Period 7
Period 7
Period 7
political :
compete against other nations ( Europe / Japan
- -
I -1 be a world power
military :
acquire naval base
Alfred T .
The Influence of sea Power "
talks about the significance of having a
naval power
ideological : "
White burden "
man 's
2) Hawaii
1820s missionaries go to the islands to convert natives to Christianity + American planters start buying
• -
1887 -
Cuba -
Spanish colony
→ 9 revolts against Spanish rule → General Weyler brutally stop rebellion Lex . reconstruction camps )
3. De home letter :
Spanish official disrespect president McKinley
Feb 15 , 1898 : V. s .
. , , ,
2. Anti -
Imperialist League -
→ Cuba ✗
sign treaty with foreign power that limits its independence imperialism ,
→ v. 5 .
could maintain a naval base ⑨ Guantanamo Bay .
grant v. 5 .
citizenship in 1917
b) Philippines after war
Emilio Aguinaldo ( leader of the independence movement ) believed Philippine would receive freedom
7) Access to China
John Hay announce the open Door policy -
declared all nations should have equal trading rights
controversy among Chinese
→ Boxer Rebellion -
Chinese attempt to remove foreign influence
Mckinley was reelected in 1900 , but assassinated in 1901
A rise of
→ in the power presidency
pursue expansionist policy
speak softly and carry a
big stick "
9) Panama canal *
first attempt by France -
Roosevelt attempted to get Colombia to allow canal construction
rejects the treaty
→ Roosevelt secretly supports the movement for Panamanian independence from Colombia
→ Hay -
Burian -
issues Roosevelt corollary : U.s. has the rights to intervene in Latin America → imperialist
→ expands v. S .
role in Latin America
Roosevelt wins a noble prize for helping negotiate a peace agreement ending the Russo-Japanese
War ( 1905 )
→ v. 5 .
concerned over the growing strength of Japan
Gentlemen 's Agreement 11908 ) : Californian laws discriminated Asians
Asian students attended segregated schools -
fear of Yellow peril
treat White Fleet ( 1907-31 : Roosevelt sends fleet around the world → demonstrate power
Ch 231 Progressivism and the Republican Roosevelt
, ,
reject laissez faire ideology to industrial
→ named by Roosevelt
Ida Tarbell
Lincoln Steffens
The shame of the cities " -
National Child Labor Committee fought to ban child labor
National Consumer League ( Florence Kelley ) advocate for women 's rights in work
Triangle shirtwaist Fire 11911 ) : death of 146 workers ( mostly women & immigrants )
4) Urban Reforms
2. political corruption
3. alcoholism
desire to take away power from political bosses by placing municipal services under
public control
5) state reform
9 reforms in Wisconsin
→ Wisconsin idea 1 .
regulate public utilities
b) Political reform
wanted to 9 democracy and d trusts ( trusts have taken over the Senate )
Australian or secret Ballot : allowed voters to mark their choice secretly
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Recall :
elected politicians could be removed from the office by voters
Initiative : voters could introduce laws
Referendum : voters could directly vote on law
A democracy
7) Temperance movement
division 1 .
wet -
woman 's Christian Temperance union : woman advocate for temperance
Anti-Saloon League : advocate for legal prohibition of drinking
3) Theodore Roosevelt *
believed in 9 power of president
attempts to mediate dispute → threatens to take over the mines when owners refused
to compromise
Sherman Anti Trust ineffective
Broke up the Northern Securities Company ( railroad monopoly )
became known for "
Trust Busting
" -
Elkins Act 11903 ) increase penalties for rate rebates
Hepburn Act 11906 ) gave ICC the power to set maximum rates for railroads
2. Consumer
Upton Sinclair The intend 9 for socialism rights
to support d workers
public focus on unsanitary nature of the meat industry
3 . Conservation
used the Forest Reserve Act of 1391 to protect 150 million acres of federal land
Newlands Reclamation Act of 1902 to use money from selling public land for irrigation projects
9) William Howard Taft (1909-1913) -1 trust busting
continued Roosevelt 's progressive policies
→ broke up trusts
Dollar Diplomacy i
encouraged biz to invest dollar in areas of concern
Ch 29 ) Wilsonian Progressivism at Home and Abroad
1) Division of Republicans
Roosevelt forms the Progressive party
→ runs a
New Nationalism " -
→ New Freedom " -
d tariff , bank , antitrust laws
called for more radical reforms ( ex .
public ownership of industries )
Wilson wins the election
Clayton Anti -
Trust Act 11914 ) : t power of the Sherman Anti -
Trust Act
Banking 1 .
Federal Reserve Act 11913 ) :
responsible for regulating money supply
2. 16th Amendment :
graduated income tax established
Federal Farm Loan Act 11916 ) : d loans for farmers
child labor Act :
prohibit interstate commerce of products made by children
Failure -
4) African American Civil Rights + A economic situation of African Americans @ urban areas
Booker T .
1- Booker 's gradualism I demanded immediate equality
Niagara movement : advocate tot black tights
helped found the National Association tot the Advancement of the colored people in 1909
Ida B . Wells
→ anti
lynching campaign woman 's suffrage civil tights
, ,
5) women in movement
Alice Paul -
19th Amendment 11920 ) guaranteed women right to vote
b) Wilson 's foreign policy
shift direction with
Motal Diplomacy
7) Interventions in Mexico
→ U.s .
had 9 investments in Mexico
Huerta ( military dictator ) becomes the leader → Wilson refuses to
recognize him c aids revolutions )
Mexican officials attested American soldiers @ Tampico → U.s. navy occupied Veracruz
Pancho Villa led 1- aids across the border → killed people in Texas d New Mexico
A connection to England
shared legal & political institutions
language ,
public opinion was anti -
other ships
→ Wilson threatens to cut off diplomatic relations with tetmany
→ Sussex pledge :
tetmany ✗ sink mote ships without warning
9) Election of 1916
1) V. 5 .
entry into WWI
violations of V. 5 .
Total wat effort : all aspects of country mobilize for effort
Federal Agencies 1 . National War labor Board -
3) Silencing Dissent
Committee of public Information :
promote V. s . war effort through propaganda ( led by George Creel )
Shenk v. V. s .
119191 : Shank attested under the Espionage Act
→ Supreme court supports the restriction of freedom of speech ( if pose cleat d present danger )
→ national security > civil liberties during the era
Great migration :
large migration of African Americans to northern cities from 1910
A tace 1- lots broke out
3. military reduction
4. ✗ colonies
5. X secret treaties
Big Fout -
David Lloyd -
most of Wilson 's proposals were rejected by the allied powers
→ Wilson get the League of Nation included , but had to get approved by the Republican controlled
joining )
7) Battle over the League of Nations
V. s . tradition of isolationist policies
1) Post-war fear -
M strikes in 1919 ( ex .
steel strike , Boston Police strike )
Chicago , 19191
2) rise of Nativism
hatred toward
" "
new immigrants
→ stock market -
installment plan :
possess today and pay tomorrow " -
create 9 debt
advertising industry -
4) Transportation changes
cars become affordable ( Model T ) -
airplane : Charles Lindbergh becomes the first person to fly solo across the Atlantic
November 1920 -
1st radio broadcast out of Pittsburgh announce election of Harding
rise of the movie industry ( Hollywood )
→ labor -
battle between modernizing cities us . rural areas
→ radio preachers ( ex .
Billy Sunday ) spoke out against drinking , dancing , jazz , gambling , etc .
8) prohibition
→ passed the vote stead Act enforcing the amendment ⇒ faced fierce opposition
rise of organized crime ( ex . Al Capone ⑨ Chicago )
Marcus Garvey found the UNIA "f " " " nationalist
criticized aspects of the decade
④ Materialism
Ch 321 The politics of Boom and Bust
business < >
return to normalcy
② Calvin Coolidge
③ Herbert Hoover
2) Handling Business
ex ) Teapot Dome scandal : Albert Fall accepted bribes in exchange for leashing government land
Warren G .
business policies
The business of America is business "
→ laissez-faire
signed the national quota act of 1924
anti-union sentiment cred scare , Palmer raids . . .
farmers face difficulties ⇒ I demad for crops
5) Herbert Hoover
elected in Election of 1928 ( vs .
Alfred Smith -
Democrats )
6) International Affairs
✗ join the League of Nations ⇒ but still engaged in world affairs
Five -
power Treaty ( V. S .
, England , France , Japan , Italy )
→ set ratios for battleships , Usd England agree ✗ fortify possessions in the Pacific
Four -
Power Treaty ( V. S .
, England , France , Japan )
Nine -
power Treaty ( V. S .
, England , France , Japan , Italy , Netherlands , Portugal , China )
7) International Finance
V. S .
loaned money to European Count ites ( WWI )
-1 American banks loan money ⇒ England & France pay reparation money to the U.S .
A of stock
buying ( buying borrowed price
on margin " stock with money ) ⇒
Black Tuesday ( Oct . 29 , 1929 ) : start of the Great Depression
→ stock sold ⇒ stock price to
Hawley -
Smoot Tariff ( 1930 ) :
highest peacetime protective tariff
took federal actions
Reconstruction Finance Corporation ( 1932 ) :
gave federal money to struggling businesses ( banks , railroads ,
etc . )
Veterans of War March to D.C . demanding bonus
1) Election of 1932
Herbert Hoover ( Republican party ) vs .
Franklin Roosevelt ( Democratic party )
T unemployment & ✗ response from federal government ⇒ Roosevelt victory
from wealthy , privileged family
suffered from polio
Eleanor Roosevelt recreate the position of first lady
31 New Deal ( a.k.a Alphabet Agencies ) * t) passed 21St amendment repeating the
✗ organized , planned program ⇒ based on experiment 13th amendment .
① Relief ( people )
② Recovery ( economy )
First Hundred Days ( March 4 , 1933 )
→ Congress pass a
huge number of laws designed to deal with the Great Depression
Emergency Banking Relief Act ( 1933 ) : only financially stable banks could reopen
Glass-Steagall Act
3- 21 Unemployment Relief
Federal Emergency Relief Act :
gave federal money to states & local government for relief services
civilian Conservation Corps : employed jobless men in reforestation projects 1 park maintenance / etc .
National Recovery Act : ① industrial recovery ② fair wages / hours for workers
set production
( codes for wages & hours worked
→ documented in
The Grapes of wrath "
by John Steinbeck
government agency built dams , electric power plants ⇒ controlled flooding & erosion
reform & direct relief
Works progress Administration : employed millions of unemployed
Resettlement Administration : provided loans to sharecroppers / small farmers
5- 1) social security
social security Act of 1935 : established the principal of federal responsibility for social welfare
→ take money from employee & employer ⇒ give to people aged 65 e above
→ mothers with dependent children / Unemployment insurance / disabled were also aided
created the National Labor Relations Boards to enforce the labor laws
→ FDR wins the election , but had critics ( conservatives & business owners )
FDR followed policies of John Maynard Keynes ( British Economist )
① Dr . Francis Townsend :
every person 460 would receive $200 a month
② Huey long :
share our wealth "
program -
redistribute wealth
FDR proposed a plan that would allow him to appoint additional judges ( for every judge over 70 )
8) Impact
New Deal Democratic coalition of farmers , urban immigrants , union members , African Americans ,
but ✗ end the Great Depression
recession in 1937
opens up formal recognition of the Soviet Union ( previously ✗ because of Russian Revolution )
Good Neighbor Policy : denounce armed intervention @ Latin America
Reciprocal Trade Agreement ( 19341 : reduction of V. S . tariffs ( if other countries do the same )
2) Rise of totalitarianism
① Italy -
② Soviet union -
Joseph Stalin
③ Germany -
Adolf Hitler : Nazi Party ( 19331
④ Japan -
Hideki Tojo : militaristic government ( 1941 )
→ Japan conquers Manchuria & withdraws from the Leauge of Nations & build hairy
Nye committee 11934 ) : invested the U.s. financial interest that underlay the involvement in WWI
3) V. S . Neutrality
→ ✗ sales of weapon
4) Policy of Appeasement
→ Munich Conference : leaders ( England ) agree to hand over Sudetenland to Germany d Hitler
Munich Conference failed ⇒ took over the test of Czechoslovakia in 6 months
sinks Panay
→ also the U.s. gunboat "
→ allowed Hitler attack Poland w/ 0 frontier war ⇒ secretly agree to divide Poland
v. S . remains neutral ( but still ✗ want Axis power to A power )
6) V. 5 .
Neutrality Act ( 1939 ) : countries could buy weapons when paid in cash I carried in own ships
cash and carry "
→ allowed the v. s .
to help victims of Axis power
Battle of Britain ( Aug -1940 ) : Germany begins bombing England
. committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies : advocated helping England & the Allies
America First committee : isolationists ( opposed v. s . involvement )
Destroyers for Bases ( Sept . 1940 ) : V. 5. would give England V. S .
destroyers <→
military bases
Election of 1940 -
FDR wins the 3rd term
carry requirements
→ justified through
the great arsenal of democracy "
( V. S . avoid fight )
economic declaration of war
3) Close to war
Atlantic Conference : FDR d Churchill secretly met @ Newfoundland
Roosevelt orders ① all Japanese assets frozen
→ negotiation occurs
already begun mobilization
② produced lend -
lease supplies for the allies
member of Allied power :
England , Soviet Union , V. S . , France , China , etc .
ended the Great Depression → great economic prosperity but soon led to 9 national debt
office of Price Administration : froze prices , wages , rationed goods ( meat , gas , sugar )
+ worker Labor Board imposed price ceilings
→ black market developed but controlled by OPA
V. S . industrial output ⇒ allied victory
Office of Research & Development : contract scientists d universities to support technological
strike Act :X
3- 1) Social Impact -
Americans strikes against government agencies
2nd Great Migration : African Americans left south to search for jobs •
Election of law : Dewey v. FDR
recover economy
Executive order 8302 -
issued by FDR : first federal action to promote equal opportunity
pursued the Double victory campaign :
victory over fascism + victory against racism
membership of NAACP increase
A demand for defense industry workers ⇒ 9 opportunities for Mexican Americans
Native American also received opportunities in work & military
→ Navajo
code Talkers "
Used native language to communicate
Rosie the Riveter "
: symbol of opportunity
→ post -
war migration to the "
Sunbelt "
internment camps
→ Nisei : 2nd -
A Japanese population @ Hawaii was not evacuated
Korematsu v. v. s . 11944 ) : Supreme Court upheld relocation as necessary for national security
6) Fighting WWI
the Big 3 ( Roosevelt , Churchill , Stalin ) meet to discuss military strategy d post -
war plans
Conference ( Jan 1943 ) would only end with
: war
→ Roosevelt d Churchill
, strong naval power ④ create the United Nations later occupied several islands
Island -
Potsdam Conference ( July 1945 ) : war in Europe was over , but Truman -
Stalin agree
Soviet almost defeated in 1942
November 1942 :
Dwight D . Eisenhower d Allied defeat Herman -
Italian army
Allied power had stronger air force
( October 1944 ) Aachen ( ( Terman City ) fell
→ Hitler 's
thousand -
Soviet union captures Berlin in April 1945 ⇒ Hitler suicide