Final Exam May 2022
Final Exam May 2022
Final Exam May 2022
1\2 In Out
In 3,3 0,4
Ou 4,0 2,2
Find the conditions on the discount factor(delta) for the strategy to be subgame perfect.
[10 marks]
Question 6 (5 marks)
Consider the first price sealed bid auction with two players having valuations v1 and v2 where,
v1 > v2 , and all other assumptions the same as discussed in class. i.e. in case of a tie the object is
awarded to the player with the highest valuation Except The ONLY difference now is that the
loser also pays his own price and receives nothing in return.
Solve for a pure strategy Nash to this modified auction scenario if any. Explain. [ 5 marks]
Question 7 (5 marks)
1/2 A B C
A 0,0 0,2 0,4
B 2,0 -1,-1 -1,1
C 4,0 1,-1 -2,-2