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Description: This PAMB Clearance is made upon request of the proponents of Projects with in Protected Areas. The purpose for the
request for PAMB Clearance is to confirm if the project will proceed or cancelled.
Office or Division: Protected Area Management and Biodiversity Conservation Section,
Conservation and Development Division,
DENR-CAR Regional Office
Classification: Simple to Complex
Type of Transaction: G2B - Government to Business
G2C - Government to Citizen
G2G - Government to Government
Who may avail: External: Proponents of Projects within the Protected Area
1. Project proposal/Feasibility Study (1 original) Requesting Party
2. Request letter for PAMB Clearance (1 original) Requesting Party
Additional if from the Government Sector
3. Official Letter Request (1 original) Requesting Party
Additional if Requesting Party is a representative
4. SPA for representative (1 original, notarized) Requesting Party, Private Lawyer or Notary Public
1. Submission of project 1. Receive, and check the
proposal/feasibility study completeness of submitted
and letter request for PAMB requirements, stamp the
clearance by the proponent date and time on
None 5 mins.
to DENR Receiving Clerk documents and refers to
RED for evaluation Mariza A. Basali
Receiving Clerk
Cartographer I
1.1 None 1.1 Evaluates and refers to
ARD-TS for evaluation and
appropriate action
None 2 hrs.
Engr. Ralph C. Pablo
Regional Executive Director
Regional Office
1.2 None 1.2 Records and forwards
all documents to ARD-TS

None 5 mins.
Mariza A. Basali
Receiving Clerk
Office of the
Regional Executive Director
1.3 None 1.3 Receives and records
the document. Refers the
documents to ARD-TS for
None 5 mins.

Alma I. Pis-oy
Receiving Clerk (CDD)
Administrative Aide VI
1.4 None 1.4 Evaluates and refers to
CDD for evaluation and
appropriate action
None 2 hrs.

For. Augusto D. Lagon

Assistant Regional Executive
Director for Technical Services

1.5 None 1.5 Forwards the request to


None 2 min.
Alma I. Pis-oy
Receiving Clerk (ARD TS)
Administrative Aide VI

1.6 None 1.6 Receives, records, and

forwards the document to
the CDD Chief

None 5 min.
Lea F. Racacho
Receiving/Releasing Clerk
1.7 None 1.7 Evaluates the document
and forwards to PAMBCS
for necessary action

None 2 hrs.

Julius K. Cawilan
Chief, Conservation and
Development Division (CDD)

1.8 None 1.8 Reviews document and

instructs PAMBCS staff to
prepare memo for RED's
None 2 hrs.
Linda Claire I. Pawid
Section Chief,
Protected Area Management and
Biodiversity Conservation Section
1.9 None 1.9 Receives and records
the memo and attached
document (Letter request,
Project Proposal/ Feasibility
None 5 min.
Lea F. Racacho
Receiving/Releasing Clerk
1.10 None 1.10 Reviews and put his
initial on the memo

None 15 min.
Julius K. Cawilan
Chief, Conservation and
Development Division (CDD)
1.11 None 1.11 Forwards the memo
and attached documents to
None 2 min.
Lea F. Racacho
Receiving/Releasing Clerk
1.12 None 1.12 Receives and records
the document

None 5 min.
Alma I. Pis-oy
Receiving Clerk (ARD TS)
Administrative Aide VI
1.13 None 1.13 Reviews the memo
and attached documents
(Letter request, Project
Proposal/ Feasibility Study)
None 15 min.
and endorse to RED's office
for his approval For. Augusto D. Lagon
Assistant Regional Executive
Director for Technical Services
1.14 None 1.14 Forwards the memo
and attached documents to
RED's office

None 2 min.

Alma I. Pis-oy
Receiving Clerk (ARD TS)
Administrative Aide VI
1.15 None 1.15 Receives, records and
forwards to RED for his
None 5 min.
Mariza A. Basali
Receiving Clerk
Cartographer I
1.16 None 1.16 Evaluates attached Regional Executive Director (RED)
documents and signs
memo (Letter request,
None 2 hrs.
Project Proposal/ Feasibility

1.17 None 1.17 Forwards the signed

memo and attached
documents (Letter request,
Project Proposal/ Feasibility
None 5 mins.
Study) to PENRO
Mariza A. Basali
Receiving Clerk
Cartographer I
Endorsed to PENRO…
1.18 None 1.23 Receive, and check
the completeness of
submitted PAMB Minutes
and PAMB Resolutions,
None 5 mins.
stamp the date and time on
documents and refers to Mariza A. Basali
RED for evaluation Receiving Clerk
Cartographer I
1.24 None 1.24 Evaluates and refers
to ARD-TS for evaluation
and appropriate action
None 2 hrs.
Engr. Ralph C. Pablo
Regional Executive Director
Regional Office
1.25 None 1.25 Records and forward
all documents to ARD-TS

None 5 mins.
Mariza A. Basali
Receiving Clerk
Cartographer I
1.26 None 1.26 Receives and records
the document. Refers to the
document to ARD-TS for
evaluation None 5 mins.

Alma I. Pis-oy
Receiving Clerk (ARD TS)
Administrative Aide VI
1.27 None 1.27 Evaluates and refers
to CDD for evaluation and
appropriate action
None 2 hrs.
For. Augusto D. Lagon
Assistant Regional Executive
Director for Technical Services
1.28 None 1.28 Forwards the
documents (PAMB Minutes
of Meeting and PAMB
Resolutions) to CDD
None 2 mins.
Alma I. Pis-oy
Receiving Clerk (ARD TS)
Administrative Aide VI
1.29 None 1.29 Receives, records, and
forwards the documents to
the CDD Chief
None 5 mins.
Lea F. Racacho
Receiving/Releasing Clerk
1.30 None 1.30 Evaluates the
documents and forwards to
PAMBCS for necessary
None 2 hrs.
Julius K. Cawilan
Chief, Conservation and
Development Division (CDD)
1.31 None 1.31 Reviews document
and instructs PAMBCS staff
to prepare memo for RED's
None 2 hrs.
Linda Claire I. Pawid
Section Chief,
Protected Area Management and
Biodiversity Conservation Section
1.32 None 1.32 Receives, records, and
forwards the document to
the CDD Chief

None 5 mins.

Lea F. Racacho
Receiving/Releasing Clerk
1.33 None 1.33 Reviews and put his
initial on the memo

None 5 mins.
Julius K. Cawilan
Chief, Conservation and
Development Division (CDD)
1.34 None 1.34 Forwards the memo
and attached documents to
None 2 mins.
Lea F. Racacho
Receiving/Releasing Clerk
1.35 None 1.35 Receives and records
the document

None 5 mins.
Alma I. Pis-oy
Receiving Clerk (ARD TS)
Administrative Aide VI
1.36 None 1.36 Reviews the memo
and attached document
(PAMB Minutes of Meeting
and PAMB Resolutions)
None 15 mins.
and endorse to RED's office
for his approval For. Augusto D. Lagon
Assistant Regional Executive
Director for Technical Services
1.37 None 1.37 Forwards the memo
and attached document to
RED's office
None 2 mins.
Alma I. Pis-oy
Receiving Clerk (ARD TS)
Administrative Aide VI
1.38 None 1.38 Receives, records and
forwards to the Office of the
RED for his approval
None 5 mins.
Mariza A. Basali
Receiving Clerk
Cartographer I
1.39 None 1.39 Evaluates attached
documents (PAMB Minutes
of Meeting and PAMB
Resolutions) and signs
None 2 hrs.
Engr. Ralph C. Pablo
Regional Executive Director
Regional Office
1.40 None 1.40 Forwards the signed
documents (PAMB Minutes
of Meeting and PAMB
Resolutions) to ARD- TS
None 5 mins.
Mariza A. Basali
Receiving Clerk
Cartographer I
1.41 None 1.41 Receives and records
the documents

None 5 min.
Alma I. Pis-oy
Receiving Clerk (ARD TS)
Administrative Aide VI
1.42 None 1.42 Evaluates and refers
to CDD for evaluation and
appropriate action
None 5 min.
For. Augusto D. Lagon
Assistant Regional Executive
Director for Technical Services
1.43 None 1.43 Forwards the
document to CDD

None 2 min.
Alma I. Pis-oy
Receiving Clerk (ARD TS)
Administrative Aide VI
1.44 None 1.44 Receives, records, and
forwards the document to
the CDD Chief
None 5 min.
Lea F. Racacho
Receiving/Releasing Clerk

1.45 Evaluates the

1.45 None document and forwards to None
PAMBCS for necessary 2 hrs.
Julius K. Cawilan
Chief, Conservation and
Development Division (CDD)
1.46 None 1.46 Reviews document
and instructs PAMBCS staff
to forward the signed PAMB
Minutes of Meeting and
PAMB Resolutions to PASu
None 2 hrs.
Linda Claire I. Pawid
Section Chief,
Protected Area Management and
Biodiversity Conservation Section
2. Receives notice from the 2. Contacts the proponent
PASu for the copy of the signed None 5 min. Concerned PASu
PAMB Resolution
9 days, 2hrs &
50 mins

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