Reviewer in PEH
Reviewer in PEH
Reviewer in PEH
Safety First
1.) Cut/Scrape – Scrapes (abrasions) are skin wounds that rub or tear off
skin. A Cut refers to a skin wound with separation of the connective tissue
elements. If there is bleeding, press firmly over the site with a clean cloth until
bleeding stops, anywhere from 3-15 minutes. Clean with lukewarm water and
gently pat dry.
2.) Burn – The injuries can be caused by friction, cold, heat, radiation,
chemical or electric sources, but the majority of burn injuries are caused by
heat from hot liquids, solids or fire. Immediately hold injury under cold
running water or apply a cold, wet towel until the pain subsides. Cover any
small blisters with a loose bandage or gauze and tape.
3.) Insect bite/Sting – Insect bites and stings occur when an insect is agitated
and seeks to defend itself through its natural defense mechanisms, or when an
insect seeks to feed off the bitten person. If the insect left a stinger, gently
scrape the skin with your fingernail to remove it without breaking it. Refrain
from using tweezers because that can squeeze more venom out of the stinger,
causing further injury.
4.) Splinter – A splinter (also known as a sliver) is a fragment of a larger object,
or a foreign body that penetrates or is purposely injected into a body. Use soap
and water to wash around the splinter. Clean a pair of tweezers with rubbing
alcohol and slowly pull the splinter out. Rewash the skin.
5.) Sunburn – a result of a brief or overexposure to the ultraviolet (UV) light. If
you feel dizzy, weak, sick to your stomach, or are spiking to a high fever-or if
the burn is severe and covering a significant portion of your body- go to the
Emergency Room. If your only symptoms are discomfort and redness, apply
cold compress and Aloe Vera lotion and take some appropriate medication.
6.) Nosebleed – A nosebleed occurs when blood vessels lining the nose get
injured and bleed. Sit upright and don’t tilt your head back. Loosen any tight
clothing around your neck. Pinch the lower end of the nose close to the nostrils
and lean forward while you apply constant pressure for five to ten minutes.
7.) Sprains, Strains, and Tears – A sprain is an injury to the ligaments and
capsule at a joint in the body. A strain is an injury to muscles or tendons.
When Sprain, Strain, or Tear takes place, the first thing to do is to mobilize the
affected area. Elevate it, and apply ice and compression to reduce swelling.
8.) Fractures – A fracture is a break in the continuity of a bone. Fractures are
broken bones and it can occur as a result of falls, or other harsh and hard
impacts. When this happen, the affected part should be immobilized, and
additional manipulation of the affected area should be avoided.
Reviewer in PE.H
Types of Sport Injuries
Different types of injuries produce different symptoms and complications. The
most common types of sports injuries include the following:
1.) Sprains – overstretching or tearing the ligaments results in sprain.
Ligaments are pieces of tissue that connect two bones to one another in a joint.
2.) Strains – Overstretching or tearing muscles or tendons result in a strain.
Tendons are thick, fibrous cords of tissue that connect bone to muscle. Strains
are commonly mistaken for sprain.
Tips to prevent Sprains or Strains:
Avoid exercise when tired or in pain. Eat a well-balanced diet to keep
muscles strong. Keep shoes in good shape and fitting well / not worn
out. Wear protective equipment or braces during sports.
1. Exercise consistently to maintain strength.
2. Warm up and stretches before sports.
3. Avoid exercise when tired or in pain.
4. Eat a well-balanced diet to keep muscle strong.
5. Be aware of falling hazards (dark stairways, uneven sidewalks, toys
on the floor.)
6. Keep shoes in good shape and fitting well/not worn out.
7. Wear protective equipment or braces during sports.
3.) Knee injuries – Any injury that interferes with how the knee joint moves
could be a sports injury. It would range from an overstretch to a tear in the
muscles or tissues in the knee.
Tips to prevent Knee Injury:
1. Maintain a healthy weight.
2. Wear the right shoes.
3. Rethink how you exercise.
4. Add weight training.
5. Keep stretching
6. Use proper techniques.
7. Wear knee guards.
8. Don’t overtrain.
Reviewer in PE.H
4.) Swollen muscles – Swelling is a natural reaction to an injury. Swollen
muscle may be painful and causes weakness.
Approach to Swollen Muscles:
Do the R.I.C.E method.
R – Rest; Avoid activities that cause pain, swelling or discomfort.
I – Ice; Even if you're seeking medical help, ice the area immediately.
C – Compression; To help stop swelling, compress the area with an
elastic bandage until the swelling stops.
E – Elevation.
5.) Achilles Tendon rupture – The Achilles tendon is a thin, powerful tendon
at the back of your ankle. During sports, this tendon can break or rupture.
When it does, you may experience sudden, severe pain and difficulty walking.
Tips to prevent Achilles Tendon rupture:
1. Avoid activities that place excessive stress on your Achilles tendons,
such as hill running and jumping activities.
2. Choose running surfaces carefully.
3. Avoid or limit running on hard or slippery surfaces.
4. Dress properly for cold-weather training, and wear well-fitting athletic
shoes with proper cushioning in the heels
6.) Fractures – Bone fracture is also known as a broken bone.
Tips to prevent Fracture:
1. Consume adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D (see
“Recommended Calcium and Vitamin D Intake” chart).
2. Exercise several times a week.
3. Ask your doctor about a bone mineral density test.
4.Ask about medications to slow bone loss and reduce fracture risk
7.) Dislocations – Sports injuries may dislocate a bone in your body. When
that happens, a bone is forced out of its socket. This can be painful and lead to
swelling and weakness.
Tips to prevent Dislocations:
1. Being cautious on stairs to help avoid falls.
2. Wearing protective gear during contact sports.
Reviewer in PE.H
3. Staying physically active to keep the muscles and tendons around the
joints strong.
4. Maintaining a healthy weight to avoid increased pressure on the
8.) Rotator Cuff injury – Four pieces of muscle work together to form a rotator
cuff. The rotator cuff keeps your shoulder moving in all directions. A tear in
any of these muscles can weaken the rotator cuff.
Tips to prevent Rotator Cuff Injury:
1. Avoid activities with repetitive overhead arm action.
2. Speak to your physical therapist about alternate motions that might
be less risky.
3. Practice low resistance exercise and introduce more repetitions to
gradually strengthen the small muscles of the shoulder without the risk
of injury.
4. Keep movements slow and steady.
Reviewer in PE.H
- With many players moving around the field or court, the chances of
getting hurt are higher. Members of teams can also become competitive
to earn individual awards rather than focusing on team goals. Coaches
also have less time to focus on individual training in team sports.
What are the advantages of team sport essay?
- In team sports you learn good life skills like cooperation, respect,
commitment, confidence, patience, the ability to make friends and
teamwork. For example, in soccer one player can't save a goal, dribble
the ball up the field and score! So, these skills are very important in life
and are great to have.
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Teams in the Workplace
• What's Different About Teams. Firms are often organized in a fairly rigid
and hierarchical structure.
• Teams Can Offer Better Solutions.
• The Team Approach Can Increase Productivity.
• Intra-Team Conflicts Can Arise.
• So Can Inter-Team Conflict.