The client, a widowed woman who had a facelift 25 years ago, is considering another facelift at age 55 to look young again. The nurse's short term goal is for the client to recognize and incorporate her body image change into an accurate self-concept without negatively impacting her self-esteem. The long term goal is for the client to accept and adapt to her actual body image after 3 weeks of nursing intervention. The nurse will evaluate the client's knowledge, observe for emotional changes, and encourage the expression of feelings to enhance coping strategies.
The client, a widowed woman who had a facelift 25 years ago, is considering another facelift at age 55 to look young again. The nurse's short term goal is for the client to recognize and incorporate her body image change into an accurate self-concept without negatively impacting her self-esteem. The long term goal is for the client to accept and adapt to her actual body image after 3 weeks of nursing intervention. The nurse will evaluate the client's knowledge, observe for emotional changes, and encourage the expression of feelings to enhance coping strategies.
The client, a widowed woman who had a facelift 25 years ago, is considering another facelift at age 55 to look young again. The nurse's short term goal is for the client to recognize and incorporate her body image change into an accurate self-concept without negatively impacting her self-esteem. The long term goal is for the client to accept and adapt to her actual body image after 3 weeks of nursing intervention. The nurse will evaluate the client's knowledge, observe for emotional changes, and encourage the expression of feelings to enhance coping strategies.
The client, a widowed woman who had a facelift 25 years ago, is considering another facelift at age 55 to look young again. The nurse's short term goal is for the client to recognize and incorporate her body image change into an accurate self-concept without negatively impacting her self-esteem. The long term goal is for the client to accept and adapt to her actual body image after 3 weeks of nursing intervention. The nurse will evaluate the client's knowledge, observe for emotional changes, and encourage the expression of feelings to enhance coping strategies.
Subjective: Disturbed body image Short Term: Independent Goal Met
“I had a facelift when I related to After 4 hours of nursing Assess mental and Some conditions can After 4 hours of nursing was 55 and looked developmental intervention, the client physical influence of have a profound effect intervention the client great, so I’m thinking maturational changes as will recognize and condition on the client’s on one’s emotions and was able to recognize about having another evidenced by incorporate body image emotional state. need to be considered and incorporate body one so that I can look verbalization of wanting change into self concept in the evaluation of the image change into self- young again.” as to look young again in accurate manner individual’s behavior concept in accurate verbalized by the client without negating self and reaction to current manner without esteem. condition negating self-esteem. Objective: Facelift operation 25 Long Term: Evaluate the level of It can indicate years ago After 3 weeks of nursing client’s knowledge of acceptance or intervention, the client the situation. Observe nonacceptance of the Widowed, just lost her will be able to emotional changes. situation. husband this year demonstrate acceptance and Encourage client to Expression of feelings adaptation to actual express feelings, can enhance the body image. especially about the patient’s coping way she feels, think of strategies. views self.
Work with client’s self- Positive reinforcement
concept, avoiding moral encourages client to judgements regarding continue efforts and client’s efforts or strive for improvement. progress.
Discuss with patient The patient
about the normalcy of experiencing a body body image changes. image change needs new information to support cognitive appraisal to change. Collaborative note signs of grieving or To evaluate the need indicators of severe or for counseling and or prolonged depression medications.
Discuss the availability
of surgeries or other To provide hope and to referrals as dictated by minimize body changes the individual situation. and enhance appearance. Begin counseling as soon as possible. To provide early or ongoing sources of Refer to appropriate support. support groups.