Geographic Pattern of Typhoid Fever in India: A Model-Based Estimate of Cohort and Surveillance Data
Geographic Pattern of Typhoid Fever in India: A Model-Based Estimate of Cohort and Surveillance Data
Geographic Pattern of Typhoid Fever in India: A Model-Based Estimate of Cohort and Surveillance Data
Supplement Article
Typhoid fever has an estimated global incidence of 11–21 mil- estimated an incidence of 265 (95% CI, 217–324) cases per
lion cases annually, resulting in 120 000–160 000 deaths [1–4]. 100 000 person-years [16, 17]. There have been no population-
Enteric fever is an acute febrile illness caused by ingestion of the based typhoid incidence studies for more than a decade, and
bacterium Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi (S Typhi) or sero- there have been no prior population-based studies from rural
type Paratyphi A, B or C, often through food or water contam- areas, where the majority of people reside. A recent meta-
inated with human feces [5, 6]. The severe clinical presentations analysis, largely of facility-based studies, revealed that the pro-
of typhoid fever includes the development of sepsis, gastrointes- portion of individuals with positive blood cultures for S Typhi
tinal bleeding, intestinal perforation, and death [7, 8]. has been declining [10]. However, there remains scarce recent
A large proportion of the global burden of typhoid fever data on the incidence and geographic distribution of typhoid
is concentrated in South Asia, with a high incidence in India fever in India. This paucity of data is further complicated be-
[2–4, 9–14]. The Global Burden of Disease Study in 2017 esti- cause the geographic pattern of typhoid fever is expected to be
mated typhoid/paratyphoid incidence in India of 586 cases per highly heterogenous within the country [10, 18, 19].
100 000 person-years [4, 15]; however, these estimates extrapo- Accurate and recent estimates of typhoid fever incidence and
lated largely from regional data, because there have been few the spatial distribution in India are essential for public health de-
population-based studies in India. A 1996 study in Delhi found cision making such as vaccination strategies. The World Health
an incidence of 976 (95% confidence interval [CI], 763–1250) Organization (WHO) recently approved new Vi conjugate vac-
cases per 100 000 person-years, whereas a 2006 study in Kolkata cines against typhoid fever that provide high efficacy and dura-
tion of protection [20]. To address the need for locally relevant
data for typhoid fever burden in India to guide policy on use
of the conjugate vaccines in India, the Surveillance for Enteric
Correspondence: Nathan C. Lo, MD PhD, Division of HIV, Infectious Diseases, and Global
Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, 1001 Potrero Ave, Fever in India (SEFI) study was conducted [21, 22]. The SEFI is
SFGH Bldg 3, Room 523, San Francisco, CA 94110, USA ([email protected]).
a multisite study that used both prospective cohorts and hybrid
The Journal of Infectious Diseases® 2021;224(S5):S475–83
© The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society
surveillance designs in 10 urban and rural locations to provide
of America. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons estimates on typhoid fever incidence. Although the SEFI study
Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted
reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
sites provide high-quality typhoid fever incidence data for these
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiab187 sites, there is a need for broader estimates of typhoid burden
Weighted by
cluster size
10 SEFI sites
Cluster average prediction
missing data
in India
Figure 1. Summary of the study design for prediction of typhoid incidence in India. The study design followed the outlined process in the figure. We used Demographic
and Health Survey (DHS) data on model variables to serve as predictors of typhoid incidence. The DHS variable data were averaged at a cluster level and then interpolated
on a 5 × 5-km grid. We geographically intersected the DHS model variable data with the Surveillance for Enteric Fever in India (SEFI) data on observed typhoid incidence. We
calibrated a model to estimate the relationship between each DHS model variable and typhoid incidence, and then we utilized a backward selection algorithm for variable
selection. When the Akaike Information Criterion was minimized, we used the selected variable(s) as the predictor of typhoid incidence for the model. The rectangles refer to
input/output data. The rhomboid shape refers to data processing. The gray shaded color indicates that additional data/processing steps.
tality based on a 0.2% case-fatality rate [12]. The national incidence of typhoid fever was estimated to be 360
To test robustness in this analysis, we performed multiple cases per 100 000 person-years (95% UI, 297–494), adjusted for
sensitivity analyses. These included alternative variable selec- blood culture sensitivity. Based on this incidence, we estimated
tions and a leave-one-out analysis to determine the effect of re- 4.5 million (95% UI, 3.7–6.1 million) annual cases of typhoid
moving 1 study site on the overall typhoid incidence prediction. fever with approximately 8930 deaths (95% UI, 7360–12 260),
assuming a 0.2% case-fatality rate. The mean typhoid incidence
Ethic Statement in urban settings was 770 cases per 100 000 person-years (95%
East Champaran
N Vadu
Figure 2. Spatial distribution of the 10 Surveillance for Enteric Fever in India (SEFI) study sites in India. The circles indicate the location of the 10 SEFI sites. The pink circles
refer to 4 cohort study sites in Tier 1, and orange circles refer to 6 hybrid surveillance surveillance study sites in Tier 2. The size of the circles were categorized in 3 levels
of incidence: fewer than 200 cases per 100 000 person-years (small circle), 201–1000 cases per 100 000 person-years (medium circle), and over 1000 cases per 100 000
person-years (large circle).
cohort and 6 hybrid surveillance studies, while incorporating in larger urban centers that may be related to living conditions
data from a national health survey to use as predictors of ty- such as density, sanitation, and other environmental factors, al-
phoid incidence. The key study limitation was a modest sample though there was still typhoid fever found in rural areas. Prior
size to calibrate our model, which mainly relied on urbanicity epidemiologic work has demonstrated the risk of typhoid fever
alone to predict typhoid fever incidence. Our national estimate in urban centers [9, 19]. This suggests a higher risk in these
on incidence of typhoid fever in India is generally consistent areas, which may support prioritization of vaccination in these
with previous studies and supports that there is a large burden settings [37]. We also found a relationship between typhoid in-
of typhoid fever in India that would benefit from national cidence and growth metrics, vaccination, and improved toilet/
vaccination. water; some of these variables may have a causal relationship
Our findings suggest substantial variation of typhoid inci- with typhoid fever infection, but they also may only be correl-
dence across the country. We found higher incidence in urban ated with risk factors for typhoid fever, and this analysis is lim-
centers in the north and southwestern states and lower inci- ited by a small sample size.
dence in northern rural regions driven largely by the single WHO now recommends introducing typhoid conjugate
model variable of urbanicity. This urban-rural disparity high- vaccines in areas with high typhoid incidence [38]. Prior
lights that the burden of typhoid fever in India is predominately cost-effectiveness models have found that typhoid conjugate
B Predicted incidence
40 000
30 000
20 000
10 000
Predicted incidence
per 100,000 person-years
< 200 0
200 – 299 N
300 – 499 0 500 1000 1500
0 240 480 960 Kilometers
500 – 699
Incidence (typhoid fever cases per 100,000 person-years)
Figure 3. Predicted incidence of typhoid fever in India. We calibrated a statistical model to predict typhoid fever incidence in India using data from 10 Surveillance for
Enteric Fever in India study sites. We used a log linear regression model to predict typhoid incidence across the country using secondary data obtained from Demographic
and Health Survey in India. The estimated incidence was at 5 × 5-km grid level and was aggregated at state level and mapped in (a). The histogram of incidence at original
grid level was visualized in (b).
done through comparison to the state urban population data Supplementary materials are available at The Journal of Infectious
from the Indian Ministry of Home Affairs [42]. Supplementary Diseases online. Consisting of data provided by the authors to
Table S5 in the Appendix shows our computed urban pop- benefit the reader, the posted materials are not copyedited and
ulation and data from the national India Census, which were are the sole responsibility of the authors, so questions or com-
overall comparable. We constrained the number of predictors ments should be addressed to the corresponding author.