1 Trial ID TM-01 -
6 CA:FA ratio 64 : 36
Remarks :
1 Pycnometer Number 1 1 -
Flakiness Index = B/A X 100 14.95 %
Elongation Index = D/C X 100 _
Combined FI and EI % _
Fineness of Cement
Wt Retained % retained on
Wt of Cement Average Finess
Trial No. on 90. Micron 90 micron Specific limites
Taken (gms) of Cement (%)
sieve (gms) Sieve
Water added Weight of
S.No Weight of Cement (gm) Penetration (mm)
(%) Water (gms)
Volume Avg.
Density Load Corrected Strength
S.No Weight gms Area in cm3 Strength Remarks
gm/cc KN Load KN Mpa
cc Mpa
1 8531 225 3375 2.528 925 925 41.11
2 8643 225 3375 2.561 980 980 43.55 43.03
3 8528 225 3375 2.527 1000 1000 44.44
a) Grade of design mix = M-35 RCC (as per MORTH Table 1700-1)
b) Max size of aggregate = 20 mm (as per MORTH Table 1700-7)
Ba c) Minimum Cement Content = 380 Kg (as per MORTH Table 1700-2)
d) Degree of workability = Medium
e) Slump required = 50 - 75 (as per MORTH Table 1700-4)
f) Degree of Quality control = Good
g) Type of exposure = Moderate
h) Maximum W/C Ratio = 0.45 As per MORTH table 1700-2
i) Adopted W/C ratio = 0.39
j) Target mean strength = 47.0 MPa (As per MORT & H - table 1700-5)
k) maximum Cement content = 540 kg (as per MORTH clause 1703.2)
A) Cement :-
a) Cement Brand = OPC-43 grade Ultratech Cement
b) Specific Gravity of cement = 3.15 As per MTC
B) Fine Aggregate :-
a) Source = Tonk river
b) Specific Gravity = 2.650 (Report attached)
c) Water absorption = 1.50 % (Report attached)
d) Sieve Analysis of Fine aggregate = Zone - II (Grading Sheet attached)
C) Coarse Aggregate :-
a) Source = Kotputli Rajasthan Crusher
b) Specific Gravity
20 mm = 2.747 (Report attached)
10 mm = 2.709 (Report attached)
c) Combined Specific Gravity
(20 mm 60%&10 mm 40 %) = 2.732 (Report attached)
d) Water absorption
20 mm = 0.75 % (Report attached)
10 mm = 0.80 % (Report attached)
e) Sieve Analysis of Coarse aggregate
i) 20 mm = Grading Sheet attached
ii) 10 mm = Grading Sheet attached
iii) Combined gradation : = Grading Sheet attached
D) Admixture :
a) As per IS: 10262-2009 Table 2 for 20mm Aggregate Max. water content
= 186kgs ( for 25 mm to 50 mm slump)
(3% water content may increase by every increasing of 25 mm slump as per IS 10262-2009)
So Estimated Water Content for 75 mm slump = ( 186 + ( 6 / 100 × 186 ) )
= 197.16 Ltr
So water content per Cum required for concrete = ( 197.2 × 0.79 ) Specific Gravity of Water is 1.0
= 156 Kg
b) As per IS: 10262-2009 Table 3 volume of coarse aggregate corresponding to 20mm size aggregate
(Volume of coarse aggregate is require to be increase to decrease the fine aggregate content at the rate of -/+ 0.01 for
Here we are using Zone -II sand , hence adopted 0.64 volume of coarse (trials done, mix found cohesive )
Fine aggregate = 38 %
Coarse aggregate
in Cum.
Wt of coarse aggregate = volume of all in aggregate x volume of coarse aggregate x Sp. Gr.x1000 = 1221 Kg
Wt of Fine aggregate = volume of all in aggregate x volume of fine aggregate x Sp. Gr.x1000 = 726 Kg
Coarse aggregate in kg
Fine Aggregate Admixture ACMENT
WATER (kg) CEMENT (kg)
(kg) BV-430
20mm 10mm
absorbed by the aggregate. Necessary adjustment are also required to be made in mass of aggregates.
Average slump
Period Temperature in 0C Mix Observed
Observed in mm
Initial 150 25
After 30 minutes 90 26
After 60 minutes 60 28
After 90 minutes 50 29
Note: 1- Admixture dosage is likely to vary depending upon climate condition and distance of pouring place.
20mm 10mm (Blackcat)
Agg. Agg. ACMENT-BV-
Chart Title
1 2 3 4 5 6
Construction of 4Nos. Of VUP under Cos for Four Laning of Rohtak Bawal Selection of NH-71
From Km 363.300 to Km 450.800 under NHDP -III in the State of Haryana
Water 176 88
Admixture (Blackcat)
3.04 1.52
Density Load
S.No Weight gms Area in cm 3
gm/cc KN
1 8505 225 3375 2.520 690
2 8518 225 3375 2.524 700
3 8540 225 3375 2.530 710
Date of Casting 23.11.017
Date of testing 7 days 02.12.017
28 days ------
CTM correction factor : 1.0
Corrected Strength
Strength Remarks
Load KN Mpa
690 30.67
700 31.11 31.11
710 31.56
31.11 Mpa
Ultratech OPC 43 grade
Fosroc Konplast SP430 GB
Kotputli Rajasthan, Quarry
Tonk River
Density Load
S.No Weight gms Area in cm 3
gm/cc KN
1 8506 225 3375 2.520 990
2 8519 225 3375 2.524 970
3 8522 225 3375 2.525 945
4 8544 225 3375 2.532 950
5 8623 225 3375 2.555 960
6 8543 225 3375 2.531 955
Date of Casting 23.11.017
Date of testing 7 days
28 days 21.12.017
CTM correction factor : 1.0
Corrected Strength
Strength Remarks
Load KN Mpa
990 44.00
970 43.11 43.04
945 42.00
950 42.22
960 42.67 42.44
955 42.44
42.74 Mpa
Ultratech OPC 43 grade
Fosroc Konplast SP430 GB
Kotputli Rajasthan, Quarry
Tonk River
16 Cement Test 18