, the
Tenteeth further. scrivener hears their tale and provides a
At the crypt, the heroes find that the center surprising reward.
piece of the Serpentine Lock is missing. It was
taken away by the lizardfolk shaman because
of its reptilian motif, and is now in the village This adventure begins when Algus has
of Tenteeth. The crypt doors will not open Handout 1 delivered to the heroes, preferably
unless the missing shield-shaped piece, the while they are relaxing in Thaven with no
serpentine shield, is returned and then unlocked particularly pressing tasks. A successful DC 16
with the key that the heroes hold. Diplomacy check to Gather Information about
The heroes must retrieve the serpentine Algus reveals that Algus is a well-regarded
shield from the lizardfolk shaman by and successful scrivener who works out of his
diplomacy, stealth, or force. In any case, the home. Although Algus’ day-to-day work is in
heroes must defeat the tribe's champion, an document creation and transcription, he is an
immense lizardfolk named Gutchewer. When amateur historian as well, particularly
Hail thrill-seekers!
At the risk of sounding overly dramatic, I have discovered a long-lost key to priceless
treasure, and I need a trustworthy group to recover it. Your reputation indicates
that you might be just the adventuresome heroes I need. If it pleases you, meet me at
my shop tomorrow at noon.
Algus Ilvendri, Scrivener
P.S. Do please come prepared to travel, as I believe you’ll want to leave posthaste
once I explain further.
regarding the great heroine Amnis who lived Amnis’ key was subsequently lost, and the
centuries ago. If this check is a critical success, puzzle-lock has remained closed in the
the hero recalls that Algus and Amnis both intervening centuries. Occasional trap-smiths
have the same last name, Ilvendri, and realizes and tomb-robbers have tried to bypass the
that Amnis is Algus's ancestor. lock, but with no success.
When the heroes arrive at Algus’ home, the "Last week, I happened upon a curious
gregarious man welcomes the heroes eagerly serpent-shaped key in a box of archaic bric-a-
and cheerfully, pressing handshakes onto each brac in the market. I recognized Amnis’
of them several times. If you need a map of handiwork. Imagine my delight! I purchased
Algus’ home, you can consult Act 7, but a the key, and my research confirms that this key
tactical map of Algus’ house is unlikely to be should open the serpentine lock to the sealed
necessary at this time. Read the following to crypt. I'm convinced that Amnis’ body must be
begin the adventure. inside the crypt somewhere, although I shudder
to think what fearsome monster or deadly trap
After pleasantries, Algus gets to business. "The
could kill such a legendary adventurer. Take
clever hero Amnis Ilvendri was one of the most
the key, open the crypt, and discover Amnis’
famous heroes in Thaven in her time, three
fate. Return Amnis's remains to me for proper
hundred years ago. She disappeared while
burial, and I'd quite like Amnis’ signet ring—a
investigating a crypt about a day north of the
family heirloom—returned to me. That ring is
city, deep in an ancient, trackless forest. This
likely to be valuable, I won't lie, but it's the
crypt had been sealed for centuries with a
only thing I want other than her remains; you
cunning serpent-shaped puzzle-lock that no
are welcome to keep anything else you find,
one had been able to breach. Amnis studied the
including any of Amnis’ gear that has
lock for days, and constructed a key to bypass
it. When Amnis finally opened the lock, she
passed the key to her halfling servant, Algus then provides the heroes with the
ventured within the crypt, and was never seen key. It is made of iron and is about three inches
again. The servant was afraid to be alone in long. The oval head is elegantly carved and the
the woods, so he fled, taking the key with him. teeth are multilayered and sturdy. The shaft is
carved with the following rhyme in delicate
script: “Each serpent free so that none cross
another; then insert the key to visit their
mother” (this is a clue to open the door to the
crypt in Act 4). Amnis’ key radiates a faint
aura of magic if examined with spells such as
detect magic.
Algus answers any other questions the
heroes might have, but he knows little other
than indicated above. Although Algus does
not know of the legends about Zalsiniah, a
hero who succeeds at a DC 20 Arcana, Society,
or relevant Lore check recalls the information
in the first two paragraphs of this introduction;
on a critical success, the hero recalls the
information in the third paragraph as well.
As far as reward, Algus assures the heroes
that the crypt is likely to contain ancient
treasures, any or all of which the heroes can
keep. If they find items they have no use for,
Algus will buy them from the heroes at their
full price.
Algus encourages the heroes to hurry off to
the crypt, but not out of any genuine pressing
need; the scrivener is just excited to think that
he might soon possess the mortal remains of
the heroic ancestor he spent much of his life
The lizardfolk village of Tenteeth lies at the The lizardfolk are suspicious but not
end of the path that the heroes intersected in immediately hostile if the heroes express
their travel north. The heroes need to acquire peaceable intentions. At first, two lizardfolk
the serpentine shield from Sarsel, the village’s defenders emerge from their huts and stand in
leader, although they may not realize this the heroes' way, as though daring the heroes to
without further investigation of the area. The push past. They have a Perception DC of 17
serpentine shield is a crucial component of the (which is used for attempts to Impersonate or
lock that protects Zalsiniah's crypt, and the Lie, for example) and a Will DC of 15 (for
crypt can't be opened without it. attempts to Make an Impression or similar).
Tenteeth is described in detail in Appendix Increase these DCs by 2 if no character speaks
2, and a map of the village appears on the Draconic or Iruxi. The lizardfolk take very
following page. It's easy for the heroes to get a poorly to threats while surrounded by their
sense of the village’s overall structure: several peers. If the heroes try to Intimidate these
huts surround an open pony-corral, with two lizardfolk and receive anything less than a
ancient crumbling buildings of stone to the critical success, the rest of the tribe responds
north and east. Other than the lizardfolk, the with violence; proceed with Force, below.
most unusual inhabitants of the village are the If the heroes attempt to recover from a
shaggy ponies they raise, which have been failure at using stealth or force by resorting to
long ago crossbred with spiders. They have negotiation, but the DCs of Deception and
eight legs, compound eyes, and spinnerets. Diplomacy checks increase by 2 for each
This act provides several options for the lizardfolk the PCs have killed in this Act.
heroes’ approach to Tenteeth and for pursuing If the heroes successfully demonstrate
their overall task of recovering the serpentine peaceful intentions, the lizardfolk stand aside
shield from its current owner; these options are and welcome them into their village. The
to approach the village using some measure of lizardfolk take the heroes on a quick tour and
Negotiation, Stealth, or Force. introduce them to Sarsel, the leader of Tenteeth
and one of the few lizardfolk to speak
NEGOTIATION Common. Sarsel is much easier to trick or to
The heroes might approach the village of sway than the guards (as his Perception DC
Tenteeth openly, seeking information about and Will DC are both 24), but he has no reason
the Serpentine Lock from the village’s to doubt the heroes if the guards have already
inhabitants. The heroes might be genuinely vouched for them. Sarsel talks while tending to
diplomatic and seek peaceful interaction, or his people, using cantrips such as guidance and
might be intending to trick the lizardfolk with prestidigitation to help the lizardfolk of
some sort of ruse. Tenteeth in their daily tasks.
Sarsel should reveal the following key of the symbol (with sticky Tenteeth pony
points. Do your best to work them naturally webbing, if the heroes ask) and he now
into the heroes' conversation with him. carries it as his personal shield.
• The Tenteeth lizardfolk are aware of the • Sarsel has always been held in high regard
stone structure in the forest. They consider by the lizardfolk of Tenteeth for the many
it to be an ominous place, and the years he has been in charge, but never so
lizardfolk do not usually go there. (Sarsel much as when he obtained the serpentine
doesn't know that it is a crypt, or anything shield. The lizardfolk consider the shield to
about the tiefling witch Zalsiniah.) be sacred, so Sarsel has obtained even
• Sarsel has been to the stone structure from higher standing now. It embarrasses him a
time to time, mostly to marvel at the large bit, since he doesn't feel he's earned the
snake-headed symbol on the crypt. improved status simply for pulling the
symbol off the building, but he's been able
• A week ago, Sarsel worked up the nerve to
to do a lot more with his increased
manipulate the snake-headed symbol. To
authority, such as settle longstanding feuds
his surprise, the symbol came off in his
in the village.
If the heroes directly ask Sarsel for the
• As the symbol is roughly the shape of a
shield, Sarsel adhered a handle to the back serpentine shield, he considers their request
carefully. If a hero succeeds at a DC 19 a few yards of the village huts must
Diplomacy check to Request it Sarsel admits succeed at a DC 20 Stealth check to remain
that he has no real right to the shield and that hidden. A hero who critically succeeds at the
he is willing to give it up if the heroes need it. Stealth check can improve the result of
However, since his tribe now considers the another hero's Stealth check by one degree of
serpentine shield to be a sacred icon in their success (turning an ally's failure into a success,
village, the heroes must earn it in their eyes. for example).
This requires the heroes to defeat the village’s If any hero's Stealth result is a failure, three
champion, Gutchewer, in a match the villagers cautious lizardfolk defenders investigate to
can all witness. Proceed to Act 3. If the heroes take care of any trouble. If the heroes are quiet
fail the Diplomacy check, Sarsel denies their about dispatching these lizardfolk, they may
request, and they must find another method to attempt Stealth checks again; on any
obtain the shield. If they critically fail, he finds subsequent failures, or if any hero's Stealth
their request so boorish that he commands his result is a critical failure, the entire village goes
lizardfolk eject them from Tenteeth upon pain on alert; go to Force, below.
of death if they ever return. If the heroes remain undetected, they can
observe the village for several minutes and
STEALTH learn valuable information. Allow each hero to
The heroes might surreptitiously observe the make a Perception check and consult the table
village of Tenteeth from a distance, to assess below. A hero learns all the information up to
the village’s layout and defenses. The village and including their Perception check result.
does not have walls, as the lizardfolk live Heroes lurking at the edge of the trees gain an
peaceably within the forest and rely on their additional observation beyond that; heroes
scouts to detect dangerous predators in the within a few yards of the village gain two
area, but the lizardfolk understand that additional observations beyond that instead.
dangers can burst from the surrounding forest On top of this, any character whose check is a
with little warning. Therefore, the lizardfolk critical success gains an additional observation
seem poorly defended but always keep an eye as well.
If the heroes want to scout the village 10: There are between 20 and 30 lizardfolk in
further, ask whether the they want to remain this village. Most of them live singly or in
back out of sight, lurk within the edge of the pairs in the huts around the village. The
treeline, or creep within a few yards of the open area in the center contains about a
village huts. You should let the players know dozen shaggy, eight-legged ponies with
that moving closer to the village requires more unusual compound eyes. The largest hut,
to the south, seems to be some sort of
difficult Stealth checks but makes it easier to
meeting hall and seems currently
gain additional information. The heroes can
unoccupied. One of the huts to the
also split up to remain at various distances, northeast has an adjacent stable where a
based on their relative confidence with their few ill ponies are kept.
Stealth skills. Heroes remaining back out of
15: Although there are neat piles of stores
sight must succeed at a DC 5 Stealth check to
throughout the village, the large ruined
remain hidden. Heroes lurking within the edge building to the north appears to be used for
of the trees must succeed at a DC 10 Stealth to storing fragile or delicate materials. Its roof
remain hidden. Heroes who creep to within
30: The lizardfolk avoid the run-down hut to
the east of the corral, as though it contains
something dangerous. A low growl issues
occasionally from inside that hut.
35: Glimpses of movement within the hut that
the other lizardfolk avoid shows that a
single truly massive lizardfolk lives there.
Old bones and bloodstains indicate that
this large lizardfolk has significantly
poorer hygiene than the other lizardfolk of
the village.
Once the heroes identify Sarsel as the bearer of
the serpentine shield, they will likely create a
plan to infiltrate his home and steal it from
him. If they intend to do so this stealthily, keep
in mind that the lizardfolk defenders have a
Perception DC of 17 and the lizardfolk scouts
have a Perception DC of 18. If they need to
sneak by Sarsel, which is a high likelihood, his
Perception DC is 24.
If the heroes are noticed infiltrating the
village, the surprised lizardfolk fight right
away; proceed to Force, below. If the heroes
has been carefully thatched and successfully recover the serpentine shield from
waterproofed. The northernmost hut is the Sarsel’s home without alerting anyone, they
home of lizardfolk scouts; the lizardfolk accidentally encounter Gutchewer, the tribe’s
there seem more alert. The ruined tower to champion, on the way out of the village;
the east seems to have been remade into a proceed to Act 3.
20: The ruined tower seems to be the home of FORCE
the tribe’s leader. He is a stout but not If the heroes are hostile (or were caught
particularly large lizardfolk, and seems to sneaking through the village) the lizardfolk
be respected by the tribe. You overhear one
attack. The lizardfolk fight the heroes in three
of the lizardfolk call him “Sarsel.” Sarsel
waves, with only a round or two between each
spends most of his time in his home,
venturing out only rarely and for short wave; this gives the heroes some time to catch
periods of time. their breath and flee the village if the lizardfolk
are getting the better of them. Lizardfolk don't
25: The tribe’s leader, Sarsel, carries a strange-
pursue heroes that flee, assuming they've
looking shield. This shield seems to be a
slab of stone with three serpent heads on it. learned their lesson.
Show the players Handout 2. (If the heroes WAVE 1 (LOW 3)
have already examined the carvings on the Three lizardfolk defenders close into melee
crypt in Act 4, they realize that the snake with their flails as soon as possible, squaring
heads on Sarsel’s shield match the three off against the heroes who look the strongest.
serpent heads carved there.)
1 1
1 1
The second wave uses better tactics. Two
lizardfolk defenders rush forward in an
attempt to eliminate the party's most effective
spellcasters. Two lizardfolk scouts lurk behind
cover about 40 feet away, using their blowguns
to incapacitate the heaviest hitters in the party.
The third wave is Sarsel alone, attempting to
defeat the heroes quickly to bolster the failing
morale of his village. Sarsel uses the serpentine
shield in combat, but he doesn't risk breaking it
and losing face with his tribe; if the serpentine
shield reaches its Broken Threshold, Sarsel quits
raising it. Sarsel is too cunning to fight to the
death; if reduced to 30 Hit Points or fewer, he
calls for a truce, offering to let the heroes face
the village’s champion to prove their might, as
described in Act 3.
Once the heroes have found the serpentine Stealth: If the heroes infiltrated the
shield in Act 2, they have one more obstacle to lizardfolk’s camp and recovered the serpentine
deal with before they can leave Tenteeth: the shield without alerting any of the lizardfolk,
tribe’s ferocious champion. Gutchewer is a Gutchewer happens across the heroes before
burly lizardfolk nine feet tall and covered head they can leave Tenteeth. The surprised
to toe in tough, scarred skin. He is an ill- champion catches sight of the heroes, bellows a
tempered, greedy, vicious brute. None of the challenge, and attacks. Other lizardfolk come
other lizardfolk likes Gutchewer in the least, to see the intruders that Gutchewer has found,
but all of the lizardfolk (particularly Sarsel) but they know better than to interfere with
appreciate having such a powerful warrior Gutchewer’s fight.
loyal to their tribe. None of the other lizardfolk Force: If the heroes have fought their way
participate in any combat involving through the village’s defenders and cowed
Gutchewer, as the dangerous barbarian has common lizardfolk of the tribe, they have a few
been known to take swings at any combatants moments of respite before the lizardfolk draw
within reach, whether friend or foe. back, hissing “Gutchewer comes” in Draconic.
Negotiation: If the heroes have dealt Gutchewer strides from his hut in Area F (See
peacefully with Sarsel and convinced him to Appendix 2), hefting his morningstar. This is
give up the serpentine shield via diplomacy, the the largest lizardfolk the heroes have seen in
shaman admits that he cannot simply hand the village by far. By the reverence the
over the shield without losing face with his lizardfolk hold for their champion, the heroes
tribe. For Sarsel to give the shield to the heroes, know that besting Gutchewer means the
they must show their strength to the entire lizardfolk village will be finally and fully
village by besting the tribe’s champion. Sarsel cowed, allowing them to take the serpentine
offers several advantages to the heroes if they shield without any further trouble.
participate in this duel. First, the heroes are AGAINST THE CHAMPION (SEVERE 3)
allowed to rest if they desire (although under In short, regardless of their approach in Act 2,
guard, so they don't simply flee with the the PCs must face off against the massive
serpentine shield). Second, the heroes can use lizardfolk barbarian before being leaving
the serpentine shield in the fight to demonstrate Tenteeth with the serpentine shield.
their right to carry it. Finally, Sarsel offers the
champion’s equipment to the heroes if they
defeat him. This combat takes place in the
corral in the center of Tenteeth, temporarily
transformed into an arena. The entire village
turns out to watch this event.
Zalsiniah’s stone crypt is about two miles west came here a week ago and pried off the
of the village of Tenteeth. The lizardfolk can serpentine shield from the center of the
direct the heroes there (although the lizardfolk Serpentine Lock. The heroes notice the tracks
other than Sarsel are too superstitious to with a DC 18 Perception or Survival check.
accompany them), or the heroes can find the When the heroes place the serpentine shield
building by searching the area systematically. within the indentation, it fits tightly into the
When they arrive, read the following: door. The shield can be removed again with a
DC 20 Strength check. When the serpentine
A solid stone building stands in a clearing
shield is returned, the Serpentine Lock is nearly
sixty feet in diameter, as though the trees
complete, and looks like Handout 4.
themselves are reluctant to grow too near the
Even with the shield back in place, the
structure. The crypt is a monumental stone
building 40 feet square and 20 feet tall with a
domed roof. Although it is centuries old, the
crypt is in remarkable shape: no seam or crack
mars the crypt’s surface, except for ornate
double doors on the western side of the
building. These doors bear no handle or latch,
only an indentation about two feet wide and
three feet high, about five feet from the ground.
On the bottom of the indentation are three
stylized serpents, each with three eyes,
positioned as though emerging from the
indentation. One of the serpents is mottled,
one is banded, and the third bears long stripes.
It appears as though a shield or enormous
medallion should sit in the indentation, but
the indentation is empty.
The indentation looks like Handout 3.
Until the serpentine shield is returned to this
indentation, the heroes cannot enter the crypt
at all. The stone is magically treated to repel
damage of any type, which has allowed the
building to stand for centuries intact.
The ground near the doors of the crypt still
bears Sarsel’s tracks from when the oracle
crypt door doesn't open. In fact, there isn't around or above the snake with stripes
even any place to insert Amnis’ key. The lock (because it is flush against the top of the shield
must be repaired before the keyhole appears, and the snakes cannot leave the shield except
and the clue is the rhyme on Amnis’ key: at the matching gap). Thus, simply drawing a
straight line from each snake to its matching
“Each serpent free so that none cross another;
gap doesn’t work. Instead, the snakes must be
then insert the key to visit their mother.”
wound around each other. If the heroes make a
When any of the central serpents are mistake, they can remove the entire shield,
touched, the serpent’s head lengthens and can resetting the entire puzzle.
be easily pulled across the surface of the shield One possible solution to the puzzle is
in any direction (but not off of the shield). below (another solution is its mirror image).
When a serpent is pulled to the gap leading to Once all of the serpents have been
its matching head, the serpent fuses into one matched, a keyhole appears in the center of the
snake, leading from it starting point on the Serpentine Lock. Amnis’ key easily opens the
shield to the head outside of the gap. lock, allowing access to the crypt for the first
The problem is that none of the snakes will time in over 300 years. When the heroes
cross another snake and that no snake can go explore Zalsiniah’s crypt, go to Act 5.
Once the heroes have opened the Serpentine lines in the stonework skillfully carved to draw
Lock, they are free to explore the crypt at their attention to the statue at the center of the room
own pace. The lizardfolk are too fearful of the and the stairs beyond. The two narrow spiral
crypt—and too impressed by the heroes—to staircases descending out of this room are
hassle the heroes while they're inside the crypt, tucked back in alcoves in the corners.
but see Act 6 for possible consequences when Creature: As Zalsiniah grew in power
the heroes leave the crypt. throughout her life, she mastered sufficient
The map of the crypt is on the followign magic to animate the statue as a guardian. As
page. In addition to a description of the room soon as any creature enters further than 10 feet
and its contents, each room description into the room, the statue raises its fists into an
includes a Trail of the Heroine entry that aggressive fighting position and strides
details Amnis’ actions in that room and what forward. It prefers to make powerful slams
the heroes can discover about Amnis’ activities with both fists, and its heavy cloak whips
in the crypt 300 years ago. around its foes to knock them to the ground.
XP Award: The first time in each room that The statue fights until destroyed, pursuing foes
the heroes discover a clue about Amnis's that flee if necessary. However, it doesn't
presence, award them 10 XP. venture out of the crypt.
The door to the crypt opens with a shudder
and groan. Dank air centuries old gusts out of
the entrance like a breath. Within is a single
large room, thirty feet square, dominated by a
reddish statue of a tiefling woman. Wide
stairs descend from the far side of this room.
Two narrower stairs spiral down from this
room to the left and right.
The first guardian of Zalsiniah’s tomb is
this statue in her likeness. Made of dark red
sandstone, Zalsiniah commissioned the statue
for its striking color. The statue depicts an
attractive tiefling woman with curving horns, a
third eye in the center of her forehead, raised
fists, and a billowing cloak.
The rest of this room is plain stone, with
2 1
she only found the wand of grim tendrils and the
mesmerizing opal to be of immediate use, so she
took those into Room 5J. Amnis’ tracks
through the room—including evidence that
she stopped at the two display pillars lacking
any items upon them—are evident with a DC
16 Survival check.
This room appears to be a long-abandoned
workshop or laboratory. Several low tables
and shelves have contents long ago shattered,
torn, or knocked to the floor. On the far end of
the room stands a horrid, skeletal tiefling
woman wrapped in robes. She glares at you
with inhuman malice from three eye sockets.
In this laboratory, Zalsiniah failed her
anticipated apotheosis. Instead of becoming a
lich, she instead became a nearly mindless lich-
like creature. Since her botched transformation
centuries ago, Zalsiniah has lurked in this
room, occasionally venting her rage on the
delicate arcane reagents and priceless tomes
that failed her. Zalsiniah leaps into combat
with the heroes as soon as the door to the
laboratory is opened. This confrontation
should pose the heroes a significant challenge,
but certain items collected throughout the
crypt give the heroes an edge in this fight, as
detailed in Zalsiniah’s Personal Icons
Zalsiniah is a straightforward combatant.
She prefers to spread out her paralyzing touch
attacks as much as possible. She passes over
any paralyzed opponents to deal with foes that
are still active. Although she does not
Trail of the Heroine: Amnis surprised necessarily concentrate her attacks on heroes
Vevivit, who had been flying about the room carrying her personal icons, a hero who taunts
determining what to do without a master to Zalsiniah with one of these icons (which
guide its actions. Before Vevivit could react, requires an Interact action, but can also be
Amnis tipped a heavy urn over the creature, combined with an attempt to Feint or
trapping it. Although Amnis intended to Demoralize her) causes her to attack the
collect all of the treasures here on the way out, taunting hero to the exclusion of other foes. If
the heroes retreat, she does not pursue them,
but she otherwise fights until destroyed.
Trail of the Heroine: Amnis’ luck finally
failed her in this room. As soon as she saw
Zalsiniah’s horrid form, Amnis was paralyzed
with despair. The near-mindless Zalsiniah
simply pummeled the unlucky heroine to
death. Amnis’ remains—now just some
jumbled bones, tattered clothing, and a few
magic items—lie inside the door to this room.
Among Amnis’ possessions are Zalsiniah’s
wand of grim tendrils and mesmerizing opal
(Amnis had taken both of these from the
treasure room minutes before she was killed)
as well Amnis’ bracelet of dashing, infiltrator
thieves' tools, and a signet ring worth 60 gp.
The jumbled bones and the signet ring are the
items the heroes have come to this crypt to
Once the heroes emerge from Zalsiniah's crypt, the statistics of a lizardfolk defender (page
they face repercussions for how they treated 13), but has a large iron pan he uses in
the lizardfolk of Tenteeth in Act 3. Select the place of a shield (with a Hardness of 5 but
most appropriate of the following options. otherwise the same statistics).
• Thaskara, an inquisitive lizardfolk
BEFRIENDED THE LIZARDFOLK accompanied by a dun-colored Tenteeth
Three lizardfolk have decided to leave pony. She is skittish by nature, but takes
comfort in animals of all kinds, particularly
Tenteeth and offer their services to the heroes.
horses and spiders (which makes her
These lizardfolk are impressed with the
companion particularly appropriate). She
heroes’ many victories and are willing to has the statistics of a lizardfolk sneak (page
follow them through the rest of this adventure 34) and is accompanied by a loyal Tenteeth
(and, if you choose, into future adventures). As pony (page 35). Thaskara also knows
the heroes enter the woods around crypt's Common, and is the only one of these three
clearing, the lizardfolk step onto the path, hold lizardfolk that does, so she speaks on
their hands in the air to show their peaceful behalf of the group.
intentions, and bow at the waist. They discuss You might consider allowing the players to
their desire to accompany the heroes out of the control these lizardfolk as henchmen. Proceed
forests and into the wider world. If the heroes to Act 7.
simply attack, these lizardfolk have a change
of heart and scatter into the woods. NO PARTICULAR IMPRESSION
These lizardfolk are brave and dedicated to If you feel that the lizardfolk of Tenteeth are
helping the heroes, but they are not suicidal generally neutral toward the heroes, they
and leave if mistreated. Additionally, if any neither help nor hinder them as they leave
two of the lizardfolk are killed, the third Zalsiniah's crypt. Proceed to Act 7.
abandons the heroes as soon as possible. The
three lizardfolk are: MADE ENEMIES (MODERATE 5)
• Lasleetha, a serious scout who respects
martial prowess. She has a glower that Because of the heroes' actions, some of the
makes her look perpetually angry. lizardfolk of Tenteeth thirst for revenge. These
Lasleetha has the statistics of a lizardfolk vengeful lizardfolk attack as the heroes leave
village scout (page 13). Zalsiniah’s crypt, hoping to catch them when
• Ekthel, a jolly lizardfolk who is also a they are weakened from confronting the evils
handy cook. Unlike many lizardfolk, within. As the lizardfolk are too intimidated to
Ekthel prefers his food cooked, rather than approach the crypt itself, they set an ambush in
raw, and the blacker the better. Ekthel has the forest just outside the crypt's clearing.
Creatures: The lizardfolk leave a Tenteeth
ponies tied to a stake in the path, in order to 1
draw the attention. The pony is agitated and
uses its web Strike against heroes who 1
approach within 20 feet. The angry lizardfolk 1
hide in the forest—albeit poorly, in the case of
the bruisers—on either side of the path,
waiting to attack once a hero is snared by a
pony's web. If their ambush is discovered
prematurely, they leap to attack. A lizardfolk
reduced to fewer than 6 Hit Points flees.
Although the heroes may feel that their quest that he fell into despair and squalor, living out
is at an end, one more surprise awaits them. his remaining days in the Carcass, the poor
When they return to Thaven to deliver district of Thaven.
Amnis’s remains and signet ring to Algus The servant’s cowardly actions, and even
Ilvendri, they interrupt a small family (an old his name, were intentionally obscured over the
halfling named Jespid Meeker and his generations by his descendants. Jespid and his
teenaged sons and daughters) who have children are the latest in this line to protect the
arrived to kill Algus and destroy his research shameful family secret. When Jespid learned
about Amnis. This family has their own that a descendant of Amnis—and a well-
ancestral pride, but they are all descendants of known scrivener, no less—was recovering her
Amnis’ cowardly servant, Orvin Meeker. Their lost remains, he feared his ancestor’s shame
ancestor was so ashamed at leaving Amnis would be brought back into public light. A
desperate and brutal family hardened by a life
on the mean streets of the Carcass, Jespid and
his rough children do not shy away from
murder and arson.
The map of Algus’s house is on page 37.
This combination of home and office is nicely
decorated and in an upscale section of Thaven.
The following rooms are in Algus's house.
Room 7A: Front Steps. A set of front steps
with a wrought-iron bannister lead up to the
solid oak door. When the heroes arrive, this
door is suspiciously ajar.
Room 7B: Parlor. This comfortable parlor is
where Algus generally entertains visitors and
clients. A leather sofa and two comfortable
leather chairs are arranged in a small sitting
area. The walls are decorated with a few
awards and certificates that Algus has earned,
along with several high-quality portraits of
historical figures.
Room 7C: Study. This large study doubles
as a well-stocked library. In addition to the
tools of a scrivener’s trade (inks, paper of
various qualities, pens, seals, and reference
works), the books here cover a wide array of TO SAVE THE SCRIVENER (SEVERE 6)
topics. Five of the historical works are When the heroes arrive, the door to Algus’
particularly rare, and worth 15 gp each. The house is slightly ajar. The heroes might take
western wall of this room is an enormous bay this as a clue that something is wrong inside. If
window with the fine drapes partially, but not the heroes elect to scout the house, a DC 15
completely, drawn. Perception check near the bay windows reveals
Room 7D: Storage. Algus uses this small three rough-looking teenaged halflings inside
room as storage of tools, spare furniture, and the study. If this check is a critical success, the
the like. A large locked cabinet (requiring three hero also spots Algus in the study, face down
successful DC 25 Thievery checks to open, or a in a pool of blood and breathing shallowly.
single successful DC 30 Athletics check to Creatures: When the heroes arrive, the
Force it Open) contains the matters Algus is three rough Meeker youths are in the study
currently working on for clients. Although (Room 7C), ripping apart books and trying to
none of the current matters are particularly use them to start a fire. Algus lies on the floor
sensitive or incriminating, Algus considers it a in his study, badly injured. The teenagers have
good habit to keep client matters locked away left him for dead, but Algus has 3 rounds from
when he isn’t working on them. Algus carries the time the heroes enter his house before he
the key to this cabinet, but a spare key is bleeds out and dies. If the heroes can heal or
hidden under a stack of parchment here and stabilize Algus during those three rounds, the
can be discovered by a character who Searches scrivener survives. Jespis is currently
this room and succeeds at a DC 25 Perception rummaging around in Algus’ bedroom (Room
check. 7F), but he sneaks down the hall to enter
Room 7E: Kitchen. This tidy kitchen combat at the first sign of trouble. Jespid fights
contains a dining table, sink, stove, and shelves to the death, but any of his children brought to
storing food that is fairly fresh and high- fewer than 12 Hit Points abandons the fight
quality. (and their family).
Room 7F: Bedroom. The house has a single
bedroom, which is the least tidy room in the
house. Although the bedclothes are high
quality, the bed is rumpled and unmade. A
chest of personal items and a small desk
complete the décor of this room.
Room 7G: Closet. This room is stuffed
with a wide assortment of finely made clothes,
most of which have gone out of fashion or no
longer fit Algus’ expanding frame. It shows
signs of being recently ransacked, making it
difficult to find the strongbox Algus hides
here. A character who Searches this room and
succeeds at a DC 25 Perception check uncovers
a hidden strongbox containing 495 sp.
Room 7H: Washroom. This small, clean
washroom is connected to Thaven’s water and
sewer system.
Algus is happy to be rescued, but even more
1 ecstatic to receive the remains of his ancestor
Amnis. He eagerly asks for a full accounting of
the heroes’ adventures since they first left his
home. As agreed, Algus buys items from the
heroes at full price, although it may take him a
few days to borrow the funds to do so.
Algus provides the heroes an additional
“reward,” using his skills and connections as a
scrivener. The following day, Algus publishes
a broadsheet with a florid retelling of the
heroes’ exploits, displaying the heroes as
larger-than-life treasure seekers overcoming
harrowing dangers. If the heroes were honest
about their exploits, Algus magnifies them; if
the heroes did not disclose details, Algus just
invents details that paint them in the most
impossibly heroic light. The broadsheet is
popular throughout Thaven and reprinted
several times by other publishers, giving the
heroes a notoriety that they may or may not
appreciate for months to come.
Tenteeth consists of a dozen huts made of other items (such as nets or herbs) that should
wood, bark, and mud. The huts surround a be protected from the elements.
fenced area in the center of the village. The Area D: Pony Keeper. This hut is the home
village also contains a few more solid-looking of Ascapell, the village’s herbalist and
structures, part of a small human outpost that veterinarian. Attached to the hut is a small
was mostly destroyed several centuries ago. corral where sick ponies are carefully watched
The locations identified on the map of under Ascapell’s careful eye.
Tenteeth on page 42 are as follows. Area E: Sarsel’s Home. This thirty-foot-tall
Area A: Corral and Arena. This large, open building was once a sturdy stone guard tower,
area is a corral holding eleven odd-looking but the eastern half of the tower collapsed
shaggy ponies with eight legs, compound eyes, centuries ago and is now covered with bark
and spinnerets on their abdomens. The ground and leather. This tower is the home of
in the corral is mostly tough grass sprouting Tenteeth’s leader, Sarsel. Sarsel uses the lowest
out of mud. On the south side of the corral is level of the tower to entertain visitors. The
an open-sided shed containing feed and middle level—accessed by a wooden
harnesses. This area has another purpose ladder—is Sarsel’s personal chambers and
beyond that of a mundane corral: by tradition, sleeping room. The third floor of the tower is
this space is used as an arena where angry accessible only through a hole in the ceiling 15
lizardfolk can honorably settle their differences feet above Sarsel’s sleeping mat, but no rope or
with public combat. Such events aren't ladder leads to the hole in the ceiling. Sarsel
common, but invariably draw all the lizardfolk uses levitate to enter this chamber when
in the village to watch. necessary. In this isolated chamber, Sarsel
Area B: Scout Hut. This large hut is the keeps reserves to help his village in times of
home base of the village scouts. In addition to need: 105 gp, three doses of lesser antiplague
living quarters, this hut contains a few crude in stoppered vials, a crystalline jar holding a
maps of the area, traveling supplies, and ten single application of silversheen, and a forked
doses of spider pony venom in a carefully- piece of wood like a dowsing rod that
sealed gourd marked wtih symbols that mean functions as a wand of create food from one fork
"danger" in Draconic and Iruxi. and a wand of create water from the other.
Area C: Storage. This solid stone building Area F: Gutchewer’s Hut. This ramshackle
is centuries old and frequently repaired. Its hut is the home of Gutchewer, the village’s
roof has been carefully thatched and violent and brutish champion. The hut is
waterproofed. Inside, the building contains incredibly filthy and littered with partially-
solid wooden shelving and several storage eaten meals. Gutchewer can usually be found
nets. The Tenteeth lizardfolk use this building in this hut, but few other lizardfolk ever have
as food and water storage, as well as storing any reason to enter it.
Area G: Communal Hut. The largest hut in use, but years of less-than-perfect washing
the village, this sturdy hut is used for have stained the walls of this hut a gruesome
weddings, village meetings, and similar reddish-brown.
events, particularly in foul weather. A few Area J: Lizardfolk Hut. Each of these huts
days a week, this hut is used as a school for is the home of 1d4 lizardfolk, usually a nuclear
young lizardfolk of the village; adult lizardfolk family.
take turns teaching important crafts and skills. Area K: Path. This is the primary path out
Area H: Empty Hut. This hut is of Tenteeth. It leads about an hour’s walk to
abandoned. In the rare event that visitors come the southwest, where it ends at fertile hunting
to Tenteeth, it is swept out and used to house grounds. Lizardfolk scouts protect this path, in
visitors. order to prevent other people and monsters
Area I: Slaughterhouse. This hut is heavily from having easy access to the village or its
stained with blood on the inside. Lizardfolk hunting grounds.
generally have little need to cut and prepare
meat for eating, but dividing and packaging
meat for storage occurs in this hut. In order to
keep vermin away, this hut is washed out after