Mechanical Properties and Water Absorption of Short Snake Grass Fiber Reinforced Isophthallic Polyester Composites

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Mechanical Properties and Water Absorption of Short Snake Grass Fiber

Reinforced Isophthallic Polyester Composites

Article  in  Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites · August 2013

DOI: 10.1177/0731684413485826


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4 authors:

Sathishkumar T P P. Navaneethakrishnan
Kongu Engineering College Kongu Engineering College


Shankar Subramaniam R. Rajasekar

Kongu Engineering College Chonbuk National University


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Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites

Mechanical properties and water absorption of snake grass longitudinal fiber reinforced isophthalic
polyester composites
TP Sathishkumar, P Navaneethakrishnan, S Shankar and R Rajasekar
Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 2013 32: 1211 originally published online 30 April 2013
DOI: 10.1177/0731684413485826

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Original Article
Journal of Reinforced Plastics
and Composites

Mechanical properties and water 32(16) 1211–1223

! The Author(s) 2013
Reprints and permissions:
absorption of snake grass longitudinal
DOI: 10.1177/0731684413485826
fiber reinforced isophthalic

polyester composites

TP Sathishkumar1, P Navaneethakrishnan1, S Shankar2 and

R Rajasekar1

Natural fiber reinforced composites have replaced the existing conventional materials due to its light weight and
enhanced load-bearing capabilities. In the present work, the newly identified snake grass (Sansevieria ehrenbergii) fiber-
reinforced isophthalic polyester composites are prepared by simple hand lay-up method with different fiber weight
fractions. The mechanical properties like tensile strength, flexural strength and modulus are analyzed for the longitudinal
and transverse direction according to the prescribed standards. The obtained tensile strength and modulus are com-
pared with the theoretically predicted values. The impact strength and energy absorption of the composites are analyzed
and compared with control. The water uptake of pure and fiber incorporated resin under varying time period and
climatic conditions are examined. The experimental results proves that the composites containing high fiber weight
content contribute to remarkable increase in mechanical properties and water absorption capabilities compared to

Mechanical characterization, natural fibers, composites, water absorption

for usage in household appliances.5 Polyester compos-
Environmental awareness around the world focuses on ites had been developed using green husk coir fiber with
the effective usage of the natural fiber reinforced poly- different length and content. The results showed that
ester composites for commercial applications. In last fiber content had major role on the mechanical proper-
two decades, the usage of natural cellulous fibers such ties than fiber length.6 The tensile strength of the
as hemp, jute, ramie, sisal, flax, kenaf, cotton, coir, random and longitudinal oriented sisal7 and jute
abaca, pineapple, banana, flax, etc., are increased for fiber8 based polyester composites were compared
several applications. Many unknown natural fibers pos- with various volume fractions. The maximum tensile
sess good mechanical properties compared to existing
fibers.1 The mechanical properties and fiber pullout of
randomly oriented snake grass fiber reinforced polyes- 1
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kongu Engineering College,
ter composites2 and combination of snake grass, coir Erode, Tamil Nadu, India
and banana fibers reinforced hybrid polyester compos- 2
Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Kongu Engineering College,
ites3 were increased with different volume fractions. Erode, Tamil Nadu, India
The chemically treated longitudinal fiber reinforced
polyester composites have higher tensile strength than Corresponding author:
TP Sathishkumar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kongu
the raw fiber composites.4 The mechanical properties of Engineering College, Kongu College Rd, Kumaran Nagar, Erode 638052,
the prepared sisal, jute and coir fiber reinforced poly- Tamil Nadu, India.
ester/epoxy composites were studied and recommended Email: [email protected]

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1212 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 32(16)

strength was achieved for longitudinally oriented fiber preparation. The distinctive properties of the isophtha-
composite. Hemp fiber polyester composites were pre- lic polyester resin and fiber are shown in Tables 1 and 2.
pared using resin transfer molding technique. The com-
posites showed remarkable improvement in flexural
Composite preparation
and impact properties.9 Treated fique fiber was found
to have strong interfacial bonding with polyester resin, The simple hand lay-up technique is adapted to prepare
which indeed resulted in high static and dynamic mech- the composite specimen with various weight contents
anical properties.10 The interlaminar shear strength of likes 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%, respectively. About
jute fiber was improved by chemical treatment.11 The 1% of catalyst and accelerators are used to cure the
physical and mechanical properties of sisal fiber12 and isophthalic polyester resin.2,3 Steel dies are designed
banana fiber13 reinforced thermoset and plastic com- to prepare the composite specimens. Fiber orientation
posites were compared with the theoretical models. and uniformity in the composites is maintained by lon-
The water and chemical solvent was used as absorp- gitudinal fiber orientation attachment to achieve the
tion medium to examine the mechanical properties of unidirectional material property. The resin is poured
coir fiber polyester composites.14 The water absorption over the fiber in female die and two rollers are used
of polyester–sisal fiber composites prepared using dif- to entrap all the air bubbles. Then the closed mould
ferent surface modifiers was analyzed.15 Kinetics of is kept on the hydraulic press and the compressive pres-
water absorption in hemp fiber,16 woven banana sure is applied for 4 h at atmospheric temperature.
fiber17 polyester composites and lantana camara fiber Finally the fibers are reinforced with the polyester
epoxy composites18 were studied. The mechanical prop- resin within the mould cavity of dimensions
erties of roselle/sisal polyester hybrid composites were 300  300  3 mm3. The composite plate is then post-
decreased after water absorption.19 The thermal and cured for 1 h in oven and the final shape of the com-
mechanical properties of random and quasi-unidirec- posite plate is obtained. The longitudinal oriented
tional oriented phormium tenax fiber epoxy composites
were studied. The maximum mechanical properties was
found in unidirectional than random orientation.20 The
effect of fiber length and fiber content on the mechan-
ical properties of banana fiber epoxy composites21 and Table 1. The distinctive properties of the isophthalic polyester
Sansevieria cylindrica fiber polyester composites22 were resin.
examined. With regard to application aspects, different
S. No Properties Unit Range
interior and exterior components of the automobiles23
can be replaced with the help of natural fiber reinforced 1. Specific gravity – 1.1–1.46
composites. 2. Density kg/m3 1125
Many research works had been carried out on nat- 3. Tensile strength as per MPa 16–18
ural fiber based polymer composites, but the studies on ASTM standard
the development of snake grass fiber based composite 4. Tensile modulus as per GPa 0.25–0.4
constitutes in lesser dimension. The main objective of ASTM standard
this article is to prepare the longitudinal snake grass 5. Compressive strength MPa 90–250
fiber reinforced polyester composites (LSGC). 6. Flexural strength as per MPa 30
Mechanical properties and water absorption of the pre- ASTM standard
pared composites at different climatic conditions has 7. Flexural modulus as per GPa 1.1–1.4
been analyzed. In addition, the obtained experimental ASTM standard
tensile strength and modulus are compared with theor- 8. Shrinkage % 0.004–0.008
etically predicted values.

Materials Table 2. The physical and tensile properties of snake grass fiber.

Snake grass fiber (S. ehrenbergii fiber) and resin Properties Snake grass fiber
Snake grass fibers, which are abundantly available in Density (kg/m3) 887
Tamilnadu, southern part of the India, are extracted by Diameter (mm) 45–250
the simple water retting process. Commercially avail- Tensile strength (MPa) 240–450
able isophthalic unsaturated polyester resin, accelerator Tensile modulus (GPa) 6.42
– methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (MEKP) and catalyst – %Elongation 2.87
cobalt naphthalene are used for the composite

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Sathishkumar et al. 1213

snake grass fiber reinforced composites as shown The percentage weight gain of water absorption in
in Figure 1. the composites is calculated at different time interval by
using the following equation.17,18

Experimental procedure %M ¼
ðWt  Wo Þ
 100 ð1Þ
Mechanical properties
Mechanical properties such as tensile, flexural and where Wo and Wt denotes the initial dry weight of the
impact properties are measured based on the ASTM sample and weight of the sample after specific time (t)
standards. The tensile properties are measured based in water.
on the ASTM D 638 standards4,18 and the sample
size is 165  12.7  3 mm3.18 The electronic tensometer
Scanning electron microscope
setup is used to perform the tensile testing with a cross-
head speed of 1 mm/min using the load cell of 5 kN. The fracture morphology of pure resin, untreated and
Three-point bending testing is used to measure the flex- treated SGFs composites are examined using scanning
ural properties as per ASTM D 790 standards. The electron microscope (SEM, model: JEOL JSM-6390).
sample size is 48  12.7  3 mm3 with the depth to The facture zones of the specimens are cut into dimen-
width ratio of 16:1. In bending test, the load cell of sion of 1  1 cm2. The fracture ends of the tensile and
2 kN is used with the cross head speed of 2.5 mm/min. impact specimens of the composites are mounted on
The impact properties are measured based on ASTM aluminium stubs in SEM machine for taking image.
D-256.6,8,15 The sample size is 64  12.7  3 mm3. Five
specimens are used for testing and the average values of
the properties are reported in this article. Results and discussion
Effect of longitudinal tensile strength and modulus
Water absorption of composites of the longitudinal snake grass fiber reinforced
Water absorption tests are carried out with different
time periods and different climatic conditions such as The tensile properties of the LSGC are measured for
cold at 10 C, room temperature (25 C) and hot at the various fiber Wf and the resulting plots and SEM
60 C.15 The specimens are prepared based on ASTM images are shown in Figures 2 to 6. Figure 2 shows the
D570 standard. The sample size is 64  12.7  3 mm3.20 variation of longitudinal tensile strength versus tensile
The specimens are taken periodically and a tissue paper strain of LSGC. The stress increases linearly with
is used to remove the surface water of the composites. respect to strain for all Wf cases. The increase in fiber
The percentage of weight absorption is calculated Wf shows increase in tensile strength and strain. In ten-
at different time intervals.18,19 sile strength, the percentage increase between the pure

Figure 2. Longitudinal tensile stress versus strain of LSGC.

Figure 1. Longitudinal oriented snake grass fiber reinforced LSGC: longitudinal snake grass fiber reinforced polyester
composites plate. composites.

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1214 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 32(16)

Figure 3. Longitudinal tensile properties of LSGC.

LSGC: longitudinal snake grass fiber reinforced polyester composites.

Figure 4. The SEM image of tensile fractured specimen: (a) pure resin and (b) 40%Wf of fiber.
SEM: scanning electron microscopy.

resin to 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%Wf are 56.8%, The maximum tensile strength and strain has
72.8%, 79.9%, 83.2% and 78.60%, respectively. been observed for the 40%Wf fiber loaded composite
However, very marginal increase in tensile strength (Figure 3). Gradual increase in loading of fiber in the
has been observed for the fiber loading above resin leads to gradual increase in tensile modulus. The
30%Wf. The obtained tensile strength is found much percentage improvements in tensile modulus between
higher as compared to the earlier reported.4 Similarly in the pure resin to the corresponding Wf of composites
tensile strain, the percentage increases between the pure are 49.3%, 59.2%, 64.7% and 65.6% respectively. The
resin to the corresponding Wf are 14.9%, 33.4%, 44%, improvement in modulus is higher compared to earlier
51.3% and 44%, respectively. The increase in Wf leads report.4 The tensile strength, modulus and elongation
to more fiber accumulation in the composites. The at break of the composites shows 6, 2.9 and 2 times
breakage of composites in the beginning takes little higher compared to pure resin. Hence, it proves that
more strain to failure due to less interaction between addition of fiber in the resin significantly increases the
fiber and matrix at higher tensile load. tensile strength of the composite. But more fiber

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Sathishkumar et al. 1215

Figure 5. Longitudinal specific tensile modulus and strength versus volume fraction of LSGC.
LSGC: longitudinal snake grass fiber reinforced polyester composites.

Figure 6. Transverse tensile properties of LSGC.

LSGC: longitudinal snake grass fiber reinforced polyester composites.

(50%Wf) in the composites decreases the tensile proper- results for the longitudinally oriented fiber reinforced
ties. The SEM image of the tensile fracture specimen polyester composites are compared with the polyester
and pure resin are shown in Figure 4. The fibers and composites containing randomly oriented short fibers2
fibers pull out is more in composites. The obtained with same Wf. The percentage improvement between

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1216 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 32(16)

Figure 7. Composite strength versus volume fraction (Vf) of LSGC.

LSGC: longitudinal snake grass fiber reinforced polyester composites.

them is 118.4 and 97.1 for tensile strength and modulus. of transverse tensile modulus between the pure resin
Hence the tensile properties of longitudinally oriented to 40%Wf is 24.1% and it is 2.2 times less than the
fiber reinforced polyester composites in longitudinal longitudinal tensile strength of composites. Increase in
direction are higher than the randomly oriented short fiber Wf shows gradual increase in tensile modulus. The
fiber composites. obtained transverse tensile strength of unidirectional
Specific tensile strength and modulus of pure and fiber composite is 7 to 8 times lesser than the tensile
fiber-filled resin are shown in Figure 5. Specific ten- strength of longitudinal direction.8
sile strength of LSGC increases linearly with increase
in Wf of fiber. Highest tensile strength is found for
the composites containing 40%Wf of fiber. The per- Comparison of experimental and theoretically
centage improvements in specific tensile strength
predicted tensile strength
between the pure resin and corresponding Wf are
57.4%, 75%, 82.4% and 85.9%, respectively. The The experimental and theoretical value of longitudinal
specific tensile modulus also increases linearly with and transverse tensile strength of LSGC is shown in
respect to Wf of snake grass fiber for all composites. Figures 7 and 8. Figure 7 shows the composite strength
The percentage improvement between the resin and versus volume fraction (Vf) of the longitudinal fiber
corresponding Wf are 54.6%, 64.9%, 70.9% and composites. The theoretically predicted tensile strength
72.7%, respectively. is higher than the experimental values of unidirectional
oriented fiber composite. The percentage difference
between the theoretical and experimental tensile
Effect of transverse tensile strength and modulus strength of longitudinally oriented fiber composites
are 20.5% for 13.5%Vf, 27.3% for 27%Vf, 25.9% at
of the LSGC 40%Vf and 27.9% at 51%Vf, respectively. The
The transverse tensile strength of LSGC is shown in obtained result shows high deviation between the
Figure 6. Increasing the fiber Wf decreases the tensile experimental and theoretical values. High fiber loading
strength of the composite. Resin containing 40%Wf in resin leads to less adhesion between the fiber and
fiber shows 10.2% decrease in tensile strength com- matrix. Hence, fiber pullout is more for composites
pared to pure resin and 6.3 times lesser than the value containing high fiber content. The obtained transverse
obtained for longitudinal direction. Also increasing the tensile strength of LSGC also reveals similar results.
fiber Wf (50%) in composites leads to decrease the The theoretical transverse tensile strength is less than
strength and modulus. The percentage improvement the experimental values for all fiber Vf. The theoretical

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Sathishkumar et al. 1217

Figure 8. Composite modulus versus volume fraction of LSGC.

LSGC: longitudinal snake grass fiber reinforced polyester composites.

values are obtained by using the rule of mixture of the theoretical Young’s modulus of matrix and fiber.
longitudinal fiber composite.12,24 Theoretically calculated longitudinal Young’s modulus
Longitudinal mixture at 40% Vf is 48.6% higher and transverse Young’s
modulus at 40%Vf is 13.7% higher than the experimen-
LC ¼ f Vf þ m Vm ð2Þ tal values. The fiber accumulation increases the fiber
matrix delamination very quickly in the composite test-
ELC ¼ Ef Vf þ Em Vm ð3Þ ing. The experimental value is studied up to 51%Vf
because if the Vf increases more than a critical value
Transverse mixture the thickness of the composite also increases and the
matrix dispersion is not uniform during composite
m preparation.
TC ¼ " # ð4Þ
1Vf ð1ðEm =Ef ÞÞ
1 ð4Vf =Þ½1ðEm =Ef Þ Effect of impact strength of the LSGC
1 Figure 9 shows the impact strength of LSGC. The
ETC ¼ Vf Vm
ð5Þ impact resistance increases linearly with increasing
Ef þ Em fiber Wf. The percentage improvement between the
resin to the Wf of fiber-filled composites are 47.2%,
where  LC,  TC,  f and  m are strength of composite, 60.8%, 68.7%, 72.9% and 66.5%, respectively. The
fiber and matrix expressed in MPa, ELC, ETC, Ef and maximum improvement is achieved for the 40% Wf
Em are Young’s modulus of composite, fiber and matrix fiber loaded composites, which is 3.7 times greater
expressed in GPa, VC, Vf and Vm are volume fraction than the pure resin. The percentage improvements
of the composite, fiber and matrix, respectively. T and between the Wf of fiber loaded composites are 29.7%,
C are transverse and longitudinal fiber composite, 21.4%, 13.2% and 23.26%, respectively. It is found
respectively. that the percentage improvement decreases with
Figure 8 shows the experimental and theoretical increase in Wf of fiber.
Young’s modulus values for the unidirectional fiber The impact energy increases linearly with increasing
reinforced composites. The experimental Young’s Wf of fiber. The percentage improvement between the
modulus tested in longitudinal direction is less com- pure resin to Wf are 44.4%, 60.9%, 68.9%, 73% and
pared to theoretical modulus and higher than trans- 57.3%, respectively. The impact energy of composite in
verse modulus of the composite. The result shows 40% Wf of snake grass fiber content is 3.7 times higher
that the experimental Young’s modulus lie in between than pure resin. So the maximum improvement

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1218 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 32(16)

Figure 9. Impact resistance and energy versus fiber weight fraction of LSGC.
LSGC: longitudinal snake grass fiber reinforced polyester composites.

between the pure resin to 40%Wf is 73%. The impact of 5.6% is obtained at 40%Wf. The improvement in
resistance and energy is increased with fiber Wf. The strain rate between the pure resin to 40%Wf is
impact load is evenly distributed in unidirectional 37.7%. The flexural strength does not show much
fiber composites. The higher fiber content leads to improvement for fiber Wf beyond 30%. This may be
more crack path and absorb more energy. Hence the due to less quantity of matrix isolated in the composite.
composites can sustain maximum dynamic load due to The maximum flexural strength and strain is obtained
the maximum fiber content present (40%Wf) in the at 40%Wf fiber containing composite and it is 5.7 times
composites. If the fiber Wf is more than 40%, it greater than the pure resin.
decreases the impact properties. The SEM image of In Figure 12, the flexural modulus increases linearly
impact fractured specimen of the pure resin and fiber with increasing fiber Wf. The percentage improvement
containing composites are shown in Figure 10. The of modulus between the resin and Wf of fiber contain-
fiber and fiber pull out is more in the fracture zone of ing composites are 25.8%, 57.1%, 70%, 82.5% and
the specimen. 65.6%, respectively. The maximum flexural modulus
is obtained for 40%Wf, which is 3.6 times greater
than the pure resin. It is clear that the less adhesion
Effect of flexural strength of LSGC between the fibers and polyester is the reason for
Figures 11 and 12 show the longitudinal flexural more strain to failure and maximum fiber pullout.
strength and modulus of LSGC. Figure 11 shows the Also the flexural properties of the longitudinally ori-
flexural strength versus strain for the LSGC and it is ented fiber reinforced polyester composites in longitu-
almost increases with increase in strain. It is absorbed dinal direction are higher than the randomly oriented
that the flexural strength gradually increases with short fiber composites.2 The percentage improvement
increase in fiber Wf of the composites. The percentage between them is 15.75 and 32.43 for flexural strength
improvement between the resin and Wf of fiber contain- and modulus, respectively.
ing composites are 22.2%, 61.8%, 80.5%, 82.5% and
77.56%, respectively. The flexural load increases with
Effect of water absorption of the LSGC
increase in Wf and the maximum load of 200 N is
obtained at 40% Wf, which is 5.7 times greater than The trends of moisture absorption for 10%, 20%, 30%
the pure resin. The flexural strain increases with incre- and 40% Wf of LSGC under different environmental
ment in weight fraction of fiber. Maximum strain rate conditions are shown in Figure 13. The average values

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Sathishkumar et al. 1219

Figure 10. The SEM image of impact fractured specimen: (a) pure resin and (b) 40%Wf of fiber.
SEM: scanning electron microscopy.

Figure 11. Flexural strength versus strain of LSGC.

LSGC: longitudinal snake grass fiber reinforced polyester composites.

of three specimens are considered to plot the curve for of fiber in the composites is responsible for increase in
all the composites. The maximum water absorption the number of free OH groups. It comes into contact
takes place at higher fiber loading composites. For all with the moisture and forms hydrogen bonding which
the three environmental conditions, the maximum results in more swelling. It can be clearly seen that the
water absorption is obtained at 40%Wf. However, the water absorption normally increases with immersion
initial rate of water absorption is found higher at hot time. The weight of the composite is not found to
condition (60 C) (Figure 13(c)). The acceleration of increase more than a certain value beyond the satur-
water uptake of LSGC is based on four factors such ation point. The acceleration of diffusion of water
as hydrophilicity of fiber cellulous, lumen, microcracks molecules into the composite is purely time and tem-
in fiber and adhesion between fiber and matrix. The Wf perature dependent. Elevated temperature increases the

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1220 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 32(16)

Figure 12. Longitudinal flexural properties of LSGC.

LSGC: longitudinal snake grass fiber reinforced polyester composites.

Figure 13. Water absorption versus square root of time period of LSGC at different conditions.
LSGC: longitudinal snake grass fiber reinforced polyester composites.

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Sathishkumar et al. 1221

Table 3. The water absorption properties of LSGC in different environmental conditions.

Kinetics of water absorption Transports coefficients

coefficient Sorption Permeability
Fiber  1010 coefficient coefficient
Environment Wf (%) M (%) n k (D) (m2/min) (S) (g/g) P) (m2/min)

Cold water at 10 C 10 2.78 0.50310 0.15338 1.9778 0.027778 5.4939  1012
20 6.11 0.43030 0.20189 3.5087 0.061111 2.1442  1011
30 9.92 0.42705 0.18300 5.0359 0.099237 4.9975  1011
40 14.24 0.34125 0.25910 5.9202 0.142433 8.4323  1011
Normal water at atmospheric 10 3.95 0.66851 0.11190 2.5365 0.041121 1.0430  1011
20 9.03 0.45222 0.16588 3.3654 0.099236 3.3397  1011
30 14.29 0.38153 0.22458 5.4453 0.166666 9.0754  1011
40 20.91 0.45780 0.18279 7.8753 0.264406 2.0822  1010
Hot water at 60 C 10 4.67 0.68561 0.11206 2.6050 0.046729 1.2173  1011
20 13.11 0.56884 0.14434 5.0543 0.130769 6.6094  1011
30 23.41 0.54562 0.16255 8.3768 0.233766 1.9582  1010
40 34.22 0.29920 0.32315 0.1248 0.341935 4.2690  1010

activation of diffusion due to formation of microcracks In equation (6), k and n are constant and explains
or voids in the composites, which in turn weakens the the mechanism of diffusion which takes place inside the
adhesion between the fiber and matrix. In these three natural fiber reinforced polyester composite. In Table 3,
conditions, the time taken for reaching the saturation the value of k and n constants explains the mechanism
point of water absorption is not equal. The saturation of diffusion that takes place inside the natural fiber
time is approximately 80 h, 60 h, 40 h under cold, reinforced polyester composites. The k denotes the
normal and hot water absorptions. The maximum interaction between the polymer and water, n denotes
water absorption for 40%Wf is 14.2%, 20.9%, 34.2% the mode of diffusion take place in the composites. The
under cold, normal and hot water, respectively. The value of n should lie in between 0 and 1. If the value of
percentage of water observed for all composites is n ¼ 0.5, the diffusion is Fickian, from 0.5  1, the diffu-
listed in Table 3. The percentage absorption of water sion is non-Fickian and n > 1, the diffusion is said to be
for the fiber-filled composites enhances with increasing anomalous.15,18 The values of n and k for water sorp-
Wf. Composites containing fibers of 20%, 30%, tion for the LSGC are given in Table 3. The low and
40%Wf shows 119.8%, 256%, 412% (cold water) high value of n clearly shows that the mechanism of
128.6%, 261.8%, 429.4% (normal water) and transport deviates from the Fickian. The fiber Wf
180.7%, 401.3%, 632.7% (hot water) increase in increases with decrease in n values. It is also clear
water uptake compared to 10%Wf of fiber-filled com- that the n value deviates from the Fickian, which results
posites (Figure 13). From the experimental results, it in more diffusion of water absorption further improv-
proves that rate of water absorption increases with tem- ing molecular motion in the composites. The percent-
perature and time. age of water absorption is increased at higher
temperatures and it can be attributed to the relaxation
mechanism in the polymer for distorting the polymer
Kinetics of water absorption. The kinetics and diffusion network.18 Also k values increases the water–polymer
mechanism of water absorptions are obtained based interaction in the composites.
on curve fitting using the experimental values and
Fickans theory.15,17 The values of n and k are essential Transport coefficients in water absorption. The transport
factors which are analyzed from the following coefficients are determined for all environmental condi-
equation.15,17 tions. The diffusion coefficient (D)15,17,18 is the most
important parameter of Fickian model, which explains
  the penetration of water molecules inside the compos-
Mt ite. ‘D’ can be obtained by values measured from the
log ¼ log k þ n log t ð6Þ
Mm curve of moisture absorption in percentage (M) with

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1222 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 32(16)

square root of time taken. In this the initial linear por- Table 3 gives the values of permeability coefficient
tion of the curve fit is consistent with Boltzman’s solu- of fiber Wf of the composites. The increase in perme-
tion.17 The following equation is used to determine the ability leads to less fiber–matrix interaction and also the
D value. presence of more fiber content in the composites.

Mt 4 tDX
¼ pffiffiffi ð7Þ
Mm  h2
The LSGC is prepared with various fiber Wf. The
where Mm is the equilibrium absorption of moisture mechanical properties and water uptake under different
content in the sample, Mt is the moisture content at a environmental conditions are analyzed. The following
specified time t, Dx is the moisture diffusion coefficient conclusions are obtained from the experimental and
and h is the sample thickness. The ability of water mol- theoretical observations.
ecules to imprecate among the polymer segments is
determined by the diffusion coefficient. Finally, the dif- . The tensile strength and modulus of the LSGC
fusion coefficient can be calculated from the following improves with gradual increase in fiber weight frac-
equation.15,17,20 tions of the composites. The maximum values are
achieved for composites containing 40%Wf of
   fiber. The composites are subjected to longitudinal
h 2 M2  M1 2 and transverse modes of testing. The results show
D¼ pffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffi ð8Þ
4Mm t2  t1 that the longitudinal tensile strength and modulus
are comparatively higher than the transverse values
where t1 and t2 are selected square root of time taken
of LSGC. Theoretically predicted tensile strength
for water absorption of points in the initial linear por-
and modulus of LSGC are higher than the obtained
tion, M2 and M1 is the respective percentage of mois-
experimental values. Also the mechanical properties
ture content at time t1,2.17 The fiber Wf increases the
of the longitudinally oriented fiber reinforced poly-
diffusion coefficient (Table 3). The diffusion coefficient
ester composites are higher than the randomly ori-
for the hot water absorption is found to be higher com-
ented short fiber composites.
pared to cold and normal water absorption. The higher
. The flexural strength and modulus of LSGC
fiber loading of LSGC can have higher cellulous con-
increases with increase in Wf of fiber. Composites
tent which leads to greater diffusivity. The hot water
containing 40%Wf fiber shows maximum flexural
can quickly diffuse inside the composites, where it
strength and modulus. The strain rate has been
entraps inside fiber cellulose and polymer chains.
found higher for more fiber containing composites.
Hence, it results in more diffusivity values. The perme-
. The impact load is applied on the composite speci-
ability of small water molecules into the polymer is
mens perpendicular to the fiber direction, which
dependent on diffusion and sorption or solubility17,18
absorbs more impact energy. The impact resistance
of the liquid in the polymer.
and energy gradually increases with increase in fiber
The sorption coefficients can be calculated by the Wf. The maximum properties are obtained at
following equation. 40%Wf.
. In water absorption, the percentage of moisture
M1 absorption, mode of diffusion, sorption and perme-
S¼ ð9Þ
Mp ability coefficients increases with gradual increase in
fiber Wf the composites and immersion time. From
where S is the sorption coefficient, M1 is the mass of the extensive analysis results, it shows that hot water
the water molecules taken up at equilibrium swelling absorption is predominantly higher than the other
and Mp is the initial mass of the polymer sample. two. Hence, the optimum weight fraction of LSGC
The value of sorption coefficient (S) of the LSGC is is achieved for 40%Wf fiber containing composites.
given in Table 3. The increase in fiber Wf increases the
value of S i.e. the water molecules absorbed in the com- Funding
posites are more. The permeability (P) is the product of This research received no specific grant from any
sorption and diffusion coefficient. funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit
The permeability of the polymer composite to water sectors.
absorption can be expressed by the following equation.
Conflict of interest
P¼SD ð10Þ None declared.

Downloaded from by Shankar S on September 11, 2013

Sathishkumar et al. 1223

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