World Burn: From: "Mean Girls (Musical) "
World Burn: From: "Mean Girls (Musical) "
World Burn: From: "Mean Girls (Musical) "
World Burn
(from Mean Girls)
NOTICE: Purchasers of this musical file are entitled to use it for their personal enjoyment and musical fulfillment. However, any
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from Mean Girls
Words by Nell Benjamin
Music by Jeff Richmond
My name is Re - gi - na George.
Am D /A A m D /A A m E 7/A
11 E7 B 7 E7 B 7
This is what I get for help - ing, help - ing some - one lame fit in.
31 A m6 F /A C /G E 7sus E 7
I wan - na watch the world burn, and ev - ’ry - one get mean.
33 A m F C G
I wan - na watch the world burn. I got the gas - o - line. I wan - na
35 D A m C maj7
Ca-dy, time to watch your back. Ca-dy, time to turn and cough. Be-cause you took me down.
C /E C (add2)/E E 5 E 7(no3) A m/E E 5 E 7 E 7 5
47 Fm B 7 D A B 7
My name is Re - gi - na George. And, in case you’re keep-ing score: Ca - dy may have won the bat - tle but
Am C Bm/D E (N.C.)
Faster still
55 C 5 C 5/E F 5 F 5/A G 5
57 C 5 C 5/E F 5 F 5/A G 5
mean. Mean.
N.C. Em G69
A Em G69 A