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A Research Proposal
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Subject

Hannah Rae R. Asuncion

Kiezle G. Caparanga
Luisa Jean T. Evangelista
Jenice Francine A. Fenomeno
Hallie Kaith A. Pampolino
Toni Ela B. Samala

Lea Ann L. Pitogo – Alegre, MAEd-Gen. Sci.

Research Adviser

Regional Science High School III

July 8, 2022

Approval Sheet



submitted by Hannah Rae R. Asuncion, Kiezle G. Caparanga, Luisa Jean T. Evangelista, Jenice

Francine A. Fenomeno, Hallie Kaith A. Pampolino, and Toni Ela B. Samala in partial fulfilment

of the requirements for the subject Capstone has been examined and hereby recommended

for approval and acceptance.


Research Adviser

Approved by the COMMITTEE ON ORAL EXAMINATION with the grade of _____:


Member, Research Panel Member, Research Panel


Member, Research Panel

Accepted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the subject Capstone.

Recommending Approval:





Principal IV


The researchers would like to acknowledge and express their heartfelt gratitude to the

following people who, in any way, lend a hand and supported them in order to successfully

pursue and finish the study.

To the good office of Regional Science High School III, especially the school principal,

Dr. Roderick A. Tadeo, for permitting the researchers in the pursuit and accomplishment of

the study.

To the hands-on research adviser, Mrs. Lea Ann P. Alegre, for her utmost effort in

assisting the researchers and ensuring the quality of the study, which played a significant role

in its completion.

To the panel of examiners for sharing their expertise in hopes of improving the work

of the researchers.

To the main participants, particularly the 60 learners of RSHS III, for their voluntary

participation, which paved the way for the gathering of information necessary for the study.

To the licensed medical professionals, Dr. Benjamin Terencio III and Dra. Bernadette

Terencio, for being able to share their wisdom and perspectives on certain health topics, which

led the students to make significant changes in their physical health and lifestyle.

To the parents and families of the researchers, for the unwavering love and support

they have provided their children, whether it was motivational or financial, in order to

completely accomplish the study.


Above all, to the Almighty God, for blessing the researchers with wisdom throughout

their entire journey, for giving them the perseverance to continue pursuing the study for the

greater good, and for the grace that made the whole study possible and successful.


With the intention of becoming a helping hand in preventing the continued

degradation of their physical health conditions, this research paper is dedicated to the hopes

of tomorrow – the youth. Because this congested stage of development is susceptible to

neglecting certain basic necessities, it is beneficial for them to seek the utmost guidance they


With that, may “BEneFIT: A Fitness Handbook” be a stepping stone for the enhancement

of their physical health and lifestyle and serve as an encouragement for them to pursue being

physically fit while adhering to the campus curriculum standards, and eventually be

independent and discover their own health-focused routine.



Researchers: Hannah Rae R. Asuncion, Kiezle G. Caparanga, Luisa Jean T. Evangelista, Jenice
Francine A. Fenomeno, Hallie Kaith A. Pampolino, Toni Ela B. Samala
Title: A Fitness Handbook on Enhancing the Physical Health and Lifestyle of Regional Science
High School III Students
Key Concepts: fitness handbook, physical health, lifestyle, eating habits, physical activities
Grade Level/Strand/Specialization: 12 – STEM
Adviser: Lea Ann P. Alegre

Being subjected to an educational institution is documented to be a necessity as much

as it is adversely affecting people in numerous detrimental ways. Without a doubt, intervention

methods, in whatever form, are paramountly essential. In the Philippines, Pascoe et al. (2019)

reported that students in secondary and tertiary education settings face a wide spectrum of

chronic pressures related to academic obligations. This manifests in an array of undesirable

outturns, including physical health issues and lifestyle concerns. As a result, "BEneFIT: A

Fitness Handbook" was created as an instructional supplement to help students become more

literate and attentive to their physical health. The basic foundation for BEneFIT’s existence is

the continuous in-depth research and interpretation of the absence of propriety in health

manners — curriculum standards. From this, "BEneFIT: A Fitness Handbook" addresses many

sorts of external environmental problems, with the student participants in this study being a

consistent group of people who have engaged in previous collimates of questions and

examinations about their physical health. The said handbook holistically received strong

agreements on its content, visual, and organization in being able to aid information in

promoting health tips and recommendations. The validity of these agreements was further

demonstrated by the participants’ testimonies, which showed striking improvements in their

health approach despite external disturbances. In the long run, "BEneFIT: A Fitness Handbook"

may be accessed at any time and can continue to make small-scale modifications based on

current societal inclinations.


Table of Contents

Title Page .............................................................................................................................. 1

Approval Sheet ...................................................................................................................... 2

Acknowledgement ................................................................................................................. 3

Dedication ............................................................................................................................. 5

Abstract ................................................................................................................................ 6

Table of Contents .................................................................................................................. 8

List of Figures ..................................................................................................................... 10

List of Tables....................................................................................................................... 11

List of Appendices ............................................................................................................... 12

The Problem and Literature Review

Project Background .................................................................................................. 13

Literature Review ..................................................................................................... 18

Project Framework ................................................................................................... 28

Project Significance .................................................................................................. 29

Project Scope and Limitation .................................................................................... 31

Statement of the Problem ........................................................................................ 32

Assumption ............................................................................................................. 32

Definition of Terms .................................................................................................. 33



Materials and Procedure .......................................................................................... 35

Data Collection........................................................................................................36

Data Analysis ........................................................................................................... 37

Results and Discussion ........................................................................................................ 38

Conclusions and Recommendations

Conclusions ............................................................................................................. 51

Recommendations ................................................................................................... 52

The Output .......................................................................................................................... 54

Bibliography ........................................................................................................................ 71

Appendices ......................................................................................................................... 81

Curriculum Vitae ................................................................................................................. 92


List of Figures

Figure No. Title Page(s)

1 Input-Process-Output- 28
Outcome Model

List of Tables

Table No. Title Page(s)

1 Descriptions of the Students 38

on the Fitness Handbook’s

2 Descriptions of the Students 40

on the Fitness Handbook’s

3 Descriptions of the Students 41

on the Fitness Handbook’s

4 Level of Satisfaction of the 43

Students with their Diet

5 Level of Satisfaction of the 45

Students with their Number
of Meals eaten per week

6 Level of Satisfaction of the 47

Students with their Physical

7 Level of Satisfaction of the 48

Students with their Energy

List of Appendices

Appendix Letter Title Page(s)

A Permission to Conduct 81

B Students’ Survey 84

C Survey Results 88

D Raw Data 91

The Problem and Literature Review

Project Background

Health is more than the absence of sickness or weakness; it is the condition of total

physical, mental, and social well-being. It is a positive resource that encompasses both social

and personal resources as well as physical abilities (World Health Organization, 2020).

Excessive schoolwork and academic demands have been documented in studies to be

damaging to students' mental and physical health. In line with this, according to a study by

Oden (2022) entitled, "Factors Responsible for Poor Health Habits Among Secondary School

Students," good health is a life asset that is too easily taken for granted and ignored, because

students in schools are exposed to a variety of circumstances that affect many aspects of their

lives, including their overall well-being. Consequently, a study entitled, "The Impact of Stress

on Students in Secondary School and Higher Education," by Pascoe et. al., (2019) reported that

students in secondary and tertiary education settings experience a wide spectrum of chronic

pressures associated with academic obligations. Hence this leads to the development of health

problems, such as chronic non-communicable illnesses, which reduce physical activity and

promote poor lifestyle behaviors.

With an increasing number of students experiencing high levels of stress, it is

important for students, as well as their parents and teachers, to be more aware of the physical

and health conditions of students. This information is particularly concerning because

according to a survey, Filipino teenagers rank near the bottom of 146 countries in terms of

physical activity, and 93.4 percent of school-aged Filipinos aged 11 to 17 are physically

inactive, according to a study published in the journal called, “The Lancet Child & Adolescent

Health” in 2016 (Viray, 2019).

With the abovementioned issues, the researchers have thought of creating a physically

published handbook for the students of RSHS III. Supporting this decision is an article from

Colorado State University in 2022, according to them, online dissemination may be cheaper

and easier but there will be no clear way on how the target audience will be reached. Corollary,

if the publication is concerned with the said circumstance, it would be more agreeable to

physically publish it for public use. Thus, local advertisers – that being said the teachers and

co-students – will be able to share and recommend the physical copy with other audiences

continuously for as long as the issue needs catering.

Moreover, the actual notion that age as a wavelength is an important factor in

propagating information is noteworthy. Considering that the target audience belongs to the

same age group as those of the researcher-authors, the created product would leave higher

chances of being understood fluently. This is supported by a research study entitled,

“Information Dissemination Analysis of Different Media towards the Application for Disaster

Pre-Warning” by Zhang, et al (2022) whereby the results of the aforementioned study reported

that age groups of 16 to 35 years old have a higher influencing factor in disseminating

information towards young audiences.

Printed materials such as textbooks, journals, and magazines, have been shown to be

effective in learning in addition to their usefulness in transmitting accurate and credible

information. Despite the emergence of new and technologically enhanced modes of learning,

they serve as the primary source of effective education as they are portable, readily available,

cost-effective, and comfortable to use particularly for students and teachers (Chen Loyola,

2014). Having said that, one can conclude that handbooks have a beneficial value for

individuals and can undoubtedly assist them in learning new things. To further back this up,

Aboglila (2021) conducted a study entitled, "Impact of Print Media on Student's Academic

Performance of Varanasi City, India," whereby their findings found that the majority of their

respondents aged 11 to 19 confirmed that print media sources were helpful in their academic

performance multiple cases as they cover many educational and informative issues.

As a matter of fact, the effectiveness of printed materials does not end there.

According to the former study, print media encouraged both public and private school

students to do new and innovative things with their academic projects and assignments. That

being said, it is reasonable to assume that handbooks have the potential to persuade people

to do something for their own good. In this regard, printed materials have been related to

greater knowledge retention in multiple studies, and neuroscience implies that printed

marketing materials offer higher emotional impact and persuasiveness. Meanwhile, Fitzgerald

(2019) discovered that the majority of readers certainly prefer printed publications for

personal enjoyment and leisure. This was also demonstrated in a study by Shabiralyani et al.

(2015) entitled, "Impact of Visual Aids in Enhancing the Learning Process Case Research:

District Dera Ghazi Khan," which identified that the majority of their respondents, both

students and teachers, had positive perceptions of using visual aids in reading texts. Given

that, the inclusion of reliable data and visual aids in handbooks have been proven to not only

persuade the public but also to bring delight.

Moving on, these printed resources – notably books and journals – are extensively

used in physical education learning. In keeping with the study by Morbo (2021) entitled,

“Instructional Materials and Alternative Teaching Practices in Physical Education”, it is


suggested that schools should supply teachers and students with new and up-to-date sports

publications, as well as other teaching tools that will aid teachers in the physical classroom;

as handbooks truly have a significant impact on a student’s learning, entertainment, and

motivation to improve their health.

A fitness handbook discusses how to set good health condition goals, offers exercising

strategies, creates healthy habits, and introduces what is essential and good for one's health.

Inside a handbook, people will be able to find everything they need to start safe and effective

fitness activities as well as to make their current physical health condition one step ahead.

With a fitness handbook, consumers will understand what is vital for one's state, evaluate their

current fitness level, set realistic health goals based on individual needs, and learn how to

change health-related behaviors to meet long-term goals (Franks, 2013).

Fitness instructions from a handbook effectively improve people's lifestyle and health

as it showcases the benefits of getting fit and create a change in someone's perspective about

being healthy. This was proven in the review section of the handbook entitled, "The Health

Fitness Handbook" by Franks et al. (2018), where the readers are able to jot comments in line

with the material’s accessibility, informational access, straightforwardness, and the capability

to address questions and misconceptions that people tend to have when it comes to their

health. Furthermore, one of its readers testified that the fitness handbook is a panacea for all

the misinformation being disseminated about exercise, diet, and weight control. Also, it has

scientifically accurate answers to all aspects of physical health and fitness questions. On a

final note, a handbook containing fitness instructions is a functional strategy to share

information along with influencing people to enhance their physical health.


The utilization of handbooks for fitness information dissemination serves as a gateway

for immortalizing the material for the long-term use of consumers in improving their physical

health. This is in line with the findings of Mott et al., (2012) in their study entitled,

“Effectiveness of a personalized fitness module on knowledge, attitude, and cardiovascular

endurance of fifth-grade students: "heart smart" which shows that the incorporation of

customized modules into health and physical education curricula has the potential to

encourage lifelong activity patterns and fitness. In addition, the content of workout manuals

reveals the larger preferences and attitudes of fitness consumers (Maguire, 2012).

With all things being said, the trend of student society as of present lacking rhetoric

forces in the field of physical health and lifestyle posed a consequential drawback towards

their state of well-being. These circumstances introduced extents of pressure and burnout

among them as students and better yet, as individuals. In consideration of these troubles, this

research study digressed on propagating a fitness handbook containing consistent sets of

good health amplifications among Regional Science High School III students with the aim to

propagate their physical health sustainability and enhancement. On top of that, this dynamic

of researcher-to-correspondent being on par in terms of environment stroked a favorable

feature of this study. Corollary, the researchers deemed fit that through this extensive

approach of scrutinizing data, the complacency of being able to disseminate information and

the learners’ state of fluency in internalizing the handbook would be high in a sense. In closing

the course of conducting this study, it was undeniable that a fitness handbook stroked high

chances of long-term enhancement towards the learners’ physical health and overall lifestyle

and in return, it opened them to varying levels of alleviation.


Literature Review

Effects of the Educational Curriculum on the Overall Health of Students

Without a doubt, there is a relationship between education and health. The connection

between these two aspects has been thoroughly established in health literature, with the

adage that "better health leads to better education." However, the extent of this linkage could

also go the other way, asserting that better education also leads to better health. As defined

by The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica (2020), health is “the extent of an individual’s

continuing physical, emotional, mental, and social ability to cope with his or her environment.”

Given this, it is difficult to dispute that education and its related aspects can have a serious

effect on a person's overall health, particularly that of a student.

In this regard, a study by Oden (2022) entitled, “Factors Responsible for Poor Health

Habits Among Secondary School Students,” found that learners are presented with a plethora

of changes that affect all aspects of their lives, including their well-being. As a result, their

health has been unwittingly overlooked and compromised, with one of the contributing

factors being the existing educational curriculum. In light of this, it is reasonable to conclude

that this known hazard to the educational system constitutes a major risk to the well-being

of every student. This is further backed by the notion that if the curriculum is not designed

to sustain the well-being of each learner, it may inadvertently contribute to the exacerbation

of their health-related issues (Enhancing Student Wellbeing, 2016).

Still, on the matter of education and health, academic-related stress, which is the

body's response to scholastic demands that surpass the adaptive capabilities of students, is

one of the repercussions of the current curriculum. In line with the study entitled, “Perception

of Academic Stress Among Health Science Preparatory Program Students in Two Saudi

Universities” by Alsulami et al. (2018), academic stress affects ten to thirty percent of students

at some point during their educational careers. Learners who attend institutions with high

academic standards are undoubtedly under a tremendous deal of stress, which can, later on,

have a severe impact on their general health. Academic overload, according to the same study,

is one of the most often stated stressors in the educational environment, which is extensively

encountered by students at public science high schools and is thought to have a negative

effect not only on the physical but also on the mental health of students.

Physical Health and Lifestyle of Students

Confronted with numerous problems and expectations to perform well in school,

students may experience stress because of their inability to meet all obligations (Santos,

2018). Similarly, due to inapt lifestyle choices, excessive levels of academic stress may lead

to the development of non-communicable diseases (Pervanidou & Chrousos, 2012).

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines lifestyle as "a person's, a group's, or a culture's

usual way of life." Divided into two types: positive (healthy) and negative (unhealthy). A healthy

lifestyle consists of eating a well-balanced diet, exercising regularly, refraining from

cigarettes and drugs, and obtaining plenty of rest, whereas an unhealthy lifestyle is a contrary

(British Broadcasting Corporation, 2021). Unfortunately, as a result of sustaining education

curriculum standards, the latter is gradually becoming the case for the lifestyle status of the

country's student population. A statement from DepEd Undersecretary for Curriculum and

Instruction Diosdado San Antonio affirms this. In a previous year's virtual press briefing, he

stated that during the curriculum review, DepEd discovered that the curriculum – particularly

the intended curriculum – is congested, making it burdensome for learners (Malipot, 2021).

This burden has also influenced how students' current lifestyle is at risk of deteriorating

further into an unhealthy condition.

The research entitled, "The Assessment of Lifestyle Status among High School and

College Students in Luzon, Philippines" by Dungog et al. (2021), revealed that healthy living

components included in the Healthy Lifestyle Screening Tool (HLST) received poor mean

scores among high school and college students. The respondents' low rankings on the factors,

including water intake, air, rest, exercise, nutrition, and general physical condition, reflect an

unhealthy lifestyle. This information is congruent with Tamanal and Kim's (2020) study, which

used the same evaluation technique. According to the HLS evaluation results, lifestyle

components of water intake, rest, and exercise were low among high school students

compared to other elements (e.g., sunshine, nutrition, air, temperance, trust, and general

physical condition).

According to studies, diet – specifically, a well-balanced diet, is one of the components

of a healthy lifestyle. Several studies, however, have revealed a widespread decline in the

students' ability to sustain such a diet. Catequista and Uy (2014) performed research among

private high school students in Iloilo City, Philippines, which discovered that students

occasionally disregard typical mealtimes, such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, or Eating Time

Habit (ETH). They would somewhat compensate for missing a meal with Irregular Eating Time,

such as eating while watching TV, studying, or in class. Furthermore, based on a cross-

sectional study published by Peltzer and Pengpid (2015), a large proportion of the country's

learners ate fewer than two servings of fruits and vegetables per day in 2003 and did not

change in 2007 or 2011. Teenagers consume unhealthy diets that do not meet their

nutritional needs, as reported by The State of the World's Children: Children, Food, and

Nutrition. On top of that, 42 percent of school-aged youths globally drink carbonated soft

drinks at least once a day, and 46 percent consume fast food at least once a week (UNICEF,


Aside from diet, another lifestyle component included by the Healthy Lifestyle

Screening Tool with a low mean score among Filipino high school students was physical

activity or exercise (Tamanal & Kim, 2020). Accordingly, the same cross-sectional study

mentioned in the preceding paragraph by Peltzer and Pengpid (2015) presented that

predominantly, in-school adolescents in the Philippines (approximately 86–93 percent) had

less than five days per week, that lasts 60 minutes per day of moderate-to-vigorous physical

activity. This data has increased from 2003 to 2007 but returned to 2003 levels in 2011.

Students' attitudes like these may be attributable to the obligation of prolonged studying,

which stops them from devoting adequate time to physical exercise (Çelebi et al., 2017). With

all of the information mentioned above, adherence to particular curriculum standards hasn't

just placed students under a great deal of stress and pressure; it also changed their health

habits, putting their physical health and current lifestyle choices in jeopardy.

Pre-existing School-Based Programs on Enhancing Students’ Physical Health and


In line with these issues, there have been school-based programs that focused on

enhancing the students' physical health which would, in the long run, also help improve their

overall lifestyle. Deteriorating health in students not only exists in the Philippines but is also

being a problem across the globe. Consequently, there is this study from South Africa entitled,

"Improving Children's Health Through School-Based Screening: A Case Study from The Eastern

Cape and Kwazulu-Natal Provinces of South Africa and Physical Activity" by Potterton and

Mackenzie (2015). In this study, they screened students based on height, weight, physical

condition, and general health then, they put the qualified students under their program to

help improve their physical health. As a qualitative result, they have observed improvements

in the student's overall health. In addition to this is the mentioned study's main purpose,

which is similar to this research's, which is to eliminate or reduce these existing physical

health issues as it hinders the students in academic performance.

On another note, is from the Philippines' Department of Education, where they have

recently created a program called "Galaw Pilipinas" to aid the student's physical health,

specifically made for ages 5 to 17 through calisthenics exercise. DepEd's undersecretary,

Diosdado San Antonio (2022), has said that this program stresses the value that schools

should not just focus on cognitive learning but should also consider the physical health of the

students. This is one of the researcher's points in this study; as RSHS III students themselves,

they have observed that the majority of its students are very conscious of their grades to the

point of neglecting their physical health.

Effectivity of Handbooks in Disseminating Information and Persuasion

A handbook is a type of printed material or other collection of instructions that is

intended to provide credible information to anyone who will get in touch with it. Therefore, in

order for a handbook to be effective in sharing information, it should focus on giving facts,

guidance, and unambiguous information. In line with this is a study conducted by Gosme et

al. (2015), where it was stated that accuracy, certainty, and conciseness, are some of the most

essential things in creating a handbook since lives might well depend on the quality of

information presented.

Furthermore, handbooks play a major role in terms of persuasion. To support this

statement, Fulton et al. (2013) mentioned in their book entitled, “Creating the Conditions for

School Improvement: A Handbook” that handbooks should present useful ideas and materials

that will convince the people to help with the betterment of certain issues or topics being

addressed. With these, multiple studies indicate that utilizing handbooks tends to have a vital

effect in disseminating beneficial information as well as in persuading someone to do

something worth it.

Influence of Handbooks in Learning and Improving Physical Health and Lifestyle

A fitness handbook is a manual that gives an individual the skills that they need to

start and stick to a personal fitness program. Aside from practices and demonstrations it also

provides complete advice on choosing and planning workouts to suit an individual’s specific

need, reference exercises, photographic sequences, and nutritional advice. Furthermore, it is

a book that will either motivate or encourage an individual to build their physique, enhance

resistance, flexibility, or muscular mass without having to leave their home. With that said, it

is developed with the intention of improving a person's life by providing a diverse variety of

engaging programs and activities to promote healthy lifestyles and increase engagement and

happiness (Roanoke College Faculty, 2018).

This goal can be further supplemented by the review section of a specific handbook

entitled, “Student's Anatomy of Exercise Manual: 50 Essential Exercises Including Weights,


Stretches, And Cardio 1st Edition” by Ashwell (2012), whereby the readers attested for finding

this material helpful both for anatomy and sports physiology because of its detail in the

muscular, skeletal, and neurological systems. It describes the names of the exercises, the

muscle groups they target, and how to do them. Additionally, because of its comprehensive

coverage of useful data ranging from easy exercises and stretches to those that can be done

with weights equipment, this guidebook is believed to be excellent for both teachers and

students. With this, fitness handbooks are considered as manuals, facilitators, and promoters

of good health.

Basis for Describing a Handbook

Handbooks are a good way to promote reliable sources of information. However,

before any printed material can be considered a credible source of information, the

assessment of its content must be conducted. And as per Mohajan (2017), the two most

fundamental and crucial criteria in evaluating any instrument or tool for successful research

are reliability and validity.

In consideration of this, the research study of Siqueira et al. (2020) entitled, "Validation

of A Handbook on Suicide Prevention Among Students: Talking Is the Best Solution," is a good

example. To assess the content and layout of a suicide prevention handbook, it

employed content validation with expert judges and semantic validation with the target

audience. An evaluated handbook covers its content and visual, as well as its organization,


Basis for a Satisfaction Level Questionnaire

To assess the effectivity of the to-be-created handbook, the researchers have thought

of taking the consumers’ level of satisfaction. In this project, students will be given a specially

structured survey questionnaire to assess their satisfaction levels from the handbook created.

Supporting this idea is an assessment study similar to this research entitled, “The Uses of

Printed Curriculum Materials by Teachers During Instruction and the Social Construction of

Pedagogic Discourse in Physical Education” by Peiro-Velert et al. (2015), which tests printed

curriculum materials, such as student textbooks, by showing the highest and lowest levels of

teacher’s satisfaction. In addition to this, to strengthen the thought of using the level of

satisfaction, is a journal authored by Kamphius (2014) wherein the consumers' experiences

are noted in assessing the degree of satisfaction.

Meanwhile, DeFranzo (2021) suggests that giving satisfaction questions to

participants is critical in determining if a product is successfully providing its purpose and to

know if there are improvements needed to be done. He also advises using level of satisfaction

in the scales and not the commonly used “very good” or “very poor” ratings. These degrees

are very satisfied, satisfied, okay, dissatisfied, and very dissatisfied. With these considerations

in mind, it is evident that in order to measure the effectiveness of the handbook, it is necessary

to get the level of satisfaction of the students by developing a specialized questionnaire tool.


Physical education, even with the absence of emphasizing such endeavor as a formal

discipline, is a vital need for every individual to take hold of serious matters. Our bodies are

the medium vehicle to conduct one's wishes, and it is only necessary to presume that one

must look after their condition. With that, what better way to materialize awareness in

physicality – students, specifically – than education? Indeed, there is a significant relationship

between health and education, in view of the fact that they go hand-in-hand to ensure a

flourishing physique. Society has defined and awaited it upon students that having better

health leads to better education; while that, one can give credence to a suggested claim that,

if one obtains high-quality physical literacy, it will then lead to high-quality education.

Perhaps the aforementioned notions imposed by the former society have been one of

the underlying setbacks of physical health. Since in viewing the dispositions of students

through a materialistic lens, a research study entitled, "The Assessment of Lifestyle Status

among High School and College Students in Luzon, Philippines" by Dungog et al. (2021) –

which is also stated in the former parts of this selection – the findings were claimed to receive

poor mean scores among high school and college students, whereby the factors of these

results lie in water intake, air, rest, exercise, nutrition, and the like.

By that remark, that wraps up the assertion of the relationship between health and

education; because what that only says is, physical education must not only be a supplemental

subject matter in any campus curriculum but a fundamental one. Indeed, something must be

done. Despite the drawbacks that either come from a student’s manner of treating physical

education as a subject, a teacher’s limitation from personality factors or access to equipped

facilities, or even the administration that provides endeavors for physical betterment avenues,

the mentioned obstacle will not be overcome by pointing fingers.

Concurrently, a handbook is a type of printed material or other collection of

instructions that are intended to provide credible information to anyone who will get in touch

with it. Therefore, in order for a handbook to be an effective informational material, it should

focus on sharing facts, guidance, and unambiguous information. The contemplation of a

fitness handbook serving as a purposeful and beneficial intervention among teachers and

students for improving physical health as a discipline and as a lifestyle is commendable, since

handbooks also play a major role in terms of persuasion.

Corollary, to stimulate the readers’ understanding, visual assistance and

encouragement, a contemporary form of influencing students, are efficient approaches that

provide a high sense of complacency for fluent comprehension, given that the main target for

this fitness handbook is the youth – particularly, the student body. The dissemination of

handbooks is not only intended to garner attention, but it is also accompanied by a good

cause, as in constructing fitness handbooks, and it is developed with the intention of

improving a person's life by providing a diverse range of engaging activities and programs to

promote a healthy lifestyle and increase engagement and happiness (Roanoke College Faculty,


To solidify that aim, the effectiveness of the said handbook was accompanied by a

description of its content, visual, and organization, as well as a survey of satisfaction levels

from selected participants, avoiding a one-dimensional dissemination approach. It goes

without saying that not only students but also teachers need support. This intervention would

benefit all individuals who have been involved, namely, the students, teachers, parents,

administrative persons, and the like.


Project Framework

The following figure represents the framework of the project:

Figure 1

Input Process Output Outcome

• Development of the
fitness handbook
• Students’ description
of the fitness
handbook in terms
a. Content;
b. Visual; and
Content of the Fitness c. Organization
Handbook on • Assessment on the
Enhancing the level of satisfaction
Publicized Fitness
Physical Health and of RSHS III students Improved Physical
Handbook on
Lifestyle of RSHS III in utilizing the Health and
Enhancing the Physical
Students, written by fitness handbook Lifestyle of RSHS
Health and Lifestyle of
the student through a III Students
RSHS III Students
researchers, and questionnaire in
assisted by terms of:
professionals a. Diet;
b. Number of Meals
eaten per week;
c. Physical Activities;
d. Energy
• Statistical analysis
and interpretation of

The figure shown above provides the overall structure of the research project by

addressing the organization of ideas and emphasis on the research process.

Designated in the leftmost box is the input of the framework consisting of the content

of the fitness handbook on enhancing the physical health and lifestyle of RSHS III students,

written by the student researchers, and assisted by professionals, which were supported by a

comprehensive literature review conducted using different search engines, such as Google

Scholar and PubMed, to learn more about existing researches on the content of the fitness

handbook on improving students' physical health and lifestyle. This factor determined the

result of the project, more commonly known as the project’s output. Following this were the

processes involved which were intermediary mechanisms in transforming the inputs into

outputs or products.

In this project, the process encompassed the development of the fitness handbook,

which was assessed later on through the RSHS III students’ descriptions of the said handbook,

based on its content, visual, and organization, as well as the level of satisfaction of these

students with their physical health and lifestyle experiences after utilizing the said material

through a structured survey questionnaire. After which, the data gathered were subjected to

a thorough statistical analysis and interpretation. These processes now paved the way for the

publication of a fitness handbook on enhancing the physical health and lifestyle of RSHS III

students - the expected output of this study. Lastly, the publication of the fitness handbook

helped the researchers achieve the expected outcome of the project, indicated in the

rightmost box of the framework, which is the improved physical health and lifestyle of RSHS

III students.

Project Significance

The findings of the project were deemed significant to the following entities:

Department of Education (DepEd). The fitness handbook will serve as a reminder to

the department that existing educational systems and curriculums at all levels of education,

particularly secondary schools, need to be supplemented in order to better protect learners'

physical well-being. In addition, the department will surely benefit from the detailed

information included in the handbook regarding the ideal physical health and lifestyle of

different students through enhancing their educational delivery and service, specifically in

physical education.

Regional Science High School III (RSHS III). The fitness handbook will be significantly

beneficial to this institution through contributing pertinent information on the ideal physical

health and lifestyle of different students, which may assist the school administration in

considering and prioritizing their learners’ physical health. Further to that, the said school will

be aware of the present state of well-being of the student population, allowing for the

implementation of suitable actions in addition to the distribution of the handbook.

Teachers. The fitness handbook will be exceedingly helpful to teachers in terms of

providing them with precise information about their students' current physical health

condition as well as realistic data on the ideal physical health and lifestyle that they can adopt.

Additionally, because this handbook is specifically tailored for RSHS III students, they can

utilize it in the classroom or when teaching physical education, perhaps contributing to the

betterment of their students' physical well-being.

Parents. The fitness handbook can serve as a guide to the parents or guardians of

RSHS III students. This can help them grow closer and understand what the students feel to

be able to support them in ways that they can to improve their physical health.

Students. Once the fitness handbook is published, the students of RSHS III can use it

as a basis for how they will adjust their schedules to take care of their physical health.

Furthermore, the product focuses its benefits on the students because once the parents and

the departments know about the contents of the handbook, there can be programs, and/or

adjustments made specifically for the students’ physical health.

Future Researchers. The strenuous process of making the fitness handbook will be

hugely advantageous to future researchers as it will serve as a constructive guide and a

credible reference for the following generation, supplying them with relevant data that they

can use to develop a product similar to this.

Project Scope and Limitation

This project aimed to design a fitness handbook on enhancing the physical health and

lifestyle of Regional Science High School III students. Furthermore, there was an assessment

regarding on how the students may describe the fitness handbook within specific parameters,

including its content, visual, and organization. Additionally, the project assessed the level of

satisfaction of the students with their physical health and lifestyle experiences after utilizing

the said material, which involved their diet, number of meals eaten per week, physical

activities, and energy expenditure. Overall, this project focused on encouraging the RSHS III

students to take better care of their physical health in order to benefit at greater cost on a

long-term basis.

However, due to the pandemic, the current set-up still hindered the researchers from

personally meeting the participants and conducting a face-to-face survey. Hence, the

collection of data was conducted through an online survey, preferably with the use of a survey

administration software. Likewise, attributable to the same reason of being in this pandemic

situation and considering that the printing and binding of the said product could take a long

time, the created fitness handbook was distributed to the student respondents in electronic

soft copies first, before physical hard copies, in order to collect data and information for the

study much faster.

Statement of the Problem

The project aimed to determine how satisfied Regional Science High School III students

are with the fitness handbook in terms of encouraging them to enhance their physical health

and lifestyle.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. How may the students describe the fitness handbook in terms of:

a. Content;

b. Visual; and

c. Organization?

2. How would the students describe their level of satisfaction with their physical health

and lifestyle experiences after utilizing the fitness handbook in terms of:

a. Diet;

b. Number of Meals eaten per week;

c. Physical Activities; and

d. Energy Expenditure?


Ho: There are no satisfactory descriptions of the students' experiences with their physical

health and lifestyle after utilizing the fitness handbook.


Definition of Terms

Burnout. It is an attitude or appearance formed by extreme tiredness by continually

feeling overwhelmed.

Department of Education (DepEd). It is the existing executive governmental

department of the Philippines that devises, administers, and systematizes policies that cater

to the quality of basic education in the Philippines.

Diet. It refers to the kind of food that a person or being habitually consumes.

Energy Expenditure. It is the amount of vitality present in a person, and how they

spend it. This includes how a particular person’s mood in terms of energy materializes and is

usually taken note of on a daily basis.

Physical Health. It is a branch and state of well-being that covers a broad range of

eating habits, weight, hygiene, rest, and such. It also envelops the capability of a person to

conduct occupation and recreational activities.

Regional Science High School III (RSHS III). It is a science high school located in East

Kalayaan, Subic Bay Freeport Zone in Olongapo City, Zambales. The aforementioned

educational institution accommodates students from seventh to twelfth grade, considering

that its constituents fall under the STEM strand.




This study entitled, “A Fitness Handbook on Enhancing the Physical Health and

Lifestyle of Regional Science High School III Students,” is a descriptive quantitative type of

research, whereby it specifically digressed on propagating a physical fitness handbook that

consists of sets of good health amplifications among Regional Science High School III students

with the aim to propagate their physical health and lifestyle enhancement and sustainability.

Having said that, simple random, quota, and convenience sampling were incorporated.

With this, the simple random sampling was utilized for the actual fact that ten random

and voluntary students were modeled from each existing grade level within the campus; the

quota sampling was used as well since there was an established limit of ten participants per

strata – which pertains to the selected ten students from each grade level; and, the

convenience sampling was beneficially implemented because the researchers and

respondents resided in the same campus, enabling them to have similar environmental


The congruent set in this study was all of the respondents who engaged in the set of

questions and examinations from the prior data collection via messaging platforms.

Meanwhile, the quantitative data that were gathered by a survey questionnaire include the

assessments on how students from RSHS III would describe the fitness handbook using

parameters provided by the researchers based on past comprehensive literature, along with

their level of satisfaction in utilizing the said material. Furthermore, these variables were

analyzed and interpreted to distinguish the effect of the fitness handbook on the students’

physical health and lifestyle, with the expectation that it will improve their well-being.

Materials and Procedure

The 37-page fitness handbook was developed as a project. The texts and designs of

the handbook were made through Canva, an online graphic platform used to create visual

media contents. The researchers collaborated by sharing the editable file through a link. After

the making, the handbook underwent publication, where the editing, proofreading, and

printing were done.

The fitness handbooks were then distributed to the teachers and students of RSHS III

as an instructional material. In the meantime, owing to the current pandemic, electronic soft

copies of the fitness handbooks were given. Aside from the threatening risks of the pandemic,

the printing and binding of 60 copies would take several days. Thus, sending soft copies of

these surely saved time, allowing the researchers to complete the data and information

collection for the project without delay.

The said handbook contained credible information about one’s physical health and the

ways to improve their lifestyle. All information came from the Internet, journals, and other

reliable materials. The researchers made sure that the details comprising the fitness

handbook were coming from valid sources and were written by health professionals.

Furthermore, the images were also obtained from the Internet, and the researchers ensured

to give credit to their rightful owners.


Following the development of the fitness handbook, the researchers provided an

online survey questionnaire as a measurement method for this study. It was suitable to use

because it allowed the researchers to determine RSHS III students’ descriptions of the said

handbook, as well as the level of satisfaction of these students with their physical health and

lifestyle experiences after utilizing the said material. Appropriately, the researchers first

sought the approval and validation of the instrument from their research adviser. Then, a

Likert Scale survey was conducted on the selected RSHS III students through the use of Google


Data Collection

Before proceeding with the data collection procedure, the researchers first asked for

the consent of the school principal with a written request letter, and in this, the school

principal was notified that this research project was carried out while preserving the

confidentiality and privacy of the respondents' profiles and data. In addition, the researchers

sent letters of consent to the study's volunteer participants, confirming their willingness to

participate. This letter included well-written statements that provided an overview of the

study, explaining how these respondents were crucial to the research, and emphasizing that

any findings that were acquired were kept confidential. The consent letters to the participants

were distributed to the same student respondents that participated in the Inquiries,

Investigation, and Immersion subject data gathering procedure via Facebook Messenger, a

messaging platform.

In the data collection procedure, the fitness handbook was distributed to the voluntary

student respondents of RSHS III. This was done to determine how the students would describe

the fitness handbook and to measure their satisfaction level, which were both based on their

experiences in using the fitness handbook to enhance their physical well-being, through a

structured survey questionnaire created via Google Forms. The respondents' quantitative data

collected in the said questionnaire were examined using statistical methods. With this, the

gathered data were used to show how the fitness handbook improves the physical health and

lifestyle of the students.

Data Analysis

Considering that this study is a descriptive quantitative type of research, the

researchers employed a Likert scale question-based survey to collect data and information,

as well as to determine how the students would describe the material’s content, visual, and

organization, along with their level of satisfaction in utilizing the created fitness handbook

that focused on improving their physical health and lifestyle. Moreover, in quantifying the

data collected from the survey questionnaire, this study used a descriptive statistical tool;

specifically, the arithmetic mean. In layman's terms, this is the average of a definite dataset.

To further demonstrate its compatibility, these ratings fall under the ratio for its level of

measurement, which has been technically defined as proper for this sort of statistical

instrument. On top of that, the researchers also analyzed and interpreted the data using

frequency counts and verbal interpretations.


Results and Discussion

This chapter discusses the analysis and interpretation of all data collected in response

to the research questions posed in the first chapter of this study. Furthermore, the statistical

results and findings presented below were supported by relevant literature and studies.

Table 1

Descriptions of the Students on the Fitness Handbook’s Content

Statement Mean Verbal Interpretation

The purpose of the fitness handbook can be 4.8 Strongly Agree
clearly understood.
The fitness handbook provided relevant 4.7 Strongly Agree
information on one’s physical health and
The instructions were written for my 4.6 Strongly Agree
specific level of knowledge and skills.
The instructions were motivating to follow. 4.6 Strongly Agree
All the contained information was 4.8 Strongly Agree
supported by credible sources.
Average 4.7 Strongly Agree

The means of this section, which focused on the descriptions of the student

respondents on the fitness handbook's content, may be understood from Table 1. Its verbal

interpretations, as well as the average of the means, were also provided. Moreover, the

computed means are relatively high in comparison to one another. Despite this, there were

still existing variances.

It is exhibited on the first table that the calculated means for each item on the survey

ranged from 4.6 to 4.8, all corresponding to the verbal interpretation of "Strongly Agree" on

a five-point Likert scale. The lowest mean is 4.6, and two sentences demonstrated this value.

Specifically, the first statement was about whether the instructions were written for their

specific level of knowledge and skills. While the other one focuses on whether the instructions

were motivational to follow. These findings implicate that since there appears to be a

contextualization of the information contained in the fitness handbook, students found the

material quite motivational to follow for its included health tips and recommendations. Further

justifying this is the study by Madrazo & Dio (2020) entitled, "Contextualized Learning

Modules in Bridging Students' Learning Gaps in Calculus with Analytic Geometry Through

Independent Learning." They discovered that contextualizing or localizing the concepts in

learning materials is highly recommended to create high-quality additional resources that

support autonomous learning and the overall development of critical thinking skills.

Meanwhile, the third statement emerged as the median of all the presented means,

with a mean of 4.7. The student respondents still strongly agreed that the fitness handbook

gave useful information about an individual’s physical health and lifestyle. Ensuring timely,

trustworthy, and relevant health information for everybody is the key to creating successful

healthcare, disease prevention, and health promotion decisions in everyday life to preserve

and enhance the quality of life throughout the life cycle (Sorensen, 2018).

Unexpectedly, two statements have likewise garnered a similar highest value, which is

a strongly agreeable mean of 4.8. The first statement that attained such a mean was,

interestingly, the opening statement, which shows that the student respondents strongly

agree that they clearly understood the purpose of the fitness handbook. As for the second

one, they acknowledged that all of the information included in the material was backed up by

credible sources, which was the fifth and last statement. It is supported by the discoveries of

Ghaddar et al. (2011), stating that higher levels of health literacy are connected with exposure

to a reputable source of health information. Incorporating a trustworthy health information

resource into school health education curricula is a viable strategy for increasing health

literacy. Lastly, the average of the means, which encompassed the entirety of this section, is

4.8, which corresponds to the verbal interpretation of "Strongly Agree."

Table 2

Descriptions of the Students on the Fitness Handbook’s Visual

Statement Mean Verbal Interpretation

The fitness handbook made excellent use of 4.8 Strongly Agree
The fitness handbook made excellent use of 4.7 Strongly Agree
The fitness handbook made excellent use of 4.6 Strongly Agree
text fonts.
The layout design of the fitness handbook 4.6 Strongly Agree
aided in their learning experience.
The fitness handbook was creatively 4.7 Strongly Agree
designed that it is motivating to use.
Average 4.7 Strongly Agree

Moving on, the means of the selected students’ responses to their descriptions of the

fitness handbook in terms of its visual are shown in Table 2. Their corresponding verbal

interpretations and the average of the quantities are given as well.

The data collected varied, but it is not dispersed, as all five statements were rated as

strongly agreeable by the students who had consumed the handbook. The highest mean is

4.8, while the lowest is 4.6; these values are quite close to each other, indicating that all of

the students who responded to the survey thought the fitness handbook’s appearance was

visually appealing. In respect to this, Gurchiek (2016) claimed that this kind of fitness

handbook has succeeded, as she believes that handbooks, such as this, should be designed

in a visually appealing manner, with larger and bolder graphics, to make them more enticing

to consumers.

Following that, the notable second and fifth statements regarding the excellent use of

colors and how visually motivating the handbook is to use received a mean of 4.7, which is

equivalent to the verbal interpretation of "Strongly Agree." In line with this, a study entitled,

“The Role of Visual Learning in Improving Students’ High-Order Thinking Skills,” by Raiyn

(2016) reveals that many students learn more effectively when visuals are incorporated. When

students are exposed to visual aids, their higher-order thinking improves. To summarize, the

average of the mentioned means is 4.7, which corresponds to the “Strongly Agree” verbal


Table 3

Descriptions of the Students on the Fitness Handbook’s Organization

Statement Mean Verbal Interpretation

All the contained information was effectively 4.5 Strongly Agree
organized in a logical manner.
All the contained information was effectively 4.7 Strongly Agree
organized in a creative manner.
The content of the fitness handbook was 4.5 Strongly Agree
organized using effective transitions.
The overall organization of the fitness 4.6 Strongly Agree
handbook made it easy to understand.
The overall organization of the fitness 4.6 Strongly Agree
handbook made it motivating to utilize.
Average 4.6 Strongly Agree

The next table, Table 3, shows the computed mean per statement for the selected

students' descriptions of the fitness handbook's organization, its verbal interpretation, and

the average.

The data from the conducted survey differs in value, but the verbal interpretations

remain identical since the computed mean per statement is encompassed within a single set

range. Thus, all of the following values are verbally interpreted as "Strongly Agree." The

statement with the highest calculated mean of 4.7 addresses the relationship between

creativity and its effectiveness in the organization of the contained information, and the

students found it to be strongly agreeable, signaling that creativity played a significant role

in the effectiveness of information delivery. Supporting this outcome are the findings of

Patston et al. (2021) in a study entitled, "What Is Creativity in Education? A Qualitative Study

of International Curricula," in which its results implied that creativity can explicitly boost

students’ motivation, curiosity, and interest; teach creative thinking; and provide

opportunities for choice and discovery.

Consequently, when asked how the general organization of the fitness handbook

helped them comprehend the information more easily and motivate them to use it, the

students rated them as strongly agreeable, with a similar mean of 4.6. Aside from that, out

of all the statements, two means were computed to have the lowest score of 4.5. These

statements are in connection to the fitness handbook's logical organization and transitions.

According to the students, it is strongly agreeable that the content of the said material was

organized logically and with effective transitions from section to section. These results

highlight how the structure aided students in efficiently ingesting the content of the fitness

handbook by expressing how they strongly agree with all of the statements supplied. This

comes to an average of 4.6, which may be verbally interpreted as "Strongly Agree."


Moreover, it should be noted that all computations for all averaged statements for the

inputs of students were done with the utmost precision, as well as supplying verbal

interpretations and implications to statistically describe the output of this study. In this project

that aims to determine how satisfied RSHS III students are with the fitness handbook in terms

of encouraging them to enhance their physical health and lifestyle, simply collecting in-depth

data regarding the students’ descriptions of the fitness handbook wasn’t enough. Hence, the

following tables will comprise the students’ computed means together with their verbal

interpretations and averages, with regard to their level of satisfaction with their physical

health and lifestyle experiences after utilizing the said material.

Table 4

Level of Satisfaction of the Students with their Diet

Statement Mean Verbal Interpretation

Eat fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. 4.4 Very Satisfied
Eat protein on a daily basis. 4.5 Very Satisfied
Eat grains on a daily basis. 4.4 Very Satisfied
Drink 8 glasses of water on a daily basis. 4.3 Very Satisfied
Avoid eating unhealthy foods. 4.2 Satisfied
Average 4.4 Very Satisfied

Table 4 presents the computed mean per statement for the selected students' level of

satisfaction with their diet after utilizing the fitness handbook, its verbal interpretation, and

the average of all the included quantities.

Interestingly, the data obtained from this specific parameter indicates that they found

all of the statements presented to be satisfactory, so it is critical to approach the means in

each statement separately to better understand how the provided results came to be. The

statement that corresponds to the consistency of the students being able to eat protein on a

daily basis has the highest computed mean of 4.5. This indicates that after using the fitness

handbook, the students are very satisfied with their daily protein intake.

This is followed by a mean of 4.4 computed for both first and third statements,

suggesting that students are very satisfied with their daily fruit, vegetable and grain intake

after utilizing the fitness handbook. Accordingly, with a mean of 4.3, water intake is the

median of all presented statements, implying that students were very satisfied with their daily

water intake of 8 glasses after using the said handbook. Although the majority of the

statements were proven to be very satisfying, one statement received the lowest mean of 4.2

out of all the claims offered. In this case, when students were questioned about their

satisfaction in avoiding unhealthy foods after utilizing the product of this study, quantitative

results reported that they are content with their diet and lifestyle choices.

These numerical figures solidify the point that instructional materials delivered in the

form of a fitness handbook can positively influence the students’ physical health and lifestyle.

As per Umar et al. (2019), in providing material for background knowledge on certain topics,

it is necessary to encourage students to learn through their eyes or ears, and most

importantly, there should be demonstrations on how to use their hands in manipulating

equipment. In the instance of students utilizing fitness handbooks in relation to their level of

satisfaction with their diet, the average of all the statements is 4.4, or a "Very Satisfied" verbal

interpretation, significantly showing how effective the distribution of the said material is.

Table 5

Level of Satisfaction of the Students with their Number of Meals eaten per week

Statement Mean Verbal Interpretation

Eat breakfast 7 times a week. 4.2 Satisfied
Eat lunch 7 times a week. 4.5 Very Satisfied
Eat dinner 7 times a week. 4.6 Very Satisfied
Minimize snacking to eat proper meals 7 4.2 Satisfied
times a week.
Minimize skipping meals 7 times a week. 4.4 Very Satisfied
Average 4.4 Very Satisfied

Table 5 shows the means of the selected RSHS III students' answers about their level

of satisfaction with the number of meals they have eaten per week after utilizing the fitness

handbook. The stated figures for this are in reference to the survey findings, as with the

previously described table analysis.

All of the statements in this section have magnitudes that range between 4.2 and 4.6.

It is equivalent to "Very Satisfied" on the Likert scale, indicating a good implication for the

product. The highest mean obtained is 4.6, signifying that they strongly agreed that they are

happy with their experiences of having supper seven times per week after using the handbook.

And according to an article written by Kannan (2020), eating supper before seven o'clock in

the evening and finishing within two to three hours before going to bed is the best method

to stay light, feel healthy, and sleep well.

The second statement in the table, with a mean of 4.5, follows the highest

mean garnered, implying that these students are now very satisfied with their lunch

consumption throughout the week. In her article for Live Strong, Schuna (2012) wrote that

eating many hours after breakfast re-energizes your body and can boost blood sugar levels

when attention and concentration are waning. Furthermore, eating lunch keeps the

metabolism going, especially if an individual has a moderate-sized meal plus a snack before

and after.

Now, the fifth listed statement, which shows the respondents' contentment with

minimizing their action of skipping meals during a seven-day period, has acquired a mean of

4.4, demonstrating their strong satisfaction with such action after utilizing the handbook.

Eating three times a day without missing meals, especially breakfast, and consuming enough

fresh fruits, vegetables, and milk were linked to improved academic achievement (Kim et al.,


Remarkably, two statements received a mean of 4.2, which, although having a

"Satisfied" verbal interpretation, still showed the lowest value among the responses.

Specifically, the students responded that they are satisfied with minimizing their snacking

habits to eat proper meals throughout the week. Based on their feedback, the students are

also delighted with their experiences of eating breakfast seven times a week upon consuming

the content of the “BEneFIT: A Fitness Handbook.” The study entitled, "Nutrition and Academic

Performance among Adolescents," by Verulava & Devnozashvili (2021) has shown that 54

percent of school kids rarely eat breakfast during the week. Hence, targeted interventions,

such as developing and introducing a healthy eating handbook customized to kids' interests

and needs, are justified. Their findings and recommendations support the purpose of the

“BEneFIT: A Fitness Handbook” in providing an instructional material that can help enhance

the physical health and lifestyle of RSHS III students. In summary, the average of the means is

4.4, which is classified under the verbal interpretation of “Very Satisfied."


Table 6

Level of Satisfaction of the Students with their Physical Activities

Statement Mean Verbal Interpretation

Allocate time for engaging in physical 4.2 Satisfied
activities on a daily basis.
Engage actively in recreational activities. 4.3 Very Satisfied
Be physically active during their spare time. 4.3 Very Satisfied
Find it easy to conduct physical activities. 4.2 Satisfied
Enjoy conducting physical activities. 4.4 Very Satisfied
Average 4.3 Very Satisfied

On the other hand, Table 6 displays the means of the responses of the selected RSHS

III students regarding their level of satisfaction with their physical health and lifestyle

experiences after utilizing the fitness handbook in terms of physical activities. The

corresponding verbal interpretations are also provided, and the average of the contained

quantities is shown at the bottom of the table.

Remarkably, the data collected from this specific notion indicates precise values. All

of the statements presented appeared to be either very satisfying or simply satisfying to them.

To better understand how this was achieved, it is important to break down the means in each

statement. Specifically, the highest mean obtained is 4.4, suggesting that the students, after

utilizing the fitness handbook, are very satisfied with their experiences in enjoying the

conduct of physical activities. The other two statements, on the other hand, garnered the

same score of 4.2, which became the lowest mean on the table, but they still reveal that the

students are indeed satisfied with their experiences in allocating time for engaging in physical

activities on a daily basis and finding it easy to conduct physical activities after utilizing the

said material. Meanwhile, similar to the previously given statements, the remaining two

obtained a “Very Satisfied” verbal interpretation with a mean of 4.3, implying that, after

utilizing the product of this study, these students are highly contented with their experiences

in engaging actively in recreational activities and being physically active during their spare


With all of these factors analyzed, it is apparent that this research received an average

of 4.3, which may also be taken as "Very Satisfied." These certain findings are consistent with

an article published by Hawaii Public Schools in 2021, which found that instructional

materials, particularly in the area of health education, promote and strengthen healthy

behaviors by providing age and developmentally appropriate, medically accurate, and factual

information, as well as safe, healthy, and inclusive messages. This gives students the skills,

knowledge, and attitudes they need to handle their present and future health interests, needs,

and challenges, allowing them to contribute to the maintenance and improvement of their

own health and lifestyle.

Table 7

Level of Satisfaction of the Students with their Energy Expenditure

Statement Mean Verbal Interpretation

Feel energized after waking up in the 4.1 Satisfied
Have energy for the whole day. 4.1 Satisfied
Have the motivation to exercise. 4.3 Very Satisfied
Recover effortlessly from shortness of 4.0 Satisfied
breath after conducting physical activities.
Find it easy to sleep soundly. 4.3 Very Satisfied
Average 4.2 Satisfied

Finally, Table 7 illustrates the students' satisfaction with their energy expenditure

following the use of the fitness handbook. Its verbal interpretations, as well as the average of

the quantities, were presented.


To begin, the third and fifth statements received the highest mean of 4.3, with a “Very

Satisfied” verbal interpretation. These findings demonstrate that, in a short amount of time

utilizing the said handbook, the students are still able to restore their motivation to exercise

and their sound sleep. A few studies have found that reading and visual learning have been

linked to motivation to do something. The human brain processes both visual information

and emotions in the same region. As a result, potent visuals leave a lasting impact and

increase motivation in learners (Jandhyala, 2017). Meanwhile, regarding students’ finding it

easy to sleep soundly, multiple studies have connected insufficient sleep to an uneven rise in

energy intake over expenditure. Sleep quality may also moderate the relationship between

physical activity and weariness. This suggests that sleep and exercise interact and influence

our energy levels and balance (Pacheco, 2018).

Subsequently, the first and second statements both have a “Satisfied” verbal

interpretation, with a mean of 4.1. This verified that the fitness handbook reinforced the

students to cater their way of mending their energy after waking up in the morning, resulting

in them having abundant energy throughout the day. These are associated with the third and

fourth statements, in which if the students are motivated to exercise and sleep well, these

practices may lead to them feeling invigorated. It was proven in a medical article by Johnson

et al. (2020) that the best approach to ensure someone has energy in the morning is to

establish good sleeping habits. Moreover, simple exercises like stretching, going for a short

walk, and dancing can assist in raising the respiratory and heart rate, causing the body to

wake up faster. Through the aid of the fitness handbook, the learners have practiced a

combination of good sleeping habits and morning routines, allowing them to mobilize enough

energy in the morning and throughout the whole day.

On the flip side, the fourth statement garnered the lowest mean of 4, but it is still

considered a good result because it falls under the verbal interpretation of “Satisfied,” which

means that the students are pleased with the fitness handbook’s assistance in helping them

recover effortlessly from shortness of breath after engaging in any physical activity. Even

though exercise-induced shortness of breath is not uncommon, it is still vital to offer

information and follow up on any potential risks.

Altogether, the data acquired yields an average of 4.2, which indicates that the

students are satisfied with their overall experiences of boosting their energy expenditure with

the aid of the fitness handbook. In line with this, Porter et al. (2019) published a study entitled,

“Adoption of Canada's Physical Activity Guide and Handbook for Adults: Impact on Functional

Fitness and Energy Expenditure,” which found that after receiving a handbook and a guide

containing healthy and active living for adults and adopting them for a few weeks, the

participants projected an improved amount of energy used in physical activities, and they

were pleased with the said materials. This data implies that the guidebook, whether or not it

is supported by any program assistance, will result in positive outcomes.


Conclusions and Recommendations

This chapter presents the conclusions and recommendations in order to supplement

the results of this study. Ultimately, this aims to properly address all of the formulated

research questions after data gathering, analysis, and interpretation.


Based on the findings of this research, the researchers conclude the following:

1. “BEneFIT: A Fitness Handbook” has excellent contextualization of content; thus, RSHS

III students found the said material motivating to follow because it provided a variety

of health tips and recommendations. On the other hand, in terms of its visual, the

students found the appearance of the fitness handbook to be aesthetically appealing,

which aided their overall learning experience. Finally, when it came to the product’s

organization, the students unanimously agreed that its effectiveness, along with its

creativity, promotes its successful delivery. It emphasizes how the material’s structure

supports students in grasping the information and subtleties efficiently. Generally, the

results insinuate that the fitness handbook has a well-presented framework, which

contributed to students’ having more positive and active experiences.

2. RSHS III students were highly contented with their diet and lifestyle choices after

receiving the fitness handbook. Following that, these students are introduced to

nutritious eating, with the “BEneFIT: A Fitness Handbook” proving to be an effective

approach to adapt to healthier eating habits. Moreover, students tend to be quite

pleased with their experiences in being physically active, which is connected to their

overall satisfaction with boosting their energy expenditure. In summary, the numerical

figures, along with their verbal interpretations, solidified that the instructional

material, in the form of a fitness handbook, positively influenced the students’ physical

health and lifestyle.


The researchers recommend the following:

1. Optimizing the fitness handbook in the flesh may help learners recognize the

material’s inherent content, visual, and organization in a more fluent manner than that

of initially commencing a digital approach of dissemination. Along with that, teachers,

parents, guardians, or any other source in line to cater to their well-being may

primarily intervene and support this possibility of enhancing their physical health and

lifestyle on any ground.

2. It may be vital to add radical accustoming prompts not just from the students’

perspective, but also from other sources that radiate a possible link. Despite in-depth

collections of research, this handbook continues to state that these activities imply

direct involvement of students’ adjustment and no external environment. As a result,

this is the finest time for all parties – curriculum developers, educational institutions,

teachers, and students themselves – to take responsibility for projecting a positive

image and setting an example that is tailored to their physical health and lifestyle.

3. Future researchers may develop a different research project focusing on the physical

health and lifestyle of students, such as health forums, or they could conduct a related

research study on other aspects of human health and build a comparable output from

it. In addition, they may also consider broadening the scope of the study by including

other schools as academic institutions of interest or perhaps the entire scholastic

division. Finally, having a greater number of participants can be done to acquire more

reliable results.

The Output

"BEneFIT: A Fitness Handbook" was written by Hannah Rae Asuncion, Kiezle Caparanga,

Luisa Jean Evangelista, Jenice Francine Fenomeno, Toni Ela Samala, and Hallie Kaith

Pampolino, who came up with the material's layout design as well. This handbook was created

as an aid for the students of RSHS III's physical health and lifestyle while trying to keep up

with the standards of the school's curriculum. The information inside the handbook was

divided into three sections. The first section is about diet and the number of meals, followed

by physical activities and energy expenditure. Finally, the third section contains a

transcription of the question-and-answer portion with licensed pediatric physicians, which

tackles some advice on the students' physical health.

Canva, an online graphic platform used to produce social media graphics,

presentations, posters, papers, and other visual materials, was employed to create the

handbook's texts, designs, and overall layout. The fitness handbook features tips on instilling

healthy eating habits, advantages of healthy eating habits, and visual aids for simple and fun

exercises and activities that students can gradually adapt to their schedule. Overall, the

handbook is 37 pages long, including the title page, the numerous information and

recommendations for a healthy and active lifestyle, and some simple pen and paper activities

to maintain the readers' interest in between sections. Lastly, BEneFIT's content was entirely

based on credible sources and licensed health professionals.



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Appendix A
Permission to Conduct Letter

Appendix B
Students’ Survey Questionnaire

Appendix C
Survey Results





Appendix D
Raw Data

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Hannah Rae R. Asuncion

Address: Purok 2, Laoag, San Marcelino, Zambales

Email: [email protected]

Awards and Recognition:

Grade 7 - San Guillermo National High School Batch Top 1

Grade 8 - With Honors

Grade 9 – With High Honors

- MTAP Math Challenge Division Level - Qualifier

Grade 10 – With High Honors

- Performing Arts Awardee

Grade 11 – With High Honors

Student’s Signature

Name: Kiezle G. Caparanga

Address: 083 Burgos-Soliman, Hermosa, Bataan

Email: [email protected]

Awards and Recognition:

Grade 7 – Regional Science High School III Batch Top 2

- TAWI Club Grade 7 Representative

Grade 8 - With Honors

- SCIRE Club Committee Member in Narrative and Documentation

Grade 9 – With High Honors

- SCIRE Club Committee Member in Narrative and Documentation

Grade 10 – With High Honors

- Special Recognition in Social Studies

- Recipient of the Conduct Award

- 2020 National Science and Mathematics Brain Power - Statistic Quiz – 3rd


- 10th ASEAN Quiz Bee Division Level Competition – 1st Place

- Ang Sanghaya – News Writer

Grade 11 – With High Honors

- SSG Committee Chairman

- SPELL Club – Happily Ever After – Best Actress in a Supporting Role

Grade 12 – SSG Students’ Welfare Committee Head

- Division Science and Technology Fair – Science Video Production Contest –

1st Place

Student’s Signature

Name: Luisa Jean T. Evangelista

Address: #47 B. Torres, Dinalupihan, Bataan

Email: [email protected]

Awards and Recognition:

Grade 7 – With Honors

Grade 8 - With Honors

Grade 9 – With Honors

- 2019 National Science and Mathematics Brain Power - Geology and

Hydrology Quiz – Merit Award

- National Battle of Math & Science Champions Year 5 - Science Trivia – 3rd


Grade 10 – With Honors

- Division EsP Festival of Talents and Virtues - Sine ng Pagpapakatao - 1st


- Regional EsP Festival of Talents and Virtues - Sine ng Pagpapakatao – Merit


- Division Science and Technology Fair – Physical Science Category – 1st


- Regional Science and Technology Fair – Physical Science Category – 4th


- UP Academic League of Chemical Engineering Students – Qualifier

- Research Innovations Contest and Exhibit – Qualifier

Grade 11 – With High Honors

Grade 12 – KALIS Club Grade 12 Representative

Student’s Signature

Name: Jenice Francine A. Fenomeno

Address: 15 Rodolfo St., San Gregorio, San Antonio, Zambales

Email: [email protected]

Awards and Recognition:

Grade 7 – With Honors

Grade 8 - With Honors

Grade 9 – With Honors

Grade 10 – With Honors

- Special Recognition in Research

- Division Science and Technology Fair – Life Science Category – 1st Place

- Regional Science and Technology Fair – Life Science Category – 5th Place

- 2020 National Science and Mathematics Brain Power – Research Congress

– Life Science Category – 2nd Place

- 2020 National Science Engineering Fair - Finalist

- 2020 Research Fair: Chrysalis Research Competition – Closed Door

Defense – Qualifier

Grade 11 – With High Honors

Student’s Signature

Name: Hallie Kaith A. Pampolino

Address: #17, 14 St., East Tapinac, Olongapo City

Email: [email protected]

Awards and Recognition:

Grade 7 – With Honors

- Reader’s Theater Contest – Speech Choir - 1st Place

Grade 8 - With Honors

- Perfect Attendance Awardee

- Recyclable Contest – Handbag Souvenir - 1st Place

Grade 9 – With High Honors

- 2019 National Science and Mathematics Brain Power – Brain Synapse – 3rd


- 2019 National Science and Mathematics Brain Power – Astrology Quiz – Merit


- ASMEPPS – Math Trivia – 4th Place

Grade 10 – With Honors

- 2020 National Science and Mathematics Brain Power - Research Congress

– Physical Science Category – 2nd Place

- 2019 English Festival – Oratorical Contest – 2nd Place

Grade 11 – With High Honors

Student’s Signature

Name: Toni Ela B. Samala

Address: Blk 3, Lot 20-21, Emerald St., Beverly Heights Subd.,

Cataning, Hermosa, Bataan

Email: [email protected]

Awards and Recognition:

Grade 7 – Parañaque Science High School Batch Top 2

Grade 8 - With Honors

Grade 9 – With Honors

- SCIRE Club Grade 9 Representative

Grade 10 – With Honors

- 2020 National Science and Mathematics Brain Power – Brain Synapse – 1st


Grade 11 – With High Honors

Grade 12 – SCIRE Club President

Student’s Signature

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