ThreeBays Reports Mapping

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Type Sub Type Account

Asset Investments Long Bond

Asset Cash Cash
Asset Investments Long Listed Option
Asset Dividend Receivable Accrued Dividend Income Receivable
Asset Dividend Receivable Equity Swaps Accrued Dividend Income Receivable
Asset Return Of Capital Dividend Return of Capital Dividend Receivable
Asset Contra-Asset Contra-Asset
Asset Prepaid Expenses Prepaid Professional Fees
Asset Cash Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC - 05ABADD19-MSCO
Asset Financing Interest Receiva Accrued Financing Interest Receivable
Asset Prepaid Expenses Prepaid Legal Fees
Asset Dividend FX Unrealized Ga Dividend FX Unrealized Gain/Loss
Asset Receivable Receivable
Asset Prepaid Expenses Prepaid Organisation Cost
Asset Investments Long Equity
Asset Investments Long FX Option
Asset Investments Long Index
Asset Investments Long CDS
Asset Interest Receivable Accrued Interest Receivable
Asset Cash Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC - 038CDHCS5-MSCO
Asset Investments Long FX Forward
Asset FX Receivable FX Receivable
Asset Prepaid Insurance Prepaid Insurance Fees
Equity Net Income Net Income
Equity Retained Earnings Retained Earnings
Equity Opening Balance Equity Opening Balance Equity
Equity Capital Capital
Liability Dividend Payable Equity Swaps Dividends Payable
Liability Investments Short Index
Liability Admin/Office Fees Payable Administrative Fees Payable
Liability Admin/Office Fees Payable Corporate Secretarial Fees Payable
Liability Interest Payable Accrued Interest Payable
Liability Legal/Professional Fees Pa Professional Services Payable
Liability Other Accrued Liability Accrued Miscellaneous Fees
Liability Broker Fees Payable Bank Expense Payable
Liability Contra-Liability Contra-Liability
Liability Legal/Professional Fees Pa Legal Fees Payable
Liability Investments Short Equity
Liability Other Liability Subscriptions in Advance
Liability Short Dividend FX Unrealiz Short Dividend FX Unrealized Gain/Loss
Liability Investments Short Future
Liability Dividend Payable Accrued Dividend Income Payable
Liability Cash Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC - 038CDHCS5-MSCO
Liability Other Liability Rebate Payable
Liability Financing Interest Payable Accrued Financing Interest Payable
Liability Interest Payable Other Interest Payable
Liability Dividend Withholding Paya Dividend Withholding Payable
Liability Broker Fees Payable Stock Loan Fees Payable
Liability Investments Short Listed Option
Liability Cash Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC - 05ABADD19-MSCO
Liability Payable Payable
Liability Other Liability Short Market Rebate Fees Payable
Liability Admin/Office Fees Payable Feeder Administrator Fees Payable
Liability Admin/Office Fees Payable Administrator Fee Payable
Liability Investments Short Bond
Liability FX Payable FX Payable
Liability Audit Fees Payable Audit Fee Payable
Liability Bank Fees Payable Bank Fees Payable
Base Amount Mapping
66,529,652.40 Investments Long
879,268,899.42 Cash balance
3,759,500.00 Investments Long
5,347,836.35 Other Receivables
14,272,379.33 Other Receivables
- Other Receivables
(23,265,147.00) Other Receivables
2,863,083.94 Other Receivables
65,113.51 Cash balance
307,013.77 Other Receivables
0.00 Other Receivables
809,035.89 Other Receivables
99,724,680.48 Due from Broker
166,536.14 Other Receivables
1,013,864,670.48 Investments Long
371,630.00 Investments Long
- Investments Long
- Investments Long
115,284.77 Other Receivables
(0.01) Cash balance
1,289.73 Investments Long
921,250.77 Other Receivables
75,257.55 Other Receivables
49,810,668.95 Owners' equity
(85,265,162.48) Owners' equity
- Owners' equity
(1,533,240,981.79) Owners' equity
(1,335,865.13) Other Payables
- Investments Short
- Other Payables
20,186.91 Other Payables
22,226.84 Other Payables
(54,403.14) Other Payables
(11,683.77) Other Payables
(1,050.00) Other Payables
23,265,147.01 Other Payables
- Other Payables
(422,331,194.59) Investments Short
- Other Payables
(29,340.13) Other Payables
0.21 Investments Short
(491,252.65) Other Payables
146.97 Cash balance
- Other Payables
(5,031,915.82) Other Payables
(1,607,351.47) Other Payables
(431,799.23) Other Payables
- Other Payables
(4,117,946.42) Investments Short
- Cash balance
(82,441,333.94) Due to Broker
(866,381.18) Other Payables
(10,000.00) Other Payables
(120,765.14) Other Payables
- Investments Short
(921,250.77) Other Payables
(6,666.76) Other Payables
- Other Payables
Type Category Account Base Amount
Income Income Bank Interest Income -
Income Income Accrued Dividend Withholding Tax 373,942.71
Income Income FX Instruments Realized G/L 108,092.24
Income Income Trading Realized G/L (12,613,288.08)
Income Other Income Other Income -
Income Income Cash/Assets/Liabs Change in FX Unrealized G/L (2,766.08)
Income Income Dividend Income 725,646.18
Income Income Equity Swaps Trading Realized G/L (33,776,042.39)
Income Income Equity Swap Fee -
Income Income Securities Change in FX Unrealized G/L 1,912,147.82
Income Income Cash/Assets/Liabs FX Realized G/L (81,213.89)
Income Other Income Stock Loan Rebate Income -
Income Income Equity Swaps Dividend Income (24,486.13)
Income Income Interest Income 532,043.64
Income Income Change in Unrealized G/L 9,056,273.45
Income Income Dividend Tax Withholding Amount (373,942.71)
Income Income Change in Dividend FX Unrealized G/L 75,936.79
Income Income FX Instruments Change in Unrealized G/L 3,532.05
Income Income FX Realized G/L -
Income Income Equity Swaps Change in Unrealized G/L (8,445,370.90)
Income Income Financing Interest Income 111,722.58
Income Income Dividend FX Realized G/L 615.72
Expense Other Expense Miscellaneous Expense (6,490.17)
Expense Expense Fees Expense (669.38)
Expense Expense Director's Fees -
Expense Expense Dividend Expense (93,520.00)
Expense Other Expense Transaction Fees -
Expense Expense Stock Loan Fees -
Expense Other Expense Regulatory Fees -
Expense Other Expense Ticket Fees -
Expense Expense Insurance Expense (9,407.20)
Expense Expense Bank Expense -
Expense Expense Other Interest Expense -
Expense Expense Administrator Fee (132,231.81)
Expense Other Expense Other Expenses -
Expense Expense Management Fee (4,294,625.78)
Expense Expense Prime Broker Expense (10,600.00)
Expense Expense Financing Interest Expense (671,293.22)
Expense Expense Equity Swaps Dividend Expense (220,852.88)
Expense Expense Audit Fee (1,666.67)
Expense Other Expense Stock Loan Fees (455,627.58)
Expense Expense Corporate Secretarial Fees (2,523.37)
Expense Expense Equity Swap Fee -
Expense Expense Short Market Rebate Fees (11,392.59)
Expense Expense Professional Services 2,781,043.93
Expense Other Expense Organization Amortization Costs (5,204.26)
Expense Expense Feeder Administrator Fees -
Expense Expense Legal Fees -
Expense Expense Tax Fee -
Expense Expense Bank Fees -
Expense Expense Taxes Expense -
Expense Expense Interest Expense (1,549,825.13)
Sub Type
Bank Interest Income
Accrued Dividend Withholding Tax
Realized Gain/Loss
Realized Gain/Loss
Other Misc Income
Change in FX Unrealized Gain/Loss
Accrued Dividend Income
Realized Gain/Loss
Fees and Commissions Income
Change in FX Unrealized Gain/Loss
FX Realized Gain/Loss
Other Accrued Misc Income
Dividend Income
Accrued Interest Income
Change in Unrealized Gain/Loss
Dividend Withholding Tax
Change in Dividend FX Unrealized Gain/Loss
Change in Unrealized Gain/Loss
FX Realized Gain/Loss
Change in Unrealized Gain/Loss
Financing Accrued Interest Income
Dividend FX Realized Gain/Loss
Other Misc Expenses
Fees Expense
Director's Fees
Accrued Dividend Expense
Other Misc Expenses
Broker Fee
Other Misc Expenses
Other Expense
Bank Charges
Interest Expense
Office/General Admin
Other Misc Expenses
Management Fee
Broker Fee
Financing Accrued Interest Expense
Dividend Expense
Audit Fee
Broker Fee
Office/General Admin
Fees and Commissions Income
Fees Expense
Legal/Professional Fees
Fees Expense
Legal/Professional Fees
Taxes Paid
Bank Charges
Taxes Expense
Interest Expense
Realized and Unrealized Gain / Loss on Non Hot Issue Investments Realized Gain Realized FX Gain
Realized and Unrealized Gain / Loss on Non Hot Issue Investments Realized Gain Realized Price Gain
Realized and Unrealized Gain / Loss on Non Hot Issue Investments Unrealized Gain Unrealized FX Gain
Realized and Unrealized Gain / Loss on Non Hot Issue Investments Realized Gain Realized Price Gain
Realized and Unrealized Gain / Loss on Non Hot Issue Investments Unrealized Gain Unrealized FX Gain
Realized and Unrealized Gain / Loss on Non Hot Issue Investments Realized Gain Realized FX Gain
Realized and Unrealized Gain / Loss on Non Hot Issue Investments Unrealized Gain Unrealized Price Gain
Realized and Unrealized Gain / Loss on Non Hot Issue Investments Unrealized Gain Unrealized FX Gain
Realized and Unrealized Gain / Loss on Non Hot Issue Investments Realized Gain Realized FX Gain
Realized and Unrealized Gain / Loss on Non Hot Issue Investments Unrealized Gain Unrealized Price Gain
Realized FX Gain
Realized Price Gain

Unrealized FX Gain

Realized Price Gain

Unrealized FX Gain
Realized FX Gain

Unrealized Price Gain

Unrealized FX Gain
Realized FX Gain
Unrealized Price Gain
Type Category Sub Type
Assets Current Assets Cash
Assets Current Assets FX Receivable
Assets Current Assets Cash
Assets Current Assets Cash
Assets Current Assets Interest Receivable
Assets Current Assets Prepaid Insurance
Assets Current Assets Cash
Assets Current Assets Inventory Cost
Assets Current Assets Financing Interest Rec
Assets Current Assets Cash
Assets Current Assets Prepaid Expenses
Assets Current Assets FX Unrealized Gain/Lo
Assets Current Assets Return Of Capital Div
Assets Current Assets Cash
Assets Current Assets Dividend FX Unrealize
Assets Current Assets Dividend Receivable
Assets Current Assets Unrealized Gain/Loss
Assets Current Assets Cash
Assets Current Assets Cash
Assets Current Assets Cash
Assets Current Assets Cash
Assets Current Assets Cash
Assets Current Assets Prepaid Expenses
Assets Current Assets Dividend Receivable
Assets Current Assets Prepaid Expenses
Assets Current Assets Cash
Assets Current Assets Cash
Assets Current Assets Cash
Assets Current Assets Cash
Assets Current Assets Cash
Assets Current Assets Cash
Assets Current Assets Inventory Cost
Assets Current Assets Contra-Asset
Liabilities Current Liability Other Accrued Liabilit
Liabilities Current Liability Short Unrealized Gain
Liabilities Current Liability Broker Fees Payable
Liabilities Current Liability Legal/Professional Fe
Liabilities Current Liability Short FX Unrealized G
Liabilities Current Liability Admin/Office Fees Pa
Liabilities Current Liability Financing Interest Pay
Liabilities Current Liability Interest Payable
Liabilities Current Liability Bank Fees Payable
Liabilities Current Liability Admin/Office Fees Pa
Liabilities Current Liability Other Liability
Liabilities Current Liability Broker Fees Payable
Liabilities Current Liability Admin/Office Fees Pa
Liabilities Current Liability Interest Payable
Liabilities Current Liability Audit Fees Payable
Liabilities Current Liability Short Inventory Cost
Liabilities Current Liability Other Liability
Liabilities Current Liability Other Liability
Liabilities Current Liability Dividend Payable
Liabilities Current Liability Legal/Professional Fe
Liabilities Current Liability Contra-Liability
Liabilities Current Liability Dividend Payable
Liabilities Current Liability Dividend Withholding
Liabilities Current Liability Short Inventory Cost
Liabilities Current Liability FX Payable
Liabilities Current Liability Short Dividend FX Unr
Liabilities Current Liability Admin/Office Fees Pa
Income Income Dividend Income
Income Income Dividend Income
Income Income Bank Interest Income
Income Income Change in Dividend FX
Income Income Dividend FX Realized
Income Income Realized Gain/Loss
Income Income Change in Unrealized
Income Income FX Realized Gain/Loss
Income Income Accrued Dividend Wit
Income Income FX Realized Gain/Loss
Income Other Income Other Misc Income
Income Income Change in FX Unrealiz
Income Income Financing Interest In
Income Income Change in Unrealized
Income Income Fees and Commission
Income Income Dividend Withholding
Income Income Change in FX Unrealiz
Income Income Realized Gain/Loss
Income Other Income Rebate Income
Income Income Interest Income
Income Income Change in Unrealized
Income Income Realized Gain/Loss
Expense Other Expense Other Expense
Expense Other Expense Other Misc Expenses
Expense Expense Fees and Commissions
Expense Expense Fees Expense
Expense Expense Fees Expense
Expense Expense Interest Expense
Expense Expense Dividend Expense
Expense Expense Insurance
Expense Other Expense Other Misc Expenses
Expense Other Expense Other Misc Expenses
Expense Expense Legal/Professional Fee
Expense Other Expense Amortization
Expense Expense Interest Expense
Expense Expense Dividend Expense
Expense Expense Broker Fee
Expense Other Expense Other Misc Expenses
Expense Expense Bank Charges
Expense Expense Bank Charges
Expense Expense Office/General Admin
Expense Other Expense Other Misc Expenses
Expense Expense Audit Fee
Expense Expense Office/General Admin
Expense Expense Broker Fee
Expense Expense Fees Expense
Expense Expense Taxes Expense
Expense Expense Management Fee
Expense Expense Legal/Professional Fee
Expense Expense Taxes Paid
Expense Expense Financing Interest Ex
Expense Expense Financing Accrued Int
Expense Expense Director's Fees
Equity Equity Capital
Equity Equity Opening Balance Equi
Equity Equity Net Income
Off Balanc Off Balance Sheet Adjustment
Account Base Credit Amount
Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC - Credit Suisse - CSI Collateral -
FX Receivable -
Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC - CS-COLL -
Goldman Sachs & Co. - 002527091-GSCO 1,138,215,979.56
Accrued Interest Receivable 1,459,122.14
Prepaid Insurance Fees
JPM Cash Account -
Open Trade Receivable 48,075,791.00
Accrued Financing Interest Receivable 20.46
Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC - 7PYE10-CSFB 452,388,714.54
Prepaid Professional Fees
FX Unrealized Gain/Loss 460,843.29
Return of Capital Dividend Receivable -
Goldman Sachs & Co. - 006323877-GSCO 105,856,492.16
Dividend FX Unrealized Gain/Loss 4,418.59
Accrued Dividend Income Receivable -
Trading Unrealized 127,854,660.75
Cash -
Credit Suisse Cash Account -
Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC - 05ABADD19-MSCO 11,072,001.19
Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC - 026CHADD2 -
Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC - 026CHADB6 -
Prepaid Legal Fees
Equity Swaps Accrued Dividend Income Receivable 1,446,972.92
Prepaid Organisation Cost
Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC - 038CDHCS5-MSCO 971,600,609.65
Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC - 026CHAPG2 -
Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC - 038Q51RE3-MSCO 4,946,776.41
Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC - 026CHAPE7 -
Citigroup Inc - 30990789 -
State Street Bank & Trust - TBC - SSA -
Investment Cost 594,960,153.90
Contra-Asset 100,856,605.06
Accrued Miscellaneous Fees 11,683.77
Short Trading Unrealized Gain/Loss 14,959,495.14
Stock Loan Fees Payable -
Legal Fees Payable -
Short FX Unrealized Gain/Loss 2,763.60
Corporate Secretarial Fees Payable
Accrued Financing Interest Payable 5,031,915.82
Accrued Interest Payable 8,979.33
Bank Fees Payable -
Feeder Administrator Fees Payable 10,000.00
Short Market Rebate Fees Payable 866,381.18
Bank Expense Payable 1,050.00
Administrative Fees Payable -
Other Interest Payable 1,607,351.47
Audit Fee Payable 6,666.76
Open Trade Payable 45,407,000.88
Subscriptions in Advance -
Rebate Payable -
Accrued Dividend Income Payable 491,252.65
Professional Services Payable 54,403.14
Contra-Liability 55,052,820.04
Equity Swaps Dividends Payable 1,335,865.13
Dividend Withholding Payable 431,799.23
Short Investment Cost 500,590,085.89
FX Payable 921,250.77
Short Dividend FX Unrealized Gain/Loss 34,617.45
Administrator Fee Payable 120,765.14
Dividend Income 2,792,427.32
Equity Swaps Dividend Income 436,656.34
Bank Interest Income -
Change in Dividend FX Unrealized G/L 107,204.55
Dividend FX Realized G/L 615.72
Equity Swaps Trading Realized G/L 6,000,875.32
Equity Swaps Change in Unrealized G/L 60,248,773.13
Cash/Assets/Liabs FX Realized G/L 92,194.70
Accrued Dividend Withholding Tax 373,942.71
FX Realized G/L -
Other Income -
Cash/Assets/Liabs Change in FX Unrealized G/L 32,625.95
Financing Interest Income 111,761.79
FX Instruments Change in Unrealized G/L 3,590.09
Equity Swap Fee -
Dividend Tax Withholding Amount -
Securities Change in FX Unrealized G/L 1,914,911.42
FX Instruments Realized G/L 120,827.42
Stock Loan Rebate Income -
Interest Income 534,620.20
Change in Unrealized G/L 97,514,335.50
Trading Realized G/L 31,692,648.19
Ticket Fees -
Other Expenses -
Equity Swap Fee -
Fees Expense
Short Market Rebate Fees
Other Interest Expense -
Dividend Expense 220,800.00
Insurance Expense
Miscellaneous Expense -
Transaction Fees -
Legal Fees -
Organization Amortization Costs
Interest Expense 1,516.15
Equity Swaps Dividend Expense -
Stock Loan Fees -
Stock Loan Fees -
Bank Expense -
Bank Fees -
Administrator Fee
Regulatory Fees -
Audit Fee
Corporate Secretarial Fees
Prime Broker Expense -
Feeder Administrator Fees -
Taxes Expense -
Management Fee
Professional Services 2,781,043.93
Tax Fee -
Swap Financing Expense -
Financing Interest Expense 525,219.66
Director's Fees -
Capital 1,533,240,981.79
Opening Balance Equity -
Net Income 82,558,290.81
Adjustments -
Base Debit Amount





























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