Hot-Tapping Procedures

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Hot-Tapping Procedures

Source: T.D. Williamson, Inc.

T.D. Williamson, Inc.: This procedure is general in nature and represents the major steps to be
considered while doing a hot tap application. It is not intended to be used for training or as an
absolute guideline. The TDW technician on site will advise the proper usage of TDW

Hot-Tapping Procedures

1. Hot tap fitting should be attached prior to the arrival of TDW Services.

2. TDW recommends that hot tap fitting and tapping valve be pressure tested prior to TDW's
arrival. This will allow customer to repair or replace a faulty valve or repair welding on

3. Meet with Customer.

 Discuss job with maintenance, operating and safety personnel to assure complete
understanding of what is to be accomplished and how.
 Verify line contents, pressure, temperature, flow rate and pipe wall thickness.
 Discuss what items will be needed to complete job.

4. Check Tapping Valve.

 Check valve bore and fitting for alignment.

 Check flange makeup for bolts and gasket and be sure bolts have been tightened.
 Check to make sure valve will open and close properly.
 Measure valve bore for sufficient cutter clearance. Record this dimension.
 Measure valve for sufficient housing space for cutter and pilot.
 Measure face of valve to seat rings.
 Record all measurements.

5. Assemble Tapping Machine.

 Clean ring joints and steel ring gaskets.

 Install adapter on tapping machine and snug top two bolts leaving others loose.
 Extend boring bar beyond face of adapter.
 Align adapter and tighten all bolts.
 Install cutter and pilot assembly.

6. Calculate Tapping Distance.

 Record all dimensions on TDW Tapping Measurement Card.

7. Install Tapping Machine on Tapping Valve.

 Clean flange faces.

 Install gasket.
 Install tapping machine on valve, taking care not to bump pilot and cutter on valve.
 Align bolt holes of flanges.
 Install bolts and tighten evenly.
 Install bleeder valve and leave open.
 Fitting and all joints below valve should be tested. Procedure to be determined by
 Connect hydraulic hoses from power unit to tapping machine.
 Extend boring bar until pilot contacts pipe, retract slightly, and engage clutch. Remove
 Install measuring rod and mark tapping measurements.
 If fitting has not been pressure-tested, suggest to customer to test before starting tap.

8. Begin Tap.

 Check with customer for permission to begin tap.

 When pilot penetrates pipe and air is purged from valve and adapter, close bleeder
valve and continue to tap.
Note: Make arrangements to safely vent hazardous products out of the hot tap machine
bleed connection at the start of the tap. Venting or draining can take place when the
pilot drill penetrates the pipe wall ( except when a nitrogen purge is used). Venting
evacuates the air or product out of the tapping adapter for safety reasons

9. Complete Tap.

 When tap is complete, close control valve, and disengage clutch.

 Retract cutter.
 Close tapping valve.
 Relieve tapped pressure through bleeder valve.

10. Remove Tapping Machine from Tapping Valve.

 Remove coupon from cutter and give to customer.

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