Crashworthiness Optimization Design of Thin Walled Tube Filled With Re Entrant Triangles Honeycombs
Crashworthiness Optimization Design of Thin Walled Tube Filled With Re Entrant Triangles Honeycombs
Crashworthiness Optimization Design of Thin Walled Tube Filled With Re Entrant Triangles Honeycombs
Received: 30 December 2018 / Accepted: 17 January 2019 / Published online: 5 February 2019
© The Author(s) 2019
A novel re-entrant triangles-filled tube (RTT) is proposed through decoupling structural stiffness and energy absorption.
Inner re-entrant triangles are employed to satisfy energy absorption, and outer thin wall is used to acquire high stiffness.
This paper starts from establishment of theoretical models between geometric parameters of re-entrant triangles and relative
density, equivalent elastic modulus and energy absorption characteristics, which are validated by experiments. On this basis,
the optimal geometric parameters of unit cell are sought to maximize unit volume energy absorption and minimize relative
density by adopting NSGA-II method. Subsequently, the cross-section of tube with optimal stiffness is obtained with targets
for maximizing axial stiffness and lateral stiffness by employing static topology optimization method. To verify the pro-
posed optimization method, RTT is analyzed and compared with positive Poisson’s ratio foam-filled tube (PFT), non-filled
traditionally optimized tube (NTT) and pre-optimized square tube (PST). The results show that the novel RTT can improve
stiffness and energy absorption performance simultaneously. Compared with the positive Poisson’s ratio material, re-entrant
triangles honeycomb shows superior advantages in energy absorption. In comparison with the PFT, energy absorption of the
RTT increases by 17.23%, and the peak crush force reduces by 5.04%. Therefore, the proposed decoupling design method
demonstrates superiority in satisfying various performance requirements simultaneously.
Keywords Thin-walled tube · Re-entrant triangles honeycomb · Multi-objective optimization · Energy absorption ·
Structural stiffness
1 Introduction Rossi [9] carried out the study on the crushing behavior
among square, hexagonal and octagonal tubes. Gao et al.
With increased customer demands and tough vehicle safety [10] carried out simulations on crushing impact of thin-
regulations, increasing attentions have recently been drawn walled tubes with various cross-sections, which provided
to achieving better crashworthiness of automobile [1–3]. reference for the selection of automotive cross-section.
Moreover, environmental sustainable developments and Thin-walled tubes should be equipped with energy absorp-
energy crisis have forced engineers to design increasingly tion performance and possessed with stiffness requirements.
lighter structures [4–6]. Structures that possess with char- For example, outer thin wall of front side rail should be
acteristics and superior crashworthiness have drawn abun- equipped with high stiffness. It is, however, not always wise
dant attention for their better performance [7, 8]. Owing to to enhance crashworthiness by sacrificing stiffness when
outstanding capabilities of energy absorption, thin-walled using the aforementioned optimization methods. Therefore,
structure is regarded as the most potential energy absorber. this paper proposes the concept of decoupling to satisfy
To enhance energy absorption performance, substantial the contradictory requirements of structural stiffness and
efforts on design shape optimization have been expended. energy absorption, i.e., the outer thin wall needs high stiff-
ness, while the thinner filler is responsible for strengthen-
ing energy absorption. Substantial research on thin-walled
* Ying Zhao
[email protected] tubes with fillers has been conducted. Axial crushing analy-
sis on foam-filled thin-walled structure was carried out by
State Key Laboratory of Automotive Simulation and Control, Ghamarian [11] and Zarei [12]. Ahmad et al. [13] emulate
Jilin University, 5988, Renmin Ave., Changchun 130025, crushing behaviors of foam-filled conical tubes adopting
2 F. Ma et al.
numerical methods. Whereas, the above-mentioned studies continuous, parameters can be utilized to represent perfor-
only involve single performance and conventional positive mance of cellular structure. The equivalent description is
Poisson’s ratio foam fillers. Positive Poisson’s ratio fillers called as asymptotic homogenization method, put forward
usually possess unstable platform stress and higher peak by Benssousan [15] and Sanchez-Palentia [16]. Asymptotic
stress which limit the improvement in energy absorption and homogenization methods [17–19] have been regarded as
further application of impact protection. Various re-entrant effective means for multiscale modeling, while these meth-
structures have also been studied. Ma et al. [14] proposed a ods are always neglected in the aspect of mechanics during
type of re-entrant square cellular structure and illustrated the the homogenization process and widely used in the predic-
effects of cellular structural parameters on in-plane dynamic tion of equivalent performance of composites. Asymptotic
performance. Compressing this kind of structure results in homogenization method focuses on the theory where main
structural contraction, and platform stress improves, which concepts and derivation of the equations for computation of
contributes greatly to enhancing the capability for energy effective constitutive parameters of complex materials with
absorption. Herein, re-entrant triangles honeycomb acts as the unit cell. It acts as a bridge-linking microscale analysis
a filler, and the octagonal and cruciform cross-section is and macroscopic properties of cellular structures; structural
regarded as the stiffener. response is obtained from the perspective of macroscopic
To satisfy the requirements of structural stiffness and scale. If size of macroscopic structure is larger compared
energy absorption simultaneously, the novel tube utilizes with microscopic unit cell and the number of unit cell is
re-entrant triangles as filler based on the concept of decou- sufficient, more accurate results can be expected by utilizing
pling structural stiffness and energy absorption. Inner re- homogenization method.
entrant triangles are utilized to meet the demands of energy
absorption, while the octagonal and cruciform cross-section 2.1 Relationship Between Relative Density
is designed to achieve higher stiffness. and Geometric Parameters
Firstly, relationships among geometric parameters and
relative density, equivalent elastic modulus and energy Based on the homogenization method, Fig. 1 exhibits peri-
absorption characteristics are established, which are vali- odic re-entrant triangles and representative unit cell.
dated by experiments. The optimal geometric parame- To date, much pioneering work has been conducted to
ters of unit cell are then sought to maximize unit volume set up the connections among cell geometry and mechanical
energy absorption and minimize relative density utilizing properties of cellular structure. Relative density is consid-
the NSGA-II method. Subsequently, the cross-section of ered as a critical parameter to illustrate its features [20].
tube with optimal stiffness is obtained by employing static For two-dimensional (2D) unit cell, relative density 𝜌2D is
topology optimization method with targets for maximizing described in Eq. (1) and Fig. 2.
axial stiffness and lateral stiffness. To certify the optimiza-
tion method, RTT, PFT, NTT and PST are analyzed and 𝜌2D = (1)
compared in light of stiffness and energy absorption. The
proposed RTT demonstrates superior energy absorption and It can be seen that 𝜌2D is dominated by S1 and S2 , which
structural stiffness, and this work proposes a design method represent the areas of internal cell wall and 2D unit cell,
of decoupling structural stiffness and energy absorption and respectively.
applying re-entrant triangles on tube inside. The novel RTT Figure 3 exhibits geometric variables. Where L , M and N
presents prominent effects on energy absorption and struc- stand for the lengths of long cell beam, short cell beam and
tural stiffness. The results are encouraging in the sense that horizontal beam accordingly,H indicates distance between
it offers another potential material for engineers to address
the issue and the novel-type RTT with re-entrant triangles
can be widely promoted and achieve further applications on
new energy absorbent structures.
Crashworthiness Optimization Design of Thin-Walled Tube Filled with Re-entrant Triangles… 3
4 F. Ma et al.
Fig. 4 Axial compression
mechanical model
Strain 𝜀x and 𝜀y along X and Y axes, respectively, are then stress limit, a series of failure modes including elastic buck-
given by ling, plastic collapse and brittle fracture will occur.
According to the pioneering work [23], plastic collapse
𝛿M cos 𝜃 − 𝛿L cos 𝜑
𝜀x = (11) and elastic buckling are the two main failure modes for cel-
𝛽L + L sin 𝜑
lular structure comprising elastic–plastic materials. Elastic
buckling comes up when the loading is greater than Euler
𝛿L sin 𝜑 + 𝛿M sin 𝜃 buckling load Fcr [24]. When component force PL along the
𝜀y = (12)
H long cell beam is equal to Fcr , elastic bulking occurs. Plastic
Combined with the above-mentioned equations, the collapse comes up as bending moment reaches or beyond the
equivalent elastic modulus Eeq and equivalent Poisson’s ratio fully plastic moment. Under these conditions, the work of
𝜈eq are given by the long and short cell beams WL and WM are, respectively,
expressed as
� √ �
E𝛼 3 cos 𝜑 − K 2 − sin2 𝜑 1
𝜎 WL = 𝛾 ⋅ 𝜎(𝛽 + sin 𝜑)L2 b sin 𝜑 (16)
Eeq = = � � (13) 2
𝜀y (𝛽 + sin 𝜑) 1 + K12 sin2 𝜑
WM = 𝛾 ⋅ 𝜎b(𝛽L + M sin 𝜃)M sin 𝜃 (17)
Similar to 2D cells, applied stress 𝜎3D of 3D cells is then 2
𝛾 where 𝛾 implies the angle through which all joints of the cell
𝜎3D =
𝛽 + sin 𝜑
𝜎 (14) wall rotate. Besides, the work done by the plastic hinges can
be described as
Thus, the equivalent elastic modulus E3D of 3D cells is
described as 1
WP = 𝜎 bT 2 𝛾 (18)
𝛾 2 ys
E3D = E
𝛽 + sin 𝜑 eq (15)
WPL = 𝜎 bT 2 𝛾 (19)
Average stress of plateau region is regarded as plateau 2 ys L
stress in stress–strain curve [22]. Plateau stress acts as a key
factor to improve capabilities of energy absorption effec- 1
WPM = 𝜎 bT 2 𝛾 (20)
tively, that is, energy absorption attributes significantly to 2 ys M
plateau stress. Plateau stress also has a close relationship The critical stresses 𝜎L and 𝜎M of long beam and short
with the structural failure mechanism. Hence, it is of signifi- beam are given by the following equations. Among this, 𝜎ys
cance to further study the predominant deformation mode of means yield stress.
these re-entrant triangles. Because the cellular structure is
subjected to axial compression, the structural deformation 𝜎ys 𝛼 2
is uniform in the elastic stage. As loading stress exceeds the 𝜎L = (21)
(𝛽 + sin 𝜑) sin 𝜑
Crashworthiness Optimization Design of Thin-Walled Tube Filled with Re-entrant Triangles… 5
nant failure mode. Similar analysis on equivalent plastic col- coefficient A can be obtained by simulation analysis.
lapse stress can be conducted for 3D cells. As the concen- The following empirical formula exhibits densification
trated force resulting in complete plastic hinges of 3D cells strain 𝜀D [21]. Where,B , C and D are the coefficients, which
is equal to that of 2D cell, applied stress on 3D re-entrant can be determined by the simulation approach.
cells is acquired ( )
𝜀D = B 1 − C𝜌3D + D𝜌33D (29)
K 2 𝛼 2 𝜎ys K 2 𝛼 3 𝜎ys The volume of the cellular structure as it reaches the pla-
𝜎pl,3D = ⋅ = teau stress enhancement region is given by
(𝛽 + sin 𝜑) sin 𝜑 𝛽 + sin 𝜑 (𝛽 + sin 𝜑)2 sin 𝜑
( )
(25) VE = L2 H 𝜀D − 𝜀E (30)
2.3 Characterization of Energy Absorption Under
The instantaneous volume of the cellular structure can
Quasi‑Static Compression
be expressed as
As cellular structures with re-entrant features are subjected ( )2 ( )
V(𝜀) = VE − L + 𝜈𝜀0 L 𝜀H − 𝜀E H (31)
to external force, energy absorption can be illustrated by
the work of external force, i.e., the area surrounding the where 𝜀E < 𝜀 < 𝜀D.
collision force–displacement curve and the displacement In plateau stress enhancement region, instantaneous rela-
axis. The collision force–displacement curve is associated tive density can be given by
with the overall size of structure, so it can be transformed
into a stress–strain curve in order to show different energy 𝜌(𝜀) 𝜀D (1 − A)
absorption characteristics for structures of various sizes. 𝜌E
= ( )2 ( ) (32)
𝜀D (1 − A) − 1 + 𝜀0 𝜈3D 𝜀 − A𝜀D
Unit volume energy absorption W is denoted by the area
under stress–strain curve and horizontal axis, given by For 3D cellular structure composed of elastic–plastic
𝜀D materials, relative density is proportional to the square of
∫0 (26)
W= 𝜎(𝜀)d𝜀 𝛼 , and equivalent plastic collapse stress is proportional to
vertical component of 𝛼 . Thus, the instantaneous stress in
where 𝜀D and 𝜎(𝜀) are the densification strain and instantane- plateau stress enhancement region is expressed as:
ous stress, respectively.
The stress–strain curve can be utilized to analyze energy √( )3
absorption characteristics and evaluate cell shape of the √ 𝜀D (1 − A)
𝜎(𝜀) = √ ( )2 ( ) 𝜎pl,3D
re-entrant cellular structure. Effective unit volume energy 𝜀D (1 − A) − 1 + 𝜀0 𝜈3D 𝜀 − A𝜀D
6 F. Ma et al.
√( )3
√ 𝜀D (1 − A)
W3 = √ ( )2 ( )
𝜀D (1 − A) − 1 + 𝜀0 𝜈3D 𝜀 − A𝜀D
K 2 𝜎ys 𝛼 3
× d𝜀
(𝛽 + sin 𝜑)2 sin 𝜑 (34)
Fig. 5 Pre-compression and
post-compression of the speci-
men under quasi-static loading
Crashworthiness Optimization Design of Thin-Walled Tube Filled with Re-entrant Triangles… 7
8 F. Ma et al.
Crashworthiness Optimization Design of Thin-Walled Tube Filled with Re-entrant Triangles… 9
10 F. Ma et al.
Fig. 13 Optimal cross-section
and cutting graph of front
side rail using static topology
Fig. 14 Counterbalance of force
along inner re-entrant triangles
without cruciform structure
at the bottom of this tube are constrained, and maximum energy absorption. Eight rectangular induction slots with
effective energy absorption is no less than that of PST [28]. length of 20 mm and width of 5 mm are formed in the eight
The materials used are consistent with that of static topology edges of the octagon at a distance of 15 mm from collision
optimization. The model of the dynamic topology optimiza- end, as exhibited in Fig. 17.
tion is exhibited in Fig. 15.
The dynamic topology optimization model is carried
out in LS-TaSC software; the optimal result is expressed 6 Analysis Results and Discussion
in Fig. 16.
Subsequently, dynamic topology optimization result is To validate the superiority of proposed optimization design
pruned. The outer contour retains octagon shape. The opti- method, the RTT designed based on the decoupling con-
mal shape is thin-walled structure with an inner quadrangle cept, NTT designed using traditional optimization method
and an outer octagon, possessing capabilities of two-stage and PST are analyzed and compared in light of structural
Crashworthiness Optimization Design of Thin-Walled Tube Filled with Re-entrant Triangles… 11
6.1 Stiffness Analysis
12 F. Ma et al.
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