"Voice Controlled Car Using Arduino and Bluetooth Modul

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Submitted in partial fulfillment of academic requirements for VIII


Submitted by


Under the guidance of

Mrs. Roopashree D
Assistant Professor
GEC, Hassan

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

Government Engineering College,Hassan
Government Engineering College
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Dairy Circle, Hassan-573201


Certified that the Internship work titled “FACE RECOGNITION SYSTEM USING AI”
carried out by AISHWARYA SAGAR C K (4GH18EC050), bonafide students of 8th
semester of E&CE department in partial fulfillment for the award of the Bachelor of
Engineering in Government Engineering College, Hassan of the Visvesvaraya
Technological University, Belagavi during the year 2021-2022. It is certified that all
corrections, suggestions indicated for internal assessment have been incorporated in the report.
The Internship report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements in respect of
Internship work for the said degree.

Guide HOD and Internship Principal
Mrs. Roopashree D Co-ordinator Dr.Prashanth S
Assistant Professor Dr.Neelappa M GEC, Hassan
Dept. of E&CE Dept. of E&CE
GEC, Hassan GEC, Hassan

This emphasizes on the ways by which a computer might speculate the mental state. Data
is the new oil in current technological society. The impact of efficient data has changed
benchmarks of performance in terms of speed and accuracy. The enhancement is
visualizable because the processing of data is performed by two buzzwords in industry
called Computer Vision (CV) and Artificial Intelligence (Al). Two technologies have
empowered major tasks such as object detection and tracking for traffic vigilance systems.
As the features in image increases demand for efficient algorithm to excavate hidden
features increases. Convolution Neural Network (CNN) model is designed for urban vehicle
dataset for single object detection and YOLOv3 for multiple object detection on KITTI and
COCO dataset. Model performance is analyzed, evaluated and tabulated using performance
metrics such as True Positive (TP), True Negative (TN), False Positive (FP), False Negative
(FN), Accuracy, Precision, confusion matrix and mean Average Precession (MAP). Objects
are tracked across the frames using YOLOv3 and Simple Online Real Time Tracking
(SORT) on traffic surveillance video. This paper upholds the uniqueness of the state of the
art networks like Dark Net. The efficient detection and tracking on urban vehicle dataset is
witnessed. The algorithms give real-time, accurate, precise identifications suitable for
realtime traffic applications.


The satisfaction and euphoria that accompany the successful completion of any task would be
incomplete without the mention of the people who made it possible, whose constant guidance
and encouragement crowned the efforts with success.

We present with an immense pleasure, this work titled “FACE RECOGNITION SYSTEM

We wish to express our thanks to our beloved Dr. Principal, Prashanth, for their
encouragement throughout our studies.

We are grateful to Dr. Neelappa M, Head of the Department, ECE and internship Co-ordinator
for their valuable suggestions and for helping us to complete our internship works.

We extend our gratitude to Mrs. Roopashree D, Assistant Professor, Department of ECE for
assisting, guiding and providing the necessary structure.

We are fortunate for being part of GEC Hassan, the institute that stood by our side and assisted
us towards successfully completing the technical seminar. We also take this opportunity to
thank the Department of Electronics and Communication, GEC for their tremendous help
and guidance.





01 Company Profile
1.1 Vision 1
1.2 Mission
1.3 Services
02 About the Domain 2

03 Task Performed
3.1 Internet of Things
3.2 Cloud storage 3-21

3.3Face Recognition System (mini project)

04 Block Diagrams
4.1 Deep Convolution Neural Network
4.2 K-Nearest Neighbouring Algorithms 22-23

05 Reflection Notes 24-26

4.1 Experience
4.2 Time Management
4.3 Benefits of Intrenship
06 Results and Conclusion 27




3.2.1 Cloud Computing 6

3.2.2 Amazon Web Services 7

3.2.3 Services provided by AWS 8

3.2.4(a) Create bucket in amazon S3 9

3.2.4.(b) Upload File to Amazon S3 bucket 10

3.2.4.(c) Download File From Cloud Storage 10

3.3.4 Symbol of anaconda software 12

3.3.6(a) Window Design 17

3.3.6(b) Capture Datasets 18

3.3.6(c) Train 19
up the
3.3.6(d) Compare the Datasets 19

3.3.6(e) Transfer Data to Cloud 20

3.3.6(f) Output in Monitor 21

4 System Flow of Face Recognition System 22
Face Recognition Using AI 2021 -22


Loginware Softtec Pvt. Ltd is an emerging startup established in the year 2016 and based in
Hassan, tier II city of Karnataka State. Loginware is a knowledge-driven company that values
cutting edge technology practices and provides comprehensive solutions to help our
customers achieve their goals. Loginware is changing the world by changing the way
knowledge can be shared. Loginware has the dedicated young minds striving to connect
individuals with each other and with technology. Loginware Sofftec Pvt. Ltd. is a proactive
player covering the full spectrum of software services, from design, development,
implementation, Validation, support and corporate training.

Loginware is supported by a strong, committed team delivering quality work. As a diverse

end-to-end solutions provider, offers a range of expertise aimed at helping customers re-
engineer and re-invent their businesses to compete successfully in an ever-changing
marketplace, with the final objective of giving clients the competitive edge in the

1.1 Vision
To be a leading technology company, transforming creative ideas into reality.

1.2 Mission
Bringing out the best in everyone we touch, motivate, inspire and empower each other to do
things they never thought were possible.

1.3 Services
Loginware is the one stop partner for all the technology needs of tier II and tier III cities.
An in-depth knowledge of various technology areas enables us to provide end to end
solutions and services. With our 'Web of Participation', we maximize the benefits of our
depth, diversity and delivery capability.

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Face Recognition Using AI 2021 -22

The training program designed and delivered by Loginware Softtec Pvt. Ltd simulates a near-
real work environment across various sectors: both IT and non-IT. Students in their final leg of
engineering studies or qualified candidates looking for placement in reputed organizations can make
use of this program to get trained to deliver their best in the selection processes of organizations .the
participants will be trained thoroughly in the following areas:

1. Skilling, Up skilling and Reskilling program

2. People Proficiency

3. Seminars & Workshops

4. Internship Program

5. Project Guidance

6. Certification Oriented Training Programs

7. Placement Support

8. Recruitment drives and Industry Tie-ups

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3.1 Internet of Things
Anyone who says that the Internet has fundamentally changed society may be right, but at
the same time, the greatest transformation actually still lies ahead of us.Several new
technologies are now converging in a way that means the Internet is on the brink of a
substantial expansion as objects large and small get connected and assume their own web
Following on from the Internet of computers, when our servers and personal computers
were connected to a global network, and the Internet of mobile telephones, when it was the
turn of telephones and other mobile units, the next phase of development is the Internet of
things, when more or less anything will be connected and managed in the virtual world.
Smart connectivity with existing networks and context-aware computation using network
resources is an indispensable part of Iot. With the growing presence of Wi-Fi and 4G-LTE
wireless Internet access, the evolution towards ubiquitous information and communication
networks is already evident. However, for the Internet of Things vision to successfully
emerge, the computing paradigm will need to go beyond traditional mobile computing
scenarios that use smart phones and portables, and evolve into connecting everyday existing
objects and embedding intelligence into our environment. For technology to disappear from
the consciousness of the user.

A shared understanding of the situation of its users and their appliances, software
architectures and pervasive communication networks to process and convey the contextual
information to where it is relevant, and the analytics tools in the Internet of Things that aim
for autonomous and smart behavior.With these three fundamental grounds in place and
smart connectivity.
A radical evolution of the current Internet into a Network of interconnected objects that not
only harvests information from the environment (sensing) and interacts with the physical
world (actuation/ command/control), but also uses existing Internet standards to provide
services for information transfer, analytics, applications, and communications.

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3.1.1 Architecture of Internet of Things

Architecture of internet Of Things contains basically 4 layers:
• Application Layer
• Gateway and the network layer
• Management Service layer
• Sensor layer

 Application Layer
• Lowest Abstraction Layer
• With sensors we are creating digital nervous system.
• Incorporated to measure physical quantities
• Interconnects the physical and digital world
• Collects and process the real time information

 Gateway and The Network Layer

• Robust and High performance network infrastructure
• Supports the communication requirements for latency, bandwidth or security
• Allows multiple organizations to share and use the same network independently

 Management Layer
• Capturing of periodic sensory data
• Data Analytics (Extracts relevant information from massive amount of raw data)
• Streaming Analytics (Process real time data)
• Ensures security and privacy of data.

 Sensor Layer
• Provides a user interface for using IoT.
• Different applications for various sectors like Transportation, Healthcare, Agriculture,
Supply chains, Government, Retail etc.

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3.1.2 Applications
There are several application domains which will be impacted by the emerging
Internet of Things. The applications can be classified based on the type of network
availability, coverage, scale, heterogeneity, repeatability, user involvement and
We categorize the applications into four application domains:
(1) Personal and Home
(2) Enterprise
(3) Utilities
(4) Mobile.
There is a huge crossover in applications and the use of data between domains. For
instance, the Personal and Home IoT produces electricity usage data in the house and
makes it available to the electricity (utility) company which can in turn optimize the
supply and demand in the Utility IoT. The internet enables sharing of data between
different service providers in a seamless manner creating multiple business

3.1.3 Benefits of Internet of Things

 Improved citizen's quality of life Healthcare from anywhere better safety, security and
 New business opportunities
It can be used in every vertical for improving the efficiency
Creates new businesses, and new and better jobs
 Economic growth
Billions of dollars in savings and new services
 Better environment
Saves natural resources and trees
Helps in creating a smart, greener and sustainable planet.

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3.2 Cloud Storage

3.2.1 Introduction

Cloud computing is the on-demand delivery of compute power, database storage,

applications, and other IT resources through a cloud services platform via the internet with pay-as
you-go pricing. Whether you are running applications that share photos to millions of mobile users
or you’re supporting the critical operations of your business, a cloud services platform provides
rapid access to flexible and low-cost IT resources . With cloud computing, you don’t need to make
large upfront investments in hardware and spend a lot of time on the heavy lifting of managing that
hardware. Fig 3.5.1 shows cloud computing.
Instead, you can provide exactly the right type and size of computing resources you need
to power your newest bright idea or operate your IT department. You can access as many resources
as you need, almost instantly, and only pay for what you use.

Fig 3.2.1: Cloud Computing

3.2.2 Amazon Web Service (AWS)

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a subsidiary of Amazon that provides on-demand cloud
computing platforms to individuals, companies, and governments, on a metered pay-as-you-go
basis. In aggregate, these cloud computing web services provide a set of primitive abstract technical
infrastructure and distributed computing building blocks and tools.

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Amazon Web Services was officially re-launched on March 14, 2006, combining the three initial
service offerings of Amazon S3 cloud storage, SQS, and EC2.
The AWS platform finally provided an integrated suite of core online services, as Chris Pinkham
and Benjamin Black had proposed back in 2003.

Fig 3.2.2: Amazon Web Services

Andy Jassy, AWS founder and vice president in 2006, said at the time that Amazon S3
(one of the first and most scalable elements of AWS) "helps free developers from worrying about
where they are going to store data, whether it will be safe and secure, if it will be available when
they need it, the costs associated with server maintenance, or whether they have enough storage

3.2.3 Advantages of AWS

1. Easy to use
2. Flexible
3. Cost-Effective
4. Reliable
5. Secure

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3.2.4 Services provided by AWS

Fig 3.2.4: Services provided by AWS

Amazon S3?

Amazon Simple Storage Service is storage for the Internet. It is designed to make web-scale
computing easier for developers.
Amazon S3 has a simple web services interface that you can use to store and retrieve any amount of
data, at any time, from anywhere on the web. It gives any developer access to the same highly
scalable, reliable, fast, inexpensive data storage infrastructure that Amazon uses to run its own global
network of websites. The service aims to maximize benefits of scale and to pass those benefits on to

• Create Buckets – Create and name a bucket that stores data. Buckets are the fundamental
container in Amazon S3 for data storage.

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Fig 3.2.4a: Create bucket in amazon S3

• Upload data in Buckets – Store an infinite amount of data in a bucket. Upload as many objects
as you like into an Amazon S3 bucket. Each object can contain up to 5 TB of data.
Each object is stored and retrieved using a unique developer-assigned key.

from boto3.s3.transfer import S3Transfer import


client =



transfer=S3Transfer(client) transfer.upload_file(r"p22.py","rockz",r"sneha.py")

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Fig 3.2.4b: Upload File to Amazon S3 bucket

Download data From Bucket– Download your data or enable others to do so. Download your
data any time you like or allow others to do the same.

import boto3 s3 =

Fig 3.2.4c: Download File From Cloud Storage

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3.3 Mini Project On AI

Title: “Face Recognition System Using AI”

3.3.1 Introduction
Face recognition involves capturing face image from a video or from surveillance
camera. Face biometrics involves training known images, classify them with known classes
and then they are stored in the database. When a test image is given to the system it is
classified and compared with stored database.

3.3.2 Brief description of the project

• Our system comprises two separate parts: - a front-end and a back-end .The front-end
consist of a Raspberry Pi is connected USB cable into VNC Software.

• The front end takes care of motion detection and image capturing while the webcam while
open .It design using TKinter in Anaconda Software.

• The main component of our system is a face recognition procedure that identifies the user
based on the captured facial image. User acquire enrollment images with a provided script,
which by default, capture 100 images from the USB web camera on the Raspberry Pi.Users
then upload the images to the running application on a back-end server where they are
further processed

3.3.3 Required Components

 Software Components

• Anaconda Software
• VNC Software

 Hardware Components

• Raspberry Pi 3
• LED display
• USB Cable
• SD Card

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3.3.4 Software and Hardware Components Explanation

• Anaconda Software

Fig 3.3.4a: Symbol of Anaconda Software

Anaconda is a software development and consulting company of passionate open source

advocates based in Austin, Texas, USA. We are committed to the open source community. We
created the Anaconda Python distribution and contribute to many other open source-based data
analytics tools.

Technical Specification

>Broadcom BCM2837 64bit ARMv7 Quad Core Processor powered Single Board Computer
running at 1.2GHz
>BCM43143 WiFi on board
>Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) on board
>40pin extended GPIO
>4 x USB 2 ports
>4 pole Stereo output and Composite video port
>40pin extended GPIO
>4 x USB 2 ports
>4 pole Stereo output and Composite video port
>Full size HDMI
>CSI camera port for connecting the Raspberry Pi camera

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>DSI display port for connecting the Raspberry Pi touch screen display
>Micro SD port for loading your operating system and storing data
>Upgraded switched Micro USB power source (now supports up to 2.4 Amps)
>Expected to have the same form factor has the Pi 2 Model B, however the LEDs will change

3.3.5 Project Code

Software coding:
import pyttsx3 import cv2 import numpy
as np import boto3 from PIL import
Image from tkinter import * from
boto3.s3.transfer import S3Transfer

client =

window=Tk() window.title("Face detection")


def right():
f.close() def
f=open("tet.txt",'w') f.write("b")
f.close() def

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id=input("Enter user id")
while 1:
faces=face_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray,1.3,5) for
(x,y,w,h) in faces:
cv2.rectangle(img,(x,y),(x+w,y+h),(255,0,0),2) cv2.waitKey(100)
cv2.imshow('img',img) cv2.waitKey(1)

if sampleN>100:
break cap.release()
cv2.destroyAllWindows() def
import os
import numpy as np
import cv2 from PIL
import Image


def getImagesWithID(path):
imagePaths=[os.path.join(path,f) for f in os.listdir(path)]

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#print image_path #getImageWithID(path)

faces=[] IDs=[]
for imagePath in imagePaths: #Read the
image and convert to grayscale
faceNP=np.array(facesImg, 'uint8')
#Get the label of the image
ID =int(os.path.split(imagePath)[-1].split(".")[1])
#Detect the face in the image
faces.append(faceNP) IDs.append(ID)
cv2.imshow("Adding faces for training",faceNP)
return np.array(IDs), faces Ids,faces=getImagesWithID(path)
) cv2.destroyAllWindows() def detect():

_default.xml') cap=cv2.VideoCapture(0)
) id=0
while 1:
faces=face_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray, 1.5,5)
for(x,y,w,h) in faces:
id,conf=rec.predict(gray[y:y+h,x:x+w]) if

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id="OWNER" right()

id="UNKNOWN" wrong()
cv2.imshow("img",img) if cv2.waitKey(1)==ord('a'):
break cap.release()

ataset) btn1.place(x=450,y=100)

rain) btn2.place(x=450,y=200)

etect) btn3.place(x=450,y=300)


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3.3.6 Output of the Project {SCREENSHOTS}

STEP 1: Tkinter Software

Tkinter is a python binding to the TK GUI toolkit. Tk is the original GUI library for the
TCL language. Tkinter is implemented as a python wrapper around a complete Tcl interpreter
embedded in the popular python GUI. There are several other popular GUI toolkits.

• import the module tkinter.

• Initialize the window manager with the tkinter.Tk() method and assign it to a variable
window. This method creates a blank window with close, maximize and minimize buttons.

• Rename the title of the window as you like with the window.title(title_of_the_window).

• Label is used to insert some objects into the window. Here, we are adding a Label with some

• pack() attribute of the widget is used to display the widget in a size it requires.

• Finally, the mainloop() method to display the window until you manually close it.

Fig 3.3.6a: Window Design

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STEP 2: Capture the datasets

• In step 2, the number of datasets are captured.
• The captured datasets are stored in tkinter software.

Fig 3.3.6b: Capture Datasets

STEP 3: Training the datasets

• In step 3,the stored datasets in the tkinter software are trained.

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Fig 3.3.6c: Train up the Datasets

STEP 4 : Compare the Datasets

• In step 4, the trained datasets is compared with the set of datasets which are stored in the
tkinter software.

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Fig 3.3.6d: Compare the Datasets

STEP 5: Transfer Data to Cloud

• In step 5, the datasets which are trained and compared are transferred to the cloud.
• The datasets which are transferred to the cloud is uploaded to Amazon S3 bucket.

Fig 3.3.6e: Transfer Data to Cloud

STEP 6: Output Shown

• In step 7, the datasets are detected and the output will be displayed
• If datasets are matched, then it displays as “Owner”.
• If datasets doesnot match then LCD displays as “Wrong Person”.

STEP 7: Output Shown in Monitor

• In step8, face detection operation is carried out and the output is as shown in Fig 3.6.6h.
• The recognized face is indicated using blue colour rectangle.

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Fig 3.3.6 f: Output in Monitor

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Fig 4(a) : System Flow of Face Recognition System

In face Recognition System, we use the 2 algorithms .They are

1.Deep convolutional neural networks

2.K-Nearest Neighbour algorithms

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Deep convolutional neural networks have been excelling continuously on various challenging
visual analysis tasks. Deep models with parameter-heavy architectures have been successfully
trained and deployed on a multitude of applications, and owe their success partly due to the
continuous development of increasingly more powerful graphical processing units. However,
the power consumption and sheer size of such models hinder their applicability in robotics
applications. Thus recent research has steered toward the optimization of deep learning
architectures for deployment on devices with limited resources. This entails using modules with
fewer parameters and fewer floating point operations, as well as careful tuning of such models
to train models, which are both efficient and effective. This chapter aims to provide insight into
various methods geared toward improving the performance of deep lightweight neural networks,
starting by introducing lightweight models, which can run on embedded devices. Subsequently,
various methods, which aim to improve the effectiveness of such models are presented, including
regularization techniques and architectural modifications.


o K-Nearest Neighbour is one of the simplest Machine Learning algorithms based on Supervised
Learning technique.
o K-NN algorithm assumes the similarity between the new case/data and available cases and put
the new case into the category that is most similar to the available categories.
o K-NN algorithm stores all the available data and classifies a new data point based on the
similarity. This means when new data appears then it can be easily classified into a well suite
category by using K- NN algorithm.
o K-NN algorithm can be used for Regression as well as for Classification but mostly it is used
for the Classification problems.
o K-NN is a non-parametric algorithm, which means it does not make any assumption on
underlying data.

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o It is also called a lazy learner algorithm because it does not learn from the training set
immediately instead it stores the dataset and at the time of classification, it performs an action on
the dataset.
o KNN algorithm at the training phase just stores the dataset and when it gets new data, then it
classifies that data into a category that is much similar to the new data.
o Example: Suppose, we have an image of a creature that looks similar to cat and dog, but we want
to know either it is a cat or dog. So for this identification, we can use the KNN algorithm, as it
works on a similarity measure. Our KNN model will find the similar features of the new data set
to the cats and dogs images and based on the most similar features it will put it in either cat or dog

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4.1 Experience
An Internship provides the opportunity to gain hands on work experience that we can’t
experience in the classroom. Fresher’s who seek job and career changers aren’t usually desirable
candidates, but companies are willing to train them as interns and provide them the experience
they would need to get a job. It was the first opportunity to know what it is like to work in an
office, to learn how to dress and perform in a professional manner and to apply professional skills
and talents. It was a chance to develop communication and interpersonal skills, to build our
knowledge base about a specific field and to practice a higher level of responsibility and
confidence. Internships provide work experience opportunities to university students, recent
graduates and people considering career changes. An experience that should enhance a student’s
academic, career and personal development.

4.2 Time Management

Time management in the workplace is one of those things that can make your life so much
easier. Developing time management skills in the workplace is a journey that may begin with this
guide, but needs practice and other guidance along the way. One strategy in building an effective
time management in the workplace is to help yourself become aware of how you use your time.
Coming to work before time is always a good habit as you get time to plan what you want to carry
out today or prepare an agenda or go through previous day’s work for better understanding.

4.3 Benefits of Internship

An internship offers you the chance to learn by doing in a setting where you are
supervised by a work place professional, and have the opportunity to achieve your own learning
goals, without the responsibilities of being a permanent employee. An Internship also offers you
the opportunity to work with someone who can become a mentor for you- not only in the internship,
but throughout your career. By carrying out internship we will gain valuable experience and
accomplishments to add to your resume and /or enhance your application to graduate. It creates
advantage over job. An internship can be seen as the pinnacle of our Postgraduate education and

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gives us the chance to use the skills that we’ve learnt in the classroom in a real world setting. It’s
a chance to prove the worth of our qualifications and to show that we can perform in the role we’ve
been given. We can gain the real world experience that all employers seek. It promotes exposure
to various fields. We can learn new skills that add to our knowledge base and gain confidence in
our abilities by giving presentations on every task or the assignments that were carried out. While
employees are usually hired on the basis of their skills, most supervisors assume that interns need
more training. Viewing the experience as a chance to obtain training and enhance your skills. Also,
encouraged my supervisor to point out my weaknesses, and accept criticism with interest not
defensiveness. This was an opportunity for me to train myself to learn from others.

Internships give us the opportunity to meet other interns and employees. It was huge
advantage of being inside of a company. Arranged informational interviews with staff in other
departments of my interest. Use to have some formal and non –formal talks during the break times.
The more individuals we can meet within the organization, the better our prospects of making
contact with someone will increase, who can assist when we are looking for full- time employment,
which I partially done during my internship.

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On the whole, this internship was an amazing as well as useful experience. I gained new knowledge
and also learnt many new skills. I achieved many of my learning goals. I got insight into
professional practices currently advocated in industries. I learnt different facets of working in a
well-established organization. Related to study, I studied more about the building of IoT models
and fundamentals of cloud computing.
Furthermore, I have experienced that it is of importance that education is the objective but we
should also be aware of the industrial aspects and practical aspect of the topics that we study.
Related to study, I studied more about the building of IoT models and fundamentals of cloud
This internship experience was not one sided but was a way of sharing Knowledge, ideas and
opinions in both the directions. The internship was helpful in knowing what skills and Knowledge
I have to improve in coming time and also what all are the current industry trends and what all
skills I need to be updated with. I can confidently assert that the knowledge I have gained through
this internship has given me is very much helpful in contributing toward my future endeavors I
have successfully completed my 1month internship training on various fields of telecom
technology and undergone various hands-on and lab sessions conducted.

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1.Raj Kamal, “Internet of Things-Architecture and design principles”, McGraw Hill Education.

2.Holger Karl & Andreas Willig, “Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks”,
John Wiley, 2005
3.Freng Zhao & Leonidas J. Guibas, “Wireless Sensor Networks- An Information Processing

Approach”, Elsevier, 2007.

4.Kazem Sohraby, Daniel Minoli, & Taieb Znati, “Wireless Sensor Networks- Technology,
Protocols, And Applications”, John Wiley , 2007.

5.Muhammad Sharif et al.: ―Face Recognition: A Survey‖, Journal of Engineering Science

and Technology Review 10 (2) (2017) 166- 177
6. Lacey et al.: ―A Longitudinal Study of Automatic Face Recognition‖, IEEE ICB, 2015 pp:
1- 8
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Face Recognition Using AI 2021 -22

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Face Recognition Using AI 2021 -22

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