Southern African Frogs: Conservation Assessment and Management Plan

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Southern African Frogs

Conservation Assessment
and Management Plan
Cape Town, South Africa
24-27 July 2000



Conservation efforts to protect the planet’s vertebrate biodiversity have been disproportionate for
the various groups and have tended to favour mammals and birds. The so-called ‘lower
vertebrates’, i.e., fish, amphibians and reptiles, generally have a lower public appeal and are
typically neglected in conservation programmes, yet these groups are of fundamental importance at
an ecosystem level. In terms of species richness, amphibians outnumber mammals with more than
4700 living species currently recognised and with an expected total exceeding 5000 (Glaw & Kohler
1998). Ironically, at a time when taxonomists are unravelling and describing this richness at an
unprecedented rate, alarming reports of amphibian population declines and species extinctions are
being recorded around the world. Amphibia is proportionally the most threatened group of
vertebrates (Branch 1994).

With the world’s human population more than doubling during the second half of the 20th century to
reach six billion in October 1999 (Brown et al. 1999), a concurrent increase in the rate of habitat
loss and species extinction has become the greatest conservation concern. Biologists and wildlife
managers realise that strategies geared to reducing the risk and rate of extinction need to be
implemented to ensure viable ecosystem functioning in the long term. These strategies can be at a
global as well as at a regional or national level, and include habitat preservation, intensified
legislation and regulation, additional field research, investigations into the ecological roles of key
species, the development of improved biological monitoring techniques and, in some cases,
scientifically managed captive populations for potential restocking of wild populations. Another
important strategy is the identification and highlighting of those species that are most threatened
and thus in greatest need of ameliorative conservation action. Such assessments of threatened
plants and animals during the past few decades have typically been presented as national or
international Red Data species lists.

Conservation threats and priorities are ever changing and a dynamic system is called for to keep
abreast of developments. The concept of Red Data species listing has evolved over the years and
today it serves as a model for monitoring the conservation status of species. Although the methods
and approaches in achieving these listings have differed over time and between countries, the
principles followed were generally the same. For example, the Committee on the Status of
Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) meets regularly to update species accounts when
needed. Drawing from this resource, Seburn and Seburn (2000) took the process an important step
further and compiled a document detailing conservation priorities and action plans for Canadian
herpetofauna. Such details can also be obtained in the course of a Conservation Assessment and
Management Plan (CAMP) for a specific region, such as was done for the amphibians of India
(BCPP CAMP Report 1998).

The first assessment of threatened frogs occurring in South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho was
presented in the South African Red Data Book – Reptiles and Amphibians (McLachlan 1978) which
listed nine species. This was updated 10 years later by Branch (1988). A total of 17 frog species,
comprising four Endangered, one Vulnerable, two Rare, eight Restricted, one Peripheral and one
Indeterminate species, was included. More than a decade later it again become important to re-
evaluate the threatened status of frogs in this region and to this end a CAMP workshop was held in
Cape Town during 24–27 July 2000. Arising from that workshop, the present report has been
compiled for southern African frogs (see page 15 for details of the CAMP process). The results
presented in this document should serve as the basis for compiling the next Red Data Book for this
faunal group and region. It is anticipated that this will be done in conjunction with the forthcoming
atlas publication which will mark the end of the Southern African Frog Atlas Project (SAFAP).

FROGS AND WETLANDS (largely excerpted from Cowan 1995, especially Channing & Van Dijk

The World Conservation Strategy (IUCN 1980) identified wetlands as the third most important life
support system on Earth. In South Africa, which has relatively few wetlands, it has been estimated
that more than one-third have been destroyed or lost (Breen & Begg 1989). Those that remain are
in some of the most threatened areas (Zaloumis 1987; Begg 1990).

Besides amphibians, wetlands support an enormous variety of plants, invertebrates, fish, reptiles,
birds and mammals, many of which can survive nowhere else. Wetlands help to regulate water
quality and flow. Acting as natural filters and sponges, wetlands take up runoff, attenuate floods,
reduce erosion, re-charge groundwater, trap sediments, recycle nutrients, oxygenate water and
release the purified water gradually back into the system.

South Africa is an arid country in which most wetlands tend to be seasonal. Specific wetlands
become biologically active at different times, depending on the seasonality and unpredictable
occurrence of rain. Nevertheless, the biotic diversity of the wetlands in South Africa make them
particularly important ecosystems, and they are a high priority for protection. South Africa is a
signatory to the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl
Habitat (RAMSAR Convention), adopted in 1971, which provides a framework for the international
conservation of wetland habitats. The conservation of these areas is essential to the long-term
survival of an enormous number of species, including many species of frogs.

Frogs have soft, permeable skin and although they have many adaptations to assist in the reduction
of water loss, in general they are confined to damp places when they are active. Most species of
frogs, except those living in permanent wetlands, spend a large portion of the year inactive, as
dictated by the risk of desiccation and/or a shortage of prey. During the dry periods in wetlands,
some species may burrow into the mud or damp subsoil of places where water accumulates in the
wet season. Other types of shelter used by frogs include reeds, grass tufts, under rocks, rock
crevices, or the burrows of other animals such as rodents (Channing & Van Dijk 1995).
Tadpoles and adult frogs are preyed upon by their own kind and by other animals such as dragonfly
nymphs, fishes, water birds, snakes and wetland mammals, such as otters. As both predators and
prey, anurans are an important link in many food chains, especially those of wetland ecosystems.

Despite their importance in food chains and as ecological indicators, little attention has been paid to
amphibians in the milieu of wetlands in Africa, as well as in the rest of the world. Most South African
frogs are terrestrial, with an aquatic larval stage, and are associated with the interface between
terrestrial and freshwater aquatic systems. The majority of frogs utilise wetlands for breeding, and
many are found in or near bodies of water outside the breeding season. They occur in nearly all
wetlands in South Africa: 88 of the 105 described species use wetland habitat. As such, frogs can
provide important information pertinent to the ecology of these areas. In South Africa, 19 frog
species are permanent residents of wetlands or surrounding areas, 60 use wetlands for breeding
and feeding during the rainy season, and 17 species do not use wetlands (see Table 1 in Channing
& Van Dijk 1995).

Frogs use a wide range of freshwater wetlands, from rivers, lakes and swamps, through temporary
pans and puddles to seepages on mountain slopes and mossy banks. For frogs, the definition of
wetlands needs to include very small bodies of water, many of which are shallow and temporary.
Small wetlands are especially important for frogs and play a greater role in the metapopulation
dynamics of certain taxa than the modest area of small wetlands might suggest (Gibbs 1993).

The onset of rain initiates breeding in most species, with many different breeding strategies being
employed. The eggs develop rapidly into free-swimming, feeding tadpoles, with the length of larval
life correlated with the stability of the wetland (Channing & Van Dijk 1995). Tadpoles in permanent
ponds and streams may take two years to reach metamorphosis, while those developing in
temporary pools in dry areas may complete their tadpole life in as little as three weeks (Wager 1965;
Channing 1976). Many anurans choose oviposition sites in temporary waters to minimise predation
and competition for their tadpoles (Van Dijk 1971b, 1972b). Tadpoles display a range of
morphologies related to the phylogeny of each genus, and which enable successful occupation of
widely differing habitats (Channing & Van Dijk 1995). Tadpoles generally feed on algae, other plant
matter and detritus; adults feed mostly on insects and small invertebrates. Some frogs are
completely terrestrial and able to complete their life cycles without using standing water at all. Such
species are well represented in southern Africa.

Frog distributions can be classified into two broad categories: those restricted to relatively small
areas or specialised habitats, and those with very wide distributions. Both categories are important
in wetlands and merit conservation attention. This is particularly important because the viability of
tadpoles determines the distribution of the various species: only in those wetlands that can support
tadpoles will adult frogs occur on a sustainable basis. The eggs and embryos of anurans in
wetlands are sensitive to changes in water conditions. These changes may include presence of
herbicides or pesticides or other poisons that may have a deleterious effect (Channing & Van Dijk



The exceptional biodiversity of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland (hereafter referred to as “the
region”) is apparent in the unusually large number of biomes or distinctive broad vegetation types
which are present (Cowling et al. 1997). Seven biomes can be recognized: Succulent Karoo (arid
shrublands dominated by succulent plants), Nama Karoo (arid shrublands with a large grassy
component), Evergreen Forest, Thicket (inclusive of “Valley Bushveld”), Fynbos (montane and
lowland forms), Savannah (woodlands, of various types), and Grasslands (including the sour
grasslands and alpine heaths of the Afromontane highlands, and the highveld sweet and mixed
grasslands of the plains). This schema is based on those of White (1983), Huntley (1984),
Rutherford & Westfall (1986), Low & Rebelo (1996). The biomes are made up of many vegetation
types: 70 described by Acocks (1988) and 68 by Low & Rebelo (1996). In a sense, the biomes
“summarise” the variation in the many physical factors which have gradients across the region, e.g.,
precipitation, temperature, altitude, topography and geological substrate, as well as the evolutionary
history of the region.

As a group, the frogs of the region are relatively diverse. There are 108 described species, and at
least one additional known species awaits description (L.R. Minter in prep.; see Table 1). If the
recent trend in taxonomic research is sustained, it is anticipated that several further species will be
discovered and described in years to come (Channing 1999). This level of species richness places
the region above the global average in relation to land area and is in line with the high species
richness in other groups (Siegfried 1989).

The species richness, coupled with the diversity of habitats in the region, is reflected in a diversity of
life history traits. For example, there are completely aquatic species (e.g., Xenopus spp.) and
completely terrestrial species (e.g., Breviceps spp.), and a number of groups with intermediate
levels of dependence on water for reproduction (e.g., Arthroleptella spp. and Hemisus spp.). There
is also a broad spectrum of reproductive strategies with respect to K and r selection, and rate of
tadpole development, depending mainly on the type of oviposition site used (Wager 1986; Harrison
1998). Although there is a marked drop in species richness in the arid west, in comparison with the
relatively mesic east, there are species which are adapted to even the most arid parts of the region
(Bates 1998).

Given that all the biomes of the region are populated with frogs, a relatively high diversity of species
could be predicted. If one also takes into account that the Fynbos and Thicket biomes are restricted
to South Africa, that the two Karoo biomes are restricted to the southern African subcontinent (i.e.,
south of the Kunene and Zambezi rivers), and that the Grassland Biome is completely isolated from
other such areas in Africa, it could be further predicted that high levels of endemism may be present
amongst the region’s frogs.

Endemism with respect to the region (South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland), and the subcontinent
(south of the Kunene and Zambezi rivers) was checked using the interim distribution maps of the
Southern African Frog Atlas Project (Minter et al. 2000) as well as the distribution maps of Poynton
(1964), Poynton & Broadley (1991) and Channing & Griffin (1993). Species were deemed endemic
if at least 90% of their distribution range fell within the region. As predicted, the level of endemism is
high (Tables 2 and 3) with 60 of the 109 listed species (55%) being endemic to the region, and a
further 12 (11%) being endemic to the southern African subcontinent, i.e., a total of 72 (66%).

Table 2. Species list for the region spanning South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. Endemic status:
0 indicates no endemism to southern Africa; 1 indicates endemism to southern Africa; 2 indicates
endemism to the region (South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland). Two species whose status in the
region is unclear, and which probably occur only marginally, are indicated as “marginal”. The
relevant IUCN status categories are Critically Endangered (CR), Endangered (EN), Vulnerable (VU),
Near Threatened (NT), Data Deficient (DD) and Least Concern (LC). All species without a category
shown are Not Evaluated (NE).

Endemic Revised
Arthroleptis stenodactylus Arthroleptidae 0
Arthroleptis wahlbergi Arthroleptidae 2
Endemic Revised
Bufo amatolicus Bufonidae 2 NT
Bufo angusticeps Bufonidae 2 LC
Bufo fenoulheti Bufonidae 1
Bufo gariepensis Bufonidae 2
Bufo garmani Bufonidae 0
Bufo gutturalis Bufonidae 0
Bufo maculatus Bufonidae 0
Bufo pantherinus Bufonidae 2 EN
Bufo pardalis Bufonidae 2 LC
Bufo poweri Bufonidae 1
Bufo rangeri Bufonidae 2
Bufo robinsoni Bufonidae 2 DD
Bufo vertebralis Bufonidae 2
Capensibufo rosei Bufonidae 2 VU
Capensibufo tradouwi Bufonidae 2
Schismaderma carens Bufonidae 0
Heleophryne hewitti Heleophrynidae 2 CR
Heleophryne natalensis Heleophrynidae 2
Heleophryne purcelli Heleophrynidae 2
Heleophryne regis Heleophrynidae 2
Heleophryne rosei Heleophrynidae 2 CR
Hemisus guineensis Hemisotidae 0
Hemisus guttatus Hemisotidae 2 NT
Hemisus marmoratus Hemisotidae 0
Afrixalus aureus Hyperoliidae 1
Afrixalus delicatus Hyperoliidae 1
Afrixalus fornasinii Hyperoliidae 0
Afrixalus knysnae Hyperoliidae 2 DD
Afrixalus spinifrons Hyperoliidae 2
Hyperolius argus Hyperoliidae 0
Hyperolius horstockii Hyperoliidae 2
Hyperolius marmoratus Hyperoliidae 0
Hyperolius nasutus Hyperoliidae 0
Hyperolius pickersgilli Hyperoliidae 2 EN
Hyperolius pusillus Hyperoliidae 0
Hyperolius semidiscus Hyperoliidae 2
Hyperolius tuberilinguis Hyperoliidae 0
Kassina maculata Hyperoliidae 0
Kassina senegalensis Hyperoliidae 0
Leptopelis mossambicus Hyperoliidae 1
Leptopelis natalensis Hyperoliidae 2
Leptopelis xenodactylus Hyperoliidae 2 EN
Semnodactylus wealii Hyperoliidae 2
Breviceps acutirostris Microhylidae 2
Breviceps adspersus Microhylidae 0
Breviceps fuscus Microhylidae 2
Breviceps gibbosus Microhylidae 2 NT
Breviceps macrops Microhylidae 1 NT
Endemic Revised
Breviceps montanus Microhylidae 2
Breviceps mossambicus Microhylidae 0
Breviceps namaquensis Microhylidae 2
Breviceps rosei Microhylidae 2
Breviceps sp. (sopranus) Microhylidae 2
Breviceps sylvestris Microhylidae 2 NT
Breviceps verrucosus Microhylidae 2
Phrynomantis annectens Microhylidae 1
Phrynomantis bifasciatus Microhylidae 0
Xenopus gilli Pipidae 2 EN
Xenopus laevis Pipidae 0
Xenopus muelleri Pipidae 0
Anhydrophryne rattrayi Petropedetidae 2 NT
Arthroleptella bicolor Petropedetidae 2
Arthroleptella drewesii Petropedetidae 2 NT
Arthroleptella hewitti Petropedetidae 2
Arthroleptella lightfooti Petropedetidae 2 NT
Arthroleptella ngongoniensis Petropedetidae 2 CR
Arthroleptella landdrosia Petropedetidae 2 NT
Arthroleptella villiersi Petropedetidae 2
Cacosternum boettgeri Petropedetidae 1
Cacosternum capense Petropedetidae 2 VU
Cacosternum namaquense Petropedetidae 2
Cacosternum nanum Petropedetidae 2
Cacosternum striatum Petropedetidae 2 DD
Microbatrachella capensis Petropedetidae 2 CR
Natalobatrachus bonebergi Petropedetidae 2 EN
Phrynobatrachus acridoides Petropedetidae 0
Phrynobatrachus mababiensis Petropedetidae 0
Phrynobatrachus natalensis Petropedetidae 0
Poyntonia paludicola Petropedetidae 2 NT
Afrana angolensis Ranidae 0
Afrana dracomontana Ranidae 2
Afrana fuscigula Ranidae 1
Afrana vandijki Ranidae 2 DD
Amietia vertebralis Ranidae 2
Hildebrandtia ornata Ranidae 0
Ptychadena anchietae Ranidae 0
Ptychadena mascareniensis Ranidae 0
Ptychadena mossambica Ranidae 0
Ptychadena oxyrhynchus Ranidae 0
Ptychadena porosissima Ranidae 0
Ptychadena taenioscelis Ranidae 0
Ptychadena uzungwensis Ranidae 0
Pyxicephalus adspersus Ranidae 0 NT
Pyxicephalus edulis Ranidae 0
Strongylopus bonaespei Ranidae 2
Strongylopus fasciatus Ranidae 1
Endemic Revised
Strongylopus grayii Ranidae 2
Strongylopus hymenopus Ranidae 2
Strongylopus springbokensis Ranidae 2 DD
Strongylopus wageri Ranidae 2 NT
Tomopterna cryptotis Ranidae 0
Tomopterna delalandii Ranidae 2
Tomopterna krugerensis Ranidae 1
Tomopterna marmorata Ranidae 1
Tomopterna natalensis Ranidae 2
Tomopterna tandyi Ranidae 0
Chiromantis xerampelina Rhacophoridae 0

Species richness and endemism are summarised in Table 3. Ten families occur within the region, of
which five families, Ranidae (27 spp.), Petropedetidae (19 spp.), Hyperoliidae (19 spp.), Bufonidae
(16 spp.) and Microhylidae (14 spp.), are dominant in terms of numbers of species (Table 3).
Proportionately speaking, regional endemism is approximately evenly spread over the families,
except in the cases of the family Rhacophoridae which has no endemic species, and the family
Heleophrynidae (5 spp.) which is entirely endemic to the region. Threatened and near-threatened
taxa are spread across most of the families, but the Petropedetidae with 9 (47%) threatened and
near-threatened species, and the endemic family Heleophrynidae with 2 (40%), must be singled out
as being of special concern (Table 3). The largest number of widespread species is found in the
family Ranidae, which also has the lowest percentage of threatened and near-threatened species,
apart from the Arthroleptidae and Rhacophoridae which have no threatened or near-threatened
species (Table 3).

Table 3. Summary of endemism and threatened taxa by family. Abbreviations and codes for
endemism (column 2), and categories of threat, are the same as in Table 2. Note that regional
endemism (column 2) is based on national boundaries. The totals (column 3) apply to the sum of
regional endemism codes (column 2). Percentages in columns 2 and 4 are based on the species
totals in column 3, and the percentages in column 3 are based on the overall species total of 109.

1. Family 2. Regional endemism: 3. Total species 4. Threatened taxa

codes 2 + 1 + 0 richness CR+EN+ VU+NT
Arthroleptidae 1 (50%) + 0 + 1 (50%) 2 (2%) 0+0+0+0=0
Bufonidae 10 (63%) +2 (13%) + 4 (25%) 16 (15%) 0+1+1+1=3 (19%)
Heleophrynidae 5 (100%) + 0 + 0 5 (5%) 2+0+0+0=2 (40%)
Hemisotidae 1 (33%) + 0 + 2 (67%) 3 (3%) 0+0+0+1=1 (33%)
Hyperoliidae 8 (42%) + 3 (16%) + 8 (42%) 19 (17%) 0+2+0+0=2 (11%)
Microhylidae 9 (64%) + 2 (14%) + 3 (21%) 14 (13%) 0+0+0+3=3 (21%)
Pipidae 1 (33%) + 0 + 2 (67%) 3 (3%) 0+1+0+0=1 (33%)
Petropedetidae 15 (79%) +1 (5%) +3 (16%) 19 (17%) 2+1+1+5=9 (47%)
Ranidae 10 (37%) + 4 (15%) +13 (48%) 27 (25%) 0+0+0+2=2 (7%)
Rhacophoridae 0 + 0 + 1 (100%) 1 (1%) 0+0+0+0=0
TOTALS 60(55%) + 12(11%) + 37(34%) 109 spp. (100%) 4+5+2+12=23 (21%)

The biogeographic patterning of endemism within the region has been extensively analysed and
described (Poynton 1960, 1964, 1990, 1992, 1995, 2000; Poynton & Boycott 1996; Poynton &
Broadley 1978, 1991; Van Dijk 1972a, 1982).
Focussing on the relevance of our findings for conservation, if one tallies the species which do not
occur in the region, i.e., are not amongst the 109 species listed for South Africa, Lesotho and
Swaziland in Table 1, but which do occur in subcontinental southern Africa, not more than 20
species can be added to the category of southern African endemics, despite the fact that the land
area is more than doubled by the addition of Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique south
of the Zambezi (Poynton & Broadley 1991; Channing & Griffin 1993). This clearly indicates that
South Africa, together with the enclaves of Lesotho and Swaziland, is an important centre of
endemism for African anurans. Not only that, but of the 23 threatened and near-threatened species
on the Red List (Tables 2 & 3), all but two are endemic to the region, and one of those two is
endemic to subcontinental southern Africa. Of the 23, no less than 20 (87%) occur in the winter-
rainfall region in the south western corner of South Africa, and in the Grassland Biome (cf. Drinkrow
& Cherry 1995). Thus we see that the relevant provinces of South Africa, and Lesotho, undoubtedly
have an important responsibility to conserve anuran biodiversity in Africa.


At the First World Congress of Herpetology in 1989, many of the participants expressed concern
regarding the marked declines in amphibian populations observed in many parts of the world over
the previous several decades. This led to a series of scientific meetings and workshops and to the
establishment, in 1991, of the Declining Amphibian Populations Task Force (DAPTF) by the Species
Survival Commission (SSC) of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). For
early reports and reviews of this phenomenon, see Blaustein & Wake (1990, 1995), Bradford
(1991), Pechmann et al. (1991), Tyler (1991), Crump et al. 1992, Blaustein et al. (1994). An
extensive record of the literature on declining amphibians may be found in the issues of Froglog,
newsletter of the DAPTF. The current DAPTF Working Group Chair for Southern Africa is Dr Les
Minter, University of the North, P/Bag X1106, Sovenga 0727, South Africa.

It is evident that the declines cannot be attributed to a single cause but are the result of a variety of
factors acting in isolation or in combination. The principal and most widespread local cause appears
to be habitat loss, degradation and fragmentation, while other local factors include pollution by
agricultural and industrial chemicals, the introduction of exotic predators and road kills. Examples of
more widespread or global causes of declines are: an increase in UV radiation due to ozone
depletion in the upper atmosphere, acid precipitation and global warming. The discovery that a
novel frog pathogen, a chytrid fungus, is responsible for mass mortalities and extinctions of
numerous frog species in Australia and Central America (Berger et al. 1998; Longcore et al. 1999),
has created even more consternation in herpetological and conservation circles. This fungus is now
known to have caused amphibian declines in several countries in Europe and South America, as
well as the USA, Canada and New Zealand, i.e. the spread of this disease has reached pandemic
proportions. Iridoviral infections are similarly implicated in mass amphibian mortalities (Daszak et al.


Evidence for amphibian declines in southern Africa

Channing and Van Dijk (1995) found no evidence for a “country-wide decline in frog populations” in
South Africa, and attributed observed local declines to habitat destruction, pollution and other
factors, such as a general disregard for amphibians by the public.

In the Western Cape province, the Western Cape Nature Conservation Board has an ongoing
monitoring programme for threatened species of frog. Unfortunately this is not replicated in other
provinces although there is a clear need, especially in KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape provinces.
Monitoring in the Western Cape includes annual visits by conservation officials to key localities
during the breeding seasons of the species concerned (De Villiers 1997; Baard et al. 1999). The
most threatened montane frog in this region is Heleophryne rosei. Despite the discovery of a new,
but small, breeding site of this species in recent years, the number of breeding localities has
declined from a total of eight streams to six. The most threatened lowland frog is Microbatrachella
capensis, followed by Xenopus gilli and Bufo pantherinus. In particular, M. capensis and X. gilli have
suffered dramatic habitat loss. On the Cape Flats, X. gilli is probably now extinct and only one M.
capensis breeding site remains, surrounded by a sea of urban development. This site supports a
healthy population of M. capensis but it must still be confirmed whether there is a population of the
often sympatric X. gilli present there. Further population declines in both of these species have been
recorded near Kleinmond, mainly as a result of sand mining activities, alien vegetation
encroachment (De Villiers 1997b) and, in the Betty's Bay area, development and general habitat
degradation. Although B. pantherinus can tolerate a certain amount of habitat modification, urban
expansion has lead to dramatic declines in population densities in some places. The above four
frogs include two Critically Endangered and two Endangered species. Population declines have also
been documented for the two Vulnerable frogs in this region, Cacosternum capense and, to a lesser
extent, Capensibufo rosei.

In Gauteng, a severe decline in the number of breeding sites and adult individuals of Pyxicephalus
adspersus has occurred over the last two decades, owing to the spread of housing developments,
shopping malls and industries (Cook 1996).

A continuous, long-term frog monitoring project, initiated by Dr Les Minter, University of the North,
was established at Hans Merensky Provincial Nature Reserve in October 2000, and currently
represents the only project of this kind in southern Africa. In order to effectively monitor frog
population fluctuations, it is essential that additional frog monitoring stations be established,
particularly in areas where threatened species occur.

There are, to date, no published records of chytridiomycosis in southern Africa, but this possibility is
presently being investigated (R. Speare & L. du Preez pers. comm.). Local herpetologists and
conservationists should be provided with information and materials that will enable them to react
quickly and effectively to reports of mass mortalities (eg. Amietia vertebralis) which occur from time
to time, so that these events can be properly documented and investigated.

Threats identified by CAMP participants

An analysis of the perceived (present or predicted) threats to the 30 species reviewed in this
workshop (taxon data sheets, Item 7A), shows that loss of habitat is by far the most significant
(26/30). Habitat loss may be a consequence of wetland drainage and infilling, habitat fragmentation
(23/30), afforestation, crop farming, and invasive alien vegetation (19/30). Activities associated with
afforestation often result in the siltation of streams, reduction of surface water, and altered fire
regimes. Alien plant growth also increases the frequency and intensity of fires, which were cited as
a threat to 11/30 species.

Other threats included pesticides (9/30), pollution (9/30), damming (7/30), road kills (6/30),
introduced predators (4/30), grazing (3/30) and disease (2/30). Altered drainage patterns were cited
as additional threats for several species.

Climatic change was also cited as a probable future threat for several species, but this threat was
not included in the taxon data sheets because it is believed to be potentially relevant to all species
and it is not yet clear which species are at higher risk from climatic changes than others. Climate
change is likely to take the form of global warming, altered rainfall patterns, longer periods of
drought, and the drying out of frog habitats.
Management recommendations

Since habitat loss, fragmentation and degradation are perceived to be the greatest threats facing
southern African frogs, it is obvious that habitat management is of paramount importance, and was
recommended for 28 of the 30 species assessed. However, we know very little about the specific
ecological requirements of most species, hence limiting factor research was deemed necessary in
26/30 species, in order to identify factors critical to the survival of the species.

A distinct problem is that most, if not all of the habitat of some species, falls outside protected areas
and cannot be managed effectively. For these species, it is important that statutory conservation
areas be established to encompass as much of their respective areas of habitat as possible. Failing
this, attempts should be made to create conservancies, Natural Heritage Sites and similar
partnerships of understanding with the relevant landowners and managers and thus ensure
appropriate habitat management.

Monitoring allows one to track changes in population size; this is especially important in the case of
species with small distributions, because disease or some other catastrophic event could cause
extinction of the species within a relatively short period of time. Monitoring was recommended for
27/30 species.

In 11/30 cases, it was felt that community-based environmental education programmes could be
useful in raising public awareness of problems such as pollution and habitat loss and encourage the
public to be more supportive of conservation initiatives.

Translocation was recommended as a management option for two species and sustainable
utilization, for one species.

Population and Habitat Viability Assessment (PHVA) workshops were recommended for most of the
threatened species, in order to develop comprehensive and achievable management plans. PHVA
workshops provide a means of assembling available detailed biological information on the
respective taxa, evaluating the threats to their habitat, the development of management scenarios
with immediate and 100-year time-scales, and the formulation of specific management plans with
the aid of simulation models. For those species that were indicated as being in need of a PHVA
workshop in the near future, we wish to urge immediate planning for those evaluations.

With only partial understanding of the underlying causes of population declines in some species, it
is often difficult to clearly define specific management actions needed for conservation. In such
cases, research should precede management action, followed by surveys to evaluate the
effectiveness of the actions taken. This information should then be fed back to researchers for
modification of the management action, if necessary.

Captive breeding recommendations

A captive breeding programme was not recommended for any of the species assessed in this


With broad support from the herpetological community, the Southern African Frog Atlas Project
(SAFAP) was launched in November 1995. Since then, SAFAP has gained the monetary backing of
the South African Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, WWF-SA, the Mazda Wildlife
Fund, Total South Africa, the Declining Amphibian Populations Task Force and the South African
National Research Foundation, putting the project on a firm financial footing. The project is co-
ordinated from the Avian Demography Unit (ADU) at the University of Cape Town, assisted by
regional organisers in the various provinces of South Africa, and in Lesotho and Swaziland.

Data are collected by volunteer members of the public and by professional herpetologists. Data are
submitted mainly in the form of audio recordings of calling frogs. Being species specific and
stereotyped, calls are a reliable form of evidence on which to base taxon identification. (Frogs are
generally cryptic and hard to find, but even when in the hand, they tend to be difficult to identify
because of variability in skin colour, markings and size.) All identifications are handled by experts –
usually the regional organisers – unless a particular observer has proven ability. This approach
ensures a high degree of reliability of the data. Supplementary sources of data are photographs and
specimens of eggs, tadpoles and frogs. The tadpoles of most species can be reliably identified
using features of gross morphology and mouth parts. Collection of adult specimens is generally
discouraged for obvious conservation reasons.

SAFAP aims to comprehensively cover all 109 species of frogs in South Africa, Lesotho and
Swaziland, on a quarter-degree (15’X15’) grid; there are c. 2000 grid cells in the region. Because
exact locations are often recorded using GPS technology, much of the data has good spatial
accuracy. Where reliable pre-atlas data are available, e.g. from the literature and museum records,
these are included in the SAFAP database; for some areas this may provide a useful historical

Frogs are neither popular nor easy to observe, with the result that relatively few volunteers
contribute records of frogs; this places a heavy burden on the professional herpetologists to achieve
adequate coverage of all areas and species. These fundamental problems are greatly exacerbated
by the need to do most of the fieldwork at night when frogs are calling, and the fact that frogs cannot
be found calling at all times of the year. The unpredictability of rain, and of the various species’
responses to rain, are major stumbling blocks because a meticulously planned and expensive
expedition can turn out to be a dismal failure if conditions are not right.

Despite the difficulties, to date (July 2000), c. 23 650 records, including c. 9000 pre-atlas records,
have been entered for 75% of the grid cells, although many of these cells will require further visits to
record additional species (Fig. 1). The greatest need is for more data from the arid western parts of
South Africa where rainfall is both scarce and unpredictable, but where, nevertheless, several
interesting species of frogs occur, and also from inaccessible montane areas. The quantity of
records accumulated thus far already far exceeds anything compiled previously for frogs in southern
Africa (e.g., Poynton 1964). From 2000 to 2002, gaps must be filled to achieve near-complete
coverage of all grid cells, thereby creating one of the most detailed, comprehensive and large-scale
distributional databases for amphibians in the world.

As should be the case in all modern biodiversity surveys, the aim is to survey all grid cells, thereby
creating information in which negative data, i.e., the absence of records of species, is nearly as
reliable as positive data, i.e., the recorded presence of species. Such completeness is an essential
element of modern methodology because it allows one to interpret the data and reach conclusions
which are of direct relevance to the conservation and macro-ecology of species. Other ad hoc data
sets, which are often used to describe distribution, are bedevilled by the uncertainty surrounding the
issues of how much missing information to interpolate and what the gaps in information might mean,
if anything.


Within the Species Survival Commission (SSC) of IUCN, The World Conservation Union, the
primary goal of the Conservation Breeding Specialist Group (CBSG) is to contribute to the
development of holistic and viable conservation strategies and management action plans. Toward
this goal, CBSG is collaborating with agencies and other Specialist Groups worldwide in the
development of scientifically based processes, on both a global and regional basis, with the goal of
facilitating an integrated approach to species management for conservation. One of these tools is
called the Conservation Assessment and Management Plan (CAMP).

CAMPs provide strategic guidance for the conservation of threatened taxa. This may include
recommendations for field investigations and improved data-gathering methods, and the application
of intensive management techniques that increasingly are required for survival and recovery of
threatened taxa. The CAMP process ensures an objective overall view of the status of the taxa in
question with the intent of improving the effectiveness and synergy of conservation efforts. CAMPs
also are one means of testing the applicability of the new IUCN Red List criteria for threat (IUCN
2000) as well as the scope of their applicability. Additionally, CAMPs are an attempt to produce
ongoing summaries of current data for groups of taxa, providing a mechanism for recording and
tracking of species’ status.

CAMP recommendations are broad-based: of paramount importance are those recommendations

related to field surveys, applied investigations and in situ conservation and management programs.
Ultimately, the survival of taxa in the wild will depend on the availability of field data regarding the
status of natural populations, the ecological role of the species (and its interdependence on other
taxa), life history parameters, and applied investigations related to management and conservation.
Where such data are lacking, a primary recommendation of the CAMP will be to stimulate their

In addition to management of taxa in their natural habitat, conservation programs leading to viable
populations of threatened species may sometimes need a captive component. In general, captive
populations and programs can serve several roles in holistic conservation: (1) as genetic and
demographic reservoirs that can be used to reinforce wild populations either by revitalising
populations that are languishing in natural habitats or by re-establishing by translocation populations
that have become depleted or extinct; (2) by providing scientific resources for information and
technology that can be used to protect and manage wild populations; and (3) as living ambassadors
that can educate the public as well as generate interest in and funds for in situ conservation.
Additionally, non-threatened taxa can serve as “surrogate” species, which can be used to develop
husbandry and propagation techniques that later can be applied to threatened species.

Captive management programs should only be developed in conjunction with ongoing field
investigations and holistic conservation initiatives. It should be emphasised that captive breeding is
not the answer to the extinction crisis and should not be viewed as a complete solution. It is one
option along a continuum of strategic options for population recovery. If implemented, these
programs should be part of an integrated species management plan that includes habitat
management, limiting factors management, field research, and public education. A recovery effort
that is not part of a holistic population management program in the wild does not have a high
probability of making a meaningful contribution to conservation.

CAMP workshop goals

The goals of the CAMP workshop were:

• To review the population status and demographic trends for the selected Southern African
frog species and to apply the newest IUCN Red List criteria for threat (IUCN 2000; see
Appendix II).
• To provide recommendations for in situ management, research and information-gathering for
all reviewed taxa, including: field investigations; surveys, population monitoring and
investigation of limiting factors; taxonomic studies; recommendations for PHVA workshops;
more intensive management in the wild; or other specific research.
• To provide recommendations for ex situ management and research for the taxa, including
husbandry, maintenance of viable captive populations of the more threatened species
(where appropriate, feasible, and desirable) and the development of collaborative
captive/field programs.
• Produce a review draft Conservation Assessment and Management Plan, presenting the
assessments and recommendations from the workshop for distribution to and review by
workshop participants and all parties interested in frog conservation.

Scope of the CAMP

Although only 30 species were discussed in detail during the workshop, the whole species
assemblage (109 species) was considered in a selection process prior to the workshop. All the
workshop participants were involved in the selection process, and the 30 selected species were
those deemed to require a detailed assessment. By implication, therefore, the other 79 species are
considered to be of Least Concern, although this cannot be stated categorically because they were
not subjected to the assessment process of the CAMP, and therefore have to be categorized as Not

Of the 30 species assessed, 29 are endemic to the region comprising South Africa, Lesotho and
Swaziland, i.e., the region covered by SAFAP and the CAMP. For those 29 species, therefore, the
assessment of status in terms of the IUCN criteria was a global assessment. The single exception is
the Giant Bullfrog Pyxicephalus adspersus which is not endemic to the region, and was therefore
given a regional assessment.

CAMP procedure

The CAMP process assembles expertise on wild and captive management for the taxonomic group
under review in an intensive and interactive workshop format. The purpose of the Southern African
Frog Conservation Assessment and Management Plan (CAMP) workshop was to assist in the
development of a database for 30 selected southern African frog species, and to assist in the further
development of a conservation strategy for these species. This process was designed to be
complementary to SAFAP. Twenty-two people (see Appendix I) participated in the 4-day event,
which was hosted by SAFAP and the Avian Demography Unit (ADU), University of Cape Town. The
ADU, SAFAP and Sea World Inc., generously sponsored the workshop.

Prior to the workshop, the taxon data forms were distributed to the participants so that each could
assemble appropriate data for the species to be evaluated. Using that material as background, the
workshop focused on compiling all available information concerning the status of the 30 species.
The completed Taxon Data Sheets can be found in Section 2 of this report.
Participants in the CAMP worked in three groups to make the assessments and recommendations
contained within this document. These assessments and the recommendations of the working
groups were discussed in plenary sessions during which the group reached consensus on the data.
Subsequently, a draft report was produced and distributed to the editors. The editors refined the
wording and added missing information to the Taxon Data Sheets for the final report. Although the
criteria were modified in a number of cases, in only one case, that of Strongylopus wageri, was the
original classification changed, namely from Least Concern to Near Threatened.

The classification of frogs as presented in the Taxon Data Sheets follows Frost (2000) in respect of
family, genus and species, the only exceptions being our acceptance of the genera Afrana, Amietia
and Strongylopus being separated from the cosmopolitan genus Rana (see Dubois 1992).
Synonyms were selected from those listed by Frost (2000).


Distribution maps for the species considered by this workshop can be found with the Taxon Data
Sheets. These are interim maps, provided by SAFAP, and will be updated when SAFAP publishes
an atlas of the frogs of the region in 2003. The maps use a quarter-degree grid (15 minutes of
latitude by 15 minutes of longitude) which yields approximately 2000 grid cells for the region. The
maps show the presence/absence of species per grid cell.

Most of the data in the database has been collected specifically for SAFAP since 1995. The SAFAP
database includes data obtained from museum and other collections and most of these records pre-
date SAFAP. To distinguish between recent and older records, the distribution maps use a cross (X)
for all pre-1990 records, and a filled circle for all post-1989 records. Interim (July 2000) atlas maps
are presented in this report, except for three species, Athroleptella ngongoniensis, Hemisus guttatus
Hyperolius pickersgilli and Strongylopus wageri, which have more recent (June 2001) interim maps.

Camp document review

The preliminary CAMP document generated at the workshop was reviewed by a group of volunteer
editors who participated in the CAMP workshop. IUCN Red List Assessments were forwarded to the
SSC Red Listing Authority in Cambridge, U.K. Additional review and comment may take place after
the distribution of the final report from this workshop to a broader audience, which includes
amphibian biologists, wildlife managers, Specialist Group members, academic scientists, regional
captive programs, and other interested parties worldwide. This document may be revised and
updated as necessary. As with all CAMPs, this should be considered a “living” document to be
updated as situations change.


The threatened species categories now used in IUCN Red Data Books and Red Lists have been in
place, with some modification, for almost 30 years (Mace et al. 1992). The Mace-Lande criteria
(Mace and Lande 1991) were an early developmental step in an attempt to make those categories
more explicit. These criteria subsequently have been revised and formulated several times into the
current IUCN Red List Categories (IUCN 2000).

During the workshop, the 30 frog taxa were evaluated on a taxon-by-taxon basis, in terms of their
current and projected status in the wild, in order to assign priorities for conservation action or
information-gathering activities. Data used in this evaluation were based primarily on a best-
estimate basis as gathered by workshop participants, and may be subject to further review by other
experts in the field.
The New IUCN Red List Categories provide a system that facilitates comparisons across widely
different taxa, and is based both on population and distribution criteria. These criteria can be applied
to any taxonomic unit at or below the species level, with sufficient range among the different criteria
to enable the appropriate listing of taxa from the complete spectrum of taxa, with the exception of
micro-organisms (Mace et al. 1994).

The complete reference for the new IUCN Red List Categories of Threat can be found in Appendix
II. The New IUCN Red List Categories are: Extinct (EX); Extinct in the Wild (EW); Critically
Endangered (CR); Endangered (EN); Vulnerable (VU); Near Threatened (NT); Least Concern (LC);
Data Deficient (DD); and Not Evaluated (NE). Definitions of these categories are based on
population viability theory. In assessing threat according to the New IUCN Red List criteria,
workshop participants also used information on the status and interaction of habitat and other
characteristics. Information about population trends, fragmentation, range, threats, stochastic
environmental events, real and potential, were also considered.

To assist in making recommendations, participants in the workshop were encouraged to be as

quantitative or numerate as possible for two reasons: (1) CAMPs ultimately must establish
numerical objectives for viable population sizes and distributions; (2) numbers provide for more
objectivity, less ambiguity, more comparability, better communication, and, hence, co-operation.
During the workshop, there often were attempts to estimate if the total population of each taxon was
greater or less than the numerical thresholds for the numeric criteria for the IUCN Categories of
Threat, where applicable. In most cases, current population estimates for taxa were unavailable or
available for species/subspecies within a limited part of their distribution. In all cases, if presented,
conservative numerical estimates were used. When population numbers were estimated or
inferred from data present at the workshop, these estimates generally represented first-
attempt, order-of-magnitude, educated guesses that can serve as hypotheses for
falsification. As such, the workshop participants emphasised that these estimates should
not be regarded as authoritative for any purpose other than the CAMP process.

The new IUCN Red List status classifications for the 30 taxa examined during this CAMP exercise
are presented in Table 1. Several of these assessments represent changes from the assessments
reported in the national Red Data book (Branch 1988), the 1996 IUCN Red List, and the 2000 IUCN
Red List.
Table 1. Selected southern African frog species assessed during the CAMP workshop, and their
newly assigned IUCN Red List Categories of Threat.



Arthroleptella ngongoniensis CR B2ab(ii,iii,iv,v)

Heleophryne hewitti CR B1ab(ii,iii,iv,v)
Heleophryne rosei CR B1ab(ii,iii,v)+2ab(ii,iii,v)
Microbatrachella capensis CR B2ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v)
Bufo pantherinus EN B1ab(ii,iii,iv,v)+2ab(ii,iii,iv,v)
Hyperolius pickersgilli EN B2ab(ii,iii,iv)
Leptopelis xenodactylus EN B2ab(ii,iii,iv)
Natalobatrachus bonebergi EN B2ab(ii,iii,iv)
Xenopus gilli EN B1ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v)+2ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v)
Cacosternum capense VU B1ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v)+2ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v)
Capensibufo rosei VU B1ab(ii,iii,iv)+2ab(ii,iii,iv)
Anhydrophryne rattrayi NT
Arthroleptella drewesii NT
Arthroleptella landdrosia NT
Arthroleptella lightfooti NT
Breviceps gibbosus NT
Breviceps macrops NT
Breviceps sylvestris NT
Bufo amatolicus NT
Hemisus guttatus NT
Poyntonia paludicola NT
Pyxicephalus adspersus NT
Strongylopus wageri NT
Afrana vandijki DD
Afrixalus knysnae DD
Bufo robinsoni DD
Cacosternum striatum DD
Strongylopus springbokensis DD
Bufo angusticeps LC
Bufo pardalis LC

30 SPECIES EVALUATED see Taxon Data Sheets on pages

4 Critically Endangered (CR) 31-51

5 Endangered (EN) 52-78
2 Vulnerable (VU) 79-90
12 Near Threatened (NT) 91-152
5 Data Deficient (DD) 153-177
2 Least Concern (LC) 178-187

After CAMP assessments were completed, participants used the remaining time to work together to
identify the broad issues and problems affecting the conservation of southern African frogs. Three
working groups were set up: Conservation Planning and Implementation, Monitoring, and Research.
Each group was asked to examine the issues identified under its topic and to group issues under
common themes, and to prioritise and describe each issue in more detail.

Each group then identified promising solutions that could address each issue, prioritised the
solution(s) and indicated a timeline for when the solution(s) should be begun and completed, and a
group or individual to take on the role of a “champion”, whether it is to carry out the task personally
or to recruit others to help.


Issue 1: Legislation

There is currently a process underway to consolidate national policy on the conservation and
utilisation of reptiles and amphibians. Participation in policy review and drafting is recommended.
The following issues are considered to be important:
• trade in amphibians
• commercial utilisation
• herpetological collecting
• Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
reports should include amphibians. Relevant results from these studies should feed back to
conservation planning agencies.
• Water Reserve Determinations must be done to maintain amphibian habitat.

Solution 1:
Participation by all provincial and other conservation agencies in the process of consolidation and
review of national policy on the conservation and utilization of reptiles and amphibians in South
Africa. National legislative strategy must be adopted by the provincial authorities.
Champion: Ernst Baard of the Western Cape Nature Conservation Board.
Time Line: from 2001, ongoing.

Issue 2: Conservation planning

1 Additional data are needed for conservation. For example,

a) What taxa do we have?
b) Where do these taxa occur?
c) Which taxa are threatened?
d) What are the threats? Where do these threats operate?
e) What areas are especially important for frog conservation?
f) What is the conservation status of those areas?
g) Where are the conservation gaps?
h) How do the frog distributions relate to the spatial arrangement of other environmental
2 A new Red Data book for South African frogs is needed.
3 Population and Habitat Viability Assessments (PHVAs) are needed for several species.
Solution 2.1a:
Undertake a taxonomic review of this group.
Champions: Alan Channing and Bill Branch.
Time Line: 2000 to end of 2001.

Solution 2.1b:
Continue data collection for the Southern African Frog Atlas Project and publish the atlas.
Champions: James Harrison, Marius Burger and Les Minter
Time Line: 2000 to end of 2002.

Solution 2.1c&d:
Publish the CAMP report.
Champions: James Harrison, Marius Burger, Les Minter, Susie Ellis.
Time Line: 2000 to mid-2001.

Solution 2.1e, f, g & h:

Undertake an analysis of distribution to identify patterns of distribution, endemism “hotspots”,
“Important Frog Areas”, etc., as part of the atlas publication.
Champions: James Harrison, Marius Burger, Graham Alexander and Les Underhill.
Time Line: 2000 to end of 2002.

Solution 2.2:
Publish a new Red Data book. Explore the potential for doing this as part of the atlas publication.
Further data may be needed for certain taxa.
Champions: James Harrison, Marius Burger, Les Minter and Bill Branch.
Time Line: 2000 to end of 2002.

Solution 2.3:
Organize PHVAs for selected species.
Champions: James Harrison, Andrew Turner, Atherton de Villiers and Ernst Baard, and Bill Branch,
with assistance from IUCN.
Time Line: 2001 and beyond.

Issue 3: Funding for conservation action

Actions which need funding include:

• research into taxonomy, life histories, limiting factors
• surveys of taxa
• populations monitoring
• education and awareness programmes
• enlargement and establishment of protected areas
• management of existing protected areas
• control of trade and utilisation
• herpetological capacity building in conservation agencies.

Solution 3:
• Cape Action Plan for the Environment (CAPE) is a probable source of funding for the Cape
Floristic kingdom (biodiversity research, baseline surveys, planning, monitoring).
• International donor funding (via Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism).
• Paper companies for sponsorship of Red Data book and atlas.
Champion: Ernst Baard (for CAPE), Geoff Cowan (foreign donors), James Harrison to send
proposal to Cowan.
Time Line: 2000 to the end of 2003.

Issue 4: Frogs as a resource

The conservation of frogs can be promoted by highlighting their value as a resource, in the following
• indicator species, especially for wetland health
• ecological value as predators and prey
• commercial value, derived from their ecological value, but also as a food resource for human
consumption, medical use, etc.
• educational resource
• ecotourism attractions.

Sustainable levels of utlilsation need to be ascertained.

Issue 5: Education and awareness

The conservation of frogs is promoted by education and greater awareness. Aspects to focus on
• ecological value of frogs as predators and prey
• the diversity of the South African amphibian fauna
• the biological interest of the fauna (e.g., habitats, life cycles, etc.)
• frogs and tadpoles as examples of biological and environmental concepts
• myths about frogs
• potential for urban conservation of amphibians
• ecotourism value (e.g. Giant Bullfrog).


Why monitor frogs in South Africa?

• In general we lack baseline data for population studies, especially for potentially endangered
• We have no idea how the well-documented global decline in amphibians is affecting Africa,
and thus cannot make informed statements about South African frog populations.
• South Africa has a high level of endemism, especially in the south-western Cape, and this
warrants special attention be paid to the conservation status of endemics.
• As changes in climate have been predicted, we need to start or intensify monitoring so we
can detect change, especially in the endemic species of the winter-rainfall region, as they
may be especially vulnerable to change.
• We have a growing human population with a high rate of urbanisation and are thus losing
natural habitat rapidly.
• We lack data on environmental quality and habitat viability, especially in agricultural and
forestry areas.
• We need to determine how stable populations are, including metapopulation dynamics, and
distinguish source from sink populations, etc.
• We lack long-term ecological data sets which are essential to sound conservation planning.

Two basic issues were identified:

1. surveying distributions,
2. monitoring the populations and habitats of threatened and sensitive species.

1. Issues in distribution surveys

• Past distribution surveys have been erratic and scarce, with SAFAP being the first
comprehensive effort to assess the distributions of southern African frogs on the basis of
recently collected data.
• Accurate distribution maps are essential to initiate conservation planning for individual
• In southern Africa, we have a large frog fauna, but a small population of herpetologists, and
the fauna remains largely understudied, unlike the situation in America and Europe. We are
seriously behind in basic studies, with Anura being one of the least studied vertebrate
groups in Africa. In addition, we have lost 50% of the herpetological posts in South Africa in
the last 5 years.

Accurate patterns of distribution and macro-ecology of frogs need to be documented and studied so
that we can
a) accurately detemine range contraction and expansion;
b) identify habitat requirements;
c) identify declining and threatened populations which need monitoring;
d) plan conservation and management;
e) identify patterns of endemism.

SAFAP will solve most of the distribution problems.
Champions: Marius Burger, James Harrison, Les Minter.
Timeline: 2000 to end of 2002.

2. Issues in populations monitoring

1. Habitat loss to development necessitates that Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs)

include wetlands and that relevant species of frogs be highlighted.
2. Endemic species should enjoy special attention.
3. Long term ecological data sets need to be established as a basis for future research.
4. The success of rehabilitation attempts, e.g., quarry sites at Kleinmond, needs to be
evaluated. (Funding for this should be the responsibility of the company and be written into
the “resource consent” document.)

a. In South Africa there is a lack of funding to support monitoring efforts, even for species
where we know it is imperative, e.g., Arthroleptella ngongoniensis.
b. There is a lack of local expertise in standard monitoring techniques used in other countries.
c. There is a lack of baseline information.
d. Lack of equipment for monitoring, e.g., automatic data loggers.
e. Concerns about safety in the field, and theft of equipment left out in the field.
First priority: long-term ecological monitoring stations. Four initial sites suggested, but more sites
Mtunzini, in the coastal dune forest in northern KwaZulu-Natal (resuscitate existing set-up)
Champion: Phil Bishop
Timeline: Underway, initiated in 1994.
Hans Merensky, savannah
Champion: Les Minter
Timeline: In place.
Royal Natal National Park, sour grasslands
Champion: Angelo Lambiris and/or KwaZulu-Natal Conservation Service
Timeline: Unknown, perhaps 5 years.
Western Cape (low to high altitude gradient)
Champion: Atherton de Villiers
Timeline: Unknown, perhaps 3 years.

Funding and manpower are limiting factors, but overseas funding could be sought after detailed
proposals have been written.

The South African Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) committee is considering a network of
LTER sites, e.g., grassland, savannah, fynbos, as part of the international LTER. Selection is based
on global issues such as climatic change. National Research Foundation (NRF) was identified as
the primary funder and driver for South Africa (Chairperson: Albert Van Jaarsveld, University of
Pretoria). A herpetologist(s) should join this effort.

Bill Branch suggested that monitoring studies be initiated in National Parks throughout the country,
and an attempt be made to get the National Parks Board to become involved and eventually take
over responsibility. Provincial nature conservation agencies have the responsibility to study their
biota in the same manner as the Western Cape Nature Conservation Board, both inside and outside
protected areas; the NRF should be approached for support.

Partnerships between interested parties need to be established, e.g., university or technicon

students (zoology, nature conservation) could be used in the annual surveys of nature conservation
agencies, as part of their coursework component.

Starting a long-term Anuran monitoring programme may require a national coordinator with three to
five full-time employed workers at different stations. The latter individuals will do most of the
monitoring and also liaise with universities, etc. to compliment these efforts. Methods as per Heyer
et al. (1993). Information from diverse institutions, e.g., the Weather Bureau, needs to be

Individual herpetologists and/or zoology/nature conservation departments of universities/technicons,

and/or natural history museums, could monitor populations at specific sites, using standardized
procedures, in collaboration with the national long-term monitoring coordinator. Previously
unsurveyed areas should be identified and prioritized for initial, exploratory surveys, especially by
museums. Surveys and monitoring could be relatively easy to do with minimal costs, as volunteer
students can easily be found for data collection. Overseas funding may be needed as the
government has cut budgets and frozen posts dramatically.

An analysis of the taxon data sheets (Item 14. Supporting research recommended for the taxon),
shows that little basic information is available for most of the 30 frog species reviewed in this
workshop. Participants felt that field surveys were need for all species in order to clarify distribution
patterns, population densities etc., limiting factor research i.e., ecological studies, were
recommended for 18, life history studies for 16, genetic studies for 9 and taxonomic research for 8
species. Information on the life history and ecology of most other frog species in the region is also
incomplete or totally unknown.

The Working Group on Research identified and prioritised the following issues:

Issue 1. Life history & ecology

The lack of knowledge of the life histories and ecology of most of our frog species, and the
importance of this information for planning conservation strategies, places this category of research
high on the priority list. Of the 30 frog species assessed during the workshop, supporting research
into life histories was recommended for 16 species and limiting factor research (ecological study) for
18. A specific concern was the effect of stocking dams and rivers with exotic predatory fish which
pose a potential threat to indigenous species of frogs at all stages of their life cycles. This threat
needs to be investigated to determine the extent and effect of this predation on local frog

Solution 1.1:
The CAMP report and recommendations identify specific research needs for species dealt with in
the CAMP workshop and could inform the planning of new, or revision of existing research projects.
Champions: authors & editors of the CAMP Report
Timeline: 2001

Solution 1.2:
The Southern African Frog Atlas and Red Data Book will identify certain research needs for all
southern African frog species.
Champions: SAFAP authors & editors.
Time line: 2003.

Issue 2. Taxonomy

An established, stable classification is a basic prerequisite in all areas of biological research. This
stage has not yet been reached in southern Africa as new frog species are still being discovered
and described at a steady rate (alpha taxonomy) and their inter-relationships at generic and family
levels have not been satisfactorily resolved (beta taxonomy). Taxonomic research was
recommended for 8 of the frog species assessed during the workshop. Without increased funding
for taxonomic research and the creation of posts for taxonomists, the potential for tapping the rich
biodiversity of this country will not be fully realised.

Solution 2.1:
The opportunity should be taken, whenever possible, to highlight the importance of taxonomic
research, in order to inform and influence research facilitators at research institutions, and funding
bodies. Also see 4.1, 5.1 & 5.2 below.
Champions: all workshop participants.
Timeline: ongoing.
Issue 3. Applied research

Areas of applied research such as the use of adult frogs and tadpoles as bio-indicators of habitat
quality, the pharmacological properties of frog skin secretions, and the potential for sustainable
utilization of certain species, have received too little attention in southern Africa.

Solution 3.1:
Applied research attracts more funding than pure research because of its more obvious short-term
benefits. This fact sould be used to advantage by combining both pure and applied aspects within
one research project.
Champions: researchers and research facilitators.
Timeline: ongoing.

Solution 3.2:
Local herpetologists should familiarise themselves with the current use of amphibians in applied
research and establish linkages with the appropriate scientific disciplines to investigate the potential
of our local fauna.
Champions: researchers and research facilitators.
Timeline: ongoing.

Issue 4. Funding

Increased levels of funding are required from the National Research Foundation (NRF), the
Department of Environmental Affairs & Tourism (DEAT), universities & NGOs to address the
research needs identified in this workshop.

Solution 4.1:
Efforts should be made to raise the level of funding and seek new sources. Progress in this respect
should be communicated to researchers.
Champions: G. Cowan and J. Dini (DEAT), Les Minter, James Harrison.
Time line: As and when projects are identified.

Solution 4.2:
Improve the image of herpetology through articles, public lectures, posters, books, contributions to
textbooks, articles in teaching journals, etc.
Champions: All CAMP delegates, also with the aid of the communications sections of the
conservation agencies.

Issue 5. National research capacity and output

A scarcity of local herpetologists seriously limits research output. This is due to, and exacerbated by
staff reductions at museums, universities, national and provincial conservation departments and
other governmental research institutes. With such poor prospects for finding employment it is not
surprising that few young scientists are attracted to, or remain in this area of research. The number
of active herpetologists can therefore be expected to dwindle with the passage of time.

Solution 5.1:
Letters of concern should be sent to people in positions of authority, such as the Minister of
Environment and Tourism (Valli Moosa), the chairperson of the Portfolio Committee for the
Environment (Gwen Mahlangu) and Provincial MECs (Environment). The importance of maintaining
and utilizing local biodiversity, and our commitments in respect of international agreements
pertaining to the environment should be stressed.
Champions: James Harrison, Bill Branch.
Time line: To coincide with the publication of the CAMP document.

Solution 5.2:
The establishment of an African Amphibian Research Centre would stimulate interest in the study of
amphibians, facilitate research on amphibians here and in other African countries, focus effort on
high priority research projects and provide employment for local herpetologists and facilities for
visiting herpetologists. The Centre could also co-ordinate monitoring projects at various sites
throughout the country, maintain an atlas database, a reference collection of preserved specimens
and tissues, a tape library of calls, and a collection of published works on African amphibians.
Champion: Les Minter
Timeline: ongoing.

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