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Title of Journal Article (Short, Maximum 12 Words, Bold, Lowercase, Capitalize Only First Letter and Name)

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Ho Chi Minh City Open University Journal of Science, Volumn(issue), page numbers

Title of journal article

[ Short, maximum 12 words, bold, lowercase, capitalize only
first letter and name]
Main author1*, Second author2, Third author 31
Affiliation 1
Affiliation 2

Corresponding author: [main author’s email]


DOI: Type the text of your abstract here. Abstract is

10.46223/HCMCOUJS… obligatory for all articles. Abstract should be limited to 1
paragraph (from 150 to 250 words) and convey the main
points of the paper, outline the results and conclusions,
Received: and explain the significance of the results. Typeset in
Revised: Time New Roman, 12pt, alignment: justify; line spacing:

please provide maximum 5
keywords separated with
comma. Typeset in Time
New Roman, 11pt, alignment
left, line spacing: single

1. Introduction
Scientific articles of Ho Chi Minh City Open University Journal of Science
formatted by Microsoft Word, A4 size, spacing before - 6pt and spacing after - 0pt;
Align Justify; Layout: left 3 cm, right 2.5 cm, above 2.5 cm, below 2.5 cm; Unicode,
Times New Roman, font size 12; single line spacing. The first line of each segment is
indented 1tab x 1.27 cm (1inch).
The introduction should address the research topic, research gaps, and briefly
introduce the research content.
2. Theoretical basis
This section indicates a summary of theories / theoretical points/researches that
have been conducted previously. On that basis, propose research models, research
hypotheses or analytical frameworks.
3. Methodology
Author(s). Ho Chi Minh City Open University Journal of Science, Volumn(issue), page numbers

Mention the analytical methods/research models for the study. Data sources and
sampling/data collection methods should be fully and accurately cited.
4. Result and discussion
The study results must be clear and concise. Use an appendix or additional
documentation if needed.
4.1. Result
4.1.1. Table
All tables must be centered and placed after the paragraph refer to them. Tables
are numbered according to their appearance in the article. Capitalize the table name
when mentioning them in the text (e.g. “see Table 1”).
Table 1
Table caption
Column title Column title Column title
Line 1 1 2
Line 2 3 4
Line 3 5 6
Source: Citation needed (APA 6th standard). TNR format, font size 10
Note: Notes (if any) must be placed at the bottom of the table
4.1.2. Figure
All graphs, charts, maps, flowcharts ... must be referred as figures. Theses
figures are centered, and placed after the text referring to them. Capitalize the headings
of the table name when referring to them in text (e.g. “see Figure 1”).

Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3

Figure 1: Figure caption

Source: Citation needed (APA 6th standard). TNR format, font size 10
Note: Notes (if any) must be placed at the bottom of the table

4.1.3. Formulas
Math equations should be numbered consecutively, in parentheses, on the right
side of the page and formatted as editable text.

Author(s). Ho Chi Minh City Open University Journal of Science, Volumn(issue), page numbers

4.1.4. Abbreviation
Terms should be used consistently. They are used after the full term has been
4.2. Discussion
The discussion should highlight the special and outstanding points of the
research; explain research results, the impacts; compared with previous studies.
5. Conclusions & recommendations
Conclusions are drawn directly from the results of the study. Suggesting and
proposing solutions based on the results of the study.
Acknowledgments should concisely address all the contributions of the
organizations and individuals that have enabled the research to be carried out (with
their permission). Any conflict of interest should be mentioned.

References [APA format 6th edition]

1.      Book/ report (print):
Last name, first letter of first name . first letter of middle name. (Year of publication). Title
of book. Place of pucblication: Publisher.
Last name, first letter of first name, & Last name, first letter of first name. (Year of
publication). Title of book chapter. In First letter of first name. Last name of editor,
First letter of first name. Last name of editor, & First letter of first name. Last name of
editor (Eds.), Tiêu đề sách (pp.pages xx-xxx). Place of publication: Publisher.
Note: The first letter of the title, subtitle và proper noun must be capitalized.
1.1. One author
Freeman, E. R. (1984). Strategic management: A stakeholder approach. Boston, MA:
Nguyen, V. T. (2003). Quản trị tài chính doanh nghiệp. Hà Nội, Việt Nam: NXB Thống
1.2.  Multiple authors
Hair, J. F. J., Black, W., C., Babin, B. J., & Anderson, R. E. (2010). Multivariate data
analysis. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
1.3.  Anonymous author
Dorland’s illustrated medical dictionary (31 st ed.). (2007). Philadelphia, PA:
1.4.  Author is an organisation or institution
American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental
disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
Author(s). Ho Chi Minh City Open University Journal of Science, Volumn(issue), page numbers

1.5.  Book chapter and reprinted book

Palmer, F. (2007). Treaty principles and Maori sport: Contemporary issues. In C.
Collins & S. Jackson (Eds.), Sport in Aotearoa/New Zealand society (2nd ed., pp.
307-334). South Melbourne, Australia: Thomson.
2. Book/ report (online):
● Last name, first letter of first name. first letter of middle name. (Year of
publication). Title of chapter. In Title of book (pp.xx-xx). doi:…....

● Last name, first letter of first name. first letter of middle name. (Year of
publication). Title. Retrieved from http://…
Lance, L. (2011). Nonproduction benefits of education: Crime, health, and good
citizenship. In Handbook of the economics of education (Vol. 4, pp.183-282).
Martin, J. L. (2011). The explanation of social action. Retrieved from
3. Journal article (print version)
● Last name, first letter of first name . first letter of middle name. (Year of
publication). Title of journal article. Journal name, Volume(Issue), trang xxx-
xxx. doi:10……
3.1. One author
Williams, J. H. (2008). Employee engagement: Improving participation in
safety. Professional Safety, 53(12), 40-45.
3.2.  Two to seven authors
Keller, T. E., Cusick, G. R., & Courtney, M. E. (2007). Approaching the transition to
adulthood: Distinctive profiles of adolescents aging out of the child welfare
system. Social Services Review, 81, 453- 484.
Mathews, J., Berrett, D., & Brillman, D. (2005, May 16). Other winning
equations. Newsweek, 145(20), 58-59.
3.3.  Eight authors and more
Wolchik, S. A., West, S. G., Sandler, I. N., Tein, J.Y., Coatsworth, D., Lengua,
L., ...Griffin, W. A. (2000). An experimental evaluation of theory-based mother
and mother-child programs for children of divorce. Journal of Consulting and
Clinical Psychology, 68, 843- 856.
4. Journal article (online version):
● Last name, first letter of first name. first letter of middle name. (Year of
publication) Title of journal article. Journal name, Volume(Issue), page number
xxx-xxx. doi:10…..
Author(s). Ho Chi Minh City Open University Journal of Science, Volumn(issue), page numbers

● Họ viết tắt, Tên viết tắt., & Họ viết tắt, Tên viết tắt. (Năm). Title of journal
article. Journal name, Volume(Issue), page number xxx-xxx. Retrieved
from http://www… or Retrieved from the website: (name of the database)
● Note: Journal name and volume must be italicized, issue has to put in brackets.
Senior, B., & Swailes, S. (2007). Inside management teams: Developing a teamwork
survey instrument. British Journal of Management, 18, 138-153.
Lodewijkx, H. F. M. (2001, May 23). Individual-group continuity in cooperation and
competition under varying communication conditions. Current Issues in Social
Psychology, 6(12), 166-182. Retrieved from 

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