Flowgorithm - Documentation - Intrinsic Functions
Flowgorithm - Documentation - Intrinsic Functions
Flowgorithm - Documentation - Intrinsic Functions
Intrinsic Functions
Abs(n) Absolute Value
Arctan(n) Trigonometric Arctangent
Cos(n) Trigonometric Cosine
Int(n) Integer of a real number
Log(n) Natural Log
Log10(n) Log Base 10
Sgn(n) Mathematical sign (1 if n is negative, 0 if zero, 1 if positive)
Sin(n) Trigonometric Sine
Sqrt(n) Square Root
Tan(n) Trigonometric Tangent
Function Description
Len(s) Length of a string
Char(s, i) Returns a character from the string s at index i. Characters are indexed starting at 0.
Data Type Conversion
Function Description
ToInteger(n) Convert a string to an integer
ToReal(n) Convert a string to an real
ToString(n) Convert a number to a string
Random(n) A random number between 0 and (n 1)