D'ua Abu Hamza Thumali: Taught by Imam Ali Ibn Al-Husayn Zayn Al-Abidin (As)
D'ua Abu Hamza Thumali: Taught by Imam Ali Ibn Al-Husayn Zayn Al-Abidin (As)
D'ua Abu Hamza Thumali: Taught by Imam Ali Ibn Al-Husayn Zayn Al-Abidin (As)
The Supplication of Abu Hamza al-Thumali is narrated from Imam Sajjad (as) and is one of the most precious
and well-known of prayers, enjoying a high status amongst great scholars. Abi Hamza al-Thumali, the
narrator of this beautiful du'a, was one of the prominent students of Imam Zayn al-'Abidin (a) and this du'a
has been named after him. We should acknowledge and appreciate the great role of the narrators of hadiths
and du'as from the Prophet Muhammad (s) and his household (as) such as Abu Hamza al-Thumali, Kumayl
al-Nakha'i and so on and ask God, the Almighty, to cover them with His mercy. According to Islamic hadiths, a
person should pass on their knowledge and understanding to future generations who may indeed then take
more benefit from the knowledge they have thus received and have a better and more complete
understanding of it.
One of the most precious pieces of supplication that we have received from the Ahl al-Bayt (as) is the
well-known Supplication that Abi Hamza has narrated from the fourth Imam (as).
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دعاء ابي حمزة الثمالي
ِ م الل َّ ِه الرَّحْ مَ نِ الر َِّحي
ب ِْس
In the Name of Allah, the All-merciful, the All-compassionate
Where else can I find salvation,
وَ مِنْ اَأيْنَ ل َِي ٱلنَّجَ ا ُة
while it is only possible through
َ وَ ال َ ت ُْس َتطَاعُ ٕاِال َّ ب
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دعاء ابي حمزة الثمالي
O Lord …
ِّ يَا ر
D`ua Abu Hamza Thumali 6 of 49
دعاء ابي حمزة الثمالي
All praise be to Allah, Who answers
الْحَ مْ دُ لِل َّ ِه ٱلَّذِ ي اَأدْ عُو ُه َفيُجِ ي ُبنِي
me when I call Him
although I am slow to reply when He
ْت بَطِ ي ًا ِحينَ يَدْ عُو نِي
ُ كن
ُ ْوَ ٕاِن
invites me.
All praise be to Allah, Who gives me
وَ الْحَ مْ دُ لِل َّ ِه ٱلَّذِ ي ا َْأساَألُهُ َفيُعْ طِ ينِي
when I ask Him
All praise be to Allah other than
الْحَ مْ دُ لِل َّ ِه ٱلَّذِ ي ال َ اَأدْ عُ و غَ يْرَ ُه
Whom I never pray to,
ب ل ِي دُعَ ا ِي
ْ َِستَج
ْ وْت غَ يْرَ ُه لَمْ ي
ُ َوَ لَوْ دَ ع
and if I prayed to anyone else, he
would not answer my prayer.
وَ الْحَ مْ دُ لِل َّ ِه ٱلَّذِ ي ال َ اَأرْجُ و غَ يْرَ ُه
All praise be to Allah other than
Whom I do not hope for,
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دعاء ابي حمزة الثمالي
َ وَعُدَّ تِي فِي ِشدَّ تِي مَعَ قِلَّ ِة حَ يَا ِي َر ٔاْ َفت
You dislike.
َ وَ رَحْ مَ ت
It is Your kindness and mercy that I use as
my means during misfortunes inflicting me
despite my shamelessness.
يب َبيْنَ َذيْنِ وَ َذيْنِ ُم ْن َيتِي
َ َخ
ِ وْت اَأنْ ال َ ت
ُ َوَ قَدْ رَج
I thus hope that my expectation will not be
and the Most Favorable Hoped One!
ٍْضلَ مَنْ رَجَ ا ُه رَاج
َ وَ اَأف
My expectation, O my Chief, has been great but
my deed has been bad.
وَسا َء عَ مَ لِي
َ عَ ظُمَ يَا َسيِّدِ ي اَأ َملِي
َّ َّك اَأهْ وَنُ ٱلنَّاظِ ِر ينَ ٕاِل
َ ال َ الَأن
Yet, this does not mean that You are the least
important of those who watch over me
َّ ط ِلعِينَ عَ ل
َّ ُف ٱلْم
ُّ وَ ا ََأخ
or You are the least weighty of those who
observe me.
D`ua Abu Hamza Thumali 13 of 49
دعاء ابي حمزة الثمالي
َ ِك بَعْ دَ عِ لْم
َ َِى ِحلْم
ٰ َك ٱلْحَ مْ دُ عَ ل
َ َفل
Hence, all praise be to You, for You act
tolerably although You have full knowledge
َ َى مَحَ ارِم
ٰ ُّب عَ ل
ِ َى ٱلتَوَ ث
ٰ ُس ِر ُعنِي ٕاِل
ْ وَ ي
It is my acquaintance with the broadness of
Your mercy and the magnitude of Your
َم عَ فْ وِك
ِ ِك وَعَ ظِ ي
َ مَعْ ِر َفتِي ب َِسعَ ِة رَحْ مَ ت
pardon that make me hurry to violate that
which You have deemed forbidden.
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دعاء ابي حمزة الثمالي
ُ ِيَا مُجْ م
O All-beneficent!
O All-gracious! O All-compassionate!
ُ ِيَا ُم ْنعِمُ يَا مُفْ ض
In my salvation from Your punishment, I
do not rely upon my deeds;
ٰ ِك عَ ل
َ ل فِي ٱلنَّجَ ا ِة مِنْ عِ قَ اب
ُ ك
ِ َّ ت اَأت
ُ َس
ْ ل
rather, I depend on Your liberal
generosity to us,
اَأعْ مَ الِنَا
ك ُر
ُ َش
ْ فَمَ ا نَدْ رِي مَا ن
should thank:
َ ْت وَ اَأوْ َلي
َ اَأ ْم عَ ظِ يمَ مَا اَأ ْب َلي
Or should it be the fabulous favor that You
grant and present,
َ ْت وَعَ ا َفي
َ ك ثِيرَ مَا ِمنْهُ نَجَّ ي
َ اَأ ْم
or the numerous misfortunes from which You
have saved and relieved?
D`ua Abu Hamza Thumali 18 of 49
دعاء ابي حمزة الثمالي
ََسعُهُ جُ ودُك
َ َب ال َ ي
ِّ وَ اَأيُّ جَ هْ لٍ يَا ر
There is not definitely any foolishness
that can be uncovered by Your
َ اَأوْ اَأيُّ َزمَانٍ اَأطْوَلُ مِنْ اَأنَات
There is no period that may be longer
than Your tolerance.
َ ِْب نِعَ م
ِ وَ مَا قَدْ ُر اَأعْ مَ الِنَا فِي جَ ن
What value remains for our deeds if
َ ل بِهَ ا كَرَ م
ُ ك ِث ُر اَأعْ مَ اال ً نُقَ ا ِب
ْ ْف ن َْس َت
َ كي
َ َو
compared to Your favors?
َ َوْجبِينَ ل ِرَحْ مَ ت
ِ ُستْ كنَّا غَ يْرَ م
ُ ْوَ ٕاِن
even if we do not deserve Your mercy.
O Allah, forgive me and my parents,
َّاَللَّهُ َّم ٱغْ فِرْ ل ِي وَ ل ِوَ ال ِدَ ي
and have mercy on them as they
cared for me when I was little.
صغِير ًا
َ وَ ٱرْحَ مْ هُ مَ ا كَمَ ا َر َّبيَانِي
ِ َوَ تَابِعْ َب ْينََنَا وَ َب ْينَهُ مْ بِٱلْخَ يْر
and join us together in bliss and
D`ua Abu Hamza Thumali 24 of 49
دعاء ابي حمزة الثمالي
O Allah, forgive our living and dead
اَللَّهُ َّم ٱغْ فِرْ ل ِحَ ِّينَا وَ َم ِّي ِتنَا
our present and absent ones, وَشَ اهِدِ نَا وَغَ ا ِ ِبنَا
ِ حُ ِّرنَا وَ مَمْ لُو
D`ua Abu Hamza Thumali 25 of 49
دعاء ابي حمزة الثمالي
َ ْك وَ نَاجَ ْيت
َ ِلصالَ ِة َبيْنَ يَدَ ي
َّ ت ل
ُ ْوَ قُم
conversing confidentially with You,
َ َّك َراَأيَْ َتنِي مُعْ رِض ًا عَ ن
َ اَأوْ لَعَ ل
thus set me aside!
I am the ignorant that You have taught,
ُل ٱلَّذِ ي عَ لَّمْ تَه
ُ وَ اَأنَا ٱلْجَ ا ِه
I am the straying that You have guided,
ُٱلضالُّ ٱلَّذِ ي هَ دَ يَْتَه
َّ وَ اَأنَا
I am the humble that You have given
I am the lowly that You have given
ُل ٱلَّذِ ي اَأعْ زَ ْزتَه
ُ وَ ٱلذَّ ل ِي
I am the ill that You have cured,
ُوَ ٱلسَّ قِيمُ ٱلَّذِ ي شَ فَ ْيتَه
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دعاء ابي حمزة الثمالي
I am the sinner that You have covered,
ُِب ٱلَّذِ ي َستَرْ تَه
ُ وَ ٱلْمُ ذْ ن
that I have neither paved for my long
َى قَ ْب ٍر لَمْ اُأمَهِّ دْ ُه ل ِرَ قْدَ تِي
ٰ ٕاِل
that You have made incumbent upon ك مِنَ ٱل َّر ٔاْ َف ِة
َ َِى نَفْ س
ٰ ٱلَّذِ ي اَأوْجَ بَْتَهُ عَ ل
وَ ٱلرَّحْ مَ ِة
So, the whole affair is Yours alone.
َ يك ل
َ َك وَحْ دَ كَ ال َ شَ ِر
َ فَٱال َأ ْم ُر ل
There is no partner with You at all.
O my God, if my death is drawing near ٕاِل ٰهِ ي ٕاِنْ كَانَ قَدْ دَ نَا اَأجَ لِي وَ لَمْ يُقَ ِّر ْبنِي
while my deeds have not yet drawn me
near You,
ْك عَ مَ لِي
َ ِمن
then let my confession of having
committed sins be my means of ْك بِذَ ْنبِي
َ اف ٕاِ َلي
َ َٱالعْ تِر
ِٕ ْت
ُ فَقَ دْ جَ عَ ل
وَسا ِلَ عِ َللِي
َ َى ٱلْمُ ْغت
ٰ َي مَمْ دُ ود ًا عَ ل
َّ ضلْ عَ ل
َّ َوَ تَف
do a favor to me when I am laid on the
table of the dead bathroom turned over
at the hands of my righteous neighbors,
جيرَ تِي
ِ ُصال ِح
َ يُقَ لِّ ُبنِي
act kindly towards me when I am
carried while my relatives hold the ََي مَحْ مُ وال ً قَدْ تََنَاوَل
َّ وَ تَحَ نَّنْ عَ ل
جنَا َز تِي
ِ اف
َ َٱالَأقْ ِربَا ُء اَأطْر
edges of my coffin,
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دعاء ابي حمزة الثمالي
delight in my family, property, and
ِوَ قُ َّر َة ٱلْعَ يْنِ فِي ٱال َأهْ لِ وَ ٱلْمَ الِ وَ ٱلْوَلَد
ِ ٱلصحَّ َة فِي ٱلْجِ ْس
ِّ َو
healthy body,
strong physique,
َ ِك وَ طَاعَ ِة ر َُسو ل
َ ٱستَعْ مِ ْلنِي ِبطَاعَ ت
ْ َو
Dedicate my affairs to the obedience to
You and to Your Messenger,
فِي َل ْي َل ِة ٱلْقَ دْ ر
ِسهَ ا
ُ وَعَ افِ َي ٍة تُ ْلب
good health with which You adorn,
You are certainly the All-merciful,
ْت ٱلر َِّحيمُ ٱ ْلغَفُ و ُر
َ َّك اَأن
َ ٕاِن
the All-forgiving.
D`ua Abu Hamza Thumali 47 of 49
دعاء ابي حمزة الثمالي
ََّاحمِ ين
ِ يَا ارْحَ مَ ٱلر
O most Merciful of all those who show mercy!
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دعاء ابي حمزة الثمالي