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Volume 8, Issue 4, April – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Dazzle: Aggregator App for all Apps


Dr. Sachin K. Parappagoudar, Assistant Professor & Research Guide
Faculty of Management, Jain Deemed to be University

Dr. Sana Saima, Assistant Professor
Faculty of Management, Jain Deemed to be University

Project Presented by:

Registration Number Name of the Student Semester and Section


IJISRT23APR421 296

Volume 8, Issue 4, April – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract: Mobile applications have become an essential capabilities of the application include a photo editor, video
part of our lives, providing convenience and ease in editor, and music player, allowing users to create and
carrying out various tasks. Dazzle is an all-in-one mobile consume multimedia content within the application.
application that aims to enhance the entertainment and
productivity of its users. This research paper presents The evaluation of the Dazzle mobile application was
the design, development, and evaluation of the Dazzle conducted through a combination of user surveys,
mobile application. The application includes a suite of interviews, and testing. The results showed that users were
features, including social media integration, productivity highly satisfied with the application, with most users
tools, and multimedia capabilities, providing users with a reporting that the application enhanced their entertainment
comprehensive experience. The research was conducted and productivity. The simple and intuitive user interface of
through a combination of user surveys, interviews, and the application was praised by users, with many users
testing. The results showed that Dazzle was well reporting that they found it easy to navigate. However, some
received, with users reporting high levels of satisfaction users reported that the application lacked certain features,
and a desire to continue using the application. This such as a messaging feature and a built-in web browser.
paper also discusses the limitations and future potential Overall, the Dazzle mobile application shows great potential
of the Dazzle application. to provide a comprehensive and satisfying user experience,
and further improvements could make it an even more
Keywords: Mobile Application, Entertainment, Productivity, powerful all-in-one platform for entertainment and
Multimedia, Cloud-Based, Cross-Platform, Affordable, productivity.
Mobile Friendly, Sharing, User-Centred Approach,
Productivity, Compatibility, Start-Up, Technology, All-In-  Project Objective:
One App, Simplify, Tools And Features, Branding, Target  So the main objective of our app is to solve the problem
Audience, Engagement, Data Backup, High-Resolution where one would have to download various apps for
Support, Categorizing, Time-Saving, Real-Time, Efficiently, various purposes as Zomato for food delivery, Amazon
Streamline, Personal Use, Professional Use, Collaboration, to buy products, Myntra to buy clothes, Zerodha for
Versatile, User Experience, Customisable, High Quality, investment and trade in stocks and various other apps for
Comprehensive, Accessible. other functions but then the DAZZLE App is an app
where most of such services come under one head.
I. INTRODUCTION  This app also promotes the “Make in India” Campaign
and also generates employment.
Mobile applications have become an integral part of  To establish a reputable platform of services with high
our daily lives, providing us with convenience and ease of standards and safety, as well as to open up business
use in carrying out various tasks. From social media opportunities for small businesses.
platforms to productivity tools, mobile applications offer a
wide range of options to choose from. The Dazzle mobile  Scope:
application is an all-in-one platform that aims to enhance the  Dazzle is a "Super App," offering users a variety of
entertainment and productivity of its users. This research services on a single platform, including groceries,
paper presents the design, development, and evaluation of electronics, flight bookings, food delivery, investments,
the Dazzle mobile application. The application includes a hotel bookings, and many more. Users can send and
suite of features, including social media integration, receive money easily and the mobile application
productivity tools, and multimedia capabilities, providing provides truly unmatched services thanks to the
users with a comprehensive experience. integration of UPI payments services like Google Pay
and PhonePe.
The design and development of the Dazzle mobile  Simply put, Dazzle is a super-app because it combines
application involved a user-centred approach. The several services into a single app. In Asia, where apps
application is designed with a simple and intuitive user like WeChat, GoJek, and PayTm offer users numerous
interface to ensure ease of use. The development process services, the idea of Super App is quite popular. By
utilized a combination of programming languages, including bringing various services, these apps enable users to
Java and Swift, to ensure compatibility across different enjoy multiple tasks without switching apps.
platforms. The application was tested extensively to
guarantee its stability and functionality.  Statement of Problem:
 Everyone wants to be fast and easier in this modern era.
The Dazzle mobile application includes a wide range Everything must be accessible by cell phone and
of features to enhance the entertainment and productivity of therefore dazzle comes to answer the problems that
its users. The social media integration feature allows users to occur in the community. Dazzle will always adapt to
connect their social media accounts, view their feeds and changes and developments that occur.
notifications within the application, and engage with their  It will be more convenient for the user to find anything
social network. The productivity tools include a calendar, to- in one app instead of using several apps.
do list, and note-taking feature, allowing users to organize
 It will supply more business opportunities and ways to
their schedules and tasks efficiently. The multimedia
generate income for micro businesses.

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Volume 8, Issue 4, April – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Research Methodology: Customers comparing their expectations and the reality
Research Classification and Approach This study will of goods and services is how customer satisfaction is
employ the deductive research strategy which requires the defined as a subjective process. Customer satisfaction
researcher to move from general to specific. In doing so, the involves a mix of cognitive and affective nature. Cognitive
researcher needs to first decide on the theory that will be is the comparing process between expectations and reality,
used in the study. For instance, based on this paper, the while affective involves a pleasant feeling towards products
researcher would decide on a theory that is relevant to the or services.
sharing economy’s impact on consumer behaviour and
environmental sustainability. Afterwards, the theory would The figure below presents many levels of customer
be further narrowed down to the hypotheses which in this satisfaction, based on how well the customers’ expectations
case is, there is a positive relationship between sharing are met with the experienced expectations. Customers may
economy and consumer behaviour, also have a wild expectations of the products or services.
environmental sustainability. Furthermore, the hypotheses However, when a company is unable to fulfil as expected, it
would go for testing through the collection and analysis of may result in relative dissatisfaction or worse, very
data from the participants, which are the DAZZLE users. dissatisfaction. On the contrary, when expectations are met
with reality, it results in general satisfaction, relatively or
II. LITERATURE REVIEW very satisfaction when reality goes beyond the expectation.
There are ways for companies to achieve customer
Customers play a major role in determining the worth satisfaction. First, through continuous product and service
of the business within the industry; hence their consistent development. Secondly, by controlling the customers’
purchase of the company’s products and services is highly expectations which is through marketing. It may ruin the
desired. To do so, providing a high level of customer customers' satisfaction when a company advertise high
satisfaction becomes the number one priority. In this case expectation, knowing they are unable to sell the same
study, customer satisfaction acts as a dependent variable that products or services advertised. And it's crucial to provide
is expected to change depending on how well multiple great marketing along with top-notch goods or services.
factors (economic, social, environmental) in sharing
economy are delivered to customers.

 Segment Financial and Operational Highlights:

 Deliveries:

Fig 1 Deliveries

Deliveries revenue increased by 349% YoY for the  In comparison to the same period in 2021, the
entire year of 2022, from $1 million in the same period in commission rate increased to 23.8% for the quarter and
2021 to $268 million in the fourth quarter of 2022. to 21.4% for the entire year. The contributions from Jaya
Contributions from Jaya Grocer, a decrease in incentives as Grocer and the modified business model of some of our
a percentage of GMV, and changes to the business models market's Deliveries offerings were the main drivers of
of some Deliveries offerings in one of our markets were the growth.
primarily responsible for the significant growth.  Fourth quarter 2022 Deliveries GMV declined 4% YoY
but grew 5% YoY on a constant currency basis. On a

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Volume 8, Issue 4, April – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
full-year basis, Deliveries GMV grew 15% YoY, or Deliveries segment's adjusted EBITDA increased by
22% YoY on a constant currency basis. 73% YoY for the entire 2022 fiscal year.
 After reaching breakeven in the previous quarter, the  The majority of our six core markets in the fourth quarter
deliveries segment's adjusted EBITDA as a percentage of 2022 were profitable in terms of Deliveries segment
of GMV increased to 2.0% in the fourth quarter of 2022 adjusted EBITDA, and in each of those markets,
from a negative 3.5% in the same period in 2021. The Deliveries segment adjusted EBITDA as a percentage of
GMV was at or above 3%.
 Mobility:

Fig 2 Mobility

 Mobility revenues increased significantly in the fourth overall, it increased by 47% YoY or 54% YoY. (“Grab
quarter of 2022, rising 78% YoY or 91% YoY on a Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2022 Results”)
constant currency basis, and by 40% YoY or 46% YoY  The adjusted EBITDA for the mobility segment was
every year. (“Grab Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 12.0% for the entire year of 2022 and 13.2% for the
2022 Results | Grab Holdings”) The strong YoY growth fourth quarter.
in Mobility was supported by the continued recovery in  During the quarter, we continued our focus on increasing
demand during the reopening, which drove an increase in active driver supply and optimizing our existing supply
airport rides, a normalisation of local commutes, and our to cater to the strong demand recovery. In order to give
efforts to increase supply throughout the region. our users more affordable mobility options while
 The commission rate for the quarter was 23.4%, down maximising the supply of drivers, we have re-launched
from 23.8% for the corresponding period in 2021, and on Grab Share, our carpooling service, in the Philippines
a yearly basis, it was 23.3%, down from 23.4%. and Singapore.
 In the fourth quarter, mobility GMV increased by 50%
YoY or 62% YoY on a constant currency basis, and

 Financial Services:

Fig 3 Financial Services

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Volume 8, Issue 4, April – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 In the fourth quarter of 2022, financial services revenue  Instrumentation:
increased to $28 million from a negative $1 million in  Sampling method
the corresponding quarter of 2021. For the entire year  Data Preparation, Processing, and Analysis
2022, financial services revenue increased by 166% YoY  Questionnaire.
or 185% YoY on a constant currency basis. Stronger
contributions from our lending business and lower III. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS
incentives as a percentage of GMV were primarily
responsible for the strong YoY growth. It helps to Drive ROI. By using high revenue-
 The commission rate increased from 2.4% to 2.9% in the generating and high-retention users, it helps you keep track
fourth quarter of 2022 and from 2.3% to 2.8% in the of customer lifetime value. It’s obvious to understand that
entire year 2022. The increase in commission rates was without diving deep into the analytics one cannot understand
primarily attributable to higher contributions from our the behaviour and need of the audience to enhance the app
lending business. experience.
 GMV for Financial Services was up 16% YoY in the
quarter, or 25% YoY on a constant currency basis, and It assists in gathering accurate data to better serve your
by 27% YoY or 31% YoY on a constant currency basis customers. App marketing strategies are designed to deliver
for the full year. long-term results focused on acquiring and retaining users
 Relationship Between Sharing Economy and Customer by constantly providing improved and enhanced user
Satisfaction: The past literature has studied the experiences.
relationship between sharing economy and customer
satisfaction numerous times. (“(PDF) THE STUDY OF It Helps to Drive Customer-Focused Marketing. Push
CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AMONG GRAB messages can target specific groups of customers in a way
USERS IN KUALA ...”) Most studies agreed that most that increases conversion rates and doubles the rate at which
of the number one determinant factor of customer apps are opened. Analytics aids in the provision of deep
satisfaction is the economic benefit offered by sharing insights, which aid in the engagement of new customers who
economy services. An investigation by Barbu et al. can be converted into higher stages of the lifecycle.
(2018) Since the rise of the sharing economy, consumers'
attitudes towards goods and services consumption have It Helps you Track the Achievements of Marketing
shifted.. This shift is particularly driven by satisfaction Goals from Campaigns. In today’s era of rapidly growing
during the purchase, which as discussed above results in apps, one needs to focus on acquisition channels based on
repetitive consumption and demand for the products and the performance of the acquisition channels rather than
services. The key determinants which influence the preferred ones. Integration of app analytics would help you
changing behaviour of their shift are the advantage of realize, whether you are spending your money and time on
cost savings, high utility, trust, and ease of use. Hence, the right acquisition channels.
customers do not longer long for ownership of property
yet shift to the demand for access, which is provided App Analytics Offers Data-Driven Insights into Issues
through the sharing of property in this economic model. & Results by Campaigns. App engagement is the metric,
 While a study added that sustainability becomes one of which is driving the market nowadays, it’s quite tough to
the factors that influence customer satisfaction. Since achieve app engagement if you lack a strong group of loyal
many consumers today are more environmentally customers who regularly use your app.
conscious and many activists have raised severe issues
for worsening climate change on the planet. Hence, this IV. CONCLUSION
property-sharing model helps encourage people to
maximize the utilization of unused spaces and vehicles  The USP of our app is that we are the only ones who
instead of purchasing new ones. Although sustainability provide these many services at a single click.
does not influence the customers' satisfaction as  This app promotes investment through equity markets as
significantly as an economic benefit or social gains. we charge the lowest.
 Hence, based on the above-discussed evidence, the  This app also promotes the make in India campaign.
positive relationship between sharing economy which  This business plan has the full potential to become a
includes economic, social, and environmental benefits unicorn
and customer satisfaction is concluded.  Single doorstep to fulfil most of the needs of a common
 Data Collection:  DAZZLE started as a taxi app but has since expanded to
This study is a quantitative study, whereby data is include ride-hailing, food, grocery, and package
collected in the form of numerical which is obtained through delivery, as well as financial services.
a distributed questionnaire. The results of this survey will be  With the DAZZLE as our compass, we have not only
used as primary data. Therefore, with sufficient sample size, helped them increase their earnings but enabled them to
this primary data is believed to represent the respondents’ earn a living in a way that better supported their life
perspective towards the researched topic in a real-life choices and aspirations: be it spending more time with
context. family.

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Volume 8, Issue 4, April – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165


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