Acquity UPLC H-Class Binary Solvent Manager

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Binary Solvent Manager Operator’s Overview

and Maintenance Information
Revision A

Copyright © Waters Corporation 2011

All rights reserved
Copyright notice
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and
should not be construed as a commitment by Waters Corporation. Waters
Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this
document. This document is believed to be complete and accurate at the time
of publication. In no event shall Waters Corporation be liable for incidental or
consequential damages in connection with, or arising from, its use.

Table of Contents
Copyright notice ................................................................................................... ii

Overview ................................................................................................................ 1
Flow rate accuracy ............................................................................................... 4
Delay volume and mixing characteristics........................................................... 5
Intelligent intake valves...................................................................................... 5
Connections INSIGHT® and ACQUITY UPLC Console diagnostics ................ 5
Location of binary solvent manager in an example ACQUITY UPLC system. 6
Major components................................................................................................ 7
Flow path through the solvent management system......................................... 9

Preparing the binary solvent manager ........................................................ 10

Installing the waste and degasser vent tubing ................................................ 11
Connecting to the solvent supply ...................................................................... 13
Performing a seal-wash prime .......................................................................... 15
Priming the binary solvent manager ................................................................ 17
Priming a dry binary solvent manager............................................................. 18
Priming a wetted binary solvent manager ....................................................... 20
Washing the plungers........................................................................................ 21

Using the binary solvent manager ................................................................. 22

Installation recommendations for fittings........................................................ 22
Resolving leak sensor errors (optional) ............................................................ 25

Maintaining the binary solvent manager .................................................... 31

Contacting Waters technical service................................................................. 31
Maintenance schedule ....................................................................................... 32
Maintenance considerations.............................................................................. 34
Configuring maintenance warnings ................................................................. 34
Replacing the leak sensor.................................................................................. 35
Replacing the mixer ........................................................................................... 39
Replacing the i2Valve actuator ......................................................................... 41
Replacing the i2Valve cartridge ........................................................................ 53
Replacing the in-line filter cartridge on the i2Valve actuator ......................... 65

Table of Contents iii

Replacing the accumulator check valve............................................................ 69
Replacing solvent reservoir filters .................................................................... 72
Cleaning the air filters in the binary solvent manager door ........................... 73
Replacing the air filters in the binary solvent manager door ......................... 74
Replacing the primary head plunger and seals................................................ 75
Replacing the accumulator head plunger and seals ........................................ 98
Replacing the vent valve cartridge ................................................................. 114
Cleaning the instrument’s exterior................................................................. 118

iv Table of Contents
The Waters ACQUITY UPLC Binary Solvent Manager delivers solvent
compositions for isocratic and binary gradient methods at flow rates of 0.01 to
2.0 mL per minute. Its features include in-line filters upstream of a primary
® 2
check valve, the Waters Intelligent Intake Valve (i Valve), automated
priming functions, and daily system-setup routines.
Under high, system backpressure, and by means of a mixing tee, the binary
solvent manager combines the outputs of two, parallel, flow-path channels, A
and B. Four solvents—the chromatographic solvents—are divided into pairs,
one pair for each pump channel. As such, they are designated A1 and A2 (for
channel A) and B1 and B2 (for channel B). Each preselected solvent, A1 or A2,
B1 or B2, passes from the degasser through a selector valve. The solvent then
flows into primary and accumulator pump heads, then the vent valve, the
mixing tee and, finally, the sample manager. The device has an integral
six-channel solvent degasser. Two of the channels are reserved for sample
manager wash solvents.
The binary solvent manager’s two pump channels permit quick solvent
changeovers at a flow rate of 4.0 mL per minute. Low-volume degasser
channels (480 L internal volume), automated solvent-selection valves, and
an automated vent valve make the quick changeovers possible.
The pumps, whose flows are additive, can support fast or ballistic separations
on short columns, with flow rates exceeding 1 mL/min at system
backpressures greater than 82,737 kPa (827 bar, 12,000 psi). Their active,
integral, plunger-seal-wash functions flush away particulates or precipitants
from their plungers and plunger seal interfaces.
The design of the binary solvent manager (and, indeed, the system overall) is
optimized for sub-2 µm particle liquid chromatography. The upper pressure
limit is set at 124,106 kPa (1241 bar, 18,000 psi) per pump. A maximum flow
rate of 1 mL/min is permitted at system backpressures to 124,106 kPa
(1241 bar, 18,000 psi), which falls within the range of optimal linear velocity
for sub-2 µm particle columns of ID 1.0 mm to 3.0 mm.

Overview 1
The following figure depicts the binary solvent manager's flow rate and
pressure envelope.

Pressure flow envelope:

124,106 kPa
(1241 bar,
18,000 psi)

82,737 kPa
(827 bar,
12,000 psi)

1 2
Flow rate (mL/min)

The figure below shows the chromatogram of a typical application with a
separation of antidepressants. For such an analysis, you can run the system at
1.6 mL/min, with 98,595 kPa (986 bar, 14,300 psi) system backpressure, using
both pumps in a proportioning mode. The example shows the capability of
running extremely fast separations utilizing the very low injection cycle time
and minimal system delay volume of the ACQUITY UPLC system.

Desipramine - 0.380
Nortriptyline - 0.406

Imipramine - 0.473
Nordoxepin - 0.355

Amitriptyline - 0.494
Doxepin - 0.439

Trimipramine - 0.532

v - 0.066


These data apply to the analysis:

• System configuration:
– ACQUITY UPLC binary solvent manager
– ACQUITY UPLC sample manager - fixed loop, 2-L loop installed,
PLUNO mode, 3-L needle overfill flush
– ACQUITY UPLC column heater with active pre-heater
• Detection:
– ACQUITY UPLC photodiode array detector, 254 nm
– Sampling rate: 40 points/sec
– Filter time constant: fast (0.0250 sec)

Overview 3
• System volume: 85 L
• Gradient:
– Solvent A: 10 mM ammonium bicarbonate pH 10.0
– Solvent B: acetonitrile


Time %A1 %B1
1.60 75.0 25.0
0.02 1.60 75.0 25.0
0.41 1.60 20.0 80.0
0.51 1.60 20.0 80.0
0.52 1.60 75.0 25.0
1.08 1.60 75.0 25.0

• Column: ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18, 1.7 µm, 2.1 × 50 mm

• Temperature: 60 °C
• Injection volume: 1.0 L
• Recorded system pressure: 98,595 kPa (986 bar, 14,300 psi)
• Equilibration time: 32 s (5 column volumes)
• Injection-to-injection cycle time: 65 sec
• Minimum USP Rs: 3.1
• Void-volume peak: 3.96 s (0.066 min)
• Maximum peak width at inflection: <230 1 msec (0.23 s)

Flow rate accuracy

Flow rate performance of the individual pumps drives compositional accuracy
in high-pressure gradient systems. The pumps precompress the solvent and
then meter it at system pressure.
Note: Most HPLC qualification methods specify performing laboratory
measurements of flow rate at atmospheric pressure. They thus ignore the
effect of mobile-phase precompression. Yet the positive bias of the apparent
flow rate increases with system backpressure, its extent varying with the

nature of the mobile phase, the partial pressure of dissolved air in the mobile
phase, and the operating temperature. To verify the linearity and
reproducibility of the flow rate at system pressure, Waters qualification tests
measure the retention time, not volume. Such a test better suits
measurements of UPLC systems at multiple flow rates. It also better suits
those where the measured flow rates exceed 1 mL/min, and system
backpressure can exceed 68,948 kPa (689 bar, 10,000 psi).

Delay volume and mixing characteristics

In the ACQUITY UPLC binary solvent manager, the effective delay volume
begins at the point where two solvents, each delivered by one of the binary
solvent manager’s two pumps, combine. This mixing point comprises a
subassembly of delivery tubes from each of the pumps, a small volume
containing packed beads, and an in-line filter. These components provide for
the proper blending of the two streams for any separation and flow rate.
Appropriate mixing provides a minimized delay volume, which effects quiet,
stable baselines. To further promote optimization, Waters offers optional
mixing chambers of varying volumes, which are effective over the entire flow
rate and pressure range of the binary solvent manager.

Intelligent intake valves

The primary intake head of each pump in the binary solvent manager is fitted
with a Waters Intelligent Intake Valve. Electronically controlled and
electrically actuated, the valves open and close with each pump cycle,
eliminating pressure variations that can affect the detector baseline.

Connections INSIGHT and ACQUITY UPLC Console diagnostics
The ACQUITY UPLC Console software supports the operation of ACQUITY
UPLC system modules, including the binary solvent manager. The ACQUITY
Console, a graphical, real-time software interface, monitors system status,
directly controls the system, troubleshoots errors, and performs automated
maintenance functions. For example, via the ACQUITY Console, you can
monitor the change in system backpressure as a measure of pump
performance. Monitoring each pump head, you can isolate a failure, thus
identifying a particular failed check valve or seal. You can then select the
appropriate maintenance option for replacing the failed component.
The ACQUITY Console is also the interface for the Waters Connections
INSIGHT remote service and alert capabilities. Through Connections

Overview 5
INSIGHT, Waters Service professionals can instantaneously respond to any
alarms or errors raised by the ACQUITY UPLC system components. The
software also provides the interface for particular functions, like generating a
service profile, that you can send directly to the Waters Global Service and
Support organization for analysis and interpretation.

Location of binary solvent manager in an example ACQUITY

UPLC system
The following diagram shows the location of the binary solvent manager in an
example ACQUITY UPLC system.

Bottle tray


Column heater

Sample manager -
flow through needle

Binary solvent

Major components
The following diagram shows the binary solvent manager’s major components.
Accumulator Pressure transducer Primary i2Valve cable
Check valve (2) pump A cable connector (4) pump B connector (2)
Check valve
in-line filter (2)

Primary pump B
pump A
actuator B
i Valve
actuator A Six-channel
Solvent chamber
valve (2) Seal-wash
waste tubing
Pump drip
tray waste
line Leak sensor

Drip tray
Mixer/filter Drain tubing
Seal-wash Vent valve (to waste)
pump Solvent vent
Leak sensor Degasser vent
connector tubing

Binary solvent manager’s major components:

Component Description
Accumulator pump (A Receives solvent from the primary pump and
and B) delivers it to the system.
Check valve A dual ball check valve that allows flow in only one
Check valve in-line Removes particulates from the incoming solvent.
Degasser vent tubing Vents exhaust from the degasser pump.

Overview 7
Binary solvent manager’s major components: (Continued)

Component Description
Drain tubing (to Routes waste from the leak management system to
waste) the waste container.
Drip tray Manages fluid leaks.
i Valve An electronically controlled ball check valve that
allows flow in only one direction.
Leak sensor Continuously monitors the binary solvent manager
for leaks and stops the system flow when its optical
sensor detects about 1.5 mL of accumulated, leaked
liquid in its surrounding reservoir.
Mixer/filter Mixes and filters the solvent before it reaches the
sample manager. Mixer/filter sizes include 50 L,
100 L, and 380 L.
6-channel degasser Removes dissolved gasses from mobile-phase
chamber solvents and exhausts them, and any condensates,
through waste tubing.
Note: Vacuum degassing can change the
composition of mixed solvents.
Pressure transducer The electrical connections for the pressure
cable connectors transducers located on the front of the actuators.
Primary pump (A and Draws solvent, transferring it to the accumulator
B) pump and system as part of the serial flow design.
Pump drip tray waste Directs pump waste to the drip tray.
Seal-wash pump The pump that circulates solvent, to keep the
actuator’s high-pressure seals and plungers free of
Seal-wash waste Directs seal-wash waste to the drip tray.
Solvent selection Allows the user to select one solvent from A1 or A2
valve and one solvent from B1 or B2.
Solvent vent tubing Tubing that vents solvent to waste during priming.

Binary solvent manager’s major components: (Continued)

Component Description
Vent valve A 3-position valve that automatically switches to the
waste/vent position during priming or column
switching, the block position during the binary
solvent manager maintenance leak test, and the
system position during normal operation (or during
the system leak test).

Flow path through the solvent management system

The following diagram shows the binary solvent manager’s flow.

Primary Accumulator Primary Accumulator

pump A pump A pump B pump B


Vent valve
Solvent selection valves

pump Degasser

Seal- Water Acetonitrile Waste


Overview 9
Solvent flow sequence:
1. The solvent is stored in solvent reservoirs A1, A2, B1, and B2.
2. The in-line vacuum degasser degasses the solvent.
3. The solvent selection valve selects solvents for pump A and pump B from
solvent reservoirs A1, A2, B1, and B2.
4. The solvents flow through the i Valve, a check valve, which is located on
the inlet of the primary pump’s actuator.
5. The primary piston fills the accumulator pump and delivers solvent to
the system.
6. The accumulator pump’s piston delivers solvent, under pressure, to the
vent valve.
7. From the vent valve, the solvent flows to the in-line mixer, and then to
the sample management system.

Preparing the binary solvent manager

For optimal performance of the ACQUITY UPLC system, you must prepare
the binary solvent manager for operation.
To prepare the binary solvent manager for operation, you must prime the
seal-wash system and then the binary solvent manager.

Warning: To avoid the harmful effects of personal contact with solvents,

including inhalation, observe Good Laboratory Practice when you
handle them. See the Material Safety Data Sheets for the solvents you

To maintain the efficiency of the binary solvent manager and to obtain

accurate, reproducible chromatograms, use only MS-grade solvents, water,
and additives. For details, see the solvent considerations document for your

Caution: To avoid damaging binary solvent manager components, do not

use chloroform, methylene chloride, toluene, or other halogenated

Installing the waste and degasser vent tubing

Warning: To avoid personal contact with biologically hazardous or

toxic materials, always wear clean, chemical-resistant,
powder-free gloves when installing or removing the waste and
degasser vent tubing.

Required materials
• Degasser vent tubing
• Gloves: clean, powder-free, chemical-resistant
• Waste tubing

To install the waste and degasser vent tubing:

Caution: To avoid distorting the drip tray or causing the drain cup
to leak, restrain the drain cup when attaching or removing the
waste tubing.

1. Wet the barbed drain fitting located at the bottom of the binary solvent
manager with methanol.
2. Hold the back of the drain cup, slide the waste tubing over the barbed
drain fitting, and route the tubing to a suitable waste container.

Drip tray

Barbed drain fitting Drain cup

Waste tubing Degasser vent tubing

Preparing the binary solvent manager 11

3. Wet the barbed drain fitting located at the back of the solvent tray with
4. Slide the waste tubing over the barbed drain fitting, and route the
tubing to a suitable waste container.

Solvent tray

Barbed drain fitting

Waste tubing

Warning: To avoid releasing solvent vapors into the room, route

the degasser vent tubing to a fume hood or other suitable exhaust
system, or to a suitable waste container, ensuring the tubing's
discharge end is at all times elevated above the fluid level.

Warning: To avoid spills, empty the waste container at regular


Caution: To avoid fluid backup, you must ensure proper drainage

of waste:
• Place the waste container below the system stack.
• Ensure that the waste and degasser vent tubes do not crimp or
bend. A crimp or bend can impede flow to the waste container.
• Ensure the exit of the waste and degasser vent tubes is not
immersed in waste solvent. If necessary, shorten each tube so
that no portion of it drops below the top of the waste container
(see next figure).

5. Route the degasser vent tubing to a suitable waste container.

Correct positioning of waste and degasser vent tubes:

Waste tubing Waste tubing

vent tubing
vent tubing

Correct Incorrect - will likely

cause fluid backup

Connecting to the solvent supply

Caution: To avoid personal contact with biologically hazardous or toxic

materials, always wear clean, chemical-resistant, powder-free gloves
when installing or removing the waste and degasser vent tubing.

The solvent tray located on top of the system holds up to 2 L of spilled solvent.
You need a suitable waste container to collect any spill from the waste line at
the rear of the tray.

Preparing the binary solvent manager 13

To connect the solvent supply:

Warning: To avoid injuries arising from contact with spilled

solvent, do not place solvent reservoirs atop the sample

Caution: To maintain adequate solvent head pressure and

ensure proper solvent delivery, position the solvent reservoirs in
the solvent tray at the top of the system stack.

1. Choose solvent reservoirs that snugly fit the reservoir caps supplied in
the startup kit.
Requirement: Do not pressurize solvent reservoirs.
Recommendation: Use 1-L solvent reservoirs.

Caution: To avoid contaminating the solvent filter with skin oils,

wear clean, chemical-resistant, powder-free gloves when handling

2. Remove the solvent filter from the short piece of fluoropolymer tubing.

Solvent filter

Fluoropolymer tubing
Solvent tubing

3. Insert the solvent tubing through the solvent reservoir cap.

4. Reinstall the solvent filter on the short piece of fluoropolymer tubing.

5. Insert the filtered end of the solvent tubing into the solvent bottle, in the
tray atop the sample manager or (optional) detector.

Solvent tubing

Solvent bottles

Solvent tray

6. Repeat step 2 through step 5, for the remaining solvent supply lines.

Performing a seal-wash prime

Prime the seal-wash in the binary solvent manager to lubricate the plungers,
fill the tubing paths with solvent, and flush away solvent and/or any
precipitated salts that have been dragged past the plunger seals from the
high-pressure side of the piston chambers.
Prime the plunger seal-wash
• after using buffered mobile phase;
• when the binary solvent manager has been inactive for a few hours or
• when the binary solvent manager is dry.

• To avoid damaging the solenoid valve seats and seals of the seal-wash
pump in the solvent path, do not use a nonvolatile buffer as the
seal-wash solvent.
• To prevent contaminating the system, do not recycle seal-wash.

Tip: The seal-wash self-primes, but you can use a syringe to hasten the

Preparing the binary solvent manager 15

• Use seal-wash that contains 10% organic solvent. This concentration
prevents microbial growth and ensures that the seal-wash can solubilize
the mobile phase.
• Before priming the plunger seals, ensure the volume of seal-wash is
adequate for priming.
See also: Controlling Contamination in Ultra Performance LC/MS and
HPLC/MS Systems (part number 715001307) on the ACQUITY UPLC
System Bookshelf CD.

Required materials
• 30-mL syringe (startup kit)
• Gloves: clean, powder-free, chemical-resistant
• Seal-wash solution
• Tubing adapter (startup kit)

To perform a seal-wash prime:

1. Ensure the seal-wash inlet tube is in the seal-wash solvent reservoir.
2. Remove the seal-wash outlet tube from the right-hand side of the drip

outlet tube
Drip tray

3. Push the syringe plunger fully into the syringe barrel.

4. Connect the tubing adapter to the syringe, and then connect the syringe
assembly to the outlet tubing from the seal-wash system.

5. In the ACQUITY UPLC Console, select Binary Solvent Manager from
the system tree.
Note: If your system is controlled by UNIFI software, consult the UNIFI
online Help.
6. Click Control > Prime seal-wash, and then click Yes to begin the
seal-wash priming process.
7. Slowly withdraw on the syringe plunger, pulling seal-wash solvent
through the system.
8. When the seal-wash solution begins to flow into the syringe without
bubbles, disconnect the tubing and reinstall it on the fitting on the drip
9. Click Control > Prime seal-wash, and then click Yes to stop the priming

Priming the binary solvent manager

You prime a new system or binary solvent manager to prepare it for use after
changing reservoirs or after it has been idle for more than four hours. During
priming, the vent valve moves to the Vent position, ensuring minimal
backpressure and directing the flow to waste. The flow rate during priming is
4 mL/min for each pump primed.
Tip: If you are priming a dry binary solvent manager, using a syringe shortens
the time required to complete priming.

Caution: To prevent salts from precipitating in the system, introduce an

intermediate solvent, such as water, when changing from buffers to
high-organic-content solvents. Be sure to consult the solvent miscibility
tables in the solvent considerations document for your system.

Ensure the solvent reservoirs contain enough solvent for adequate priming
and the waste container has sufficient capacity for used solvent. The priming
flow rate is 4 mL/min for each pump, or 8 mL/min total. For example, priming
both solvents for 5 minutes requires approximately 20 mL of each solvent.

Preparing the binary solvent manager 17

Warning: To avoid spills, empty the waste container at regular

Priming a dry binary solvent manager

To prime a dry binary solvent manager:
1. Open the instrument’s front door.
2. Locate the appropriate solvent vent tube.
3. In the ACQUITY UPLC Console, select Binary Solvent Manager from
the system tree.
Note: If your system is controlled by UNIFI software, consult the UNIFI
online Help.
4. In the binary solvent manager information window, click Control >
Prime A/B Solvents.
5. In the Prime A/B Solvents dialog box, select solvent A and/or B.
6. In the Time box, specify a duration for the priming operation, from 0.1
through 60.0 minutes.
Default: 1.0 minute
Recommendation: Prime the binary solvent manager until a steady
flow exits the vent tube (typically between 7 to 10 minutes).
7. Click Start.
8. When solvent flows out of the vent tube without bubbles, repeat step 3
through step 7, to prime the other solvents.
Tip: Confirm that solvent reservoirs contain enough solvent for future

To prime a dry binary solvent manager using a syringe:
1. Open the instrument’s front door.
2. Locate the appropriate solvent vent tube.
• If you are priming solvent A, follow the stainless steel vent tube
labeled “A-VENT” from port 4 on the vent valve, and lift it from the
drip tray.
• If you are priming solvent B, follow the stainless steel vent tube
labeled “B-VENT” from port 1 on the vent valve, and lift it from the
drip tray.

Vent valve

Drip tray Solvent

vent tubing

3. Push the syringe plunger fully into the syringe barrel.

4. Connect the tubing adapter to the syringe.
5. Connect the syringe assembly to the short length of PharMed tubing,
and then connect the short length of PharMed tubing to the solvent vent
tube you located in step 2.
6. In the ACQUITY UPLC Console, select Binary Solvent Manager from
the system tree.
Note: If your system is controlled by UNIFI software, consult the UNIFI
online Help.
7. In the binary solvent manager information window, click Control >
Prime A/B Solvents.
8. In the Prime A/B Solvents dialog box, select solvent A1.

Preparing the binary solvent manager 19

9. In the Time box, specify a duration for the priming operation, from 0.1
through 60.0 minutes.
Default: 1.0 minute
Recommendation: Prime the binary solvent manager until a steady
flow exits the vent tube (typically 3 minutes).
10. Click Start.
11. Slowly withdraw on the syringe plunger, pulling solvent through the
solvent path.
12. When solvent flows out of the vent tube without bubbles, remove the
syringe from the vent tube, and reconnect the vent tube to the drip tray.
13. Repeat step 2 through step 12 for solvent A2, B1, and B2.
Tip: Ensure solvent reservoirs contain enough solvent for future

Priming a wetted binary solvent manager

Refreshing the system
Use the Start up system function after the system has been idle a short period
of time (a few hours to overnight) and when you plan to use the same solvents
that you used during the previous run.
You can invoke the Start up system function from the control panel or by
adding it as a line in a sample set.
• Prime the binary solvent manager for 1 minute for each solvent when
the system has been idle for four or more hours and you intent to use the
solvents that are already in the system.
• Prime the binary solvent manager for four minutes for each solvent
when you intend to use fresh solvents of the same composition as those
already in the system.

To refresh the system:

1. In the ACQUITY UPLC Console, click Control > Start up system.
Note: If your system is controlled by UNIFI software, consult the UNIFI
online Help.

2. In the Start up system dialog box, review the settings and select a
different option, if needed.
• Solvent line A only (default)
• Solvent line B only
• Both A and B
3. Click OK.
Result: The system primes the selected solvents, primes the sample
manager with one weak-wash prime (using the wash and sample
syringes), and ignites the lamp in the detector.

Washing the plungers

The plunger wash function washes the plungers with seal-wash solvent. It is
designed to prevent the build-up of precipitates on the pump plungers, which
can cause damage to the high-pressure seals.
The cycle starts by filling and then slowly emptying the primary and
accumulator chambers with the current solvent composition while performing
a high-speed and high-volume seal-wash.
Recommendation: Perform this procedure after using buffered solvents.
In addition, the plunger wash routine runs when the solvent manager is idle.
The seal-wash solvent washes the plungers, moving them backward and
forward, so that most of the surface is washed. The plunger wash routine
continues for two minutes performing these operations:
• Starts the seal-wash pump
• Slowly empties and fills the syringes, with the vent valve set to waste,
thus moving the plungers through the seal-wash flow.
• Repeats the emptying and filling of syringes for a total of two cycles.

To wash the plungers:

In the ACQUITY UPLC console, select the solvent manager > Maintain >
Wash plungers.
Note: If your system is controlled by UNIFI software, consult the UNIFI
online Help.

Preparing the binary solvent manager 21

Using the binary solvent manager

Installation recommendations for fittings

Warning: To avoid personal contact with fittings contaminated

with biologically hazardous or toxic materials, always wear clean,
chemical-resistant, powder-free gloves when reinstalling the

The system uses gold-plated compression screws and two-piece ferrules. See
the diagram below for assembly orientation.
Ferrule with
locking ring Compression screw Tubing

• To prevent bandspreading, ensure the tubing fully bottoms in the fitting
hole before tightening the compression screw.
• For easier accessibility, use long compression screws to attach tubes to
the vent valve.
• Perform the solvent manager leak test whenever you replace or loosen
fittings during maintenance (see the ACQUITY UPLC online Help).
• Whenever you loosen fittings during maintenance, examine for cracks,
stripped threads, and deformations.
• Do not reseat stainless steel ferrules more than six times.
Tip: To avoid problems with the leak management system, do not use long
compression screws on the injector valve.

Required material
Gloves: clean, powder-free, chemical-resistant

When tightening system fittings, consult the following table.

Installation recommendations for ACQUITY UPLC binary solvent manager


Fitting Recommended tightening

Long 1/4-28 fitting with flangeless Finger-tight
ferrule and stainless steel lock ring,
installed on 1/8-inch outside diameter
First use or reinstalled

(OD) tubing
End of lock ring with smaller
inside diameter (ID)


Lock ring Ferrule

Short 1/4-28 fitting with flangeless Finger-tight

ferrule and stainless steel lock ring,
First use or reinstalled

installed on .062-inch OD tubing

End of lock ring with smaller ID


Lock ring Ferrule

Using the binary solvent manager 23

Installation recommendations for ACQUITY UPLC binary solvent manager
fittings: (Continued)

Fitting Recommended tightening

Stainless steel (gold-plated) fitting with Finger-tight, plus 3/4-turn
long flats and 2-piece stainless steel using wrench
First use



Long flats 2-piece ferrule

Stainless steel (gold-plated) fitting with Finger-tight, plus up to

long flats and 2-piece stainless steel 1/6-turn using wrench



Long flats 2-piece ferrule

Stainless steel (gold-plated) fitting with Finger-tight, plus 3/4-turn

short flats and 2-piece stainless steel using wrench
First use



Short flats 2-piece ferrule

Installation recommendations for ACQUITY UPLC binary solvent manager
fittings: (Continued)

Fitting Recommended tightening

Stainless steel (gold-plated) fitting with Finger-tight, plus up to
short flats and 2-piece stainless steel 1/6-turn using wrench



Short flats 2-piece ferrule

Resolving leak sensor errors (optional)

After approximately 1.5 mL of liquid accumulate in the leak sensor reservoir,
an alarm sounds, indicating that the leak sensor detected a leak.

Warning: To avoid the harmful effects of personal contact with solvents,

including inhalation, observe Good Laboratory Practice when you
handle them. See the Material Safety Data Sheets for the solvents you

Warning: To avoid personal contamination from contact with

biologically hazardous or toxic materials, always wear clean,
chemical-resistant, powder-free gloves when performing this

Caution: To avoid scratching or damaging the leak sensor,

• do not allow buffered solvents to accumulate and dry on it;
• submerge only the prism in a cleaning bath.

Using the binary solvent manager 25

Required materials
• Cotton swabs
• Gloves: clean, powder-free, chemical-resistant
• Nonabrasive, lint-free wipes

To resolve a binary solvent manager leak sensor error:

1. View the Leak Sensors dialog box in the ACQUITY UPLC Console to
confirm the leak sensor detected a leak.
Note: If your system is controlled by UNIFI software, consult the UNIFI
online Help.
Tip: When a leak is detected, a “Leak Detected” error message appears
in the software display.

Caution: To avoid damaging electrical parts, never disconnect an

electrical assembly while power is applied to an instrument or
device. To completely interrupt power, set the power switch to Off,
and then unplug the power cord from the AC source. Wait 10
seconds thereafter before you disconnect an assembly.

2. Power-off the binary solvent manager.

3. Open the binary solvent manager’s door, gently pulling its right-hand
edge toward you.
4. Locate the source of the leak, and make the repairs necessary to stop the

5. Turn the vent tube retainer clockwise, and then lift the A-vent and
B-vent tubes from the drip tray by pulling up on them and moving them
to the left-hand side of the leak sensor.

Turn vent tube

retainer clockwise

A-vent and B-vent tubes

Leak sensor


Caution: To avoid damaging the leak sensor, do not grasp it by the

ribbon cable.

6. Remove the leak sensor from its reservoir by grasping the sensor by its
serrations and pulling upward.
Tip: If you cannot easily manipulate the leak sensor after removing it
from its reservoir, detach the connector from the front of the instrument
(see page 36).


Using the binary solvent manager 27

7. Use a nonabrasive, lint-free wipe to dry the leak sensor prism.


Lint-free wipe


8. Roll up a nonabrasive, lint-free wipe, and use it to absorb the liquid from
the leak sensor reservoir and its surrounding area.

Leak sensor

Rolled up
lint-free wipe

9. With a cotton swab, absorb any remaining liquid from the corners of the
leak sensor reservoir and its surrounding area.

Leak sensor

Cotton swab

10. Align the leak sensor’s T-bar with the slot in the side of the leak sensor
reservoir, and slide the leak sensor into place.


Slot in leak
sensor reservoir

Leak sensor
installed in


Using the binary solvent manager 29

11. Reinsert the A-vent and B-vent tubes into the appropriate drip tray
12. Turn the vent tube retainer, which holds the A-vent and B-vent tubing
in place, counterclockwise.

Turn vent tube retainer


A-vent and B-vent tubes

Leak sensor


13. If you detached the connector from the front of the instrument, reattach
14. Power-on the binary solvent manager.
15. In the ACQUITY UPLC Console, select Binary Solvent Manager from
the system tree.
Note: If your system is controlled by UNIFI software, consult the UNIFI
online Help.
16. In the binary solvent manager information window, click Control >
Reset BSM, to reset the binary solvent manager.

Maintaining the binary solvent manager
Perform the procedures in this section when you discover a problem with a
binary solvent manager component or during routine maintenance. For
information about isolating problems in the binary solvent manager, consult
the ACQUITY UPLC Console online Help.

Contacting Waters technical service

If you are located in the USA or Canada, report malfunctions or other
problems to Waters Technical Service (800 252-4752). From elsewhere, phone
the Waters corporate headquarters in Milford, Massachusetts (USA), or
contact your local Waters subsidiary. The Waters web site includes phone
numbers and e-mail addresses for Waters locations worldwide. Visit
When you contact Waters, be prepared to provide this information:
• Error message (if any)
• Nature of the symptom
• Instrument serial numbers and firmware version
• Flow rate
• Operating pressure
• Solvent(s)
• Detector settings (sensitivity and wavelength)
• Type and serial number of column(s)
• Sample type and diluent
• Data software version and serial number
• ACQUITY UPLC system workstation model and operating system
For complete information on reporting shipping damages and submitting
claims, see Waters Licenses, Warranties, and Support Services documentation.

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 31

Locating system serial numbers
The serial number on the system’s instruments and devices facilitates service
and support. Serial numbers also provide a way to create single log entries for
each module, so that you can review the usage history of only that instrument
or device.
Be prepared to provide the serial numbers of the instruments or devices in
your system when you contact Waters customer support.

To view the information for an instrument or device:

1. In the ACQUITY UPLC Console, select an instrument or device from the
system tree.
Note: If your system is controlled by UNIFI software, consult the UNIFI
online Help.
2. Click Configure > View module information.
Result: The Module Information dialog box displays this information:
• Serial number
• Firmware version
• Firmware checksum
• Component software version
• From the main window, place the pointer over the visual representation
of the system instrument or device you want information for.
• Obtain the serial number from the printed labels on the rear panels of
instruments and devices or inside their front doors.

Maintenance schedule
Perform the following routine maintenance on the binary solvent manager to
ensure reliable operation and accurate results. When using the system
throughout the day (and on nights and weekends), or when using aggressive
solvents such as buffers, perform these maintenance tasks more frequently.

Recommended routine maintenance schedule:

Maintenance procedure Frequency For information...

Replace the leak sensor As needed See page 35
Replace the mixer During scheduled See page 39
routine maintenance
or as needed
Replace the i Valve actuator 5 years from the date See page 41
of manufacture or as
Replace the i2Valve cartridge During scheduled See page 53
routine maintenance
or as needed
Replace the in-line filter During scheduled See page 65
routine maintenance
or as needed
Replace the accumulator During scheduled See page 69
check valve routine maintenance
or as needed
Replace solvent reservoir During scheduled See page 72
filters routine maintenance
or as needed
Clean the air filter in the door As needed See page 73
Replace the air filter in the During scheduled See page 74
door routine maintenance
or as needed
Replace the plunger and seals During scheduled See page 75 and
routine maintenance page 98
or as needed
Replace the vent valve As needed See page 114
Clean the device’s exterior As needed See page 118
with a soft, lint-free cloth, or
paper dampened with water

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 33

Maintenance considerations
Safety and handling
Observe these warning and caution advisories when you perform maintenance
operations on your system.

Warning: To avoid the harmful effects of personal contact with solvents,

including inhalation, observe Good Laboratory Practice when you
handle them. See the Material Safety Data Sheets for the solvents you

Warning: To avoid electric shock, do not remove the device’s protective

panels. The components within are not user-serviceable.

Caution: To avoid damaging electrical parts, never disconnect an

electrical assembly while power is applied to an instrument or device. To
completely interrupt power, set the power switch to Off, and then
unplug the power cord from the AC source. Wait 10 seconds thereafter
before you disconnect an assembly.

Configuring maintenance warnings

Maintenance counters provide real-time usage status information that can
help you determine when to schedule routine maintenance for specific
components. You can set usage thresholds and maintenance warnings that
alert you when a component reaches the designated threshold limit. By
setting threshold limits and monitoring these usage counters regularly, you
can minimize unexpected failures and unscheduled downtime during
important work. For information on setting maintenance warnings, consult
the ACQUITY UPLC Console online Help.

Replacing the leak sensor

Warning: To avoid the harmful effects of personal contact with solvents,

including inhalation, observe Good Laboratory Practice when you
handle them. See the Material Safety Data Sheets for the solvents you

Warning: To avoid personal contamination from contact with

biologically hazardous or toxic materials, always wear clean,
chemical-resistant, powder-free gloves when performing this

Required materials
• Gloves: clean, powder-free, chemical-resistant
• Leak sensor

To replace the leak sensor:

Caution: To avoid damaging electrical parts, never disconnect an

electrical assembly while power is applied to an instrument or
device. To completely interrupt power, set the power switch to Off,
and then unplug the power cord from the AC source. Wait 10
seconds thereafter before you disconnect an assembly.

1. Power-off the binary solvent manager.

2. Open the binary solvent manager’s door, gently pulling its right-hand
edge toward you.

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 35

3. Press down on the tab to detach the leak sensor connector from the front
of the device.

Press down on tab to

release connector

Leak sensor

4. Turn the vent tube retainer clockwise, and then lift the A-vent and
B-vent tubes from the drip tray by pulling upward on them and moving
them to the left-hand side of the leak sensor.

Turn vent tube

retainer clockwise

A-vent and B-vent tubes

Leak sensor


5. Remove the leak sensor from its reservoir by grasping the sensor by its
serrations and pulling upward.


6. Unpack the new leak sensor.

7. Align the leak sensor’s T-bar with the slot in the side of the leak sensor
reservoir, and slide the leak sensor into place.


Slot in leak
sensor reservoir

Leak sensor
installed in


Maintaining the binary solvent manager 37

8. Reinsert the A-vent and B-vent tubes into the drip tray.
9. Turn the vent tube retainer, which holds the A-vent and B-vent tubing
in place, counterclockwise.

Turn vent tube retainer


A-vent and B-vent tubes

Leak sensor


10. Connect the leak sensor connector to the front of the instrument.
11. Power-on the binary solvent manager.
12. In the ACQUITY UPLC Console, select Binary Solvent Manager from
the system tree.
Note: If your system is controlled by UNIFI software, consult the UNIFI
online Help.
13. In the binary solvent manager information window, click Control >
Reset BSM, to reset the binary solvent manager.

Replacing the mixer

Warning: To avoid the harmful effects of personal contact with solvents,

including inhalation, observe Good Laboratory Practice when you
handle them. See the Material Safety Data Sheets for the solvents you

Caution: To prevent contaminating system components, wear clean,

chemical-resistant, powder-free gloves when replacing the mixer.

Required materials
• Gloves: clean, powder-free, chemical-resistant
• Mixer

Required tools
• 1/4-inch open-end wrench
• 5/8-inch open-end wrench

To replace the mixer:

1. Flush the binary solvent manager with nonhazardous solvent.
2. Stop the solvent flow.

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 39

3. Using the 5/8-inch open-end wrench to hold the mixer in place,
disconnect the outlet compression fitting by using the 1/4-inch open-end


compression fitting

open-end wrench

open-end wrench

4. Using the 5/8-inch open-end wrench to hold the mixer, disconnect the
two inlet compression fittings by using the 1/4-inch wrench.

Inlet compression 5/8-inch
fittings open-end wrench

open-end wrench

5. Remove the old mixer from the clamp.

6. Unpack the new mixer.
7. Insert the new mixer into the clamp.
8. Reattach the compression fittings to the mixer and tighten them
finger-tight plus as much as 1/6-turn, for existing fittings, or 3/4-turn for
new fittings.

Replacing the i2Valve actuator

Warning: To avoid the harmful effects of personal contact with solvents,

including inhalation, observe Good Laboratory Practice when you
handle them. See the Material Safety Data Sheets for the solvents you

• To avoid damaging the i Valve actuator, do not attempt to push or
pull liquid or gas through the valve's inlet or outlet ports.
• To prevent contaminating system components, wear clean,
chemical-resistant, powder-free gloves when replacing the i Valve

Required materials
• Gloves: clean, powder-free, chemical-resistant
• i Valve actuator
• i2Valve cartridge (recommended)

Required tools
• 1/4-inch open-end wrench
• 5/16-inch open-end wrench
• T8 TORX driver

To replace the i2Valve actuator:

Caution: To avoid damaging electrical parts, never disconnect an

electrical assembly while power is applied to an instrument or
device. To completely interrupt power, set the power switch to Off,
and then unplug the power cord from the AC source. Wait 10
seconds thereafter before you disconnect an assembly.

1. Flush the binary solvent manager with nonhazardous solvent.

2. Power-off the binary solvent manager.

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 41

Tip: The binary solvent manager is referred to as “pump” on the warning
label affixed to the i Valve actuator.

Warning: To avoid injuries arising from contact with spilled

solvent (siphoning), move the solvent bottles to a location below
the binary solvent manager.

3. Move the solvent bottles to a location below the binary solvent manager.

Caution: To avoid damage to the connector or cable, grasp the

i Valve connector by the knurled diameter.
4. Grasp the i Valve connector by the knurled diameter, and pull it toward
you, disconnecting it from its receptacle.

Connector receptacle

i2Valve connector

Knurled diameter

5. Loosen the cap nut on the in-line filter, so that it is removed from the
threads of the ferrule holder fitting.

Cap nut


Ferrule holder

Cap nut

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 43

6. Use the 5/16-inch open-end wrench to loosen the shell nut, and then
fully unscrew it.

Place 5/16-inch open-end

wrench here

• To avoid leaks, ensure the PEEK washer, which is normally on
the top face of the i Valve cartridge, does not remain in the head
when you remove the valve assembly (see page 59).
• To avoid failure of the fuse on the i2Valve actuator’s PCB board,
never place the actuator assembly or electrical connector in the
drip tray.

7. Remove the i2Valve actuator housing from the bottom of the primary
pump head.

Bottom of primary
pump head

i2Valve actuator

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 45

8. Remove the ferrule holder fitting from the old i Valve actuator.

Ferrule holder fitting


9. Use the T8 TORX driver to loosen 1/2-turn the 4 screws that secure the
clamping plates.
10. Ensure the shell nut remains free to rotate and that the plates slide
• Avoid touching the clamping plate tabs when loosening the screws.
• You can rotate the shell nut to gain access to all 4 screws.
plate tab (2)

Shell nut

T8 TORX screw (4)

plate (2)

11. When both plates are in the maximum open position, remove the
cartridge from the i Valve actuator, and ensure that the low-pressure
gasket is removed with the cartridge.
Tip: If you cannot remove the cartridge from the valve actuator, rotate
the cartridge 1/2-turn, and then remove it.
12. Ensure the PEEK washer is inserted into the cartridge, its chamfered
edge facing away from the cartridge.
Chamfered edge PEEK washer
facing away from

i2Valve cartridge

Low-pressure gasket

13. Ensure the plates are loose and in their maximum open position.
• Avoid touching the clamping plate tabs when loosening the screws.
• You can rotate the shell nut to gain access to all 4 screws.

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 47

14. Insert the cartridge you removed from the old i Valve actuator into the
new actuator, grooved end first.
Recommendation: Replace the cartridge whenever you replace the
i2Valve actuator. See step 13 on page 59.

Grooved end of

i2Valve actuator

15. With one hand, squeeze the 2 clamping plate tabs on the i Valve
actuator, to hold the clamping plates against the cartridge.
Requirement: The clamping plates must be fully engaged in the
cartridge groove.

Clamping Clamping
plate tab plate tab


16. While squeezing the clamping plate tabs, use the T8 TORX driver to
tighten the 4 screws that secure the plates, repeating the torquing
pattern shown below at least 3 times and gradually increasing the
torque until the screws are uniformly tight.

Start here

Tip: You can rotate the shell nut to gain access to all 4 screws.
plate tab (2)

Shell nut

T8 TORX screw (4)

plate (2)

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 49

17. Insert the ferrule holder fitting into the inlet port on the i Valve
assembly, and tighten it finger-tight.
Ferrule holder

18. Orient the i2Valve assembly so that the cable exits from the left-hand

19. Insert the i2Valve assembly into the bottom of the primary pump head,
and route the cable behind the valve actuator.
20. Finger-tighten the shell nut, rotating it approximately 5 full turns, to
secure the valve.
21. Use the 5/16-inch open-end wrench to tighten the nut an additional

Place 5/16-inch open-end

wrench here

22. Reinsert the in-line filter and tube into the ferrule holder fitting.

Ferrule holder

In-line filter

23. Place the cap nut over the ferrule holder fitting and finger-tighten the
cap nut to the extent possible.
Ferrule holder

Cap nut

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 51

24. Align the red dot on the i Valve connector with the red dot on the
receptacle, in the 12 o’clock position, and insert the connector into the
Red dot on connector

Red dot on receptacle

Connector receptacle

i2Valve connector

Knurled diameter

25. Power-on the binary solvent manager.

26. Prime the binary solvent manager (see page 17).

Replacing the i2Valve cartridge

Warning: To avoid the harmful effects of personal contact with solvents,

including inhalation, observe Good Laboratory Practice when you
handle them. See the Material Safety Data Sheets for the solvents you

• To avoid damaging the i Valve actuator, do not attempt to push or
pull liquid or gas through the valve's inlet or outlet ports.
• To prevent contaminating system components, wear clean,
chemical-resistant, powder-free gloves when replacing the i Valve

Required materials
• Gloves: clean, powder-free, chemical-resistant
• i Valve cartridge

Required tools
• 1/4-inch open-end wrench
• 5/16-inch open-end wrench
• T8 TORX driver
To replace the i Valve cartridge:

Caution: To avoid damaging electrical parts, never disconnect an

electrical assembly while power is applied to an instrument or
device. To completely interrupt power, set the power switch to Off,
and then unplug the power cord from the AC source. Wait 10
seconds thereafter before you disconnect an assembly.

1. Flush the binary solvent manager with nonhazardous solvent.

2. Power-off the binary solvent manager.
Tip: The binary solvent manager is referred to as “pump” on the warning
label affixed to the i2Valve actuator.

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 53

Caution: To avoid injuries arising from contact with spilled
solvent (siphoning), move the solvent bottles to a location below
the binary solvent manager.

3. Move the solvent bottles to a location below the binary solvent manager.

Caution: To avoid damaging the connector or cable, grasp the

i2Valve connector by the knurled diameter.

4. Grasp the i2Valve connector by the knurled diameter, and pull it toward
you, disconnecting it from its receptacle.

Connector receptacle

i2Valve connector

Knurled diameter

5. Loosen the cap nut on the in-line filter so that it is removed from the
threads of the ferrule holder fitting.

Cap nut


Ferrule holder

Cap nut

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 55

6. Use the 5/16-inch open-end wrench to loosen the shell nut, and then
fully unscrew it.

Place 5/16-inch open-end

wrench here

• To avoid leaks, ensure the PEEK washer, which is normally on
the top face of the i Valve cartridge, does not remain in the head
when you remove the valve assembly (see page 59).
• To avoid failure of the fuse on the i2Valve actuator’s PCB board,
never place the actuator assembly or electrical connector in the
drip tray.

7. Remove the i2Valve actuator from the bottom of the primary pump head.

Bottom of primary
pump head

i2Valve actuator

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 57

8. Remove the ferrule holder fitting from the old i Valve actuator.

Ferrule holder fitting


Caution: To avoid damaging the i Valve actuator, do not back the
screws out all the way.

9. Use the T8 TORX driver to loosen 1/2-turn the 4 screws that secure the
clamping plates.
10. Ensure the shell nut remains free to rotate and that the plates slide
• Avoid touching the clamping plate tabs when loosening the screws.
• You can rotate the shell nut to gain access to all 4 screws.
plate tab (2)

Shell nut

T8 TORX screw (4)

plate (2)

11. When both plates are in the maximum open position, remove the
cartridge from the i Valve actuator.
Tip: If you cannot remove the cartridge from the valve actuator, rotate
the cartridge 1/2-turn, and then remove it.
12. Unpack the new cartridge.
13. Ensure the PEEK washer is inserted into the cartridge, its chamfered
edge facing away from the cartridge.
Chamfered edge PEEK washer
facing away from

i Valve cartridge

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 59

14. With the clamping plates still open, insert the cartridge into the i Valve
actuator, grooved end first.

Grooved end of

i2Valve actuator

15. With one hand, squeeze the 2 clamping plate tabs on the i2Valve
actuator, to hold the clamping plates against the cartridge.
Requirement: The clamping plates must be fully engaged in the
cartridge groove.

Clamping Clamping
plate tab plate tab


16. While squeezing the clamping plate tabs, use the T8 TORX driver to
tighten the 4 screws that secure the plates, repeating the torquing

pattern shown below at least 3 times and gradually increasing the
torque until the screws are uniformly tight.

Start here

Tip: You can rotate the shell nut to gain access to all 4 screws.
plate tab (2)

Shell nut

T8 TORX screw (4)

plate (2)

17. Insert the ferrule holder fitting into the inlet port on the i Valve
assembly, and tighten it finger-tight.
Ferrule holder

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 61

18. Orient the i Valve assembly so that the cable exits from the left-hand
19. Insert the i Valve assembly into the bottom of the primary pump head,
and route the cable behind the valve actuator.
20. Finger-tighten the shell nut, rotating it approximately 5 full turns, to
secure the valve.
21. Use the 5/16-inch open-end wrench to tighten the nut an additional

Place 5/16-inch open-end

wrench here

22. Reinsert the in-line filter and tube into the ferrule holder fitting.

Ferrule holder

In-line filter

23. Place the cap nut over the ferrule holder fitting and finger-tighten the
cap nut to the extent possible.
Ferrule holder

Cap nut

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 63

24. Align the red dot on the i Valve connector with the red dot on the
receptacle, in the 12 o’clock position, and insert the connector into the
Red dot on connector

Red dot on receptacle

Connector receptacle

i2Valve connector

Knurled diameter

25. Power-on the binary solvent manager.

26. Prime the binary solvent manager (see page 17).

Replacing the in-line filter cartridge on the i2Valve actuator

Warning: To avoid the harmful effects of personal contact with solvents,

including inhalation, observe Good Laboratory Practice when you
handle them. See the Material Safety Data Sheets for the solvents you

Caution: Wear clean, chemical-resistant, powder-free gloves when

handling the in-line filter cartridge. Oil from your hands can
contaminate the in-line filter cartridge.

Required materials
• Gloves: clean, powder-free, chemical-resistant
• In-line filter cartridge

To replace the in-line filter:

Caution: To avoid damaging the i2Valve actuator, do not attempt

to push or pull liquid or gas through the valve's inlet or outlet

1. Flush the binary solvent manager with nonhazardous solvent.

2. Power-off the binary solvent manager.

Warning: To avoid injuries arising from contact with spilled

solvent (siphoning), move the solvent bottles to a location below
the binary solvent manager.

3. Move the solvent bottles to a location below the binary solvent manager.

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 65

4. Unscrew the cap nut on the in-line filter assembly.

Ferrule holder fitting

Cap nut

i2Valve actuator

5. Pull the cap nut off the tube to remove the in-line filter cartridge.
Cap nut


In-line filter

In-line filter cartridge and cap nut:

In-line filter Cap nut

cartridge Tube

Metal locking ring


6. Put the cap nut over the end of the tube (see the figure on page 68).
7. Slide the metal locking ring onto the tube, ensuring that the thicker end
of the metal locking ring is facing toward the cap nut.

Metal locking ring:

Thinner end of Thicker end of
locking ring locking ring

Cross-sectional view

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 67

8. Slide the in-line filter cartridge onto the tube.

Exploded view of in-line filter:

Ferrule holder fitting Cap nut
In-line filter cartridge

Metal locking ring

9. Insert the in-line filter cartridge with tubing into the ferrule holder

Ferrule holder

In-line filter

10. Screw the cap nut onto the ferrule holder fitting, ensuring that the tube
is bottomed out in the in-line filter cartridge. Finger-tighten it to the
extent possible.
11. Return the solvent bottles to their original location.
12. Power-on the binary solvent manager.
13. Prime the binary solvent manager (see page 17).

Replacing the accumulator check valve

Warning: To avoid the harmful effects of personal contact with solvents,

including inhalation, observe Good Laboratory Practice when you
handle them. See the Material Safety Data Sheets for the solvents you

Caution: To prevent contaminating system components, wear clean,

chemical-resistant, powder-free gloves when replacing the check valve.

Required materials
• Accumulator check-valve assembly
• Gloves: clean, powder-free, chemical-resistant

Required tools
• 1/2-inch open-end wrench
• 1/4-inch open-end wrench
• 5/16-inch open-end wrench

To replace the accumulator check valve:

Caution: To avoid damaging electrical parts, never disconnect an

electrical assembly while power is applied to an instrument or
device. To completely interrupt power, set the power switch to Off,
and then unplug the power cord from the AC source. Wait 10
seconds thereafter before you disconnect an assembly.

1. Flush the binary solvent manager with nonhazardous solvent.

2. Power-off the binary solvent manager.

Warning: To avoid injuries arising from contact with spilled

solvent (siphoning), move the solvent bottles to a location below
the binary solvent manager.

3. Move the solvent bottles to a location below the binary solvent manager.

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 69

4. Using the 5/16-inch open-end wrench to hold the check valve in place,
disconnect the compression fitting by using the 1/4-inch open-end

Accumulator check valve

Place 5/16-inch open-end

wrench here

Compression fitting

Caution: To avoid leaks, ensure the PEEK washer, which is

normally on the top face of the accumulator check valve, does not
remain in the head when you remove the valve assembly (see
page 71).

5. Use the 1/2-inch open-end wrench to loosen the check valve, and then
remove the check-valve assembly from the head.

Place 1/2-inch open-end

wrench here

6. Unpack the new check valve.
7. Ensure the new PEEK washer is inserted into the new check valve, its
chamfered edge facing away from the check valve.
Chamfered edge PEEK washer
facing away from
check valve

Check valve

Check valve housing

1/2-inch Hex nut

5/16-inch wrench flat

8. Insert the check-valve assembly into the head, and use the 1/2-inch
wrench to tighten the check-valve nut 1/8-turn beyond finger-tight.
9. Finger-tighten the compression screw and ferrule, and then, using the
5/16-inch open-end wrench to hold the check valve in place, use the
1/4-inch wrench to tighten the compression screw up to 1/6-turn beyond
finger-tight for an existing stainless steel tubing assembly, or 3/4-turn
beyond finger-tight for a new stainless steel tubing assembly.
10. Return the solvent bottles to their original location.
11. Power-on the binary solvent manager.
12. Prime the binary solvent manager (see page 17).

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 71

Replacing solvent reservoir filters

Warning: To avoid the harmful effects of personal contact with solvents,

including inhalation, observe Good Laboratory Practice when you
handle them. See the Material Safety Data Sheets for the solvents you

Caution: Wear clean, chemical-resistant, powder-free gloves when

handling the solvent reservoir filter. Oil from your hands can
contaminate the solvent reservoir filter.

Required materials
• Gloves: clean, powder-free, chemical-resistant
• New solvent filter

To replace a solvent reservoir filter:

1. Remove the filtered end of the solvent tubing from the solvent bottle.
2. Remove the old solvent filter from the short piece of fluoropolymer
3. Insert the new solvent filter into the fluoropolymer tubing, pushing until
it contacts the solvent tubing.

Solvent filter

Fluoropolymer tubing
Solvent tubing

4. Insert the filtered end of the solvent tubing into the solvent bottle.
5. Shake the filter to remove any air from it.
6. Prime the binary solvent manager (see page 17).

Cleaning the air filters in the binary solvent manager door
Required material
Mild detergent and water

Required tool
T10 TORX driver

To clean the air filters:

1. Using the T10 TORX driver, remove the 8 screws that secure the air
filter frames and air filters to the inside of the binary solvent manager

Screw (8)
Air filter
Air filter



2. Remove the air filters from the air filter frames.

3. Clean the air filters by using a mild detergent, and then dry the filters.
4. Align the air filters with the air filter frames.
5. Attach the air filters and frames to the inside of the binary solvent
manager door, using the T10 TORX driver to secure the 8 screws.

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 73

Replacing the air filters in the binary solvent manager door
If you cannot clean the air filters by washing, replace it with a new filter.

Required material
Binary solvent manager air filters

Required material
T10 TORX driver

To replace the air filters:

1. Using the T10 TORX driver, remove the 8 screws that secure the air
filter frames and air filters to the inside of the binary solvent manager

Screw (8)
Air filter
Air filter



2. Remove the old air filters from the air filter frames, and discard them.
3. Align the new air filters with the air filter frames.
4. Attach the air filters and frames to the inside of the binary solvent
manager door, using the T10 TORX driver to secure the 8 screws.

Replacing the primary head plunger and seals
See the ACQUITY UPLC online Help to help determine whether you need to
replace the primary plunger seals.

Warning: To avoid the harmful effects of personal contact with solvents,

including inhalation, observe Good Laboratory Practice when you
handle them. See the Material Safety Data Sheets for the solvents you

Caution: To prevent contaminating system components, wear clean,

chemical-resistant, powder-free gloves when removing and replacing the
plunger seals.

Required materials
• Compressed air
• Gloves: clean, powder-free, chemical-resistant
• Methanol
• Plunger (recommended)
• Plunger seal and plunger seal spacer
• Fluoropolymer O-ring
• Seal-wash seal

Required tools
• 1/4-inch open-end wrench
• 5/16-inch open-end wrench
• Pliers
• Plunger removal tool (recommended)
• Seal extraction tool
• Sharp tool
• T27 TORX driver (startup kit)

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 75

To remove the primary head:
1. Flush the binary solvent manager with nonhazardous solvent.
2. In the ACQUITY UPLC Console, select Binary Solvent Manager from
the system tree.
Note: If your system is controlled by UNIFI software, consult the UNIFI
online Help.
3. In the binary solvent manager information window, click Maintain >
4. In the Head Maintenance dialog box, select the primary head (A or B).
5. Click Move Backward, and then wait for the plunger to stop.

Caution: To avoid damaging electrical parts, never disconnect an

electrical assembly while power is applied to an instrument or
device. To completely interrupt power, set the power switch to Off,
and then unplug the power cord from the AC source. Wait 10
seconds thereafter before you disconnect an assembly.

6. Power-off the binary solvent manager.

Tip: The binary solvent manager is referred to as a pump on the warning
label affixed to the i Valve actuator.

Warning: To avoid injuries arising from contact with spilled

solvent (siphoning), move the solvent bottles to a location below
the binary solvent manager.

7. Move the solvent bottles to a location below the binary solvent manager.

Caution: To avoid damaging the connector or cable, grasp the
i2Valve connector by the knurled diameter.

8. Grasp the i2Valve connector by the knurled diameter and pull it toward
you, disconnecting it from the receptacle.

Connector receptacle

i2Valve connector

Knurled diameter

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 77

9. Loosen the cap nut on the in-line filter, removing it from the threads of
the ferrule holder fitting.

Cap nut


Ferrule holder

Cap nut

10. Using the 5/16-inch open-end wrench, loosen the shell nut, and then
fully unscrew it.

Place 5/16-inch open-end

wrench here

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 79

• To avoid leaks, ensure the PEEK washer, which is normally on
the top face of the i Valve cartridge, does not remain in the head
when you remove the valve assembly (see page 59).
• To avoid failure of the fuse on the i2Valve actuator’s PCB board,
never place the actuator assembly or electrical connector in the
drip tray.

11. Remove the i2Valve actuator from the bottom of the primary pump head,
ensuring that the PEEK washer remains in the cartridge.

Primary pump head

PEEK washer


i2Valve actuator

12. Remove the seal-wash tubing secured to the seal-wash housing by
barbed fittings by using a tool or by pulling on the tubing as close to the
head as possible.

Seal-wash tubing

Seal-wash tubing

13. Using a pliers, remove the drip wire from the head assembly.

Drip wire


Maintaining the binary solvent manager 81

14. Using the 1/4-inch open-end wrench, disconnect the outlet tubing from
the transducer.


Outlet tubing

15. Disconnect the pressure transducer cable from the bulkhead by

squeezing on the tabs and pulling gently.

Pressure transducer
cable connector


16. Using the T27 TORX driver, loosen the 2 head bolts 1/2-turn.
Tip: The bolts are accessible from the front of the pressure transducer.

Head bolt (2)

Caution: To avoid damaging the plunger, support the pump head

from below as you remove it.

17. Using the T27 TORX driver, loosen and remove the 2 support plate
bolts, and then gently pull the head and support plate off the actuator
housing, making sure not to tilt the head during the extraction.

Support plate bolt (2)

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 83

Pulling the head and support plate off the actuator housing:


Head and support plate

Warning: To avoid hand lacerations, use care when removing the
old plunger. Bending the plunger shaft can cause it to break.

18. Use the recessed side of the plunger removal tool to apply pressure to
both sides of the release collar, and then remove the old plunger.

Recessed lip of plunger

removal tool


release collar


Plunger removal tool

19. Remove the plunger removal tool from the release collar.

To remove the primary plunger seals:

1. Stand the head upright on a clean surface.
2. Using the T27 TORX driver, completely loosen the 2 head bolts to
release the support plate from the pump head.

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 85

Requirement: If you remove the transducer and head bolts, be sure to
reuse the head bolt washers when reassembling the pump head.

Head bolt access hole (2)

3. Lift the pump head from the support plate.

Pump head

Seal-wash housing

Support plate

4. Lift the seal-wash housing from the support plate.

Seal-wash housing

Support plate

Plunger seals:


Seal-wash seal
Plunger seal

Plunger seal spacer

5. Using the smooth end of the seal extraction tool, pull the seal-wash seal
from the seal-wash housing.

Seal-wash seal

Insert seal extraction

tool here

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 87

Caution: To avoid scratching any metal surfaces, use care when
screwing the threaded end of the seal extraction tool into the
plunger seal.

6. Taking care not to scratch any surfaces, screw the threaded end of the
seal extraction tool into the plunger seal on the reverse side of the seal-
wash housing and carefully withdraw the plunger seal and spacer.

Plunger seal

Caution: To avoid scratching any metal surfaces, use care when

using a sharp tool to remove the fluoropolymer O-ring.

7. Taking care not to scratch any surfaces, use a sharp tool to remove the
fluoropolymer O-ring from the pump head.

Sharp tool

Fluoropolymer O-ring

8. Inspect the seal-wash housing surface and pump head surface, ensuring
both are free from scratches and particulates.
9. Lubricate the new fluoropolymer O-ring with methanol, and press the
O-ring into its seat with your thumbs.
10. Lubricate the new plunger seal spacer with methanol, and use the
smooth end of the seal extraction tool to place it in the seal-wash

Seal extraction tool

Plunger seal spacer


11. Spray the new plunger seal with compressed air to remove any

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 89

12. Lubricate the new plunger seal with methanol, and use the smooth end
of the seal extraction tool to place it in the seal-wash housing, over the
plunger seal spacer.

Seal extraction tool

Plunger seal

13. Orient the seal-wash housing so that the holes on its side align with the
holes on the side of the pump head, and then guide it into place.

Seal-wash housing

Pump head

14. Spray the seal-wash seal with compressed air to remove any
15. Lubricate the new seal-wash seal with methanol, place it in the
seal-wash housing, and press it into place.

Seal-wash seal

16. Place the support plate on top of the pump head, ensuring the round side
of the plate is oriented toward the bottom side of the head.
Round side of
support plate

Bottom side of
pump head

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 91

17. Holding the assembly together, use the T27 TORX driver to minimally
tighten the 2 head bolts.

T27 TORX driver

Head bolt Head bolt

access hole access hole

To reattach the primary head:

1. Flip the assembly over, and then lubricate the seals with methanol.


2. Carefully insert the sapphire plunger shaft into the pump head until the
plunger shaft is no longer visible, ensuring the shaft does not contact the
support plate.

Recommendation: Replace the plunger whenever you replace the
plunger seal.

Plunger shaft

Support plate

Caution: To avoid damaging the plunger, ensure that the head

assembly is not tilted relative to the actuator housing when you
position it on the mechanism.

3. Carefully slide the head assembly and sapphire plunger into the
actuator housing, making sure not to tilt the head.
4. Connect the pressure transducer cable to the bulkhead.

Pressure transducer
cable connector

5. Power-on the binary solvent manager.

6. In the ACQUITY UPLC Console, select Binary Solvent Manager from
the system tree.
Note: If your system is controlled by UNIFI software, consult the UNIFI
online Help.

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 93

7. In the binary solvent manager information window, click Maintain >
8. In the Head Maintenance dialog box, select the primary head (A or B).
9. Click Move Forward, and then wait for the piston to engage the plunger

Caution: To avoid damaging the plunger, alternately tighten the

the support plate screws 1/4-turn so that they are uniformly

10. Hold the head assembly securely against the actuator housing, and then
use the T27 TORX driver to tighten the support plate bolts securely.

Pump head bolt (2)

Support plate bolt (2)

11. Use the torque driver to tighten each pump head bolt to 40 inch-pounds
of torque.
12. After tightening each pump head bolt to 40 inch-pounds of torque, use
the torque driver to tighten each pump head bolt to 50 inch-pounds of
13. After tightening each pump head bolt to 50 inch-pounds of torque, use
the torque driver to tighten each pump head bolt to 60 inch-pounds of
14. After tightening each pump head bolt to 60 inch-pounds of torque, use
the torque driver to tighten each pump head bolt to 70 inch-pounds of

Caution: To avoid pinching the drip wire between the head
assembly and support plate, be sure to install the drip wire after
tightening the head bolts.

15. Reinstall the drip wire around the head assembly, ensuring that the tip
is in the 6 o’clock position.
16. Reattach all fittings and seal-wash tubing.
Tip: When reattaching the outlet tubing to the transducer, tighten the
inlet-tubing fitting finger-tight plus as much as 1/6-turn, for existing
fittings, or 3/4-turn for new fittings.
17. Orient the i Valve assembly so that the cable exits from the left-hand
18. Insert the i Valve assembly into the bottom of the primary pump head,
and route the cable behind the valve actuator.
19. Finger-tighten the shell nut, rotating it approximately 5 full turns, to
secure the valve.
20. Use the 5/16-inch open-end wrench to tighten the nut an additional

Place 5/16-inch open-end

wrench here

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 95

21. Reinsert the in-line filter and tube into the ferrule holder fitting.

Ferrule holder

In-line filter

22. Place the cap nut over the ferrule holder fitting, and finger-tighten the
cap nut to the extent possible.
Ferrule holder

Cap nut

23. Align the red dot on the i Valve connector with the red dot on the
receptacle, in the 12 o’clock position, and insert the connector into the
Red dot on connector

Red dot on receptacle

Connector receptacle

i2Valve connector

Knurled diameter

24. Return the solvent bottles to their original location.

25. Prime the binary solvent manager (see page 17).
26. Perform the binary solvent manager leak test (see the ACQUITY UPLC
online Help).
If the leak test results are not satisfactory, pressurize the head plunger seals
to properly seat them.

To pressurize the seals:

Run the binary solvent manager at 117,211 kPa (1172 bar, 17,000 psi)
for a half-hour, or run the leak test until results are satisfactory.

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 97

Replacing the accumulator head plunger and seals
See the ACQUITY UPLC Console online Help to help determine whether you
need to replace the accumulator plunger seals.

Warning: To avoid the harmful effects of personal contact with solvents,

including inhalation, observe Good Laboratory Practice when you
handle them. See the Material Safety Data Sheets for the solvents you

Caution: To prevent contaminating system components, wear clean,

chemical-resistant, powder-free gloves when removing and replacing the
plunger seals.

Required materials
• Compressed air
• Gloves: clean, powder-free, chemical-resistant
• Methanol
• Plunger (recommended)
• Plunger seal and plunger seal spacer
• Fluoropolymer O-ring
• Seal-wash seal

Required tools
• 1/4-inch open-end wrench
• 5/16-inch open-end wrench
• Pliers
• Plunger removal tool (recommended)
• Seal extraction tool
• Sharp tool
• T27 TORX driver (startup kit)

To remove the accumulator head:
1. Flush the binary solvent manager with nonhazardous solvent.
2. In the ACQUITY UPLC Console, select Binary Solvent Manager from
the system tree.
Note: If your system is controlled by UNIFI software, consult the UNIFI
online Help.
3. In the binary solvent manager information window, click Maintain >
4. In the Head Maintenance dialog box, select the accumulator head (A or
5. Click Move Backward, and then wait for the plunger to stop.

Caution: To avoid damaging electrical parts, never disconnect an

electrical assembly while power is applied to an instrument or
device. To completely interrupt power, set the power switch to Off,
and then unplug the power cord from the AC source. Wait 10
seconds thereafter before you disconnect an assembly.

6. Power-off the binary solvent manager.

Warning: To avoid injuries arising from contact with spilled

solvent (siphoning), move the solvent bottles to a location below
the binary solvent manager.

7. Move the solvent bottles to a location below the binary solvent manager.

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 99

8. Remove the seal-wash tubing secured to the seal-wash housing by
barbed fittings by using a tool or by pulling on the tubing as close to the
head as possible.

Seal-wash tubing

Seal-wash tubing

9. Using a pliers, remove the drip wire from the head assembly.

Drip wire


10. Using the 1/4-inch open-end wrench, disconnect the outlet tubing from
the transducer.


Outlet tubing

11. Using the 5/16-inch open-end wrench to hold the check-valve cartridge
in place, disconnect the tubing connection from the check valve with the
1/4-inch open-end wrench.

Accumulator check valve

Place 5/16-inch open-end

wrench here

Compression fitting

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 101

12. Disconnect the pressure transducer cable from the bulkhead by
squeezing on the tabs and pulling gently.

Pressure transducer
cable connector


13. Using the T27 TORX driver, loosen the 2 head bolts 1/2-turn.
Tip: The bolts are accessible from the front of the pressure transducer.

Head bolt (2)

Caution: To avoid damaging the plunger, support the pump head
from below as you remove it.

14. Using the T27 TORX driver, loosen and remove the 2 support plate
bolts, and then gently pull the head and support plate off the actuator
housing, making sure not to tilt the head during the extraction.

Support plate bolt (2)


Head and support plate

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 103

Warning: To avoid hand lacerations, use care when removing the
old plunger. Bending the plunger shaft can cause it to break.

15. Use the recessed side of the plunger removal tool to apply pressure to
both sides of the release collar, and then remove the old plunger.

Recessed lip of plunger

removal tool


release collar


Plunger removal tool

16. Remove the plunger removal tool from the release collar.

To remove the accumulator plunger seals:
1. Stand the head upright on a clean surface.
2. Using the T27 TORX driver, completely loosen the 2 head bolts to
release the support plate from the pump head.
Requirement: If you remove the transducer and head bolts, be sure to
reuse the head bolt washers when reassembling the pump head.

Head bolt access hole (2)

3. Lift the pump head from the support plate.

Pump head

Seal-wash housing

Support plate

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 105

4. Lift the seal-wash housing from the support plate.

Seal-wash housing

Support plate

Plunger seals:

Seal-wash seal
Plunger seal

Plunger seal spacer

5. Using the smooth end of the seal extraction tool, remove the plunger seal
spacer from the head.

Seal-wash seal

Insert seal extraction

tool here

Caution: To avoid scratching any metal surfaces, use care when
screwing the threaded end of the seal extraction tool into the
plunger seal.

6. Taking care not to scratch any surfaces, screw the threaded end of the
seal extraction tool into the plunger seal and carefully withdraw the seal
from the head.

Plunger seal


Seal extraction tool

Caution: To avoid scratching any metal surfaces, use care when

using a sharp tool to remove the fluoropolymer O-ring.

7. Use a sharp tool to remove the fluoropolymer O-ring.

Sharp tool

Fluoropolymer O-ring

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 107

8. Lubricate the new fluoropolymer O-ring with methanol, and press the
O-ring into its seat with your thumbs.
9. Lubricate the new plunger seal spacer with methanol, and use the
smooth end of the seal extraction tool to place it in the seal-wash

Seal extraction tool

Plunger seal spacer

10. Spray the new plunger seal with compressed air to remove any
11. Lubricate the new plunger seal with methanol, and use the smooth end
of the seal extraction tool to place it in the seal-wash housing, over the
plunger seal spacer.

Seal extraction tool

Plunger seal

12. Orient the seal-wash housing so that the holes on its side align with the
holes on the side of the pump head, and then guide it into place.

Seal-wash housing

Pump head

13. Spray the seal-wash seal with compressed air to remove any
14. Lubricate the new seal-wash seal with methanol, place it in the
seal-wash housing, and press it into place.

Seal-wash seal

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 109

15. Place the support plate on top of the pump head, ensuring the round side
of the plate is oriented toward the bottom side of the head.
Round side of
support plate

Bottom side of
pump head

16. Holding the assembly together, use the T27 TORX driver to minimally
tighten the 2 head bolts.

T27 TORX driver

Head bolt Head bolt

access hole access hole

To reattach the accumulator head:
1. Flip the assembly over, and then lubricate the seals with methanol.


2. Carefully insert the sapphire plunger shaft into the pump head until the
plunger shaft is no longer visible, ensuring the shaft does not contact the
support plate.
Recommendation: Replace the plunger whenever you replace the
plunger seal.

Plunger shaft

Support plate

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 111

Caution: To avoid damaging the plunger, ensure that the head
assembly is not tilted relative to the actuator housing when you
position it on the mechanism.

3. Carefully slide the head assembly and sapphire plunger into the
actuator housing, making sure not to tilt the head.
4. Connect the pressure transducer cable to the bulkhead.

Pressure transducer
cable connector

5. Power-on the binary solvent manager.

6. In the ACQUITY UPLC Console, select Binary Solvent Manager from
the system tree.
Note: If your system is controlled by UNIFI software, consult the UNIFI
online Help.
7. In the binary solvent manager information window, click Maintain >
8. In the Head Maintenance dialog box, select the accumulator head (A or
9. Click Move Forward, and then wait for the piston to engage the plunger

Caution: To avoid damaging the plunger, alternately tighten the
the support plate screws 1/4-turn so that they are uniformly

10. Hold the head assembly securely against the actuator housing, and then
use the T27 TORX driver to tighten the support plate bolts securely.

Pump head bolt (2)

Support plate bolt (2)

11. Use the torque driver to tighten each pump head bolt to 40 inch-pounds
of torque.
12. After tightening each pump head bolt to 40 inch-pounds of torque, use
the torque driver to tighten each pump head bolt to 50 inch-pounds of
13. After tightening each pump head bolt to 50 inch-pounds of torque, use
the torque driver to tighten each pump head bolt to 60 inch-pounds of
14. After tightening each pump head bolt to 60 inch-pounds of torque, use
the torque driver to tighten each pump head bolt to 70 inch-pounds of

Caution: To avoid pinching the drip wire between the head

assembly and support plate, be sure to install the drip wire after
tightening the head bolts.

15. Reinstall the drip wire around the head assembly, ensuring that the tip
is in the 6 o’clock position.
16. Reattach all fittings and seal-wash tubing.

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 113

Tip: When reattaching the outlet tubing to the transducer, tighten the
inlet-tubing fitting finger-tight plus as much as 1/6-turn, for existing
fittings, or 3/4-turn for new fittings.
17. Return the solvent bottles to their original location.
18. Prime the binary solvent manager (see page 17).
19. Perform the binary solvent manager leak test (see the ACQUITY UPLC
online Help).
If the leak test results are not satisfactory, pressurize the head plunger seals
to properly seat them.

To pressurize the seals:

Run the binary solvent manager at 117,211 kPa (1172 bar, 17,000 psi)
for a half-hour, or run the leak test until results are satisfactory.

Replacing the vent valve cartridge

Warning: To avoid the harmful effects of personal contact with solvents,

including inhalation, observe Good Laboratory Practice when you
handle them. See the Material Safety Data Sheets for the solvents you

Caution: To prevent contaminating system components, wear clean,

chemical-resistant, powder-free gloves when replacing the vent valve

Required materials
• Gloves: clean, powder-free, chemical-resistant
• Vent valve cartridge

Required tools
• 1/4-inch open-end wrench
• 2-mm Allen wrench (startup kit)

To replace the vent valve cartridge:
1. In the ACQUITY UPLC Console, select Binary Solvent Manager from
the system tree.
Note: If your system is controlled by UNIFI software, consult the UNIFI
online Help.
2. In the binary solvent manager information window, click Interactive
3. In the binary solvent manager interactive display dialog box, click
Control .
4. Ensure the vent valve is set to Vent.
Tip: To change the setting to Vent, click the underlined vent valve
position, and select Vent.

Interactive display showing vent valve setting:

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 115

5. Use the 1/4-inch wrench to remove the fittings attached to the vent valve

Vent valve cartridge:

Hex screw hole in
10 o’clock position
Pump A
to system Pump B
From pump A
(transducer, From pump B
accumulator) (transducer,
Pump A
Pump B
to system

6. Use the 2-mm Allen wrench to remove the hex screw at the 10 o’clock
position on the vent valve cartridge.
7. Remove the vent valve cartridge from the vent valve assembly by pulling
straight forward.
8. Unpack the replacement vent valve cartridge.

Caution: To avoid scratching the drive clamp or cartridge housing,
handle it with care.

9. Ensure that the groove in the cartridge housing aligns with the groove
on the drive clamp.
Tip: If the grooves fail to align, turn the drive clamp until they do.
Vent valve cartridge housing

Aligned grooves

Drive clamp

10. Insert the new vent valve cartridge into the vent valve cartridge
• Orient the new cartridge exactly as the old one was oriented.
• The vent valve cartridge must slide fully into the vent valve
assembly. If it does not, contact Waters Technical Service.
11. Insert the 2-mm hex screw at the 10 o’clock position on the vent valve
cartridge and then use the 2-mm Allen wrench to tighten the hex screw
to 9 inch-pounds of torque.
12. Use the 1/4-inch wrench to reattach all fittings and tighten them up to
1/6-turn beyond finger-tight for existing fittings, or 3/4-turn beyond
finger-tight for new fittings.
13. Prime the binary solvent manager (see page 17).

Maintaining the binary solvent manager 117

Cleaning the instrument’s exterior
Clean surfaces of the binary solvent manager using only a clean, soft, lint-free
paper or clean cloth dampened with water.
Observe these requirements when cleaning device surfaces:
• Always ensure the electrical power to the device is interrupted.
• Always use eye and hand protection during the cleaning process.
• Apply the water to a clean cloth only, and then wipe the device.
• Never spray or apply the water directly onto any device surface.


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